Monday, July 8, 2024

That Time I Died: Part 1

Life after death is a lot better than I expected!

In 2 parts, by DragoTime. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


I’m Jimmy. I was unpopular for my whole life. 18 years of being mocked by the other kids. I looked awkward, overweight, and of course, I was a virgin. I had no particular reason to be popular. Of course I had friends, but we geeks mostly wallowed in our unpopularity together. On this particular day, which I will remember for the rest of my existence. Myself and my friends Mark and Peter were sat on the school bus, on the way back to school. Finals were over, and all the seniors had been on a week-long trip to celebrate.

Mark and Peter were having a Pokémon battle, while I sat and watched.

"What you losers doing?" Asked Aaron, one of the rich and popular guys sat in front of us.

"None of your business," replied Peter, but Aaron just leaned over.

"Baby stuff I see," Aaron said, grabbing Mark's Nintendo Gameboy.

"Hey! Give that back!" Mark shouted.

"Now now, don't be mean," said Lexi, Aaron's girlfriend., in a mock condescension to her conceited boyfriend. "If they want to be infinitely unpopular and the scum of the Earth for the rest of their lives, that's their choice."

"It's a pretty stupid one, I'd say," Aaron said, tossing the electronic device back to Mark. "Do you dorks know what I'm going to do when we get back? I'm going to drive Lexi here home. Then I'm going to carry her up to her room and make her scream like she's being murdered."

"Shut up," Lexi said, blushing, but not refuting the fact.

The three of us got back to what we were doing, but it didn't last long. I heard one of the other pupils shout "Smoke!", and everyone turned to look at the back of the bus. Clouds of smoke were indeed pouring out of the petrol tank. I saw a flash of light and felt a surge of heat, and then, nothing.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a bright light. When my eyes adjusted, however, I realized it was just the lightbulb on the ceiling. I sat up, and realized several things. I saw that I was in a large room, with quite a few sofas and tables. The tables were covered in plates full of all sorts of delicious-looking food and drink. Everything looked completely luxurious.

The next thing I noticed was that I was not alone. All my classmates were present, sitting all around the large room. And they were all naked. I looked around, and my eyes widened at the sight of my classmates' bodies being completely exposed. So many girls I'd previously imagined naked were now available for me to see in all their glory. Well, at least until they all realized they were naked, and all screamed and tried to cover themselves. The boys also tried to, although it was even more difficult for us, as just about everyone, myself included, was getting a boner from the sight of all this nude flesh. I settled for just letting it all hang out.

"Alright, alright, calm down everyone," said our teacher, Mr. Johnson, standing up.

"Oh shut up Richard, you're not helping anything," said Miss Wilson, the young, 20-something newly-qualified teacher.

"Sir, where are we?" Asked one girl.

"I don't know Becky," replied Mr. Johnson. "But everyone just stay calm and we'll figure it out."

Just then, a set of large doors opened, and the class saw 4 men and 4 women walk in. Each one of them was dressed in pure white robes, and had large, white wings protruding from their backs.

"Greetings everyone," said one of the women. "My name is Luna, and this is my team."

"So could you kindly tell us what is going on here?" Asked Mr. Johnson. "Why have we been kidnapped and why have we been stripped naked?"

"Please do not interrupt, thank you," said Luna. "If you could all remain calm and cooperate we can get through his quickly. You will all be asked for your names and given a hand stamp. Please do not resist."

"Now look here, you can't just," said Mr. Johnson.

"Name," said Luna.

"I'll be contacting the police,"


"His name's Richard Johnson," said Miss Wilson. "And I'm Sally Wilson." Luna looked over at the man stood next to her, who started looking down the list on his clipboard.

"Um, Up for him, and Down for her, Miss Luna," said the man.

"Not what I'd have gone for," Luna said. "Alright, everyone get to work."

The group split into pairs, and went around asking people their names. I watched as the lists were checked, and everyone's hands were stamped. Eventually one of the pairs came up to Mark, Peter and I.

"Names," asked the girl.

"Um, Jimmy Robertson," I replied.

"Mark Ackers."

"Peter Ward."

"Up for all of them," said the man. The girl stamped our hands, and moved on. We looked at our hands, and we saw that they'd stamped on a bright blue cloud.

"What is that?" Asked Mark.

"Dunno," I replied.

The people continued stamping people, and everyone compared their stamps. Most of us had blue clouds, although a few had what appeared to be a red flame.

"Attention everyone," said Luna. "Could everyone who has a blue cloud please go over there and stand with Rafael, and everyone with a red flame go over there and stand with Dominique.

My friends and I went to stand with the cloud people. It was most of us, with only maybe a dozen or so people, including Lexi, Aaron and Miss Wilson in the flame queue. The woman known as Dominique opened a door, through which fire and screams could be heard. Everyone seemed afraid, and the flame people were sucked into it, their stamps being checked as they did.

"Alright everyone," said the man called Rafael. "Please line up in single file. Your stamps will be checked and you'll be allowed in."

"In where?" Mr. Johnson asked.

"Please hold all questions until you're inside." Rafael opened the door, and I saw a blinding white light inside. It felt nice. "I'd like to get things over with quickly."

The others lined us up, and one by one, our hands were checked and we were allowed inside. I was behind Alice Walker in the queue, and I found my eyes drawn to her ass. It was different to how I'd imagined it would be, but it was still beautiful. My cock got hard quickly as I was fixated by Alice's posterior. Unfortunately, as we moved forwards in the line, I moved a little too enthusiastically, and my boner rubbed itself against Alice's booty.

"Sorry Alice!" I exclaimed.

"It's alright," said Alice timidly. I loved how cute she was. So forgiving.

"Ahem." Alice and I both turned to see Rafael looking annoyed at us.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Alice. She showed her hand to Rafael.

"Alright, go on in." Alice walked forward, and the last I saw of her was her ass disappearing into the light. I then looked at Rafael, and showed him my hand. "In you go."

As I walked forward, the light got more and more intense, and I was consumed by the most wonderful feeling of happiness. When it cleared I found myself stood in my living room at home. I was still naked, my cock softening after being made erect by Alice's ass. It seemed to be night time, with all the blinds shut. The only light in the room was coming from the many candles that were scattered around the room, which I know my mother and sisters were quite fond of.

"Mum?" I shouted. "Hello? Anyone?" No response. Next to the sofa were two tables, which were covered with plates of all my favorite snacks. Confused, I sat down and ate a biscuit. It tasted absolutely wonderful. I poured a glass of coke, and it too tasted incredible. But I still didn't understand what was going on.

"Hello there." I jumped in my seat, and turned to see two girls stood in the doorway. One was Asian, the other Caucasian. And both were completely naked and drop-dead gorgeous. My cock immediately began to stir. I noticed that the Asian girl had a large set of wings protruding from her back like the people earlier had. Despite this, I found myself backing away from the girls.

"Don't be frightened," said the Asian girl. "We're not going to hurt you. Nothing will ever hurt you again."

"What's going on?" I asked. "Who are you?"

"I am Aris," said the Asian girl, who then looked over at her friend, who appeared to be extremely nervous. "Well go on then. Introduce yourself."

"Oh, yes," the nervous girl said nervously. "I'm Jayma, Mr. Robertson, sir,"

"Just relax Jayma, deep breaths, don't be nervous," Aris said to her, before turning back to me. "I'm sorry about Jayma. She's new, and I'm training her up. This is her first time on the job."

"What job?" I was still rather afraid, although admittedly most burglars don't tend to work naked.

The two girls simply walked over and sat down on either side of me.

"Do you like the food?" Asked Aris.

"It's good, but please, I want to know what's going on," I said.

"What do you remember?" asked Jayma. "Before waking up naked, I mean."

"Well," I thought. "We were on the bus, on the way back to school. I heard people screaming, and then I felt really hot, and then, I woke up."

"The petrol tank of the bus exploded," said Jayma. "Everyone on board died instantly."

"So I'm dead?" I asked, and Aris nodded.

"Dead, Expired, Deceased," said Jayma. "Biting the dust, Becoming fertilizer."

"That's enough Jayma," said Aris sternly.

"Yes Miss Aris,"

"Wait, if I'm dead, then that means this is, what's next," I said.

"That's correct."

"So, which one is this?"

"This good one," Aris smiled. "Welcome to Heaven, Jimmy."

"Heaven? But why?" I asked. "I've never really did all the church stuff.  I skipped confirmation, and I'm not exactly perfect."

"God does not care about whether or not you jump through all those hoops, either. He knows your heart. We don’t ask ‘why’. And God doesn’t tell us why someone else earned punishments or rewards. It’s only that you are a good heart, and he has judged you to be so. As such, you are to be rewarded and can continue on, unless your heart turns bad."

"So what are you two, then?" I asked, before looking at Aris's wings. "Are you angels?"

"Yes," Aris replied. "We're here to welcome you to Heaven. We don’t always appear like this, but this is our first introduction, so we transformed to conventional imaginations, to ease your mind."

"But I can't be dead!" I shouted, standing up. "I'm only 18!"

"Everyone dies at some point," said Jayma. “Some live longer, some not as long. It’s not our place to question.”

"But I had so much I wanted to do!"

"You can do whatever you want here."

"How's my family going to react!?"

"Reacted. You've been dead for over a week, so they'll have found out by now."

"A week?"

"God is a very thorough judge. And it takes time to judge all the dead of the universe. Your consciousness was turned off for that review. Once we had our results, your schoolmates were all immediately assembled, awakened, and sent to your destiny."

Aris stood up, and gently lowered me back down onto the sofa. The two angels began stroking my legs. They were trying to relax me, but honestly it just put me more on edge.

"Please Jimmy, just relax," said Aris.

"You're asking me to give up everything I've ever known!" I shouted.

"I really don't understand why you're upset," said Jayma. "Heaven is a million gazillion times better than anything that rubbish planet has."

"Jayma, I've told you, you need a light touch," Aris said. The two girls were still stroking my legs. "What my apprentice was trying to say is that you can have anything you want here. Anything!" As she said that, she moved her hand further up my leg, and began fondling my ball sack. Jayma soon followed suit. My cock responded at that point, my resistance unable to prevent it from hardening.

"Your every desire can be yours," said Jayma, whispering seductively in my ear. "There is no sin here. If you desire it, you shall have it."

"Anything?" I asked, still overwhelmed by the new sensation of my genitals being fondled by two attractive girls.

"Anything," Aris said, before kissing me deeply on the lips.

"Oh my God," I said as she broke the kiss.

At this point my cock was harder than it had ever been in my entire mortal life, and it was tingling with anticipation. While Jayma continued playing with my balls, Aris began running her finger up and down my firm length, causing me to shudder even more.

"There is no pain here," she said. "And all positive sensations are amplified beyond mortal comprehension." I could believe that right there, but I got to experience it first-hand when Aris pulled back by foreskin and began rubbing the ridge of my cockhead with her finger. I let out a loud groan, and arched my back from the sensations. My cock was pulsing with pleasure, and it was soaking wet with pre-cum. Aris continued playing with my cock, smiling lovingly as she did, while Jayma continued providing exquisite stimulation to my balls.

Aris then finally moved her hand to grasp my cock shaft. As she held it in her hand, I tried to compose myself, wondering what I'd ever done to deserve this. Aris then began firmly stroking me, causing my moaning to increase. Jayma fondled my balls while Aris wanked me hard, still rubbing my tip with her  other thumb.

"Oh God! Oh my God!" I moaned loudly. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum!"

"Don't resist it Jimmy, just let it happen," said Jayma.

"Oh my God!"

And with that, I toppled over the edge with an almighty groan. And let me tell you, if you think orgasms on Earth feel good, you just wait until you feel one in Heaven. The first contraction alone was greater than the total sum of all orgasms my mortal body had ever had, and milliseconds later, I felt another, even more powerful contraction as huge amounts of semen surged out of my cock. My body was completely overwhelmed as it tried to get to grips with what was going on in my groin area. I humped the air as I came, my natural reaction to my first real taste of what Heaven has to offer. Rather than the individual shots of cum, my ejaculation was instead more of a constant, but slightly pulsing stream.

The heavenly contractions happening so frequently they'd all but blended into one. It felt a little like I was urinating. You know, except with copious amounts of semen instead of urine. And with the almost unbearable amounts of sexual pleasure.

I don't know how long I came for, but by the time it ended, I could barely think straight. I was slouched on the sofa, my body drenched in sweat. I was panting heavily, my entire middle section tingling intensely. I looked down at the floor, which was covered in an insane puddle of my cum. I felt my cock begin to soften, but as it did, I noticed something odd. Although my cock was indeed becoming soft and floppy, it wasn't shrinking, remaining at its erect length and girth.

"What's happening?" I asked between heaving pants. "To my cock I mean."

"We thought you might enjoy a bigger one," said Jayma.

"How is all of this possible? My cock growing, and that orgasm, Oh God, that orgasm!"

"God's power is infinite, and it is his will that all the virtuous people of the universe be given an eternity of bliss, pleasure and happiness," explained Aris.


"It is not our place to question the Lord. That God deems you worthy of eternal bliss is enough."

"So if this is Heaven, presumably there's a Hell too?"

"Of course," said Jayma. "Where all those nasty sinners get their punishments."

"So it's as bad as we hear?" I asked.

"It's worse," said Aris. "You know all that pleasure we just gave you? Imagine that but as pain."

"That's awful, so is that where the people with the red flames went?"

"Yes. We could show it to you if you'd like, but to compassionate people, it might be quite distressing."

"No, it's alright, But what sorts of things go on in there?"

"Tortures of the worst kind. But it really doesn't bear thinking about," said Aris. "Jayma, why don't you show Jimmy some more heavenly pleasures?"

I didn't get a say in that. Before I could react, my scrotum was in Jayma's mouth, being sucked on by the gorgeous angel.

"Uh," I groaned. My nut sack felt incredible! It was as sensitive as my cock head.

"Does that feel good?" Aris asked me, and I just nodded. She kissed me lovingly yet rather sloppily, and then picked up a slice of pizza from the table, feeding it to me. The flavors, Oh God, the flavors. That pizza had every single one of my favorite toppings on it. It had stuffed crust, and it was just the right thickness. Everything about it as perfect. I didn't know which part of me felt better, my mouth or my balls. I didn't even notice that my cock had gotten hard. And I definitely didn't notice Aris giving Jayma an order.

"Suck his cock."

I gasped sharply as I felt Jayma engulf my cock with her mouth. I leaned my head back in pleasure, trying to get to grips with the overwhelming sensations. After years of wondering, I finally knew what it felt like to get a blowjob. The answer was it felt fucking amazing. Although granted, said blowjob was coming from a literal angel. Her lips and tongue had this unearthly talent for stimulating my thick cock. When did my cock get this thick?

I instinctively spread my legs, and looked down at said angel. It was at that point I noticed how long my boner was. It was at least twice as big in all dimensions, and my balls matched.

"Oh my God, it's huge," I moaned, barely able to comprehend the sensations.

"Of course," Aris smiled. "You didn't think we'd beef up your soft cock but not your hard cock, did you?" Aris kissed me at that, sliding her tongue into my mouth. "Hmm, tell me Jimmy, have you ever touched a female’s tits?"

"Na, no, " I replied, not quite sure what I should be focusing on.

"Let's fix that then."

Aris broke the kiss, and then climbed on top of me, riding my stomach, her wet cunt rubbing against my chest.

"They're all yours," she said, presenting her huge tits to me. I just stared at them, part mesmerized part paralyzed from my ongoing fellatio. "Here, touch them." Aris grabbed my right hand, and put it on top her left tit. It felt nice. I ran my hand across its surface, paying particular attention to her nipple. I then gave it a squeeze, enjoying it greatly. These weren’t fake tits. They were full, but hung in a natural shape, with nipples that were about the size of my pinky finger’s final section.

"Like that?" She giggled.

"Um, yeah," I managed.

"Don't be nervous sweetie. It's all perfectly normal."

I put my other hand on Aris's other tit, and began playing with it. Between Aris's tits and Jayma sucking my cock, I felt as though I'd, well, died and gone to Heaven. I could feel the head of my cock rubbing against Jayma's tonsils, before she would move her mouth up to where only the very tip was still inside, and then she'd slam my length back into her, and the process would start all over again, her angelic tongue never ceasing its ministrations.

"Suck on my tits, Jimmy," said Aris seductively. I just nodded, and she helped me into position, leaning forward slightly. In position, I took her left tit in my mouth, sucking and licking hungrily. To my surprise though, as I sucked on Aris's nipple, I felt a warm liquid coming out of it. Aris's milk was the most wonderful thing I'd ever tasted, even better than the Heavenly food they'd fed me. I don't really know how to describe it, but the taste was pleasure. Like, as I drank Aris's milk, I could feel huge amounts of sexual pleasure in my mouth, and running down my throat to my stomach. I'm not exaggerating there. I mean literal, sexual pleasure in my mouth and throat.

It was all too much for my body to handle, and I had yet another orgasm. The feelings in my cock were even more intense than last time, but whether that was down to Jayma's skill or Heavenly magic I don't know. What was different from last time though was the spread. A normal orgasm is confined to the groin. But not this one. This one was felt all over my body. Every cell in my body was consumed by sexual pleasure, though it was noticeably more intense in my mouth (Thanks to Aris's milk) and so many enormous orders of magnitude stronger still in my groin, my cock once again releasing an ocean of cum into Jayma's mouth.

I don't know how long I came for. Time seemed irrelevant in Heaven, but it was mostly because I passed out mid-climax. The next thing I knew I was waking up in the most comfortable bed I'd ever known. I opened my eyes and realized I was merely naked in my own bed, although it felt much comfier than normal. I thought back on that dream I'd had, about how I'd died and gone to Heaven. Nonsense, of course, because there was no such thing, but God, it'd felt so real. So pleasurable.

I rolled over in bed and screamed as I saw Jayma, laid in bed next to me, smiling.


"Oh, sorry Jimmy, I didn't mean to scare you," she said, kissing me as she stroked my skin to try and comfort me.

"Oh my God, you mean that wasn't a dream?" I asked.

"Nope." She smiled.

The next thing I knew I was waking up in the most comfortable bed I'd ever known. I opened my eyes and realized I was merely naked in my own bed, although it felt much comfier than normal. I thought back on that dream I'd had, about how I'd died and gone to Heaven. Nonsense, of course, because there was no such thing, but God, it'd felt so real. So pleasurable.

I rolled over in bed and screamed as I saw Jayma, laid in bed next to me, smiling.


"Oh, sorry Jimmy, I didn't mean to scare you," she said, kissing me as she stroked my skin to try and comfort me.

"Oh my God, you mean that wasn't a dream?" I asked.

"Nope." She smiled.

"So I really am dead? Oh God,"

"I don't understand why you're so upset by this. You're in Heaven; Heaven! Literally the greatest place in the whole of existence. Why would you be sad about leaving the terrible mortal plane to go to a place of eternal happiness?"

"It's just a lot to adjust to. You wouldn't know what it's like."

"Oh don't I? Well it may interest you to learn that I used to be in an earthly existence, like you."


"Yes, really. Aside from Lady Amia, who was created by the original God for her role, all angels were originally mortals who were appointed to their holy roles by God."

"Wait, original God?"

"Yes. Something which isn't normally revealed to living mortals is that there is one God. Since the dawn of time, God had ruled your planet, before passing on his authority and delegating powers and responsibilities to mankind. I'm not allowed to know anything more about him."

"My planet? You mean you're not human?"

"Well no, I'm an angel. I came from a planet on the other side of this current universe. That was about 20,000 of your years ago."

"Twenty thousand years

"Yes. Since then I've been training as a bliss angel. They're the people who provide the blessed with their eternal rewards."

"So what, you're a trainee?"

"Yes. It's why I don't have any wings yet; I've not earned them. And it's why Lady Aris was with me; because I'm not allowed to deliver bliss without a supervisor."

"Where is Aris?"

"She had other business to attend to. She left me here on my own to look after you. It's actually my first time on my own with a mortal. Like I said, I'm not normally allowed. I'm a little bit nervous." She revealed.

"Well I think you're doing a great job. I mean, that blowjob you gave me was great." I said emphatically.

"Thanks. I thought you sounded like you were enjoying it." She smiled.

"That's a bit of an understatement. I didn't even realize it was possible to feel that good." I admitted.

"Well, before death it's not. But in Heaven nothing is off limits to you. No pleasure is too great. If you want it, you will have it, no questions asked." She said with resolve.

"This is all so much to get my head around," I worried.

"Well don't worry, because you've got all eternity to get used to it." She assured.

I laid back in bed, relaxing and thinking about the prospect of being able to have anything I want. While I was doing that, Jayme cuddled up to me, which got my cock instantly hard. She giggled a little.

"Sorry," I said, still embarrassed to have a boner in front of a girl.

"Jimmy, relax," Jayma said, kissing me. "I, and everything else here am here for your pleasure. And you simply have to stop apologizing for getting aroused! It’s if you don’t get aroused, that you might have something to apologize about.”"

"See, it's just, I've never done anything with a girl before this. I'm a virgin." I finally admitted.

"We could change that, if you want."

I gulped at that. Handjobs and blowjobs were one thing, but fucking? Proper, no-holds-barred intercourse? I'd dreamed about it for years. I'd wanted it so badly. Why was I suddenly so nervous?

"You mean, we could shag?" I asked her.

"Of course, screw, copulate, get laid, koinonia, ‘know’ each other. If that's what you want. In Heaven, nothing is denied to you. You can do, have and experience anything you wish."

"It is what I want. I want to get laid."

"Then lay back, and let me give you your heavenly reward."

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I'd wanted to put my cock inside a girl's cunt since before I even knew that was a thing people did. I'd jerked off countless times to the thoughts of banging hundreds of girls in dozens of positions; girls from my school, celebrities, random girls on the street, and even, to my shame, my sisters a few times. My mind was racing with speculation as to what it would feel like.

Jayma crawled on top of me, and kissed me softly and lovingly. I must admit, the idea of sex with an angel had crossed my mind once or twice before. I'd underestimated just how beautiful real angels would be though.

"Don't be nervous," she whispered, rubbing my chest sensually. "Just relax, and enjoy the feelings." And then, she did it. In one fell swoop, I was one no longer a virgin. Jayma lowered her hips, and I felt her cunt consume my cock. It was so tight, and yet so comfortable. Like it was shaped perfectly for my cock. Every little crevice of my cock aligned perfectly with every little crevice of her cunt. It was so hot and wet, more so than I'd ever imagined. All of this added up to a whole lot of pleasure for me.

While I was taking in all these sensations, Jayma looked at me lovingly. Without a word, she kissed me, and we made-out together, our hips remaining still for now. Jayma licked at my lips, and I opened my mouth to allow her access. Our tongues danced passionately, and Jayma guided my hands, laying them onto her ass.

Jayma then began moving her hips up and down, and oh my God it felt fantastic. It was at that point I realized that everyone on Earth who described Heaven was wrong. They talk about it being a place of eternal bliss. But that is an understatement, let me tell you. It is so, so much better. Every thrust gave me more pleasure than I'd ever dreamed could be possible. My no-longer-virginal cock was screaming out with joy as this heavenly pleasure tore through it. Her cunt seemed to have a swallowing motion and it seemed to draw the cock further up and further in.

I couldn't even last a minute, it was just too good. My cock exploded, releasing an ocean of cum into Jayma's cunt. It was even better than my previous two heavenly climaxes, which might seem impossible, but as I was quickly learning, nothing is impossible here. Jayma continued to thrust as I came, which only served to increase my outstanding pleasure.

When it was over, I'd been expecting Jayma to stop, but instead, she continued thrusting, simply rotating herself on my cock so she was instead riding me reverse cowgirl. I watched her wiggle her ass in my face as she continued riding my cock. I grabbed hold of her ass, kneading her cheeks playfully. Jayma had a fantastic ass, and I very much enjoyed watching it bounce up and down as she fucked me. I came again within a minute, unleashing yet more hot semen into her cunt. I'd established by this point I had an unlimited supply, and that some sort of divine magic was helping Jayma take it all in, given that by all accounts the fact I felt like I was shooting liters each time meant we should both be wiped out.

"Wanna take charge?" She asked. Still dazed from having had two colossal orgasms in as many minutes, I just managed to say "Sure". With Jayma's help, and without ever removing my cock from her cunt, she got on her hands and knees and we moved into doggy style. I grabbed hold of her ass, and I began thrusting. I wasn't really sure what to do, so I just did what came naturally, moving my hips back and forth.

"Oh yeah!" Jayma moaned loudly. "Give it to me Jimmy!"

I got into a bit of a rhythm, feeling quite manly at the idea of pounding such a gorgeous girl and making her feel good. This 3rd fuck felt different to the previous two, in that Jayma's warm wetness was complimented by my previous loads, which she still had in there. I could feel it vividly, but it only added to the wonderful sensations running through my body.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum, Oh Jimmy!" Jayma cried out, and I got to enjoy the wonderful sensations of an angel's vagina contracting down on my cock. It sent me over the edge, and I unleashed load number 3 into her with one long, powerful thrust.

Jayma began to move for a different position, but I just grabbed her hands to stop her.

"Oh no, not yet," I said. I had a decade of horniness to burn off, after all. "Not by a long shot." I resumed my thrusts, picking up the pace quite a bit. Anyone who's looked at me would probably have thought "That guy's done this before, he's a real expert", but in reality I was still really nervous. My mind was a mixture of disbelief that this was happening to me and my brain trying to work out what to do next. And certainly the moans and whimpers I was letting out were far from manly.

"Oh God Jayma, I'm gonna cum again, " I moaned.

"Me too, give it to me," She pleaded.

And with that, we both hit orgasm. Feeling adventurous, I raised my arms above my head in triumph, which definitely made me feel more manly as my genitals struggled to comprehend the intensity and frequency of the orgasms they were being forced to have. My balls tingled pleasantly from all the semen they were releasing. I didn't waste any time when it was over, going back to thrusting almost immediately after I'd stopped jizzing.

I'd decided that this time I was going to continue thrusting through my orgasm. When Jayma had been in control she'd kept fucking me as I came, and it had felt great, so now I wanted to try it for myself.

"I want you to cum at the same time I do, every time," I told her, and she nodded in response. I really went for it now, thrusting as fast as my body could manage. About 45 seconds later, I reached my peak, and I felt Jayma's vaginal contractions begin as I began shooting my 5th load of the morning. It took all my strength, but I did manage to keep on thrusting, albeit at a slower rate, despite the ocean of cum that was being fired out of my cock like a garden hose.

When I was finished cumming I maintained my pace, a little worn out from all this fucking and cumming, but still hard and horny. This time I wanted to cum all over Jayma's ass, so I knew I'd have to summon up the willpower to pull out at just the right time. I kept fucking her at a leisurely pace, finally getting used to the feelings of cunt-on-cock action. I actually got so into the rhythm that I almost forgot about cumming. Almost. Eventually I felt myself approaching the edge, so I picked up the pace. I had to time it just right. I felt the pressure building, and just as I passed the point of no return, I pulled out of her.

The first thing I felt was the cool air on my soaking-wet cock. Although it had only been inside Jayma for maybe 10 or 15 minutes at most, my cock had grown accustomed to her vagina, so being removed was a shock to it. I looked down at it, and it was absolutely covered in a mixture of Jayma's cunt juices and my own semen. My cock had reddened, with the head very bright red. I guess that's what five orgasms in 10 minutes does.

Except it was now turning into 6 orgasms, as the pressure built and built until I blasted an enormous load all over Jayma's ass cheeks. I grabbed hold of my cock, and sort of waved it around a little, pointing it at various parts of her ass and back, although the sheer volume of the semen I was shooting meant it wasn't difficult to get an all-over spread. What was difficult was keeping myself supported. During my previous orgasms I'd be supported by leaning on Jayma with my cock buried deep in her, but this time I only had my own knees. So I ended up falling forwards, my cock and balls rubbing against Jayma's ass as they continued ejaculating forcefully.

To be continued in part 2, by DragoTime for Literotica.