Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Tenor Virtuoso: Part 3

Our relationship develops.

by senorlongo. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

 After morning singing and smooching, Steffi & I rose, walked downstairs, and dressed. I drove her to a local sub shop for a couple of Italian subs. We ate on the living room table with some Cokes from the refrigerator. Suddenly, I jumped up. “I bought you something; actually two somethings.” I carried a big plastic bag from the hall closet. She opened it and her eyes went wide.

“It’s really not that big a deal; just a college sweatshirt and a T-shirt you can use as a night gown. We can’t be together overnight, but we can be close this way.”
“I love them, Rob and I love you; so much.” She reached up and pulled me down for another long wet and extremely passionate kiss. She shrugged into the sweatshirt as we continued with our meal. An hour later we made love again. After a quick shower I took her home.


I met Steffi every afternoon when school was out. We saw each other every Saturday and all day Sunday, too. Jewish Steffi had a higher attendance rate at my church than some of the regular Methodists in the congregation. Rather than tire of each other our relationship grew stronger by the day. Unfortunately, it couldn’t continue. On October 15th basketball practice began and I had to step up my rehearsal time for my upcoming concert. Steffi spent many hours with me in that ugly black practice room. One day, under the guise of playing back a song I was working on, I played the tape of her orgasm from that Sunday afternoon. Poor Steffi; her face turned bright red, but I did kiss her and tell her that I loved her and that was enough.

My concerts; Friday night, Saturday afternoon and night, and Sunday afternoon and night; went extremely well. Symphony Hall was sold out. I wasn’t all that surprised. The critics raved about my mini-concert back in September. Ticket sales were brisk thereafter.

I invited Steffi and her entire family to be my guests for the Saturday night show. They also had backstage passes so my dressing room was crowded after the concert. I arranged for them to meet Heath Lockner who was extremely gracious, spending almost a half hour when he could have been en route to his family. Everything was going so well; too well as it turned out.

The second week in November I once again had lunch with the Goldwassers on a Saturday after basketball practice that morning. After lunch we sat in the family room watching a football game. I was on the floor with my back against the couch; Steffi was next to me, my arm around her shoulders. For some reason I would never understand her father got the idea to ask me if I had ever kissed Steffi. “Yes, sir we have kissed any number of times,” I replied honestly.

“What about sex? Have you tried to force her to have sex with you?”

“Dr. Goldwasser, I would never ever force anyone to have sex with me, least of all Steffi.”

“I notice you did not deny having sex, just forcing her.”

“That is not a subject I would discuss with anyone. It’s simply only Steffi’s business and mine.”

“I see. So you have had sex with her. I have half a mind to call the police and have you arrested.”

“For what, Daddy?” Steffi was becoming upset.

“For statutory rape, of course.”

Now Steffi laughed. “Daddy, the age of consent in Massachusetts is sixteen. I’m eighteen, remember?”

“Okay, then; regular rape.”

“Daddy, Rob never forced me to do anything. I was more than willing, believe me. I would never testify otherwise because it just isn’t true.” I wasn’t very happy with how this conversation was evolving. I thought her father liked me and now it was like Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition in here.

Finally, I heard the words I dreaded, “Robert, I think you should leave. You are no longer welcome here.” I wasn’t about to argue. This conversation was totally irrational and I learned early on in life not to try to argue with irrational people. I got up and walked toward the door. Steffi’s mom put a soothing hand on my arm when I passed so I knew I had at least one ally. I left a minute later.

Steffi was livid. “Daddy, I have no intention of giving up Rob because of your antiquated and idiotic ideas.”

“No daughter of mine is going to have sex out of wedlock like some trampy whore. You’re too young.”

“I’m too young? I’m eighteen. Ask Jeremy; I’ll bet that half the kids in his class have had sex!”

“That’s different. He’s a boy.”

“What? Excuse me? That’s ridiculous. What does that have to do with it?”

“He can’t get pregnant and bring disgrace to our family. Besides, young men are expected to sow their wild oats.”

“Daddy; you’re being an ass!” Steffi turned and left, storming up the stairs in a huff.

“I apologize, Jeremy. You shouldn’t have had to witness that. Perhaps it would be best if you went upstairs so your father and I can talk.” Jeremy walked out of the room, but turned in the doorway, “I do have to agree with Steffi, Dad. You ARE being an ass.”

Once he was out of the room Mrs. Goldwasser asked her husband, “Neil, what the hell was that all about? Steffi is not ten, you know.”

“I don’t care. No daughter of mine is going to sleep around like a whore.”

“Oh God, just listen to yourself. Steffi is not sleeping around. She’s had sex with exactly two boys. She’s madly in love with Rob and he’s in love with her, too.”

“That’s absurd. They’ve only known each other for two months.”

“Perhaps if you would listen with just half the energy you use in shooting your mouth off you would have some idea what’s going on. One of these days you might think of moving into the twentieth century.”

“Excuse me, but this is the twenty-first century.”

“My point exactly; you are at least a hundred years behind the times. You heard Jeremy; everyone he knows has had sex; boys and girls both. And where did that old double-standard bullshit come from? That went out decades ago.”

“First of all, don’t swear at me, and second, I have the right to my own beliefs.”

“That may be, but don’t expect anything out of me until that attitude changes.”

“What do you mean?”

“Forget sex with me until you change your mind and apologize to your daughter, Rob, and to me.” Slam, went the front door.!

“What the hell was that?” the old man demanded.

“Unless I’m mistaken you’ve just lost your daughter. Nice going; with thinking like that I don’t know how you even graduated from sixth grade let alone dental school.” She rose and walked out. “One more thing--plan on sleeping in the guest room unless you want me to leave, too.”

I was about ten miles away when my phone rang. ‘Rob? It’s Steffi; I’ve left home. Will you please pick me up so I can stay with you?” Dear God; could this get any worse? I asked her where she was and made arrangements to get her. Meanwhile, I phoned her home. Jeremy answered.

“Boy, Rob,” he whispered, “you should have heard my mom. She really let Dad have it.”

“Jeremy, I need to speak with your mother, please.”

A minute later she came onto the phone, “I’m sorry for all of that, Rob. It was inexcusable.”

“That’s not important, Mrs. G. Steffi just called me. She wants me to pick her up. What do you want me to do?”

“I don’t think she’d stay here if you brought her back, so can she stay with you for a while? I’ll be relieved knowing she’s safe.”

“Sure, but it seems kind of bizarre; she’ll stay with me and we’ll have sex several times a day, exactly what her father wants to avoid. Incredible!”

“I agree, but it’s all on him. I think I can get to him in a week or so. Bring her over here Monday while he’s at work for some clothes and stuff. I’ll talk to you then.” I rung off and headed toward my rendezvous with Steffi. I found the gas station and she was behind it, exactly as she had promised. I noticed she had been crying when she got into the car. I held her close, kissing her cheek and caressing her face.

“I left home, Rob; I’m not going back. My father is an asshole.”

“I’m inclined to agree, but don’t jump to any conclusions. I just spoke to your mom. I think she’ll resolve the whole mess pretty soon. Jeremy told me she was really pissed at him. We’ll go over Monday after my classes and get you some clothes. I guess you’ll have to sleep with me tonight.”

“I hope so. At least then something positive will come from this mess.” I patted her knee and pulled out my phone. I had one other call to make. I pressed the speed dial and Joe answered.

“Sorry to bother you on a Saturday, Joe; there was just a big blowup at Steffi’s and she’s going to be staying with me for a while. I didn’t want you or Carla freaking out when she shows up for breakfast tomorrow morning.”

“Sorry to hear that, Rob; I’ll let Carla know. Don’t worry about it. It’s not as though she doesn’t know you’re sleeping together, besides Carla’s what we used to call unflappable. Not many things will faze her.” We talked for a few minutes before I ended the call. I didn’t like to talk on the phone while driving.

The ride was mostly in silence. I noticed that Steffi was still crying. I hugged her while we were stopped for a light. “Don’t worry; I have a lot of faith in your mom. You’ll be back home before you know it.”

“I don’t want to go back home, Rob. I want to be with you; even if it means changing schools. Don’t forget, I’m already eighteen, almost nineteen. I’m an adult legally and I can do whatever I want. Don’t you want me, Rob?”

“You already know the answer to that, don’t you? I just want you and your family intact. Having a family is really important.”

“Having you is more important, besides I’ll still have my mother and brother.” I couldn’t argue, and, truthfully, I didn’t want to. This whole thing was a nightmare; I wished it would just go away.

“Did you bring anything? Do you want me to stop for; a toothbrush, or anything else?”

“Uh; sorry, Rob. I didn’t bring anything. I was too angry to even think straight.” I assured her that it was okay and pulled into a Walgreen’s. I bought her a new electric toothbrush, a hairbrush, and some tampons; her period was just around the corner. I also bought some condoms; she’d forgotten her birth control pills, too.

We watched a Boston College game all afternoon; their victory seemed to lift her spirits, but the high point came when I led her to bed. I stripped her and pushed her back onto the bed before climbing on with her. We kissed slowly, deeply, and tenderly with lots of love and even more tongue. We rubbed our bodies together and I wondered what her father would think if he could see us now. I didn’t really care; I only cared what Steffi thought. She thought she loved me. That was all that mattered.

She climbed onto my body and rubbed herself against my erection. “We can do it naked tonight, but we’ll have to check the internet to make sure you’ll be safe. If there’s any question; any at all, I’ll be wearing the condom. We’ll get your pills on Monday.” She made a face, knowing how much better it would be for both of us without. Steffi mounted me, slowly sinking onto my hard organ. Her expression told me how much she was enjoying it, and more, how much she needed it. I rose to meet her every thrust. In seconds we were in a comfortable rhythm; one that would bring us to our destination, but not too fast. We usually lasted for a half hour or more at this speed. This afternoon was no exception. We moved faster and faster as we neared our coupling’s natural conclusion. I knew we were especially close when Steffi dug her fingers into my shoulders. Too soon we were spent. My abdomen was covered in her juice; semen poured from her battered cunt.

“Promise me we can do that every day,” she begged. I only smiled and nodded as I pulled her body to mine. Our sweat mingled as we rubbed together. Other than her father’s tirade it was an excellent afternoon. Now I had to worry about actually sleeping with her. That would be a new experience for both of us. I only hoped my bed would be big enough. As it turned out a twin would have been fine. We spooned together all night, my hand resting gently on her tit.

We rose early, looked at each other and laughed. There is absolutely nothing like seeing your lover in the morning for the first time. I sent Steffi into the bathroom while I straightened the bed. I placed my dirty clothes in the hamper, but Steffi would need hers. She had worn a simple top and Capri’s yesterday afternoon. I felt they would be adequate for church even though she was somewhat nervous about being underdressed. I gave her an old T-shirt had had her turn around in it. No good; I could see her ass so I gave her an old set of gym shorts which could be tied over her hips making her moderately decent. She went downstairs for a cup of coffee before I arrived for breakfast.

Joe and Carla were there seated at the table when Steffi walked in. “Morning, Steffi,” Carla said, “I hear you had a tough day yesterday.”

“Yeah, it was,” I replied, just entering the room. I poured a cup for Steffi and took an orange juice for myself. Sitting at the table I explained everything that had occurred. I could see how upset it all made Joe, but Carla was worse.

“Oh, you poor dear,” she held Steffi around her shoulders. “You did the right thing. We women have suffered for centuries at the hands of men; well, not all men, thank God. I hate to say this, but your father sounds like a Neanderthal. How long will you be staying with us?”

“Hopefully forever, if Rob will let me; I’m eighteen. Legally, I’m an adult.” I rested my hand on her neck and pulled her closer to kiss her cheek.

“Let’s eat and then we need to dress for church.” Carla made us pancakes with real maple syrup and lots of bacon. Once we had eaten we returned to the bedroom to dress. I allowed Steffi to enter first and pretended to pick something up from the floor. I grabbed her hand and turned her around. “I believe I’m in the traditional position,” I said as I knelt before her. Steffi began to shake as she realized what was afoot. Her hands flew to her face and tears appeared in her eyes as I spoke, “I had planned to do this around Christmas. God knows, you’d be the best present I ever received. I think you already know how much I love you. Would you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me; as my wife and lover? Steffi Goldwasser is an okay name, but I think Steffi Kerwood is much nicer. Steffi, will you marry me? Please?”

“Oh, Rob! I knew we were serious about each other, but I never imagined you’d actually ask me.” She hesitated for a few seconds and closed her eyes, briefly wiping a tear from each eye. “Yes; oh, yes my darling. I will. You’ve answered all my prayers and all my dreams. I love you, Rob; so much.” I rose and we kissed. It was long and sweet and very romantic despite our hideous outfits; a couple of T’s and some baggy shorts. We held each other for several minutes before she broke it. “C’mon, we have to get ready for church.” We dressed hurriedly and ran down to my car.

I sang as usual, but when it came time for Communion I brought Steffi to the altar rail with me. She had never taken communion and she didn’t take it now, but the pastor blessed us both, apparently knowing that we had pledged ourselves to each other. He commented after services, “Steffi; Rob, you two seem to be glowing this morning. Anything you’d care to share?”

I looked at Steffi to let her know she could answer. “Pastor, Rob asked me to marry him this morning. Of course, I agreed.” She surprised me when she continued, “I think I’d like to be married here in your church. I always enjoy coming here. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming.” Pastor Anderson simply smiled and kissed her cheek. He shook my hand and told me I was a lucky man. I already knew that.

We walked hand in hand to my car. I checked my phone, noticing there was a message from her father. “Send her back or there will be trouble.” That was it; short and to the point. I was tempted to reply, but I thought I’d rely on our ace in the hole; Steffi’s mom. We went into Boston and spent the day walking in Boston Commons. We didn’t do much other than walk and watch the people, especially the kids. I knew it was giving Steffi ideas, but having a family would have to wait. We went to dinner in the city and returned to my house in the early evening. We went straight to bed. We made love as we always did and slept through the night waking at 6:30 as was my habit.

“Rob, remind me why we’re getting up at this ungodly hour.”

“So I’ll have time to kiss you before my 8:00 class, okay? I have two classes and then we need to go shopping. After lunch we’ll go to your house and pick up your clothes; some of them, anyway. I also want to talk to your mom. That’s the most important thing.” I continued when she gave me a questioning look. “Your father phoned while we were in church yesterday. His message was as threatening as it was short. I don’t want any trouble with him. I also don’t want you here by yourself. I’m sure that Joe and Carla would defend you, but what would they do if the cops came? You’re coming to class with me.” I kissed her good morning and we headed to the bathroom. I started the shower while she peed; I’d go later after the shower.

Carla gave us a great breakfast and I drove to my first class. I introduced Steffi to my professors as my fiancé and I was finished by eleven. I took her hand and drove her to a jewelry store I knew of in nearby Somerville. The store had a small section of electronics, including stereos, headphones, and mp3 players, as well as a number of CD’s. I showed one to Steffi. She recognized my face on the cover immediately. “Why didn’t you tell me, Rob?”

“It’s not that big a deal. Nowadays everyone has a CD.” I didn’t think it was a big deal, but the store owner obviously did; he asked me to sign two copies, one for each of his daughters. When I was done I asked to see some engagement rings. Again, Steffi melted and began to cry. She’d cried a lot over the past several days, but these were definitely tears of joy. We picked out a ring; a one carat solitaire; and I paid with my credit card. He gave me a ten percent discount, but only after having his employee take our picture with him. We placed him in the middle, put our arms around him and smiled. That photo cost him almost a thousand dollars.

We grabbed a quick lunch at the local Wendy’s and I drove toward her family home, but first Steffi phoned her mother. I was relieved to hear that the coast was clear. She and Steffi hugged once we arrived. Mrs. G. was very observant, noticing Steffi’s ring before she had the chance to brag about it. “Rob was going to ask me around Christmas,” Steffi explained, “He told me I was going to be his best present ever, but this mess accelerated everything.”

“Mrs. G, did you know that Steffi’s dad called me yesterday? His message was short, ‘Return Steffi or there will be trouble.’ I don’t want to have any problems.”

“I’ll have another chat with him when he comes home this afternoon. I think I know exactly what to say. Let’s get some clothes for you, Steffi.”

“Mom, I want you to know that I plan to stay with Rob. I’m not coming home. I want us to get married soon.”

“Are you sure, Steff?”

“Yes, Mom even if Daddy apologizes; he hurt me so badly. I’m afraid it will happen again. I don’t ever want to go through that again. I’m sorry, but that’s how I feel.”

“I understand, sweetie. I know Rob will take great care of you.” We took as many clothes as we could get into the car. The Subaru was small so there was a limit. Her mom told us she would bring some more later in the week after Steffi had celebrated her birthday. I also made sure she remembered her birth control pills.

Dr. Goldwasser’s issues.

Dr. Goldwasser walked in the door after a long and difficult day. Not only was he tired from a number of procedures, but he also had to figure out how to get his daughter home where she belonged. He looked in the kitchen, surprised that his wife wasn’t preparing dinner. He found her in the family room calmly reading a book. “Oh good, I see you’re home at last. Come in and sit down. We have to talk.” She continued once he was seated, “Here’s some information for you. First, don’t even think of threatening Rob over this. It’s all your fault, not his. If I find that you’ve done anything to hurt him you and I are done. It’s bad enough that our daughter has decided that she will not return home under any circumstances, your threats will only make things worse.”

Mrs. G wasn’t done laying down the law.

“Steffi and Rob stopped by this afternoon to pick up some of her things. They are engaged to be married. He planned to do it in December, but you pushed his schedule up a bit. They are going to live together until they wed. She wants to get married in the Methodist church that Rob attends. She likes it there and apparently they like her, too. This is all her idea, not Rob’s. Now I have a few questions for you.

“When did we start dating?”

“In high school; you know that.”

“Yes, I do, but I needed to remind you. Next, when did we first have sex together?”

“I don’t know; sometime our senior year. Where is this going?”

“I’m getting there. Were you my first? I’ll answer that for you; no, you weren’t. I had two boyfriends before you. Next, am I a slut or a whore?”

“Of course not, you’re my wife.”

“Right, so why would Steffi having sex with her boyfriend; now fiancé; make her a slut or whore? For your information, she’s been on the pill for two years to regulate her period. She had sex exactly three times; all a disaster; before meeting Rob who obviously is taking much better care of her.”

There was a long delay during which Neil had nothing to say.

“Well, dear what do you have to say about all this?” She pressed her case.

“Okay, I guess I messed up.”

“No guessing, Neil; you fucked up royally. However, I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself. I’ll invite Steffi and Rob to dinner on Saturday. You can and will apologize. You can start now with me.”

“I’m; sorry, Sonia. Really, I am.”

“Very well, now come to bed with me. Jeremy is having dinner with Bart and won’t be home until nine. We have almost two hours and you can apologize further by eating me out. Then we can make love. C’mon.” The repentant Neil hurried behind his wife. He was as eager as the others to put this behind him.


Having Steffi move in with me was a blessing, but it was also a problem. First, I had to find room for her clothes. I had two small closets in my bedroom so I gave her one, moving some of my out-of-season clothes to the second bedroom. I bought some of those portable closets at Home Depot and Joe volunteered to assemble them for me. They went into the second room, too. I also bought Steffi a desk which I put into the little half-room that I used as my study. It would be cramped in there, but there was also the benefit of being able to reach behind me to pinch Steffi’s cute ass. I also bought a new desktop computer and paid to have a network created so we could share the printer and internet. All this was completed by Wednesday; Steffi’s birthday.

I wanted to buy her a nice present, but she declined, saying that just being with me was all the present she could ask for. Nonetheless, I took her out to an excellent seafood restaurant on Boston Harbor. I wouldn’t insist on making love later because of her period however she did insist, claiming having it always made her extremely horny. Steffi also transferred to Medford High School, using my address and rent receipts of proof of residency. I got the impression from the secretary who handled it that it wasn’t all that an unusual occurrence. Steffi was gregarious and an outstanding student so she would be able to make friends fairly easily.

The final burden was Thanksgiving. I had planned to go home before all this mess took place and I saw no reason to change my plans. Steffi would go with me, but first I had to tell my mother. I phoned her on Thursday evening as usual. “Hi, Mom,” I began. “I’ll come home on Wednesday afternoon. I should be able to get there by around 4:30 or so and I’m bringing someone home with me.”

“Where will he sleep?”

“It’s a she, Mom, and she’ll sleep with me just as she’s been doing the last few weeks. We’re engaged, Mom. She’s just wonderful. I’m sure you’ll like her.”

“Is she a Methodist like us?”

“No, Mom she’s Jewish, but she goes to church with me every week and she wants to be married in the Methodist church here. We’ll explain everything when we get there. Oh; her name’s Steffi, after the famous German tennis star. She just turned nineteen, and she’s a high school senior.” I spent a half hour on the phone explaining how we had met, what she was like, and answering all the questions that only parents seem to be able to create. “I’ll see you next Wednesday. Bye, I love you.” And that as they say was that. Mom would expect the two of us. Hopefully, she’d like Steffi, but if she didn’t, well that would be too bad because I wasn’t about to change my mind. I loved Steffi and that was that.

I had only been off my cell phone about ten minutes when Steffi’s mother called. “Hi, Rob; Steffi’s dad and I would like to invite you to dinner Saturday. We have some birthday presents and her father has a lot to say to both of you.”

“I’ll ask her, Mrs. G., but I don’t know what she’ll say. I’ll do the best I can; I promise you.” I ended the call and went to find my love. I hoped she’d find this a welcome development. She was busily studying when I walked in.

“How’d everything go with your mom? I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Fine, I think. Of course, she has all the normal concerns like are we old enough, have we known each other long enough, those kinds of things, but I think she’ll be okay by the time we get there. I also had an incoming call; from your mom. She and your dad want us to come to dinner Saturday. They have some presents for you and I understand your dad has something to say to both of us.”

“I don’t want to go. I have nothing to say to him.”

“I figured you might feel that way, but; think about your mom and Jeremy. Don’t they have a right to be your mother and brother? If you don’t want to do it for your father, do it for them.”

“Okay, I’ll think about it.”

“That’s good enough for me. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. You’ll owe your mom a response before she plans and cooks a big dinner.” I waited a few seconds to let it set in and then I pulled her up into a long and passionate kiss. Our tongues dueled back and forth as our heat grew. In time she broke it and pulled me around the corner to our bedroom. She slowly undressed me before pulling her sweatshirt and jeans from her lithe slender body. She pushed me back onto the bed and climbed over me.

“I need you, Rob; I need you now. Feel my cunt; I’m leaking juice from just that kiss. Please make love with me.” Damn! How could I argue with that? I pulled her down to me and kissed her again and again. I rolled her over to her side and moved my face and my kisses down her body, ending when my nose was tickled by her ebony curls. I tasted her oozing sex for the first time that day. I was addicted to her scent; her taste; her insatiable sexuality. Teasingly, I forced my tongue deep into her cunt. I loved doing this to her; watching her writhe all over the bed was something I’d never tire of. Steffi’s cunt was gushing when I moved to her clit. I gnawed it for several minutes before sucking it into the narrow space between my teeth. Steffi screamed like something other worldly as she squirted over my mouth, face, and neck. I released her nubbin to kiss her silky thighs as her breathing slowly returned to normal.

If I thought she was done for the night I was wrong; dead wrong. Steffi was just getting started. First, she jumped up and bounded into the bathroom, returning seconds later with a washcloth and towel for my face. “You look so funny with me all over your face, Rob. Let me clean you up a bit.” She distracted me with the washcloth while she licked the pre-cum from my cock and swallowed my organ in a single slurp.

“I guess I’m dirty down there, too even though I took a shower after practice about four hours ago.”

“Yes, Rob; you’re absolutely filthy and unbelievably delicious; however, not as delicious as your wonderful semen. I wish my father could see us now. This would convince him I’m not a little girl any more. I can fuck and suck like any other grown woman.”

“I hate to disagree with you while you have my cock in your mouth, but; you’re much better than any other woman. I love the way you do this to me.” Steffi resumed her sucking, wringing her tongue around all the sensitive parts of my pulsing cock. Once again my organ disappeared into her mouth in a single gulp and when she rubbed my balls and fingered my asshole I blew. Six times I could feel the hot slippery semen explode into her throat. I sagged back onto the bed completely exhausted. Steffi released my cock, climbed up my body and pulled the blanket over us. We fell asleep seconds later.

My eight o’clock class Friday morning was cancelled so I drove Steffi to school. It was only a short trip, but I really wanted to speak to her about tomorrow’s dinner with her family. “Steffi,” I began, “I want to tell you about something my mother taught me years ago. When I got old enough to realize what my father had done to Mom and me I hated him; hated him with all my heart! My mother sat in the kitchen on a straight backed wooden chair with me right in front of her. I knew I had done something wrong and I was afraid even though she never once spanked or hit me. ‘Robert,’ she told me, ‘never hate anyone. It’s a colossal waste of time and energy and it can destroy you. Your father made a mistake and it was a big one, but that’s what people do. We all make mistakes. Would you want people to hate you when you make a mistake? I don’t think so. Recognize that it was a mistake and forgive then move on. I know your dad made a big mistake, but he was also part of the reason you are the person you are today.’ My mom gave me good advice, Steff. Believe me.”

“I do. Your mom is obviously a smart person. I’m going to accept the invitation and I’ll listen to my father, but I can’t say I’ll ever love him again.” Okay, I thought, one step at a time.

I picked Steffi up after school and she phoned her mom from the car. “Mom, it’s Steffi. I wanted you to know that Rob and I will come to dinner tomorrow. What time? Oh; okay. See you then.” Okay, I thought again, one more step. I didn’t really care what her father had said to me. It was Steffi I was concerned about. I had no family other than my mom; Steffi should hold her family close if at all possible.

We made love Friday night and it was okay; nothing special; but I knew she was preoccupied with tomorrow’s dinner. Loving someone means taking the difficult with the easy; the bad with the good. We went to bed early and I knew she slept fitfully. We normally spooned together or I slept on my back with Steffi draped over my body. Tonight she was moving all over the bed. All the same, I hugged and kissed her when we woke on Saturday morning. Clara made us an outstanding breakfast, mindful of what Steffi was going through. After breakfast we bid good-bye to Joe and Carla who had the week off for a well earned vacation; I drove Steffi to campus. Now I parked on Professors’ Row outside the bookstore. I had promised Steffi another sweatshirt and suggested we buy something for my mom. I planned to rely on her feminine judgment in that regard. We managed to waste several hours wandering around campus as I showed the buildings and facilities to her.

We stopped by the Admissions Office for an application. Steffi had asked me how I would feel having her attend the same college. My school was expensive; really, really expensive. It had cost me $48K plus my living expenses for my freshman year alone. All the same I was pretty sure I could afford it. I expected to earn more than $300,000 this year and more the next. At this point we had no idea what, if anything, her father would contribute. I had asked Steffi to marry me so it was my responsibility.

We returned home and showered together around two and left for her parents’ place around three. The tension in the car was as thick as a London fog; you could cut it with a knife. I parked in the street and we walked up the driveway hand in hand. Steffi held me tightly, that’s how nervous she was about entering her own home. I kissed her briefly and whispered, “Remember what my mom taught me.” She looked up and nodded then she kissed my cheek and we rang the bell. Jeremy answered it and led us into the family room where Steffi hugged and kissed her mother and brother, but she simply stood and looked at her father.

“Thanks for coming, Steffi; you, too Rob. This is hard for me. I’m not used to it at all. I’ve always thought of you, Steffi, as my little girl. It’s been hard for me to realize that you’re grown up now. You’re not a little girl; you’re a woman. I should have realized that a long time ago. I acted like you were still my little girl and thought I was protecting you, but I wasn’t. I was being selfish, trying to keep you for myself instead of letting you go the way a good parent should. I’m really sorry, Steff. I know I hurt you. It’s all I’ve thought about over the past week.

“Rob, there’s no question that I owe you an apology, too. Sonia has reminded me daily of how good you are for Steffi. I have always thought you were an exceptional person and I’ll be proud to have you as my son-in-law. I hope you’ll accept my apology.”

“I do,” I replied, thrusting my hand out for a shake. Instead, he pulled me into a hug, something I never expected. I held my arm out for Steffi and, slowly at first, she joined us. Then we all had a good cry. Like my mother said, “A mistake was made. Forgive and move on.”

After that everything was back to normal. Her mother asked about adjusting to living with me; Steffi simply replied, “The hardest thing is getting used to sleeping with someone else. I haven’t been sleeping well the last few nights and I’ve been bothering poor Rob all night long. Of course, he’s never said a word, but I can see the bags under his eyes. We do have some interesting showers, though.” Everyone laughed, even her dad, who I assumed had a major change of attitude. I reminded myself to thank Steffi’s mom later.

I knew that Steffi’s birthday would be different than mine, but not this different. My mother usually gave me a shirt or a pair of shorts. Steffi got a new I-pad 2, what would have been an entire wardrobe for me, and a bunch of CD’s. Dinner was great with a lot of relaxed conversation, even when Steffi told her family that she was going home with me at Thanksgiving to meet my mother. I was asked to tell about her so I did, explaining how she struggled to bring me up alone, how we lived in a small apartment, the whole lot. They listened with respect which, I thought was considerate. They also asked about the upcoming concert series and I expressed the hope that they would attend with Steffi. We left around ten, the car filled with her gifts. I thanked my future mother-in-law for everything and shook hands with her dad and Jeremy. I was most pleased to see Steffi and her dad hug and kiss. We had all moved forward.

To be continued, by senorlongo.