Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Tenor Virtuoso: Part 2

 A visit with her mother.

by senorlongo. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

The score was tied 0-0 at halftime. I waved to Steffi as she walked by into the gym. Her dad and Jeremy left to get some sodas out of their car. I found myself alone with Mrs. Goldwasser, her mother. “I want to thank you for last night, Rob,” she began. “You should know that Steffi and I have few secrets. She told me just about everything when she came in.” She saw the concern on my face and laughed, “No, don’t worry. How many eighteen year old girls do you know who haven’t had sex? What do you think I did when I was eighteen? I’m Jewish so I obviously wasn’t trying to be a nun.

“Until last night Steffi had sex with one boy. Now she’s had sex with a man. Believe me, she much prefers the man over the boy. I’ve tried to explain how sex is about giving; both ways. Until last night I don’t think she believed me. Now she does, so thank you very much. Don’t mention anything to her father. He doesn’t know and he acts like she’s still ten. One of these days he’ll wake up and she’ll be engaged.” We talked about other things for a while until Jeremy and his dad returned with a cooler. I was offered a Coke, but I politely refused. However, I did accept an invitation to lunch.

I walked down the bleachers to Steffi once the game had ended--a 1-0 loss on a penalty kick. I didn’t know much about soccer, but I thought that Steffi had played well, not giving up any kind of advantage to the opposing team. I kissed her cheek and we talked quietly as we walked toward the school. I stopped outside after she told me she would see me after her shower. Her hair was still wet when she returned fifteen minutes later. I took her hand as we walked to my car.

I was about to open the door for her when she spun me around and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Did you like the game?”

“I liked the way you played, but I would have liked it better if you won.”

“That doesn’t happen very often; only once this year and we’ve played five games. This was actually one of our better efforts. Right now I think we should shut up and kiss.” It was hard to argue with that kind of logic. I leaned down slightly and pressed my lips to hers. It was just as sweet as I recalled. We kissed there for several minutes before we broke it, I think because she could hear my stomach growling.

We were in the car when I commented that I’d had a very interesting conversation with her mother. “I’m sorry, Rob. I should have told you about our relationship. Mom and I talk about everything. I told her before our date that I thought I’d have sex with you. I knew; don’t ask me how; that you’d be different; that you’d take care of me.”

“I loved everything we did last night and I want it to happen again. I love making you cum. Watching you squirm around is a real turn-on. Oh; I have to go to a concert tonight. They want me to sing a couple of songs. The rest of the time we’ll be in the audience like everyone else. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Gee; I get to go to a great concert and I get to hear you perform; why would I complain? It sounds great to me. We are going back to your house after, aren’t we?”

“We’re going before, too. I have to dress, but I don’t know what we’ll be able to do.”

“That’s okay; I do! Let’s just make sure we have enough time. Don’t you have to warm up, or something?” I opened the door for her and we drove the short distance to her home. As expected Jeremy was out in the driveway with his basketball. He passed it to me; I dribbled behind my back and between my legs before taking a fifteen-foot jumper that hit nothing but net.

“Awesome, Rob; can you teach me to do that?”

“Well; I can show you, but it really is nothing more than practice. I used to practice dribbling with my eyes closed. The same thing about shooting with your off hand; it’s nothing more than practice; practice; practice. You have to have some ability, but that alone won’t cut it.” I passed the ball back to him and walked with Steffi into the house. Her father was already out back working with the grill. For someone whose job required incredible hand-eye coordination he was doing a terrible job. I offered to take over and he willingly walked away, leaving the grilling to me.

Having grown up in an apartment I’d had no experience with any kind of grill until this past summer when I used one almost every noon and night until Carla and Joe were hired. I had learned a lot over those six weeks. I sectioned off the bulk chopped chuck with a steak knife and put my hands to work pounding out and shaping a bunch of burgers. Let’s see; two for me, one for Steffi, one for her mom; . I made eight thinking that would be plenty. I seasoned them with salt and pepper and started the grill. Steffi brought out some rolls and gave me a kiss in the process. I was cooking away when she reappeared and kissed me again. “Uh; what’s your dad going to say? Doesn’t he still think of you as a ten year old?”

“Unfortunately, he does, but he just went to the store. He’ll be back in about ten minutes so I have that long to kiss you and convince you we need to do more later on this afternoon.”

“Ha; that won’t take much, but let’s see you convince me.” She jumped into my arms and rammed her tongue down my throat. Steffi remained in that position for several minutes until I broke away to check the burgers. I had just put the rolls on the grill when her father appeared, explaining that he had forgotten his wallet. It was a close call, but I wasn’t worried. I was pretty sure Steffi’s mom had things under control and I found it hard to actually believe her father didn’t realize that we had kissed a few times.

I served the lunch at one o’clock sharp and I must have done a good job because everyone was stuffing themselves, including me. I suggested Steffi get ready because I would have to warm up before dinner. I explained that I always sang for an hour before performing to loosen my vocal cords and to check my pitch. I would have to do it early tonight because I was only a part-time performer and we were going to dinner first. She was ready just after two. I thanked her folks for lunch even though I was the chef. I took her hand and walked her to the car. Forty minutes later we were at my home. I took a few minutes to call the box office and order four tickets for Joe and Carla. I also reminded them that I would need two for Steffi and me. Both sets would be at the “Will Call” office.


I turned around once I was done to find Steffi naked in the hallway, shaking her hot ass and waving those smooth white globes in my face. She slowly back-pedaled up the stairs, playing with her tits and leading me to the bedroom where I was sure she had some plans for me. I shed my clothes as I followed so all I was wearing were my sandals when I entered the room. She fell back onto the bed as I approached and I made a big show of “falling” onto her. We came together in a tangle of body parts. I kissed her lips before working my way down, kissing her neck, her tits, her belly. I stuck my tongue into her navel. She was obviously ticklish because she jumped up shrieking with laughter. I continued my journey down to her abdomen and my ultimate target. Once there I pulled her on top of me, her tasty cunt just over my chin.

Steffi ran her fingernails up and down my shaft, teasing me as my cock jumped in response. I began to eat her delicious cunt; she lowered her head onto my cock, washing it with her tongue as she sucked and bobbed up and down. I attacked her cunt with my mouth, first covering the entire surface with my lips and sucking mightily. This caused her labia to engorge. In seconds they were swollen with her passion. I move in to her core, teasing her tunnel with my tongue. I knew I was getting to her in the same way she was getting to me. Steffi was squirming all over me; I was humping her mouth. I doubted that either of us could do anything to control our movements.

I knew I was getting close so I shifted my attentions to her clit. I sucked it between my teeth, nibbling and sucking simultaneously. She came hard and fast, flooding my mouth with her ejaculate. I barely had time to warn her, “Steffi; I’m close.” She paid no heed and took my hefty load into her mouth and throat as a result. She squeezed the last drops from my wilting cock and licked them off with a smile. I could barely move so I pulled her around to me so I could hold and caress her while we recovered. We rose about twenty minutes later and showered. Steffi dressed and combed her hair while I put on my navy blue suit and tied my tie. Once done I went down to my studio to run through some scales. I always taped my practices so I could play them back for review. I was finished by five.

We drove into Boston, heading for Faneuil Hall where I had reservations at Durgin-Park, famous for generations for its massive prime rib and seafood. It was an extremely expensive restaurant, but I was being well paid for my work tonight and I could afford to treat Steffi well. She had certainly treated me well over the past two days. We arrived on time for my 5:45 reservation. We dined extremely well and I drove over to Mass Ave. in plenty of time for the concert at Symphony Hall.

We were seated on the aisle at a table in row eight and the usher showed me how to get onto the stage when called. My cue occurred when a huge screen was lowered from above the stage. An interview with Andrea Bocelli was played. I kissed Steffi and stepped into the aisle, from there to side of the stage. Bocelli was asked about young talent to replace the aging tenors, many of whom were now retired, and recently deceased Pavarotti. “There are several fine young tenors,” he said, “but the most outstanding comes from right here in the States. I’ve had the honor and pleasure of performing with him; Rob Kerwood is the outstanding tenor of the future.” The screen was raised to reveal me standing at a microphone center stage.

The backup singers began without introduction, “Once you have found her never let her go; once you have found her never let her; .”

I jumped in over the last, “go,” and sprang right into “Some Enchanted Evening,” following the rendition made popular by Jay Black and the Americans way back in 1965. I was aware of the first four or five words then I was somewhere else. Autopilot was the best way I could describe it; I was no longer in front of thousands of strangers; I was in my own mind relying on my years of instruction and practice. It was only at the very end of the song that I came back. The song ended and I bowed to the enthusiastic applause. I even heard a few “Bravo’s” coming from the audience. I could make out Steffi and I could see she was beaming.

I moved easily into my second song, “The Impossible Dream,” without saying a word. Everyone knew the song and it was very well received. It ended to very strong applause. I spoke now for the first time, “I really love this song because I live the impossible dream every day. I grew up in a single parent home, a two-bedroom apartment on the second floor above a busy street and a liquor store. My father took off before I was even born and my mother struggled to get by, often working two or even three jobs. I know of the sacrifices she made to get me to Julliard for lessons every Saturday for almost ten years. For me to be here on this stage is truly the impossible dream.”

I went on to introduce my next song, “Every March there is a major singing competition in Dublin in which one and only one song is sung. Last year more than 1500 competed and I’m proud to tell you that I was the winner as I was the prior year. I hope you enjoy this song as much as the judges did. I’ll bet that many of you know the beginning of this song, but that few know the ending which is very emotional. I couldn’t get through it without crying when I first tried to sing it. Of course; I was only seven at the time.” There was some laughter in the audience and when it ended I took a deep breath and launched “Danny Boy.” My voice was full of emotion as I told the story in song of an old man who sends his only son off to war and prepares him for his return whether the father is alive or dead. It was one of my best ever performances. People leapt out of their seats when I finished and bowed. I turned to acknowledge the orchestra and I was truly astonished to see that they were standing and applauding, too. There were many calls for an encore.

Conductor Heath Lockner told the audience of my concert series and asked if I could sing one of the Christmas songs. I suggested “Oh, Holy Night,” but the orchestra wasn’t prepared so I decided to sing “a cappella.” I moved away from the microphone. I didn’t need it if there was no orchestra behind me. I knew from experience that my voice would easily be heard anywhere in the auditorium. I could hear a pin drop, that’s how quiet it was as the song built. I thought this was the most beautiful and by far the most difficult of the Christmas songs. I finished to wild acclaim, thanked Heath and the orchestra and strode off the stage and back to Steffi.

It was intermission so everyone was up and about. I was stopped several times for my autograph before I reached her. She jumped into my arms and kissed me. “Oh Rob, you were fantastic; incredible. I can’t believe I was actually here for it.” I put my arm around her and walked her up the aisle to where I saw Joe and Carla sitting. They greeted me with huge smiles and introduced me to their daughter and her husband. I could understand why they didn’t like him; he came off like a cold fish, devoid of any personality. Worse, he couldn’t help but scope out Steffi’s body right in front of his wife. We chatted for a minute before I excused us, using thirst as an excuse.

We ran into Stan, the business manager, in the lobby. He was ecstatic. They had sold more than 500 tickets to my future concerts during the intermission. He bought us a couple of Cokes and some popcorn. I shook more hands and signed more autographs on our way back to our seats. I took a close look at Steffi once we were seated; I saw total love and lust in her eyes. I was extremely pleased with both. Once the lights were dimmed she pulled my hand to her crotch. It was soaking wet; I was sure her dress was ruined. I looked at her again; she smiled lamely and shrugged her shoulders. “I couldn’t help it. I love the way you sing. I didn’t tell you, but I had two orgasms in Mrs. Sherman’s class. I held her hand and gave her cheek a peck as the concert began again. We enjoyed the music, but, truthfully, there was somewhere else we’d rather be; home in my bed. That’s where we were at 11:00 on the dot. I figured that would give us another hour or more of fun before I had to take her home.

I opened the door and stepped aside for Steffi. She ran past me like she was on the soccer field. If I thought she might be tired I was definitely wrong. She was upstairs with her clothes off before I even made it to the bedroom door. “Eager, aren’t we?”

“You’re damned right; clothes off now!” I almost laughed, but I could see how serious she was and this wasn’t a time to start an argument. I folded my jacket over the chair, followed seconds later by my tie, shirt, pants and boxers. My shoes and socks fell quickly to the floor. There was no hiding my excitement; it was standing out perpendicular to my body and it felt as hard as a rock. Steffi reached for my hand and pulled me onto her. Her lips reached up for mine and we met in a sweet delicious kiss. I fell the rest of the way to the bed, savoring the sensation of her perfect smooth skin. Steffi’s body was still tan from the summer with only her tits, pubic area, and ass snow white. I wrapped my arms around her, my hands finding the smooth globes of her ass. My fingers ran up and down her ass crack, pausing to tickle her puckered star. Steffi noticed immediately.

“Oh! What are you doing back there?”

“Just playing with one of the most sensitive parts of your body; did you know there are more nerve endings in your ass than in your cunt? If your cunt had as many as your ass; all you’d want to do is fuck.”

Steffi laughed hysterically. “All I want to do now is fuck; you.” She gave me that little girl pout look that they all seem to know so well and is so effective on guys; except me!

“Are you trying to tell me something, because I’m having trouble following you.”

She gave me an exasperated, “Ah,” and pushed me onto my back. She straddled me and sunk swiftly onto my hard cock. “Do you understand me now? This is what I’ve wanted all night and I’ll want again tomorrow and the day after that and; .”

I put my fingers up to her lips. “I really do understand; it’s exactly what I want, too. I don’t know what I did before I met you, but I know this; I want it to go on and on and on. You’re wonderful and you fuck pretty good, too.” She took one look at me and laughed. God, I loved the way she laughed. In fact, I loved an awful lot about her, especially the way she fucked.

Steffi began to rock, grinding her clit into me. “Isn’t this what they call clock management in basketball? Take a quick shot in the hope you’ll get another before the end of the half?”


“That’s what I’m doing here; working for a fast one so we’ll have plenty of time for another before you have to take me home. What a waste of time, taking me home. I should just stay here all night then we could really fuck.”

“Maybe, but here’s a thought; when I was a kid I wished we could have Christmas every day until my mother explained that having it once a year made it special. Having it every day would make it ordinary. Now, I’m not suggesting that sex with you would ever be ordinary, but there is a limit as to how often we can do it. We need to cultivate other interests, but not now. Oh God; definitely not now!” Thrusting into Steffi, I lifted her from the bed. We were both into it now; desperate to cum, needing to cum as much as we needed to breathe. We drove into each other at a furious pace; I could see the determination on her face and I was pretty sure I had the same expression on mine. This wasn’t going to last forever, not at the intensity of our mating. Suddenly, Steffi’s expression changed; she was feeling nothing but rapture now. She was only seconds away which was fortunate because I could feel it mounting deep within my groin. I pumped harder; faster; until at last! We erupted together like two volcanoes. Steffi shook with convulsion as my semen poured into her womb. Her eyes were glazed over when she collapsed onto my chest. I checked the clock; 11:13; not bad, we may yet be able to fuck again exactly as she planned.

There was no rush now; we lay there together, two lovers in their post-coital bliss. I’d heard that expression before, but until I had met Steffi I thought it nothing more than a myth. Now there was nothing I enjoyed more than snuggling with her at this time. She lifted her head almost a half hour later, a silly grin on her face. I leaned up to kiss her which only served to make her grin bigger and sillier. I was about to ask her about it when she spoke, “I love doing this with you, Rob. It’s so satisfying in so many ways. I can’t even explain how I feel after you make me cum, except to say that I feel totally at peace. Does that make any sense?”

“I think so,” I replied as I pulled her back to me, holding her even tighter than before, if possible. “I feel pretty much the same way, as though there’s nothing in the world except you and me. The feeling is so exhilarating, like my whole body is glowing. I know it’s awfully early in our relationship, Steffi, but I think I’m falling in love with you. I can’t imagine living without you.”

“Oh Rob, I feel the same way. I’ve never known anyone as sweet and loving as you are. I love everything about you.” She punctuated her remarks by pressing her sweet lips to mine for a wonderful loving kiss. It was enough to stimulate both of us. She pulled my resurgent cock into her cunt. We fucked again; slower this time, taking almost a half hour before we climaxed together again. Unfortunately, we had to rise, shower, and dress if we were to get her home by one.

Steffi asked me during the ride if we could see each other tomorrow. Being Sunday I told her I had to attend church. I was scheduled to sing and I couldn’t let them down. To my surprise Steffi asked if she could accompany me. Of course, I agreed, telling her I’d pick her up at 9:15. I pulled into her driveway and walked her to the door. There was time for a quick kiss and in she went. Once again I waited until the door was locked before leaving. I thought on the way back about the crazy improbable series of events that had led me to Steffi.

 Rob goes to college and meets Steffi


I was back again the following morning wearing a dark blue blazer and medium blue slacks. I had a white button-down shirt with a paisley tie when I walked to Steffi’s door. Her mom answered with a grin on her face. “I knew you were nothing but trouble, Rob; taking my Jewish daughter to a Christian church. Tisk; tisk.”

“Don’t blame me; she asked to come. Okay, if I bring her back after dinner? Does she have any homework she has to do?”

“Yes to the first question, and no to the second. Actually, I don’t mind that she’s attending church. We should all go a lot more regularly. Unfortunately, Neil isn’t the religious kind. Oh, here’s the convert now.”

“Right, Mom; I’m going to join the Salvation Army, sing on street corners and pass the tambourine. Don’t you always tell me all the good they do? I’ll bet they’d just love to get their hands on a nice Jewish girl like me. Morning, Rob.” She walked up to me and laid a big kiss on my lips.

“I think we need to go. I have to be there early. Do you have something comfortable you can change into?” She nodded and pointed to the hallway. We said our good-byes and left.

I held the door for her and walked around to the driver’s side. I had just buckled up when she leaned over and kissed me again, a lot more energy and love in this one now that we were alone. It was so wonderful I didn’t want it to end; I was ten minutes late for our pre-service meeting which did not make the choral director very happy. Worse, I couldn’t explain very well why I was late. What would I say? “Sorry, but I was engaged in a torrid kiss with my girlfriend?” I didn’t think that would go over too well. Fortunately, I knew the two hymns they wanted me to sing. I led Steffi to a pew, got her comfortable, and gave her $10 for the collection. Then I kissed her cheek and walked away. I had explained that I had to be with the choir the entire time.

We sang several times during the service, but at Communion I was to sing “Amazing Grace” as a solo. The Choir and I sang “This Little Light of Mine” at the end with me in the lead and the choir behind me. Both were well done, I thought. It was almost eleven when we walked out. I introduced Steffi to the minister who noticed her star, but only commented that he hoped he’d see her again. “Okay, I’m sure you’re hungry. I know that I am so we have two choices; breakfast or lunch. C’mon, I know of a nice restaurant we can go to for either.”

We both opted for breakfast which was big enough to last until dinner before driving straight to my house. “Let’s do something this afternoon,” I suggested, “and, no, not that. It can wait until later.” We decided to drive into Cambridge and walk hand in hand along the Charles, the river that runs between Boston and Cambridge. It was a beautiful fall day with plenty of sunlight and not too much humidity. We found a nice park bench and sat, watching the world go by. I brought some leftover rolls from the breakfast and we fed the squirrels and pigeons. It was really nice, but we both wanted to be somewhere else. I got the hint when Steffi moved up really, really close to me; almost in my lap.

“Okay, I can take the hint. Let’s go home and you can have your way with me.”

“Oh, goodie; that’s just what I was thinking. C’mon!” She jumped up and pulled me along, not that I was reluctant. No; I was just as eager as she was. I drove home, a drive of about a half hour watching Steffi disrobing in my car as we went.

“I just hope we don’t get stopped by a cop. Look at you; you’re almost naked.”

“I am not! I’m naked and ready to go. See, I just have my top draped over my body and my skirt over my bottom half. If you go ahead of me I can run in and right upstairs.”

“Suppose I want to do it downstairs, like on the floor or the kitchen table.”

“You are so kinky. Is this what going to church does to you? I thought it was kind of interesting, actually. I liked that it was in English. You’d be lost if you came to temple with me. Know any Hebrew?”

“I might if they had any operas in Hebrew. Guess why I studied Italian in high school and why I’m still studying it now.”

“You know, Rob I’ve never seen you do any homework.”

“I do plenty, but I’m in a different situation than a lot of my classmates. There are a lot who want to be doctors, and dentists, and lawyers. They need really great grades to get into grad school. I already know what I’m going to do; in fact, I’m already doing it. Grades aren’t as important to me. I don’t want to flunk out, although that wouldn’t be a catastrophe. I’d just start working full-time earlier. But don’t worry, I’m doing plenty of work between Sunday night and Friday afternoon.”


I turned down my street and Steffi made ready for her dash; her naked dash. I was out of the car in a second and had the door to the house open. “Now!” I yelled, hoping I wasn’t being too loud. Steffi was out in a flash; no pun intended. I had to laugh. The whole thing was hilarious. We had more than enough time to fuck three or four times if we wanted to before I had to take her home. I patted her ass as she bolted past me, sliding to a halt on the living room carpet.

“Let’s see if there’s a football or baseball game on. You do know I’m a Yankees fan, don’t you?”

“I should have known; a Yankee fan! Dear God, I’m in love with a Yankee fan.”

“It could be worse. You could be in love with a Bosox fan like I am.”

“Okay; I’ll forgive you if you fuck me; right now; this very second.”

“Do I at least have the time to get rid of these,” I asked, pointing to my clothes. She gave me her frustrated look as I literally tore the clothes from my body before lying in the middle of the carpet. Steffi lay on top of me, rubbing her beautiful firm tits into my chest as she kissed me, her tongue actively exploring my mouth. Rather than reach for my erection she rubbed her prominent mound over it. The sensations were much like being jerked off except in this case she shifted her body and I slid easily into her velvet vise.

Steffi’s body was loaded with muscles. Her soccer kept her in great shape. She also swam which accounted for her strong shoulders and played volleyball in the spring. She was strong and supple, with probably less than five percent body fat and all of that in her tits. Right now I was most interested in her vaginal muscles which were squeezing my cock with incredible strength. Steffi’s cunt was tight, but it was her muscles that made fucking her so wonderful. My eight-inch cock was almost two in diameter and it barely fit into her, even with her copious lubrication which was always present. What I loved most though, was that she seemed to be multi-orgasmic. We could fuck all day, and I thought that we would sometime in the near future, and Steffi would come easily every time.

Steffi was on top, her favorite position, although we hadn’t done doggie yet or any of the intricate positions found in the Kama Sutra, a copy of which sat in my bookcase. I lay very still while she drove her hard clit into me. She leaned forward, her hands on my chest as she changed position and the angle of my penetration. Now I had to move; it was an involuntary reflex as I began to drive into her, bouncing my cock into her cervix every time. Strangely, she seemed to love it. In fact, the rougher we fucked the better she was with it. Rough sex seemed to give her the release she needed and savored so much. As always her look of determination dissipated into one of euphoria as her climax approached. My pace increased for two reasons; for my own much desired release and to help her over the edge.

We had worked up quite a sweat from our workout. Our movements were frenetic and disjointed until; suddenly; we stopped and hung in position for perhaps two seconds before resuming our frantic coupling and our mutual explosion. So strong was Steffi’s that she actually squirted onto my abdomen.

“Oh my God! What was that? What did I do to you? I have never cum like that before!”

“I think you squirted. I’m afraid to get up. I’m going to drip all over the carpet. I shudder to think what Joe and Carla will say.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll cover my puss with my hand and get something for you from the kitchen.” She pulled herself off my cock and covered up with her hand. She looked hilarious walking that way into the kitchen; legs spread wide, hand over her sex in that wonderful space between her legs. “Okay,” she called, “I’ve got myself pretty much wiped up, but I could use a tampon to hold it in. I’ll be in for you in a minute.”

I put my hands behind my head and waited patiently. I almost choked when I saw her; naked with only one of Carla’s aprons tied in front of her slender body. Of course, she picked a clear vinyl one barely concealed her assets. She held a sponge in one hand and some paper towels in the other. “You’ll be happy to know that I ran this under the hot water.” She ran it over my abdomen and I was. The warmth was welcomed as she washed me. Seconds later she dried me with the towels then wiped her cunt in a futile attempt to stem the flow of semen from her tunnel. Finally, she gave up and returned her panties to her body, a towel in the crotch.



“Rob; will you sing and play for me? You know how much I love listening to you.” Steffi pleaded.

“No, Steffi; I refuse, but I will sing and play With you.”

“Rob, I’ll just embarrass myself. You know I’m not very good.”

“I think you’ll do fine, after all I’ll be your audience. C’mon, let’s go to my practice room.” Steffi had seen almost all of my house, but not my soundproof practice room, the area I had converted from an old porch. Still naked I led her down a short corridor. I turned on the lights first because it would be totally black in there without them. The entire room; walls and ceiling--was covered in acoustic foam, you know that black stuff with all the irregular surfaces; the hills and valleys. Along one wall were a big professional reel-to-reel tape recorder and my instruments. I set up a chair for Steffi then I sat behind the harp.

I played a few chords and reached onto the table for some sheet music. “These are for a tenor so just go up an octave, okay?” She looked at me doubtfully as she took the music. The first selection would be “Galway Bay.” I already knew the song well. I started the recorder and we began; almost.

“You’re going to tape this?”

“Yes; to prove to you that you’re not bad. Okay; one, two, three, four; .” We began together and Steffi did an admirable job considering it was her first time with the song. I used the harp to control the tempo and provide the background. Pretty soon Steffi was feeling comfortable with it even though we were both still naked. I played the tape back and we listened together. “This is how I practice. Now let’s sing a few more times and we’ll tape it again.” We did sing it twice more, but during an instrumental part I was concentrating on playing and didn’t notice Steffi come up behind me. I turned my head and got a face full of tits. Steffi laughed madly and once I had recovered from the shock I opened my mouth and suckled. In seconds her laughing disappeared, replaced by, “Oh, Rob. Oh.” Then she began to moan so I pushed one finger into her cunt; not surprisingly it was extremely wet. I fucked her with my finger for almost a minute before pulling it out, moving my tongue to her clit, and those fingers to her asshole. Fucking her there while sucking and nibbling her clit; Steffi lost any semblance of control in mere seconds. I grabbed her with my free hand and lowered her to the floor so she wouldn’t hurt herself as I continued my assault. It didn’t take long for Steffi to cum, but I never stopped. Her orgasm went on and on for almost a minute. Finally, I stopped, taking her into my arms.

“Best thing about that,” I teased her, “is that I got the whole thing on tape.” Her expression was priceless. I couldn’t help myself; I laughed wildly. Soon Steffi joined me. We looked into each other’s eyes and kissed as I carried her up to the bedroom where I lay her gently onto the bed. Our kiss continued as I fell in behind her, holding and caressing her body. We stayed there for almost an hour until I heard her stomach complaining.

To be continued, by senorlongo.