In the militia encampment.
In 15 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.
In bed that evening, Abby lay with her head on Alec's well-padded shoulder and gave him her most loving gaze while she ran her fingers over his hairy chest. "Will you do me a huge favor, sweetheart?" she asked with a flirtatious smile. He looked at her with a knowing smile.
"I knew you were up to something. What do ya need, Angel?" he asked as he hugged her close.
"I want you to come with me and Rose first thing in the morning. Some scouting needs to be done on the redcoats and I need you to help us get through our lines and past the sentries, both coming and going."
He quirked an eyebrow at her words, but he wasn't surprised in the least. He closed his eyes and thought for a few moments while she rustled with impatience. "Please, Heavy!" she implored, "think how fun it would be. Just like old times, sneaking through the woods with your favorite girls!"
Heaving a deep sigh, he answered her. "I'd love to, but I have to tell Nathan. It's his battlefield and we must respect that."
"Whatever it takes, I'm working on an idea that you both might like, I just need to spy on the redcoats a bit before presenting it to you and Uncle Nathan."
"I'll see what I can do. I'll speak to him now so we don't rouse him to early in the morning. Be right back," he answered as he rose from their bed. She tugged him back down and kissed him deeply.
"Thank you, sweetheart. You're the best boyfriend ever!"
Alec awoke to two, warm female bodies sliding next to his. "Wake up, soldier boy!" Rose whispered while Abby tickled his ribs. "It's time to rise and shine."
Reluctantly, he got up and the three conspirators dressed in silence, then slipped out of the tent. The sentry was expecting them and confirmed the password of the day so they could return to the lines safely without getting shot. Abby led them silently through the forest until they were observing the redcoat sentry posted in the trees. He was out cold and sleeping deeply. Led by Abby, the three spies worked their way through the trees until they could see the slumbering camp of the enemy. They nestled in close to the wet forest floor and waited for the sunrise.
Despite their warm clothing, the girls were shivering in short order and snuggled in close to Alec's warm bulk with grateful sighs. It seemed to take forever until a sentry approached the command tent, which was markedly larger than the others and flagged with the regiments colors. He roused the men within and returned to his post while rubbing his cold hands together to warm them from the night's chill. She watched with interest as a man came out of the tent and pulled a white wig over his head, then scratched himself and pissed in the dirt behind his canvas dwelling. Alec whispered that he was the general and the second man whom had emerged was probably his colonel.
A trumpeter blew reveille and the soldiers began stirring and rising from their sleep. Abby watched attentively as the officers shouted out commands and herded their charges into a loose formation. Grunts and groans filled the air as many a man paused to hurriedly empty his bladder before lining up before the command.
Sergeants called out name after name and the still morning air was broken by shouts as the sleepy soldiers answered in reply. Abby counted over 300 men in the formation, much more than she'd imagined there would be, while Nathan was lucky to have 150 left, even counting his recent reinforcement of Alec's company.
She turned her attention to the cannon on the front line. She counted fourteen, well dug into the bulwarks that partially shielded them from Nathan's field pieces. She knew Nathan had ten cannon that were inferior both in range and projectile weight to the redcoats, but she was undaunted. Her plan was coming together in her head, and what she saw increased her confidence ten-fold. The formation took nearly a half hour to serve its purpose and after the officers dismissed the men, they herded themselves towards several mess tents where they were served their breakfast. It wasn't until the men finished eating that the sentries were relieved with new ones and the night shift went to eat and go to sleep.
With alert sentries now on guard, the three spies were exceptionally careful while retreating to a safe distance and then returning through their own lines. They met with Nathan at his tent and he quizzed Abby over what they'd witnessed. She filled him in over breakfast and he asked her a few more questions.
"I highly respect your intellect and combat experience, and I'd like to know what you're cooking up. Would you mind sharing with me?"
"I need to speak plainly, Uncle, please don't be offended," she answered carefully.
"Speak your mind, my dear. I'm eager to hear your opinion." he returned. Abby gave him a grim smile and leaned in along with Alec and they plotted well into the morning.
Abby was able to convince Nathan of her plan and she insisted that he reduce his casualties as much as possible during the day. It pained her greatly to see men's lives wasted using traditional tactics when it wasn't necessary, and she told Nathan as much. He inferred that her ideas were most ungentlemanly, but he was desperate since having lost so many soldiers fruitlessly fighting the redcoats. She quizzed him on the powder charge used and diameter of the enemies cannon, easily available information since Nathan had captured more than one in the years prior. She immediately set the ladies in the camp to sewing up cloth bags full of black powder and grapeshot in the proper quantities to suit her needs.
June approached her with a determined look on her dusky face. "Abby, there's no way you're leaving me behind. Whatever you're up to I'm tagging along," she said firmly. Abby smiled and pulled her in for a sweet kiss and a tight hug. "Of course you're coming with us. I'd have it no other way. Would you mind watching Major Moore's back and reloading his rifle and pistols for him? I know of no person who can do it better or faster," she flattered. June unconsciously pushed her firm breasts out in pride at her owner's words. She knew she was good, but not exceptional, and Abby's words meant the world to her. She kissed Abby's red lips and sighed happily.
"Thank you, Mistress. When are we leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning, early. Quite awhile before sun up," Abby responded, before running her fingers through June's hair. "Can you supervise the ladies while they're doing the needlework? It needs to be done right."
"Of course, Abby. I'll get right on it. What's Rose going to do?"
"She'll be with me tomorrow. She scouted out the redcoat camp with me and she'll be helping me in my role. I gotta say, June. We're really hanging our little behinds out on this operation. I sure hope and pray it works because if it doesn't, we'll probably all end up dead," Abby said worriedly.
"I know you can do it, Mistress," June said confidently. "You and Alec are brilliant at this business and I have full faith in you two." She kissed Abby's cheek softly and hugged her again reassuringly before scampering off to help the seamstresses. Abby had chills down her spine as she watched her friend depart. This was her biggest and most audacious plan yet and she was almost frightened at the scope of it, yet the fact that she had the full support of Alec and Nathan boosted her confidence greatly.
Rose finds a match for General Greene.
Meanwhile, Rose had struck up a conversation with one of the camp followers, a widow of just over forty years old who'd lost her husband long ago to a vile sickness. As the two sewed up black powder in linen bags, they discussed Rose's favorite topic, men.
"There's few things in life better than a tongue on my clit or a thick cock buried inside me," Rose was saying, while the woman, Sarah, blushed slightly at her words, not used to such salty language from a lady like Rose.
"It's been years since I've had a man," Sarah whispered, "I really loved it though and I miss it terribly." Rose leaned back and perused her new friend's body with a speculative eye. Sarah was tall at nearly five foot eight, with long brown hair and eyes to match. She was slightly on the heavy side, curvy really, with an hourglass figure to die for. Her hips were wide and her breasts were heavy and sagged slightly, but her cleavage was immense and firm, while her nipples, hardened from Rose's words poked small mountains in the fabric of her bodice.
"Did your husband lick you?" Rose asked with a sparkle in her eye.
"What? My goodness! Never!" Sarah exclaimed in surprise, "I've never heard of such a thing!"
"You should try it," Rose giggled. "It feels wonderful when you cum on a hot tongue, then take the man inside you." Sarah blushed furiously and Rose put an arm around her. "We need to find you a man, a good one that'll take his time with you and treat you right. I bet there's an animal inside you that needs set free, my dear Sarah," she whispered with a sexy smile.
Sarah blushed even deeper and looked at Rose closely. "Can you help me find one? I'm not getting any younger and I'd like to experience a man again before I get too old."
"Do you want just sex, or a relationship as well?" Rose asked. Sarah thought a few moments before answering.
"I really need a man inside me, if it turns into something more, that's fine with me, but I'd kill for a long night with a man in my bed," she said wistfully.
Little did she know that Rose was many steps ahead of her and her auburn head was turning over an idea, that if it came to pass would more than satisfy Sarah's cravings. Rose decided that action was better than hopeful wishing and pulled Sarah to her feet.
"Come with me, honey. I've a wonderful idea." She led Sarah to Nathan's tent and sweet talked the sentry into letting them enter. He knew of her and Alec's group, and between that knowledge and her flirty nature he was more than willing to humor her. Since Nathan was on the battlefield, she and Sarah had the run of his living area. Together they cleaned it up nicely and washed all his dirty laundry along with his bedding, all of which needed it badly.
While they worked, Rose kept Sarah occupied with stories about Nathan, how he was a general and famous for killing the redcoats, as well as how he looked naked. She explained how well hung he was and how she'd heard Maddy's voice echoing down the hall as he'd pounded her to glory. By the time the women were finished cleaning up his tent, both of them were well aroused and their little pussies ran with sweet juice as they fantasized about him.
After they finished up with his laundry, Rose decided something needed to be done about Sarah's appearance. She took her to her tent and trimmed her hair to more suitably frame her face, then together they washed up using rags and warm water. Sarah was agog at the sight of Rose's shorn mound. Rose explained how much her husband loved it, especially when he was performing oral sex on her. Sarah was intrigued, so much that she asked Rose how it was done. Rose fetched a bucket of hot water and showed Sarah the intricacies of shaving her armpits, legs, and mound. When they were finished, Sarah slid a soft hand between her thighs and stroked herself gently.
"Oh my," she exclaimed, "so soft and smooth, I love it!" Rose then found a blouse that was a touch too large for herself and asked Sarah to put it on. It was a struggle to lace it over her bountiful tits, but giggling, they were just able to get the job done. Her nipples pushed proudly through the nearly sheer material while her areola were almost visible at the deep V of the neckline. Next, Rose found a nice skirt that clung tightly to Sarah's curves, accenting her bottom in all it's full firmness.
Rose backed off a few steps and said, "Let me see you, turn around for me."
Obediently, Sarah raised her arms and spun about, giggling like a teenager. Rose watched with growing lust as she took in the sight of the older woman. Just the few changes they'd made to her appearance had made a huge difference. When she stopped twirling, her breasts swung heavily in their tight confines, drawing Rose's eyes like a bee to honey. Her skirt fell nicely around her shapely legs, tempting Rose's eyes and clever hands. Her brown eyes sparkled with what Rose fancied was a slight invitation, so she slid closer to Sarah and kissed her gently on the lips.
"Fascinating," she murmured softly, "what a difference, you're absolutely delicious." Sara blushed deeply and pulled back slightly. Rose slid her hands down to her waist, enjoying the warmth of the other woman's body.
"Do you suppose the General will like me?" Sarah asked tentatively.
"Well of course, honey. He'll be head over heels!"
"You don't think I'm too big? My behind is rather wide you know." Rose ran her hands lower and Sarah's eyes widened in surprise when they cupped her round ass and squeezed gently.
"He'll adore you," Rose said throatily, "men love a little cushion down there, and up here too," she added while running a finger between Sarah's big tits. Sarah shivered at her touch and Rose smiled at her sexily. "You'll do well, honey. Sit with me and I'll give you some advice if you like. Fortunately, I've had plenty of experience in the matter."
Out on the front line, Nathan and Major Moore were having a rough go of it. They were struggling to keep casualties to a minimum at Abby's request, but the new guns the redcoats had brought on line were having devastating results. He'd lost 4 of his 10 cannon as well as nearly half of their gun crews. The day had been mostly an artillery battle with the redcoat General trouncing them soundly. He, James, and Alec were having a conversation while looking towards the redcoat lines when a cannonball came screaming in on their position. There was no time to react as the ball bounced once then slammed into a nearby gun, sending a rain of shrapnel through the area. Nathan went down with a surprised squawk as a huge splinter of wood punctured his right thigh, while a piece of iron from the gun carriage pin-wheeled through the air and neatly clipped the little finger from James's left hand. He yelped in pain and immediately clasped his injured hand to his chest, soaking his jacket in blood.
"Shit and fuck!" Nathan thundered as he sat on the ground staring at the nearly foot long splinter in his leg. "I'll kill that cock-sucking general! The son of a bitch has gone and pissed me off!" James chuckled with dark humor between grunts of pain from his wounded hand while Alec stooped down to help Nathan to his feet, and together the three soldiers hobbled to the rear and found the battlefield surgeon. He cleaned the men up as well as he could with his limited materials. He trimmed the loose flesh from Major Moore's stump and bandaged it carefully. Alec had sent for June, and when she arrived they assisted the doctor with pulling the nasty splinter from Nathan's leg while he cried out, twisting in agony on the makeshift operating table despite the dose of laudanum he'd been administered. June held the gaping wound open while the doctor pushed a whiskey soaked rag completely through his leg, using the ramrod from a musket as a tool.
When they were satisfied the wound was clean, June neatly stitched up both entry and exit wounds while Nathan gritted his teeth in pain. Alec helped him back to his tent and made him comfortable, then returned to the lines along with Major Moore to continue the day's battle. Word spread like wildfire about Nathan's condition and it soon reached Rose and Sarah.
"Let's go!" Rose urged and tugged Sarah by the hand. "Maybe we can help him and ease his pain." When they entered his tent he didn't even raise his head from the pillow. He was hurting badly and trying not to groan aloud.
At the touch of Rose's soft hand on his brow, his eyes flickered open and he murmured her name in surprise.
"Rose. What brings you here, pity for an old man?" he teased, between gritted teeth.
"No, Uncle Nathan. Sarah and I are here to tend to your needs. Whatever they are, just ask." She replaced her hand with her soft lips, kissing his cheek tenderly, then gestured to the other woman. "This is Sarah, a fellow camp follower. She's been hanging about with me recently and trying to keep me out of trouble," she said, with a giggle. Nathan cocked an appraising eye at Sarah, taking in her long brown curls, magnificent breasts and well cushioned behind. Apparently, he liked what he saw, because he was having a difficult time tearing his eyes from her. Finally, he returned Rose's flirty gaze.
"Thank you, ladies. Just your presence here is comforting," he said chivalrously, then groaned helplessly as a spasm of pain wracked his body. Rose took in his wounded leg and exclaimed at how bloody the bandage was.
"We need to change your dressing," she said firmly, "and get you out of those filthy clothes. You stink of blood and war, good sir." He protested when she tugged her dagger free and began carefully cutting the clothes from his body. The doctor had already removed his pant leg to his mid-thigh to treat his wound while the other was still whole. "Come, Sarah, give me a hand," Rose ordered. The brunette obeyed, albeit somewhat shyly, having not touched a man in longer than she could remember. Nathan's face colored slightly as they worked on removing his uniform, while Sarah's was flaming red with embarrassment. Rose parted his white shirt and trailed her fingertips through the hair on his chest, slowly sliding downwards until she reached his belt. Sarah's eyes widened as Rose loosened it and gently tugged it through the loops, then unbuttoned his fly. His cock was a massive bulge showing down his pant leg, threatening in size even though he was in pain.
In fact, despite his discomfort he was having a reaction to the girls' care. He felt himself swell and lengthen, then heard a gasp of surprise from both women when his thick head pushed free of his shortened trouser leg to expose itself to their astonished eyes.
"Oh my," Rose whispered admiringly, and her fingers tightened on his thigh involuntarily. "We need to cut his trousers off, we'll start at his waistline and slice through both legs," she said softly to Sarah. She handled the knife while Sarah tugged the fabric free from his body. As they pulled it away, the pungent odor of hot blood and sweaty male reached their delicate noses and set their hormones raging. Rose couldn't help but run her hands up his muscular legs, squeezing him gently as she tested the firmness of his calves and thighs while he sighed in pleasure. Sarah finally worked up the nerve to glance at his fully exposed genitals, her eyes widening in alarm as she took in the formidable length and girth of his shaft, along with his tangerine sized testicles. She tore her eyes from them and looked up his frame, the rigid abdominals and thick pectorals nearly took her breath away.
Bravely, she opened his shirt more, then urged him to sit up so she could remove it completely. He lay back with a groan and closed his eyes as the girls rustled up some warm water and cleaned his body with wet rags, their fingers gently exploring him as they worked. The tent flap suddenly flew open and a concerned Abby ran in.
"How is he?" she asked hurriedly before her eyes had taken in the scene before them. She let out a giggle and knelt to hug him. "I should've known. Rose always finds a naked man to have her way with," she teased. He loved how Abby also couldn't resist the temptation to admire his nude body. Watching her eyes wander over him was exciting, despite the fact that she was, for all practical purposes, his niece. She sighed to herself as she eyed his lean, muscular frame. Alec was a carbon copy of him, differing only slightly by the gray hairs sprinkled over Nathan's chest and pubic area.
"Are you well, Uncle Nathan?" she asked tenderly as she unconsciously stroked his chest.
"Yes, dear Abby. I'll survive. Especially with such beautiful ladies to supervise my recovery," he said, with a fond smile at her. She looked deep in his grey eyes and saw exhaustion and pain, despite his best efforts to hide it. She returned his smile and added a bit of mischievousness to it.
"I've brought you a gift. A little something to take the edge off." She produced her bottle of laudanum and gave him a stiff shot, enough that in just a short time his eyes grew heavy and his movements loose and languid. Rose offered her a rag and together the three women cleaned him thoroughly, with Rose tutoring Sarah with cleaning his manhood. Although he was almost unconscious, his body reacted mildly, his cock lengthening slowly until it hung loosely down his leg a solid eight inches, more than enough to impress the ladies tremendously. Abby finally stood and beckoned Rose outside the tent, leaving Sarah to her own explorations.
"Who's the new girl in there? Where'd you meet her?" Abby questioned.
Rose told her of her new friend and how they'd become acquainted, including how she longed for a man and that Rose hoped to match her up with Nathan, if only for a short time. "I think it's a great idea, just tell her not to hurt him. If she does, I'll have words with her," Abby cautioned.
"Of course, I'll make sure she understands," Rose responded. When she re-entered the tent, Nathan was sleeping soundly and Sarah was tugging a blanket over him to keep him warm.
"Is it okay if I stay with him?" she asked.
"I'm sure he'd love that," Rose said encouragingly, "he'll need some love and care for a few days and I think you're just the woman he needs right now."
Sarah pulled a chair close to his bedside and settled in for a long wait, her eyes gazing down at him fondly, despite having just met him. Rose took note of it and smiled to herself. Her plan was coming together nicely, she thought.
The enemy fire had slackened off to just a few sporadic shots now and then, so Alec and the Major returned to the rear and began preparations for the following morning's operation, starting with calling a formation of the men. Abby, Rose, and June attended the affair as they'd volunteered to participate.
Forty two men were picked according to their skills in rapidly loading and firing cannon. Since the upcoming attack was Abby's idea, Alec introduced her to the men and gave her the floor.
She explained how her plan would work. Just after midnight, half the men led by Alec and Abby would envelope the enemy left flank, and the remainder of the men with Major Moore in command, would take the right. The redcoat sentries would be silently killed, then three men would be assigned per cannon to seize it. Every man would carry a prepackaged bag of powder and also a sack of grapeshot to load the cannon with. From Abby's observations it appeared the cannon weren't loaded or manned at night, hopefully making the odds of success even higher. After they took the cannon under the cover of darkness, they'd turn them on their wheels to face the enemy camp and point them at the area where the morning formation would be held. After they fired their cannon at the enemy, the remainder of the men would ride mounted from the camp and reinforce the cannoneers. Abby had firm orders for them at this point.
"Do not under any circumstances fire your cannon before my or Alec's signal. It's imperative that we kill as many redcoats as possible in a short amount of time. Three rounds of grapeshot from each field piece should do the trick, then we'll sweep in and kill any remaining soldiers by hand. Make sure you tie your equipment tightly to your bodies to eliminate rattling while we sneak in on their positions. Sharpen your knives and swords and then try to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a do or die day for us. The General is doing well and resting right now. He sends his best wishes to you and prays for victory and your safe return. God bless you all."
After Major Moore called an end to the formation, two men approached Abby and she instantly recognized them as the two troublemakers from back at the plantation. "Earl and Robert, right?" she questioned with a smile.
"Yes, Mistress," Earl, the older man responded. "We'd like to volunteer to take out the sentries on your side. We're excellent woodsmen and would love to serve with you."
She eyed them speculatively. They certainly looked the part. Their hair and beards were shaggy but clean, while their buckskin clothing was well worn but serviceable. Their eyes were eager, yet somehow she sensed they were almost afraid of her, which was indeed so. Taking her long pause as a negative sign, Robert spoke up shyly.
"Please, Mistress, allow us to help you. It'd mean a lot to us," he begged. She knew she was taking a chance, but made a quick decision based on her gut feeling.
"I'd like that very much. You'll stay close to me as we work our way to their line and I'll show you where the sentry's posts are."
"Oh, we know where they are. In fact, we watched you and Miss Rose scout them out the other day. We'd been eyeballing them as well," Earl said with a mischievous smile while Abby laughed gaily, surprised at his words. "We had nothing to do and figured we'd spy a bit ourselves. Like I said, we're good at this sort of business." Abby knew then that she'd made the proper choice.
"Why you scoundrels! I had no clue you were in the area. I feel better knowing you'll be there with us," she complimented with a beautiful smile while the men colored at her words.
"Thank you, Mistress!" they both exclaimed happily. They bowed slightly to her and took their leave while she looked at their retreating backs with satisfaction, feeling even more confident in her plan than before.
It was now dinner time and Rose delivered a meal to Nathan's tent, hoping that he'd be awake to eat. She found Sarah still sitting next to him, nearly asleep in her chair. Sarah gently shook him awake and together the two women sat him up and watched as he hungrily ate.
"So, you're heading out tonight with the assault group, Rose?" he asked between bites.
"Yep, I'll be with Alec and Abby while June will accompany the Major. She's fast and efficient at loading both rifle and cannon. I think she'll be a huge asset to him," she said loyally.
"Ah, I so wish I could go too," he said wistfully. "I love watching you ladies work. You're all extraordinary in your own ways. It's an honor just knowing you three." She colored at his words, but loved his praise.
"Thank you, Nathan. And you are as well. We'll come see you when we've been victorious," she said, with more confidence than she was feeling. To be truthful, this was the biggest venture she'd ever been a part of and was quite nervous. As she spoke, she noticed his bared chest was covered in goosebumps and his nipples were hard, indicating he was getting cold. He handed his plate to Sarah with a groan and closed his eyes as he fought the waves of agony from his wounded thigh.
"Easy there, big man," Rose crooned. "Let's get you tucked back in." He eased down on his back while the girls tugged his blankets up. Rose watched Sarah closely and noticed that a few times she almost touched him but was too shy to continue. Rose took Sarah's hand in her's and used it to caress his thick pecs and tight belly, her fingers trailing through the curly hair that coated him.
His eyes remained closed and he moaned in pleasure at the sensation of her warm hand. In a few moments his breathing settled and he fell asleep.
"Would you like to stay with him tonight?" Rose whispered, her breath stirring the hair next to Sarah's ear.
"I'd like to, just in case he needs something," Sarah replied quietly.
"Then be bold and brave, sweetheart," Rose said, and tugged Sarah to her feet. Sarah's eyes widened in surprise when Rose began undressing her, and when she was naked, Rose gently pulled the blanket from Nathan's body and pushed Sarah down to lie beside him. The bed was narrow and she had to lay on her side, but she just managed to fit. He moaned at her touch and unconsciously put a hand on her thigh, causing her to jump nervously. Rose smoothed her hair and kissed her cheek before covering the two with the blanket.
"Sweet dreams," she whispered, and quietly took her leave.
No one slept a wink that night as they lay collectively thinking about the attack planned for the early morning. As a result they were all ready to slip into the forest before the time came to do so. Alec, Abby, and the Major walked through the groups of men scattered about to give them words of encouragement and remind them of their individual parts to play in the next few hours. Finally, the appointed time came and the two groups slipped quietly into the forest and began their slow, steady movement to the enemy line. Abby, Robert, and Earl led their company and stealthily crawled in close to the two sentries. Both redcoat men were sitting on the ground and leaning against nearby trees, wrapped in blankets and sleeping soundly.
Abby watched as Robert slipped behind the first one and clapped his hand over his mouth while holding him tightly with the other. Earl rammed his knife in the man's neck and chopped out his throat as the man struggled mightily. The only sound Abby heard was the whoosh of air leaving his lungs and gurgling of blood through his opened windpipe. The two woodsmen were quiet as mice when they sneaked in and repeated their bloody deed on the second sentry, then waved Abby and the remaining troops forward.
"Well done, gents!" Abby breathed to them as she squeezed their arms in thanks. "I couldn't have done it better myself!" she said with a sly wink at the men. Both of their chests puffed in pride at her words. They'd each fallen in love with her when she'd forgiven them, and sought to win her approval any way they could, including bloody murder if that's what it took.
Alec led the men through the darkness and across the open field, ensuring each cannon emplacement was void of the enemy, then he placed three men in each position. They silently turned each cannon to point towards the redcoat camp, then using their own powder and shot, stealthily loaded the guns and hid behind the embankment while waiting for dawn.
Meanwhile, Major Moore's company had enjoyed the same success. Their sentries on the enemies right flank were easily overpowered and killed without waking the camp, then he stationed his soldiers at each field piece according to plan. June had chosen to accompany him and she bore his rifle, shot, and powder horn as she followed him closely.
Abby and Rose picked a position on the embankment that gave them a clear view of the field where the redcoat formation would soon form. The girls made sure they were well dug into the dirt in order to expose a minimum of themselves to the redcoats when the shooting started. It seemed to take forever for dawn to break and the troops huddled together in the morning chill as they waited.
Abby's eyes grew drowsy as she cuddled close to Rose, then was rudely jerked awake when the redcoat trumpeter sounded the morning reveille. Rubbing the sleep from their eyes, the two deadly beauties scrambled up the embankment and shouldered their squirrel rifles.
"Be patient, honey," Abby cautioned, "I'm waiting for a few moments."
She watched the command tent with sharp eyes while a captain shouted to the still sleepy redcoats, urging them into a formation of farting, scratching soldiers. Abby tensed when the command tent flapped open and the general came out. He paused beside his dwelling and unleashed a mighty stream of urine, the hot stream steaming in the morning chill.
"The men are assembled, sir!" The captain barked out and called the men to attention. The general wanted to have words of encouragement with them this morning because he intended to bring this standoff to a finish and defeat Nathan definitively. He strode briskly to stand before his men, and his adjutant, a colonel by all appearances joined him as well.
"You take his officer when you hear me shoot, Rose," Abby whispered as she put her front sight on the general's head.
"I'm ready," Rose responded, so quietly that Abby could barely pick out her words. When Abby's breathing paused as she exhaled, she gently pulled the trigger while concentrating on her front sight. The recoil surprised her completely and she knew the shot was perfect. The general's head snapped forward when her 32 caliber bullet impacted the back of his skull, opening his forehead and scattering his brains on the front rank of surprised men. Rose's shot broke an instant behind hers and the colonel suffered the same fate as her bullet emptied his brainpan onto the cold ground.
Almost simultaneously the girls heard Alec's command, "Fire, fire on those sons' of bitches!" he shouted in his best bull roar. The mighty blast of cannon shattered the morning air and sheets of grapeshot ripped bloody swaths through the packed ranks of surprised redcoats. Abby tried to watch the action as she rapidly reloaded, searching for any targets that may have survived the initial fusillade of cannon fire. The Continental soldiers were expert cannoneers and it showed in their effectiveness. The guns on the ends of the line had been aimed at the outer ranks of men, and the middle guns were increasingly aimed towards the center of the formation so when they all fired at once the entire group of soldiers came under fire.
As the first volley died off and the men were frantically reloading the field pieces, the screams of wounded and dying men rang shrill in the air. Abby and Rose each picked off another man before the cannon began to speak again in a ragged chorus. For another two minutes it was bedlam as bodies and body parts fell in the field like rain as the terrible grapeshot did it's formidable duty. After the third and final round, the men charged the remaining redcoats and engaged in hand to hand combat.
Rose held back and continued to fire at targets of opportunity while Abby joined Alec with her rapier and together the two reaped a bloody harvest. She had no mercy as she fought, killing every man who had the courage to engage her flickering steel, and stabbing the wounded as she passed them by. Alec stayed close to her and when his newfound sword fighting skills didn't serve him well, he beat the redcoats back with sheer strength and audacity.
Somehow, through the fog of battle he saw Major Moore take a musket ball to his thigh that fractured his femur, sending him to the ground with a roar of pain. A redcoat saw opportunity and charged the Major with a drawn sword, intent to dispatch him. Alec knew he couldn't get there in time but he tried anyway. He broke into a run towards them, then saw a sight that would live with him forever.
Little June, the slave girl, was running like a deer across the field with a sword in her hand and quartering behind the attacking redcoat. She threw herself on the backs of his legs and they both went down in a heap. She scrambled quickly to her feet and chopped down on the hapless man while sobbing with anger. She cursed him roundly as her sword bit into his head and neck, splattering herself in his hot blood. When he was dead, she stood over the wounded Major, her sword poised and ready to fight like a lioness defending her young.
Meanwhile, Abby had tangled with a huge redcoat, one that she knew she should've avoided if possible due to his sheer size and strength. The crushing blows of his steel on her's were difficult to parry and she knew her wrist couldn't take the punishment for long. Her rapier darted in and out, leaving its mark twice on his right arm and again on his belly. He was streaming blood and panting loudly, but seemed to grow faster and stronger as their bout progressed. Remembering the way she'd defeated a redcoat officer long ago, she parried a particularly heavy blow and she struck like a rattler at the wrist joint of his sword arm.
He bellowed in pain as his tendons parted with an audible snap and she smelled victory, but it was fleeting. His left fist came from nowhere and clouted on the side of her head, knocking her to the hard ground nearly unconscious. She looked up at him woozily, fully expecting his sword to appear and run her through. His snarling face swam into view and his left hand closed around her throat, viciously squeezing the life from her. Her vision began to tunnel as she writhed on the ground struggling to breathe. His evil, grinning face grew close to hers and she could smell the horrible breath emanating from his blackened, rotting teeth.
Suddenly, his teeth exploded and a sheet of blood rained down on her upturned face as Rose's well aimed bullet took his life just in the nick of time. He stiffened spasmodically, then fell lifeless on her body, crushing her to the dirt. She sucked for air, nearly gagging as his hot blood ran into her mouth and nose. Kicking and fighting she rolled from under him, then in a fit of rage, drew her dagger and punched it in his eye, twisting and turning it viciously and scrambling his brain to mush.
Strong arms went around her and Alec's comforting words pierced her fog, "Easy, Angel, easy now. He's dead." She looked at him numbly, then collapsed in his embrace.
"That was a close one, Heavy. I need to quit picking on the big ones, damn it," she muttered as her senses slowly returned. They both stood shakily and she turned to face him, kissing him quickly before turning her attention back to the battlefield.
Just then the cavalry arrived from the Continental lines. They'd awaited to charge until they heard the booming of cannon fire. They poured over the embankment and smashed into the remaining redcoats, first firing their muskets and pistols, then slashing down with razor sharp sabers, slaughtering the last of the enemy troops. As the fighting died off, Alec and Abby stood and rested, completely blown and panting for breath. They looked in amazement at the sight before them. It looked like a scene from hell, bloody, eviscerated bodies and burning tents filled the air with a putrid scent while the screams of the wounded set their teeth on edge. The troops moved among them and swiftly killed the survivors, using sword and knife to end their lives.
Alec went to Major Moore and tended to him until two soldiers with a wagon arrived and carefully lifted him in the bed, joining the other wounded for the bumpy ride back to camp. Abby hunted for and found Rose, whom was sitting at the embankment with a smoking rifle, the barrel hot to the touch from the high rate of fire she'd maintained.
Abby threw herself in her arms and hugged her tightly. "Thank for saving my life again, sweetness," she said loudly, her ears still ringing from the din of battle.
"You're welcome, honey!" Rose exclaimed with fire still in her eyes. "I love killing those bastards, almost too much I'm afraid." She put an arm around Abby and hugged her close, then shared a sweet kiss with her.
Sarah & the General
The two sat in silence and watched as the troops continued to mop up the battlefield. Suddenly, Rose had a thought. "The general's tent! We should loot it before anyone else does! I bet he has some stuff that Nathan would want!" The two beauties shot to their feet and ran to the tent. It was still standing, but barely. A couple guy ropes had been parted by shrapnel or shot and the fabric was torn, but it had survived.
They went in and found Alec had beat them there. He was stuffing parchments and other items into a leather satchel. Abby flung herself in his arms and kissed him deeply, sighing at the warmth of him. Rose gave them a few seconds, then joined them and her lips met Alec's as well. He hugged his girls and sighed with relief, happy beyond words that they'd all survived the battle unscathed. As they rifled through the tent, Rose let out a cry of joy when she found a small wooden chest filled with gold coins, so heavy that she couldn't pick it up.
"I want to give it to the soldiers and their families!" she exclaimed. "Do you suppose that Nathan would agree?"
"I can't speak for him, but I'd imagine so. We'll run it by him when we get back to camp," Alec stated. They continued sacking the tent and Abby let out a surprised cry.
"I found some laudanum!" she said happily as she sniffed a gallon jug of the substance. "We can use it for our wounded!"
Soon, they'd finished their pillaging and readied for the long walk across the field back to their own lines. Alec secured a loose horse and strapped the treasure chest to it's saddle while Abby paused atop the enemy embankment and turned to look back over the field of battle, shaking her head at the sight. Over three hundred redcoat bodies were laying in bloody, stinking disarray.
"A job well done," she muttered to herself as a wave of exhaustion rolled over her small frame. Everyone had been awake for over twenty four hours now, and with her adrenaline dump wearing off, she was almost asleep on her feet. She took Alec's arm while Rose took the other and together they made their way back to their lines.
They found Nathan sitting up in his bed with Sarah in close attendance. He was wide awake and hoping for good news. They swiftly filled him in on their victory and he let out a huge sigh of relief.
"So we won? Was it decisive?" he asked hurriedly.
"Yes, Uncle. We killed over three hundred of them. We've nothing to fear anymore, and I brought this back for you," Abby said with a happy smile, and tossed the brain spattered hat of the enemy general to Nathan. He flicked a piece of skull bone from the brim and chuckled joyfully.
"You cocksucker. We've finally got you," he said to the hat with a smile.
"Abby got him!" Rose bragged. "She killed him with a single shot to his noggin, and I got the colonel. Then Alec called out the order to fire and all hell broke loose!" she said excitedly, reliving the opening moments in her mind.
"We also got a chest full of gold!" Alec exclaimed. "We'll leave it here with you under guard if that's okay."
"Of course it is! Well done!" he congratulated, "you'll have to tell me all about it later. Where's James at?"
"He took a ball to his thighbone, I believe it's broken badly," Alec said. "and June is taking care of him. My next stop is the doctor's tent to check on him."
A frown of concern furrowed Nathan's brow. "Keep me up to date on his condition, please. Maybe I can visit him later."
"You need to rest, darling," Sarah spoke up unexpectedly as she caressed his shoulder, "your own wound is quite grievous."
"Alec, this is Sarah," Rose broke in to introduce her, "she's helping Nathan in his recovery." Alec met her gaze and she gave him a conspiratorial wink. He smiled back, not at all surprised that she was up to no good yet again.
He kissed her cheek and muttered in her ear. "You saucy wench, always spoiling us men. Well done, beautiful." She colored at his praise and wondered why he still had such an effect on her after all the time they'd spent together.
The companions took their leave and went to check on James. The doctor had him on a makeshift table and was swabbing out the wound in his leg. June was with him and was attempting to hold him down as he writhed in agony. His thigh looked crooked with a slight dogleg in the middle of it. Abby approached the doctor and handed him her newfound jug of liquid gold.
"It's laudanum," she stated. "I took it from the enemy in hopes of helping out our own."
"Oh, thank you, Miss Durham, I was rationing our meager supply already. This is truly a gift from God!" He rapidly administered a strong dose to the Major, and Alec answered his many questions about the battle while they waited for it to take effect. In a few minutes James was barely lucid and had a loopy grin on his face. The doctor produced two strong poles to use as a splint and asked Alec for some help. They gently lifted the Major and laid him on the floor of the tent, then spread his legs apart. They cut the remainder of his trousers from his body and prepared to set his leg.
Alec sat before him and put a foot in James' crotch, while the doctor lifted his heavy genitalia out of harm's way. The girls watched wide eyed as Alec gripped hos foot and began a strong, steady traction. Despite the laudanum, James groaned in pain and nearly passed out as his broken leg slowly straightened out. The doctor rapidly tied the splint tightly around his thigh, then Alec carefully released the leg. James sighed in relief and relaxed into June's comforting embrace.
"There, there," she whispered. "It's all over now, sweetheart." Together they lifted James to a nearby bed and June covered him to keep him warm. In a few moments his breathing steadied and he fell into a drug induced sleep while June kissed his brow softly and smiled down at him tenderly. Abby watched her with pride. Her friend was truly a gentle soul at heart and she loved taking care of the sick and wounded. Alec was watching as well, wondering how such a beautiful and loving creature could turn into a vicious killer as she had been earlier in the day. He shook his head, then bent to kiss June's upturned mouth.
"You're such a sweetheart. Thanks for all you did today, my little slave girl," he whispered in her ear. She blushed violently and kissed him softly in return.
"You're welcome, Master," she said meekly. He ruffled her dark curls affectionately and stood up.
"It's time for some sleep, any takers?" he asked, while looking at Abby and Rose. Without a word they took his arms and led him to their tent. Filthy and bloody, they undressed and fell into bed, curling into each other's warmth and falling asleep in seconds.
After a few hours, Alec awoke with a bursting bladder. As he stepped outside to relieve himself he had an idea. He dressed, then went in search of a large wooden barrel. He soon found one that'd been used to store dry goods. He carried it inside their tent, then went to the area where the camp followers cooked food and cleaned laundry. The girls were eager to please the big, handsome man and soon provided him with plenty of hot water to fill his barrel.
He roused his women and they were loathe to get up until they they saw the barrel of steaming hot water, then they playfully fought over who got to go first. Alec leaned back and enjoyed watching the dirty, naked vixens wash each other clean as they'd done so many times before. He stepped in to wash each girl's hair and they purred with contentment as his strong hands massaged their scalps with thick lather. Soon, it was his turn and he dumped out the filthy water and refilled the barrel with clean. The girls spoiled him rotten with their wandering hands, especially when they reached his cock and balls. They fought for possession of his rampant prick and teased him mercilessly with their soapy hands.
They soon struck up a conversation like Alec wasn't even there.
"What should we do with him?" Abby teased as she fondled his huge balls in a soapy hand.
"Oh, I'm not sure. Should we rinse him off and send him on his way, or take pity on him and make him cum?" Rose giggled, while stroking his burgeoning shaft.
"Well, if we make him cum now he'll last much longer for us this evening. I'm sure June needs some love too," Abby said, smiling as he nodded emphatically. She smiled up at him and squeezed him gently, raising him up on his toes.
"I agree, let's work him over so he won't be quick on the trigger tonight," Rose purred. The girls rinsed him off as he stepped from the barrel, then dried him off with a towel. Abby knelt in front of him and took his shaft in her hand, then tugged Rose down to join her. Alec groaned in anticipation as the girls both made eye contact with him, then opened their mouths and together bathed his genitals. For long minutes they serviced him.
They clung to him and returned his love, whimpering with the pleasure of it. His big hands wandered down to explore both their nubile bodies, but they reluctantly pulled away.
"We've got chores to do, big man," Abby declared regretfully. "Besides, we want our June with us when we take advantage of you tonight." She kissed him again longingly, then broke away from his embrace to get dressed. Rose caressed his low hanging, spent cock one last time before following Abby's lead. He admired their swinging behinds as they left, then looked down at his cock as a last, long string of cum trailed out to land on the ground. He gripped it in a big hand and gave himself a few tugs while thinking of the night's upcoming activities. He knew he was a lucky man and promised himself that he'd give his women an exceptional performance, or die trying.
In just a few minutes, June appeared accompanied by Sarah, whom shyly entered behind her in the tent. She was shocked at the sight of Alec laying naked on the bed, thinking immediately that he looked almost exactly like Nathan. He flew up and hastily pulled on a clean pair of trousers while apologizing profusely. June was smiling in amusement at his predicament and threw herself in his arms for a kiss, while Sarah looked on in astonishment.
"I've missed you, Master," June whispered in his ear.
"And I you, my little slave," he returned, as he held her slight body in his strong hands. He looked to their visitor now that he was partially clothed.
"Hello again, Sarah." He smiled to himself when he saw her gaze was locked on his thickly muscled torso. He truly loved a lady's attention and he subconsciously puffed out his chest a bit as she ogled him. She finally raised her brown eyes to his grey ones and saw his were filled with mirth. Flushing a deep red, she stubbed a toe in the dirt, dying with embarrassment. Alec saved her further mortification by speaking to June.
"Lets's get some new wash water, June. You two need cleaned up. We just finished ourselves."
"I know, Rose and Abby just relieved us and told us to come here. They said some sexy stud of a man was waiting and willing to bathe both of us."
"At your service, my ladies," he said solemnly, and bowed low while sweeping an invisible hat from his head. Sarah was backing slowly towards the tent opening, unsure of what was going to happen to her when June giggled and tugged her back.
"Alec will only help if you desire. I've heard he gives excellent shampoos and I'm long overdue. Let's get this barrel refilled." As the three fetched water, June reassured Sarah that all was fine. "Why don't you watch how he takes care of me, then you can decide if you want to play or not. I highly recommend it though."
When the water was replaced, June undressed in front of the other two and Alec picked her up by the waist to set her in the barrel. She sighed in satisfaction and crouched down until her little head was just above water. While she soaked, Alec poured himself a stiff whiskey and offered Sarah the same. She rarely drank and was surprised at how smooth her drink was, only coughing slightly as it burned it's way to her empty tummy.
She watched with some trepidation as Alec poured water over June's black hair and worked soap deep into her scalp. She moaned in pleasure as he massaged her for several minutes, almost falling asleep under his touch. Eventually, he rinsed her hair clean and pulled her to her feet. He soaped her upper body thoroughly, spending plenty of time on her shoulders and full breasts, while her nipples hardened nicely under his fingers. Sarah was halfway tipsy by now and all eyes when Alec scooped the little maid out of the water and stood her on a towel so he could wash her lower body.
Again, June was in rapture as his hands gently soaped her lithe body. He stood behind her and caressed a breast in one hand while his other slid between her trembling thighs. She moaned when his clever fingers parted her smooth petals and cleaned her thoroughly. He slid further back and ran a soapy finger around her tight little asshole, and she almost came at the sensation.
Sarah was nearly beside herself. She never seen such business before and the only thing keeping her inside the tent was the pleasant tingling in her nethers and burn of whiskey in her belly. More of both was what she needed she realized, and chose to be brave and see what happened next.
Alec finished up and dunked a disappointed June back in the barrel to rinse her off. When he was finished, she clung to him as he lifted from the water. Wrapping her naked legs around his hips she kissed him sweetly, then let herself down so he could dry her off. Sarah took the moment to gulp down another stiff shot, knowing she'd need it in a few minutes to help make up her mind if she'd stay, or chicken out and flee the tent. Alec stood tall from drying June and looked Sarah in the eye.
To be continued in part 15, by Seethegood for Literotica.