Friday, February 28, 2025

Marooned, With Daisy

Young Daisy is stranded on an island with five men.

Based on a post by Elsie Thompson. Listen to the Podcast at My First Time.

The Cessna 1 80 came down hard, somewhere on the Polynesian waters; the waves causing it to buck and pitch. The landing might have been successful had not a pontoon brushed against an unseen outcrop of coral just below the water's surface. The airplane lurched onto its side, perching on the coral and rocking unsteadily.

"We have to get out of here now," shouted the pilot, whose name was Gaston, as he attempted to open the door. One of the passengers helped him.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Earth or Bust: Part 3

Insatiable Life.

Based on the post by x sociate23, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Planetary Survey had been right about the unpredictable weather patterns on Carter II. It was barely two days after the pond incident and only three weeks into their stay and the unstable star had apparently entered a cooling period. Cold fronts had rushed in from the polar regions, mixing with the warmer equatorial winds to cause icy rainfall to pelt the HAB in a near constant downpour. Nighttime temperatures plummeted to near freezing. Their shelter was insulated but the thin plasticine walls could only keep out so much of the cold.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Earth or Bust: Part 2

Surviving a Crash.

Based on the post by x sociate23, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

As Cadet Cockman regained consciousness, he became aware of two things: the throbbing in his temples and the acrid smell that stung his nose and throat. His blurry vision gradually focused to look about the dimly light cabin. Red emergency lights slowly strobed overhead, bathing the interior in silent pulses of crimson like the inside of a gigantic beating heart. The instrument panel was dead, the viewport a blank oval.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Divine Marital Intervention

A couple gets a gift from God.

By Masterful_Husband. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Like a lot of people, I met my wife in college. We were in the same dorm and fell into that common dating circle trap where everyone is dating everyone. It wasn’t until we left for separate grad schools that we realized how much we meant to each other. It’s ironic that our relationship got more serious as we dated long distance but it worked well for us. I asked her to marry me when we graduated and we were wedded and honeymooning within six months.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 15

Abby and Alec are one. George and William return.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

"Are you next, Miss Sarah?" he asked, with an inviting look on his handsome face. She couldn't resist the temptation of the big, half naked man. He seemed to fill the tent, and despite being freshly washed he exuded a male musk that tightened her nipples.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 14

In the militia encampment.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

In bed that evening, Abby lay with her head on Alec's well-padded shoulder and gave him her most loving gaze while she ran her fingers over his hairy chest. "Will you do me a huge favor, sweetheart?" she asked with a flirtatious smile. He looked at her with a knowing smile.

"I knew you were up to something. What do ya need, Angel?" he asked as he hugged her close.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 13

The General and the Major are wounded, Sarah looks for a man.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The next morning after breakfast, Joseph cornered Alec in his study.

"So, about last evening, Mister. Greene," he began.

"It's Alec, please."

“ Okay, Alec. About last evening. Is that how it is with you and the three ladies? You're all, um, companions?"

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 12

Voyeurs watch..

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The following day, Abby went to Alec's study to collect him for lunch, passing Mira and Sabra along the way. She peeked in the door to see him sitting at his desk and mumbling expletives in his short beard. He was dressed in a white, ruffled shirt and his typical more than tight trousers, and he looked scrumptious. She walked in quietly and slid onto his lap, then kissed him softly.

"What's wrong, Heavy. Is your workload troubling you? I heard you cursing up a storm in here."

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 11

Abby lets Rose explore and Maddy gets a new man.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

An old black lady approached her and shyly gave her a hug.

"Thank you, Mistress. My daughter was the one whom you saved yesterday. I feared that man would kill her but I couldn't do anything since I'm just another helpless slave. I can hardly believe what you're doing here, but I thank God for you and your father."

Abby felt tears gather in her eyes at the sincerity in the woman's voice, and she hugged her back. "Will you please come up to the big house with me? You can stay there until your daughter is healed up. I'm sure your presence would be a boon to her."

Monday, February 17, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 10

The men depart for war and Abby establishes her authority.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

"Do you still wish to make me happy, Maddy?" he asked.

"Of course, Master, always."

He laid on his back and tugged her head to his waist. "Suck me, Maddy. I would like that very much," he commanded. She looked at his still throbbing cock trapped in her small hand. It was covered in his thick cum and traces of blood from Sabra's destroyed pussy. She quailed at the sight but knew he wanted her to do his bidding. Daintily, she stuck her tongue out to sample him. He was warm and salty while she caught a taste of copper from Sabra.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 9

Abby and Rose do battle. Three slave girls give pleasure.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 12

It was nearly 2:00 am when a pounding at the front door and frenzied shouting woke the house. George was first to the door and threw it open to admit a sweat drenched messenger. He was nearly inarticulate but managed to convey that the bridge Abby and her companions had secured was under heavy attack by redcoats from the south. George ordered the man to grab a couple of slaves and ready their mounts for immediate departure. While the men hurriedly dressed, the sound of cannon fire reached their ears, hastening their efforts to make good speed.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 8

The dinner party continues..

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

For nearly an hour the guests chattered and enjoyed themselves. George and Nathan got on tremendously while Alec and the Major had plenty of life experiences to share, meanwhile the ladies listened closely to and fawned over their men, managing to flirt rather boldly as the brandy had it's effect on them.

Abby turned the oil lamps down until the room was dimly lit and went to sit on Alec's lap. The conversations quieted and grew more intimate as the partners whispered amongst themselves, questing hands began wandering into intimate places and quiet kisses were shared. When Abby judged her guests desires were roused enough, she signaled the maids and Maddy to leave. Their men looked surprised and disappointed to say the least, but Abby moved to a chair between them and chatted for a few minutes thanking them again for their presence at the plantation.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 7

Abby holds a dinner and everyone cums. Abby proposes to Alec.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 10

George went in the room the doctor was using for a theater in order to check on June's condition. She was now conscious but her pain was returning. The doctor gave her a bit more laudanum and proceeded to clean her wound and stitch it up neatly. George held her hand and kissed her gently as she dozed lightly.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 6

Alec is shared a final time & an unexpected visitor shows up.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The women puttered around cleaning each other up, then Abby packed a pipe for Alec and delivered a stiff whiskey to his side. He pulled her onto his lap and she snuggled deep in his arms.

"Are you okay, big man? We seemed to have wore you out."

"I'm good. I really enjoyed it. You're such a delicious little tart," he teased.

Abby got a serious look on her face. "Will you take me like you did Rose sometime? That looked amazing and must have felt even better from watching her reaction," she whispered quietly while peeking over his shoulder to make sure she wasn't overheard.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 5

Abby field-trains the soldier, and shares him

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Alec awoke to find Abby gone from the bed. He peered around and saw her seated at the fire and writing on a piece of parchment using a tiny bottle of ink and a quill. He slid out of bed managing to not awaken Rose and June.

As he approached her he saw a tear fall from her eye to stain her paper.

"Oh, my sweet Angel, what's wrong?" he asked softly and knelt to gather her in his warm embrace. She clung to him like a limpet and sobbed quietly.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 4

Abby shares her man with Rose and June.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The next day dawned bright and warm. The girls begged Alec to come swimming with them in a nearby lake and he happily agreed. After a good breakfast, they saddled their horses and headed out. It was only a mile or so to the lake and they made good time despite the route that led them through the dense forest.

They'd hoped that Alec would get some rest that day, but he was a young man and had recovered his energy quickly. He insisted that he swim a few laps around the lake for exercise and the girls were amazed at how graceful and quick he was in the water. They loved watching him swim by while his firm bottom and lean back flexed and rippled with tight muscle. More than one pussy was wet and wanting at the sight.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 3

Abby and Alec see combat together.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

"Up with you, soldier!" Rose demanded. "It's time we got you some new duds."

The two women dragged out George's old clothes and their sewing kits, then pulled Alec's towel from his hips and tortured him endlessly while measuring his limbs and torso. When they were satisfied, they commenced to modifying the shirts and trousers to fit him better. Abby started dinner and while she was at the cookstove, Alec talked her out of a clean pot, then winking at her went out to milk the cow and design a corral.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 2

Abby rescues a Continental soldier.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Just before dawn when the sun was trying to rise, her new companion awoke, retching and coughing beneath his hood. Shit! She'd forgotten about that in her hurry to leave! She quickly ripped the hood off and turned his head so he wouldn't choke to death on his vomit. She poured water from her canteen over his face and wiped him clean while he coughed and gagged until his breathing returned to normal. He turned his head to face her and she felt as if she'd been struck by lightning. Piercing grey eyes met her beautiful blue ones as she took in his beaten and bruised countenance. She'd never seen a more handsome man in her life! She couldn't stop her hand from brushing his dark curls from his face and she felt an overwhelming desire to kiss him.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 1

Abby prepares for war.

In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 1

The sound of ringing steel echoed through the barn along with the gasping of two people laboring for breath. Abigail Durham and her father George sparred with their practice swords, sweating and panting as they danced and dodged each others thrusts. George cried out in surprise when his 18 year old daughter parried his stroke and tapped his forearm with her blade.

"I've finally marked you, Father!" she cried in victory and he smiled at her sheepishly. He was so proud of his beautiful protégée. Abby was his only child and she was the light of his life. Her mother had died three years ago of consumption and he still mourned her daily. Abby had always been a sort of tomboy and eagerly took to learning marksmanship as well as swordsmanship, of which she excelled like no other person he knew except himself. An exceedingly rare thing in the late 1700's for a woman to be interested in to be sure, but he paid it no mind. Since she could walk he'd taken her on hunts with him, along with long trips on the road to visit cities scattered through the colony of Virginia as he conducted his business of growing and marketing tobacco.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Homeless Jenny: Part 6

 I Become A Dad!

by Sénor LongoListen to the   Podcast at Connected.

I drove south until I was able to get onto I-78, following that through Jersey City to the New Jersey Turnpike. We moved along at a steady pace and fairly quickly due no small degree to the E-Z Pass I’d kept after moving from New York to North Carolina. We didn’t have to stop to get a ticket or to pay at the southern terminus of the Turnpike, nor did we have to stop in the long lines at either the Delaware Memorial Bridge or at one of the toll booths on I-95 in Delaware.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Homeless Jenny: Part 5

The Chattanooga Matter!

by Sénor LongoListen to the   Podcast at Connected.


I had one more thing to do to ensure Jenny’s safety and I took the first step on our drive home from the Wilmington airport, stopping at Walmart in Leland for a cheap burner phone. I’d use this phone for one and only one call that I made from the parking lot.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Homeless Jenny: Part 4

Jenny confronts her stepfather then we take a long honeymoon!

by Sénor LongoListen to the   Podcast at Connected.

After lunch we walked together along the waterfront, watching the ferry to Bridgeport dock, disgorge its cargo of cars and trucks then fill its decks with those waiting to cross the Sound. The ferry was a great alternative to driving into and through New York City before heading north. I had always used the ferry when going to Boston or Cambridge, saving two or more hours and a boatload of hassle every time.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Homeless Jenny: Part 3

My life changes dramatically. Wow, does it ever!

by Sénor LongoListen to the   Podcast at Connected.

We left the airport at 12:43 and pulled up in front of the Plaza fifty-one minutes later. The bell staff couldn’t get to our bags fast enough. Ten minutes later we had registered and were shown into our suite. It was exactly as requested; more than nine floors above the street with views of Central Park just across the street. I locked our few valuables in the safe and we removed our clothes to the dresser and closet.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Homeless Jenny: Part 1

I meet and befriend a homeless woman.

by Sénor LongoListen to the  Podcast at Connected.


It was the sign I saw first. “HOMELESS,” it said; just some marker on a torn sheet of cardboard about three feet high and less than two wide. “Anything will help. Please!” I looked around at the modern shopping center and the hundreds of mostly new cars and wondered not for the first time how something like this could happen. Then I wondered what would happen tonight when the temperature was supposed to go down to 23; nine degrees below freezing. By this time I had driven my Honda Accord past the unfortunate guy and was on the way to the highway.