Abby lets Rose explore and Maddy gets a new man.
In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.
An old black lady approached her and shyly gave her a hug.
"Thank you, Mistress. My daughter was the one whom you saved yesterday. I feared that man would kill her but I couldn't do anything since I'm just another helpless slave. I can hardly believe what you're doing here, but I thank God for you and your father."
Abby felt tears gather in her eyes at the sincerity in the woman's voice, and she hugged her back. "Will you please come up to the big house with me? You can stay there until your daughter is healed up. I'm sure your presence would be a boon to her."
The old lady's eyes widened in surprise and a tear ran down her leathered cheek. Abby hugged her again and took her arm to lead her from the barn, but paused at the sound of Joseph's voice.
"If either of you two bastards cause our Miss Abigail trouble, I'll shoot you down like a mad dog, understand? If you mind your manners, we'll have no issues. It's your decision."
Abby's lips quirked in a small smile. Joseph was taking his job seriously and she was more than satisfied with him so far. He was turning out to be quite an asset for the plantation.
The following day the weather was still abominable, the temperature had dropped lower and a few inches of snow covered the ground. Abby gathered June and Rose and together they visited every cabin and slave shack, checking on the people to ensure they were staying warm and well fed. The girls enjoyed getting to know the folks and especially loved the many children. The small ones were quite receptive to them with Rose getting the lion's share of their attention, which she adored.
Abby invited every inhabitant to lunch the following day, requesting that they bring their own bowls and spoons with them. The people were quite surprised, but more than grateful at the offer. When the girls returned to the big house, they helped Maddy get ready for their guests. They soaked kettles of beans and readied dozens of pounds of ham hocks. It made for a long day but they thoroughly enjoyed the work.
While they were dicing carrots, Abby had a few words with Maddy.
"Its been terribly cold at night, Maddy. If you like, you can sleep with us three. It'll be a tight fit in bed but we'll adjust."
Maddy thought for several seconds, then responded. "May I speak directly, Mistress?"
"Of course, fire away," Abby replied with a warm smile.
Maddy's light mocha cheeks blushed slightly but she mastered her shyness.
"I really admire you, Miss Abby and recently I've decided to try to be more like you, strong and fierce when needed and gentle and loving with folks who deserve it. I always watch how you treat the other slaves and also how you love and protect Miss Rose and June. I'm going to take Sabra and Mira under my wing and try to pass some of my good fortune here in the big house onto them. They're good girls and they deserve it. I'll sleep with them in my room and support them all I can."
Abby was highly surprised but, pleased at her ambition.
"I think that's a wonderful idea, Maddy. Is your bed large enough for the three of you?"
"Not quite, we can push two beds together I reckon."
"Take mine and George's room," June volunteered from the doorway, while overhearing their conversation. "The bed is plenty large and well broken in!" she giggled.
Abigail laughed happily, "You naughty little tramp, come kiss me." June willingly obeyed and Maddy watched their shared affection closely, wanting the same in her newfound life. She was more than startled when the two girls included her with hugs and sweet kisses.
"Just promise you sleep with us occasionally, dear Maddy," June said gently. "We'd love to share our bed with you too." Maddy nodded while her eyes grew moist with tears. She'd never imagined being treated this way by anyone, much less a white mistress and her quadroon maid. She nodded happily and not trusting her voice, resumed her duties with Abby right beside her and that odd feeling of hope in her breast growing larger as time went by.
The following day, Abby opened the house to the workers and every room was soon filled with the happy sounds of people eating and visiting with their neighbors. Joseph found her and asked her to come look outside the front door. The two troublemakers from the other day were standing in the cold several yards away and talking amongst themselves. She threw on her overcoat and walked out to greet them, where they noticed her immediately and their eyes widened in concern.
"Won't you gentlemen please come in?" She asked with her most winning smile. "There's more than enough beans, ham hocks, and hot buttered biscuits for all. We'd love your presence inside."
"We weren't sure we'd be welcome after our conduct the other day," the older man stated with a chagrined expression.
"Of course you are. Please, let me escort you in and we'll feed you til you can't walk!" she said teasingly, then slid between them and grasped each man's hand in hers. She gently tugged them up the stairs and inside while Joseph stood on the porch with a baffled look of surprised admiration on his face.
When the first diners were showing signs of leaving, Abby had Joseph crack open a keg of whiskey and they meted out a stiff dram for each person that wanted it. The laughter grew a bit louder and the people's smiles grew broader towards Abby and the rest of the ladies of the house. Soon, all had left except the two men because they'd held back purposely hoping for a word with Abby.
"Mistress Durham?" The younger man ventured in a shaking voice.
"Yes, sir? What can I do for you?"
"Well, Ma'am. We just wanted to apologize for our behavior the other day. We had no right to treat a lady such as yourself so rudely. It shan't happen again."
"I've forgotten about it already. I hope you two stay here and contribute to the success of this plantation. I need strong, loyal men like yourselves. Can you envision that in your futures?" She reached out and touched each man's arm gently and gave them her best smile.
"Yes, Mistress, we certainly can." The elder man said with a new tone of confidence in his voice.
"That makes me quite happy. Thank you for coming today, gents. I'm planning on repeating our lunches together on the first Sunday of each month. You're invited to them all of course."
Each man bowed in turn and kissed her hand, then took their leave. She smiled and gave herself a pat on the back. She was learning that sometimes violence wasn't the only solution to a problem.
The girls had just finished cleaning up the kitchen and were settling in the parlor when a ruckus sounded from outside. They heard the front door fly open to slam against the wall and Joseph's loud voice rang out. "Mistress! Come at once!"
Abby groaned and put her drink down. "What now, I hope no one's hurt," she exclaimed.
Joseph called out again, this time in an almost panicked tone of voice. "Mistress! It's your man! We need the doctor, hurry!"
All the girls froze for a moment, then Abby cried out in distress. "June! Fetch the doctor!" She ran down the hall and flew outside to see four men seated on wagons packed full with cargo. She recognized Alec immediately and leaped aboard to hug him tightly. He was nearly a solid block of ice and was barely coherent. His beard was full of snow and his coat was layered with frost.
"Oh, sweetheart," she cried. "Let's get you in the house! Joseph! Get some help and carry these poor men inside! Hurry!"
Joseph leapt to obey, and help was easily available as a crowd was gathering. She steered the men to the parlor where Maddy was frantically stoking the fire hotter. The doctor showed up and began barking out orders.
"We need to get some hot liquids in them, warming them from the inside out is best. Don't put them in a hot bath, it may cause more damage. Cut their clothing off, cover them up and warm them gradually."
The women swiftly obeyed him and soon four naked men were wrapped in blankets and warming before the fire while sitting on the couch and loveseat. All the household staff showed up and offered to help as well.
"Mira, Sabra? Are you comfortable warming these men with your bodies?" Maddy asked, "They need it desperately."
"Yes, Maddy," they chorused, and immediately stripped down to cuddle up to two of the men. Maddy also joined them and together they held the shivering men close to their hot bodies. Abby quickly snuggled up to Alec, not surprised in the least when Rose joined her.
"So cold," he muttered between violent, shivering spasms. "I didn't think we'd make it alive. This storm ambushed us too far away from shelter." June slowly fed the men hot broth, and later a few bites of beans and ham hocks. It seemed to take forever, but eventually the men's shivering abated and they became more aware of the warm bodies that cocooned them in warmth. One of the men slowly nodded off and fell asleep pillowed on Mira's firm breasts. Abby noticed and got June's attention.
"Can you make sure the guest room is ready? I think we'll put these men to bed. You and Rose can sleep with me and Alec. Put a man each in your and Rose's room as well."
Maddy heard her quiet whispers and spoke up. "We three will sleep with the men and help them stay warm. I'll keep the fires up throughout the night."
It took awhile, but the women guided the men to their beds and tucked their warm bodies around them. They were all in poor shape. One man, the oldest, was wheezing as he struggled for air and Abby was more than concerned for him. Maddy noticed as well.
"I'll take care of him, Abby. There's a good chance I'll be up a lot thru the night and keeping a close eye on him."
As Abby led Alec to bed, he shuffled down the hall like an old man, stopping several times to cough violently. He put a hand on the wall to hold himself up, and Abby's heart went out to him as she struggled to bear his weight with an arm around his waist. Finally, she got him tucked in and was just snuggling up to his backside when Rose appeared and added her warmth to his front. He threw a big arm around her and sighed deeply. In seconds he was sleeping soundly and the girls began whispering.
"Oh, Abby. I'm so glad your man's back, but I'm sorry it had to be like this. We're lucky they made here at all." Rose said softly.
"I'll take him anyway I can get him, sweetheart," Abby responded. She slid an arm around his waist to rest it on Rose's hip. "Thank you for helping, you're the best friend ever."
June arrived and stoked up the fire in the stove, then quickly undressed and slid in behind Abby, cuddling her close to her front. Abby sighed in pleasure as the two bodies surrounded her in warmth and comfort.
In the wee hours of the morning, Alec let out a mighty shout and shot up bolt right, knocking a suddenly terrified Rose out of bed and onto the floor. Abby and June let out squeaks of surprise as he looked around frantically with blank eyes. Abby quickly knelt beside him and pulled his face between her full breasts.
"Hush, lover. It's okay, you're home safe with your Abby," she crooned as she petted his shoulders and stroked his long, dark hair. He clung to her until his breathing eased and he slumped into her embrace. Rose had scrambled up from the floor and she knelt at his other side, hugging him close. Eventually, they got him laid back down and he drifted off to sleep.
Come morning, the doctor allowed Maddy, Mira and Sabra to bathe the men, judging they were warmed enough by now. They took the men in and spoiled them rotten until the water cooled too much for comfort. June and Rose fixed a wonderful breakfast while Abby scrubbed a filthy Alec until he shone. She slid in the tub behind him and pulled him back between her widespread thighs, kissing his neck as he settled in with a deep sigh.
"I was afraid I'd never see you again, Angel. I've never been so cold in my life. Another hour or two would have killed us I think."
She ran her hands around him and caressed his furry chest with familiarity, grateful beyond words her man was safe.
"I love you so, Heavy. I thank God for you every day. My heart aches when you're gone."
"And I love you, sweetheart. How've Rose and June been doing lately, are they okay?"
"We're back to sleeping together, it just seems natural anymore. They have good attitudes though and work as hard as ever."
He sighed and closed his eyes. "That's good news. I'm sure you're the main reason for that, my strong, little beauty."
She giggled and nipped his shoulder, "If you say so, big man. Let's go get some breakfast."
As the company ate, Alec explained that Nathan had sent the four wagons full of cargo to help Abby in her quest to reinvigorate the plantation. There were barrels of salt pork, hundreds of pounds of smoked meats and bolts of cloth to make clothing with. There were also many other sundry items he'd thought might be of use to her.
Abby thanked the three men profusely for risking their lives to deliver her goods. They all nodded shyly and tried not to stare at her beauty. She'd already captured their hearts as she did most men, and Alec looked on with amusement at their plight. The two Mulatta maids noticed as well and felt the sharp pangs of jealousy as they were already taking a shine to their new charges. Their slight flirtations with the men grew more evident, and every time they approached one of them they caressed their shoulders or kissed their cheeks while giving them sexy smiles. By the time breakfast was over they'd secured the men's full attention and their confidence had returned.
Maddy confined her attention to the older gentleman who was quite sick and still not doing well. The doctor had given her a mixture of sweet almond oil and syrup of violets along with a plaster of candle wax, saffron, and nutmeg that she'd applied to his chest and belly in hopes of bringing him around. He'd simply wanted some honey and whiskey, but she prevailed much to his good natured disgust. She trundled him back to the guest room and installed him in bed, which he protested weakly but soon was sleeping comfortably with a warm blanket wrapped around him.
Overriding Abby's concerns, Alec made a short trip to the barn where Joseph had stored the wagons in order to bring in gifts that Nathan and Major Moore had sent for the ladies. The girls loved a good surprise and clapped their hands joyfully as their presents were revealed. Abby, Rose and June received black tricorn hats and small, intricate jewelry boxes with their names engraved on them.
Alec explained the gifts. "We got the smallest hats we could find and included a hat stretcher in case you girls need it. They're made of the finest beaver, and Abby's cockade is pink, representing the grade of field officer. Rose and June's cockades are gold indicating the rank of captain. Your jewelry boxes are filled with your first years pay, in gold, according to your new honorary positions in the Army." The girls squealed happily and immediately tried on their new caps, looking absolutely adorable as they did so.
Maddy, Mira and Sabra all received a new evening gown along with engraved jewelry boxes that contained two sets of matching earrings and necklaces. Maddy's box had a handwritten note from Nathan, and James had written to Mira and Sabra as well. The three maids had tears running freely down their cheeks as they opened their boxes and read their letters. Abby smiled at them fondly and kissed each one.
"Our men are so good to us, aren't they?" she asked gently.
"Yes, Mistress, more than we deserve," Maddy said through her tears.
The remainder of the day was spent with the men receiving more pampering, followed by a simple dinner comprised of chicken soup and fresh bread, more of the doctor's orders, of course. Abby pulled June and Rose aside to talk.
"Will you please sleep with Alec and I again tonight? Just give us an hour or so after we go to bed," Abby said with a sly wink. She needed some time with her man, but was also aware of her friends feelings, considering their men were still at war.
"Of course, Abby. We're just thankful to have a place to sleep," Rose said and hugged her tightly.
Soon, Abby led Alec to bed. She helped him undress then cuddled up next to him. She insisted he lay on his back and then caressed him from head to toe, slowly arousing him.
After nearly an hour, Rose said; "Mmm, you're full of it tonight, or rather I am!" she giggled and kissed him deeply. Grabbing a towel from the nightstand she wiped them both clean, then snuggled into his side and laying her blonde head on a broad pectoral. Do you mind if the girls sleep with us?" she asked tentatively, not sure of his reaction. "All the beds in the house are full right now." He hugged her to him and kissed the top of her head.
"As long as you’re okay with it, I was hoping to have you alone for awhile but I understand. Having George and William gone has got to be difficult for them. I'd imagine they're missing them badly."
"They did at first, but they stay so busy I think it helps them to not think about it," she answered softly. "It's getting late, I'll go get the tramps," she giggled, then yelped in laughter when he swatted her trim little ass as she slid out of bed. She leapt on him and tickled him relentlessly until he crushed her to him and smothered her in hot kisses.
Rose and June's eyebrows raised in surprise when Abby approached them in the parlor. With her blonde hair tousled and face flushed pink, she looked like a freshly ravished woman, which indeed she was.
"Come, sleep with us tonight," she offered, and held out her hands to her friends. Alec was already sleeping when the girls arrived, causing them great amusement.
"Why are men that way sometimes?" Abby asked while giggling, "One orgasm and they're out like a windblown candle." She laid next to Alec and he shuffled around to make her his little spoon. She happily nestled her back to his front and sighed in pleasure. Rose and June were arguing quietly making Abby cover her mouth to stop her laughter.
"Rose, you slut! You got to snuggle him last night, it's my turn!" June was whispering fiercely.
"I just got comfortable, June. Leave me alone! Ouch! Quit pinching me you little harlot!" June's giggles turned to outright laughter and Rose joined in as well.
"Someone better make up their mind or I'll spank a couple cute little asses," Alec growled, bringing gales of laughter from the three beauties.
“ Okay, okay, I'll trade ya spots," Rose acquiesced, and kissed Alec's back tenderly before ceding her position to June. When they settled in, Rose cuddled up behind June and reached around her to palm a big breast, drawing a pleasant sigh from its owner. June moved Alec's long, dark curls from her face and nipped his shoulder from behind.
"I love you, big fella. Welcome back," she whispered as she pressed herself to his back, sighing in pleasure. Alec's big hand slipped behind him and squeezed her thigh gently.
"And I love you, sweet June. Sleep well, little one." He breathed. Together, the happily crowded foursome slept the long night through.
Chapter 14
The breaking light of dawn was filtering through the bedroom window when Alec stirred awake. June's warm body was moving almost imperceptibly but rhythmically against his back while quiet mews of frustration broke from her lips. He reached behind him to comfort her with a big hand, and she caught it up in her small one, tucking it tightly between damp thighs. She was smooth, hot and wet, wetter than he'd ever felt her before and her quiet moans reached his ears.
"More, Master. Please," she breathed in his ear, while she groaned in pleasure.
"Yes, Master. Just like that," she whispered. He knew she was incredibly aroused, not just from her extreme wetness, but also when in less than a minute she sank her sharp white teeth in his meaty shoulder and came hard. He smiled to himself as sexy little grunts of effort left her throat while she writhed, bringing her immense pleasure.
To her credit, she didn't wake the house with her exertions, not even Abby or Rose whom shared the same bed, then with a gentle sigh relaxed into him and was fast asleep in seconds.
Soon, Abby awoke and slid silently out of bed, then went to the kitchen to help Maddy make breakfast. Rose joined her and shortly they had smoked bacon frying up in a huge skillet. Abby took a few pieces on a plate to the bedroom to spoil her man with, but when she got there she lost her train of thought momentarily. The cold weather had broken and warm sunlight was beaming through the window to land on the bed's occupants. Alec had thrown the blankets back while June had snuggled up even closer to his side. He was laying on his back with June's head pillowed on a broad pectoral and the sunlight highlighted the crispy hair on his body as well as the light peach fuzz on June's perfect breasts and firm ass cheeks.
Abby felt Rose take her hand and together they watched entranced as the beautiful couple slept peacefully. Abby couldn't resist and sat down beside him to trail her soft fingers up and down the length of his body, smiling in delight as she watched goosebumps flood his arms while his nipples pebbled and hardened in response. Rose did the same to June, and together they slowly stirred the slumbering couple awake.
When his grey eyes opened to alight on Abby's own blue ones, he gave her a brilliant smile that warmed her heart infinitely. She offered him a crunchy piece of bacon and watched as his white teeth took it from her grasp.
"Mmm, bacon," he murmured in appreciation.
"Me too, please!" June chirped and opened her mouth like a little bird. Rose fed her a piece as well, following it up with a pleasant good morning kiss as June munched away happily.
Alec slid a clever hand up Abby's skirt.
"Ah, ah," Abby scolded with a smile. "Maddy has breakfast on, we mustn't let it get cold." Alec pouted theatrically while the girls all giggled and began tickling him until he broke out in laughter and kissed them all soundly. Abby and Rose left for breakfast but June stayed a few seconds longer to snuggle a still naked Alec.
"Thank you for helping me this morning, Master," she whispered as she caressed his furry chest. "I was so aroused I couldn't stand it."
"What brought it on, little one?" he asked as he ran a big hand down her thigh.
"It's almost embarrassing to say, but I could smell Abby on you. I knew you'd fucked her, and the thought and scent of it was too much. I was soaking wet down there and couldn't sleep at all. I sure did afterwards though!" June said with a giggle.
"I'm glad I could help, sweet June. We'd best go eat before Maddy sends her troops after us!"
A Picnic & a plan.
Abby watched the girls closely both during and after breakfast, noting their little flirtations with Alec and how they fluttered around him and herself, always kissing and caressing them whenever they got an opportunity. She realized they were getting needy again. With their men gone, they were bereft of any real intimacy and Abby knew they'd require some serious attention to keep them happy and out of the dreary doldrums that were so easy to fall into. She caught Alec alone and suggested they go for a ride, thinking a day outside in the fresh air might help them all out. Alec went even further and decided a picnic was in order.
Working with Maddy, they packed a box with cold cuts, cheese, and fresh bread for the ride. Alec worked his flirtatious magic on Maddy and she graciously made an apple tansey as well, one of his favorite desserts. As she was peeling the apples, he swept her up in a big hug and kissed her soundly, much to her embarrassment. She giggled helplessly in his arms and pecked his cheek delightedly. She hadn't spent much time around him, but he was quickly making a place for himself in her affections.
Joseph had hitched two horses to a wagon for them, and with Alec's stallion saddled and tied to the wagon, they departed for a scenic tour of the property.
Thankfully, the day was warm and soon they shed their overcoats, enjoying the sunshine. Abby happened to be glancing in the forest when a human form on horseback appeared. She clutched Alec's leg with one hand and reached for her rifle with the other, alarmed at the man's presence.
"Easy, lover," Alec said with a smile. "Joseph and a few men are sweeping the trees. I have them do it every now and then to be on the safe side. Especially today with my family out and about." She nodded and relaxed her grip on his leg, pleased with his claiming ownership of her and the girls as well as his abundance of caution. Neither of them had explored the plantation much, but Abby had gone over a few of the fields with the foremen, as well as studied up on a couple of rough maps. She had a good idea of where the springs were, as well as a large cave.
Between her and Alec, they found the larger spring and they set up for lunch. Rose produced a bottle of her favorite wine and they enjoyed a delicious meal while they all chatted and reminisced about days past. They slowly ran out things to say, so Abby sat behind June on a blanket and brought out a hairbrush. She gently worked it through June's slightly frizzy, but long hair, exclaiming how beautiful it was. June purred at the unexpected attention and leaned back into Abby, loving every minute of it.
Alec took Rose between his knees and petted her hair and shoulders, eventually working his strong hands over her tense muscles, drawing moans of pleasure from her sweet mouth. He watched as her long eye lashes fluttered repeatedly as she fought against sleep. The delicious meal and fine wine had gone to her head and a nap was in order. He gathered her in his arms and laid on his side while cradling her close. His big hands continued caressing her and he hummed a little lullaby until her delicate little snores reached his ears.
Abby caught his eye and gave him a beautiful smile which he returned happily. June noticed and leaned in to kiss him and Rose both before she dragged Abby down to her side and together the foursome napped in the warm sun, the tinkling of the spring in the background soothing them as they slept.
Alec awoke to the sound of female sniffles and quiet sobs. Rose had turned to face him and was soaking his shoulder in her tears.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he whispered in concern.
"Oh, you and Abby are so sweet and kind to us. I miss William terribly and just when I feel at my worst, you two comfort me in such a lovely way. I don't deserve such good friends," she said tearfully.
"Oh, nonsense, honey. You mean the world to us and you deserve far more than we can give you," he said gently. She hiccuped and nodded slightly while he smiled lovingly down at her. He kissed her tears away and held her even tighter, squeezing her little ribcage until she giggled despite her tears.
"I love you, sweet Alec. More than you'll ever know," she breathed, and kissed his lips tenderly, "and Abigail too. I hope I never have to bear losing either of you."
"I love you too, Rose. More than I ever should have let myself," he admitted. She smiled sadly and hugged him close, then gave him her beautiful eyes.
"Alec, my sweet Alec. I find myself begging for your and Abby's affections again. Can you find it in yourselves to take me into your bed? I miss a man's touch terribly at night."
Just then, Abby's strong little arm wormed it's way around Rose from behind and her tender lips kissed her neck. "Of course, my love," Abby whispered, surprising Rose beyond words. "But my touch will be included as well, you can count on that."
"And mine!" June exclaimed mischievously, and pounced on the threesome while giggling happily. Alec and Abby were soon covered in warm hugs and kisses from the two needy women whom were more than grateful to them for their love. Rose and June knew how hard it was for her to share Alec, so much that they'd discussed leaving the plantation rather than come between the couple again, but they couldn't bring themselves to do so, knowing their desertion would crush Abby completely.
They'd discussed their situation time and again until they both came to the same conclusion and acknowledged it together, that their love affair wasn't solely with Alec, but Abby as well, possibly even more so. They couldn't bear to live without either of them and knew one day they'd have to tell the couple of their feelings, one way or the other.
On the way home the companions chattered happily, with Rose and June's attitudes greatly improved, secure in knowing that Alec and Abby's affections for them were constant and strong. Before dinner, the girls had a bath night and spent a couple hours grooming themselves and preparing for the evening. They even dragged Alec in and scrubbed him vigorously while he sputtered and spit soap, then they laughed delightedly as they trimmed his pubic hair and shaved his balls clean while he was nearly petrified in fright. It was nearly like life back at the cabin, and the girls fell into their old roles with ease.
"Miss Abby?" Maddy asked, as Abby passed through the kitchen.
"Yes, Maddy."
"Why are Miss Rose and June so much happier this evening? It seems as though something has changed."
"We're a family again, Maddy. They'll be sleeping with me and Alec from now on."
"Oh, I see." Maddy replied, a bit perplexed. Abby could see her wheels turning and she giggled out loud.
"Before we arrived here, we shared each other. Now with father and William gone, we've chosen to share again."
"Wouldn't that make Master Durham upset, Mistress?" Maddy asked timidly. She truly loved George as a master and was instantly concerned for his feelings.
"It was his and William's idea," Abby responded. "They know of our past relationships and have asked me and Alec to resume caring for our two charges while they're gone. It's difficult, but I have an idea or two that might make it a bit easier on me."
"I've noticed since the General and Major Moore have gone that Mira and Sabra are pining a bit. I'm sure they don't love the Major, but they certainly miss a man in their bed. Do you have any ideas for them, Miss Abby?"
"I might, let me think on it a bit. Do you miss Nathan as well?" Abby asked shrewdly. She knew Maddy had enjoyed her time with him quite a bit and suspected she was at a loss herself.
Maddy cast her eyes down and colored slightly. "I do, he was so good to me, like no other man ever has been. He told me I was beautiful," she enthused, and she brightened a bit at the memory.
"Did he ask you to stay faithful to him?"
"No, he told me to do as I please with other men, but to keep him in my heart for one day he would return to see me again. He said he couldn't ask me to stay faithful to him when he would continue to take comfort from other women, like he always has while at war. I wouldn't expect him to either. A soldier's life must be terribly hard," Maddy said, with a tear in her eye.
"It certainly can be, dear Maddy. I try not to judge people's actions these days. War is not pleasant in the least and causes folks to fall into far different circumstances than they've ever experienced, such as mine and Alec's right now. Can you understand that?"
"Of course, Abby. I'll tell my girls to keep their mouths shut about your affairs. No one outside these walls need know."
"Well thank you, Maddy. That's not necessary but I understand. Come, kiss me goodnight."
Abby installed her man in his armchair in the bedroom and handed him a snifter of brandy. "Heavy, I need some help with the girls, please," she stated as she knelt at his feet. He was wearing only a white, ruffled shirt and she caressed his bared legs as she talked with him.
"How can I help, Angel?" he asked in concern. He knew from the tone of her voice that she was vexed.
"Well, it's time for me to face the music. Rose has always pecked away at me to allow her to play with me more intimately. I know it'd make her extremely happy if I returned her favors, or even just allowed her a bit more freedom with me. The same goes for June but a bit less so. Will you help me with Rose, maybe show me what to do and be there with me?"
Alec looked at her with understanding in his eyes. He'd noticed how Rose had hinted strongly with her affections and had seen her get shot down time and again by a reluctant Abby. Apparently, his Angel was finally willing to give in and explore herself a bit more sexually.
"I'm game for anything, as long as you're comfortable, lover. That's my main concern. I love those two dearly, but I don't want you pushed further than you want. You lay down the guidelines, not Rose or June," he said firmly.
"But you'll help me, Heavy? You'll show me the way until I get comfortable?"
He held out his arms and she climbed up in his lap. "Of course I will, Angel. I'd do anything for you, my sweet." He kissed her deeply, so deep her head spun and she gasped for breath.
"Thank you, lover. I'll need you for sure. It makes me nervous just thinking about it," she admitted shyly, and her face flushed in embarrassment as she imagined herself licking Rose while Alec watched from nearby.
"Just stay at my shoulder, I'll take care of you, sweetheart," he said gently and pulled her in for another long kiss.
Rose and June were in their room brushing out their hair when Abby knocked at the door, naked as the day she was born. She held out her hands to her friends, "Come, join us tonight," she said, with a tentative yet inviting smile. She led them to her room where Alec was sprawled comfortably in his armchair, his shirt unbuttoned completely and his long cock hanging formidably down his thigh.
He stood and held out a big hand, "June."
She went to him obediently, "Yes, Master," she breathed in excitement. He peeled the nightdress from her petite frame and propping her up with pillows, leaned her against the headboard of the bed.
"Rose, come." Again, he held out a hand and Rose slid seductively into his arms. He stripped her nightdress as well and picked her up bodily, then laid her down to recline on her back atop June. Her head lay next to June's as she laid on her, and Alec crawled between their legs to kiss them both tenderly. Abby was at his side, and as he switched from June to Rose, she kissed June gently, exploring another woman's mouth for the first time. June caught her breath in surprise, then tentatively returned her kisses, not wanting to scare her away by being too aggressive.
Alec pulled back from Rose and caught her breast in his warm hand, caressing it gently while she moaned in pleasure. Abby took the opportunity to kiss Rose like she had June.
"Hello, Miss Rose," she breathed, and licked her lips open with her tiny pink tongue. Rose's startled eyes met hers and Abby giggled. "Surprise, lover. I figured it was time to let you catch me. Just be patient with me, please."
"Oh, anything, sweetheart!" Rose exclaimed softly, then gently kissed her back, her eyes wide with excitement. Alec moved back in and Rose's face was covered in blonde and brown curls as the sexy couple playfully fought for possession of her hot mouth. Her flood of juice ran down her thigh as her lovers covered her in kisses. Ever so slowly, Alec worked his way down her neck and shoulders, his kisses and nibbles driving Rose mad with passion. Abby followed his lead as best she could, encouraged by Rose's sighs and moans of pleasure.
Abby shuddered at the taste and texture of Rose, something she'd never experienced before, and she found herself liking it. She followed him down to nuzzle and kiss Rose's hipbones and the basin of her pelvis until Alec pulled back slightly.
Abby tried to recall the things she'd seen Alec and her friends do in the past and threw herself willingly into her new role, until they both were panting for breath and teetering on the edge of orgasm.
Rose broke with a scream that nearly woke the house. June watched from her seat behind Rose, stunned at the sight of her mistress.
With a final, deep grunt of pleasure, Alec settled back on his heels and caressed Abby's sexy body as she finished licking his moisture from a satiated Rose. June reached down to gather up Abby and pulled her up for a sweet kiss and a sample of her lover's spendings. Happily, Abby let her have her way, and she kissed June back eagerly, wanting to share Alec's taste with her.
With a huge sigh of contentment, Alec collapsed beside his women and Abby snuggled next to June and Rose.
"Holy Saint Jude," Rose managed in a weak voice. "Wherever did that come from? I think you've destroyed me," she panted as she recovered from her amazing orgasm.
Abby giggled. "I guess you finally wore me down. Alec being there helped me out a lot, but I can't promise that happens every time," she admitted a bit shyly and glanced at Rose's still smoky eyes.
"You were wonderful together, sweetheart. I don't think I've ever felt the like." She pulled Abby close to whisper in her ear, "Especially when he came and you licked it up, you were gorgeous." Rose caught her head in gentle hands and kissed her sweetly, savoring Alec's musk on her tongue. Abby moaned and returned it until her head swam, overwhelmed at the sensation and taste of her best friends lips.
"May I return the favor, sweetheart?" Rose asked quietly. Abby nodded hesitantly and glanced at Alec with uncertain eyes. He nodded and kissed her cheek.
"I'll be right here with you, Angel," he confirmed. "June, can you hold our lover, please?" June gladly opened her arms and legs to pull Abby's back to her front and she cradled her close, whispering calming words in her ear. Alec laid down, then looked up at her with his sexy grey eyes. "We'll stop any time you get uncomfortable, okay?"
Abby sighed and rolled her head back on June's shoulder. She was trying to relax but was having a difficult time. When she felt Rose's hair brush her inner thigh she jerked in surprise, then fighting the impulse to close her eyes tightly, looked down to see Alec pull back and allow Rose to slide in closer. Rose looked up at her with a question in her eyes, waiting until Abby gave her a tiny nod of assent.
Abby watched fascinated, yet trembling with anxiety as for the first time in her life a female tongue sampled her. Rose sighed in pleasure as the scent and taste of Abby filled her nose and mouth. Abby was as exquisite as she'd ever dreamed, sweet, hot, and fresh on her palate.
"Mmm, you're delicious," Rose moaned softly between tiny licks as she sampled Abby's ambrosia. Ever so slowly Abby was able to relax, especially when Alec joined Rose, and together they nibbled. June softly caressed her firm tits. As Abby crested, Alec took over until she came hard, her wetness pouring down as he eagerly fed at her sweet spring.
Abby cried out in passion and offered herself to him completely by spreading her thighs as wide as possible and thrusting her mound into his face repeatedly. Rose watched avidly from below as her best friend clenched and pulsed with each contraction of her inner muscles as she came in a long, continuous spasm of pleasure. June murmured words of love in Abby's ear as she finally relaxed, little aftershocks shaking her body as she reluctantly pushed Alec away.
"Too much, lover, please!" she begged as her clit became too sensitive for the touch of his tongue. Reluctantly, he pulled back, then kissed his way up her body to nuzzle into her and squeeze her tightly.
"Are you okay?" he asked gently. She nodded and looked at him with misty eyes.
"I've never felt closer to you all," she replied softly. She turned her head to kiss June, then pulled Rose to her and tasted herself on her lips. "Sweetheart, thank you. You felt wonderful."
Rose smiled tenderly and kissed her back. "I loved it, you're absolutely delicious, my love. June and I have a gift for you and Alec, can we play a bit more with you?" Abby looked to him and he nodded, communicating that he was game as long as she was comfortable.
"Of course, sweetheart. We'd be happy to." June wriggled joyously and Rose giggled at her antics.
Eventually, Abby turned to face Alec and she laid on his chest, kissing him sweetly while Rose and June cuddled up on either side of them. June threw a big blanket over them all to keep them warm and little sighs of contentment filled the room until Alec suddenly stirred in alarm.
"June, my sweet. We ignored you. Would you like to play some more?" he asked, abashed and ashamed that he'd forgotten her.
"No, Master. Being with you and Abby was enough for me. Your pleasure is mine," she said softly, and lovingly kissed his neck. Together, the foursome slept the night away, their dreams filled with hope and promise for the future.
To be continued in part 12, by Seethegood for Literotica.