Monday, October 14, 2024

Save World - Get Girl: Part 3

Competition becomes Tittilation.

Based on the post of MsCherylTerra, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time.

I completely forgot that I was just in my panties, otherwise I probably wouldn't have sandwiched myself between the seats again as I lunged for the keys. It didn't even cross my mind until I turned the ignition unsuccessfully twice and swore.

"We drained the battery," I groaned. "Shit. My mom's going to be a nightmare about this."

"Uh-huh," came the somewhat-distracted response from behind me, and that's when I realized my ass was basically in Ashton's face.

At least that time I wasn't stuck on the ice scraper. I crawled as gracefully as I could out from the space between the seats, which was not gracefully at all, and looked at him. Lightning picked that moment to flash again, muted by the filter of fog that clung to the car windows. Brightness hung in the air, flickering slightly as it revealed Ashton hurriedly adjusting the front of his boxers. He looked up, alarmed, and I looked down, enthralled by the sight of something very stiff tenting the fabric.

All at once, the lightning faded, and we were left in the warm darkness all over again.

"Guess that's that," he said with a weak laugh.

"Guess so," I replied.

"Too bad. I was, uh, looking forward to winning that one."

I licked my lips and glanced down. The screen of my Switch didn't do much to light the space, but I could still see the vague outline of his erection.

"We could keep playing," I whispered.


"I mean, it's not like the car is going to get any less dead if we stay out here." I picked up my Switch. "Mine's still got some battery left. We just, um, would need to take turns. Change up the rules a bit."

He raised an eyebrow. "What're the rules?"

I hadn't quite thought that far ahead. I glanced down at my screen, watching the racers circle the track.

"Distraction," I said.


I held my Switch out to him. "Distraction. I pick a track, you play the race, I do my best to; distract you while you're racing. You do your best to come in first."

He cleared his throat. "What happens if I win?"

"You get to choose what comes off."

"And if I lose?"

I smirked. "I get to choose."

He took the Switch carefully. "So how does distraction work? What are the, uh, rules?"

I thought for a moment. "Well, I think touching is okay. As long as the person can still physically play the game."

He nodded eagerly. "Sounds good."

"No removing clothes, since that's; you know. The prize. But; " I cleared my throat, almost feeling lightheaded. "Hands can go under things."

"Seems fair."

"And, um; that's all I can think of."

"One more," he said. "Final rule still applies, regardless of who's driving and who's, uh, distracting."

By that point, I wouldn't have been surprised if my skin was just permanently stained red from all the blushing I'd been doing. "Yeah."

He smiled. "So, what track am I playing?"

He didn't complain about my choice, which was good because I picked one at random. As the music signaling the start of the race began to play, Ashton met my eyes one last time.

"Good luck," he teased quietly.

"Keep your luck," I said. "You're gonna need it."

He smirked, then looked down at the screen.

I hadn't exactly thought of what I was going to do ahead of time. Frankly, the entire thing was an exercise in spontaneity. I don't know why I suggested continuing to play instead of just jumping into his lap and kissing him. Maybe because it was fun, maybe because I was stalling, maybe because if I did that, I'd have to decide if I wanted to go further, and how far that would be. And maybe, even though I was turned on and Ashton was sweet and respectful and ugh, I was still feeling uncertain because of a certain nagging voice in the back of my head.

Whatever it was, it didn't matter. What mattered was that we were there, and we were enjoying ourselves, and it was hot as fuck.

I didn't move until Ashton had started racing. As soon as he did, I tucked my legs beneath me and nestled closer to him. He shivered almost imperceptibly as I leaned against his arm and our skin touched.

There was no real plan, but his neck seemed like as good a place as any to start. Carefully, so I didn't jostle him while he was racing, I curled in closer. Just before I pressed my lips to his skin, his breath quickened, and there was a smile on my face as I kissed the spot where his neck met his shoulder.

Aside from the change in breathing, he didn't react as I nuzzled his neck, flicking my tongue out and tracing a gentle pattern along his collarbone. I almost jumped when the chiming sound that signaled the start of lap two rang out from the Switch and I had barely even touched him.

I was going to have to step up my game.

He very kindly moved his arm as I slipped my hand between us, touching his chest and trailing my fingers down his pecs. He trembled slightly as I ran my hand along his ribs, squirming just enough that it was clear it tickled, and I grinned against his neck before doing it again.

"You are evil," he groaned, though it was mixed with laughter as he writhed.

"You think that's evil?" I said, nipping at his neck. "You just wait."

"Oh no," he said, but he didn't sound that unhappy about it.

I traced his ribs lightly one last time before moving my hand to his stomach and walking my fingers lower, and lower, and lower still, until they reached the waistband of his boxers. Ashton's breath hitched, but seconds later the jingle of the final lap played and the music sped up.

That meant my hand had to speed up, too.

I slipped my fingers beneath the waistband of his boxers. Ashton made a small noise of anticipation as I pushed my hand further, culminating in a soft moan as my hand brushed against his shaft. Those noises made that desperately aching part of me pulse with need, but I ignored it as best I could as I wrapped my fingers around his cock.

He was smooth and delightfully warm against my palm. I relished the way he twitched in my hand, uncontrollable movements that were accompanied by tiny puffs of breath as he tried to focus on the game. I felt his throat flex again as he swallowed and I started moving my hand, slowly at first and then faster. Precum dripped from his tip, thick and sticky and wonderfully slick, and I spread it along his cock as I stroked him.

Just as I started really getting into it, I heard him cross the finish line. He inhaled sharply as I took my hand out of his boxers and moved away from his neck.

"I won," he said, though he didn't sound entirely convinced that he had won.

I tried to look dejected, but it was impossible. "What do you choose?"

"Do you seriously need to ask?" he replied, grinning.

"I wanna hear you say it."

He licked his lips as his eyes flicked down. "Bra off, please."

"Wow, and so polite."

He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out as I reached behind me and unhooked the clasp. That time, his eyes stayed glued to me as I moved the cups away from my breasts and slid the straps down my arms. I didn't mind in the slightest; the way his lips were parted and the subtle rise and fall of his chest as he watched sent a spike of desire rocketing through me. Silently, I revealed my breasts to him, entranced by the way he stared like I was made of star stuff and moonlight. It was only when I unceremoniously dropped my bra to the floor of my car that he finally spoke.

"Holy fruck," he said, and I couldn't hold back a giggle.

That, more than anything, made any of the nerves I had left vanish. There was no question; he wanted to see my tits. He was turned on because of me. He wanted me, and I wanted him, and I was seconds away from asking if we could just forget about the game when he thrust the Switch towards me.

"Your turn."

I almost protested, but the hoarseness of his voice and the dark excitement in his eyes as lightning flashed outside kept me quiet. Instead, I took the Switch.

"Which track?"

He picked one of the city tracks. For the life of me, I could never remember which one it was. There was no way around it: Ashton's distraction game was far stronger than mine.

It started innocently enough. He asked if I'd be okay to sit between his legs so I could lean back against him.

"It'll be more comfortable," he said, and like a complete sucker, I agreed.

I should have known the second I felt his cock pressed against my lower back that I wasn't winning this round. Even through the fabric of his boxers, I could feel how hot he was, and it was a good thing I hadn't started yet when I felt his cock twitch against me. Still, I felt confident that I could win my race.

So confident, in fact, that I wiggled my hips slightly as I leaned against him, making him groan as his cock nestled closer to my ass.

"I thought you were supposed to be the one distracting me," I teased.

"Rules don't start till the race starts," he murmured, and an electrifying tingle ran up my spine. "Gonna keep stalling?"

I hit the button immediately and he chuckled in my ear.

I managed to stay in first for most of the race, despite Ashton's best efforts. And those efforts were; well.

He started much like I had. Fingers trailed along the base of my neck as he moved my hair out of the way and pressed his mouth just behind my ear. That certainly felt nice, and the feel of his breath brushing against my skin was a little distracting, but it wasn't unmanageable.

That was just the briefest of warmups, though. After a few seconds, he nibbled softly on my shoulder and then slipped his hands beneath my arms. I shifted to give him room, holding the Switch up so I could focus on the race. His hands gripped my sides lightly, lingering for a heartbeat on my waist before moving up to my ribs. His knuckles brushed the underside of my breasts and I shivered; his lips flicked up and he sucked gently on my neck before taking a breast in each of his hands.

I whimpered softly. I couldn't help it. The feel of his palms pressed against my hardened nipples was heaven; the gentle kneading of his hands was bliss. I blinked hard, staring at the screen and doing everything I could to stay on the track as he fondled, caressed, and tortured me with feather-light fingertips.

I was still in first place when the second lap started, though I nearly lost my spot as Ashton pinched my nipples. He ran his fingers along one hardened nub as he released the other, sliding that hand to my ribs, and then my stomach, and then to the top of my panties.

He toyed with the waistband for a few seconds but didn't stick his hand inside. Instead, he cupped my cunny through the fabric, exhaling softly as he felt the wet spot that had been soaking the front of them for some time.

"Damn, Ramona," he mumbled against me. "I didn't realize you were this turned on."

"Shut up," I whispered breathlessly as I crashed into another racer.

"It's a good thing," he said. "This is; wow. Wow."

I bit my lip as he pushed the crotch of my panties aside and traced my dripping cunny, then outright moaned when he rubbed my clit. My knuckles tightened on the sides of the Switch as he moved his hand, giving me the friction I'd been so desperately craving while simultaneously making me want more, and more, and;

"Oh!" I gasped as he pushed a finger inside of me.

"You okay?" he asked.

"God yes," I moaned, and he jostled me as he laughed.

On the screen, I hit another Item Box. Ashton kept doing his best to distract me, and honestly, he excelled at it. It was only sheer dumb luck that I managed to stay in first place as the third lap started, but the jingle indicating the start of the final lap only seemed to make him double down on his efforts.

He pressed his thumb against my clit as he worked his finger in and out of me. I whined softly, my thumbs shaking as I tried to steer my character on the screen. Something blew past me; I couldn't have even guessed which character it was. His thumb swept along my clit, working against it in a maddening, thrilling way.

"You play way more video games than I thought," I panted.

"Why do you say that?" he asked, laughter threaded through his voice.

"Your thumb is; ugh." I shuddered as he pressed a bit harder, his laughter vibrating against my shoulder. "Clearly, you work it out."

"Clearly," he agreed, then shoved a second finger inside of me.

I cried out, unable to stop myself from writhing in his arms. That made him groan and I felt his cock twitch against me. As I took another corner on the track, I pressed back and Ashton groaned again, pushing his hips forward and rubbing himself against the slope of my ass.

It was too much. His lips on my neck, his hand cupping my breast, his fingers inside me as he finally gave in and used my body for his own relief; I was half a lap from finishing the race and slightly further from coming all over his hand. Biting my lip, I tried to grind against him, but his arms were holding me too tightly for me to help myself along the way. I whimpered and he shuddered, his own noises muffled as he kept rubbing his cock against the small of my back.

A quarter lap away. I just needed to finish the race and then;

Then what?

Then I'd ask him to take his boxers off and then it would be his turn to race again and I'd;

I would have to wait.

Whoever thought up this dumb game clearly didn't think things through.

I could see the finish line. I was in first again, somehow, not by much but by enough, but I needed; I needed just a little bit more.

Slamming my eyes shut, I pressed the B button as hard as I could, moaning to drown out the sound of the brakes squealing in game.

I heard the sound of the other racers crossing the finish line. If Ashton heard it too, he didn't react; instead, he plunged his fingers inside me harder as he ravished my clit. Sparks ignited inside me, a weightless feeling that radiated from my core and down my legs as I clutched the Switch with both hands. His hand tightened on my breast, not quite so hard as to cause pain, but enough to make me moan and lean heavily against his chest.

Just as I did, the sound of Yoshi losing the race in twelfth place blared from the Switch.

"It's over?" Ashton asked.

I practically threw my Switch to the seat beside us and grabbed his arm.

"Don't stop," I gasped. "Oh my God, please don't stop."

He took mercy on me and kept moving his hand, though when my orgasm hit, he was definitely laughing. Not that I cared; I was too busy trembling in his arms, my eyes squeezed shut and my fingers digging into his wrist. Waves of bliss seized my body; white light that had nothing to do with the storm outside the car flashed in my eyes. I cried out, gibberish spilling from my lips as he drew my orgasm out until my heart was racing so fast that I couldn't breathe and I had no choice but to collapse back against him.

"I think that counts as a forfeit," he whispered.

"Worth it," I mumbled, and his chest shook as he laughed.

"Does this mean I get to choose the next thing to remove?" he asked.

"Give me a sec and I'll take my panties off."

"Oh, a freebie?"

I frowned, my mind still hazy. "What?"

His teeth grazed my neck again. "I was gonna take my boxers off. I figure if you're gonna distract me like you did last time, it might help with, uh, access."

"Right," I said. "It's your turn."

"It is," he said evenly. "Though; "

"Though what?"

"I mean, if you forfeited, I'm the overall winner, so we could just stop here and; "

He didn't finish the sentence, instead trailing his fingers along my thigh. My eyes opened and the afterglow of my orgasm was slowly replaced by uncontrollable butterflies.

"And what?" I asked softly.

"And nothing, if you don't want to," he said. "Otherwise; "

"Otherwise what?"

He kissed my neck. "Otherwise I might ask if you have a condom hidden somewhere in your car."

I did, in fact, have an entire glove box full of condoms in my car. Condoms I'd taken from the university clinic, condoms that hadn't seen the light of day since I'd put them in there, condoms that I was eager to use and terrified to admit I'd never had the opportunity to use.

"Ramona," he said when I didn't respond. "We don't have to."

"It's not that," I whispered. "It's just; "

He squeezed his arms around me lightly, a comforting sort of pulse as he nuzzled my neck. "It's okay if you don't. I promise. I'm not the guy who's gonna pressure you to do something you're not okay with, all right? I don't want that."

"I do want to," I said, hating how my voice shook. "I just; haven't before."

I don't know what I expected; I don't know if I thought he was going to laugh or push me away or suddenly decide that he was going to pressure me into it after all. All I know is that I was surprised when he brushed my hair back and kissed my shoulder lightly again.

"Well, if you want to, then cool," he said. "And if you don't, or you change your mind, or you want to wait and do it some other time, or you want to do something else, that's also cool. Just tell me and we'll go from there."

"I; okay."


"I thought you'd make a bigger deal about it."

"Do you want me to make a big deal about it?" His fingers moved comfortingly against my hip. "I mean, it might take a couple days, but I can do the rose-petals-and-champagne thing if you want the whole luxury experience or something."

"No!" I said, laughing. "I meant like; I don't know what I meant."

"If I'm guessing right, you thought I was gonna suddenly turn into the kind of guy who would do anything to take your virginity like there's some kind of achievement you unlock by being someone's first," he said. "But I'm not. The whole concept of 'taking' someone's virginity feels weird to me. It's not something you're giving me. It's just something you are or aren't."

I blinked, turning my head slightly as thunder rumbled outside. "Wow."


"You're just very; I don't know what the right word is."

"Hmm," he sighed. "Probably like; oh, what's the word. You know, like, awake, but past tense?"

I pressed my lips together. "Woke?"

"That's the one."

I lost it. Like there were actual tears dripping down my face, I was laughing so hard.

"You dork," I snorted.

He was grinning as he kissed my shoulder again. "Yeah, sorry. I thought you knew."

I shook my head, still giggling. "Where'd you get so woke, then?"

"As weird as this feels to say given our current, uh, situation, my mom," he said.

"You talk with your mom about this kind of stuff?"

He shrugged. "I mean, sort of. She's pretty chill about it. Like, it was never a big deal to talk about it in our house. But she definitely made sure I understood that my cock isn't capable of intrinsically changing who a woman is just because she happens to decide to have sex with me."

"Your mom sounds cool."

"I'd tell her you said that, but again, given our current situation; she's not that chill."

It made me giggle again, and when lightning flashed and lit up the car, he moved his hand to my chin and gently turned my head towards him. Then, as the light faded from the sky and our eyes, he pressed his lips to mine.

Thunder blasted above our little pocket of the world. I melted against him, the tension and indecision and nerves fading as we shared our first real kiss, and before the thunder had faded, I already knew.

"Ashton?" I whispered against his mouth.


"I have some condoms in my glove box."

He kissed me softly. "You're sure?"

"Yes, I put them there myself."

He laughed. "You know what I mean."

"Yes," I said. "I'm sure."

He loosened his arms so I could crawl forward for the third time, popping the glove box open and feeling around for one of the small foil packets. The screen of my Switch was still on, offering the bare minimum of light to the interior of my car. It was enough to see the earnest look in Ashton's eye as he took the packet from me.

"Can I take these off now?" he asked, motioning to his boxers. "Seeing as I won the last game and all."

I grinned and nodded. "I'm gonna take mine off, mostly because I want to."

"An excellent reason."

I slipped my panties off quickly, leaving them on the floor of the car so I could watch as he removed his boxers. I bit my lip as he slid them down and revealed the thick cock that had been pressed against my back. He was still hard, incredibly hard, and his tip glistened with precum. I watched, shamelessly intrigued as he tore the packet open and put the condom on, then looked at me.

"It's probably gonna be easiest if you're on top," he said frankly. "But we can try something else if you want."

I shook my head and brought my legs under me so I could crawl forward. He sat back, reaching an arm out so he could help guide me onto his lap. Once there, he stopped me, bringing me forward so we could kiss again.

Then, very carefully, he directed me to sit up on my knees while he moved his hand between us to grip his cock. There was another kiss, then he lined his cock up with my dripping entrance.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yes," I breathed.

His other hand moved to my hip and began to guide me down. The head of his cock split the lips of my cunny, nudging at my waiting hole. There was a slight moment of pressure, then the unfamiliar feeling of something hard and thick and warm entering me.

"Okay?" he asked, his voice slightly choked.

I nodded, and he pulled his hand out from between us and moved it to my other hip.

"Take your time," he murmured.

I did, not because it hurt, but because I was enjoying feeling every inch of him as I took him inside me. There was no pain, just the sensation of stretching and pressure and, eventually, fullness. Once I felt his pelvis pressing mine, I stopped, sighing as that needful craving to be filled was finally satisfied.

"Still good?" he asked, and that time his voice was definitely strangled, though he fought to keep it steady.

I didn't answer. Instead, I kissed him, bringing my hand up to his jaw and caressing it as I started moving. He groaned against my mouth, his fingers digging into my hips as he squeezed so he could show me the best way to move.

Regardless of Ashton's feelings about the concept of taking someone's virginity, I felt like I was giving it to him. And to me, that was good; in that moment, that was what I wanted. I wanted him to have it, I wanted him to be my first, I wanted to have the knowledge that this was the man I chose to have this experience with. I couldn't have asked for someone better; I couldn't have asked for someone who made me feel as comfortable as he did, who had made me laugh the way he could, who was so; right.

He was just so right.

I kissed him as long as I could, only parting so I could gasp for air as I rode him. Ashton dipped his head to take one of my nipples in his mouth. I cried out as he did, that familiar feeling of euphoria collecting somewhere deep inside of me. It felt like his cock was hitting that spot, that he had found a place I'd never known was there, a place I couldn't get to on my own, a place I needed him to reach.

And it was so good.

I hadn't been expecting to come again, but as that ascension started, as my legs started to tremble and my muscles started to clench, I had to steady myself against Ashton's shoulders. He groaned as I clutched him, as I couldn't stop myself from digging my nails in, like I needed to hold something to keep from falling off the edges of the Earth.

"Gonna come again," I panted. "Ash, I'm; "

"Oh, yes," he moaned, the sound muffled by my breasts.

I shattered moments later. Beneath me, Ashton thrust up, making a noise that I distantly thought was probably the hottest thing I'd ever heard. I clung to him, lightning flashing and thunder roaring as my body broke and regenerated and exploded and imploded. His arms moved around my waist, holding me in place as he pushed up, my breasts bouncing against his face until he cried out.

His last few thrusts were erratic but hard, his cock buried as deep inside of me as it could go. Another flash of lightning revealed his head tilted back against the seat, his eyes closed as tension and relief swirled across his face, and then I was collapsing against him and he was hugging me to him as the world spun around us.

For an endless moment, we held each other. His fingers traced a gentle pattern against my lower back and his breath caressed my skin. When another flash of lightning lit up the car, I sat back and looked at him.

"You all right?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. "Are you?"

"Fruck yeah."

We giggled immaturely, stopping only when he pulled me forward to kiss him again.

"Still raining," he mumbled a while later.

"Mm-hmm," I replied.

He tapped his fingers lightly along my skin. "I have a proposal for you."

"My Switch is almost dead, we can't play Mario Kart again."

He laughed. "Not that. Come over."

"To your house?"

"Yeah. Stay the night."

My heart fluttered wildly. "You know how pissed my mom will be?"

"I mean, she's gonna be pissed about the car battery anyway," he pointed out.

"That's very true."

"So why not spend the night at my place and make it extra-worth pissing her off?"

It was a good point. A very good point. And even if it wasn't a good point, I didn't care. I wanted to spend the night with Ashton. I wanted to sleep in his arms, to touch him, to hold him, to wake up beside him and give him my second time and third time and however many times I could, just like I'd given him my first time. I wanted to make up for the years we hadn't been friends and learn all the things about him that I'd missed.

And maybe, just maybe, I wanted to see the look on my mom's face when she found out she hadn't been able to keep Ashton out of my life.

"So what do you think?" he asked, running his fingers gently along my back as he broke me out of my thoughts.

I bit back a smile. "You know, she might've been right about you."

His hand stopped moving. "What?"

"You're a bad influence." I kissed him, letting him feel the grin on my lips. "Just how I like my influences."

He laughed as thunder crashed above us. "So, that's a yes?"

"Yep." I slid off his lap, feeling around the rear shelf for my clothes. "Let's go."

"Don't you want to get dressed first?"

"Are you kidding? It was hard enough to get undressed in here." I rooted through the wheel well for my Chuck Taylors. "Your house isn't that far. We can run."

"You want to run," he repeated.

"Mm-hmm," I said patiently.

"From here to my house."




"In a thunderstorm."

There was a good chance he thought I was crazy. I mean, the skeptical disbelief in his tone all but confirmed it. Rather than waste more time, I decided to entice him a little.

It might have been playing dirty, but I very much doubted that Ashton would mind.

Leaning forward, I pushed myself slowly between the driver and passenger seats so I could get my keys from the ignition. With a providence that couldn't have possibly been planned, there was another burst of lightning, and I heard him inhale sharply from behind me.

"Do you really want to sit around trying to get your pants on in my backseat or do you want to take five seconds and run across the road?" I asked as I grabbed the keys.

"Streaking is illegal, Ramona," he said virtuously, though his voice was strangled.

"Yeah, well, maybe I'm a bit of a rebel, Ash."

He snickered. "And your mom says I'm the bad influence."

"Come on. Run naked across the street with me, and I'll let you play with my tits again."

"Deal," he said instantly.

Before I could even react, he reached over and threw the door open. Wind blew into the car and I shrieked as rain splashed unexpectedly along my bare skin. Ashton grabbed my hand, tugging me out of the backseat as I giggled and clutched my clothes to my chest. He closed the door and stopped, pulling me in for a heated kiss as rain soaked our hair and bodies, then grabbed my hand as we rushed across the street for what I hoped was the beginning of a long frucking summer.

Based on a post, by  MsCherylTerra for Literotica.