A Criminal Investigation Exposes Powerful Alliances. But Willow Becomes Free & Legal.
In 4 parts, based on a post by BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Dan pulled the keyboard towards him and banged out a quick email to Kira with the measurements and the details of where to get the secure credentials. He maintained an online repository for such details and he knew she had the credentials to access that. Once that was sent he pushed back his chair and stood up with Willow in his arms. She snuggled her face into his neck. He carried her into the kitchen and checked on the timer for the pizza. It was almost ready. Dan walked over to the kitchen table and set Willow down on a chair. She seemed reluctant to let go but when he asked her to she did immediately.
He set the table and poured some drinks. The oven chimed and he took the pizza out. He ran the cutter over the pizza to ensure the slices were separated and brought it over to the table setting it between them.
"If there are any toppings you don't like feel free to pick them off," he said.
Apparently Willow had a lot of experience with pizza so Dan was free to just watch her devour slice after slice. Finally she pushed back from the table and rubbed her tummy which showed just the slightest bump.
Dan tidied up and wrapped up a few sliced that were left over. These would be good for her mid-morning snack tomorrow.
It was still early so he asked Willow if she'd like to see a movie. She got a strange look in her eye which Dan wasn't able to interpret but she nodded hesitantly. Dan grabbed the tablet PC and pulled up the listing of movies they had on the house server. He thought he would start out really light. He had no idea what she liked or what kind of movies she had been exposed to. This would be a good experiment. He took her hand and led her through the living room grabbing up the blanket they'd left on the couch. Once they were comfortably seated on their recliners in the theater room he used the tablet to activate the projector.
She watched the screen with some hesitancy until she saw it was an animated film about dogs. She glanced over questioningly.
"Have you ever seen 'Lady and the Scamp'?" he asked
She shook her head, eyes wide and riveted to the screen.
Dan leaned back and enjoyed the movie. He especially enjoyed watching the innocence in Willow's face as she became thoroughly involved with the story. He saw her delight, her tears, and once heard her laugh out loud before she clamped her hand over her mouth and looked at him nervously. He only smiled so she turned back to the film. When it was over she was looking at him and practically vibrating with excitement. He smiled and gestured for her to come closer. She leapt from her chair and climbed onto his to smother his face with kisses.
"So you liked that?" he chuckled.
She nodded vigorously with a big grin on her face.
"I'm going to read in bed before I go to sleep. I suppose we should discuss sleeping arrangements," he said.
Willow looked a little nervous.
"From the fact that you snuck into my bed this afternoon, may I assume you would prefer to not sleep in your own room? I want you to know that I won't be offended, hurt, angry, or disappointed if you would like to have your very own room and sleep in your own bed. I respect your need for privacy and personal space. I also want you to know that the offer for having your own room will always be there even if you don't choose to do it right away."
Willow's voice got really quiet. "May I stay with you?"
"Yes," he simply said.
She beamed at him and rubbed her body against his.
He could feel himself responding so he sat up and lifted her to her feet. They walked out of the theater and made their way back to the master bedroom. He put new sheets on the bed and dug out a long t-shirt Willow could use for pajamas. He was going to run out of clothes himself if he had to share so much of this wardrobe with her.
He slipped off his clothes and stepped into some shorts he slept in. When he turned back Willow was in the t-shirt and had her dirty clothes in her arms. They put their clothes in the bin and brushed their teeth together, an activity which seemed to delight Willow.
Soon they were tucked into the bed, he reading the news from his tablet and she stretched out against his side. Dan managed to read for an hour before his eyes grew weary and he put the tablet away. He slipped down under the covers and Willow snuggled in after looking at him for permission. He'd have to work on that. Then they drifted off.
Chapter 4
Dan arranged with Wally to do some deliveries for him. His friend was also delighted to hear his best buddy had found some female companionship. The pilot made two separate drops over three days, the first being extra groceries to tide them over until spring thaw and the second was the clothes for Willow.
Kira really came through with the shopping spree and Willow was set. So many beautiful outfits and some seriously sexy underwear. Willow delighted in trying them on for Dan to see and he delighted in taking them off. She enjoyed that too.
A few weeks later Andrei got back to Dan to say his investigator was having some difficulty following the cold trail but was still working on it. The people in question had lived secretive lives and even the information on their deaths was often limited.
Officer Duncan called back and said that the Fed's would wait for Dan and Willow to come in for an interview.
Dan worked on two projects for customers during those months and was very pleased with his productivity. While Willow was often a distraction and a delightful one, he was far more focused when he was working. His clients were very happy as well.
He determined that she needed a hobby. She was fascinated when he built prototypes for his projects in the metalworking shop so he started teaching her how to work with metal, including welding. She showed an immediate aptitude for it and began building small sculptures with pieces of scrap metal as practice. Once he was confident that she understood and followed all of the safety precautions he would leave her to her creating and go back to his work. She wouldn't stay away from him for long though. She'd pop her head in to see him every 30 minutes or so and the anxious look would slip from her face when he smiled her way.
The next few months flew by. Dan kept up the calorie and nutrition rich diet for Willow, combined with some light exercises and she responded very well. Soon the gauntness left her features and her curves began to fill out.
Sooner than he expected the winter months passed and the snows began to recede. Spring rains began in earnest and did their best to wash away the rest of the snow. Dan received notification from the highway patrol that the mountain road would officially open in a week. This gave him time to make preparations and setup appointments with the various government officials in the city to begin the process of building Willow a new identity.
Andrei had gotten back to him with the disappointing news that his investigator had been unable to identify Willow's mother. There had been a surprising number of unidentified dead Jane Doe's in the rough geographic area and time frame the investigator had been given. There was a good possibility that the woman had been renting her apartment on a cash basis from the original owners so there were no records. There were no work records they could trace back either so he'd reached a dead end.
Dan sat down with Willow to discuss next steps. They sat on a couch in the living room before the fireplace watching the flames dance across the logs. He asked her how she wanted to proceed. Willow just asked him what he thought she should do. She had no emotional connection to her past. What she'd gone through had scoured that away.
Dan held Willows hands as he looked into her eyes and felt himself falling into their depths. She'd become such an important part of his life over the past few months. He'd come to the realization that he could no longer see his life without her in it. He was still dealing with his PTSD though the flash back episodes were less frequent now than they'd ever been. Dan was amazed that this beautiful, damaged woman could make his own broken mind feel so strong and complete.
"I've set up some appointments to get you identity documentation so we can get you a passport so you can travel with me. It hinges on your having a name."
"My name is Willow," she smiled at him and he felt his heart skip. He really did love this woman!
"If you would have me, I would like you to be Willow Bishop. Will you be my wife?" he asked holding his breath.
Willow's eyes went large and her mouth opened in surprise. Tears welled up in those beautiful eyes and she flung herself against his chest as the tears burst forth. "Yes! Oh, yes!" she wailed.
They clung to each other and shared tears and kisses, both feeling more complete than they'd ever felt apart.
Once they'd got control over their tears they sat back on the couch holding hands and watched the fire. "Normally I'd present you with an engagement ring but there's a shortage of jewelry stores in this neighborhood," Dan said, smiling.
"You don't need to buy me a ring," Willow whispered, still in shock over Dan's proposal.
"Yes I do and you will have the most lovely and dazzling ring we can find but it's still going to pale next to your beauty," Dan insisted.
She snuggled into his arm and purred.
The following week was especially warm for spring. They climbed into the Jeep for the first time since he'd rescued her from the cliff. They made their way carefully down to the road and drove to the city. Willow had no memory of her first time through this route as she'd been in a far worse physical and mental state on that trip.
Their first errand was to meet with the police and the Feds. He'd made arrangements in advance so they were expecting them.
Dan and Willow were ushered into a conference room where they sat holding hands. Two men entered the room shortly after them.
Officer Duncan was a big man. Peppery hair cropped short and broad shoulders with a barrel chest, he looked like he'd be better fit as a lumberjack than wearing a suit in an office. The man next to him was so average your eyes would pass over him on the street and not even register he was there. Grey suit, brown hair, medium height and build, regular features, he was a study in neutral. Officer Duncan introduced him as Special Agent Joel Gregson. The only thing that seemed off character was the dainty gold pinkie ring the man wore. For some reason it raised the hairs on the back of Dan's neck.
An Agent Pays A Price For Corruption.
After the introductions were made, Dan gave his statement about Willow's rescue to the two men. Duncan recorded the statement and asked questions. Gregson sat quietly, watching. Mostly watching Willow in Dan's opinion. The man was creepy but he supposed working on the violent gang task force probably did that to a person. Exposed to so much horror and violence, some of it had to leak in.
Willow was obviously picking up on it as well as she moved closer to Dan and clung to his hand. Finally, Dan had had enough.
"Excuse me, Agent Gregson. Would you please stop staring at Willow. She's had enough of that in her life and it makes her very uncomfortable," he said firmly.
"I'm not sure what you mean," the man said with an emotionless voice. Dan felt her grip on his hand tighten.
Duncan had picked up on the vibe as well and was uncomfortable with the federal agent too. "You read the history report Dan sent us. The woman was traumatized."
The agent just looked at Duncan and looked away. "If you've finished with Mr. Bishop I would like to interview 'Willow' about what she saw and heard during her time with the Blood Brothers. Alone."
Dan's hackles went up when Gregson said her name. "That's not going to happen. If you want to ask her questions you're free to do so, but I will be here for her support and protection."
"Protection? You really think you're up to that task? I've read your file. You're a mental gimp. Load on the pressure and you crack. How are you going to single handedly protect her from the Chula Vista Chapter of the Blood Brothers? When they learn you've killed one of theirs and stolen one of their bitches-" he sneered.
Dan surged to his feet and Duncan grabbed his arm. "You will not refer to Willow with that term."
Duncan turned an angry glare at the Fed. "And how would the Chula Vista Chapter come into possession of that information. I noted you said ‘when’ not ‘if’."
Gregson examined his nails and shrugged. "Information is so difficult to contain these days," he said.
"Not really Agent. That information will not leave my files so the only possible leak would have to come from you, wouldn't it?" Duncan growled.
"The only truly secure files are those involved in active investigations. Where witnesses actively assist Agents in building solid cases against the criminals." He looked straight at Willow with a greasy smile.
"So basically you're telling us we give you what you want or you leak the information to the gang," Dan growled. Officer Duncan stared at the Agent with a thunderous rage building.
"I'm saying nothing of the sort. Those aren't my words," the agent said with a false look of innocence.
"You've been working too long with the worst sort of people Agent Gregson. We can no longer distinguish you from them. We're done here. Come on Willow, the air is tainted in here," Dan said with a look of disgust. She was immediately at his side and followed him out. Gregson admired the view as she left. Duncan shook his head and left to speak with Dan before he left.
"Mr. Bishop! I'm so sorry about that. I had no idea the FBI would send such a scumbag. You were right, he HAS been undercover too long. I'll speak with my Captain about this."
Dan leaned in to the officer. "I think what bothered me most was that the guy gave off the impression that he wanted to be the next name on Willow's list of Masters. The list is dead. She's no longer a slave."
"Yeah, I got that impression too. Creepy," the officer shuddered.
"Thanks! You know where to find me if you have any more questions," Dan said and walked out of the precinct with Willow who was trembling.
Once they were back in Dan's Jeep he turned to her. "Willow, I'm so sorry you had to be exposed to that creep."
"Maybe I should have spoken with him alone? Then he wouldn't tell the gang where to find you?" she whispered.
"Agent Gregson doesn't have any humanity left in his soul. I could see it in his eyes. I seriously don't believe he wanted to help you or wanted assistance in a case. I believe he wanted to own you and I swore to protect you from that. Do you trust me?" Dan asked.
"Yes!" she gasped.
"Do you love me?" he asked gently.
"Yes!" she gushed.
"I love you and I want us to get married so let's go do that!" he smiled and she gave him a dazzling smile back.
They made their way to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration office. He had arranged an appointment today to review the paperwork he'd submitted for Willow. He had no idea how long it would take them to do their own investigation.
It turned out that the Immigration woman had worked some miracles. Willow now had official government documentation identifying her as U.S. citizen, Willow Smith. Dan had raised an eyebrow at the surname but the woman just quirked a mysterious smile and stamped the document to make it legal.
They stopped by the local jewelry shop and picked up some simple wedding bands that fit and Dan picked out a stunning engagement ring. There was a large, brilliant diamond in the center surrounded by smaller but equally brilliant diamonds in a circular pattern. Willows eyes were wide with shock at the size and beauty of the ring and she began to tremble when he dropped to one knee in the store. He had to make it official.
"Willow, will you marry me?" he said looking into her eyes which were filling with tears. She nodded rapidly as she was unable to speak. He slipped the ring on her trembling finger and took her in his arms. She kissed him and cried with joy. The sales clerks and a few customers all cheered and Willow's cheeks hurt from how broadly she was smiling. Dan paid for the rings and promised to return to get the engagement ring resized.
Next they'd visited the Justice of the Peace for a quick ceremony and they were legally married. The paperwork was submitted and soon Willow Smith would be Willow Bishop on paper as well. Then he'd apply for her passport. After all, they had a honeymoon to plan.
Willow had never been as happy in her life. She clung to her husband's arm as they left the building. Husband! She never contemplated that she'd ever use that word for herself. Dan turned to her and smiled.
"Now for the really glamorous side of marriage; we get to go grocery shopping!" he grinned. Willow giggled, a sound rarely heard from her but she just couldn't help herself.
"We'll have our honeymoon soon but for now we need to stock up on some items for the house," he said.
At the grocery store Dan ran a practiced eye over the shelves and filled the cart with the necessities. Willow pushed a cart of her own and they soon filled them both. They paid and loaded the bags into the jeep.
As they pulled out of the parking lot they missed the tan sedan slipping out of the lot behind them.
Chapter 5
It didn't take long for Dan and Willow to unload the jeep and put away the groceries. Dan got dinner started then he scooped his wife over his shoulder and rushed into the bedroom as she grinned madly.
He laid her out on the bed and she beamed up at him.
"Hello, wife." Dan said with a smile.
Willow's eyes brimmed with tears of joy and she held her arms up to draw him down onto the bed with her. Dan knelt next to her then lowered his body over her slowly, drinking in her beauty with his eyes.
Willow grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down the final inches so she could kiss him. The kiss was sweet and slow at first; the caressing of lips and just the lightest of touches with the tips of their tongues. This inflamed their need and soon their mouths were eagerly pressed together. Their passions exploded as Willow slid her tongue deeply into his mouth. Dan returned her kiss with equal fervor. He slid his right hand up the side of her body from her thigh to her breast and gently tugged at her nipple. She gasped into his mouth and kissed him just a little harder.
Dan sat up and undid Willow's pants. He tugged them off then quickly slid her panties down and off as well. Willow arched her back in reaction and cried out. He stroked her again and again and each time Willow's voice grew louder and her body arched up to meet him more.
His tongue pressed deeply into her. Willow screamed as her orgasm gushed from her. Her body thrashed as wave after wave rushed through her senses.
When Dan noticed she was twitching from her over sensitivity he pulled back and let her come down from her bliss. Her face was covered in a sheen of sweat from their exertions, she panted and her eyes were rolling but he was completely enraptured by her. Even, no, particularly when she was in her most raw state she was beauty personified.
Her eyes finally opened and she looked at him with a heat he hadn't seen before. She grinned and pushed him onto his back. She tugged his pants and underwear. She gave herself a moment to admire it.
He felt himself getting harder until it felt like iron. Dan gasped and would have sat up in reaction but her hand was outstretched in preparation and forced him down onto his back. She slowly pulled back until she was able to get a deep breath. The sensation was unbelievable. She repeated this again and again and Dan was moaning with the intensity of it and quickly losing control.
Suddenly she pulled off and gasped to catch her breath. Willow climbed up his legs and positioned herself above him.
Dan's eyes shot. He looked up at her face and saw the intense.
"Easy, Willow. If it hurts we don't have to do this." he said to her.
She smiled at him without opening her eyes. Dan was losing his mind in the incredible. She pulled off her blouse and undid her bra and tossed them aside. She pulled his hands to her and he knew what she wanted.
It had taken him some time to come to terms with the idea that she needed a little. While he wanted to show her tenderness, sometimes she needed him to take his pleasure from her and squeeze her flesh harder than he normally would. Sometimes those touches would add a little pain to her experience. For her, it was the secret ingredient. Her orgasms would be far more powerful and afterwards she was extra attentive and loving, her eyes shining. He knew she trusted him beyond all measure and she needed it.
Now she pressed his hands against her, and looked into his eyes with need.
Willow's mouth dropped opened and her eyes closed as she made little gasping noises. She was close. Dan began to gently bounce and she began to whimper.
Willow threw her head back. She screamed and began to convulse as the enormity of her orgasm took her muscle control away. She slumped forward against him and he released her tender nipples so they could press against his chest. Willow cooed and gasped against his neck as her body clenched and shook. He grabbed her ass and cried out. Then she moaned and rubbed her tits back and forth across his chest.
Dan took Willows head in his hands and kissed her deeply. He felt her trembling and she moaned into his mouth as aftershocks rolled through her nerves. He pulled back and they panted against each other's necks.
"Oh my god, Willow! That was intense!" he gasped. She just snuggled tighter to him, crushing her big tits against his chest.. He ran his hands over her back and down to her ass. She trembled under his hands and she kissed his neck.
"I love you, wife," he said quietly and felt her tremble.
Willow pushed up to look down into his eyes.
"I love you, husband," she whispered back to him.
Dan's face split into a huge smile. These rare times when Willow opened up were precious to him. He pulled her down and kissed her tenderly.
They snuggled for a little longer then they got up to get cleaned up for dinner.
Dan walked into the kitchen. Willow skipped into the room and hugged him from behind. He squeezed her arms then noticed they were missing the breadstick they'd picked up for dinner.
"Willow, can you check the car to see if the breadstick is still in the trunk? I think it fell out of the grocery bag," he asked.
She nodded and skipped down the hall to the garage.
Dan pulled the roasting pan out of the oven and set it on the stove top. He lifted the lid and smelled the delicious roast beef he'd made. He reached forward and turned the oven off and saw a reflection on the glass front of the stove. He looked over his shoulder.
Glass shattered and the first bullet struck his right shoulder and spun him around. Two more bullets struck his torso knocking him across the kitchen to slam up against the wall where he slumped to the floor.
More glass shattered as Agent Gregson enlarged the opening in the patio door so he could reach in and unlock it. He pulled it open and crossed the kitchen to look down at the crumpled body. "Gimp," he snorted then looked down the hall towards the garage where he'd seen his reward head.
He slipped silently down the hall, peering into each bedroom, ensuring Willow wasn't hiding in them. He ducked into the master bedroom but she wasn't there either. He heard an odd pop sound followed by a hissing roar and rushed back out into the hall. He saw the door leading to the garage was open but the lights were off. He slipped to the edge of the open door and peered inside. At the far end of the room he saw an acetylene torch burning. It was clamped in place to some kind of abstract metal sculpture. The torch was the only source of light in the room. He cautiously made his way down the length of the room looking in the shadows. He knew she was in here but where?
As he got closer to the sculpture he saw its scale. It was made of hundreds of small pieces of scrap metal all welded together into the shape of a huge wave cresting. It was at least twelve feet tall, eight feet wide and five feet deep. It was also full of sharp jagged points. While he wasn't an art lover by any stretch he saw the raw beauty in this piece. He had no idea why the torch was clamped to it roaring out its scorching flames.
Glancing around he moved forward to turn off the torch.
There was a loud pop behind him and he spun to look directly into the jetting flames of a second acetylene torch Willow was holding in his face. He screamed and reeled back swinging his gun wildly. He fired blindly three times. He heard no cries of pain or fear. He listened as keenly as he could with the gun stretched out in front of him until he heard a whooshing sound. There was a sharp tug at his right wrist then came a searing pain as his hand separated from his wrist.
Before he could scream a cold metal blade sunk between his ribs to rest just above his heart. A man's body was pressed against his and a mouth pressed close to his ear.
"Willow will never be a slave again." came a hoarse growl.
Trembling with fear Gregson gasped. "You can't be alive! I shot you three times!"
"I've died enough in this life. It's time for me to live." With that Dan twisted the knife to slice through Gregson's aorta. The agent made a brief whimpering sound as he collapsed at Dan's feet.
Dan stumbled back then he sunk to his knees. Willow was immediately at his side.
"First aid kit on the wall there. Pack the wounds then tape gauze to them. Then go to the safe room and call Wally on the satellite phone. The number's on the wall. Tell him what happened. Get Gregson's cell and give it to Wally when he gets here. I'm probably going to pass out soon. You'll be okay. Wally will take care of you. Get started. Now."
Willow leapt into action. He was so proud of her. Then he slipped into darkness.
Wally sat on the lounge chair and watched Willow playing in the surf. He couldn't believe how lovely this woman was. Sometimes it seemed surreal. The other woman playing in the surf with her also took his breath away but there was something about Willow...
"Ah! You fucker!" Wally gasped as icy slush splashed across his stomach.
"Oh! Sorry dude! Bottle still had some ice clinging to it! You did say bring me a cold one!" Dan chuckled.
"Very funny. Gimme my beer."
Dan laid himself out on the lounge chair next to his best friend and watched his wife splashing in the water. There was a look of true happiness on the woman's face as she enjoyed the waves. He'd promised Willow a honeymoon and she was getting it. The beach front house on the Pacific shore of Costa Rica was his little slice of heaven. What better place to bring an angel?
She must have felt him watching as she looked up the beach and waved at him with a brilliant smile. He waved back.
Their honeymoon had to wait for him to recover in the hospital after Wally had airlifted him from the property. The Feds had been all over the place after one of their own was killed on the property but the home's surveillance footage clearly showed the agent's attempted murder. Dan was cleared of all charges and received a nice settlement from the agency for his troubles. He was just glad the creep was dead.
In suspicious but possibly unrelated news, only days after the shooting all active members of the Blood Brothers gang died a horrifying fiery death when an unknown party air dropped a large fuel air bomb over the Chula Vista headquarters. Every member of the gang had all gathered at the remote roadhouse in preparation for a massive road trip up to a certain mountain community. There were no survivors. Of course Wally knew nothing about this as he was taking a commercial flight down to Costa Rica at the time... according to the flight manifest and security camera footage at least.
Dan's recovery mystified the doctors. The gunshots he'd sustained should have killed him but he somehow pulled through. They'd never seen such a strong will to live. Dan just knew he had to protect his wife. She'd seen enough pain and sorrow in her life. She needed as much happiness as he could give her to compensate for those hellish early years.
Combined with the wounds he'd taken in the war his scarring rivalled Willows. Also, there was something in Dan's eyes now that made would-be rivals for Willow take one look and run. She was finally safe.
He relaxed back against the lounge and soaked in the hot sunlight. He was just beginning to doze when his body was covered with a cold, wet, but soft weight. Large tits squeezed against his chest as Willow's mouth found his. Her tongue was deep in his mouth and he chased it with his own.
"Hey! Get a room you two!" Wally joked, and then yelped as the dark-skinned beauty whom Willow had been swimming with, dropped on top of him to get kisses of her own.
Willow pulled back from the kiss and smiled over at Wally. She rolled off of Dan and tugged him to his feet. He willingly followed as she guided him back to the house.
"Try to keep it down this time. You're disturbing the local howler monkey troops!" Wally yelled then found his mouth ‘otherwise occupied’.
Dan and Willow grinned back at their friends as they climbed up the stairs to the roof top deck where their beautiful cabana was situated. The ocean breeze blew through the white privacy curtains keeping the interior refreshingly cool in the hot sunlight.
Willow tugged the ties on her bikini and let them fall to the decking as Dan dropped his swim trunks. They stepped under the spray of the shower next to the cabana and quickly rinsed off the salt water, sweat and lotion. Willow dragged Dan back into the shelter and pushed him onto the bed inside. Dan smiled at her aggressiveness as it was such a huge leap from how she'd behaved when he'd first found her in that blizzard. The difference was love. He loved her with every fiber of his being, and she knew it. She'd given love before but she'd never felt it in return, until him. She was finally at ease to open herself completely to someone. No fear of judgement or cruelty. Just love. She still needed him to be rough for her to reach those mind-blowing, world-shaking releases, but she felt completely safe in his hands.
As for Dan, he felt complete for the first time since he'd come back from the war. Strangely, the flashbacks were rare since Gregson's attack and the depth of Willow's love did amazing things for his self-esteem.
She was wiggling her body over his and he grabbed her ass and squeezed it hard. She moaned and looked at him with need in her eyes. He knew where she wanted it and how rough it had to be.
He rolled her onto her back and kissed her deeply, and she groaned and squirmed under him.
Her stomach muscles were twitching as an orgasm roared through her.
Dan flipped her onto her stomach and ran his slick fingers over her. She grunted loudly as this was a first for her and Willow cried out and thrashed.
Dan pulled away suddenly and she moaned and looked back. She saw him running his slick fingers and she was making unintelligible sounds. Her cheeks grew red. She was making little whining sounds as she approached her peak.
Dan was rapidly turning up the heat. He flipped Willow onto her back. She squealed in surprise.
Willow's face flushed and her mouth opened as she raced towards her orgasm. Just as she crested, her eyes rolled back in her head as her body went into convulsions as he growled his pleasure.
He looked down at the beautiful woman and saw her loving smile beaming back up at him.
"I love you, wife," he said quietly.
Her eyes welled with tears of joy. "I love you, husband," she whispered back.
Based on a post by BurntRedstone for Literotica