Abby and Alec see combat together.
In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.
"Up with you, soldier!" Rose demanded. "It's time we got you some new duds."
The two women dragged out George's old clothes and their sewing kits, then pulled Alec's towel from his hips and tortured him endlessly while measuring his limbs and torso. When they were satisfied, they commenced to modifying the shirts and trousers to fit him better. Abby started dinner and while she was at the cookstove, Alec talked her out of a clean pot, then winking at her went out to milk the cow and design a corral.
Immediately, Rose and June descended and plied her with questions.
"So, did you two fuck?" Rose asked.
"Yes, we made love and slept together," Abby said demurely.
"I say you fucked. How could you not? What a beast he is!" June swooned and threw a hand to her forehead theatrically, while Rose giggled helplessly.
"Was he huge and thick? Did he hurt you terribly?" Rose asked curiously, while her face and upper breasts flushed red with arousal as she pictured Alec driving in her friend. Finally, Abby broke down and giggled along with her friends. She found that discussing her love life with her friends was turning out to be quite exciting.
"Oh, you have no idea! I thought I'd never get him in me. I had to have him do it for me. It hurt like hell but it was also amazing. I came a few times and he blasted everywhere. Then he went down until I thought I'd explode. He's getting very good at that now," she enthused.
For quite awhile as she cooked dinner, Abby went on and on about her experience with Alec, and both her friends grew excited while their little pussies wept in their undergarments as they imagined themselves in Abby's place. Rose's curiosity about one particular thing finally got the best of her and she had to ask.
"Have you decided if you'll share Alec with us? We've been on pins and needles wondering."
"Alec and I have talked and we've decided to do it," Abby replied. June broke in and let out a little yelp of joy and wriggled her ass and tits wildly in her seat while Rose hugged her excitedly.
Abby continued, "I do have a rule or two though. In the beginning, I want to be with both of you and Alec when you're in bed, I don't think I can handle being away and wondering what's going on. Next, I want to sleep with him every night. Both of you can as well, but I will absolutely be there with him," she finished firmly.
"Fair enough, we'll do as you ask without question," Rose said resolutely. She knew what she was asking of Abby, and was still concerned if she was truly okay with it. She gathered Abby in her arms and hugged her gently.
"If you ever change your mind or have some hard feelings, please tell us immediately, don't let it fester up inside you. We love you and care deeply for you and couldn't bear to have you angry with us," Rose whispered in her ear.
Abby kissed her cheek and pulled June in close to buss her as well.
"You two are my best friends ever," Abby sniffled. "There's one more thing though. I'm taking Alec hunting redcoats tomorrow. He doesn't know it yet but that's my plan. I'm uncomfortable with sitting around here so long and I need to get out and look around."
The girls nodded in agreement. They knew how seriously Abby took their predicament concerning the enemy and they relied on her to keep them safe.
"You'll be extra safe, please?" June asked plaintively.
"Of course, dear June. I not only need to look around but I want to see how Alex handles himself. I know he's a soldier, but our way of fighting is nothing like he's been exposed to. I hate to manipulate him, but it's for our greater good to find out how capable he is."
"I hadn't thought of that, but it makes perfect sense," Rose said. "You sure pack a lot smarts in that beautiful blonde head of yours."
Abby blushed and shook her head. "I don't think so, I just try to do what my Papa would do in this situation." June hugged her close, then the three got quiet and misty eyed for a few moments while they thought of their lost relatives.
Alec chose that moment to walk in the door with a pot full of frothy milk. Abby sprang up to take it from him and she poured it in a glass jar, then June went to the nearby creek and fetched some cold water to put it in so it would keep longer.
While Abby finished dinner, Rose and June fitted Alec with a pair of trousers they'd modified while they'd been chatting with Abby.
He patiently stood while they joined gussets of fabric from another pair to allow room for his muscular thighs and firm ass. They giggled when he stepped in them and they tacked the panels together with stitches.
His burgeoning shaft left quite an impression in the material as it hung down his thigh, much to their delight. He started in surprise when Rose ran a soft thumb over the ridge of his tool and she shivered in pleasure when it jerked in response to her touch. He looked down at her and she gave him a sultry wink while she gazed up at him from her position on her knees. She knew he was picturing his cock in her mouth and she licked her lips slowly while he stared down in wonder.
June wasn't to be outdone and she knelt beside him, then daintily stitched an inseam while her soft hand caressed him gently. He let out a soft groan when Abby slid behind him and wrapped her warm arms around his bare torso. She trailed her fingers over his hard pectorals and teased his nipples until he was nearly squirming.
"Agh! You ladies are killing me!" he managed to say, while they giggled softly.
Abby slapped his ass playfully and announced that dinner was ready. Reluctantly, the two seamstresses got to their feet and together the group sat down for dinner. Abby hated to rain on their party but her urge to get out and recon the area won out.
"Alec, would you like to go hunting tomorrow? You can shoot father's rifle in the morning to see where it hits for you, then we can take off for a day or two. What do ya think?"
"Absolutely, I'm ready to go do something. My back is much better and I'd love to go for a ride with you," he responded immediately. She kissed him and rubbed his meaty shoulder.
"Wonderful, I was hoping you'd say that. I think that after dinner we should get some sleep. I'd like to head out early."
He nodded happily, not noticing the crestfallen looks on the other two women's faces. They'd been hoping for a night of fun with him, but they understood Abby's reasons to go active again. These last few days were the longest she'd gone without pursuing her war against the British and she was ready for some action.
Alec finished up and went outside to take a piss, so Abby used the time to thank her friends for understanding.
"I don't mind, really. I've been so long without a man that I can wait a few more days," June said while kissing Abby's cheek.
"Me too," Rose admitted with a long face, then broke out with a huge smile. "June and I will just stay here alone and dream up naughty things to do with Alec when y'all return."
"As long as those things include me, I hope so," Abby said with a smile.
Abby plied Alec with drink until he had a bit of a glow on, then took him to bed. She laid on her side and tucked his face between her warm breasts. In no time he was breathing quietly and dropped off to a deep sleep. June and Rose leaned over him and gently kissed his head, then kissed Abby goodnight and retired to the table where they worked long into the night to hand sew Alec's new wardrobe.
The next morning, the smell of Abby cooking a hot breakfast awoke the cabin. As dawn was just breaking, Alec went out and fired the 50 caliber rifle a few times and got comfortable with the sights and impact of the bullets. Abby continued to cook while paying close attention to the time it took him to reload. He seemed to be quite adequate at it and she peered out to see how well he was hitting his targets, pleasantly surprised to see he'd done quite well considering the rifle was completely new to him.
After breakfast, Abby began to pack her stuff for a 2-3 day adventure and she paid close attention to what he considered essential gear. They worked well together and she was more than happy to saddle the horses and set off.
She led him to one of her favorite ambush locations that she didn't use often but it yielded consistent kills for her. Traffic was generally light with small groups of 2-3 soldiers that she could handle herself using her two rifles. More often than not she'd kill a couple redcoats then the third would hide in the ditch or run into the trees where she'd take him at her convenience. She'd never let one escape yet and hoped not to. She didn't want her sex or identity made known to the officers in command.
When they were getting close to the road she slid off her horse and Alec followed her lead. She tied her mount to a tree about 50 yards from the road and motioned him to do the same.
"It seems we're hunting for a little more than deer or turkey today," he whispered in her ear.
"I'm up for it if you are, but we don't have to," she replied quietly.
He grinned happily and threw an arm around her shoulder.
"You're damn right. I have a score to settle with those bastards."
"Let me tell you how I set up an ambush and you can tell me what you think."
She knelt down and he watched her deft hands pluck a twig and draw a rough diagram of her intentions in the dirt. He was impressed by how aware she was of their immediate surroundings and the thoroughness of her escape plan if things went wrong. Her greatest fear was being captured and she always erred on the side of caution when she could. Her rescue of him was her most dangerous combat action to date and she had no intention of repeating that level of risk any time soon.
She assigned him the responsibility of shooting the first redcoat, and she'd take the second and third if there were three in a group. She watched him while she gave him orders and didn't detect a hint of hesitation or superiority from his sharp grey eyes. She was more than pleased with him so far and gave him a quick kiss as a reward.
She put their plan in action by motioning him forward. She approached the road carefully taking nearly 30 minutes to move just 40 yards closer. She kept her head on a swivel and her sharp eyes swept the area constantly for danger. One time she'd sashayed up to a road while full of confidence and nearly tripped over a redcoat who had dropped his trousers and squatted to relieve himself in the trees. He'd fallen over in surprise and was scrambling for his rifle when she recovered herself quickly and spitted him through the heart with her rapier. It'd been a close thing and a lesson hard learned for her.
She got them settled in and they stayed silent for nearly two hours, waiting for a potential target. Her ears perked up when she heard a faint nickering of a horse. Her ambush location allowed a view of nearly 100 yards in both directions which allowed her to ensure there weren't two parties approaching her at once, which would definitely be a high risk situation, one that would have her hightailing out of there in no time.
Soon enough, two redcoats made an appearance to their left. Both were mounted and cradling their muskets in their arms. Abby got as low as she could in a prone position and Alec followed suit right beside her.
They waited until the soldiers were a mere 20 yards away when Abby breathed, "Now."
Thunder rolled and smoke filled the air. Abby scrambled to her feet and ran out of the smoke while drawing her sword. She quickly saw there was no need for it as both men were on the ground. Alec was immediately at her side and caught up the reins of the two redcoat mounts. She glanced at Alec's victim to see a bloody hole between his surprised, staring eyes.
"Well done, sweetheart," she said in an approving tone. He watched her in admiration when she knelt at each body and quickly searched them for valuables and any documents they might be carrying. It was obvious she'd done this many times, and it fascinated him. She found several silver coins and a few maps that were in a leather wrapped cylinder. One man had a beautiful dagger that she liberated, then handed it to Alec with a happy smile.
"What do we do with the horses?" he asked.
She noticed he was admiring the larger of the two, one that he seemed to be enamored with.
"We'll take that one with us if you'd like. I'd say you earned him today," she said lightly, then sobered up quickly.
"We need to get out of here soon. Help me drag these bastards off the road."
She pulled a small rope from her possibles bag, then wrapped one end around the saddle horn of Alec's new mount and the other end around a dead soldier's ankles. She dragged him several yards in the trees then repeated her actions with the second man. It only took a few minutes from the crack of the first shot until the hunters faded back from the road, a bit more than it usually took but she was satisfied.
A few minutes later she stopped Alec and told him her intentions. His eyes widened and before he could protest she chopped the throat from the fourth horse with her razor sharp dagger. He reared up, splattering her face and chest with hot blood while she held his reins tightly until he gushed his life out on the forest floor and fell over dead.
She smiled happily at Alec with a blood smeared face and soaked bosom, only to see him looking at her in surprise. She was truly in her element and he was shocked to his military core. She could take a life easier than anyone he'd ever known and seemed to revel in it. For some reason it seemed especially bad that it was a horse she'd killed so casually, and he wondered why that was so. The redcoats they'd killed on the road hadn't affected him at all. She saw him wrestling with his emotions and quickly explained her actions.
"We can't support any more livestock, especially with our new cattle, and I refuse to set this thing free and have another soldier use him in the war."
"But, it was a fine horse! We could've used him!" he lamented.
Dallying for so long near the road was irritating her, so without a word, she mounted up and nudged her horse forward while leading his new one. Alec followed her quietly and voiced no further protest, all the while wondering what kind of woman he'd fallen in love with.
That evening they camped deep in the forest near one of her favorite places. There was a quiet stream that fed a small lake containing lots of fish, and in no time she had a few flopping on the bank thanks to her proficient fishing skills. Alec shook his head in wonder at her skills and gutted them as fast as she could catch them. She was grinning happily and chatting with him like nothing had happened that day which caused him a bit of angst.
He was used to formations and marching, a regimented life with rules and regulations while she simply did what needed to be done, swiftly and efficiently.
He impaled their dinner on a couple sticks and propped them over the coals of the small fire while she pulled a few carrots from her bag for them to gnaw on while they waited for the fish to cook. She caught him looking at her sideways and she knew he had something on his mind. She picked up her sheathed sword and slapped his thigh to get his attention.
"If you wanna hang with me, mister, you better grow some thicker skin," she said teasingly, but he detected a bit of steel in her voice.
"I know I operate differently than the army but I know what I'm doing. We three girls have survived over six months out here on our own and we've been quite successful, and I'm not changing anything. If a girl wants to survive in a man's world she needs to be ruthless and cruel, and I've discovered I'm damn good at it," she said confidently.
She stared into his grey eyes with her beautiful blue ones until he blinked, then slid into his lap and gave him her soft lips, kissing him until his toes curled.
"You did good," she murmured in his ear. "I'll make a fighter out of you yet!"
"So, little lady. Were you testing me today? Maybe checking out how well I handle myself?"
She giggled and pulled a fish from her stick, wincing as it burned her hands when she pulled it apart and fed him with blood caked fingers.
"Oh, a little bit I reckon. A girl needs to know what her man's made of."
He shook his head and chuckled to himself, then smiled ruefully. She was quite a handful and he was beginning to realize he'd better step up his game, pronto.
"And what am I made of?" he queried teasingly.
"Mmm, sugar and spice and especially this," she murmured quietly, and ran a small hand up his thigh to caress the thick bulge that she'd been admiring all day.
She teased him while she fed them until their bellies were full of fresh fish, then she took his hand and tugged him to the lake where she slowly stripped them both naked. Using some homemade soap, they washed the blood and dirt from each other in the cool water before running back to camp to dry off by the fire.
Alec spread a blanket out and sat her down. Kneeling behind her, he rubbed the tight muscles of her neck and shoulders until she sighed in pleasure. For some odd reason he flashed back to his childhood and recalled how his father would set his mother in her rocking chair and kneel before her to knead the soreness from her feet after a long day of work.
He laid Abby on her back and pulled her feet into his lap while his strong thumbs firmly moved up and down her insteps as she groaned aloud.
"No one's ever done that for me," she murmured happily. He smiled to himself and continued on for nearly half an hour until her eyelids drooped and she fell asleep. He gently covered her, then cleaned up camp and tended to the horses while she dozed.
Night was falling, so he double checked the horse's hobbles and sat down by the fire, staring into the red coals and thinking of the day’s events. He started violently when two lithe arms slid around his neck and Abby settled her warm, firm breasts into his back. She kissed his ear and giggled when he shivered as a trail of goosebumps spread across his broad chest.
"Gotcha, your dead, Mister," she teased.
"Damn it, you scared the hell outta me. You're so quiet!"
"And you're so big and warm, I bet you taste good too, lover."
She slid a hand down and cupped his balls in a tiny palm, kneading him tenderly while he moaned his approval.
"Will you take me to bed, please?" she asked, and kissed his neck wetly.
Without a word he stood, gathered her in his arms and walked her to their nest of blankets. He laid her down and smothered her face and breasts in hot kisses. He took his time, arousing her pink nipples to stiff, sensitive peaks and french kissing her until she gasped for air. He stiffened when she unconsciously dug her nails in his back, causing a particularly deep wound to reopen and a trickle of blood ran down his side. She felt it in her palm and flew up in alarm.
"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry! I've hurt you!"
It didn't bother him much as his mind was firmly fixed on other things, but he could tell she was upset.
"I'm fine, lover. Truly," he told her gently. He watched, surprised when her eyes misted over and a tear ran down her cheek. His little killer did have a soft side, he thought to himself. She hugged him close, petted his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his hips. She rocked him and he heard little sniffles coming from the hollow of his shoulder.
"I was riding you a bit today about being tough, then I go and wound you some more. I'm so sorry, sweetheart," she murmured regretfully. She held him close for awhile until he needed to move. He was tiring from holding his weight off of her. Besides that, he reasoned, he wanted to bury his face in her, something he'd been dreaming about all day.
He gently freed himself from her tangled limbs and slid down her slim body to nestle between her thighs. She gasped and fisted her hands in his long wavy hair.
He took his time from top to bottom, loving how she voiced her approval to maximize her pleasure.
After several minutes she started rocking her hips and her moans turned to cries. It seemed to set her off and her fingers tightened in his hair while she gasped for breath.
Hot streams of sweet juice flowed from her now spasming nethers.
She tightened her thighs and wailed when a huge orgasm washed over her. She ground while tugging his face, and he drank at her fountain as she came apart under him. He sucked her with his tongue while he gripped her hips in his big hands and rode out her storm.
Finally, she sagged down, exhausted from cumming two times. He slid up her body and gave her his soaked lips and face to kiss in reward for his hard work. She purred when she tasted herself on him, and she murmured in his ear how much she enjoyed it.
"Mmm, you're so good at that and you taste so good," she whispered. "Roll over for me. My stud needs some serious attention."
As he was doing so, she caught his arm and looked at his back in concern. She daubed his blood away and kissed his wound, then gently laid him down. His was hard and throbbing, so hard in fact that it was bouncing against his rigid abs in time with his steady heartbeat. She touched him delicately from the base.
"Mmm, you are tasty. I'd better investigate a little more," she teased with a sultry wink. Several more times journey until he was helplessly thrusting his pelvis up, fruitlessly. She took pity on him completely.
He moaned in pleasure when he felt the tickle already gathering in his loins. She felt him swell even larger with her hands.
"Can I watch you come?" she asked wickedly. "I wanna see you, it's so sexy, you're so sexy," she added.
He nodded, speechless as sensation overwhelmed him. She again buried him. His face was red and he gasped for breath when like an unstoppable volcanic eruption, he unloaded while shouting his pleasure to the night sky. She swiftly rose up from him.
She cried out in surprise when he painted her face in white rivulets. Slowing now that he was flagging and panting for air.
He jerked and trembled, wincing. She boldly leaned down and again took him. He sagged back and exhaled explosively.
"Holy Moses, woman. You've nearly killed me!" he managed to say between heaving breaths. She giggled and lay down on top of him, then ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him deeply. She rubbed on his chest, loving and raked against his thick pecs.
"You deserve it, lover, and I adore doing it for you. Next time I want you to come in my mouth. You taste so good, sweetheart."
She covered them with a blanket while remaining atop him, and soon they both nodded off and slept the night through.
The next morning after breakfast she led him to the place where she'd rescued him. It took a few hours of travel and he slowly grew used to her silence and the careful pace she set.
When they arrived, she insisted they wait a good while before advancing on the roadside camping area. The bodies of the redcoat men she'd killed were gone and the camp showed signs of recent activity, including fresh wagon tracks. She stuck her boot in the fire pit and discovered it was quite hot, with a few coals still glowing red.
"So this is where you rescued me?" he asked in curiosity.
"Yep, they tied you to that tree over there."
He wandered about and noticed the blood soaked ground where the bodies had lain. It brought the reality of what she'd done crashing down on him. He couldn't imagine the bravery it took for a petite woman to attack four battle hardened soldiers, all for the sake of rescuing a man she didn't even know.
He went to her and wordlessly pulled her close to while his eyes stung with hot tears.
"Thank you for my life, sweetheart. I haven't told you yet, but they were going to hang me and you saved me from certain death. I owe you my life."
She clung to him and gave him her sweet lips.
"I'd do it every day of my life if it meant we could be together," she whispered softly.
She felt him suddenly stiffen in her arms and he quickly pushed her into the nearby trees. A group of nine soldiers were just rounding the bend from the west, luckily the sun was in their eyes and they didn't notice the couple diving for cover. A mounted officer led eight men that marched smartly down the road while singing a quiet cadence.
Abby pulled Alec to the ground and they watched in silence as the redcoats passed by. Alec watched Abby closely and noticed she was like an attack dog on a leash. Her fiery eyes never left the group until they'd rounded the far bend.
"It drives me crazy when there's too many of them for me to attack," she said in a fierce whisper. "I hate those bastards with a passion."
They stayed in place for several minutes, giving the soldiers time to clear the area. It was damp and cool on the forest floor so Abby snuggled into his side for warmth and he felt the tension slowly leave her small body. Just when he was lowering his guard, a rattle of wagon wheels came from the east in the direction of the departed soldiers. Abby's head jerked up to see the enemy rounding the corner about 150 yards away. They consisted of two mounted soldiers, a horse drawn wagon and a carriage mounted cannon, both pulled by horses whom were ridden by redcoat soldiers.
The four enemy were chatting away without a care in the world, probably off their guard since their comrades had just passed them and hadn't reported any trouble. As they plodded slowly towards the hidden couple, Abby had a rather risky idea. She wanted to kill the four men and quickly plunder their supplies, then hightail it out of the area before the eastbound group of soldiers had time to backtrack and become a threat to her and Alec.
He was surprised by her audacity but remembered she'd killed four men on her own when she'd rescued him. He gave her a slight nod in agreement and she quickly readied her two rifles while he did the same with his. He loosened his sword in it's scabbard and prepared himself for combat. When the men were 30 yards out, she whispered a command and they both fired simultaneously, taking down the men riding the unburdened mounts. They didn't want either one of them escaping quickly. Abby grabbed her second rifle and aimed at the redcoat who was towing the cannon. She'd chosen him because he was older than the other and looked like a dangerous character to deal with.
She watched him over her sights in alarm when he yanked his rifle up and drew down on her so quickly it shocked her. She aimed center mass and just as her trigger broke saw his musket belch flame in her direction.
A hammer blow struck her left bicep and she yelped in pain, but was somehow able to see her ball strike the man and he tipped over in his saddle, falling to the ground, lifeless.
The second redcoat had already panicked and fired his musket blindly into the forest, opening himself up to direct attack.
Before the echo of her second shot faded, Alec was yanking the last soldier off his mount to fall on the ground. He was a young man of barely Abby's age, Alec noticed. He cried and begged for his life while tears ran down his face and Alec quickly turned to find Abby. She was already in the wagon and rifling through it's contents.
"Shall we take him prisoner and interrogate him?" he naively asked.
Abby jumped off the wagon while drawing her rapier in an instant and ran the young man through. She gave her blade a vicious twist and he squawked in agonized surprise as she yanked her steel free to let him tumble over, dead in his tracks.
"We don't have time, Alec! Help me by reloading our rifles!" she barked impatiently and sheathed her sword while tossing him her bullet pouch.
He was rather stunned but gathered his thoughts and jumped to do her bidding while she perused the contents of the wagon. There were two wooden barrels of black powder, a half dozen barrels of grapeshot and several cannonballs in the bed, along with a box of pre-packed linen bags charged with powder for ease of loading the cannon, and a powder ram.
Abby's mind was on another level today, she was thinking rapidly and with extreme clarity. She cut the traces from both horses, separating them from their burdens, then quickly cut their throats, leaving them to die on the road. Lifting a bag of powder from the box, she rammed it down the muzzle of the cannon, effectively charging it. Alec finished reloading their rifles just in time to see her pull her jacket off and tear her blouse from her body, then run her arms back through her jacket sleeves.
"You're shot!" he cried in consternation when he saw the bloody gunshot wound in her arm.
"Never mind that, grab some grapeshot and help me load the cannon! Hurry, the soldiers will be here soon," she ordered calmly.
She tore her blouse in strips to use for wadding while he quickly dumped a barrel of small projectiles on the ground. His training finally kicked in and he rapidly rammed a mix of shot and material down the bore, tamping it solidly in place. Together, they manhandled the cannon to point east, in the direction they knew the redcoats would be coming from.
In her mind's eye she pictured them being harried by their officer as he double timed them back towards the sounds of their rifle fire and she knew they were running out of time. She pushed the point of her dagger in the flash hole to pierce the charge, then primed it using her powder horn.
She turned to find Alec and saw him going through the dead soldiers belongings. She grabbed their rifles up and ran to him just as he finished, then urged him into the trees.
"Go get our horses and bring them closer. I'll man the cannon," she ordered.
"No way, lover. You might need to adjust it's aim and you don't have enough lead in your cute little ass to move it."
She was frustrated as hell but knew he was right. She crushed him to her and kissed him quickly, then slapped his ass lovingly.
"Coals from the fire! Use them to light it off. I'll cover you from the trees," she cried, then spun and ran for their mounts. He shook his head in wonder as he watched her depart. He hadn't even thought of what he'd use to ignite the cannon. As usual she was three steps ahead of him, he thought ruefully.
He ran back to drag two redcoats near the gun, dumping them in a heap. He hoped that their red uniforms would distract the oncoming men and they wouldn't see him crouched behind the field piece. Running back to the fire pit, he scooped up a double handful of hot coals and quickly dropped them on the ground near the cannon.
He was barely settled in when the enemy came running around the corner. The officer was still mounted and whipping his men with an urgent voice, bidding them to make haste. When he saw the dead soldiers and horses in the road he redoubled his efforts, exhorting them to run faster towards the bloody scene.
Alec looked down the barrel at the approaching enemy and realized he needed to adjust his aim. He grabbed the carriage and his arms bulged with thick muscle as he hefted the tongue and moved it sideways until he was lined up center mass with the running squad of soldiers. Dropping the tongue, he twirled the elevation screw until he was satisfied with the height of the bore, then crouched down and waited.
When he reckoned they were fifty yards out, he scooped up a hot coal with his bare fingers and staying as low as possible, dropped it in the flash hole, then immediately threw himself sideways to avoid the recoil of the field piece. As he jumped away, the officer saw him and frantically reined in his horse, causing it to rear up high.
Simultaneously, grapeshot exploded from the barrel to cut the troops down en masse, all except the officer whose horse's belly absorbed several shot and tipped over, screaming and thrashing in the road. Alec jumped up, drew his sword, and ran into the fray to continue his fight. A bloody soldier who was laying on the ground tried to raise his musket and Alec turned to cut him down. Suddenly, the man's temple blossomed red and his head snapped back as Abby's rifle barked out from the forest.
He scanned the men quickly and they all appeared dead but for the officer. Unhurt, he scrambled to his feet and whipped out his saber, addressing Alec in a classic fighting stance.
"I have him, Abby!" Alec called out quickly and waved in her direction.
The two crossed swords and began the dance of death. The officer knew his only way out was to best Alec and confidence filled his eyes. He knew from the first few touches of steel that Alec's sword play was solid, but not expert class like his own.
He handled Alec adroitly, to the point that he had the luxury of sneaking peeks of Abby as she slid out of the forest. His eyes widened as her still open jacket exposed her naked breasts when she cradled her rifle in her arms and watched him duel with Alec.
He felt a shiver run down his spine and somehow knew she was the death of him as she pierced him with her beautiful blue eyes. He shook himself and returned his attention to Alec. One enemy at a time, he told himself.
After a flurry of parries and ripostes, Alec was already gasping for air. He hadn't realized he was so out of shape from his confinement and resulting wounds. Gritting his teeth he leaned into it and redoubled his efforts, but the redcoat handily defended himself. The officer lunged in with a blow to Alec's leg which he only partially parried and received a long slice on his thigh muscle that burned like fire. He heard a gasp from Abby and couldn't help but feel despair wash over him. He'd been too confident and now he would pay the price.
The officer gave him a thin smile and moved in for the kill, but cried out in surprise when Abby's thin blade met his and turned it aside, shocking him with the strength of her wrist.
"Abby, no!" shouted Alec in alarm.
She ignored him and gave the redcoat a withering glare. He smiled evilly at her, knowing without a doubt this slip of a girl would fall to his sword in short order. He swung confidently at her only to have her slightly deflect his blow and her riposte unerringly found it's way between the loops of steel that made up the basket guard of his sword.
The razor edge parted the tendons on the back of his hand and his weapon fell to the ground from his limp fingers. He cried out in agony and quickly backpedaled while awkwardly trying to draw his knife with his left hand.
She hacked open the joint of his wrist with a wicked backstroke that nearly severed his hand and his knife fell to the ground while he looked at her in terror.
Ruthlessly, she lunged in to run her sword between the juncture of his collarbones, she pushed and twisted her wrist until the point sprang out from the back of his neck with a gout of frothy blood. She stared into his frightened eyes as he staggered and fell to the ground in a heap, pouring out his life's fluid on the toes of her boots.
She put a bloody boot on his chest and ripped her sword free, then wiped it on his collar before sliding in her scabbard. He was carrying a sachet that caught her eye and she bent to search it quickly.
Wonder of wonders! A bottle of laudanum rolled to the ground! She picked it up and turned to see Alec looking at her with an ashen face. His thigh was bleeding badly and she leapt in his arms to steady him.
"I'm okay. It seems I owe you another life," he said weakly.
"Oh hush. We'll worry about that later. If you can ride we need to get the hell out of here," she ordered gently, trying to keep the steel out of her voice. She didn't want to wound his pride anymore than necessary because he'd had a rough go the last couple days. She whipped out her dagger and apologized to him as she cut a sleeve off his new shirt to wrap around his bleeding thigh.
"What about your arm?" he asked in concern.
"It'll keep. Get mounted up, put the laudanum in my bag and bring me my horse, please."
She handed him her new bottle of liquid gold and he obediently hobbled into the trees and managed to get astride his mount, meanwhile, she was busy crowding the barrels of gunpowder together on the wagon bed. He rode up with her horse and exclaimed in surprise when she produced a short iron spike and a hammer from her saddle bag.
"My father always taught me to be prepared, this isn't my first time to do this," she giggled, and with a few sharp blows spiked the flash hole of the cannon, rendering it useless without major repairs.
She quickly led Alec a safe distance away, then fired a bullet into one of the barrels, detonating the wagon with a massive blast. Alec shook his head in wonder at the smoky, blood splattered scene in front of them. He'd witnessed such sights before, but that was usually after a hard fought battle between dozens of soldiers, not from two patriots having their way with the redcoat army.
Abby tugged his sleeve urgently. "We need to get the hell outta here, lover. We've been lallygagging around here far too long."
She nudged her horse with her heels and like a ghost, disappeared with her lover into the hills.
Chapter 6
Abby pushed Alec hard that afternoon and well into the night. Luckily the moon was full, allowing her to navigate with relative ease. About halfway through their journey home she noticed he was flagging badly. Stopping her mount, she slid over on his to sit behind him, taking his reins from his stiff fingers. She talked to him while poking and prodding him constantly to keep him awake and upright in the saddle. She was afraid he'd pass out on her and fall to the ground.
"You dragging me home in the dark is starting to become a habit," he teased in a tired voice.
"We're almost there, sweetheart, hang in there another hour and I'll have you in a tub of hot water," she cajoled.
He nodded in agreement and she felt him straighten up a bit and raise his chin higher.
"That's it, lover. Just a little more," she purred, and squeezed him tightly from behind.
She slid a hand down to his wounded thigh and fingered his bandage. It was caked with dried blood. Thankfully, it wasn't bleeding anymore, she thought with relief.
As they rode in the yard she saw a dim light from the window and she knew the girls were still awake so she called out for them. Bedlam ensued from inside the cabin as surprised cries filtered through the thick walls.
Rose and June stumbled out on the porch in disarray. June held a lantern high to see the filthy blood soaked couple weaving in the saddle. Even Abby had met her limit and she was near exhaustion.
The two girls quickly got them inside the cabin and sat down by the fire. June immediately began heating water for washing while Rose warmed up leftovers for their dinner. Abby and Alec ate like they were starving, which they nearly were as they'd been on the move constantly throughout the day and half the night.
The two fighters were struggling to stay awake so Abby tugged Alec down to sit on the floor and lean back on their bed, then she went out and recovered her bottle of laudanum from her saddle bag. She gave him a small dose to help ease his pain before they both dropped off to sleep until Rose woke them to get cleaned up.
"Alec first, he's been wounded," Abby said in a voice rough with sleep. Rose and June carefully stripped him naked and wedged his big body in the tub. Abby slept again while the two women tenderly cleaned him and tended his nasty leg wound. He slept nearly the whole time except when they pried his wound open and poured whiskey in the cut to disinfect it, at which he squawked in pain and clutched his leg tightly.
The girls finally got him on the bed and June traded out dirty bath water for fresh and hot. They pulled Abby up and dunked her in the tub where she awoke long enough to give the two women the highlights of their adventure. Abby finally stood to allow June to dry her body with her favorite towel, then she inspected her wound for the first time. The redcoat's bullet had cut a shallow groove in her bicep that ached abominably.
June tutted over it and went to get her sewing kit. Abby gritted her teeth while June set a half dozen stitches, tugging the edges of it together nicely. Abby kissed her in thanks, then looked closely at Alec's wound for the first time. She frowned in concern when she saw how deep it was.
"June, can you sew up a wound like that?" she asked quietly.
"Yes, Mistress, I can," she allowed with confidence. "I can sew most anything."
"Please do then. I'll try to help out."
"Nonsense!" Rose broke in. "You crawl in bed and cuddle up to your man, I'll help June."
Nodding in acquiescence, Abby slid in naked next to a nearly unconscious Alec, and before June set the first stitch, she was out cold along with her lover.
Rose allowed them to sleep in the next day until nearly noon. She stood next to them and shook Abby lightly who slowly woke from a deep sleep. She opened her eyes to see Rose looking down at Alec with a longing expression on her beautiful face. Abby decided her time to share had finally come.
"Come on in, snuggle with us a bit," she offered, while flipping the blanket back. Rose looked startled but overcame her surprise quickly and with an eager smile dropped her clothing to the floor and slid in next to Alec's large frame.
She put her head on his broad chest and threw a leg over his, then cuddled in close. She sighed in pleasure and a peaceful look came over her face. Abby reached across Alec and caressed Rose's shoulder and gave her a sweet smile.
"Mmm, thank you, honey. I needed this so badly," Rose whispered. The two women joined their man in sleep for another hour until Abby decided to get up because she was hungry. Leaving Rose with Alec, she went out to relieve herself and check up on June who was diligently weeding their small garden.
"Someone needs you inside," Abby told her with a smile.
June raised an eyebrow and obediently wandered in the cabin. Abby followed her and enjoyed her surprise at seeing Rose in bed with Alec.
"Join them while I fix some lunch," Abby urged.
June gave her a hug and kissed her while her eyes brimmed with tears.
"I'm so glad you two are back safely. When I heard you call out to us last night I feared the worst!" June exclaimed softly.
Abby helped her undress and tucked her in next to Alec. Like Rose, she snuggled in deep to his side and let out a huge sigh.
"I've forgotten how nice it is to hold a man, they smell so good," she whispered to Abby, who nodded and bent over to kiss her cheek.
Just as Abby finished up cooking lunch, Alec woke up to find himself buried under warm, female flesh. Surprised, he looked at Abby forlornly and she smiled at him happily and nodded to him in assent. He cautiously gathered the girls in his arms and hugged them gently while they stirred and kissed his cheeks.
"Am I in heaven?" he asked in wonder.
Abby came over and slid on top of him while Rose and June adjusted their naked bodies.
"You are now, big man," Abby whispered and licked his ear, giving him goosebumps that fled down his arms and chest. The other two women kissed his cheeks while he flamed red with embarrassment.
"You better get used to this," Abby threatened, then gave him her sweet lips and he sighed in contentment.
The three women giggled when his belly rumbled ominously. The four got dressed and sat at the table for their meal. Rose and June were full of questions about their adventure and Abby explained all that had happened, careful to talk about how brave Alec was and how he'd slaughtered so many soldiers singlehandedly.
She didn't speak of herself at all, happy to give Alec all the glory. It was up to him to tell the women how Abby had quickly planned turning the cannon on it's owners and how she'd saved his life by besting the officer in single combat.
Rose and June were more than impressed and fawned over the triumphant fighters until they blushed red with embarrassment.
Talk turned to their wounds, and after lunch Rose changed their bandages and put on some water to heat for laundry. Their traveling clothes were filthy and bloodstained, needing a good cleaning.
While Rose washed clothes, Alec borrowed June's seamstress measuring tape and disappeared outside. Soon the sound of an axe chopping wood rang out and later on, hammering. The girls stayed busy throughout the afternoon, cleaning rifles, mending clothes and preparing dinner.
Alec showed up and demanded some help. He'd crafted a large wooden frame and informed the girls it would accommodate both their mattresses side by side. Female eyes rounded and nipples stiffened when the meaning of his words sank in. Eagerly they dropped what they were doing and helped him assemble their new sleeping accommodations.
When they were finished he flopped down on the new bed, spreading his arms and legs wide.
"Wonderful!" he announced, "Tis the biggest bed I've ever been in!"
All three women dog piled him, tickling and kissing him until he begged for mercy. He was laughing and crying at the same time while grabbing his leg in pain. Abby examined him and had to replace his bandage because his stitches had pulled slightly. He sucked up all the female pity shamelessly and forgave them all with deep kisses.
Abby was taking it better than she thought she would and gave him a beautiful smile when he looked at her questioningly with his arms full of her friends.
After dinner he went out to milk their new cow and Abby took the chance to talk with Rose and June.
"How about we play with Alec a bit tonight, but try to take it easy on him. I want him badly and I know you two do as well, but he needs to take it easy on his leg for another day or two, especially after all the work he did for us today."
"I agree. He's more tired than he let's on, I can wait another day or two, but it's killing me. I was soaking wet this morning when I laid down with him!" June shivered and unconsciously rubbed her thighs together.
"Me too, he's so warm and sexy and he smells delicious. I could just eat him up!" Rose whispered conspiratorially.
"How about we clean him up good tonight, then give him an orgasm and a good night’s sleep and not allow him to do anything tomorrow but heal up?" Abby said.
The girls agreed and the three put their heads together, plotting his evening of pleasure. Abby rustled around the cabin and found a pipe and tobacco she'd taken from one of her recent victims, then she poured a tall glass of brandy and when Alec came in she sat him down by the fire and packed the pipe for him. He was beside himself with joy.
"I haven't had a pipe in what seems like forever!" he exclaimed happily. Soon, fragrant smoke filled the air, and the girls joined him with their own small cups of strong drink. Rose and June soon got up and stripped him naked while Abby gathered a bucket of warm water and a wash rag. He sighed in pleasure while the women wiped him down, cleaning the sweat of the day's labors from his tall frame.
Abby sat him down again and began massaging his neck and shoulders while surreptitiously tossing her own clothes to the floor. Rose and June undressed behind him then knelt on the floor between his legs and pushed his knees apart. His eyes had been closed in euphoria from enjoying Abby's hands but they snapped open in surprise when he felt the girl's hands on his legs.
Rose gave him a sultry wink and June had an absolutely wanton look on her dusky face.
Rose squeezed and Abby kissed his neck, then turned his head to kiss him deeply, sucking his tongue in her mouth and then driving her tongue into his.
He gasped at the sensations his women were giving him.
"You ladies are killing me. I can't last much longer," he groaned in frustration.
"That's okay, honey," June purred while meeting his eyes sexily. "Just relax and let it happen. We're here to make you feel good."
He nodded and leaned his head back between Abby's firm tits, then spread his legs wider. Abby ran her hands over his thick pectorals and gently played with his nipples until they hardened under her clever fingers. She watched her friends begin to work on her man and her eyebrows flew upward in surprise.
In a handful of seconds he was again seeking his release.
"Ah!" he groaned, almost in pain. "Please, I can't stop myself!"
Violent spasms wracked his body as he came and Abby watched in fascination as her friends worshipped at the altar. June twitched when Rose ran a hand between her thighs.
He finally groaned in satisfaction and his tense muscles relaxed until he felt almost boneless. Abby bent down beside him and kissed him gently while the two girls licked until he was limp and spent. Rose got to her feet and tugged him to bed.
"Relax, my sweet. Rest for awhile and enjoy yourself," she crooned as she settled his head on two pillows.
"I've already enjoyed myself, immensely," he said as he settled in comfortably.
"Oh, there's more, Mister." she winked naughtily.
His eyebrows rose when Rose pulled June in bed to settle between her raised knees. Abby almost fell over when she saw. She must have been doing a great job because her lover's voice called out in pleasure and her hands tugged June's head.
Abby slid in beside Alec and together they watched the other two women make love.
After several minutes of tender licking and sucking, Rose almost screamed in pleasure and flogged her hips against June. June exploded.
She unknowingly clenched Alec's hand in hers while clamping her thighs tightly around June's, and poured herself into her. Abby gasped in wonder at how hard Rose was convulsing. She'd never seen her friend like this before and she was enjoying it far more than she would have expected.
Rose finally shuddered, then squeaked in protest and pushed June away from her.
"Oh shit! So sensitive! June, you're simply wonderful!" she gushed, then pulled June up over her body and kissed her deeply, licking and sucking her own taste from her wet mouth. June noticed Alec was watching intently from just inches away and she broke away to share a kiss with him. Rose followed her and he moaned when he sucked Rose's sweet taste from June's tongue. Abby watched enviously as her friends swapped kisses with her man until she couldn't take it anymore. She leaned in to claim his mouth for her own, then started in surprise when both June's and Rose's tongues battled her for position.
In shock, she pulled back, then noticed how blissful Alec was. He smiled lovingly at her while his big hand pulled her down to meet his lips, and she was lost. She gave herself the only way she knew how, totally and completely. Rose and June shared his hot kisses with her until she was writhing against him and humping his thigh helplessly.
He gently freed himself from the two women and pulled Abby up to straddle his face. She put her hands on the log cabin wall for balance and settled down on his hot mouth to lose herself to sensation.
Abby was soon crying out in frustration over him. His hands rose up to cup her full bosom. As she neared her peak, she cupped his head in her hands and almost violently pulled his face deep in the fork of her. She rained hot juices when her climax burst out like an avalanche.
June and Rose both gasped in wonder at sight of their beautiful blonde friend soaking Alec with her love juice.
Eventually, she came down from her high to slide down and collapse on his broad chest while burying her face in his neck. June and Rose hovered over them and shared his mouth between them, tasting Abby for the first time.
"Mmm, you two are absolutely delicious," Rose murmured happily.
"Yes, they are," June agreed softly, and sucked his tongue in her mouth for another sample.
As they rested, Alec gently fell asleep under his burden of satisfied women and they whispered their love for each other before they too nodded off in the arms of Morpheus.
To be continued in part 4, by Seethegood for Literotica.