Saturday, May 4, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 18

June’s Special Night

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

 Abby noticed June was a bit subdued that afternoon and remembered she'd been neglected the evening before by the foursome. She found Alec back at work in the study and sat on his lap for a discussion.

"Honey, I know you've been worked over pretty hard by us girls in the last 24 hours, but do you have it in you to take care of our June this evening? She's moping a bit this afternoon and I think she needs some manly attention."

He drew a deep breath and sighed. "I realize that. I felt bad for neglecting her last night but I literally ran out of energy. She and Rose really took it out of me."

Abby giggled and kissed him sweetly. "I can see why. I've never seen you cum like that. It was incredible to watch. You're so sexy when you make love, I just adore watching you," she said in a low growl and nipped his neck.

"It still amazes me that you share me so freely," he said softly.

"My choice is to keep you to myself forever, Heavy, but I love my girls dearly and until this damnable war is over and the men are home, I can see no other answer. Fortunately, It turns me on to no end when you're really giving it to one of those sluts," she admitted as her face flushed a deep rose color. Just thinking of it was having a major affect on her.

"How about we build a nest in the parlor by the fireplace this evening. We can have a few drinks and take care of our sweet June?" Abby whispered as she laid her head on his shoulder. He kissed her hair and cupped a firm breast in a big palm.

"Anything you desire, my Angel. And speaking of June, she's been a bit scarce these last few days. Is everything  okay with her?"

"Oh yes, she's been working on a little project," Abby said with a mysterious smile. "She has a surprise coming that I'm sure you'll enjoy." He raised his eyebrows inquisitively but Abby just winked at him. "I'll not give it away, big man. You'll just have to wait," she snickered as she snuggled deeper in his warm embrace.

After dinner, Alec quickly bathed while the girls set up their nest in the parlor. Maddy dragged in another bearskin rug from the study so between the two hides there was plenty of room for the lovers to lay on in front of the fireplace. She looked at Alec from the corner of her eye as she worked, wishing she had a man to take her and make her his own. She missed Nathan terribly and every night her thoughts of him dampened her thighs with lust.

Alec caught her up in a hug on her way by, and thanked her for taking such good care of him. His shirt was untied and her nose inadvertently pressed into his firm, hairy chest and she inhaled the clean scent of him. Maddy’s womb flooded with heat and she blushed deeply, her arms tightening around him involuntarily and she hated to relinquish her hold.

"You're welcome, Master," she managed to say quietly. "I'd do anything for you." He gently released her and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you, dear Maddy. It's a pleasure having you around us, you already feel like one of the family." She gave him a shy smile, and feeling a sudden burst of courage, raised to her tiptoes and kissed his lips. He gave her a beautiful smile and ran a hand through her long curls. Too shy to continue, she turned and quickly left the room while he watched her retreat with a thoughtful expression on his face.

He immediately went to his study and jotted down a short note and took it to the young sentry at the front door.

"Deliver this to Joseph Higgins at once," he commanded, then watched in satisfaction as the youth scurried to do his bidding.

He wandered the house until he found June at work in the sewing room. She glanced up at his entry and her eyes widened in surprise, then quickly hid the bolt of cloth she'd been working on behind her back. Thanks to Abby's warning, he knew she didn't want to reveal what she was doing so he ignored her expression and held out his arms for her. The beautiful smile that blossomed on her dusky face warmed his heart as she dropped her materials and flew into his arms.

She kissed him warmly, then squealed in alarm when he tossed her over his shoulder and strode down the hall to the parlor. From her upside down position she couldn't help but admire his firm ass as it flexed and moved while he carried her. She took a handful and squeezed it admiringly, loving the deep growl she drew from his throat. The parlor was empty when they arrived and he set her down gently on the bearskin rug.

"Stay," he commanded.

"Yes, Master," she purred as her nipples hardened and womb aflame with desire at the thought of what was to come. He stripped himself naked and sprawled on the loveseat, his ripped physique playing games with her eyes in the lights and shadows as she watched avidly.

Rose and Abby arrived wearing only a couple of Alec's white shirts, and they looked delectable, their firm breasts jutting out proudly and slim thighs supporting their little apple asses that bounced behind them provocatively. Without a word they went to June and began disrobing her slowly. Alec watched attentively at the sight of the two beauties preparing June for him. Her eyes remained locked on him nearly the entire time, while darkening to the smokiest brown he'd ever seen.

Rose finally laid June back on the rug and propped her head on a pillow so she could comfortably watch as her lovers serviced her. Abby and Rose each took a slim, brown thigh and spread it wide. Abby let out a moan of anticipation as she watched. She could almost feel it herself.

Rose and Abby's soft hands caressed June's slight body, teasing her hard nipples and sliding warmly down her flanks and thighs. June was purring in ecstasy and her small hands captured Alec's curly head, steering him with minute movements to her most secret of places. Soon, he had her writhing her hips and thrusting up into his face. He simply continued his tender ministrations using the same constant rhythms until she cried out as waves of pleasure shook her tiny body.

Rose and Abby smiled down at her lovingly as she cried out passionately and convulsed on Alec, flooding his face. She finally relaxed as her ecstasy faded and she pulled him up to taste herself on his lips.

"Where would you like me?" he asked gently. "I'm yours tonight. Use me as you wish, sweetness."

"Hmm," she purred, and touched her lip with a finger while cocking a sexy eyebrow at him. "May I ride you like a stallion, kind sir? That sounds delightful right now."

He kissed her deeply, then obediently rolled over to lay on his back next to her while Abby slid a pillow under his head. June slid over atop him and gave him the same sexy smile she'd showed him so many months ago. He'd seen it many times, but tonight it gave him erotic shivers at the promise of raw pleasure he saw in her eyes. She looked down at him.

June then slid up to kiss him with her wet lips and tongue, sharing their combined scent and taste with him.

"Master," she whispered softly in his ear, giving him shivers as her breath stirred his dark curls.

"Yes, sweetness,"

"I watched you and Mistress Abby today," she said slyly.

"I heard that, you naughty little wench," he growled, making her giggle helplessly.

"You called her a cock slave," she accused and nipped him playfully while he smiled in her hair. "I want to be your cock slave too," she pouted sexily and licked the shell of his ear.

"If you must. It bears heavy responsibilities though," he teased.

"I'm glad you agree, for I've been your cock slave since the first time you took me like a beast," she said, and rose up to give him her most alluring look, leaving no doubt in his mind she meant it completely. She resumed laying on his chest as she rested. Rose and Abby were with them all the while, touching and caressing both lovers constantly, keeping them on a low simmer.

After a few minutes rest, she raised, biting her lower lip in concentration.

"Easy, sweetheart, take your time," he cautioned, the event earlier in the day with Abby still fresh in his mind. She nodded infinitesimally and she groaned in pain. A tear trickled down her dusky cheek and Rose licked it away with a gentle smile.

"You look beautiful, my June," she crooned. "Do you mind if I help a bit?" June nodded and gave her a sweet kiss. Rose slid behind her and straddled Alec's legs, then snuggled up close until June's little bottom was tucked in her belly. Rose's arms surrounded her. June sighed in pleasure and relaxed in Rose's arms, allowing her to play as she willed.

Alec was feeling better than he had in ages. Between his nearly out of body experience last night Abby that afternoon, he was relaxed and glowing, full of confidence that he could last all night for his women. Abby laid at his head and surrounded his face with her full breasts, then kissed him lovingly.

"You look like the kitten that's getting the cream," she teased, and ruffled his curls.

"I'm feeling better than I have in a long while," he said honestly. "It reminds me of our days back at the cabin." She nodded in understanding and her eyes shown with love as she gazed down at her man. A sound from above drew their attention and they both gasped at the sight. June's and Rose's beautiful heads were together and they had their eyes closed as they enjoyed mindless pleasure.

Abby actual heard working inside her as his and June's sticky juices mixed together at their joining, making a sound like Maddy stirring a thick stew.

"I love watching you," Abby whispered in his ear, making him groan at the sound of her voice. "You give them such pleasure, they'll never forget you in a million years, big man."

Suddenly, she shuddered and shook as a massive multiple orgasm smashed into her, and with a cry of surrender, drove her hips down as hard as she could, impaling herself on eleven inches of iron hard cock.

Abby's eyes went wide in wonder at the sight of her friends in a lovely mess. Rose hugged her tightly from behind while June came again and again, crying out in unbearable pleasure.

Halfway through, June held her breath for too long as she was wont to do on occasion, and floating on clouds of bliss gently went limp, passing out cold in Rose's arms. Rose giggled and lowered her gently onto Alec's chest where he petted her and stroked her flanks until she jerked awake with a look of surprise on her face.

"Damn it," she cursed with a cute frown, "I did it again, what did I miss this time?"

Alec chuckled and held her tight, "Nothing, my love. Just a few sweet kisses." June nibbled his neck and slid boneless to his side, wincing.

"May I, kind sir?" she asked, cocking an eye at his rigid tool.

"Relax, Master," she whispered, reminding him of how good he'd felt the night before. He obeyed her and went slightly limp while she petted him in approval.

Rose then picked up Alec's shirt and casually wiped herself before snuggling into Abby's side for a warm cuddle.

Eventually, they all relaxed and snuggled together in front of the fire. Abby, of course, was wrapped securely in Alec's strong arms as always, something June and Rose were more than used to. June made Alec her little spoon, clinging to his back like a limpet while Rose hugged her from behind. Soon after they dozed off, Maddy slid silently into the room and banked the fire, then set out a pitcher of water and four glasses for the lovers in case they awoke needing a drink. She tucked them under a large blanket and kissed each of their foreheads while they stirred slightly under her attentions.

The scent of their lovemaking filled the room, and Maddy wasn't immune. Her panties were already soaked from listening in the hall to their prior activities, now the smell was driving her crazy. She spied Alec's white, ruffled shirt on the floor and she furtively snatched it up and took it with her. After she undressed in her room, she lay back on her bed and spread her legs wide. She'd swiped the longest, thickest carrot she could find in the kitchen and she played it gently up and down while she brought Alec's shirt to her nose. The warm scent of him was highly intoxicating and she breathed it in while she rapidly thrust the carrot inside her tightness, bringing herself closer to orgasm.

She felt the wetness of his shirt on her cheek, and she caught the sweet smell of Rose mixed with his thick, man musk. With a whimper of lust she pushed it in her mouth, sucking the cloth frantically while her orgasm arrived from nowhere to smash her into oblivion. She felt the slickness and taste of his seed on her tongue just as she ran the carrot deep, the thick base splitting her wide open and she shrieked her pleasure into the stained linen.

As dawn broke the horizon, Maddy went in the parlor to awaken the foursome for breakfast. Her soft hand on his shoulder awoke Alec and his eyes flickered open to see her bent over him and he gave her a beautiful smile.

"Mmm, good morning, Miss Maddy," he said sleepily. She blushed deeply when he sat up and she caught the hot scent of him wafting from under his blanket. He took a cup of coffee from her hand and gave her a wink.

"We have a guest for breakfast this morning. I hope that's  okay?" he asked.

"Of course, Master, I'll set an extra place. Also, I have water drawn for your baths. You have an hour until breakfast." she stated quietly while trying to avoid looking down at his naked torso.

"Thank you, Maddy, you're so good to us," he complimented, and she blushed again when he kissed her cheek. She took her leave and smiled to herself when she heard Alec tickling the girls awake, and rousing them for their baths. She was growing to love her new family more and more every day. Her step was lightened due to her own night's activities and she was feeling good about herself, so good in fact that she'd worn the new gingham dress that June had made for her. The bodice was cut quite low, barely hiding the dusky nipples that topped her magnificent tits, and she fidgeted a bit until she got the laces arranged just so to maximize her cleavage.

The now sparkling, clean crew assembled at the table just as the sentry announced their guest had arrived. Everyone but Alec and Maddy were surprised when Joseph entered the dining room. Alec made introductions all around. The girls were somewhat acquainted with him and Abby knew him quite well, but he was a fairly new face to the three maids. He was dressed in well worn but clean clothes, while his hair and beard needed some serious attention. The vivid scar on his face gave him a dangerous look that sent shivers of delight through Maddy, Mira and Sabra. He was a big man with an air of suppressed violence that stirred their female hormones in short order.

The maids were constantly sneaking quick looks of appreciation at his rough visage and muscular body, and while they served him they managed to brush against his broad shoulders or touch a brawny arm while pouring his drinks. Abby watched them closely and eventually she caught Alec's eye. He gave her a broad wink, confirming her suspicions that he was up to something nefarious.

She also noticed that Joseph had an extremely hard time trying not to stare at Maddy. With her low cut neckline and perky bottom, she was a vision of beautiful, middle aged womanhood as she bustled back and forth from the kitchen.

It was a pleasant meal, and everyone chatted lightly with Abby asking Joseph a few questions to loosen him up as he was obviously more than a little uncomfortable, having never spent much time in the big house. When they were finished, Alec invited him to the study where he closed the door for some privacy. Joseph was nervous as a cat because he had no idea why he'd been invited inside and was afraid of being upbraided for some violation he'd unknowingly committed.

"Thanks for coming in this morning," Alec began. "I'll get right to the point because I know you're a busy man. Do you enjoy your position here, Joseph?"

"Yes, Sir. I like the flexibility of it. I get to work and train with the boys in the militia, and when I'm not doing that, Mistress Abigail keeps me hopping on plantation business. There's rarely a dull moment." he replied.

"I'm glad to hear you're happy. Now, since George and William have left for war, I've been less than successful at spending time with the boys in the militia as I'm being pulled in two directions at once. I need a loyal man that is willing to ramrod the operation and keep the men in line. Can you be that man for me, Joseph?" Alec asked seriously.

"I can be, under one condition, Sir." Joseph said, in a firm tone of voice. It miffed Alec a touch, but he tamped down his temper, genuinely curious what the man's problem was.

"Go ahead, spit it out, man," he urged.

"Mistress Abigail has already asked for my loyalty and I've given it freely. I serve at her pleasure first and foremost." he said stoutly. Alec nearly burst out in laughter. His little Angel had jerked the rug from under him yet again! Finally, he cracked a smile that turned to a deep chuckle, surprising Joseph beyond words.

"Why don't I have a hard time believing that?" he laughed. "Abby is always two steps ahead of me."

"Or three, Sir. She's a remarkable woman and the men absolutely adore her," Joseph said proudly, and added to his statement. "Miss Rose and Miss June are well loved as well. They can do no wrong in our eyes. June attends to the men's wounds and Rose helps care for the children, she even gives them reading lessons on occasion."

Alec was floored. He'd been so busy attending to his spy business that he'd paid little attention to what his girls had been up to, and he felt humbled.

"I agree, Joseph. They're all remarkable and quite beautiful as well. So, have we a deal? Secondary to Mistress Abigail, you'll give me the support I need?"

"Yes, Sir. We have a deal." Joseph rose to his feet to depart, but Alec waved him to his seat.

"Now, for part two. I require more help of a highly sensitive nature," he said in a conspiratorial voice. Joseph scooted forward in his seat so he could hear better, curious to what the job may be.

"You may have noticed that I'm the only male in a house full of six women," Alec stated bluntly, "all of which have both emotional and physical needs."

Joseph rocked back in surprise and nodded his head in bewilderment, this conversation was taking a turn sideways and he looked at Alec in confusion.

"In a nutshell, I need a man to take some heat off of me. I can't work everyday with needy women fluttering about and rubbing on me like I'm a damn scratching post. It's disconcerting and more than frustrating, especially when Mistress Abby is first and foremost in my thoughts, can you understand where I'm coming from, Joseph?"

"No sir, I can't. It seems like quite a nice problem to have, in my opinion of course." he said honestly.

"Well trust me, it's not. Well, that's not really fair to say. I love women and all their lovely charms like any other man, however, with this damn war on I simply haven't the time to deal with it. Can you please move in the house and assist me with this vexing problem? If you could take breakfast and dinner with us and make your quarters here it would be invaluable to me."

Joseph got a faraway look on his scarred face as he thought for several moments. "You'll discuss this with Mistress Abigail, I trust?" he asked carefully. Alec smiled and shook his head ruefully.

"Yes, I will. If she has any issues, we'll nip our plan in the bud, but I'm quite sure she'll approve."

"Then I'm your man," Joseph said firmly, and stood to shake Alec big hand.

"Thank you, Joseph. You're a godsend. I look forward to getting you settled and in the saddle so to speak," he chuckled. "Oh, and one other thing. Every word spoken or events that happen in this house are not to leave these walls, be it intelligence of the war effort, Abigail's plantation business dealings, or personal matters of the heart. Information control is paramount."

"I understand, Sir. My lips are sealed," Joseph replied, and took his leave.

"Well, you naughty, naughty boy, Alec," Abby was saying with a giggle. "You've read my mind. I'd already told Maddy I'd look for a solution but you're way ahead of me," she said with a beautiful smile.

"Sort of," he grumped. "My solution, in the form of Joseph has told me that his loyalties lie with Mistress Abigail first and foremost, and that I must come to you for approval."

Abby broke out in a joyful laugh that had him cracking his cranky facade in short order. She was absolutely radiant today and she stole his heart yet again with her beautiful personality and stunning good looks.

"Will you please take the time to set him up in the house? Maybe June can get him comfortable with our ways. She seems to excel at that sort of thing," he asked as she slid onto his lap.

She nipped his ear and kissed his neck, "Of course, my love. Consider it done. I sure hope he and Maddy hit it off. From the way they were eyeballing each other at breakfast, we shouldn't have to push them too hard."

Abby asked June to supervise moving Joseph in, and typical of most militia men, he had scarce belongings. June took note and promised herself to make him some new and better fitting clothing. She took pride in the household's appearance and was constantly mending their clothing or fashioning new as they needed it. She put him in the largest guest room with the biggest bed, envisioning that soon the three maids would be keeping him busy in the evenings and nights to come. She wriggled in pleasure as she thought of how she'd love to watch them together as they shared themselves for the first time.

He was agog at the opulence of the house, having never been inside it past the dining room and parlor. It was really rather run down and needed attention, but from his perspective as a simple soldier, it was enormous and almost overbearing. June sent him to the washroom and soon he was flaming with embarrassment as she insisted on undressing him and installing him in a tub of steaming water. She admired his broad shoulders from behind as she took his shirt off, exclaiming quietly at the scar on his back just above his shoulder blade. When she moved to his front and knelt to unbuckle his belt she saw the old entrance wound. It was a jagged bullet hole that narrowly missed his collar bone. She stood on her tiptoes and ran a gentle finger over it, then kissed it tenderly, much to his discomfort and surprise.

"I have one too," she said softly, and pulled her collar down to expose her similar wound, one that still ached and burned on occasion. He touched it with a big finger and frowned.

"A lady such as yourself should never be wounded, you're to be treasured and protected, always," he said gruffly.

She giggled to lighten the mood. "Oh, I'm no lady I can assure you. I'm simply a slave girl, fortunate to serve this family, which now apparently you're a part of."

She knelt again and smiled up at him as she unbuckled his belt and lowered his trousers. Her eyes trailed admiringly down the defined adonis muscles that pointed the way from his hipbones to a massively thick prick. So thick that it quite literally took her breath away. He was limp, probably from embarrassment, but it was painfully obvious he held more girth than Alec and his balls were huge, undoubtedly full of delicious seed she thought naughtily. His length however was shorter, perhaps five inches while flaccid, but June had the impression that he'd grow substantially when called upon though.

Tearing her attention from his manhood, she urged him into the tub and busily scrubbed him down while she chatted gaily with him, enquiring of his birthplace and childhood as she tried to make him more comfortable. He was almost in shock at his sudden change of lifestyle, but he adjusted quickly and was soon enjoying himself immensely. She trimmed his hair and razored away his beard, leaving him with a dashing goatee that added to his dangerous and dark good looks. She left him soaking with a few words to think upon.

"I understand you're to take care of our three maids in all ways, Joseph?"

He turned to look at her, stunned at her candor. She giggled and kissed his cheek as she sat on a stool behind him.

"We speak plainly here most of the time and can be a bit shocking on occasion. Please honor the girls' wishes when it comes to intimacies. I don't want them hurt or frightened, understand?"

"Yes, Miss June. I'm new at this but I'll do my best to take care of them." he replied, still off balance at her words.

"Good, you come to me with any problems that may arise, no matter how small,  okay?"

"Yes, Miss June." She giggled and kissed his cheek again, liking that he called her Miss, even though she was slave.

She couldn't resist and ran her hands down his thickly furred and muscular chest to feel the firmness of his pectorals. "I'm sure they'll love you. You're a sexy, handsome man and the girls need that badly. I'll leave you now and send Maddy in. From now on she'll serve you and take care of all your needs, no matter how trivial. Please allow her to do what she does best, it makes her happy. Welcome to the house, Joseph." She startled him with a sweet kiss on his lips, then rose up and departed. He watched as she left, mesmerized by the swing of her little round bottom and wondered what the bloody hell he'd gotten himself into.

June spoke to Maddy in the hallway. "Be brave my sweet. Joseph is awaiting you. He seems like a very nice man beneath the scars and rough exterior. I hope you like him."

"Did Mistress Abby bring him here for the maids? She said she'd try to do something for Mira and Sabra," Maddy asked uneasily.

"I've no idea. Alec invited him to live with us, that's all I know. I encourage you to get close to him though. A hard man is a good thing to have. I don't know what I'd do without George and Alec," June exclaimed, tears building in her eyes at the thought of how much she loved her men.

Maddy nodded in understanding and the two beauties shared a tight hug. "Go get him, honey," June teased and kissed her lips tenderly.

Maddy shyly approached her new charge and asked him to stand so she could dry him off. His face flamed red as he stepped from the tub to drip on the rug. She knelt before him and starting at his feet toweled her way up his stout legs until she reached his intimidating cock. He roughly tried to take her towel, insisting he could do it himself. She hastily snatched it back, then apologized profusely.

"I'm sorry, Master. It's my job and I must do it. Please allow me to finish." she said, in a voice small with fear. Remembering June's words of advice, he relented and tried to relax. Maddy's mind was awhirl at her new predicament, but she kept her wits about her and remembered her promise to herself, to be more like her Mistress, strong and decisive in all things. She straightened her back and looked at his rugged face while she took him in her hands to dry around his thick cock and low hanging balls. He gasped in surprised pleasure at her touch and became semi-tumescent in just a few moments.

She smiled at him bravely, then moved on, standing up to reach his torso and shoulders, loving how his firm muscles felt beneath her gentle touch. Like June, she touched his scars, wondering how he received them and the terrible pain he must have went through. It hurt her heart and she felt a warmth grow in her breast for him, even though they'd just met. When she knelt to dry his backside, she couldn't resist squeezing his firm ass slightly, giggling to herself as he unconsciously flexed his cheeks in response to her touch.

Regretfully, she finally finished and went outside to gather his freshly washed clothes from the line. On her return she insisted that she dress him fully, getting his belt adjusted to her liking and his shirt tucked in properly. She blushed fiercely when he boldly kissed her cheek and asked if she'd care to accompany him for a ride the following day. She lowered her eyes modestly and nodded her acceptance. For the rest of the day she was nearly worthless as she wandered the house, floating on a cloud of happiness.

Abby noticed immediately and smiled to herself. Maddy was indeed doing better and it pleased her to no end. Joseph went to her and asked if he could borrow the wagon for his and Maddy's date tomorrow.

"Of course, Joseph. You're part of our family now, you needn't ask."

"Thank you, Mistress Abigail. It's kind of you."

To be continued in part 19, by Seethegood for Literotica.