Friday, April 26, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 11

 A General’s Visit

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The following day, Alec happened upon George who was laboriously transferring his correspondence to high command into handwritten code to protect their secrets.

"May I assist you, please? I seem to have a knack for that sort of business," he volunteered politely.

George stared at him, surprised, but his curiosity was piqued. "Please do, it's one of the things I hate most about holding this position. Interpreting code is a weakness of mine."

Alec sat at the desk and studied the dog eared code book, flipping several pages and nodding in comprehension. He took George's handwritten master copy and seemingly from memory transferred his words to the complicated code in just a few minutes, jotting it down on a new piece of parchment.

George was literally stunned at what he witnessed. "Good Lord, young man, there's much more to you than meets the eye isn't there?"

"Yes, sir. I reckon. I've had a bit of training in that area, however we need to update your codes. These are quite old and subject to translation if they fall in the wrong hands."

"Can you write a quick debrief on your and Abby's recent exploits for me? I need to pass it on to General Greene, especially the part about the payroll and the cannon you've captured for us."

"I'd be happy to, however I'll use no names and won't reveal her location. I'll not have that information out there."

"Fair enough. Thank you, son. I appreciate you helping me out and revealing a bit more about yourself. I realize that there are things you'll keep from me and I understand. If I ask too many pointed questions, let me know."

"Yes sir, I will."

Alec spent the next hour transcribing a letter and George sent a runner out carrying it late in the afternoon. He and another runner must have crossed paths because shortly thereafter after they received a letter from General Greene's secretary. Alec quickly decoded it and informed George that the General was only a couple days away and was planning to contact George personally in the field.

"My word, most unexpected," George said worriedly, "The last thing I need is a General crawling up my skirts, no offense, Alec."

"None taken, sir. I'll help out as much as possible to prepare for his arrival. He doesn't stand for much pomp and circumstance I can assure you. You can rest easy. He does appreciate good food and drink, as well as willing ladies if you get my meaning. He's a randy, worldly man and appreciates such things in life."

That evening after dinner, George invited everyone into the sitting room for drinks and to enjoy a pipe. The men lit up while sitting next to their respective women and listened to George's spiel. He informed them of the upcoming visit from the General and asked for their help in preparing the plantation for his arrival. For the next two hours the men and women plotted and planned, the men's ideas were centered around the readiness and appearance of the militia, while the women were concerned about food, drink and the personality of their guest. They wanted the General to see their men in a good light, hoping to inspire his confidence in them.

The next day was flurry of activity as they carried out their plans. All the militia men were ordered to clean their weapons, wash their clothing, and trim their beards while the girls ensured their men had the nicest clothing available for their meeting with the General. On the second day a runner appeared, bearing news that General Greene would arrive the following day. A tired but satisfied family met around the dinner table to discuss their progress of the last two days. All seemed to be in order, and they retired to bed, exhausted from their activities.

Unbeknownst to all but Abby, Alec, June and Rose, the maid Maddy had been approached to see if she was willing to befriend the General in case he desired some feminine attention. At first she was shocked, then as Abby and Rose informed her of what may occur, and how fun it would be for her, she became more open to the idea. The day of the General's arrival, the conspirators cornered Maddy to chat with her.

"He's a nice fellow," Alec counseled. "Quite like myself actually, in appearance. He's kind and caring and will respect your wishes no matter what."

"Have you been long without a man?" June asked in curiosity.

"Yes, Ma'am, a few years in fact, and then it left something to be desired. I've not had much luck in the way of men. The old owners of the plantation wouldn't allow me to sleep with the buck negroes so I had to settle for myself," she explained shyly.

"Where are the old owners, are they still here?" Abby asked.

"No, Ma'am, they were taken by the redcoats and we heard that they've since died of consumption. I say they died of broken hearts. The poor couple had no heirs to pass the property on to, and the British occupied it until your father liberated it and us slaves with it. We love Mister Durham. He's the best Master we've ever had," she gushed happily.

"Were there lots of personal items left here like women's clothing and such?" Rose asked cannily.

"Yes, Ma'am. I can show you exactly where. The old mistress has quite a nice collection of clothing, makeup, perfumes and the like. Come with me, please."

"I think I'll leave you ladies to it," Alec said, "I'll go visit with the men awhile."

Right after lunch, the furthest outpost of militia men sent a runner to inform George that the General was a mile out. He hastily assembled his men to line both sides of the roadway and dressed them in straight lines. They looked quite sharp considering they were plainly dressed and wore a wide assortment of clothing, nothing resembling uniforms to be sure. The wives, widows and orphans grouped outside the slave cabins, hoping for a glimpse of the famous general as he rode by.

Most of the women had laid eyes on Alec by now, and to a one were smitten with him because of his muscular frame and dashing good looks. When the General rode by, gasps of surprise and more than a few of lusty passion were heard from the women. He looked amazingly like Alec, a simply older version with a bit of grey hair in his goatee and natural head of head visible from under his black cap.

George welcomed him at the house and invited him in, along with his adjutant who held the rank of major.

When they reached the sitting room, Alec was there with a tray of drinks to serve them. General Greene started in surprise, then let out a cry of joy. He hugged Alec closely and kissed both his cheeks.

"By God, man, we'd thought you long dead! However did you escape our enemy? Last I heard you had a date with the grim reaper on the scaffold!"

"It's a long story Uncle. Please sit and I'll tell you about it."

George cleared the room of all but the General, Alec, the Major, William, and himself.

"Where are the ladies? I instructed them to be here by now," he whispered to Alec.

"I'm not sure, I imagine they have good reasons," he returned quietly.

"Let's hear it, nephew, tell us of your grand adventures!" Nathanael Greene said expansively.

For the next few hours Alec told his uncle all he knew of the last few months, from his capture up to present day.

"Amazing, an incredible story to be sure. Where are these daring ladies? Especially Miss Durham, I'm quite excited to meet such a dedicated young patriot."

"I'm not quite sure, sir," George stuttered in embarrassment.

Just then a knock came at the door. "Enter," George called out.

Maddy cracked open the door and stepped inside, pausing at the threshold. Gasps of surprise sounded in the room from the seated men and they all leapt to their feet. She was wearing a yellow, form fitting evening gown that accentuated her sweet hips and the bodice barely covered her large breasts, her nipples nearly revealed by the low neckline. She had a hint of makeup on that highlighted the mocha color of her smooth skin, while her black hair was piled on her head with little ringlets hanging down beside her ears. A beautiful gold necklace adorned her graceful neck and she wore matching earrings. She was as beautiful as she'd ever been as she stood in front of her admirers.

"Gentlemen, the ladies asked me to inform you that they'll be down to greet you at dinner, and they apologize for their tardiness," she shyly announced.

"Oh, my word. No problem indeed, my lady," Nathan said gallantly and bowed low to her while introducing himself.

"Pleased to meet you, General sir. I'm Maddy, the house maid," she said in embarrassment. She reddened awkwardly, then turned and fled the room.

"That was your house maid? Good heavens, George, I must find out where you acquire your servants. That creature is exquisite!" Nathan raved while shaking his head in wonder.

George was caught flat footed, which rarely happened. He'd barely recognized her in her new clothing and was as amazed as the others. He cast his gaze at Alec and saw the glint of a smile. Everything clicked in place at that moment. He knew where the ladies were now and he approved heartily. He loved a beautiful woman, especially when she was well dressed and the three of them at dinner would be a welcome distraction.

They had time for another drink before a shy Maddy returned to invite them to dinner. She asked them to stand behind the chairs with placards bearing their names in a floral hand, then she announced the arrival of the ladies.

"Mistress Rose Dunham."

Rose swept in wearing an emerald green gown cut similar to Maddy's and she was also dripping with fine jewelry. Her long auburn hair had been curled and hung nearly to her waist, swinging free to brush the upper curves of her firm ass that twitched bewitchingly as she glided across the floor. She stole the breath from the room with her beauty and William pulled her chair back gracefully to seat her.

"Miss June." Maddy announced. An awkward silence followed at the lack of a surname. George was highly embarrassed because as far as he knew, June didn't have a last name and he hadn't the foresight to give her one.

"Miss June is my lady and confidant," he announced quickly, then went to her side and proudly escorted her to the seat beside his. Nathan and the Major masterfully covered their surprise that June was a quadroon as they usually weren't seen consorting with whites.

June was ravishing in a dark green gown and her slightly frizzy hair was pulled back in a thick, black braid that fell over her dusky shoulders, not quite hiding the stitches and vicious bruising left over from the gunshot wound above her collarbone. Her firm breasts jutted upward, held by a stiff bustier that barely held her nipples captive. The men were captivated by her and she blushed deeply as she felt their gazes on her.

"Miss Abigail Dunham."

Abby swept in and curtsied to the group at the table with a sweet smile. The men and women both made exclamations at the sheer beauty of her. She was ravishing in a pale blue gown, her upper body was covered by an elegant corset that left her pale shoulders and the upper slopes of her perfect breasts bare.

Her golden hair poured down her shoulders to hover just above her perky bottom while a gold necklace with a stunning solitaire diamond sparkled at her slim throat and matching earrings graced her ears. Her expertly applied makeup accentuated her nearly perfect facial features, thanks to Rose's talented hands. She'd artfully disguised the partially healed scab and accompanying stitches on her scalp with a small braid that ran around her head and down her back.

Alec couldn't take his eyes from her and nearly tripped over his chair as he scrambled to her side and escorted her to the seat beside his.

"My word, simply extraordinary," Nathan muttered under his breath, so taken with the ladies that he hadn't noticed the empty chair beside him.

Alec tapped his glass with his fork to gain attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to announce the presence of Miss Madeline. Without her efforts we would most certainly be filthy and starving tonight. Uncle Nathan, would you be so kind as to seat the lady please?"

Maddy stood in the doorway, highly embarrassed and shaking like a leaf.

Nathan strode to her and gallantly offered his arm which she took timidly. He seated her next to him and smiled at her gently.

He placed a big hand on her thigh and whispered softly, "My dear, you are absolutely ravishing, I hope you don't mind me saying so."

"I don't mind at all, sir. I've never been told that before," she replied quietly, while her face flamed red.

"Then I shall strive to make up for lost time, my dear."

"Thank you, kind sir. I'm quite new at this as you can tell. Please forgive my awkwardness. I've never been this close to such a handsome man," she whispered softly and fiddled with her necklace nervously. His eyes were drawn by her movement and he couldn't help but stare at her large breasts and the edges of her areola that threatened to burst from her neckline.

Abby saw his eyes drinking in Maddy's beauty and chuckled to herself. Her plans were coming along nicely. Alec's big hand covered hers on his thigh and squeezed it gently.

"You're absolutely gorgeous this evening, my love. You look good enough to eat." he said in a low voice.

"And I hope you do soon," she teased. "June was nice enough to take care of me today. I'm in tip top shape for my man this evening," she hinted with a sexy wink. He shifted in his seat as his cock filled with blood at the thought of her smoothly shaved pussy awaiting his attentions later on. In fact, every man at the table was having trouble with burgeoning erections, including the poor Major who had no table mate. None of the men could remember being in the company of so many beautiful women at once and their admiring glances were noticed and loved by the appreciative women.

Two mulatta serving maids appeared and brought out their first course. They looked to be in their early twenties and could almost pass as sisters. They also wore gowns that were a bit more plain than the other ladies and their jewelry consisted of silver necklaces and earrings. They had big firm breasts that were nearly matched in size and little apple asses that one could almost set a shot glass atop. Because Abby was the instigator in the nights more intimate activities, she watched the maids closely as they served the diners, judging their reactions to the lonesome Major. Their duty was to ensure the he wasn't left out of the festivities and had female companionship if he so desired, depending on if the girls accepted him, of course.

Abby had asked Maddy for her opinion on which girls to ask and Maddy had picked the two sauciest wenches she knew of. When the two maids had finished serving, they stood with their backs to the wall behind the Major and waited to serve the further needs of the famished diners. Abby caught their eyes and they both gave her an infinitesimal nod, indicating their willingness to spend time with the Major. He was a good looking man of nearly six feet in height and although he was rather slim, his shoulders were somewhat broad and his torso made a nice V shape as it tapered to a trim waist. Abby had figured he'd be plenty attractive to the maids and vice versa.

When the second course was served, the maids covertly laid their hands on the Major's shoulders and brushed their firm tits on the back of his head as they moved about him. He found himself leaning back into them cautiously and they returned his affection by rubbing more firmly against him. When they served dessert the bravest maid brushed her breast against his jawline as she leaned in close to place the sweets in front of him. Abby watched approvingly all the while, satisfied that everyone seemed to be paired off for the evening.

Maddy was finally growing more comfortable and was leaning into Nathan in order to better hear the stories of war he was telling the group. She brushed a tentative finger down his thigh and he caught her hand in his and placed it firmly on his leg.

"What soft and elegant fingers you have my dear, I've never felt the like," he complimented softly.

"And yours are so rough and rugged, I've missed a real man's touch for so long I can't remember," she murmured, and glanced up at him with the sultry look June had convinced to practice. He caught his breath and nearly kissed her right then and there in front of everyone. Instead, he took her hand and slid it up his thigh to let her feel the massive bulge encased in his tight breeches. She gasped lightly and her eyes grew larger, hardly believing the size of him.

Carefully, she tested his length and width encased between her exploring fingers and pulled a ragged groan from his throat as he shifted uncomfortably. Trying to act like nothing was amiss, he dug into his dessert and loudly complimented Madeline on the excellent dinner, choice of wines and the sweet dessert. She blushed madly when the table gave her a round of applause for her efforts.

When dinner was over, Abby invited the group to the parlor where each woman packed their man's pipe for them and settled them in well stuffed armchairs while the poor Major was left alone on a love seat. Abby called for everyone's attention while the two attractive maids served them snifters of brandy.

"Tonight is a special night thanks to the presence of our honored guests. We love having you here, gentlemen. Can everyone agree that the war has changed us all in many ways, including our way of life?"

Nods and quiet words of agreement rose in the room.

"Good, for tonight we're going to introduce more change. We ladies will stay with you gentlemen in the parlor this evening, contrary to long tradition. Ladies?"

She smiled as the girls seductively walked to their respective men and slid onto their laps, then kissed their cheeks, including Maddy who sat on the lap of a shocked general and gently bussed him. The Major was looking around in embarrassment when the two maids slid in next to him and kissed each cheek simultaneously, much to his happy surprise. George whispered delightedly across to Alec. "Abigail is on her game tonight, what imagination that girl has!"

"Now, no talk of war. We visit together and get to know each other better, where we're from, our likes and dislikes, maybe even our future plans after the war. Please forget formalities and such, loosen those collars and make yourselves more than comfortable while Alec and I serve you," she instructed in her sweetest voice.

For nearly an hour the guests chattered and enjoyed themselves. George and Nathan got on tremendously while Alec and the Major had plenty of life experiences to share, meanwhile the ladies listened closely to and fawned over their men, managing to flirt rather boldly as the brandy had it's effect on them.

Abby turned the oil lamps down until the room was dimly lit and went to sit on Alec's lap. The conversations quieted and grew more intimate as the partners whispered amongst themselves, questing hands began wandering into intimate places and quiet kisses were shared. When Abby judged her guests desires were roused enough, she signaled the maids and Maddy to leave. Their men looked surprised and disappointed to say the least, but Abby moved to a chair between them and chatted for a few minutes thanking them again for their presence at the plantation.

Soon, she rose and held a graceful hand out to Nathan. "May I see you to your quarters, please?" she asked quietly. He got up and held out his arm for her but she insisted on holding his hand, and led him down the long hallway to his room. "Nathan, may I please call you Uncle? I feel I've got to know you much better this evening and because of your relationship with Alec, you feel much closer to me."

She looked up at him with such a beautiful expression that she stole the remaining piece of his heart that wasn't her's already.

"Of course, dear Abigail. I'd be honored if you did."

"Thank you, Uncle Nathan, and you may call me Abby, please. Only my closest friends call me that." He blushed slightly at her intimacy and gave her his best smile. "Here we are, your quarters, Uncle. I hope you enjoy your evening. I understand you may have a guest. She's growing to be a good friend of mine and she's loyal to a fault. I trust you'll respect her wishes and treat her with the utmost kindness."

He looked at her with an incredulous look on his face when she smiled saucily and opened the door to reveal Maddy, sitting on the bed with her gown pulled partially down her torso, revealing a single, firm breast in the low light of an oil lamp. A groan of desire passed his lips as he gazed on the beautiful woman.

Abby rose to her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Good night, Uncle Nathan, sweet dreams," she said softly and gently urged him through the door.

June had the Major by his hand and was him leading to his quarters as well. She made small talk and flirted with him lightly until they reached his doorway.

"Major, here's your quarters. I understand you have a surprise inside. If you choose to accept, you must show kindness and respect. If you choose not to accept, there will be no hard feelings. Have we a deal?"

She gave him one of her patented sultry looks and he helplessly agreed.

"Yes, Ma'am we have a deal," he said weakly. She opened the door to reveal the two serving maids, naked and sharing the rug in front of the crackling fireplace.

June pulled him down for a hug and kissed his cheek. "Please take care of them, they're not nearly as experienced as a handsome man like yourself. Enjoy yourself, sir," she whispered with a sweet smile, then urged him across the threshold.

Abby met Alec in their room and he swept her into a tight hug. "My Lord, woman, you're exquisite tonight! Wherever did you ladies find the gowns and jewelry?"

"It belonged to the prior mistress of the house. Maddy hid the jewels from the British in a secret place. She's quite a loyal person I've discovered. I hope Nathan treats her well."

"Oh, he will. He's a very nice man, especially when it comes to the ladies. Given half a chance though he'll wear her out."

"I know another Greene that's the same way, and I badly need worn out, lover." she flirted audaciously. She sat him on the bed, then took her time disrobing. When she was naked, she sat on a stool in front of the mirror and brushed out her long, blonde hair. As she watched him in the reflection, he stood and undressed, his tall, muscular frame and huge, swinging shaft kept her attention as she finished with her hair. She turned and went to him, then pushed him down to sit on the bed. Kneeling between his legs, she rested her head on a strong thigh and sighed deeply.

"I love you so much it hurts, Heavy. I thank God every day for giving you to me." He ran his hands through her long curls and petted her smooth shoulders.

"And I love you, Angel."

She raised her head and took his big hands in her small ones, gazing up at him with beautiful blue eyes that were misty with emotion, such a sweet look that his heart melted in his chest.

"Alexander Greene, will you marry me?" she asked tenderly, as a hot tear rolled down her cheek.

He stared down at her in complete surprise. His little Angel had yanked the rug from under him yet again! She smiled tenderly at his stupefied expression and kissed his hands while she waited for his response. He swept her up in his strong arms and whirled her in a circle while she laughed delightedly.

"Yes, Angel! A thousand times, yes!" He nearly shouted in happiness.

He set her on her feet and lowered his head to kiss her passionately, so much that he stole the breath from her lungs. Panting, she broke away and pushed him back on the bed and leapt on top of him. She entwined her arms and legs around him and squeezed as hard as she could, while he chuckled in pleasure.

"I thought I was supposed to ask you," he protested with a loving smile.

"You're too slow, big man. I got tired of waiting. A girl needs some security ya know!" she teased and tugged him over on top of her. "Not now, I've been ready for you for hours. I need you inside me terribly bad. Please, lover," she whimpered.

"All the way tonight, slow and gentle, but I want every inch. Make love to me, sweet Alec," she whispered, then nibbled his earlobe until shivers ran down his spine. As tenderly as he possibly could, slowly but firmly, he pushed deep until she was gasping in painful pleasure. He stared down in her beautiful blue eyes with his steel grey ones and winced when she cried out in pain at his intrusion.

"No, don't stop, lover," she whispered. He groaned when he finally bottomed out inside her.

"Every time is like the first," she panted. "So long and thick, I love it."

She wrapped him in her arms and hooked her heels around him, then pulled him to her as hard as she could. He gave her what she so desperately wanted, and with unstoppable force, while she cried out in passion.

"Right there, stay right there and don't move," she grunted in a hoarse voice. She stared up at him and wept tears of joy as she exploded in an orgasm that bared her naked soul to him through her beautiful eyes.

For nearly a minute she shuddered and shook.

Slowly, she relaxed and unclenched her teeth from his shoulder. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry," she giggled. "I couldn't help myself.

She caressed his whip scarred back tenderly, then kissed his cheek. "Roll me over, please, big man," she commanded.

"Mmm, you're so damn sexy, I'd better keep you around," she teased. He ran his hands through her hair and framed her face with his hands, looking deep in her eyes.

"I love you, Abigail Durham, now and forever," he said softly, then kissed her until she was gasping for air. He cupped her head in a big hand and tucked it under his chin. Hot tears dripped on his neck and little sniffles reached his ears as she cried in happiness. Soon, he felt her breathing even out and in just a few minutes she dropped off to sleep, his thick cock still filling her completely. He gently caressed her back and flanks while she sank even deeper into slumber. In moments he followed her, and together they slept the long night away.

To be continued in part 12, by Seethegood for Literotica.