Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Divine Marital Intervention

A couple gets a gift from God.

By Masterful_Husband. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Like a lot of people, I met my wife in college. We were in the same dorm and fell into that common dating circle trap where everyone is dating everyone. It wasn’t until we left for separate grad schools that we realized how much we meant to each other. It’s ironic that our relationship got more serious as we dated long distance but it worked well for us. I asked her to marry me when we graduated and we were wedded and honeymooning within six months.

I’d say our marriage was idyllic but that would be a lie. There was one issue that kept coming up over and over as a source of friction. My wife would tell you that we were “unevenly yoked”. I would say, “She’s religious and I wasn’t.”

We had discussed it (at great length) when we dated. I wasn’t some militant atheist. Those people have elevated that belief to an absurd level. I was an agnostic. I believed that disproving God was as futile as believing in one. I remember one memorable conversation my wife (then fiancĂ©e) and I had.

“I kind of admire people of faith,” I’d said.

She propped herself up on one elbow, looking at me with some excitement. “Really?”

I nodded, “Truly. I just can’t make myself believe in something so, ephemeral. Unverifiable. You know?”

“You believe in my love, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Isn’t it just as ephemeral?”

I kissed her, “No. You show me how much you love me every day.”

“So does God. You just have to know where to look.” The certainty in her voice was compelling but not persuasive.

I sighed, trying to avoid a fight, “I, I understand why you say that but I don’t see it that way. I do see wonderful, amazing things in this world but I also see plenty of reasonable, non-divine, explanations. On top of that, I don’t see why Christianity has to be the only answer. I mean, Have you made an extensive study of all major religions? Maybe there’s another out there that’s more internally consistent than Christianity?”

She frowned, “Danny, do you think I only believe because of some myopic view of the Bible?”

“Um, This feels like a trap,” I said, grinning and trying to defuse the situation.

“It’s not. Look,” she said sitting up. Her pert little breasts were bare in front of me but I tried not to focus on them. She didn’t help when she grabbed the gold cross that nestled between them and spun it. “This is just a symbol. The Bible is the instruction manual. But God is all around me. He talks to me. He saved me.”

“I will consider it,” I said and kissed her again. I was hopeful for another round of lovemaking. My wife is incredibly devout and spiritual but, thankfully, not particularly dogmatic. Sex before marriage wasn’t off the table which I was truly grateful for in those days because, frankly, it was incredible.

“One more thing. I know you don’t believe, yet,” she added with a smile, “But I need to know that you’re not going to close yourself off to this.”

“What do you mean,” I asked.

“I just want to know you’ll keep an open mind. Maybe try out some churches with me from time to time. Okay?”

I nodded. I didn’t really love going to church but I didn’t hate it. Over the years, plenty of my friends had tried to convince me so I’d gotten used to it. “How about once a month?”

Karen smiled, “Plus Christmas and Easter?”

I smiled back, “Sure,” I said and kissed her. We did make love again that night and in the morning. And the pledge wasn’t forgotten. After we got married we tried out a bunch of different churches. Karen’s lack of doctrinaire adherence meant that she was perfectly fine trying out lots of different flavors of church. She was always hoping to find one that I felt comfortable with. She prayed every night for me, often peeking out of one eye in a manner that made me think she expected a bolt of lightning to change me right in front of her eyes. We continued like that for years. We were happy but there was always this small little wedge between us. We both felt it and we both hated it but there was no changing either of us.

We moved to Seattle when we both found jobs in the area. I had just turned 29 and my wife’s 30th birthday was right around the corner. We were both very happy and Karen now had a whole new batch of churches to try out on me. Some days I thought that was the only reason she agreed to the move. After about six months, she found this Presbyterian church just outside of the city. I think of it as the Goldilocks church. It wasn’t a big mega church, nor was it a little dinky church. The congregation was neither geriatric nor were they a bunch of new age hippies. The pastor was impassioned but not fire and brimstone, us vs. them, burn the gays. It was one of the few churches that she’d brought me to that didn’t make my skin crawl when I walked in. It felt like a family without feeling like a cult.

“I like this place,” I whispered to Karen as we found our seats. A couple a little older than us greeted us. There were kids running around and just a general sense of community that pervaded the church.

I listened to a sermon that day that changed my life in ways I couldn’t even fathom. If I’m being truthful, I don’t even really remember the sermon, however. My mind wandered and I thought about all the different things that I’d seen and learned. Something changed in me during that hour and I knew I believed suddenly. It sounds clichĂ© to say that the will of God worked its way into my heart but given what happened later that night, I think that’s probably what happened.

What I do remember from the service was the pastor’s closing prayer. “Lord, I don’t know a lot of things but I want to know what you’re willing to show me. Just help me learn how to know you, Lord.” For the first time ever, I said the words silently but earnestly. They seemed like perfect words for me.

We drove home in silence as I contemplated what was happening. I was too terrified to tell Karen. I didn’t want to get her hopes up in case it wasn’t what I thought. Maybe I’d just eaten something odd the night before or something, right? But for the rest of the day, I felt it tugging on my mind. There was still uncertainty but now there was a quest for learning more mixed in.

That night, Karen knelt at the foot of the bed, just as she’d done every night since we’d gotten married and said her own prayers. “Lord, you know my heart. You know what I want. I pray for Danny and that you will work your will on him. And Lord, that other silent prayer that I’ve been saying for years. I’m ready for that too. I’ve been putting conditions on it and that’s not right. Please Lord, I trust you completely.”

That last part confused me. I’d never heard her say anything like that and never heard her pray for anything consistently other than for my salvation. She crawled up into bed, wearing just a t-shirt and snuggled up next to me. I resisted the urge to ask her about the odd addition knowing that prying wasn’t going to score me any points. Within five minutes, we were having wild sex. She seemed much more relaxed than normal. Not that she was particularly restrained in bed. But our lovemaking generally followed a bit of a formula on most occasions and that night we completely deviated from it. We were rolling all over the bed, shifting positions multiple times like a porno or something. Eventually, we came together while I was slamming into her with her legs over my shoulders. We were staring into each other’s eyes while she whispered, “Thank you. I love you,” over and over. We drifted off to sleep feeling tired and sated but also weirdly excited.

The Divine Revelation

The next thing I remember, I was in an incredibly lucid dream. I was walking along the bank of a river. The moss covered pebbles crunched under my feet as I looked down and realized I was completely naked. Somehow I wasn’t particularly bothered by that. The temperature was perfect. The sun kissed against my skin while a cool breeze wicked away the hint of sweat. I could hear the river flow and the birds and insects in the forest buzzed peacefully. Something about the setting felt more perfect and relaxing than anything I’d ever felt.

That’s when God appeared. Don’t ask me how I knew it was him. I just knew. He wasn’t an old bearded man with a robe. Nor a guy wearing a well pressed suit. Frankly, it wasn’t at all what I expected. Out from the forest floated an ephemeral mixture of dust and fire and water. A swirling maelstrom confined into a vaguely humanoid body. The eyebrows were formed from small rocks, the mouth was a roaring fire. And the eyes. I swear the eyes were stars,  or maybe whole galaxies.

It was magnificent and awe inspiring. Or it would have been if not for the Hawaiin shirt and Birkenstock sandals that the elemental construct wore.

“How do I look?” came a booming, commanding voice. It shook the whole forest, trees swayed and the river behind me sloshed violently.

“What?” I asked, confused and scared.

“Oh. Sorry,” God said. “Is that better? I don’t talk to a lot of humans these days. Mostly whales and elephants. They’re the next big thing on Earth, you see.” He laughed at his own joke though I was too stunned to reciprocate.

“What?” I asked again. Less scared and more confused.

“Sorry, sorry. Danny, Or do you prefer Daniel?”


God sighed. He actually sighed. Frosty breath flew out of his mouth and dissipated into the wind before he said, “Calm down. Take a breath. I’m God. You’re Danny. Everything’s fine.”

I did as he told me and felt a little less agitated but no less befuzzled. “Sorry, I’m just; you’re God?”

“In the flesh. Well, my version of it anyways. Nice to meet you?” he said and extended a watery hand. I reached for it and felt my hand slosh through the wetness. God laughed at the look on my face, “Sorry, Danny. I love that joke.”

“I don’t understand any of this,” I said and just sat down on a rock at the side of the river.

“I know. This is all new to you. I get that. But I’ve been following your wife for years. She’s amazing.”

“Yes she is, but what do you mean; following? Don’t you pay attention to everyone?”

“Well, technically I’m omniscient and omnipresent and all-powerful and all that. But it doesn’t work the way you humans think of it. I can see and know anything I want but only the stuff I really think about. Most humans have gotten pretty bad at worshipping me. They don’t do it right. They don’t do it out of a sense of love. They want something from me. Your wife is one of those rare exceptions. She loves me just for me. You can see why that’s so appealing, right?”

I thought about it, “So basically humanity has become a bunch of gold diggers telling you they love you but really wanting your money?”

God nodded, flexing the sand in his neck and giving me a fiery thumbs up. “You got it. Not Karen. She’s only been praying for two things that were for her and tonight she realized why she was wrong to condition them. She made that final, selfless step of praying just for me to do what I thought was right.”

“So that really was you today?”

“Yeah. I knew she’d have her epiphany tonight so I made sure you had your own earlier today.”

“How could you,” I started to ask.

God tapped his fiery hand against the hard surface of his skull causing sparks to shoot out, “I see the future, remember?”

“Oh,” I said. That made sense.

“So why show up to me like this? Do all new believers get this treatment?”

God laughed. It was a joyful, musical sound that I could have listened to forever. “Oh no. Definitely not. This is kind of my little gift to Karen. To let you know you’re not imagining things and you’re on the right path. Plus, I can’t really give her her other wish without talking to you first.”

“What do you mean?”

“She loves you, Danny.”

“I know,” I said, confused again. Of course she loved me. I know a lot of people say that they know their spouse loves them but secretly doubt it. I never did. If anything, I always wondered if I loved her as much as she loved me.

“No. She really, really loves you. Nearly as much as she loves me, actually. And she’s very traditional. Almost to a fetish.”

“What do you mean? She’s not particularly traditional about stuff that I’ve noticed.”

“That’s because she knows you’re not looking for that. So she’s kept that little part of her hidden lest it bother you.”

“What do you mean,” I asked, still not understanding.

“She wants to serve you. Completely. She wants to be perfect for you in whatever way you want.”

“Isn’t that true of everyone that truly loves their spouse?”

“No. Not really. Think of it this way. Would you kill someone if she asked?”

“Of course not. Would she?”

“No. But she wants to.”

I was startled and really bothered, “She wants to kill someone for me? What the f” I stopped myself from vulgar talking in front of God.

He laughed. “Don’t worry. You can be vulgar around me. I invented all the words, remember?” he said and patted me on the shoulder. Somehow his fiery hand didn’t burn me, though I still flinched. “No, she doesn’t want to kill someone. She wants to be so devoted to you that she would if you asked. But she knows you never would. Understand?”

“Not even a little,” I said truthfully.

“She wants to be able to be literally anything for you. If you want it from her, she wants to be that for you.”

“Oh, I get it. Like she wants to like computer games and watching basketball even though I know she doesn’t like those things?”

God nodded, “Exactly. It’s how she thinks of being a good help-meet. She wants to literally be anything you want. And that’s what I’m giving her, well, I’m giving it to both of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“When you wake up, you’ll be able to change anything about Karen you want. Forever.”


“If you want. She’ll be able to be molded in whatever way you want for the rest of your life. Want her to like Basketball? Done. Want her to hate Basketball the next day? Sure.”

“Why not just change her into my perfect girl? Why give me all this power?”

“Three reasons, Danny. First, that’s not what she wants. She wants to be malleable and flexible for you. She knows that people change and she doesn’t want to be perfect for you in this moment and terrible for you years from now.” God ticked off one stony finger as he talked, then sprouted a little twig as a second finger, “Second, I needed to talk to you about this so you’d understand. So you’d believe and would appreciate that this is well and truly what she wants at a deep, fundamental level. She finally let go of conditioning it upon your salvation and that was the key but she’s always wanted it from the day she met you.”

He smiled at me and I saw one of his eyes twinkle, “And third, I like to have a little fun and watching you two will be just that. I’m curious what you do with the complete control of another human being. Daunting isn’t it?”

I nodded as a million thoughts and questions rolled through my mind.

God smiled at me again, “Don’t worry. I know it’ll be fine. I can see the future remember? Oh, one thing. There is one limit. No matter what you change, she’ll never stop loving me. That’s key to her and one part that you can’t change. Not that you’d want to, I know. But just to give you some peace of mind.”

I nodded again. The dream started to fade a little and I could feel myself waking up. “Wait!” I called. The elemental deity turned to gaze at me with those piercing eyes. “What can we do for you?” I asked.

He smiled, a blazing smile of warmth and serenity. “It’s a good question Danny. Find your own way. Love Karen. Love others. Put love into the world. That’s my greatest commandment. All the other dogma that religions attach to worship are just fluff. Love is all you really need.”

He started walking away, his strange footwear crunching on the pebbles as he walked. But then he paused and as I called out, “Really? That’s all? We don’t need to convert people or something? Preach your message?”

“For crying out loud. Why does everyone think that? Sure, tell people about me if you want. That’s your call. Remember, I’m the one in charge. If I wanted more followers I’d snap my fingers and it would happen. I want you to make the world better in whatever big or small way you can, Danny,” he continued walking and the dream began to fully fade. I could feel the haze lift as the morning light broke through my eyelids, ripping me from the verdant dreamscape that I truly didn’t want to leave. As I started to stir, I heard the voice one last time, “Oh, I gave you both a little gift that I think you’ll really enjoy.”

I tried to call out to ask him what it was but my mouth wasn’t working. Suddenly, I bolted upright, the dream gone and already fading from my short term memory.

Morning’s New reality

“What is it, honey?” Karen asked, my sudden movement having woken her. Karen was a very light sleeper which was pretty nice when I woke up feeling frisky. Of course this morning, I was only feeling perplexed. Had it been real? Was it just a crazy dream? Surely it was just my imagination, right?

“Karen? Do you feel, different today?”

She looked at me, “No, why?”

“I don’t know. it’s just, I had the weirdest dream,” I said. She looked at me, puzzled for a moment.

“Bad dream or good dream?”

“Good, I mean I think it was good. Um, Okay, let me ask you something. Last night when you said your prayer, you said something different. Something about a silent prayer?”

Karen’s eyes grew wide and she blushed, “You noticed?”

I nodded, “What was it, if you don’t mind me asking?”

My throat was dry and I could feel my heart pounding. Would she tell me? Was this the moment of truth? She looked at me and fairly whispered, “I prayed… well… I’ve always prayed that… that I could be the best wife for you.”

I smiled. It was true! It was absolutely true! But I had to be sure. Maybe my subconscious had heard her murmuring or something. I had to know. “That seems pretty benign. Why pray that silently. And by the way, you are a perfect wife for me,” I told her as I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Karen smiled, “I know you think that. But I"m not. And and, I want to be, Danny. I want to be perfect even with all the little things that you dislike.”

My grin probably took on a manic look, “What… like how you don’t like watching basketball with me?”

Karen krinkled her nose but then exclaimed, “Yes… exactly. I hate it but I wish I didn’t.”

I studied her for a minute, trying to remember the words I’d heard. What did I need to do? Snap my fingers? Make a wish? Or just will the changes into being? I looked at Karen and just thought about her happily watching basketball with me. I pictured us cuddled up on the couch, her wearing one of my UCLA jerseys as we happily watched a game.

Karen seemed to get a little twinkle in her eye, “But you know what… in keeping with my prayer last night, what the heck? Let’s watch a game today?”

“Really?” I asked, surprised in spite of myself.

“Why the heck not?” she said, giving me a kiss. “I’ll go make us breakfast, you find a game you’ve been wanting to watch and we’ll see if maybe I can learn to like it. It’s been awhile and I owe you the effort.”

I smiled and stretched out in bed as I watched Karen’s gorgeous ass climb out from the sheets.. She stripped out of her night shirt and then stood there pondering what to wear. She looked at me, smirking at how I was staring at her naked tits like a kid who found his dad’s Playboys. She got an idea and went into our closet, coming out only a few moments later wearing my old, beaten up Ed O'Bannon jersey. My mouth must have dropped three feet as I stared at her. She looked super cute in the oversized jersey. It was long enough to be worn like a very short mini-dress and it made her legs look great. Not to mention, the side-boob view was amazing.

“What? I figured I should look the part of a super fan. Besides, if I’m wearing your jersey, better odds of you being shirtless.” Karen liked it when I walked around the house wearing just my pajama bottoms and no shirt. You know what they say, “Happy wife, happy life.”

She went into the kitchen and started cooking and I did my usual morning ritual. As I was standing there peeing, I looked down and was shocked to see something that I was completely unprepared for. My cock was bigger soft than it had ever been hard. It was like a giant slab of salami was dangling down from me. I remembered the last words that God had spoken to me. Was God’s parting gift to me a giant cock? And how was I going to explain this to Karen? As I stood there, my panic subsided. This was going to be fine, I told myself as I walked back into the bedroom and put on the silk pajama pants she’d bought me for Christmas. The long green cloth felt cool as it slid across my cock. I felt my arousal start but really didn’t want to alarm Karen any sooner than I needed to so I willed myself to keep it down. It was quite difficult as Karen was moving around in the kitchen and every time she reached up for an ingredient, her ass would peek out from beneath the jersey.

I distracted myself by finding the game I’d recorded Saturday night on the DVR. We’d played USC and I hadn’t been able to watch it live but I’d still managed to avoid the results. It was ML King Day and I’d planned on vegging out on the couch and watching the game while Karen went shopping with her friend but now that plan seemed out the window in a good way.

As if she’d read my mind, Karen called out, “I texted Jill and told her I was staying home today. So it’s just you and me, honey.”

“Excellent,” I said as I fast forwarded through all the garbage at the beginning of the game, pausing it at tip off as big Moses Brown was just starting his jump.

Karen came in and sat next to the couch, yanking a blanket over her legs for warmth as she snuggled against me. She ran her fingers along my chest and cooed softly before saying, “Ah, looking good big guy. I could get used to this, I think.”

I draped my arm around her as I took the plate from her. She’d made an omelet and cinnamon rolls and it smelled absolutely delicious. “Me too,” I said as I started eating. I hit play on the game and immediately knew that something had changed. Karen was interested and alert. She asked questions about the game and repeatedly made interesting insights. By half time, she was really into it. We’d finished our food and, despite UCLA losing by three points, we were ready to go. Even more importantly, Karen was ready to go. She was cheering her heart out but Boatwright and Rakocevic just took us to the woodshed. With two minutes left, USC was stomping us by 26 and I flipped off the TV and threw the remote away in disgust.

Karen crawled up to me and whispered, “Oh, baby. I’m sorry. What can I do to make it all better?”

She looked so sexy in my jersey as she straddled my hips on the leather couch that I forgot all about the dream last night. Let alone my newly enhanced cock. “Suck me until I explode?” I said. Karen wasn’t a huge fan of blowjobs. She saw them as foreplay but they rarely lasted more than a minute. Today she just nodded happily and hopped down on the floor, eagerly stripping the silk pajamas off me. When my semi-hard cock flopped out, her eyes got wide. “Oh, shit,” I thought to myself.

“Holy crap, Danny. What happened?” she said as she took the hardening shaft in her hand, holding it reverently. Like many couples, one of the first things she’d done with my cock when we’d gotten together was to measure it. So we both knew full well that six and a half inches was the normal length. Instead she was now holding a nearly nine inch cock that wasn’t fully hard. And where a roll of quarters might have been the right measurement of girth before, now it looked like a coke can. I’d never appreciated the euphemism “third leg” before but now it seemed pretty apropo.

“Uhh… I took some of those pills you order online and they actually worked?” I said. My words carried absolutely no conviction. No way was Karen going to believe them unless she was trusting to a fault.

“Oh wow. Well I wouldn’t have thought they would work but I guess the evidence is right here,” she said as she licked the head of my cock, “In my mouth.” She smiled up at me and started trying to wrap her lips around my cock. Karen took a couple inches in her mouth, bobbing up and down. I honestly still hadn’t realized what the effect I was having on her was. I know it sounds stupid, but you try having a crazy dream where you talk to God and then waking up with a giant cock and tell me how analytical you are.

What kicked things into gear was what happened next. I was lying there enjoying an enthusiastic, but not particularly great, blowjob from my gorgeous wife and thinking about how great it would be if she could easily deep throat me. As soon as I imagined it, she sank about an inch further. Then another inch. And another. After five or six thrusts, she was suddenly taking my cock all the way down her throat. Her nose touching my pelvis as her tongue snaked out to tickle my balls slightly. She looked up at me and seemed to smile at me with her eyes before resuming her work, taking my cock down her throat over and over. “I didn’t know you were such a good cocksucker,” I said breathlessly.

She pulled off my cock and frowned, “Please don’t call me that.”

“But I want to,” I said and she nodded meekly. I saw the unhappy look on her face though and added, “But only if you like it.”

Her attitude shifted a full 180 instantly. She smiled a wicked smile and licked her lips, staring hungrily at my cock. “I do, baby. I’ll be your good little cocksucker. I’ll be the best cocksucking wife ever,” she said before diving back down on my cock. She started slamming her mouth down over and over as I urged her on.

It wasn’t long until I felt my orgasm coming. “Yeah baby. I’m so close. Be a good little cocksucker and suck it all down your greedy throat, slut,” I roared. Karen normally doesn’t like the taste of cum but that was no longer the case. She latched onto my cock and sucked hard as I felt spurt after spurt fill her newly eager mouth. It was too much for her and she pulled off it, mouth filled with my cum as one last blast shot out and landed on her chin. She sat there panting as she wiped her face and licked the cum off her wrist. She just knelt on the ground staring up at me with wide eyes.

“That was amazing. I didn’t know I could do that,” she said as she nuzzled my cock and licked the last little drops from the head of the shaft. The sensation was like a pleasure overload and I twitched with each little teasing touch.

When my vision cleared, I pulled her up next to me on the couch, “So you liked that, baby?”

“Oh yeah… I’m so horny now, lover. Can you go again? Or does your new equipment take longer to recharge?”

“I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out. So you really liked that?”

“Yeah. Why do you ask?”

“Well, you didn’t seem to like me calling you, um, a cocksucker at first.” As I said it she shuddered in my arms, sending a pleasurable ripple through her body.

She thought for a moment, “At first I didn’t. But then you told me you wanted to and it was like something clicked. Suddenly being called, a cocksucker, was a huge turn-on for me.”

I thought about that and the idea that my perfect little churchgoing wife liked being called a ‘cocksucker’ really stirred something in me. “What about when I called you a slut?” I asked, hopefully.

“In the moment, I barely noticed but hearing you say it now…?” she said somewhat breathlessly. Her skin was flushed and she inched towards me with a hungry look in her eyes.

“Whore?” she nodded. “Tramp?” another nod. “Cunt, bitch, fucktoy?” She was practically panting. “You don’t mind being called those degrading names?” I said. Now I was getting the hang of this. I was imagining her getting insanely aroused by the name calling and it was happening right here in front of me.

“Fuck, I’m so turned on, Danny. Please take me in the bedroom and fuck me. Fuck me. Use me. Call me names. Call me whatever degrading, horrible, humiliating names you want. Please?”

She had one hand on my cock and another between her legs. She’d never asked me to fuck her. We always “made love” but that wasn’t what either of us wanted anymore. I practically dragged her to the bedroom and threw her onto our bed. She yelped and I dove on her, grabbing her hips and raising them up so I could slam into her from behind. Her cunt was soaking and my cock slammed into her. She screamed out, “It’s too big!” with a pained shout.

“No it’s not. It’s perfect for your slut cunt,” I whispered in her ear and it instantly became true. Her pained whimper became a lusty groan. We were suddenly just two animals fucking. I grabbed her wrists and held her suspended so I could see her face in the mirror on our dresser. I loved the look of mindless pleasure she displayed as I hammered into her. “Cum for me you dumb cunt,” I told her and her body responded with a more powerful orgasm than I’d ever seen. I felt her cunt clench my cock tight and it was all I could do not to shoot into her right then. I held on though and just as she came down from her first orgasm I shoved my hips in hard and whispered, “Cum again. Don’t stop cumming for me, slut!”

It was like I’d shocked her with lightning. Her whole body started shaking and spasming as she came over and over again. I looked down and saw her cunt squeezing at my cock as I pulled the huge shaft out before slamming back in faster and faster. Her eyes were rolled into the back of her head and her screams had turned into nearly silent pleadings of “Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.”

I flung her forward and grabbed her hips, shoving my cock in with three more hard thrusts before unloading inside of her. She and I both collapsed in a fit of giggles and laughter. Cum was already leaking out of her and down her legs as we kissed. Her sweaty hair was matted on her face from the exertion of it all as she whispered, “I love you. I love you.”

“I love you too, babe,” I said.

“Wow you came a lot,” she said looking down. “Oh no… You didn’t use a condom!” she exclaimed in a panic.

“Don’t worry,” I said. I thought about how she couldn’t get pregnant unless I wanted and I knew it was instantly true.

She laughed at me as she wobbled into the bathroom. “What? Do those big dick pills also make you infertile?”

“Something like that,” I said with a laugh. Karen cleaned herself up and came back to bed, snuggling next to me on the sweaty sheets. “I guess you’ve got some sheets to change,” I joked. Changing the sheets was one of my jobs around the house.

Again, my new found control worked both consciously and subconsciously, apparently. “Sure thing, babe. After that fucking I’m happy to do the sheets.”

Seeing her hop to my direction, I arrived at a quick conclusion. “Karen, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“What’s wrong?” she said, looking suddenly concerned.

“Nothing. I mean,” I paused for a second, thinking about it. If everything God had told me last night was true, and it sure seemed to be, then truly nothing was wrong. “A couple things. Uhmm… yesterday I… I realized that I believe in God.”

“What? Really?” she lunged at me and gave me a huge hug and a kiss. “Seriously? That’s wonderful!” She was nearly shouting and there were tears in her eyes.

“Hard as it is to believe, that’s not the most important thing that happened yesterday,” I said.

She looked at me, “What could be bigger than you finding God?”

“Funny you should say it that way because something else happened. Uhmm… God came to me in my dreams.”

She waved her hand, “I dream about God visiting me all the time, Danny. Totally normal.”

“No… you don’t understand. God came to me. He talked to me. He… gave me stuff.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… this cock for one. I haven’t been taking any pills.”

“Seriously, Danny? That’s amazing. What else?” I was surprised at how willingly she believed me before I remembered what I’d changed before.

“Well… Uhmm… He… he gave me control of you,” I said, letting the words hang in the air.

She looked at me with wide eyes, “What do you mean, Danny? What do you mean he gave you control of me?” Her breathing was suddenly more rapid and her nipples hardened in front of my eyes.

“God told me about your prayer last night. That you’d always wished for it and it’s really what you wanted deep down. He gave you your wish because he loves you and you finally let go and simply trusted him.”

Her eyes got even wider as I spoke. She knew it was true, I could tell. She was also a little scared. And very aroused. “What does that mean?”

“Well… didn’t you wonder how you could take my new cock so well? Or why you suddenly liked being called those names?”

She thought about it, replaying the last 30 minutes in her mind. “You made me do that?” she asked in awe. “That’s… That’s so hot. Wait, did you just make me think that’s hot?” she asked accusingly.

“No. That’s all you,” I said with a smile. I gave her a kiss and watched as she processed all of this.

“So… so what can you do to me?”

“I don’t really know. I mean… I think basically anything.”

“Oh my gosh… is that why I liked watching basketball?” she asked as she thought about the events of the morning. I just nodded as she continued, “Wow… if you can do that you really can do anything,” she said with a smirk. I smacked her with a pillow and we laughed. “Can you change my hair color?”

“Uhh… sure,” I said. I pictured her with green hair and suddenly her chestnut hair slowly changed to the bright green, exactly like I’d imagined it.

“Ugh… really?” she said as she looked at it. I then willed her to like it and suddenly she smiled, “I love it. Wait… oh my gosh. Did you make me like it?”

I nodded with a grin. She was practically panting now, “Do it some more. Make me your dream girl, Danny. Please?”

“You are my dream girl,” I said and gave her a kiss.

She kissed me back but then pushed me away, “That’s nice of you to say but seriously. I want you to make me whatever you think is perfect. That’s why I wanted this. That’s… that’s why God gave you this power, right?”

I thought about it. I still didn’t have any actual idea why God gave me this gift. But I could tell the idea of having no more control turned on Karen and I wasn’t about to miss an opportunity of this magnitude. I looked at her and tried to imagine what a perfect version of Karen would look like. I pictured her in college when we’d met as Sophomores. Then I took that image and tried to completely idealize it. I pictured her with a more hourglass figure. Slightly wider hips and narrower waist. I pictured her with perfectly smooth, sun-kissed skin and bright red hair that cascaded down her ample breasts. I pictured her cute little pink nipples now sticking out like small thumbs. I imagined how sensitive to the touch she was. How easily aroused she was. I’d always loved her blue eyes and I dialed that up to eleven making her eyes so gorgeous and piercing that Alexandra D'Addario would be jealous.

My mind wandered as I imagined the things we would have done. The wild crazy sex. The depraved things we’d have done together as we experimented. I imagined fucking her in front of our friends at a frat party. I imagined her getting off to being treated like a slave when she dressed as Princess Leia at Halloween. I imagined her showing me how much she loved to be spanked and how she could get off from just having her nipples teased and tormented.

I opened my eyes and the vision from my mind was lying there in front of me. She was smiling at me with a lusty gaze. “Is it done?”

“Yeah, go look,” I said gesturing at our mirror.

She hopped out of bed and stood in front of the mirror for a moment before she turned back around to me. “Hahaha… Seriously… C'mon Danny,” she said.

“What? Do you not like it?”

“It’s just me from college,” she said with her hand on her hip.

I looked at her in confusion. “What are you talking about?” I asked. Karen’s red-brown hair had never been this red, her tits never that big. I’d even made her subconsciously just a little bit taller and I could tell because now the jersey she was still wearing wasn’t covering anything.

“I appreciate that you think college me was a vision of perfection but you have to have had something to improve.”

That’s when it hit me. I’d imagined doing things to this version of Karen in college. It must have completely changed her memories of the events. “Karen, do you remember that frat party we went to?”

She thought for a second then shuddered, “The one that you fucked me like a whore in front of everyone while they all cheered… fuck that was amazing.”

I closed my eyes and imagined her back to normal right up until I changed her appearance a moment before. Now her expression changed to one of amazement. “Holy crap. That was… that was so trippy. It’s like I had a whole other life for a moment. Oh wow… Oh Wow!” she said now looking at the mirror and appreciating the changes. “So this is what you like, huh?

I nodded. She stripped off her shirt and played with her breasts, enjoying the sensation of her now very sensitive nipples. “Wait… all those nasty sex things I imagined us doing… Those were things you want?”

I grinned in embarrassment, “Uh… yeah… kind of.”

“Kind of?” she said, getting a grin on her face. “You kind of want to fuck me in front of our friends?”

I nodded again and she crawled naked on the bed, “You kind of want to lead me around on a leash like a… like a fuck toy?”

Again, I nodded and licked my lips as she got closer, “You ‘kind of’ want to spank my ass while I beg you to use me like a… what did that version of me say?” Her captivating eyes looked off in the distance as she tried to remember the fleeting, fake memory, “Like a 'cheap, dumb cock socket’?”

I reached up and stroked her nipple with one hand and her whole body shuddered in overwhelming arousal. “That’s so hot,” I whispered.

“That version of me was always dressing in really slutty clothes too. And lacy, sexy lingerie. Do you like that too?” she asked.

I hadn’t even realized it but she was right. All the sexy images I’d had in my mind had her wearing short tight little dresses and shorts and low cut tops. High heels and sexy underwear were always featured to. I licked my lips and choked out a “Yes.”

Karen dove on me and kissed me, “Thank God.”

I couldn’t agree more.

By Masterful_Husband for Literotica