Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 8

An intruder in the woods

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Rose and June chose to cook a light dinner and while they did so, Abby and Alec crawled into bed. She rested her head on his chest, wriggling her nose like a rabbit when his crispy chest hair tickled her. In minutes he was sleeping and she spent her time with him caressing his broad chest, running her nails through his hair and listening to his strong heartbeat while she gazed at his handsome profile. She could feel herself falling ever deeper in love with him day by day it seemed.

She had just nodded off when June traced the hair back from her brow and kissed her forehead. "Dinner is served, Mistress, if you're hungry," she whispered quietly.

"Oh, June. Thank you, my sweet." Abby roused her man and the foursome had a delicious dinner together, enjoying a nice bottle of wine Abby had liberated from one of their caches. Alec insisted on doing the cleanup and almost had to spank little June to keep her from taking over his duties while the other two girls laughed in delight at the pair's antics.

When his chores were completed, Alec sat in his armchair and had another glass of wine while Abby sat at his feet. Rose started a nice fire in the stone fireplace and soon the evening chill left the cabin. Abby looked up at him and watched him as he stared into the flames, deep in thought with his brow creased in worry. She suspected his mind was on their upcoming journey and the troubles that would inevitably arise along the way, and she hated to see him like this. Glancing at her girlfriends she noticed that they too had fallen silent and were carefully watching him as well, picking up on his mood. She rose gracefully to her feet and offered him a hand.

"Come with us," she said softly. She led him to the bear skin that lay on the floor in front of the fire and pulled him down to lay on his back. Rose retrieved their pillows and together the girls surrounded him with their warm, naked bodies and soon drove all negative thoughts from his head with their kisses and caressing hands.

Their mood was slow and tender. Rose chose to simply lay on her side and caress anyone that came within her reach while Abby pushed June atop him. She rode with exquisite skill for nearly fifteen minutes while Abby kissed him and made love to his chest and hard belly with her soft lips.

The girls made it all about his pleasure this time and June left him gleaming with sweat and panting lightly. June slid off him and laid beside him while Rose licked him clean of his and June's combined juices.

He pulled Abby up over his mouth with her facing his feet and she watched Rose, until she soaked his face and chin in her sweet juice.

When Abby recovered her breath she slid off his face and straddled his hips while Rose slid to the side to accommodate her. Abby wedged his thick head in her pussy and tenderly took him deep inside her. He groaned as her tightness squeezed him in her hot, wet tunnel while he looked up at her beautiful blue eyes that were staring down at him intensely. For several minutes she worked above him, her sweet breasts gleaming with perspiration from the warm fire in her loins.

She lowered herself to his chest and whispered in his ear. "Just relax.”

Slowly, they wound down and with happy little sighs of completion, the foursome snuggled together and dozed off lightly by the fire. Sometime later as the room chilled, June roused them up and got them all into bed, then tucked them in warm blankets and together they slept like the dead.

The following morning, Abby was sitting on the porch swing drinking her coffee when she noticed her horse lift her head and look into the forest, then resume browsing in the grass. Abby continued watched her from the corner of her eye and the mare repeated her actions twice more in just a few minutes. Abby casually finished her coffee and strode inside the cabin.

"We may have company," she announced calmly, catching everyone's attention immediately. She explained what she'd seen and quickly outlined a plan for the group.

"I'll take my rifle and slide out the back window, then circle around in the forest in the direction my mare was looking. Rose and Alec, you two standby inside with your rifles and watch carefully out front. June, give me ten minutes then take a bucket of water and go out on the porch and wash up. Don't be afraid to show a little skin  sultriness. If someone's out there we may need every advantage. Leave the door open though, so you can run inside if the shooting starts, sound good?"

"No it doesn't sound good," Alec growled. "I don't want you out there alone, sweetheart. I'm coming with you!"

"Lover, you can't fit through the back window with that big body of yours. Besides, I can handle myself, you know that. If you hear a shot, come running though," she said reasonably.

He was red in the face and getting angry, so she quickly pulled him down and smothered him in hot kisses until his broad shoulders sagged in defeat.

"Damn it, Angel. How come you always seem to win these difficult arguments?" he grumped.

"Get used to it, big man!" Rose exclaimed while stifling laughter. "I don't believe I've ever won a tussle with her in all these years."

"Time's a-waisting, is everyone good?" Abby said in an urgent voice.

"I'm good, damn it to hell!" Alec grumbled and picked up his rifle.

Abby pulled him down to whisper in his ear. "I love you, Heavy. Lots and lots."

He squeezed her until her little ribs almost cracked. "I love you too, Angel. Come back safe."

She slid out the back window and he handed out her rifle and rapier along with her powder horn and bullet pouch. She kissed his big hand, then turned and disappeared in the forest like a puff of smoke.

She started making a careful circle around the clearing and in just a couple minutes picked out the shape of a horse tethered to a tree about 50 yards away from the cabin. It's ears were perked up and it was looking at the west side of the clearing. Abby carefully eased in that direction with every sense she had available on high alert.

The sun was just rising in the east and she cupped her hand over her brow to shade her eyes. For nearly five minutes she stood completely still and listened while her eyes swept the area in front of her. Finally, she saw a small movement at the edge of the clearing between her and the cabin. She thought she could see a man lying prone on the ground, and like her, he had his hands covering his eyes as he looked directly east into the sunrise.

She heard the cabin door squeak open and the faint sound of June singing to herself as she began her morning ablutions. The man's head rose slightly and Abby knew he was watching June intently. Before she moved towards him she again scanned her surroundings for any danger but couldn't pick up any other signs that bothered her.

June's voice rose high and sweet in the morning air, drowning the tiny sounds of Abby moving in on the unsuspecting stranger. As she got closer to him, June came into view. She was naked from the waist up and was rinsing herself down with a wet rag. Her dusky breasts were high and firm on her chest and her dark nipples stuck out as hard as diamonds from the cold water.

Good ol' June, Abby thought to herself, the man didn't stand a chance. As she slid to within 20 feet of him, June dropped her skirt and raised a bare leg to the top of the porch handrail, exposing her shaven pubis to the world. Humming energetically, she dipped her rag in the bucket and took her time wiping herself clean.

Abby heard a gasp from her target and he shuffled uncomfortably on his belly as his burgeoning cock tried to find room in his trousers. In a few silent steps she was directly behind him and she poked the barrel of her rifle to the back of his neck. He stiffened immediately and a stream of curses left his mouth as he let his face fall in defeat to the forest floor

"You fucking got me you bastard, son of a bitch!" he complained. "Someone finally got the drop on ol' Duncan Yates, damn you to hell!"

The tension left Abby's body and a smile came to her face. "Mister Yates? I'm so sorry! I'm Abigail Durham!"

The man rolled over and a look of surprise came over his craggy old face.

"Mistress Durham! What in the fuh I mean what in the world are you doing here?"

She offered him a hand and pulled his slight frame to his feet. She gave him a big hug while he stuttered for words to say to the blonde beauty.

"I hope you don't mind too much, sir. We've had use of your cabin for several months. I read your note and figured you may never return," she said tentatively.

"Of course I don't mind. I didn't think I was coming back either. This war's been hell on this old man, but I've survived so far."

"Can I welcome you back to your cabin then?" she asked a bit sheepishly. "I have three companions with me as well."

"I've met one of them from a distance," he quipped. "You're just like your father, a devious young lady when need be. That show on the porch was for my benefit wasn't it?"

She lowered her eyes and giggled. "Yes sir, it was, and worked quite well in fact."

He laughed uproariously and clapped a hand to his knee. "Well, you snookered this old man fair and square, young lady. I'll be telling stories of this til the day I die."

She took his arm and tugged him towards the cabin. "Shall we?"

"Coming in, June! All's well!" she called out and together they approached the old man's cabin. The three companions met them at the porch and Abby made introductions all around. Duncan's eyes were wide in astonishment as he took in the three beauties all standing together, along with the tall man beside them.

"My word, man. Have you been living under my roof with these three young ladies? You're the most fortunate man in creation!" he exclaimed in wonder. The girls all blushed at his words and Alec's chest puffed out a little. He was proud to have them and wasn't afraid to show it.

"You look hungry and tired, sir. May I make something for you to eat?" June asked politely.

"I'll not turn down a good meal, Miss June. My thanks to you indeed."

She blushed at his words, rarely had anyone ever addressed her as Miss and she thought it was quite wonderful. They went inside and he exclaimed at how clean and well kept his cabin was and was equally surprised at the large bed Alec had built. He didn't mention their sleeping arrangements of course, but Abby saw the wheels turning in his wizened head and knew he suspected the truth.

While he ate, the companions answered his many questions about how they'd survived and continued taking the battle to the enemy. He informed them he'd been up north and knew that George was alive and well and giving the redcoats hell.

"In fact, he and his militia are steadily moving south, in this direction. Do know of Blenheim Plantation, Abby?" he asked.

"I've heard of it but I'm not sure where it's at."

"It's maybe three day's ride north of here. I've heard he intends to stop his drive south there to resupply and rest his troops. They've been on a real tear lately."

"That's wonderful!" she cried out. "We were just planning on heading north tomorrow to see if we could find him." She quickly filled him in on the letter she'd found from her father, and how she'd thought he was dead these long months.

"Well, I can assure you he's alive a thorn in the redcoats ass! Whoops, sorry, ma'am. I'm not used to being around such lovely ladies," he apologized with a red face.

She giggled and waved it off. "Don't worry Mister Yates, I've heard much worse. By the way, we have quite a lot of food and supplies at various caches around here. If you're staying home you're welcome to them. We had an excellent garden this year and all the produce is in a cool cave just a short distance from here."

His eyes misted over and he clasped her hands in his. "Oh thank you, Mistress. I really didn't know how I was going to feed myself this coming winter, a man can't live on venison alone you know."

"Well, there's something else too," she offered. "We have a milk cow with a yearling calf you're welcome to. We were just going to set her loose in the morning."

A tear ran down his rugged cheek and he knelt to kiss her hand. "Oh, you're such a blessing to this old man. I can never thank you enough for your kindness."

"You're the blessing, Mister Yates. We'd have had a rough go of it without the shelter of your cabin. I firmly believe it saved our lives."

The rest of the day they prepared to leave, and in the afternoon Alec and Abby showed the old man where the root cellar was. He was more than appreciative and swore he'd repay them somehow.

It was obvious to the foursome that the fellow had experienced a rough time in the last few months and their hearts went out to him. Abby pulled June aside and whispered an idea in her ear. June looked a bit surprised, but by the end of the conversation she was nodding eagerly.

Alec set about hauling water to heat on the stove and fireplace and when it was hot, Abby set her plan in motion. They moved the bathing tub out on the porch and filled it with piping hot water as the old man watched them curiously but remained silent. June opened a bottle of whiskey and filled a mug to the brim and set it near the tub, then she packed Alec's pipe and did the same with it. The old man was sitting at the kitchen table when Abby approached him and held out her hand.

"Will you do me a favor, Mister Yates?"

"Only if you call me, Duncan, Mistress."

"I like that, thank you, Duncan. And you may call me Abby, please. All my friends do." She gave him a beautiful smile that melted his crusty old heart.

"Come with me, please."

She tugged him outside where June met him with a washrag and soap in her more than capable hands.

"June offered to help you clean up and get you comfortable. It's just a small way that we can repay you," she offered.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Um, you mean for me to get in the tub? Naked?"

"Yes, Duncan. Please do. June is quite versed in matters like this, she's tended to me for years."

He eyed Abby askance for a few moments, taking in the confidence and authority in her blue eyes, then all resistance left him in a rush. His bony shoulders sagged and he almost wobbled on his feet. June steadied him and started peeling his filthy clothes from his sparse frame.

"Thank you, Mistress Abby. I'll never forget your kindness," he said softly.

"We'll be inside if you require anything, June," Abby ordered, then went inside and firmly closed the door.

June set her mind to doing her best for the old fellow. She gently scrubbed his hair, head and face while he sputtered and spit water everywhere. When it came time to stand him up, he protested vehemently but she was adamant and eventually he had no choice but to capitulate. He stood awkwardly while she soaped him up and scrubbed him briskly then rinsed him down. He continually covered himself with his hands and she had to talk him into letting her continue.

"Sweetheart, please let me take care of you. I don't want to embarrass you, I just want to make you feel good and clean. Besides, I think you've seen a bit more of me than I've seen you," she teased.

He looked at her and saw her beautiful smile and he let loose with a huge laugh. "Now that's the honest truth, Miss June. Fair's fair I reckon!"

He shyly dropped his hands and she took his cock in her own small ones.

"Well my stars! Mister Duncan, where ever did you hide such a large member! I've never seen the like!" she complimented with a convincing smile. His chest puffed out and he gave her a huge grin.

"I've been known to satisfy a few lasses over the years you know."

"I'm sure you have, my word, what a cannon!"

He smiled proudly as she gently soaped and rinsed him clean. He did grow a bit in her hands and sported a decent six inches of cock. Quite impressive for an older gentleman she thought. He never got more than semi-hard and she chalked it up to his shyness and old age. Not offended in the least, she finished rinsing him off, then bailed some old dirty water from the tub and called to Alec for a refill. He promptly topped the tub off with piping hot water and June returned Duncan to it's depths. She handed him the mug of whiskey and lit his pipe for him.

He watched her with wide eyes as she tended to his needs. He'd never been so pampered in his long life. As he settled back to soak in the heat she leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"Are you doing  okay, Mister Yates? Can I do anything else for you?" she asked gently.

"No, Miss June. I'm in heaven right now thanks to you. You're truly a remarkable woman," he stated with a contented smile.

"I'll leave you to enjoy yourself. It was my pleasure to serve you, sir."

She gave him a wink and wandered inside to see what her companions were up to. Abby had washed Duncan's filthy clothes along with a few pair he'd left behind in the house and was drying them in front of the fireplace.

Rose and Alec were working on a celebration dinner in honor of Mister Duncan and his cabin that had become such an important part of their lives.

Venison, smoked ham, steamed vegetables and fresh bread with butter were on the menu tonight, along with Abby's favorite vintage of wine she'd squirreled away.

When dinner was ready, June went out to rouse Duncan from the tub. She dried him off and helped him dress in his freshly washed clothes. She then took him inside and they all sat at the table, although it was somewhat tight seating. Alec led them in saying grace, then Abby served Duncan first as a sign of respect for the older gentleman. By the time dinner was over, poor Duncan's eyelids were drooping and he almost slid off his chair when he nearly fell asleep. June helped him to the huge bed where he halfheartedly protested her, but she insisted and stripped him naked, then tucked him in, and in just a handful of seconds he was snoring deeply. Abby giggled and made a sigh of happiness.

"Thank you so much, June. He'll never forget today as long as he lives."

"I didn't mind, he's such a sweet old man. I think he'd make an excellent husband for some lucky lady."

The foursome made short order of cleaning up after dinner, then they settled in, sipping wine. Abby perched on Alec's lap and snuggled into his warmth with a contented sigh while Rose and June reclined on the rug.

"I'm gonna hate leaving this place in the morning, but on the other hand I'm so excited to see Papa and William. It sounds like they may not be so far away, just a few days ride," Abby said, with a bit of melancholy.

Everyone nodded in agreement and the group became silent as they all thought of the good and bad times they'd shared among themselves.

Soon, Alec stirred. "I'm plumb tired," he stated. "Where's everyone gonna sleep at?"

"I'm sleeping with Mister Yates," June stated, surprising everyone. "He's such a sweet fellow and I think he deserves to sleep with a woman every now and then. Everyone needs some good in their lives and I know he'll appreciate it."

Rose stared at June, thoughts churning in her mind and Abby watched with interest to see how her friend would respond. Just then Duncan let out a pained cry and writhed in his bed, apparently fighting an otherworldly opponent. June quickly rose to her feet and went to him. She soothed his brow with a soft hand and sang a little lullaby until he relaxed and resumed his light snoring. Abby watched her face as she comforted the old man and really saw what a sweet and gentle person June was, deep in her heart.

Rose must have noticed the same, because she got up and joined her at Duncan's side. Together, they undressed and slid into bed on both sides of him, snuggling in close to his slim frame.

Alec helped Abby off his lap and made a nest of blankets on the bear rug for them to sleep in. Abby went to the girls and leaned in to kiss each one tenderly on the lips.

"Thank you, I'm blessed to have friends such as you," she whispered softly with a sweet smile, then returned to her man's side and blew out the oil lamp, plunging the cabin to darkness.

Abby was first up in the morning and wearing one of Alec's shirts, stoked up the stove and made coffee. She served Alec and they sat in his armchair with her snuggled on his lap. Together, they watched with interest as Duncan sniffed and snorted while waking up fully. Abby covered her mouth in mirth at his expression when he realized he was surrounded by beautiful naked women. Both girls had their arms and legs thrown over him as they slumbered on, unaware. He looked helplessly at Abby who shrugged and winked playfully at him, not helping a bit with his predicament.

"Just enjoy, my friend," Alec rumbled in a low voice and gave him a nod of encouragement. Duncan sighed and lowered his head back to the pillow, then closed his eyes. Slowly, a happy smile split his rugged old face and he softly kissed each forehead that lay on his shoulders.

"Thank you, Lord." he whispered. Soon, the smell of fresh coffee stirred the two girls and they gently untangled themselves from their fortunate bedmate. Naked, they each bent over him and kissed his cheeks, then dressed and started in on making breakfast. Abby went to help out, and Duncan shyly slid out of bed and quickly got dressed.

He sat next to Alec and peppered him with quiet questions.

"So, you've lived here for months with these young ladies?"

"Yes sir."

"Sleeping in that big bed?"

"Yes sir."

"With all three of them?"

"Yes sir."

"My word, man. You're my absolute hero! I've never in my life heard of such a thing. Doesn't it cause angst among them? It's quite apparent you belong to Miss Abby."

"Well sir, it's a mite complicated but we get by. I've yet to meet Mister Durham so we'll see how that goes soon enough I reckon."

The old man nodded sagely. "I don't pity your position, but I do envy you greatly, I can only imagine..." he said wistfully.

"One never knows, my friend. Strange things happen in life," Alec said encouragingly.

Just then Abby beckoned them to the table to eat, where she reminded them of her mother's maiden name of Winston, in case they needed it to identify themselves to the militia. They all swore they remembered it but she wanted to make absolutely sure. After breakfast, the companions were finally ready to depart and Alex noted that one horse was loaded rather lightly.

"Why don't we spread the loads more evenly," he suggested to Abby.

"You'll see shortly, sweetheart," she said mysteriously.

They all bid goodbye to Duncan and June told him that if possible that she'd come back to visit him sometime, and he stood on his porch waving as they departed. Merely a hundred yards down the trail, Abby stopped them and led the lightly loaded horse off the trail. The girls grinned conspiratorially but said nothing to Alec. He followed Abby to an outcropping of limestone that sheltered a small cave entrance. Abby crawled in and gestured him to follow.

He nearly fainted at the sight before him. The regimental payroll Abby had liberated from the British months ago was revealed to his startled eyes. Thousands of pounds in English gold and silver coin was contained in two, iron bound wooden chests.

"Holy Moses, Abby! Where in the hell did you get all this money?" he managed to croak out. She laughed gaily at his expression.

"Oh, we girls killed a squad of redcoats and stole it from them. A lot of it is also from other troops I killed before I met you."

He shook his head in complete amazement at the sheer audacity of this slip of a girl before him. She produced a small leather bag and counted out two hundred pounds in gold, then stuffed it in her coat pocket. Alec dragged the boxes out of the cave, and together they secured the chests to the pack horse, then met back up with the girls on the main trail.

"I'll be right back," Abby stated and swiftly returned to the cabin. Duncan was in the yard admiring his two new cows when she rode up to him.

"Did you forget something, Mistress?"

"No, Duncan. I rarely do. I just wanted to give you a gift for the use of your cabin." She slid off her mare and handed him the bag of gold. His eyes widened when he opened it up and peeked inside.

"Oh, Mistress Abby, I can't accept this!" he cried in consternation.

"Yes you can, dear Duncan. Please, on behalf of us and my father. I beg you to take it."

Tears ran down his face and he wept openly in front of her.

"Oh, Mistress. You're so kind! I'll never forget how well you and your family has treated me. You truly are an angel!" he sobbed.

She gathered him in a tight hug and kissed both his cheeks. "We'll meet again, my friend. I promise you that. Take care of yourself, dear Duncan."

She quickly mounted her mare and spurred away before he could see her own tears running down her face. The companions finally headed down the trail under Abby's guidance and they spent the remainder of the day feeling their way north. Abby wanted to stay somewhat close to the road system without revealing themselves. From the way Duncan had talked, the redcoat's presence was deteriorating rapidly and she hoped to use the main thoroughfare north if at all possible. Towards evening, she and Alec left the girls at their chosen campsite and crept into view of the main road. Abby consulted a map she'd taken from a long dead redcoat and confirmed their position using prominent hills as landmarks.

Apparently, there was a bridge to the north of them a few miles and she wanted to check it out the following morning. Alec just shook his head in wonder. Even as they searched for her father, she never let up looking for opportunities to cause damage to the enemy.

They made a cold camp because they were so close to the road and Alec insisted they have a guard on duty through the long night. They split the duty into two hour shifts and settled in for the evening.

Thankfully, it passed uneventfully and they continued on their way in the morning, grumbling as they worked the cold night from their stiff muscles.

To be continued in part 9, by Seethegood for Literotica.