Saturday, April 27, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 12

Maddy & the General

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Meanwhile, in Nathan's room, he approached a more than shy Maddy and pulled her to her feet. He caressed her naked breast and tugged down her neckline to bare the other.

"You're absolutely beautiful, my sweet," he murmured softly.

"Thank you, Master. Please be gentle with me, it's been far too long since I've been with a man. May I undress you, please?" she asked tentatively.

"If you like, and yes, I'll be most gentle with you."

She opened his jacket buttons and removed it, then unlaced his undershirt, baring his furry chest. As she ran her fingers through his hair he caressed her naked shoulders and teased her hard nipples until she gasped in pleasure. He kicked his boots off, then she knelt and unbuttoned his tight trousers and slowly skinned them down his muscular thighs, watching with bated breath as she gradually revealed his mighty cock. As the fabric slid past his swelling head it popped free and tapped her on the chin. She giggled nervously, then removed his pants completely.

She exclaimed in surprise at his taste, a touch bitter and salty, but all man undoubtedly. He sighed and took her head in his hands, moving with her as she took as much of him in her hot mouth as she could and began sucking him as best she knew how.

"Ah, sweet Maddy, it's been so long for me. You feel wonderful," he said in approval of her efforts. He looked down at her and felt a rush of passion. Her large breasts were topped with chocolate nipples that begged for attention, and her gown had fallen low enough for him to see her slim tummy and cute bellybutton.. It truly had been weeks since he'd had enough privacy to masturbate himself and the long evening of watching the beautiful women in all their finery had him balanced on a hair trigger.

With a cry of passion, he lost control and loosed volley after volley. She swallowed and stroked rapidly, coaxing every drop of pleasure from his body. He shivered and shook until he'd jetted his last, then he pulled carefully free and tugged her back up to her feet.

"Oh, Maddy, I've never felt the like," he said weakly, then gathered her in his strong arms and kissed her deeply.

"Thank you, Master," she purred, overjoyed that he was pleased with her. He caught her up and tossed her squealing onto the bed, then followed her and worked her gown completely off her body, followed by her underclothes.

"Trust me, sweetheart. I'll be good to you, I promise." The kind general promised.

"What are you doing, Master?" she cried in shock, "It's not proper!" she protested in vain. He simply smiled to himself and resumed his love making. Slowly but surely, she relaxed under his tutelage and began to enjoy his ministrations. For long minutes he serviced her, leaving her dripping in his saliva and her own juices. When her hips began writhing in his grip and her soft cries were reaching a crescendo.

She twisted and turned, rolling her hips in his big hands, taking her to heights she'd only dreamed of. Finally, she weakly pushed him away, "Too sensitive, please Master, I can't take anymore," she begged. He took pity on her and slid up her body to take her in his arms, kissing her deeply and feeding her his tongue that tasted of herself. She pulled him close and eagerly sucked and licked her succulent juice from his face and mouth.

"Mmm, Master. Thank you. No one has ever done that to me before," she purred..

"Oh my," she whispered, "I don't think you'll fit, Master. I want you to try, though."

He looked down proudly. The men in his family were blessed and his was one of the largest. Many a lady had fallen to his prowess and not a one had forgotten her experience.

 She shrieked in pain and put a hand to his belly. He held still, allowing her time to adjust to him, and when she nodded her readiness, he continued his journey. She panted and shook, overwhelmed by the sensation of being stuffed completely full.

"Oh, Master," she quavered, " I can hardly believe it.”

He nodded and picked her ankles up.

Almost like she was reading his mind, she whispered up to him in a quiet but determined voice. "I'm yours, Master. Do what you want with me, just please do something, I'm burning up inside."

He groaned in relief at being cut free, but still felt concern for her.

"If it gets too bad, sweetheart, tell me and I'll stop immediately. Forgive me, but I must take you," he ground out between clenched teeth.

She gave him a beautiful smile and he felt her tense up slightly and brace herself beneath him. "I'm ready, Master."

With an animal cry he set himself free. She screamed in pain and pleasure that tore the breath from her small body time and again.

She hovered on the edge, but the pain he brought her was just enough to stave it off. He only last a few minutes. She watched his face and she adored him for it, overjoyed that she could provoke him to such a state.

She sank her fingernails and held him close as he fired inside her. The jumping and jerking finally pushed her into waves of euphoria.

Locked together, they shivered and shook until they wrung the last ounces of pleasure from each other.

"You're squishing me, Master," she finally murmured, as she bore his full weight on top of her. Quickly, he lowered her legs from his shoulders and skillfully flipped them over. She lay on his chest, panting for air and still shaking with aftershocks. Her fingers played in his crispy chest hair and caressed while he sighed in satisfaction.

"Ah, my sweet." he said weakly. "You bring out the beast in me, woman."

Maddy recalled another bit of advice June had given her. When she was satisfied, she worked her way up his body, nuzzling him tenderly until she reached his lips, then fed him her agile tongue, sharing a deep kiss.

Soon, they lay side by side and he played big spoon to her little. He tugged their blankets up and in minutes they slipped into a deep, exhausted sleep.

Major’s Maids

Meanwhile, in another room the Major was striving. Each girl carried his first two offerings while the oldest girl remained in a frenzy of passion. The younger urging him to completion. He sweated and panted above her.

She squealed in delighted surprise and stuck her pink tongue out hoping for a taste of him. He gave it his all, jerking until he collapsed beside her in exhaustion. The younger girl leaned over him, dragging her bosom across his sweaty chest and happily licking her girlfriend's face and tits clean of his thick, white cream, murmuring her pleasure.

"You girls are amazing, never in my life have I enjoyed such beautiful ladies as yourselves," he managed to groan as he watched their performance.

"Thank you, Master," they chimed together, then snuggled in close on both sides of him, caressing his chest and thighs while he relaxed between them. They giggled together when in minutes he was asleep, snoring quietly with his arms wrapped around their nubile bodies.

It had been long years since the big house had hosted such happiness and satisfaction in its guests, and they all slept the long night through, dreaming dreams filled with hope for tomorrow.

The General takes control. Rose and June surprise their men.

Chapter 11

Nathan pushed his chair back from the breakfast table and stood up.

"Abby, may I see you privately in your father's office, please?" he asked in a friendly tone.

"Of course, Uncle. I'll be right in."

She met him there and he held a chair for her as she settled in. He sat across from her and looked at her appraisingly.

"I've been hoping for the right moment to debrief you on your activities over the last few months. I hope you don't mind?" he asked.

"I thought you've pretty much heard our story. Isn't that sufficient?" she returned.

"Well, I'd like to dig more in depth and ask the Major to take notes. It may help out our war effort considerably."

"I've got lots of maps and letters that we've taken from the redcoats and you're welcome to them. They're locked in a room down the hall." she volunteered.

"Along with the payroll money?" he asked carefully.

"Yes, Uncle Nathan, along with the payroll money," she said a bit testily. She wasn't really enjoying the turn their conversation was taking and was beginning to get irritated.

He stood and went to the door and opened it. "Major! Please assist Miss Durham with bringing some documentation to the office," he ordered.

"Does the poor Major not have a name?" Abby asked tersely.

"Yes. His name is James Moore. Please, Abby. I'm not trying to be confrontational with you. I just need solid information on our enemy and the only way to get it is to question you thoroughly. I'm sorry, but it will take several hours, maybe even into tomorrow. Believe me, debriefing people is one of my least favorite things to do. It always seems to stir resentment with one or both parties involved."

Major Moore appeared and held his arm out for Abby to take. She led him down the hall and over the next half hour they sorted through her piles of plunder and picked out all the intelligence documents she could find. He carried them back to the office where Nathan was reading correspondence from a recent messenger.

Maddy was leaning over his shoulder while serving him a cup of steaming coffee. Abby watched how Maddy fluttered over him and gave him her big doe eyes while she touched his shoulder. Her irritation abated somewhat when she realized how hard Maddy had fallen for the General.

"Mistress Abby, would you care for a coffee?" Massy asked politely.

"Yes, please, Maddy, with a drop of whiskey as well. I may need it."

Nathan laughed uproariously and winked at a surprised Abby. "A girl after my own heart!" he guffawed. "Dear Maddy, I'll take the same, along with the Major."

"Yes, Sir."

When the three had settled in, the General dismissed Maddy and locked the door behind her. Abby's eyebrows raised in surprise and Nathan noticed immediately.

"You can't imagine how hard it is to keep a secret," Nathan said quietly. "The walls truly do have ears."

"I'm not too sure what's secret, Uncle. Almost everything I've been doing lately involved loud gunshots and explosions," Abby offered a bit sarcastically, but tempered it with a small smile. James sniggered softly, which earned him a quick wink from a beautiful blue eye.

Nathan pinned her with a sober stare. "Are you aware that Alec is a spy for the Colonial Army?"

Abby looked at him in total amazement. "Excuse me? My Alec is a spy?" she sputtered in shock.

"Yes he is, and one of our best ones. He's never mentioned a word to you about it?"

"No. He hasn't told me what his billet was in the army and I never asked. I just assumed he was an infantry soldier."

"Perfect. Exactly what I was hoping you'd say," Nathan answered in satisfaction. "You're a very intelligent woman, didn't you notice anything odd about his behavior?"

"Well, he could read a map and navigate quite well for a plain soldier. He also knows his way around weapons, including loading and firing cannon. He was patient with me and seemed to pick up on my tactics quickly and never complained about how long I'd keep him waiting to spring an ambush. Oh, and when I found him he'd been whipped horribly. His skin was nearly flayed from his back."

Nathan's eyes widened quickly, but he said nothing about that last disturbing bit.

"Did you two take any prisoners other than the recent Colonel while you were working together? They can be an excellent trove of information if treated properly, as you might imagine."

"Um, oh that. Prisoners...well, we did have one but I killed him. He would've slowed us down I reckon," she admitted shamefacedly.

The Major sniggered again while Nathan fought back a smile. "And how did you kill him, shoot him?"

"I stabbed him in the heart with my rapier. I was rather in a hurry at the time."

"Your rapier, hmm. I recently heard a story about a young lass that used one to save the life of my nephew. Apparently she challenged a more than dangerous redcoat to a duel and won quite handily. A parry, then a riposte, then a thrust to the neck was enough to send him to Hades. Three movements to best a professional swordsman, quite remarkable indeed."

Abby colored a bit and sipped her coffee, still awkward at receiving compliments even at her age. She looked at James and noticed he was watching her with more respect in his eyes than earlier. Nathan came over and sat beside her, then took her hands in his.

"Abby, will you please assist us? I realize it'll be somewhat painful, and at times boring, but I'll do my best to keep it short. We're not here to question or criticize your actions in any way, we just need solid information."

"Then why isn't Alec here with me? He knows quite a lot as well."

"Because he may positively or negatively influence your answers. I don't want either, just the unvarnished truth."

She looked in his eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity and decided to soften her heart a bit. "As you wish, just keep the coffee coming."

For remainder of the day and up until lunchtime the following day, the two men grilled her over her activities, using her maps and letters to piece together an idea of what the British had been up to in the south.

Alec hadn't inquired of her what Nathan had been asking, which she thought was odd until she realized that he already knew. She still couldn't wrap her mind around Alec being a spy, but as she thought more about it some of his past behavior made sense. Especially when she remembered he'd said he was to be hanged. He hadn't volunteered what the reason was and she hadn't asked, but she knew that most spies were typically hung as a punishment for their deeds.

Finally, the General asked a last, but delicate question. "What did you plan on doing with the money you took from the redcoats?"

She'd figured the question was coming and told him her truth.

"I want to use every penny for the war effort. I want it to help us win and build our new nation. I gave 200 pounds in gold to Mister Yates for the use of his cabin. That's all I've used of it," she said a touch defiantly.

"You realize I have to confiscate it from you. Legally, it's the spoils of war and I must see it used responsibly," he said gently.

She hung her head and nodded. "I thought you'd say something like that and I understand why, but it rankles me," she said softly. Every time she walked through the plantation and saw the poor widows and children, her heart had gone out to them and she'd desperately wished she could help in a meaningful way, the money was always utmost in her mind.

"Is that it? Are we done?" she asked tiredly.

"Yes, dear. We're finished. You've been a trove of information at the least and a true sweetheart at the most. Thanks for being patient with us."

Abby stood, and the men rose to their feet to see her out. She went to Nathan and hugged him. "I didn't enjoy your questions at all but I feel like a great weight has been lifted from me. I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you, Uncle Nathan."

She pulled him down and kissed his cheek, then went to James and hugged him as well.

"Thank you, James. Its truly been nice getting to know you better."

"And you too, Miss Abby," he returned with brilliant smile. He found himself falling head over heels for her, just like every man she'd ever met. She kissed his cheek and took her leave of the room, hoping to find Alec and spend some time with him.

On her way down the hall she bumped into Maddy and the two new serving maids. "Did you spend last night with your men?" she asked with a raised brow.

"No Mistress," the maids answered as one. "We weren't asked to so we avoided the Major," the younger one continued.

"Did he treat you well? We're you happy with him?"

"Oh yes, he was amazing, but we didn't think we were needed again," the older one volunteered.

"Well, you have my blessing. He's a very nice man. I'll make sure he's aware that you'll both be with him again if you wish."

"Oh, yes please, Mistress! We've done nothing but talk about him, he's very handsome."

"And you, Maddy? Did you sleep with the General last night?"

"No, Miss Abby. He made sure he was available but I steered clear. I see now I should've talked with you about it. I really like him and hope he likes me," she said dreamily.

"Sit with him at dinner, Maddy," Abby urged. "You two girls serve us please, and make sure the Major is comfortable, if you know what I mean. We must keep our men happy," Abby said with a sly wink.

"Yes, Mistress," the three chirped, then hurried about their business while chattering happily together.

Abby found Alec forking hay to their horses in the barn. He was shirtless and wearing only tight trousers. She watched him hungrily as he sweated lightly from his labors, moisture trickling down his hairy chest to dampen his waistline. Feeling her gaze, he turned to see her and the look of lust she wore on her face. He smiled happily and opened his arms for her. She flew into them and kissed him savagely while his big hands cupped her firm ass through her skirts.

"I've missed you today," she growled in a throaty voice.

"And I've missed you. Is Uncle Nathan done interrogating my princess?

"Yes, finally. What an unpleasant experience. I'd much rather be doing something else!" she teased, and nipped his lower lip with her sharp teeth.

"Ow, you wench!" he exclaimed, and pinched her ass rudely in return. She caught her breath, then smothered his lips in hot kisses.

She felt his sweat soak the front of her blouse and the smell of virile male filled her nostrils. Almost instantly she felt her pussy grow wet and her nipples stiffen.

"Ugh, I need you so bad," she groaned in his mouth. "Fuck me right here, big man." He kicked a few sheaves of hay into a pile and tossed her down on her back. She giggled happily and unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her firm breasts to his lusty eyes. He knelt and flipped her skirts up, then dove between her thighs, growling like a lion. She yelped and cried out as he worked his tongue between her sweet pussy lips and began eating her out eagerly.

"Ah, yes. You're so good at that," she moaned as he sank his tongue deep inside her to scoop out her hot juices. She cupped his head in her hands and ground herself on his face in passion. He groaned in pain when his hard cock got trapped in his trouser leg. He writhed and twisted and finally managed to get his pants down far enough to release his cock from captivity, never leaving Abby's pussy with his sucking mouth.

Just before she started to orgasm he pulled away, and while she wailed in despair at her loss, positioned himself between her thighs and wedged his swollen head between her dripping pussy lips. Her wail became a deep groan of pleasure when he sank deep inside her with a long, slow thrust that curled her toes. She sank her fingernails in his muscular ass and tugged him deeper until he bottomed out inside her tightness.

"Oh fuck, you're so tight and wet, Angel," he whispered roughly, and bounced lightly in her, stretching her tunnel until she grimaced in pain.

"And you're so damn thick and long. I swear you're in my lungs," she managed to gasp out between ragged breaths.

"How do you want me?" he asked as he nuzzled her neck, then nipped her earlobe lightly.

"Mmm, long, slow, and deep, please," she murmured. "I want to feel it tomorrow. I love how it aches and reminds me of how you felt inside me."

He nodded slightly, then retreated until his swollen head was just touching her pussy. He looked down at her to gaze deep in her gorgeous, blue eyes and she gave him a slight nod, a sign of her readiness. He gathered her ankles in his big hands and tugged them up to the tops of his shoulders, then he kissed each beautifully turned calf muscle in turn.

He began a long, slow thrust that dragged a moan from her throat as he sank deep. As soon as he felt the back wall of her pussy, he retreated, only to repeat with another thrust. He carefully deepened his strokes, working her tightness gradually open while she lay trapped beneath him.

For several minutes he worked over her, delaying his strokes when she was close to orgasm, teasing her mercilessly until she was crying out in frustration. When her hips were writhing under him and she was straining upward, desperately seeking more friction on her swollen clit, he finally released himself. He gathered her wrists in one large hand and held them tightly over her head, pressed in the hay while his other hand supported him over her in a push up position.

He drew back until he was nearly free of her, then with a hard thrust drove deeper than ever inside her, tearing a shriek of pain and pleasure from her throat. Again and again he pounded home until she came apart beneath him, writhing and twisting in a massive multiple orgasm that nearly wrecked her. The contractions of her spasming walls on his thick cock drove him over the edge and he bellowed out his pleasure while he painted her cervix with a huge load of hot cum.

He looked down to see her gaze locked on their joining, her eyes wide at the sight of his mighty shaft splitting her apart. He looked too, surprised at the amount of white cum coating his shaft as he continued to pound her through his orgasm and beyond. He loved how her breasts swayed on her small rib cage as he ground himself inside her, her nipples hard as diamonds and begging for more attention.

Slowing himself, he pulled her ankles from his shoulders and then sagged down to capture a nipple in his hot mouth, sucking and licking it until she mewed in pleasure. He released her hands and she wrapped her arms around him, tugging him down to lay flat atop her, crushing her down in the fragrant hay.

"Ah, Heavy. You feel so good inside me. All squishy and hot, I just love it," she whispered up in his ear. She worked a slim hand between their sticky bodies and caressed the exposed shaft of his cock until he sighed in pleasure. "I love you, dear Alec, so very much," she said softly.

"And I love you, Angel. Always."

Abby, Rose, and June were sitting on the porch chatting after lunch. June was standing behind Abby and plucking bits of hay from her blonde hair.

"Oh, lucky Abby. You appear to have been rolling in the hay with someone," she teased lightly.

"Oh, maybe so, maybe not," Abby said slyly, with a wink at Rose, whom rubbed her thighs together and squirmed a little on the porch swing.

"I love William so, but I surely miss Alec's sweet cock," Rose whispered longingly.

"Me too. He's such a beast, I'll never forget how he well he fucked us all!" June exclaimed quietly.

"Girls! You're talking about my man!" Abby said sternly, but the women heard the mirth in her voice and they both giggled together.

June sobered quickly though and her face grew solemn. "I must say, I'm afraid for us and our men. I overheard the General and his Major talking about leaving soon. I fear they'll take our boys with them or send them away somewhere. The war is still ongoing and the men must continue fighting. We've just found them and I'm afraid we'll lose them again!" she cried softly as tears began trickling down her dusky cheeks.

"Oh sweetheart," Rose said gently, then went to June and held her close. "We'll be fine one way or the other. All we can do is support our men and pray for the best. Maybe we can dream up some fun things to do with the boys to take our minds off it? William's been more than aggressive lately in a sexual way. What do you say, should we cook up a plan?"

Abby held a hand up. "If it involves father, I'm out of here. I'd rather not hear about it."

"But you're  okay with it if it does, Abby? We don't want any awkward feelings between us," Rose said softly, and gave her a hug, holding her close to her slim frame. Abby squeezed her tightly and gave her a warm kiss on the lips, their firm tits squishing together until they threatened to burst from low necklines.

"Of course not, dear Rose. He's my father though and I'd rather not hear about his sexual proclivities. Now yours and June's I like to think about. We've had some fun, haven't we?" Abby asked with a gleam in her eye. June giggled and joined their hug, kissing Rose and Abby in turn, quite suggestively.

Just then, Alec rounded the pathway and ascended the stairs, his presence announced by his boots clumping up the wooden steps. "Oh my, what have we here?" he drawled in a low voice. "All three of my favorite girls in one place. What trouble are you ladies dreaming up?"

Rose and June took in his tall, brawny frame, his chest bare and covered in a light sheen of sweat, still speckled with bits of hay from his and Abby's tryst in the barn. Abby heard Rose's breath catch and watched as June's eyes widened at the sight of her man.

He held his arms out to them. "Come, June," he growled a bit too sexily for Abby's liking, but she tolerated it. Happily, June threw herself in his arms, the first contact she'd had with him since their arrival at the plantation.

"Mmm, you feel and smell so good, I could just eat you up!" she whispered up at him. He released her and Rose moved in for her hug. She brazenly rubbed herself on the front of his body and kissed him swiftly on the lips.

"I've missed you, big man," she said for his ears only. He colored a bit at their attentions but recovered quickly, thankful that he was getting better at this kind of business. He looked at Abby and she saw his eyes change as they alighted on her, and her heart melted. She realized he may have fond memories of her friends, but deep inside she knew his heart was hers and it made her happy.

"These tramps are plotting sexual liaisons between themselves. I was just leaving as these plans include father," Abby said with a snicker.

"Hmmm, sounds exciting to me. Abby, let's head inside, I need something to drink. Can I trust you two alone out here?" he asked with a sly wink at the other two women.

"Absolutely not. We're trouble personified!" Rose said with a sexy smile. "Now off with you while June and I plot an ambush."

That evening the two maids served the family a more sedate dinner than before. Everyone was much less formal and relaxed. Nathan couldn't keep his hands off of Maddy, and James was nearly smothered by the maids as they rubbed their breasts on his shoulders while they served his meal. George was happily trapped between Rose and June while William was beside Rose. June caressed George's thigh throughout the meal, teasing and testing his hard cock through his thin trouser leg. Soon, Rose's hand joined hers on his opposite thigh, caressing and inflaming his passion while he leaked pre-cum down his leg.

Unbeknownst to George, Rose had asked William if she could play with his brother and he'd given her his approval. She caressed him occasionally as well in a show of thanks. After the meal, Maddy and the maids coerced their men to bed and Abby retired with Alec as well, leaving the two remaining couples in privacy.

"Come, gentlemen. To the parlor with you," June said with a sultry smile.

She tugged George to his feet and down the hall, followed closely by Rose and William. They installed their men side by side on the loveseat, then stood before them and embraced each other. The men’s eyes went wide as saucers when the two girls kissed and caressed each other, their lithe forms lit by low candlelight. Slowly, they tugged the skirts from each other and stood clad in their nearly sheer blouses. Kneeling together in front of their men, they pulled leather belts from trouser waists and unbuttoned them to reveal stiffening cocks.

With a secret smile, Rose leaned in to take William in her mouth and he groaned in appreciation. June did the same to George and he echoed William's sounds of pleasure. Just when the men thought it couldn't get any better, the girls switched on them and each man felt the pleasure of another woman's mouth on his cock.

It was too much for William, and in less than a minute he was crying out in June's eager mouth. She was so excited. She cried out in blissful pleasure. Watching this happen also triggered George. He gripped Rose's auburn head and cried out.

Both women continued, with a soft touch, Rose beckoned June to her feet and together they pulled the men up from their seats and then took their place.

Rose pushed William away and stood, then urged both men to their feet to face her. With a wicked smile she knelt before them and alternating between them while June watched avidly.

Rose pushed William to the loveseat and straddled his thighs.  June took George by his cock and guided him up behind Rose and then produced a small bottle of olive oil.

June put her head to Rose's ear. "Are you ready, my love?" Rose nodded in acceptance and stopped on William to present for George, while keeping William. George was nearly beside himself with excitement and lust. Only in his wildest dreams had he imagined such a thing, especially with Rose in attendance. June tugged him close, so wide that she whimpered a bit in pain.

"Please be gentle, George. This is my first time," she said softly as she looked over her shoulder to give him a sultry look. He nodded. She shivered in apprehension, then cried out. June stood next to him and kissed him deeply which took his mind off of how good he was feeling at the moment.

"Gently, William, please," Rose breathed softly, and George felt his brother flex and move next to him. He groaned and shuddered in ecstasy, then he became more aware of his brother and began alternating.

Slowly and gently over long minutes they fucked Rose until she was gasping and writhing in the beginning throes of a massive orgasm. She attempted to ram herself back on their thrusting cocks but their separate rhythms were awkward for her and began to interfere with her pleasure.

"Together, take me together!" she cried out in frustration.

June turned George's head and kissed him deeply, sucking his tongue and raking her nails lightly over his still quivering cheeks. When she'd stolen his breath away, she moved to Rose and William and covered them both with hot kisses and caresses while they sighed in completion. George gently freed himself from Rose, and she yelped when he slid free of her. She gingerly rose off of William and sprawled beside him on the loveseat.

June didn't need an invitation and she quickly knelt before Rose, enjoying the view. She swooped in and both men caught their breath in surprise when she proceeded to lick her clean and glistening in the candlelight.

"My word," William said softly. "I've never imagined such a thing, you ladies are so beautiful together." Rose pulled him in for a kiss, then took his hand. Eventually, June pulled back and retrieved a small pitcher of water and a rag. She cleaned George thoroughly and then led him to the rug in front of the fireplace. While she laid him down, William and Rose joined them and mimicked their position. Both women worked their men until they were again stiff.

June mounted George, and took her pleasure. Meanwhile, Rose had anointed William with plenty of oil, keeping him primed until June was ready.

Soon enough, June looked at Rose and nodded her head. William rose to his feet, then crouched low behind June.

She let out a cry that was almost otherworldly.

"Oh holy Saint Jude," she managed to say in a shaky voice. "I've never felt anything like that in my life. You men feel amazing."

William put his hands on her shoulders to steady himself as his thighs were beginning to burn from crouching over her. "I've got to move, sweet June. Are you ready?"

"Mmm, yes please. You boys do what you will. For nearly twenty minutes they took their pleasure. Rose was aware that June may need some help so she liberally applied oil, to keep them slick for her continued comfort.

June held her breath as a final orgasm overwhelmed her. Slowly, her tortured body stiffened and then went limp as she passed out, completely spent.

George immediately called out frantically. "Something's wrong with her! Rose, I think we've killed her!" he cried out in consternation.

He was shocked when Rose let out a giggle and put her head near June's. "She's  okay George. She tends to do this. The silly girl holds her breath too long and she passes out. She says it feels amazing though."

"My word, extraordinary," he said in amazement. June quickly came around and jerked awake.

"Damn it, I did it again. Did I miss anything?" she asked with an embarrassed look.

"Just your man being scared to death. He thought he'd killed you," Rose teased.

"Well, between the two of them they almost did. That was amazing, boys. I'd love a repeat sometime. Preferably after I can walk again," she moaned and stretched a little, as much as possible.

William laid down beside them and Rose crawled over to lay with him, cuddling up close to his warmth and resting her head on his shoulder. After several minutes of recovery, June got up and fetched a few blankets, then banked the fire. She covered up the two couples and together they fell fast asleep, their dreams sweetened by their shared experience.

To be continued in part 13, by Seethegood for Literotica.