Monday, May 6, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 20

Alec Makes A Cruel Decision

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


"And what's this?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"That's our luggage, sir!" Abby sang out. He frowned at her sternly.

"That's enough play, Abigail. What're you three up to?"

"We've packed our travel chests so we can travel with you to help Uncle Nathan," she said a bit defiantly.

"Definitely not," he stated firmly. "I want you girls to stay here where you'll be safe and sound."

"Alec, if I always stayed at home safe and sound, you'd have swung on a gallows if I remember correctly." Abby said, in a sharp voice.

"And if I'd stayed at home safe and sound, you'd be in the creek bottoms shot down like a rat, in the words of Uncle Nathan," Rose chipped in icily.

He blinked in surprise at their attack, but foolishly decided to double down. For a few minutes they argued back and forth as he continued to forbid their coming with him, their voices growing louder and sharper as tempers flared. June's frantic cry broke into their conversation and they looked at her in surprise.

"Stop it! Just stop it!" she cried in anguish. She threw herself at Alec's feet and hugged his ankles while sobbing in grief. "Please, Master! Please take me with you! I'll wither and die without you! Your poor slave begs you, Master!" Her tears soaked the toes of his boots as he stood there awkwardly looking down at her. His helpless eyes met Abby's glacial blue ones and he saw no quarter. He looked at Rose as she stared at him with crossed arms, her expression was painful to him and as she looked as if she didn't even recognize him.

"Abby," he began.

"You broke her, you fix her!" she snapped angrily and spun on her heel. Rose gave him a final icy stare and followed Abby indoors. Alec sighed deeply, realizing he'd completely screwed up and dug the deepest hole he'd ever been in with his girls. He bent down to lift June into his arms, then sat on the swing with her on his lap, rocking her gently while she sobbed uncontrollably on his shoulder. He reflected on the last few minutes, asking himself why he wanted the girls to stay and came to the conclusion that is was much simpler for him if they did, and he wouldn't have to worry about them on the battlefield. Which confounded him because he hadn't worried about them when they lived at the cabin and fought together on an almost daily basis.

He felt horribly bad at his selfishness and disregard for their feelings, and as he closed his eyes a tear sneaked down his cheek. He held June closer and kissed her hair.

"I'll take you with me little one, and I'll never threaten to leave you again, I swear before God," he whispered tenderly. Her grip on him tightened and he felt a little nod of her head, then her sobs slowly abated to sniffles and hiccups that shook her small frame. He felt a gentle touch on his knee and looked up the see Maddy kneeling at his feet with tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Master, may I speak, please?" she asked timidly.

"Of course, anytime you desire you can come to me," he said softly and took her hand in his.

"Why do you try to leave your women, Master? They love you and only want to be with you and protect you as best they know how. You're breaking their hearts," she said in a tremulous voice and gestured towards the house where Abby and Rose were.

"I only wanted to protect them by leaving them here," he said regretfully.

"You may have meant well, but it was a cruel thing to do. You're the best Master in the world, but today you've chosen to hurt those closest to you."

Her words tore out his heart, especially when she called him cruel. He held out his arm and she crept up to share his lap with June.

"I'm so sorry, Maddy," he said as his voice broke with emotion.

"You need to tell your women that, Master," she chided gently as she wiped a tear from his face. "And thank you for choosing to leave Joseph here with me. If you'd left me here with no Master, I'd be brokenhearted just as June is."

He nodded, and for a few more minutes the two slave girls hugged and comforted him while he fought back tears and the huge lump in his throat. Maddy finally got up and took his hand.

"Come, Master. Speak to your women and follow your heart, for it knows the way." She led him and June to the parlor where Abby and Rose were lying on the big couch, snuggled together and comforting one another, their eyes red and swollen from crying. He coaxed them to sit up, then sat June and Maddy next to them. Kneeling at their feet, he took Abby's hands and apologized as best he knew how.

Abby saw the pain in his grey eyes and the vestige of tears on his cheeks and knew he'd seen the error of his ways. She realized he hadn't been consciously mean towards them, just mistaken in his judgement. Rose nudged her gently and gave her an imploring look, begging her with her eyes to forgive him.

She squeezed his hands gently and pulled him to her while fresh tears welled in her eyes.

"Oh, Heavy. Come to me, my love," she cried brokenly. He buried his face in her breasts and heaved a few sobs of contrition while she petted his long curls and broad shoulders. Rose joined in and hugged him, then kissed his cheeks as she wet her own in tears. Abby wanted nothing more than to take him to bed and make love to him, but she understood the demands placed on him from Nathan's plea for help and forced herself to get down to the business of war. She gently pushed him away and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

"We must prepare, my love. Please tell us what you need and we'll do out best to help you," she said in a loving voice. She watched as his eyes slowly cleared and the thoughts of war again filled his head.

"There's so much to do I hardly know where to begin," he said. I'll get with Joseph and we'll do the best we can. If you girls could get your chests loaded in the wagon, that would be a big help. I want to be able to leave before dawn tomorrow, so we must make good speed." Abby, Rose and June gave him such looks of forgiveness that he nearly broke down again. They threw themselves in his arms and kissed him until he was awash in soggy makeup and tears. Maddy even snuck in and he kissed her on her sweet lips until she trembled.

"Thank you for your wisdom, Maddy. You're a real treasure and you'll always be a part of our family," he said softly. She blushed fiercely, but returned his kiss boldly, then gathered her skirts in her hands and got busy.

The entire population of the plantation worked long into the night, preparing for the next day's departure. When the foursome staggered to bed they passed out almost immediately, save for Abby whom always slept badly before a day of action. Alec was vaguely aware as she tossed and turned, and he kept her close in his arms through the night. Per Alec's orders, Maddy had a huge breakfast ready at 4:00 AM and everyone stuffed themselves full for the journey.

She surprised the group with earthenware crocks full of her now infamous ham hocks and beans, along with a giant wheel of cheese and dozens of buttered biscuits, intended for the militia men to eat during their several day’s journey to battle. Joseph shoehorned the lot on a wagon and rallied the men into formation, awaiting on the word from Alec to move out. He found him in the study still working out the most efficient route to Nathan's position. There were several roads to get there and he was concerned about the availability of food and water for the livestock.

"Alec, I have two wagoners' who've been running freight in these parts for nearly two decades. How about you assign them as navigators and have them lead the formation. I guarantee you'll arrive earlier than you think with the men and animals in tip top shape!" Joseph said confidently.

Alec looked at him in grateful surprise. "Thank you, Joseph. You've already been a huge help in this endeavor and I'm glad Abigail wanted you to stay. You'll take good care of the property for Abby, and especially Maddy and her girls?"

"Yes, sir. You can bet your life on it. And thank you for introducing me to Maddy. She's a sweet lady and I'm growing to like her more each day."

As they departed, the girls all hugged each other and tears flowed like water. Alec shook Joseph's hand firmly and looked him in the eye while clapping his shoulder. "Good luck, man. We'll return as soon as we can. If thing's go south, send word. We may not be able to help but at least we'll be aware of your situation."

As he pulled away, Maddy threw herself in his arms and kissed his cheek. "Come home safe, Master, and bring your family back to me," she commanded him with a shy smile.

"I shall do my best, little one," he promised. She colored at his affectionate words, then stepped back to take Joseph's hand. Alec called out to the point men and the cracking of whips filled the air as the drivers urged the wagons forward. The majority of the militia men were on foot, and they took up a marching song as the drummer tapped out a cadence, while Alec and his women were all mounted and riding abreast in the middle of the column. They turned to wave at the folks remaining behind, then turned their eyes east to the rising sun as a new day began.

The General and the Major are wounded, Sarah looks for a man.

Chapter 15

They marched a solid 12 hours that day, the men did quite well considering they'd been loitering at the plantation for a few weeks and were a bit out of shape. Alec had chosen to allow their wives and girlfriends to travel with them to help in the field kitchens and assist the medics. He was surprised at the amount of them that did and his women were proud of him for letting them do so. The militiamen were more than grateful as well because having their women with them was a serious moral booster.

Abby was quite pleased at the sight of the militiamen's girls. Because of their admiration for her and Rose, many of them had fashioned their own trousers and modified their blouses to be more comfortable. The ones fortunate enough to afford new material had made dresses that copied the style of Abby, Rose and June's, low cut and decidedly sexier than their old ones. The men appreciated them too, with more than one wife excitedly telling Abby that their man's libido had improved markedly as the wives showed off more of their nubile bodies.

The three girls traded off their mounts throughout the day to several of the wives and girlfriends, giving them a break from the drudgery of walking. Abby and the girls loved the exercise and had a great day chatting with everyone along the way. Alec met several times with the point men and he was highly impressed both with the time they made as well as the routes they chose. He'd predicted a six day journey while the men insisted they could do it in four. Alec gave them his full support and passed the information to his girls whom were ecstatic at the news.

Most of the company were outfitted with cloth tents or tarps that they strung up in the tree beside the road when they camped for the night. Others slept beneath the wagons for shelter. Rose and June tried to raise a tent for themselves but Abby put a stop to it.

"I'll not have it, you'll be with me and Alec," she declared.

"But, Abby. You need some time with him since our argument yesterday. I know he needs you too," Rose protested weakly.

"You're right, but I need to know you and June are safe with me. Besides, we've shared so much now that it'd seem odd not to have you two with us at night," Abby replied, and kissed Rose's cheek. Alec pitched their tent which was quite large, and chopped down some pine boughs for a mattress of sorts.

They ate a bit of dinner, then everyone except Rose reclined on the makeshift bed. She slid out of the tent with a mischievous giggle, then returned in just a few minutes with a bottle of whiskey she'd squirreled away in her saddle bag.

"Mmm, my favorite, you sneaky little girl," Alec said, and gave her kiss of thanks. Even now he could make her blush with his praise and she did so, just reddening enough to be seen in the candlelight. June took in her beauty and tugged her down for a kiss which Rose returned sweetly. Abby broke out her tin cup and poured a dram of whiskey for Alec, he sipped at it then passed it around to the girls. Rose pulled out her book of Aesops's Fables and read a tale while her companions undressed to slip beneath their blankets.

When Rose noticed Abby's eyes go soft and her hand crawl under the blanket to meet Alec's burgeoning cock, she trailed her story off and slid in naked beside June.

"It looks like it's just you and me," she whispered, and June let out little snort of laughter.

"It's not the first time, nor I reckon the last. Come to me, sweet Rose. Let me soothe you," June whispered. Abby's golden head disappeared under the covers at Alec's waist and he let out sigh of pleasure when her lips met his cock head. Rose's eyes couldn't help but follow the bump in the blanket as Abby's head rose and fell while she sucked. Rose flipped her blanket back and looked at June with her smoky eyes.

"June," she whispered, moaning as she worked herself open. June slid between her legs and put Rose's thighs over her shoulders, then laid her head on her flat little belly.

"Mmm, you smell so good, Rose. I could just eat you up," she whispered. Rose cupped her head and ran her fingers through her hair while June sighed in pleasure. The long day of riding had lent an earthy smell to Rose but June paid no mind, she loved her woman any way she could take her.

This night, June was in excellent form and she took her time with Rose. As she slowly worked her lover to a frenzy, Alec got too warm and threw back his blanket to expose Abby.

The sight of Abby pleasing Alec brought another small orgasm to Rose and she floated in pleasure for several more moments until June pulled up to kiss her sweetly, sharing the taste of her own passion with her.

"Mmm, Rose, you're simply delicious tonight," June whispered.

"I bet you are too, honey," Rose returned. June let out a surprised yelp when Rose suddenly flipped her over and gripping her arms, held them over her head, pinned to the pine boughs. "Now stay, sweetheart. Don't make me say it again," she threatened with an evil smile.

"Yes, Mistress," June said submissively. Movement to her side caught her eye when Alec flipped Abby over and covered her tiny body with his. Rose and June both watched, enamored as he skillfully worked his way down Abby's smooth curves, leaving nothing untouched. She was glistening in saliva from her lips to her hard nipples, and on to her smooth mound where his lips caught her clit and he sucked it in his mouth, driving her mad with passion.

June managed between gasps for breath. Alec and Rose slid up their lovers bodies to kiss them deeply and rest in their arms. Eventually, their skin cooled and they tugged their blankets up for comfort.

"Come, June. Sleep with me," Abby said sleepily, and pulled her into her arms. Alec gathered in Abby while Rose clung to his back, stealing his heat until she was warm and comfy.

"I love you all, dearly," the little slave girl whispered. Murmurs of agreement came from the three behind her and she wriggled like a puppy in satisfaction, then fell asleep in moments.

The group pushed hard for the following three days and arrived at the scene of the battle on the afternoon of the fourth day. Alec insisted the girls stay in the rear until he contacted his uncle, General Greene, at the front. The fighting had lapsed while the two sides gathered their wounded from the field and Alec found his Uncle Nathan crouched in a defensive trench while poring over a crude map. He exclaimed in surprise and pulled Alec down to hug him in delight.

"Thank God you've arrived! Is all well with you? Did you bring reinforcements?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, Uncle. All's well. I've brought every available man and we're here to help in any way we can," Alec answered.

"That's good to hear. We've been taking a beating and it's fixing to get worse. They have the high ground and are moving their cannon up on line so they can fire over the heads of their troops as they assault forward. I wish I had a way to knock them out because they're gonna kick the shit out of us in a day or so," Nathan said in a tired voice.

"Why don't we pull back and try to come up with a plan this evening," Alec said.

"Sounds good. We're tuckered out and the enemy has been slacking off in the late afternoons. I hope they're getting as worn out as we are."

Nathan led Alec to the rear and they sat down in his command tent, then lit their pipes as Nathan filled in his nephew on the battlefield conditions. Suddenly, the tent flaps flew open and the three women piled in to overwhelm the General with a flurry of hugs and kisses. He smiled in joy and returned their favors. "What a welcome surprise!" he exclaimed. "I missed having you beauties around to spoil me so kindly. We don't have much here in the way of small luxuries, but what I have is yours. Please make yourselves comfortable."

"Where's Major Moore?" Rose asked.

"Oh, he's stirring up trouble around here somewhere, he should show up soon," Nathan replied, much to the girls' relief. They all liked the Major and considered him part of the family.

"Uncle Nathan. Do you mind if we poke around a little bit? We've brought many camp followers with us and I want to make sure they get settled in. Can you recommend a safe area for us to set up our tents?"

"Of course, dear Abby," he responded. He assigned a nearby lieutenant to show her where to go, then she kissed his cheek in thanks and left with Rose and June. It didn't take the girls long to line out their charges, then Abby summoned Rose with a twinkle in her eye.

"Let's explore a little. I have Papa's extra spyglass, and I want to see what the men have been up against," she said conspiratorially.

"Great idea! I love an adventure!" Rose enthused. The two women walked to the edge of the battlefield and Abby watched as the two sides set in for the evening. Men bustled about re-shoring their positions and refilling damaged sandbags at the bulwarks around the cannon. Abby observed the redcoats as they dug in their cannon in a straight line across their position with the bulk of the camp behind them. She also made mental notes of the questions she wanted to ask Nathan that evening pertaining to the enemy. Rose took the glass and satisfied her own curiosity, wondering aloud at how foolish the common way of conducting battle was, in her eyes. The girls had only heard of the practice of walking in line and banging away at each other from standing positions, and it seemed ludicrous to them. Abby's way of ambush and foul play seemed much more reasonable to her as opposed to the gentlemanly tradition of giving the other side a fair shot at you. She shook her head in disdain at the thought, and tugged Rose back to the tree line.

"Let's explore a little," she urged. "I saw a sentry changing post on their left flank. We should sneak through the forest and find out where he settles in at. I'm working on an idea," Abby said quietly. Rose nodded in agreement and the two wily veterans slipped in closer to the redcoat line. As they approached the area where they thought the sentry might be, they slowed to a crawl and turned all their senses forward to detect the man's presence. Eventually, Abby reached back and touched Rose, then gestured ahead. The two girls slowly crouched and Abby whispered to Rose, "About 40 yards ahead, next to the big oak."

"I see him," Rose breathed in her ear. They watched him for nearly half an hour as he settled in for the evening. He had a bag that probably contained a cold dinner, along with a canteen of water, the girls figured. Abby happened to have her spyglass on him when he jerked his head to his left and seemingly spoke loudly to the forest.

"I knew it!" Abby whispered, "he's got a buddy deeper in the forest to his left. They're pretty sly, this bunch. We'll have to be very careful. Follow me as quietly as you can." Together, they pulled back fifty yards or so, then Abby led them in a flanking maneuver to their right until they found the other sentry. He was sitting comfortably behind a fallen log and facing in the direction of the Continental army. His jaws moved rhythmically as he chewed his dinner, then slurped from his canteen occasionally without a care in the world. He was twenty five yards or so from his partner, and soon the two were talking loudly back and forth, paying little attention to their duties. Abby nodded to herself in satisfaction. She'd seen what she'd hoped to and felt better for it, the plan in her golden head was taking shape nicely. Just in case, the two women did another loop to their right in search of another soldier but didn't find one. The two sentries on duty appeared to be the only ones out there.

As the two women carefully retreated to camp, Abby took note of their route in the hopes of retracing her steps in the darkness. Back at the command tent, Major Moore had shown up and he welcomed the two beauties joyously, enquiring how they were and the condition of his two girlfriends, Mira and Sabra, back at the plantation. Abby assured him all was well and that the girls missed him. He and his thick cock had left an indelible impression on the two maids, he remembered fondly. Alec and Nathan were still seated and conniving on tomorrow's battle plan while June, who was in her element, served them drinks and waited on their every need. The two men enjoyed her gentle touches and dark beauty as she spoiled them rotten by packing their pipes, even lighting them while she tried not to cough at the smoke in her lungs.

While they had a simple dinner, Abby pestered Nathan with a few questions. "Uncle Nathan, how do your men start their mornings?"

"Well, the sentries wake us early, then we have a quick formation to conduct a head count. We want to know if we've had any deserters, as well as if any man is sick or can't fight for some reason, then we dispatch him to see the doctor. If all's well, then we proceed to eat breakfast and get ready for battle."

"How do you do battle, do you use cover and move forward when able to, or do you line up and simply shoot at each other?" she asked, trying to sound curious rather than critical.

"Typically, in an open field such as here, we walk forward in a tight line until we're in range while the enemy does the same, then we fire on each other. The cannoneers fire whenever they have targets, hopefully not hitting their own men. If we're in rough terrain we tend to use cover, then fire and maneuver on the redcoats. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, just a woman's curiosity," she said with a smile, while Alec looked at her askance, he knew her better than that and figured she was up to no good.

"Do you suppose the redcoats do the same in the morning? I mean call a formation for a headcount and so on?" she asked again.

"I would imagine so, most armies follow the same traditions. Keeping track of the troops and their welfare is a chief concern," Nathan answered while Abby nodded in understanding.

He raised a curious eyebrow at her next inquiry. "Is it typical to keep cannons loaded when we're not firing, especially at night?" she asked.

"That's an odd question, but no. I wouldn't want mine loaded for very many hours, especially if it was raining or very humid. If the powder gets tainted with moisture, it may not fire when needed and one would be stuck with an inoperable field piece, which obviously is a bad thing. If it was critical to have them loaded, I'd lower the muzzles and cover the flash hole with an oilskin or some such thing. Wet powder is a cast iron bitch," he declared.

"I see. Thanks for satisfying a girl's curiosity, Uncle Nathan."

"Anytime, my dear, anytime."

In bed that evening, Abby lay with her head on Alec's well-padded shoulder and gave him her most loving gaze while she ran her fingers over his hairy chest. "Will you do me a huge favor, sweetheart?" she asked with a flirtatious smile. He looked at her with a knowing smile.

"I knew you were up to something. What do ya need, Angel?" he asked as he hugged her close.

"I want you to come with me and Rose first thing in the morning. Some scouting needs to be done on the redcoats and I need you to help us get through our lines and past the sentries, both coming and going."

He quirked an eyebrow at her words, but he wasn't surprised in the least. He closed his eyes and thought for a few moments while she rustled with impatience. "Please, Heavy!" she implored, "think how fun it would be. Just like old times, sneaking through the woods with your favorite girls!"

Heaving a deep sigh, he answered her. "I'd love to, but I have to tell Nathan. It's his battlefield and we must respect that."

"Whatever it takes, I'm working on an idea that you both might like, I just need to spy on the redcoats a bit before presenting it to you and Uncle Nathan."

"I'll see what I can do. I'll speak to him now so we don't rouse him to early in the morning. Be right back," he answered as he rose from their bed. She tugged him back down and kissed him deeply.

"Thank you, sweetheart. You're the best boyfriend ever!"

Alec awoke to two, warm female bodies sliding next to his. "Wake up, soldier boy!" Rose whispered while Abby tickled his ribs. "It's time to rise and shine."

Reluctantly, he got up and the three conspirators dressed in silence, then slipped out of the tent. The sentry was expecting them and confirmed the password of the day so they could return to the lines safely without getting shot. Abby led them silently through the forest until they were observing the redcoat sentry posted in the trees. He was out cold and sleeping deeply. Led by Abby, the three spies worked their way through the trees until they could see the slumbering camp of the enemy. They nestled in close to the wet forest floor and waited for the sunrise.

Despite their warm clothing, the girls were shivering in short order and snuggled in close to Alec's warm bulk with grateful sighs. It seemed to take forever until a sentry approached the command tent, which was markedly larger than the others and flagged with the regiments colors. He roused the men within and returned to his post while rubbing his cold hands together to warm them from the night's chill. She watched with interest as a man came out of the tent and pulled a white wig over his head, then scratched himself and pissed in the dirt behind his canvas dwelling. Alec whispered that he was the general and the second man whom had emerged was probably his colonel.

A trumpeter blew reveille and the soldiers began stirring and rising from their sleep. Abby watched attentively as the officers shouted out commands and herded their charges into a loose formation. Grunts and groans filled the air as many a man paused to hurriedly empty his bladder before lining up before the command.

Sergeants called out name after name and the still morning air was broken by shouts as the sleepy soldiers answered in reply. Abby counted over 300 men in the formation, much more than she'd imagined there would be, while Nathan was lucky to have 150 left, even counting his recent reinforcement of Alec's company.

She turned her attention to the cannon on the front line. She counted fourteen, well dug into the bulwarks that partially shielded them from Nathan's field pieces. She knew Nathan had ten cannon that were inferior both in range and projectile weight to the redcoats, but she was undaunted. Her plan was coming together in her head, and what she saw increased her confidence ten-fold. The formation took nearly a half hour to serve its purpose and after the officers dismissed the men, they herded themselves towards several mess tents where they were served their breakfast. It wasn't until the men finished eating that the sentries were relieved with new ones and the night shift went to eat and go to sleep.

With alert sentries now on guard, the three spies were exceptionally careful while retreating to a safe distance and then returning through their own lines. They met with Nathan at his tent and he quizzed Abby over what they'd witnessed. She filled him in over breakfast and he asked her a few more questions.

"I highly respect your intellect and combat experience, and I'd like to know what you're cooking up. Would you mind sharing with me?"

"I need to speak plainly, Uncle, please don't be offended," she answered carefully.

"Speak your mind, my dear. I'm eager to hear your opinion." he returned. Abby gave him a grim smile and leaned in along with Alec and they plotted well into the morning.

Abby was able to convince Nathan of her plan and she insisted that he reduce his casualties as much as possible during the day. It pained her greatly to see men's lives wasted using traditional tactics when it wasn't necessary, and she told Nathan as much. He inferred that her ideas were most ungentlemanly, but he was desperate since having lost so many soldiers fruitlessly fighting the redcoats. She quizzed him on the powder charge used and diameter of the enemies cannon, easily available information since Nathan had captured more than one in the years prior. She immediately set the ladies in the camp to sewing up cloth bags full of black powder and grapeshot in the proper quantities to suit her needs.

June approached her with a determined look on her dusky face. "Abby, there's no way you're leaving me behind. Whatever you're up to I'm tagging along," she said firmly. Abby smiled and pulled her in for a sweet kiss and a tight hug. "Of course you're coming with us. I'd have it no other way. Would you mind watching Major Moore's back and reloading his rifle and pistols for him? I know of no person who can do it better or faster," she flattered. June unconsciously pushed her firm breasts out in pride at her owner's words. She knew she was good, but not exceptional, and Abby's words meant the world to her. She kissed Abby's red lips and sighed happily.

"Thank you, Mistress. When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning, early. Quite awhile before sun up," Abby responded, before running her fingers through June's hair. "Can you supervise the ladies while they're doing the needlework? It needs to be done right."

"Of course, Abby. I'll get right on it. What's Rose going to do?"

"She'll be with me tomorrow. She scouted out the redcoat camp with me and she'll be helping me in my role. I gotta say, June. We're really hanging our little behinds out on this operation. I sure hope and pray it works because if it doesn't, we'll probably all end up dead," Abby said worriedly.

"I know you can do it, Mistress," June said confidently. "You and Alec are brilliant at this business and I have full faith in you two." She kissed Abby's cheek softly and hugged her again reassuringly before scampering off to help the seamstresses. Abby had chills down her spine as she watched her friend depart. This was her biggest and most audacious plan yet and she was almost frightened at the scope of it, yet the fact that she had the full support of Alec and Nathan boosted her confidence greatly.

To be continued in part 21, by Seethegood for Literotica.