Insatiable Life.
Based on the post by x sociate23, in 3 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Planetary Survey had been right about the unpredictable weather patterns on Carter II. It was barely two days after the pond incident and only three weeks into their stay and the unstable star had apparently entered a cooling period. Cold fronts had rushed in from the polar regions, mixing with the warmer equatorial winds to cause icy rainfall to pelt the HAB in a near constant downpour. Nighttime temperatures plummeted to near freezing. Their shelter was insulated but the thin plasticine walls could only keep out so much of the cold.
Complicating matters was the fact that their heating unit had shorted out the day prior when some sort of electric beetle had tried to get its rocks off with the heating element.Curt poked his head out of the cocoon of his sleeping bag to check the thermometer near his bunk. It registered forty-four degrees and dipped lower as he watched. He shivered as he looked over at Eza's bundled form. The poor girl was not taking the temperature inversion well. She shivered and shook beneath the thin padding of her sleep sleeve. He cursed again the short-sighted designers who hadn't taken into account the possible need to build a fire inside the HAB.
"Kurt?" came a muffled stutter from her olive grab sleeper.
She poked her face out of the cinched hole, looking like a giant blue faced caterpillar. A beautiful caterpillar.
"I know you have done all you can with the heat unit," she said, her teeth chattering, "But I am r-r-really cold."
"I'm sorry I couldn't do more."
"P-p-perhaps you can. I red that in t-t-times of crisis, T-Terrans would huddle together for warmth. Might we t-t-try that?" She knew she would be taking a risk being that close to him, but it was the lesser of two evils.
Curt was also hesitant. He didn't trust his body not to betray his lust for her. His cock was already tingling at the thought. But she needed his help, and he couldn't deny those deep green eyes that stared pleadingly at him. So, he agreed, climbing from his sleep sleeve as he began to remove his tunic.
"W-w-what are you doing?" she asked hesitantly, feeling the stirring again at the sight of his deliciously tanned flesh.
"One less layer of clothes. It'll help warm you up faster," he explained.
"Shall I disrobe as well?"
'Hell yes!' his mind screamed but instead he said, "No, that won't be necessary."
He climbed into the sleep sleeve beside her and she immediately plastered herself to his side, her arm gripping so hard that it forced the air from his lungs. Wrapping his arm around her, she scooted closer, her heavy tits pressing against his side. Her body felt like it was on fire and for a moment he worried she might be sick with fever. But then he remembered that Venusians have a higher body temp than humans. No wonder she was suffering. Eza buried her face into his neck, pulling him closer still.
Her body was racked by uncontrolled spasms, and he rubbed her arms and her back to try to warm her while at the same time trying to ignore the fact that only a thin layer of molyester separated her heavenly skin from his own. But she was making it difficult, her supplely scaled leg wrapping possessively around his. The temp, as well as his manhood, began to rapidly rise inside the sleeve.
At length, the tremors subsided, and she relaxed against him with a melodious sigh. Her leg shifted higher, coming dangerously close to grazing his throbbing erection. Now he was trembling but not due to the cold.
Eza felt it again, the burning, the desire. Feeling his body against hers, the churning inside her was more than she could bear any longer. Even the moments when she had given in were not enough to truly sate the sensations. She had to tell him. But what would he say? Would he be repulsed by her needs?
"Kurt?" she mewed.
"I have a confession to make," she said into his chest, "I have been keeping a secret from you."
"It's okay, everyone is entitled to their secrets." Even as he said it, his mind was racing trying to think what it could be. None of the possibilities seemed pleasant.
"But this is different because it involves you. You see I... I have imprinted upon you."
"What does that mean?"
She raised herself up onto an elbow to look at him. His face glowed nearly as blue as her own in the light of the twin moons that shone down through the skylight.
"When a Venusian comes of age, as I have, they imprint upon the person they have chosen as their agrah."
She looked at him sheepishly.
"Loosely translated it means their... their lover."
The face, as well as the mind behind it, showed surprise but before he could speak, she interrupted him.
"There's more."
"As part of the imprinting, a Venusian will develop an empathic connection with their agrah."
"And what does that mean?"
"It means I can feel your emotions." Her eyes burned into his as she leaned in closer, "I know you were watching me by the lake."
The Earthling's eyes widened in panic as he tried to explain himself but a Venusian finger to his lips silenced him.
"I know because I felt you. Your emotions for me were so strong that they...they made me...what is the word..." She stared off as if trying to remember but then her green eyes pierced him with a look that made his stomach do flips, "Horny."
Curt lay there, staring blankly with her pointy finger still pressed to his lips. She felt his jumbled emotions: fear, trepidation, uncertainty. But above all she felt the one emotion that she too longed to indulge in: desire.
"I wish to demonstrate kissing," she said to his stupefied expression. He nodded into her finger. The hand it was attached to, moved to cup his jaw. She could feel his throbbing pulse, it matched the thunder of her own.
Their lips coming together once more was like the attraction of two oppositely charged particles. Eza was now the demonstrator, wriggling her supple blue lips against his and he wondered if she had been practicing. Then his eyes shot open and crossed as her snake-like tongue slithered into his mouth. It wrestled with his, coiling and swirling, nearly filling his whole mouth. She literally shoved it down his throat and somehow he managed to resist the urge to cough. When he had first seen it by the lake, he had thought it would feel raspy but instead it was as silky and smooth as a strand of satin. He quivered at the feeling of it and was breathing hard by the time she ended the kiss.
"Where... did you learn... that?" he gasped.
"It was under a subheading called: Frenching," she explained. But then her face took on a sad expression, "I am sorry. I know I am not very good at it. I umm!"
Curt pulled her into a savage kiss that filled both their minds with a haze of red heat. The sweet metal taste was overwhelming his senses as his tongue invaded her mouth. Her body seemed to melt against him as she sighed into his mouth like a harmonica.
As the kiss lengthened, their hands and bodies became active. His hands caressed her arms and back, hers groped at his chest and abs. His body writhed beneath her touch while hers moved to straddle him. He felt the burning heat from her loins, she the hardened ridge of his manhood beneath his trousers. His strong hands sought her ass, gently squeezing the rounded humps. She sighed in yet another octave at the feeling, her hips grinding against his. Her lips pulled away, her eyes shining with yearning.
"Make fuck to me," she pleaded.
His smile at her improper grammar only widened further as she sat upright, her webbed hand reaching for the zipper of her tunic. She tugged the faster tantalizingly slow, exposing inch after glorious inch of her blue flesh. Her heavy tits fell free of the garment as she tossed it aside. Her goblets hung before him like twin Christmas ornaments, and he reached for his newly unwrapped gifts.
She shivered at his touch. The hands, though roughened and calloused from the work on their ship, nonetheless brushed across her skin like whispers from a feather. They glided across the rounded expanse, kneading the soft flesh like modeling clay. She gasped as he tweaked her plump, blueberry nipples between thumb and forefinger.
Leaning forward, she took hold of her tit to aim the dark nib at his pink, receptive lips. They parted, enveloping the gooseflesh of her areola. She sucked in her breath as he began to suckle like a babe, lapping and mouthing the sensitive bud. Compulsively she ground her already damp sex against the buried ridge of his cock as he sucked more of her tender flesh into his mouth. Suddenly his hips thrust as if trying to force his way through their clothes, his hands pulling their loins tightly together.
Eza climaxed at the motion and the unbridled emotion she felt from him in that moment. Her hand pulled his head closer to her bosom, her fleshy tit threatening to suffocate him as she let out a snaky hiss between clenched teeth. At last, she released her hold but his respite was short lived as her mouth descended, smothering him with feverish kisses. They pulled away to whisper into his ear.
"I wish to demonstrating something."
Then he felt it. Her serpent tongue flicked out to slither through the conch shaped hollows of his ear. It lapped at the lobe before trailing down the curve of his neck and across his exposed collarbone. He shivered as his traveled across the expanse of his chest, rode the bulges of his abs. Her small hands pulled at the waist of his pants so that her tongue could slink beneath the material to lick the tender flesh just above his pubes. The entire time, her eyes never left his, the stare down only heightening his desire.
His cock strained at its confines, threatening to rip the fabric as her hands worked to free it. It sprang to attention immediately, lightly hitting her in the nose and making her giggle. But her smiled faded, replaced with a look of awe at the pillar of flesh before her. She never expected him to be so big. He was a good nine inches, well over the five and three quarters the texts said was the average. He was also thick, her small webbed hand barely fitting around it as she delicately grasped the shaft. It felt as hot and hard as a recently fire beryllium rocket. Though she felt unsure of herself, this being her first time with any male, she couldn't help the rush of heat to her loins at the thought that Curt would soon be inside of her, filling her up, splitting her like a piece of du'Nar wood. Staring into his beautiful brown eyes that peered down at her with uninhibited desire, she opened her mouth as if she were about to bite into an apple.
Her blueberry lips closed around the red delicious of his head and Curt gasped. Her lips were like satin as she slowly worked them across his mushroom shaped head. Her green eyes never left his face, wanting to gauge his reactions. The look of lust in them added to the feel of her lips on his cock. Emboldened by his whimpers of pleasure, she began to suck harder, taking more of him into her mouth with each stroke. Her purple curls swayed with the motions of her gently bobbing head.
All at once she stopped, his cock head still in her mouth. He at first thought something was wrong but then he felt it: her tongue coiling around the head like an anaconda with its prey. He shivered at the new sensation of his cock being gripped in such a way as her lips resumed their sucking. He saw (and felt) the tongue slither out past her lips to twist and twirl down his length. He couldn't breathe, could only stare at her as she did things to his cock that no Terran girl, no matter how tongue twistingly talented, could ever do. He was shaking by the time her dark python released its victim.
"Was that acceptable?" she asked eagerly.
"Where the fuck did you learn that?!"
Her face darkened with a look of guilt.
"My-my roommate at the Academy. She used to entertain many Terran males. One night while she thought I was asleep, she brought a man to our dorm. I-I watched her do that to him before they copulated."
Curt's eyebrow shot up in surprise. 'This Venusian vixen is just full of surprises,' he thought.
"My, my. Aren't you a dirty girl."
"I am not dirty," she said indignantly, "I am very hygienic."
"That's not what that...Never mind."
"Do you wish that I should continue?" she asked, going back to the subject still in her hand.
"Actually, I have a better idea."
"This roommate. Did the man she was with put his head between her legs by any chance?"
"Yes, he seemed to be trying to consume her."
"Well, Lieutenant," he said with a mischievous grin, "Prepared to be consumed."
He saw her eyes widened as she gulped.
Eza was hesitant about her pending consumption, the almost painfully cries of her roommate fresh in her mind but she allowed herself to be laid down. The fact that Curt was eying her body like a buffet did not help her apprehension. But then he leaned down to kiss her gently, tenderly. She relaxed into the kiss, his lips melting away the tension but at the same time stoking up a fire of anticipation deep within her. His lips broke away to travel down her body. Though it was much shorter than hers, it nevertheless sent tingles through her as he wove lazy circles and trails down the nape of her neck, across the pointed domes of her tits, down the slope of her navel free belly. She lifted her legs so that he could remove her already soaked shorts.
Her smell hit him hard, filling his lungs and driving his desire to a new level. Her legs parted, causing her indigo flower to blossom. Her breathing was shallow, her legs trembling as he ran kisses up and down her inner thighs. Her body seized, her hands clenching the sheets beneath her at his lips found her core.
Her dark blue lips almost burned his tongue, they felt so hot but he would rather risk injury than remove it from their heavenly silkiness. Her scent as intoxicating, her taste luxurious. It dawned on him as he felt her body quaking that his were the first lips to taste her and he set out to make her first tonguing one for the ages.
He lipped her folds, lapped at her metal flavored fluids as they flowed from her. Spreading her vulva to expose more of her lavender love tunnel, he plunged his tongue into her petals, wriggling it like a hungry bumble bee.
The Venusian began to make sounds that could only be described as yodeling modulated through a Theremin, her moans of pleasure changing octave several times. He sought her clit and found that she had not one but two pointed nubs, one in front of the other. His tongue made figure eights around the twin pips, his lips slurping the dark pearls of her Venus clam.
Eza cried out as she came, her hand seizing his head to pull his face deeper. Her juices drowned him and he gulped them greedily, the excess spilling down his chin. She writhed, stretched and sang as he lustfully devoured her. She would later tell him that the orgasms he evoked in her had been intensified by her feeling his strong desire to pleasure her.
A massive orgasm grabbed hold, contorting her body into a near fetal position. She collapsed back, gasping for breath, her tits heaving.
He climbed atop her and her lips were aflame as they sought his, her hands pulling him closer. He raised himself on strong, sinewy arms, his dark eyes filled with desire, an emotion he broadcast like a thousand-watt transmitter. She felt the heated tip of his cock at her entrance. She wanted him inside of her so badly but suddenly she felt hesitant, almost ashamed.
"I-I haven't...I mean... this is my first... time."
"I kinda figured as much."
"Is that acceptable?"
"Only if you are okay with me being your first."
The look she gave told him the answer to that. Without another word, he slowly began to ease himself inside her. Pain shot through her as muscles stretched and fibers tore. She wanted this more than anything but could not hide the look of pain on her face as her eyes scrunched shut. He stopped.
"You, okay?"
"Y-yes," she breathed.
"Should I stop?"
"No!" she nearly shouted, her eyes flying open and locking with his. Then more gently, "No, please keep going."
Curt was hesitant now. He was barely inside of her and she was already incredibly tight. He worried they might not be physically compatible and as much as he wanted to make love to her, he also didn't want to cause her any undo harm.
Eza felt his empathy and concern for her. It made her heart valve swell, made her desire him even more.
"Please," she whispered.
He eased in slowly, his eyes locked on her face for any signs of discomfort. Pleasure and pain teetered back and forth as he buried himself fully. She could feel every inch of his pulsing manhood as it stretched her insides. The pain slowly faded to be replaced by an unbelievable wave of pleasure as he slowly withdrew, relieving the fullness. It returned as he thrust inside of her once more, a little faster this time. A third, thrust, still faster.
Suddenly her scaled legs scissored around his waist, pulling him deep inside of her. She let out a guttural squeak as she came, holding him fast, filling her Twat with this manhood.
Curt was biting his lip and squeezing his groin muscles trying not to cum. She was the tightest Twat he had ever felt, the canal clamping down on him like a vise. And the heat. Her snatch was so sizzling that it felt like here were balls deep in a blacksmith's forge.
He began to thrust vigorously, the heat of her lust taking over his actions. He buried his face into her neck, his hips bucking to force himself inside of her hard. Her hips were hunched up, his cock slamming down into her over and over, his balls clapping her ass as he pounded.
Eza's mind was spinning from sheer pleasure, her breath hiccupping with each impact. Never had she imagined it would feel this good to be with an Earthling. That it was with Curt made it more pleasurable still. Now she wanted more of him.
"Get up," she purred into his ear and he obliged. She rolled to her stomach, lifting her shapely ass. He noticed her sex was swollen and engorged as he griped the base of his cock. Slowly he brushed his tip up and down her slit. Her cooing turned to a moan as he began to gently saw his cock inside her. When she began to rock back to meet his hips, he stopped his thrusting to let her fuck herself on him, his red rocket disappearing into her dark hole. He looked at her purple curls, watched as they swayed with the movement of her supple body.
Letting go of his cock, he grasped a handful of those violet locks and began to thrust inside her, pulling her head back. Lusty moans poured from her throat as he rode her, her ass cheeks jiggling. His cock slammed into her like an atomically powered ramrod, fueling both of their pleasure. He felt his nuclear pile starting to go critical and blurted out a warning.
"I'm gonna cum, baby!"
He thought she would be repulsed by the idea of a human nutting inside of her but she simply moaned louder, a hand reaching back as if to prevent him from pulling out. Taking that as a sign she wanted some crème in her blueberry, he grabbed her scaled hips and began to hammer away at her Twat, slamming ball's deep with each thrust. Her cries of ecstasy could be heard halfway across the planet.
She nearly passed out from the intensity of their physically and emotionally shared release as his penetrating pole pulsed inside her. She whimpered as he continued to thrust, pushing his Terran juices deeper. Wet, slapping noises echoed in her ears.
At last, the hard cock from the third rock slipped from her Venus port as he collapsed beside her. She felt his Earthman spunk dribbling out of her as they cuddled together atop the sleep sleeve. The room now felt like a sauna, their bodies sticky with sweat. She weakly raised her head to kiss him once more before resting her head on his chest and humming like a harp. Curt stroked her luscious hair, her arms, her back, staring at the starry night through the skylight. He thought he could make out the emergency beacon they had left in orbit, circling their globe every two hours. Before he realized it, he had fallen into a deep, restful slumber.
Next Morning
Cadet Cockman awoke the next morning to a very familiar sensation. Upon opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was blue sky far above the dome. The second thing he saw was Eza's sky blue face down below. She was currently stuffing it with his ridged cock.
She lay naked between his legs, elbows resting on his thighs as she feed large portions of his Earthling anatomy between her Venusian lips. She looked like she was savoring her favorite flavor of ice cream and he just lay there smiling at her wanton enjoyment. At one point, he watched her eyes roll back with pleasure but then they widened with surprise when she noticed him watching.
"Oh!" she said, his cock slipping from her lips with a popping sound, "I am sorry."
"Don't you dare be."
"I-I awoke and saw you were aroused. I thought you would not mind if I practiced on you."
"Honey, you can practice on me as much as you want," came his eager reply.
She smiled with delight, kicking her legs like an excited teenager as she swallowed his cock once more. He stared into her beautiful green eyes as she lovingly pleasured his flesh. She was still a novice and more than once he felt her teeth but she accepted gentle instruction well. Soon she had him bucking his hips to meet her sucking mouth.
Deciding it was time to move on to Advanced Fellatio 101, Curt was delighted to discover that Venusians (or at least Eza) do not have a gag reflex. She could take all of his length without so much as a gurgle and proceeded to give him the throating of his life. He had hit the jackpot with this alien sexpot.
Even though the weather had once again changed, the new lovers spent the next three days barely getting out of bed. Once they had used up all of the moves in Curt's repertoire, they consulted Eza's holopad and found an ancient Earth tome known as the 'Kama Sutra'. He soon learned that she was very flexible.
She was also insatiable. He had to start taking V-Pills to keep it up to keep up with her needs. There were times that in order to get any rest, he had to dick her so good, she did pass out.
At one point, Eza wanted to trying something she had red about called 'roleplay'. Though Venusians do not have a concept of theatrics, she was familiar with them due to her exposure to Terrestrial tri-di videos. The first scenario was a common one: Eza playing the part of a naughty Venusian nurse who needed to administer her 'special' therapy on Curt's wounded spaceman.
But it was the second scenario that would set the stage for what was to come (and cum).
They had made a production out of it, going so far as to use the now thoroughly grounded X-23 as a set piece. With a random star pattern on the view screen, Curt had pretended to be a daring space captain on an emergency mission. Eza had surprised him by appearing as a stowaway Venusian love slave, complete with slinky slave girl outfit that she had fashioned out of reeds. She had begged (on her knees no less) for the brave Captain Cockman to allow her passage but admitted she had no way to repay him.
"Oh, I can think of something," he'd said, suggestively unzipping his pants.
He didn't know if it was the atmosphere, or her sexy as hell outfit or the fact that she had sucked him like her life depended on it, but he had barely lasted three minutes before filling her mouth with cum. He thought she would have been disgusted by the act but instead she had cleaned his cock like a hull buffer. Apparently, his Earth spunk was the Venusian answer to Spanish Fly.
And he thought she had been insatiable before, now she was practically possessed. She went gaga for his goo, jonesed for his jizz, begged to blow him often and he was more than happy to be her personal chew toy. She became quite the proficient cocksucker, even better than Bunny Benover. And the best part was he didn't have to share his blue skinned beauty with any battalion.
Eza spent endless nights fucking his brains out, riding him raw on more than one occasion. She'd milk his meat until he could barely stand it. He had to increase his fluid intake to keep up with her fluid outtake.
Some sixty-nine days into their marooning, Curt lay on his bunk letting Eza enjoy her favorite pastime for the third time that day. It was just getting good when there came a squelch from the sub-space radio which had until this moment remained dead silent. He jumped up from the bed, his saliva slick manhood swinging wildly as he snatched up the mic.
"Hello! Hello! This is Raptor 7, does anyone read me, over?!" The squelch turned to a warble as he dialed through several frequencies and repeating his call. Finally, a tinny voice emitted from the small speaker.
"Roger Raptor 7. This is GSF Proxima reading you zero and ten. We picked up your distress beacon. What is your status, over?"
"Ship disabled but all hands accounted for," he replied, looking over at Eza. The Venusian sat naked on his bunk, hugging her knees with a hopeful, yet pained look on her bluish face.
"Copy that, Raptor 7. We have a strong fix on your transponder. ETA to your location is two zero zero mikes, over."
"Roger that Proxima, over and out."
He hung up the mic and turned to his co-pilot turned companion turned lover.
"Do you hear that? We're going home!"
Eza hung her head, pulling her knees more tightly to her tits. This was the day she had been dreading. She had come to cherish her time with Curt but now it would soon be over. The thought that she might never see him again made her insides ache with sorrow. She felt his confusion as he spoke.
"What's wrong?"
"I suppose you will go back to being with your Earth females now."
"Nuh uh, Blue," he said, sitting down beside her, "Face it. You're stuck with me."
"I do not understand?"
"You can still sense my emotions, right?"
"Then what am I feeling right now?"
She took a moment to search his eyes. Then her face lit with a smile that was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
"I know I don't have to say it for you to know, but I love you, Eza."
"I-I love you too, Kurt," she trilled.
The Earthman whom she loved kissed her then. It wasn't a passionate kiss (at least, not at first) but it was one filled with emotion. She pulled him closer, deepening the kiss as well as the feelings that flowed from him. Her lips broke away to whisper in his ear.
"You know we have time before they get here," she purred, licking his ear with her forked tongue.
They spent the rest of their time on the planet making love. It was a different kind of embrace, their status now and forever changed. They were like two halves, once separated by the vast emptiness of space who had found one another and sought to make themselves whole. It was their most intense session to date, the strength of their love fanning the flames of their passion for one another, culminating in a release of pleasure that rivaled even the strongest super nova just as they heard the roar of the approaching dropship.
'It's good to be a spaceman,' Curt thought as Eza's cries of ecstasy atop him were drowned out by the thunder of the rocket that would take them back to the stars together, that would take them home.
based on a post by x sociate23, for Literotica.