Thursday, April 25, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 10

 Maddy, the Octaroon

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

"There's an octaroon maid working in the kitchen by the name of Maddy. Let her know what you need and she'll make it happen. She quite good at it and runs a tight house. She'll also get the washroom ready for you to use."

Abby leaned down and kissed his forehead while ruffling his hair. "I missed you so much, father. I hope we can be together for awhile during this damned war."

"We shall, sweetheart. I swear it."

Abby went to fetch Alec and together they found Maddy working in the kitchens. She was quite an attractive woman of around 35 or 40 years old. Black of hair, a hair taller than Abby and a bit thicker. She had a full bosom that strained the confines of her blouse, to the point that Alec thought her buttons may fail at any time.

To say she was shocked at the sight of the couple would be an understatement. Alec was still naked from the waist up and covered in matted blood and the filth of battle. His wounded arm was weeping red that dripped slowly to the floor from his fingertips. Abby's shirt left little to the imagination as it was tied up under her firm breasts and her tight tummy peeked out between the shirt hem and her leather belt. Her golden head was wrapped in the remains of her shirt tails and her long locks were caked with dried blood.

"Oh, mercy sakes alive, Mistress! Wherever have you been! Come with me child and I'll fix you up in no time!" She tugged Abby down the hall leaving Alec in her wake. Abby stubbornly pulled her up short.

"Maddy, my man comes with me, always. If you need to make accommodation, then do it."

Maddy drew a breath to argue and Abby cut her short with a gesture.

"I'll not hear it, Maddy."

Alec walked up standing almost uncomfortably close to Maddy and put a thickly muscled arm on her shoulder.

"Please, Miss Maddy. We just want to get cleaned up and eat. We understand that you're the best lady in this house to make that happen. Would you do that for me?"

Maddy eyed him speculatively from head to foot. He shifted as if uncomfortable and adjusted the thick cock in his tight trousers with a big hand. Abby watched Maddy's nostrils flare as she took in his masculine scent of sweat and blood and her eyes fell to see the massive bulge protruding down his thigh. She audibly gulped and raised her now subservient brown eyes to meet Alec's.

"Yes, Master," she quavered. "I'll get right on it. Please follow me."

She spun and rapidly led them down the hall to a nearby washroom. Abby followed him and poked his tight ass with a sharp fingernail, giggling as he leapt in surprise.

"Naughty boy!" she whispered and caught up his hand to kiss his fingers.

She chuckled to herself. Her handsome man was learning to use his good looks to manipulate the ladies. She'd have to be on her guard, she thought with amusement.

Rose was already in a huge tub of steaming hot water and Maddy fluttered around her trying to shield her from Alec's sight. Her eyes bulged when he strode over and kissed Rose on the cheek. She caressed his thigh with a wet hand, then tugged him close to examine his wounded arm, innocently revealing her wet breasts to his admiring gaze.

"I didn't realize you were hurt so badly. Does it hurt much?"

"Like fire, but after I clean it we'll get the doc to look at it."

Maddy let out a horrified squeak when Abby stripped naked and slid in the tub with Rose. The girls started washing each other and Alec thought poor Maddy would faint dead away. To hide her embarrassment, she bustled about and prepared another tub for him. There seemed to be an unlimited supply of hot water and Alec asked her about it.

"Master Durham insists that we do it this way. Our soldiers seem to be constantly filthy, and we also serve the wives, widows and orphans. It's quite a job but it keeps us all clean and healthy." she stated proudly.

By the time his tub was ready the girls were squeaky clean. They wrapped towels around themselves and went to undress him. Maddy covered her mouth with a hand to cover her surprise at their actions. Abby struggled to pull his boots free and went ass over teakettle when one slid off suddenly. Rose was choking with laughter as the little blonde bounced right back up only to have the second boot do the same and she fell down again.

Alec was laughing too while trying to pull his tight trousers down. From long habit, Rose knelt and helped him, exposing his thick cock for their approval. Maddy couldn't have been more shocked as his manhood was revealed to her wide eyes. Her nipples stiffened and she felt a flood of wetness in her pussy as she saw her first naked white man in all his glory. Thankfully, he slid down in the tub and she fluttered her hand in front of her face as she flushed with heat.

Abby caught her eye and winked saucily. "He's something else isn't he, Maddy." she giggled.

"Yes Ma'am, he sure is, mercy sakes!"

Alec colored a deep red and slid further down in the tub. Admiring comments still embarrassed him, but deep down inside he was growing to love them. After they were clean, Maddy ushered them to the doctor's theater where he dosed both Abby and Alec with laudanum, then cleaned and stitched their wounds. William and Rose had found some clothing for them that would do for now and escorted Alec, Abby and June to dinner. George ensured that it was a simple affair and he watched his family fondly as they stuffed themselves with good food and wine, the best they'd had in months.

When they were finished, the companions could barely keep their eyes open so George showed Alec and Abby to their room. Alec looked at George in surprise, thinking that he'd demand that they sleep separately. As Abby turned down the sheets, George spoke to Alec in a low voice.

"The only reason I'm allowing this is that Abby's happiness is paramount to me and I hope it is for you. Take care of her or I'll have your guts for garters."

"Yes sir. Her well-being is my reason for living. She means the world to me."

George clapped his shoulder and smiled thinly, "Let's keep it that way, shall we?"

"Papa, are you hassling my man?" Abby teased, but Alec heard the steel in her voice and noticed she had George's full attention as well.

"Just man talk," he protested, but he didn't fool her for a second. She came to hug him and pecked his cheek.

"Good night, father. We'll see you in the morning," she said firmly. When he turned to leave he swore he heard his heart crack and break. He'd never dreamed he'd find his long lost daughter, only to lose her again on the same day. He retired to his room to find June waiting patiently in bed for him. She saw the tears in his eyes and winced in pain from her wound as she pulled his head to her breasts and comforted him while he sobbed his heart out.

Abby and Alec finally slid into bed and they both breathed huge sighs of relief.

"Finally, alone at last. I can't remember the last time," Abby said in an exhausted voice. "And in a real feather bed too, unbelievable."

He put his arm under her head and she turned to lay it on a thick slab of chest muscle. "Come, my love. Let me hold you," he urged while tugging her up to lay on top of him. She burrowed into his furry chest and inhaled his clean smell. She wriggled around until she got comfortable and before he knew it she was snoring lightly. He smiled gently and ran a hand over her back and shoulders, caressing her smooth skin while she slipped deeper into sleep.

In minutes he followed her, and together they slept completely through the night.

The following morning after breakfast, Alec asked George and William if he could speak with them in private. George showed them to his office, then closed the door and offered Alec a seat.

"I'll stand for now, sir. Thank you."

"As you wish, what's on your mind?"

"Gentlemen, I'll get right to it. During my time living with your women, I've become more than intimate with them if you take my meaning. I need you to know that up front. It's weighed on my soul heavily of late."

Alec noticed with surprise that neither man turned a hair at his statement and he was quite taken aback.

"Was this intimacy consensual or did you force yourself upon them?" William asked calmly.

"It was consensual and that's all I can say. However, all relations between myself and your women I take full responsibility for. All fault is mine alone. Please don't think less of the girls for my actions, gentlemen."

"Why did you sleep with our women? Was taking my daughter's maidenhead not enough for you?" George asked a bit combatively.

"I'll not say, other than I bear all responsibility," Alec said stubbornly.

William caught George's eye and nodded slightly. "Your story appears to match what Rose and June have told us, that it was consensual."

Alec started and blinked in surprise, while trying to not show his emotions.

"In fact, it seems that you may have not had a choice. Apparently, you were 'the rock they clung to in time of need,' if my memory serves correctly."

"Again, sir. I take full responsibility. I will say that it wasn't just sex. We've grown quite close over the last months and I love them all. Differently than I love Abby, but still love. Rose and June are amazing women and deserve all the respect you can give them. They saved my life more than once and I'd gladly die for them if need be."

George broke in, "What I find hard to believe is that Abby would share you. Was that a problem for her?"

"I'd rather not speak for her, sir. You can ask her if you like."

"There's no need, I'm right here," Abby's firm voice answered as she strode in the room and captured Alec's hand in hers. The men leapt to their feet as she stood before them.

"Yes, it bothered me, father. But I doubt you'd understand. We women were alone, afraid, and needed support. Alec met our needs and we did cling to him like a rock in a storm. He loved, protected and cared for us as a strong man should. I couldn't be with him intimately and deny my friends the same comfort and security. Every time Alec was with them, I was there also. It was the only way I knew that I could handle sharing my man. Until you find yourselves in a similar situation, I suggest you save your judgement for another time.” She paused. Neither George nor William made a response. So she pressed them; “Let me ask you, gentlemen. Did you save yourselves for Rose and June, or have you taken advantage of a few local women over the past months?" she asked brashly.

Both men reddened and looked down in embarrassment.

"I thought so," she said in a sharp voice, making them squirm even further.

"But we didn't know if Rose and June were even alive!" William protested.

"And we thought you two were dead after the first day of battle at Durham plantation. Why should it be different for a woman in that situation compared to a man? You needed solace and took it. So did your women. I see no difference," she said defiantly.

George shook his head in defeat and motioned Abby to him with open arms, then took her in his embrace and hugged her. "I'm sorry, it's just been very difficult for me to lose you to a strange man, then learn he's been with my June. Hopefully, I'll learn to live with it," he said softly in her ear.

She kissed his cheek endearingly. "I love you, Papa. I'm sorry for upsetting you so. It's the last thing I want to do."

William gave a huge sigh and headed for the liquor cabinet. "I need a drink after all that business, my stars."

"Will you take a seat, Alec, now that this unpleasantness is over?" William offered.

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

George wanted to hear about their adventures but Abby broke in.

"Father, we brought some valuables with us, which you need to see. As you probably know, your men have a Colonel we captured yesterday, I hope he has value for you. He's the first prisoner I've ever taken."

"Indeed he does. We drove him and his men from this plantation before they could burn it down. Most of our finer supplies are here courtesy of the British. I take great pleasure in that."

She led the men to the room where their cargo was stored and she opened the boxes of stolen coins. George and William were shocked at the sight of so much money.

"Abigail Durham. Wherever did you find such riches?" George exclaimed in wonder.

"Well, the redcoats didn't seem to need it as we pretty much killed the whole group. I understand it's a regimental payroll. I bet it stung a little when it didn't show up," she giggled.

"Lord have mercy, Abby. You've been quite busy," William said in admiration.

"Is there anything else?" George asked in curiosity.

"Indeed, I have sachets full of maps and letters, most of which I never opened because I had no need of them."

Alec helped her dig through the piles of supplies until they'd located all the potentially valuable documents, then handed them to George and William whose arms were overflowing by the time Abby was finished.

"There's probably a trove of information that we and the army can use!" George said excitedly. "Please tell us all how you came about finding it. Is there anything else?"

"Well, we left two dozen cannon and supply wagons back at the bridge yesterday. I don't know if your man informed you of that or not. They were securing them when we left to come here."

William nearly fell over. "Two dozen cannon with powder and ball?"

"Yes, a rough count but I'd say so," she declared.

"George! That is absolutely amazing!" William said enthusiastically. "We can really take it to the redcoats now!"

"I agree, however we shall rest up here and reorganize. We've had a rough few weeks and I need to pass this information on to the army as soon as possible. Until I receive a reply, we hang tight and hold the bridge." George said firmly.

The rest of the day was spent with George debriefing Abby on her past actions. Surprising them both, Alec was quite adept at putting pieces of the tactical puzzle together. By comparing George's up to date intelligence with Abby's somewhat older information, Alec was able to put a name and unit designation to nearly all the troops she'd been torturing with losses for the last several months.

George was stupefied at Abby's death count and the sheer audacity in how she'd prosecuted her war against the enemy. Alec told the story of how she'd saved his life by besting the redcoat officer in swordplay after he'd failed miserably in the fight against him.

"My heavens, Abby. There are no words to describe how proud I am of you, and I include you also, Alec. Truly an amazing story."

"Papa, Rose and June were right there with us. Rose has shot a few redcoats and June was our reloading expert. She can charge a rifle or cannon equally well. Both of them are amazing, capable women."

"I'm coming to realize that," he said a bit humbly.

Trying to bolster George a little, Alec asked his about his swordplay and how he'd come to excel at it. George happily told him about his past training and how Abby had picked it up from him.

"Would you mind terribly, sir, if you gave me a few lessons? I certainly could use them," Alec asked politely.

"I'd love to, young man, if I can find the time. It's quite hectic managing this rabble I call a militia."

"Oh, Papa," Abby scolded, "your men did an outstanding job yesterday, they undoubtedly saved our lives. They really took it to the redcoats."

"That's what I've heard and I'll debrief my lieutenant this evening. I'm eager to hear his side of the battle and I regret missing it. Speaking of that, I'd best get on it. William, can you show them around the place before dinner?"

Abby wanted to check on her mare and make sure she was being cared for properly, so she wandered off to the barns. William took Alec and showed him around the plantation house and then outside to the slave shacks and tobacco fields. Once away from prying ears, William had many questions for the big man.

"Say, Alec. Did I hear Abby correctly when she said she was with you, Rose and June when you were fu..., er, I mean um, intimate, shall we say?"

Alec looked at him in surprise. George had an almost desperate look in his eye and he was red in the face. He considered not answering the man, but Abby always chose her words carefully and chose to divulge that bit of information so he figured he could expound a bit.

"Yes, sir. She's correct. She insisted on being with us each and every time."

"You say us, were you with Rose and June at the same time?"

"Yes, sir, and Abby as well."

"My God, man! I simply cannot imagine such a thing! How would it all work? And stop calling me sir. My name is William, please address me as such. Especially when we're discussing such a interesting subject."

"Very well, William. It works rather nicely. In fact, those are the nicest experiences I've ever enjoyed in whole life. Quite satisfying indeed."

"Experiences, as in more than once?"

Alec was feeling a bit spunky and found amusement in William's questions. The subject didn't disturb the man at all, in fact he seemed to revel in it and Alec decided he'd lay it on a bit.

"Many, many times, William. It embarrasses me to speak of it because Rose was involved, but those three girls can wear a man out in an evening, to the point of being nearly useless the next day."

"I'm more than envious of you, my word. I wonder if I could ever convince Rose to share another woman with me, it sounds absolutely scandalous," William said wistfully.

"Have you asked her? She may surprise you, I'd reckon," Alec responded conspiratorially.

"Really? I know Rose quite well and we've had an excellent sex life. She's always ready to fuck. There, I've said it, it's such a convenient word don't you think? Anyway, she's always been a lioness in bed, but you think she may be pushed a bit further?"

"Undoubtedly, William. Be brave, be bold, and ask her if she'll consider your needs. The worst she can do is say no."

"You are a fount of wisdom and knowledge, dear Alec! I shall ask her when the time is appropriate."

William slapped Alec's thick shoulder and together they wandered back to the big house for dinner.

William & Rose

"Rose, dear?" William asked as he lifted his head from between her damp thighs. He'd just given her a wonderful orgasm, the fourth one of the evening if he'd counted correctly.

"Yes, darling?"

"I've a somewhat sensitive question for you."

"Can you ask me once you've buried yourself inside me? I need you again, my love."

With a groan, he did as she asked.

"Ah, yes. So good, Willy. Now, what was your question?"

"I've spoken a bit with Alec; belabored him really, about the time you've spent with him."

"Mmm, did you like the conversation? Did he tell you all the yummy details?"

"Er, no, not really. He did say that all three of you were with him simultaneously. I've decided to ask you if that's something you might consider doing with me? Sharing me with another woman, perchance?" he asked timidly.

She rolled her hips and gripped his ass tightly. "Fuck me while we talk, Willy. I'm quite enjoying this," she moaned, surprised to feel her body respond to his words.

Obediently, he continued, while he waited on her answer.

"Would you lick her pussy like you do mine?" she asked in a low, sexy voice.

"Oh, yes."

"Would you fuck her and cum in her pussy, or maybe cum on her tits while I lick it off?"

"Oh my heavens, yes sweetheart," he managed between groans of pleasure.

Rose rolled him over and straddled his hips.

"Would you fuck her, then pull out and let me suck? I love the taste, you know," she said in a throaty voice and leaned down to bite his nipple sharply.

"I didn't know that, but oh shit, oh fuck! Yes! Yes I would!" he gritted out, as her words and thrusting edged him ever closer.

She redoubled her efforts, smiling to herself as she felt him swell ever larger, knowing he was seconds away from his completion.

"Would you cum in her, then watch as I suck juices out and swallow it down like a good girl? I love licking. Would you do that for me, lover?" she whispered in a sultry voice.

"Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck yes!" he cried, and spurted. She ground down hard, rubbed and exploded in her own waves of pleasure. Her sharp teeth bit into his well-padded shoulder and she lost herself to bliss. For nearly a minute she writhed as she lived out her words in her mind, remembering how she'd sucked, swallowing it down just as she'd described to William.

"Ah, ugh, oh shit Willy! You do me so well!" she moaned appreciatively.

As they slowly relaxed, she slid off.

"Oh, Rose dear. That was amazing!"

"You think so? Just wait til I find a girl to fulfill your dream, sweet husband. We'll show you pleasure!" she teased, then came over him and snuggled down on top of his body. "You feel so good, husband. I've missed you so. Thank you for not being angry about Alec. He's a good man and meant no harm. June and I had to nearly beg him to be with us. He's more than loyal to Abby and I hope George comes to see that."

"I'll see to it. I recognize that you girls needed him. It sounds odd, but in a certain way I'm glad he found you. He's brought you back to me and that's a debt I can never repay."

"Thank you, Willy. That means more to me than you'll ever know."

She kissed him deeply, then in just a few minutes dozed off on top of him. He thought for quite a while about the day’s events before slipping off to sleep.

George & June

Oddly enough, George and June were talking about the same subject. June had shared a woman with him in the past and she was asking if he was willing to do it again.

She caressed as she questioned him tenderly.

"Did you really like it so much when we did it before?" he asked.

"Yes, sweetheart, I did. Although I didn't do as much with her as I'd liked. I've really come to enjoy being with another woman."

"Have you been this way with Rose?"

"Yes, many times. A few before we left the plantation too, I just hadn't the nerve to tell you back then. I love her dearly and can't imagine life without her."

He stiffened in her small hands and she lowered her head to take him.

"I know Rose loves you too, and she finds you very attractive, I bet she'd love to, like I am now."

She smiled to herself. She knew his thoughts of Rose were exciting him greatly.

"You could watch her lick it out, Master," she said softly. With a deep groan of satisfaction he unloaded.

"What about William," he groaned. "He'd be so angry."

"No, Master, he'd be busy at her other end."

He lost complete control at her words and growled out his pleasure like a beast.

"Oh June, you're such an amazing woman. You spoil me like no other," he moaned as she sucked him until he was limp and dry.

She slid up and wriggled in close to his side. "I love you so, Master. I'm the happiest slave ever," she sighed.

"June, I've told you you're not a slave to me. I'll not have it."

"But I want to be. You don't get a choice, Master. I'm yours forever."

He shook his head in wonder, knowing he'd never figure out his woman.

"Only around family, never in public. Agreed, my little slave girl?"

She hugged him tightly and cried a little on his shoulder in happiness before sliding into a peaceful sleep. He stayed awake long into the night, fantasizing about the scenario she'd played out for him as she so skillfully sucked out his soul.

The following day, George kept Alec busy trying to decipher the various maps and letters of correspondence Abby had acquired. Alec amazed him time and again with his depth of knowledge about military affairs.

"Alec, I'm sorry but I can't recall hearing your last name?"

"It's Greene, sir, with and 'e' at the end."

"Any relation to General Nathanael Greene by chance?"

Alec met his eyes and said, "Yes, sir. We're related and that's all I should say about it for now."

"Ah, I understand. Well, I'm most curious. Will you expound on your relationship when you're able?"

"Yes, sir, I will."

"Hmm, well that explains quite a bit," George muttered to himself, while Alec's lip quirked with a secret smile.

"Oh, and since we're damn near father and son, call me George, please. Unless we're in front of the troops, you understand."

"By all means, George. Thank you."

"By the way, I send my updated correspondence to General Greene twice weekly, quite a coincidence I'd say."

"Very interesting, thanks for telling me, George."

After dinner, Rose pulled Abby aside while the men sipped brandy and smoked cigars in the study.

"Abby! I need to ask you something!" she exclaimed with a devious smile.

"What kind of trouble have you dreamed up now?" Abby asked with a grin. She harkened back to when Rose had snuck her out to watch Isaac deflower his new maiden and Rose had the same expression on her face now.

"William asked me if I would share him with another woman! I can hardly believe it. I spoke with June, and with your blessing we're going to surprise William and your father in the the bathing room tonight. There's a good chance that your father will be involved. Is that  okay with you?"

Abby was quite taken aback, but she recalled that several times in the past she'd seen Rose flirt with her father outrageously and her attraction to George was known to her. Concern for him was on her mind immediately.

"Please don't hurt him, Rose, or William either. Such things can be painful," she said gently. "Does William show interest in our June?"

"I'm quite sure of it. He can't keep his eyes off her little ass whenever she walks by," Rose said with a wink, "and sometimes yours as well."

"Rose Marie! Well I never!" Abby exclaimed and colored nicely in embarrassment.

"You're the one who's held his cock in your hand, dear Abby!" Rose said behind her raised palm while her shoulders shook with laughter.

"Well shit, I'd forgotten about that!" Abby giggled helplessly. "Be gone with you, worthless tramp and enjoy yourself, just don't tell me about it!"

June led George to the bathing room and installed him in a deep tub that Maddy had prepared for him. After he leaned back and relaxed, June gently put a hot cloth over his eyes. She'd told him that she wanted to spoil him this evening and give him a special experience. He simply thought she was going to bathe and shave him. While he soaked, he heard another person enter the tub next to him but thought nothing of it.

Soft hands rubbed his shoulders and muscular pectorals while he groaned in pleasure.

"Shush, relax and enjoy. Everything is for you tonight, Master. You must trust me," June murmured in his ear. She dripped fragrant oil in the water and he sighed as the aroma reached his nostrils, causing him to relax even more and sink deeper in the tub. While he soaked she shaved his face, leaving him with a goatee that she thought she might fancy when it grew in. After he'd soaked a good while, she urged him to sit up and then secured his cloth to his face with a strip of fabric, effectively blindfolding him. A gentle touch began washing his chest and back, then tender hands brought him to his feet and washed his cock and balls while he shivered in pleasure.

After being rinsed off, he was led from the tub to a low, blanket covered bench where the same hands guided him down to lay on his belly. Fragrant oil was poured on his back and the hands began working it deep in his muscles, giving him sensations he'd never experienced before. Soon they moved to the backs of his calves and thighs and finally to his feet.

He was limp as a rag doll and almost drooling with pleasure when the clever hands poured oil down the cleft of his ass and worked it deep between his cheeks.

"Relax, Master. Trust me," June whispered quietly. She gently rolled him over and repeated her massage on his front side. She oiled him thoroughly and worked him slowly but firmly. He thought he heard faint groans other than his, echoing through the room but at this point he couldn't care less, he was in heaven.

Suddenly, a hot, wet mouth closed and she swallowed eagerly, whining and whimpering in satisfaction as her man fed her.

After he finished, she continued servicing him gently, smiling to herself while he jumped and jerked as he grew more and more sensitive.

She stood up and moved to his side to whisper in his ear. "Remember, trust me, Master."

She seemed to disappear for several moments and he cocked his head to listen, thinking he heard feminine voices. He started when a dribble of warm oil spattered down on his lightly furred chest and groin. Soft hands gently rubbed it around until he was slick as could be. Sharp fingernails dragged across him, raising goosebumps and hardening his nipples, even in the warm room. A warm body slowly laid down on his and lithe thighs straddled his head. He breathed in the scent of an aroused woman and he gasped.

Eagerly, he raised his hands to pull her securely down. He, for the first time in years, noticed the taste of a strange woman assaulted his senses. His lust rose in him like an animal, and growling. She squealed in pleasure and forced herself down. Just when he thought things couldn't get any better, her hot mouth took him deep. He cried out.

She gripped his thighs with her hands and pulled free of him and he whined in protest.

He hissed in pleasure as she surrounded him.

Her long curls hung down to brush his hands, and he immediately suspected the mystery woman was Rose. June's hair wasn't nearly long enough to touch her cute behind, unlike the beautiful Rose. The thought that it might be her increased his ardor.

He desperately tried thinking of something else like counting rows of tobacco, or mundane things like balancing his ledgers, but it was all for naught.

 She sighed in satisfaction and worked him steadily. As he shuddered and shook with aftershocks, he heard the passionate cries of another couple close by, certain that one of them was June.

The woman gently pulled free of him and a warm, wet towel was used to clean his chest and thighs of the oil and bodily fluids that covered him. Soft hands pulled him to his feet and returned him to the tub where he sank in deep with a huge sigh of satisfaction.

Nimble fingers untied his blindfold and he blinked in the dim light of the oil lamps and saw a naked June smiling at him as she knelt at his side.

"Thank you for trusting me, Master," she said softly, and leaned in to kiss him deeply. From the corner of his eye he saw a naked Rose doing the same to his brother William, whom was neck deep in his tub as well.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" June asked him quietly.

"Yes, she is, but not as beautiful as my slave girl," he returned, and gave her a wink and a kiss.

"Did you enjoy yourself? Would you do it again?" she asked tentatively.

"If you're with me, yes my sweetheart, I'd do it again. Thank you for spoiling me. It was amazing beyond words."

"You're welcome, Master. Now that I'm back with you I've decided to live for your pleasure. Everything I do will be for you."

"And I for you, sweet June."

To be continued in part 11, by Seethegood for Literotica.