Monday, April 22, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 7

The companions prepare to travel north.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 8

The following day they set off to return to their cabin. When they arrived, Abby put Rose and June to work gatherings supplies for the ride north while she and Alec put their heads together and planned a trip to hunt for a couple of pack horses to use on their journey.

In the morning they departed and headed for a nearby thoroughfare that Abby knew had a steady traffic of the hated redcoats. When they arrived, they hid at a well concealed vantage point and waited for the right targets. Surprisingly, traffic was quite heavy compared to the recent past and Abby was pleased. She was beginning to worry that there wouldn't be a large enough gap between parties for them to strike the enemy without endangering themselves beyond their level of comfort.

Finally, a proper group of soldiers showed themselves. Four were marching while a fifth drove a wagon pulled by two large horses. The wagon was heaped with supplies and covered with a cloth tarp.

"We can take them," Abby whispered. "You shoot the driver and I'll kill two with my rifles, the other two we'll have to cut down with our swords. Just make sure they've fired their rifles first."

Alec nodded in agreement. "Watch for pistols though, foot soldiers rarely carry them but you never know!"

He watched her closely as the men approached. She stared at them like a cat stalking it's dinner, while her beautiful blue eyes sparkling in the bright sunlight mesmerized him. With an effort, he broke his gaze from the petite blonde beauty and settled in to sight his rifle on his target while Abby did the same.

When her shot broke, he fired immediately and watched with satisfaction as his man crumpled slowly and fell off the wagon to land in the dirt. Simultaneously, Abby's soldier's head snapped back and exploded in a pink mist of blood and brains that splattered his compatriots who were plodding behind him. They froze in complete shock, which allowed Abby time to snatch up her second rifle and put a bullet in another redcoat's brainpan. The remaining two soldiers fired wildly in their direction and then quickly dropped in the ditch to frantically reload their muskets.

"Let's go!" Abby cried out, then leaped to her feet and charged at the redcoats while drawing her rapier. Alec was on her heels as she sprinted across the road to attack. The closest soldier was on his knees, whining in fear and frustration as he tried to reload his musket with fumbling hands. He saw Abby and raised his hands in a fruitless effort to stop her sword thrust. She ran her needle sharp point through his right hand and pinned it to his face as she rammed her blade into his open, screaming mouth. She twisted her wrist viciously and ripped her rapier free so she could address the remaining man, but Alec beat her to him and chopped his sword straight down to split the man's forehead wide open. He squawked in surprise and tipped over, jerking spasmodically while his head leaked his life's blood and brains in the ditch.

"Let's get the horses and get out of here!" Abby hissed in a fierce whisper. Alec handily cut their traces and quickly led them into the nearby forest while Abby took a few seconds to rifle through the wagon's contents. There were a few assorted weapons and bags of rice and beans, but what really caught her attention drew a squeal of joy from her. A large coil of fuse for lighting explosives was on a wooden spool, and she caught it up saying a short prayer of thanks. She'd badly needed it in the past and now she had plenty of it for her future endeavors against her enemies. She ran into the woods and caught up with Alec, then helped him lead their new pack horses to safety.

When they were a comfortable distance away from the road, Abby slid off her mount and perched behind Alec on his stallion. She ran her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly.

"Killing redcoats gets me all worked up," she whispered in a throaty voice while she ran a small hand between his legs and cupped him in her palm. He groaned as she tortured him by running her other hand up under his shirt to caress his hairy chest and tight abs while he grew hard under her questing fingers. Eventually, she worked his trousers open and freed his thick, dripping rod from it's confines with her clever hands.

"I can't take much more of this, Angel," he muttered in frustration as he steered them through the trees.

"Then don't, big man. Make me stop," she whispered sultrily, and rudely pinched his hard nipple until he cried out in surprised pain.

With a growl he drew his mount to a stop and dismounted in an instant, then dragged her squealing from her perch. He tossed her facedown over a nearby fallen tree and roughly yanked her pants down to her knees while she struggled and cried piteously. She yelped in surprise when his strong hands pried her buttocks wide apart. He broke her wide open and wrenched a cry of passion from her beautiful throat.

"You feel so good inside me, you can do this every day if you like," she said flirtatiously. He slowly pulled free of her and she pouted sexily at him over her shoulder. She squealed in surprise when he whisked her off the log and laid her down on her back on the soft forest floor, then ripped her trousers completely off.

"You feel so good on me, but I can't breathe. Roll me over please," she commanded softly. He flipped them both over so she was straddling his lean frame and laying atop him. She snuggled into his embrace and together they slipped into a light sleep.

Soon, he awakened and roused her to consciousness.

"Let's go, Angel. We should be getting back before it gets dark."

She rubbed her eyes and smiled down at him beautifully, then regretfully got to her feet and offered him a hand up. Together, they mounted up with her again seated behind him. He roughly knew the way back to the cabin and she drowsily laid her golden head against his back and cuddled close as he navigated their way home.

They arrived in time to tend the livestock before the sky darkened into night. Rose and June had a nice dinner ready and served the tired couple while they regaled them with the day's adventure. The girls shook their heads at the daring of the two fighters, still amazed at the bravery of their friend, Abby. Regardless of how many times they'd seen her in action, she never failed to impress.

Planning ahead, June already had every pot and pan full of steaming hot water and when Abby finished eating, thoroughly scrubbed her lithe body clean, then dried her off with her favorite soft towel. Abby enjoyed every second of June's pampering. It was one of the things she missed most about the plantation, being clean and well-dressed daily by June's nimble hands.

Alec was up next, and he protested half-heartedly when June stripped him naked and tended to him while Abby and Rose tidied up the after dinner utensils. She tried to be unaffected by his tantalizing body but she couldn't help noticing his cum when she got around to cleaning his groin.

"Someone was naughty today," she teased while she knelt before him and ran a wet washcloth over his dangling cock. He looked down at her and she gave him one of her sultry looks that never failed to get a rise out of him, and she felt him lengthen in her tiny hand while she smiled to herself. She so loved teasing him because despite all they'd been through together she could still make him blush like a teenage virgin.

He groaned lightly under his breath when she lifted his shaft to clean his balls, circling her warm cloth around them and working it deep between the tight cleft between his buttocks.

She caught his eye again and winked up at him, "You're so handsome and sexy, you make me wet just looking at you, beautiful man."

He blushed fiercely and glanced helplessly over at Abby who was watching him with a hot look. She came over and rubbed her firm tits on his arm and tiptoed up to kiss his lips.

"My sexy man, laying waste to the girls. We're helpless around you," she teased in a soft voice. A look of hesitation crossed his face and she almost missed it, but she guessed it's meaning immediately.

"Let's get you dressed and we can relax awhile. Can I pack a pipe for you?" she asked guilelessly.

With a relieved look he nodded his head and a disappointed June toweled him dry, then helped him into a clean, loose shirt and trousers. Feeling a bit guilty, he caught up June in a warm hug and kissed her softly.

"Thanks, little June. You truly take good care of me. I appreciate all you do," he said tenderly and brushed her hair from her eyes while she shivered in pleasure.

"I'm sorry for teasing you so much. You're such a sexy, rugged man I can't help myself," she whispered and kissed his cheek, then with a giggle, pinched his ass. "I think your woman awaits you out on the porch swing," she said, and gently pushed him towards the front door that swung loosely on it's hinges.

On his way out, Rose caught his arm and pulled him down for a tight hug and a sweet kiss. "Welcome home, soldier. I'm glad you two are safe. You worry us when you're gone, you know."

"I know we do and I apologize. There's things that need doing though."

"I know that, but it doesn't make it any easier. I love you both dearly," she whispered in his ear and kissed him again before ushering him out to join Abby.

The evening was cooling off and Abby was wrapped in only her towel as she swung on the swing. She was shivering with goosebumps on her exposed skin when Alec sat beside her. He pulled her onto his lap and knowing what she enjoyed, pulled his shirt open to let her burrow into his warmth.

"Ah, so good," she whispered with a happy smile. "Whatever did I do without you?"

"I reckon you nearly froze to death," he teased, and kissed the top of her head.

He felt her smile against his chest and he chuckled in response. He took a nearby candle and lit his pipe, pulling on it until it glowed red and he expelled smoke with a mighty rush.

"Do the girls bother you so? I noticed your reaction when June was washing you down," Abby asked tentatively.

He took a deep breath and thought a moment, then answered her truthfully.

"It was easier being around them when it was just us, but now I know your father and Rose's husband are alive. I feel guilty around them now, when things get intimate. If and when I meet those men, I have to tell them what I've done with their women, my honor demands it, and I'm starting to dread that day. I want your father and William to like me, not despise me for my actions with you and the girls." he said with a worried expression.

Abby nodded her head in understanding. "I thought it might be something like that, but I can handle Papa. He trusts my judgement implicitly, and I know he'll like you immediately. William may be another thing entirely, but I know from talking with Rose that he has a wild side to him. How could he not, being married to that little hussy," she giggled. "He may not care at all that Rose has had her way with you."

Alec pursed his brow in thought. "So what do I do if the girls want me before we locate your father, go along with it?"

"Not if it makes you too uncomfortable. You should get some pleasure from it too, not just us. I still get jealous when they're with you but it's easier than it was at first. I must be half crazy, because for some reason watching you pleasure those two sluts turns me on incredibly. If you could only see yourself and how sexy you are, you'd understand," she said, and ran a sharp nail through the fur on his chest, giving him the shivers.

"Let me think on it a bit, Angel," he rumbled, then tapped out his pipe on the nearby handrail. "Can we go to bed and have a quiet evening?"

She kissed his shoulder tenderly. "Of course, Heavy. Let's hit the hay. It's been a long stressful day."

When they wandered inside, Rose and June were just undressing for bed and stood naked before him. They pulled the blankets back and tugged him into bed with Abby at his front and Rose and June at his back. He wrapped a big arm around Abby while Rose snuggled tight behind him and together they all drifted into sleep.

The following day, Abby and Alec set off using the two new pack horses and their own mounts to visit the caches containing the items they'd need for the ride north. It took them two days to make the rounds and secure the much needed supplies. Abby insisted on taking as much gunpowder as they could carry, knowing her father would be able to use it in the war effort.

They returned to the cabin that contained their two worried friends, whom in their absence had packed everything the companions might need for their journey. In keeping with their prior plans, they took three days to rest and refuel their bodies, eating as much as they comfortably could to cushion them through lean times if it came to that.

During this time, Abby took the opportunity to chat with her friends about Alec's dilemma concerning them and their men. Rose and June were sympathetic to him, and June had a surprising answer for Abby.

"I know you don't want to hear about your father's proclivities but he's quite a randy man." June stated matter of factly, while Abby covered her ears and pulled a face while laughing out loud.

"He's something else in bed and has probably forgotten more than I'll ever know," June stated wistfully. "More than once he's invited another woman to our bed, knowing that I lean that way a bit myself, ya know. I highly doubt he'll be angry with me or Alec. None of us even knew he and William were alive until recently, and they have no idea about us heading their direction. They may already have replaced us. We have no idea, and may find them with other partners, just like us," she said reasonably.

Rose broke in. "And William has expressed interest in taking me with another man, although we never tried it before he was wounded. He loves sex and knows I do to, he may even like it more than I," she guessed.

Both women looked at her and giggled behind their hands. "More than you?" June guffawed, "No one likes it more than you!" she teased, while Rose actually blushed a bit and stubbed her toe in the floor while looking down a bit shyly.

"Oh honey!" June said, and gathered her in her arms and kissed her lips tenderly. "I tease, my sweet."

Rose laughed gaily and kissed her back. "I know you do and I love you for it."

"Seriously, now. Do you two have further intentions with Alec or what?" Abby asked with a straight face. "I don't want him to worry or get hurt with our shenanigans, and furthermore, when and if we reunite with father and William, Alec is mine. You'll have your men back in your lives and can fend for yourselves," she stated firmly but with a loving smile.

"Fair enough," Rose said. "But I can't lie, I'll miss that big stud, he's went places inside me no man has gone before," she giggled.

"Tell me about it," June swooned, and threw a hand to her head dramatically. "I'll never be the same again!"

"If he's  okay with it, I'd love another night with all of us together before we leave. It'd be rather foolish to play around during our journey I'd imagine," Rose stated.

"I agree," June said softly and hugged Abby close to her. "I can only imagine how hard it is to share him with us. I doubt I'd have the strength if he were mine, but having said that, another night with us all together would be an amazing experience to share."

Abby looked at them appraisingly. "Then I'll leave it up to you two to ask him. If he shows the slightest hesitation, back away. I'll not have him hurt."

June rarely heard her speak in that tone and reflexively answered, "Yes, mistress."

Normally, Abby would correct her but chose not to at this moment.


"Yes, Abby. I understand."

"Well, that's settled then. Come here, my beauties," Abby commanded, and swept them both in her arms, then kissed them both warmly.

Rose felt an odd sensation as the authority of an elder woman shifted to the younger, and she realized she was now subservient to Abby, the true mistress Durham.

 Alec is shared a final time & an unexpected visitor shows up.

Chapter 9

The following morning Abby chose to milk the cow, thereby giving the girls time to chat with Alec. He was finished with breakfast and was sitting in an arm chair in front of the fireplace, wearing his shirt and trousers and smoking his pipe. June and Rose approached him from behind, and each one slid an arm around his neck and kissed his roughly whiskered cheeks. He suspected what they were up to, thanks to an early warning from his beautiful Abby.

"Yes, ladies. What can I do for you?" He asked in a low voice. They giggled softly in his ears, then each took a seat on a muscular thigh and fluffed their skirts while he gathered them in his arms.

"How's our handsome man this morning?" Rose asked with a happy smile, and ruffled his long, wavy hair.

"I'm well. How can I not be with such a pair of beauties on my knee?" he teased.

"We have a question for you, kind sir. Would you mind terribly?"

"Of course not. I'm here to serve, milady," he answered with a careful expression.

"Your women are asking if you'll be with us a final time before we head north. We know not what the future brings and we'd love to have you again, please," Rose asked while looking deep in his eyes with all the sincerity she could muster.

She'd caught him a bit off guard. "My women? Do you consider yourselves my women?"

"Yes we do, dear Alec. A part of us will always belong to you. We've both grown to love you more than you know."

He looked at June and she nodded in agreement while hot tears gathered in her eyes.

"It's true, sweetheart. We both have strong feelings for you. You're an amazing man and we love you deeply," June managed through a tight throat.

"What about George and William? Aren't you afraid of hurting them? I want you both to realize that if we're fortunate enough to find them I'm going to tell them of our relationship. It's something I must do if they're ever going to trust me, and I need their trust because I intend to make Abby mine forever."

"Oh, Alec!" Rose let out a little sob. "Abby is so lucky to have you, and you're such a lovely couple. I hope we don't ask too much of you."

June hugged him close and wept on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, dear. We've asked you to take the place of our men and it's not fair to you. We've endured so much and we just need to be close to you as long as possible. You're the rock we cling to in these hard times, I hope you understand."

By now he felt warm tears soaking through his shirt from both women and he felt his heart melt with love for them, a different love than he felt for Abby, but love nonetheless. He kissed them both in turn and ran his fingers through their long hair while they sniffled in the hollows of his shoulders. He drew a deep breath and sighed to himself. It was no chore to service the ladies, that was for sure, but the possible upcoming confrontation with their lovers worried him to no end, however the private words Abby had spoken to him gave him some solace and he made his decision.

"I'm yours, my sweethearts. I'll love, protect, and take care of you both until we meet your men. Then the future of our relationships will be determined by George and William, fair enough?"

"Oh yes, thank you, Alec! You truly are a wonderful and understanding man," Rose said tenderly and kissed him softly on the lips.


"Yes, Master. Fair enough."

He stiffened a bit at her words. "I'm not and never will be master to you, June, regardless of your race," he said sternly.

The beautiful quadroon maid looked up him with a subservient but determined expression. "You may not like it, but you'll always be a master to me. You enslaved me when you first took me like a beast. I'll never forget that for all my days. I feel the same way about George as well. You're both my masters and Abby is my mistress."

He shook his head in wonder as he'd never imagined her saying such a thing. "Well, please don't call me that in public. I'll not have it. You may call me master when we're intimate or with Rose and Abby around if it pleases you."

"Thank you, Master," she giggled and kissed him soundly.

He noticed both ladies had perked up and were sporting little smiles of joy. He heard a little devil whisper in his ear and decided to listen.

"If you ladies wish to ravish me, it'll cost you something," he stated solemnly.

"Anything you desire, sweetheart," Rose said with a sly wink.

"Today will be washing day. I'll haul all the water you need to bathe and groom yourselves. I'm going to partake in some whiskey and watch you vixens wash and shave each other, then you'll do the same to me and Abby, and then after lunch I'll make an afternoon of satisfying you ladies to the best of my abilities, deal?"

"Deal!" they said together, then laughed happily and shook his hand to seal the bargain. He jerked in surprise when Abby's slender arms slid around his neck from behind.

"It's a deal, handsome. Come with me and we'll start fetching water," she whispered in his ear, then kissed his cheek soundly.

Alec lay back naked on the bed propped up with all the pillows and sipped his drink while thoroughly enjoying the show his women put on for his benefit. They gave him hot glances occasionally, while he watched them groom each other.

When it was his turn, they replaced the water in the washtub and tackled him with soapy rags and giggles of excitement. When he was squeaky clean, June stood him up and lathered, then carefully shaved to the thick root and scraped the hair from his dangling scrotum. He held his breath when she lifted his heavy sack and razored the hair beneath them with a soft touch, her little tongue was caught between her teeth in concentration all the while.

When she was finished, he let out a sigh of relief and she giggled happily while rinsing him off.

The girls donned his extra shirts and paraded sexily around the cabin as they made lunch. He kept his hands full of hot female flesh every time one of them got within his long reach, caressing partially exposed breasts and trim ass cheeks whenever they presented themselves.

They allowed him only a towel to wrap himself in and they returned his favors, running their warm hands through the hair on his chest or caressing his thighs and strong biceps whenever he was close by. By the time they'd finished their lunch, passion was burning in all four of them, particularly in Abby. The knowledge that the gorgeous hunk of manhood sitting before them belonged to her was having a major effect on her.

Abby seated him in a wooden chair and tugged his towel open, then she straddled his legs and sank down on his lap facing him. He tugged her shirt apart, then she pressed her firm tits against his thickly muscled chest and kissed him deeply. He slid his big hands down to cup her ass cheeks and caressed them gently while she moaned her approval.

Rose knelt between his knees. She was aching for him, due to the slow sexy buildup during the day and was running thin on patience. Abby rose to her feet and gave him her breasts to feast on. He languidly, back and forth until she was whining in anticipation of taking him.

Meanwhile, June was making due with watching the threesome and using a small cucumber to herself. Abby slowly and exquisitely impaled. Her head fell back and she rose and fell in a gentle rhythm, until she lost herself in orgasm. She cried out in pure pleasure as the tidal wave washed over her and he released himself.

Rose exclaimed in joy. She barely heard June cry out in her own orgasm as her cucumber and whirling fingers as she watched the rutting pair.

Slowly Abby's head fell to his shoulder and she relaxed on top of him. "Thank you, lover. You feel so damn good inside me I can hardly explain it," Abby crooned in his ear. He held her close and petted her back and shoulders while she purred in his arms, then stiffened in surprise as Rose's clever tongue slid and licked the ring of cream.

"Oof, shit fire woman!" he moaned as Abby twisted about to see what was happening.

"Rose, you little tramp. What're you doing to my man?" she teased.

"I can't help it. You two are so delicious I just need to have a taste!"

Abby shook her head in amazement at her friends antics. Abby looked over at June to see an almost pleading look in her eyes and she nodded slightly, then rose completely off of Alec and moved aside to give June some room. She almost ran to him and copying Abby, slid astride his thighs to straddle him, but with her back to his brawny chest so she could look down between her thighs at Rose servicing him. He reached around to cup her pendulous heaving breasts and she sighed with pleasure as he pinched and rolled her nipples.

Finally, June ran out of patience and put a hand down to guide him.

He valiantly held himself back until June slowed her movements and panted for breath as she recovered, leaning back against his chest in sated satisfaction.

The last contractions tipped him over the edge and groaning out.

Eventually, Alec needed to move from the hard wooden seat and gently pushed the girls away so he could stand up. June stood on her tiptoes and tugged him down for a kiss.

"Thank you, Master. You felt so good, maybe I can repay you later," she teased. He squeezed her ass and gave her a sexy wink of acknowledgment before turning to Abby.

"Come, lover," he growled, and whisked her to the bed. He laid on his back and pulled her up over him to straddle his face,. She moaned with pleasure. He looked up past her flat tummy to meet her beautiful blue eyes and she melted. She cradled his head in her small hands and tugged his face tighter, sighing in sweet release.

After a few minutes of peaceful satisfaction, Rose sat up. "Holy Moses, ya big stud. I think you broke my little pussy!" Rose exclaimed when she saw her blood mixed with his thick cream. He smiled down at her and gave her a wink.

"Are you  okay, though?" he asked with some concern. "I seem to remembering losing control there for awhile."

"Oh, I'm better than  okay, I'm perfect. I may not walk for a week but I'm fine," she giggled.

He pulled all three girls to their feet and fetched his shirts for them to wear, then collapsed in his armchair, exhausted from the activities. The women puttered around cleaning each other up, then Abby packed a pipe for Alec and delivered a stiff whiskey to his side. He pulled her onto his lap and she snuggled deep in his arms.

"Are you  okay, big man? We seemed to have wore you out."

"I'm good. I really enjoyed it. You're such a delicious little tart," he teased.

Abby got a serious look on her face. "Will you take me like you did Rose sometime? That looked amazing and must have felt even better from watching her reaction," she whispered quietly while peeking over his shoulder to make sure she wasn't overheard.

"I'd love to, but haven't yet because I don't want to hurt you. You're a different kind of special to me, much different than Rose and June and I want to keep it that way. It seems rather rude to treat the woman I love, like a harlot."

"Well, maybe she might want to be treated that way on occasion. You took me pretty hard in the forest the other day, but nothing like you did with Rose," she whispered and wriggled her eyebrows at him causing him to chuckle out loud.

"I never want to hurt you," he said seriously. "Even if you ask me to I may have difficulty doing it. You have no idea how precious you are to me, Angel." He pulled her close and kissed her deeply, robbing her breath for a few moments. He looked closely at her after he broke the kiss and her eyes had misted over with emotion.

"I love you too, Heavy. I thank God every day for delivering you to me, even though I had to drag you home with my horse!" she teased lightly to cover her emotions. She buried her face in the hollow of his neck and inhaled the warm aroma of sex coming from him, purring in satisfaction as his arms enveloped her and held her close.

A pair of slim arms slid around him and Rose kissed his cheek from behind. "Thank you, big man. That was an incredible experience, and thank you too, Abby for sharing your handsome stud. He's quite a piece of work."

"He sure is," June chimed in as she knelt before him and hugged his legs, then covered his knees with little kisses. "Thanks for spoiling me, Master. I'll never forget how well you take care of us."

He smiled down at her beautiful, dusky face and gave her a quick wink that had her blushing in pleasure. Abby's ears perked up at the title June addressed him by, but decided to ask him about it later. The current mood in the cabin was too good to bring to an end if the conversation became unpleasant.

"Is it too early to go to bed?" he asked. "I could use a nap at the least."

To be continued in part 8, by Seethegood for Literotica.