Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Tenor Virtuoso: Part 4

 It’s a family affair.

by senorlongo. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


I played in our last basketball game before Thanksgiving on Tuesday evening. Most of our games were against other Division III schools, but this one was a tune up for perennial powerhouse Boston College which, unfortunately, was Steffi’s favorite college team. I played well but we got our asses kicked. What else would anyone expect against an ACC team? Steffi was there for me when I walked out of the locker room. “I thought you played so well, Rob, but their guys were so huge.”

“It’s okay, I never thought we’d have a chance against them. On the positive side they’ll be the best team we face all year and we lost by less than 20 so maybe we’ll be good later when the games really count. We’ll see.”

We packed the car that evening and went to bed, something I looked forward to with greater enthusiasm now that Steffi was with me all the time. My last class ended at eleven on Wednesday morning. I returned to the house to fill a cooler with Cokes and some ice. My next stop was the high school. It was really funny, but now that Steffi was eighteen she was able to write and sign her own excuse notes. This one went: “Please excuse Steffi Goldwasser at noon today for a family trip. (Signed) Steffi Goldwasser.” I found the whole idea nothing less than incredible as I walked into the office and asked for her. I had to show my ID which I thought was odd since she was an adult in the eyes of the law. One of the secretaries asked if I was THE Rob Kerwood. I assured her that I was and asked what we should do once Steffi and I married. “Just come in and tell us, that’s all. We’ll make the adjustment right here on our computers.” I thanked them as Steffi entered. We left less than a minute later.

“I’m excited, Rob. I can’t wait to meet your mother and thank her.”

“Thank her,” I asked as I buckled my seat belt.

“Yes; for you and for her advice about hating. I just hope she likes me.”

“I think she will. She likes sincere honest people, and I’d say that’s you to a ‘T.’” I turned on the CD player and listened to Swan Lake as I turned onto Alewife Brook Parkway on our way to the Mass Pike. I had driven roughly an hour when I pulled off onto US 84 toward Hartford and New York City. A few minutes later I pulled off in Sturbridge. There was an old-time candy store there that my mom just loved. We picked out an assortment of goodies for her and for ourselves, as well. I paid with my charge card and we returned to the car. I allowed Steffi to drive because the traffic was and would be pretty light for a while. I had never seen her drive and I didn’t want to put her into a bad situation that she couldn’t handle. After a while I realized that she was just as good as me; careful and cautious, but not afraid. More important--she didn’t drive too fast for the conditions. There were a lot of trucks on the road today that required special care. I relaxed and closed my eyes, resting for more than a half hour. We pulled off into a rest stop to use the facilities. I bought her a late lunch and we were back on the road in minutes.

Traffic got really heavy outside Hartford and slowed to a crawl. I could see flashing blue lights way off in the distance; great, an accident. I knew now that we’d be late. Handing Steffi my phone I asked her to phone my mom and tell her we’d likely be late. “Hi, Ms. Kerwood, it’s Steffi, Rob’s fiancé. Yes, it’s nice to speak to you, too. Rob wants you to know that we’re stuck in a huge traffic jam outside Hartford. I don’t think we’ve moved a half mile in the last thirty minutes. Hold on a sec, please. What, Rob? Oh, okay; Ms. Kerwood, Rob suggests we get a pizza when we get there since we have no idea when it’ll be. Would that be okay with you? All right; I’ll tell him. See you soon; bye.”

Steffi ended the call and turned to me, “Your mom says we should call when we get off 95 in New Rochelle. Is that right?” I nodded as I changed lanes to get around a huge tractor trailer, one with tandem trailers, so I could see what was happening up ahead. “Okay, she says she’ll order your favorite and have it delivered. She sounded really nice.”

“That’s a good sign.” We crept forward until we reached the crash scene. I could see what happened immediately. Some idiot had tried to cross the median and pulled out in front of a big rig that was doing 65 miles per hour and was unable to stop. I told Steffi to look away. The guy’s head was at an angle through the broken window that showed immediately that he was dead. I felt badly for his family and for the poor truck driver that would have to live the rest of his life knowing that he had killed someone, even if it wasn’t his fault. We learned later on the internet that the car driver had been on the phone at the time of the accident. What a shame.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. We passed the time singing old standards and oldies from the fifties and sixties. We got some interesting looks from cars we passed or who passed us, but we had a really good time. It was just past seven when we reached New Rochelle. Steffi called Mom again; we’d be there in about twenty minutes.

If Steffi was shocked when she saw where I had lived she hid it well. I parked behind the building in the slot reserved for our apartment. In all her years there my mother had never owned a car or even learned to drive. I learned in school and had to ask my buddy Jimmy if one of his parents would take me for the test.

We walked up the rickety back stairs to the second floor and turned left. I told her to knock at 2D. Mom opened the door and they stood there for a moment sizing each other up before I gently pushed Steffi forward. “Mom; this is Steffi, the woman who’s captured my heart. Steff, this is obviously my mother.”

“Hi, Ms. Kerwood; it a real pleasure to meet you and I also want to thank you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, too Steffi, but why are you thanking me?” We sat in the living room, Steffi and me on the new couch.

“New furniture, eh?”

“Yes, Rob; go ahead Steffi.” I listened as Steffi recounted the misadventure with her father, how she left home rather than give me up, and how we came to live together. I rubbed her back as she spoke. I wanted her to know that I was there for her. She had just finished when the doorbell rang. I jumped up to pay for the pizza. We moved into the kitchen, sitting at the old enameled steel table with all its chips and cracks. It was old when I was a baby and it hadn’t improved with age. I had just split up the pie and distributed the pieces when Steffi spoke again.

“I also want to thank you for doing such a great job with Rob. He’s the most unselfish and giving person I’ve ever met.”

“Thank you, Steffi. It wasn’t always easy, although Rob was usually a pleasure to deal with.” The conversation went on for hours until Mom excused herself to bed. “Oh; I assume you’ll make love while you’re here so I’d like to know if you’re noisy.”

“Um; Rob’s not,” Steffi replied and even I had to laugh.

“Okay, I have some earplugs. The neighbors will just have to make do. I hope being in a twin bed will be okay. I don’t have anything bigger.”

“It’ll be fine, Ms. Kerwood.”

“That’s something we’ll have to change. I can’t have my future daughter-in-law calling me anything so formal.”

“Can I call you Mom?”

“You’d better!” They hugged and we were a family. We waited until Mom had cleared the bathroom before starting our shower. It was a bit of a struggle fitting into the tub but that just meant I’d constantly be in touch with Steffi’s glorious body. We dried each other as was our habit and went into bed. I lay on my back while Steffi crawled on top of me. I became hard in a millisecond. Steffi kissed me and, wasting no time, pulled me into her warm wet cunt.

Sitting up she rocked on my cock, driving her hard clit against me forcefully. Maybe it was the circumstances, but we both came quickly and, more importantly, silently. Steffi giggled as she turned around and cleaned my cock with her mouth, sucking up her juices and any residual semen. She straddled my leg, threw her arm over my body and kissed me good night. I pulled the blanket up over our naked bodies and we went to sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day.

We had agreed that we would sleep naked, as usual, but keep a set of “pajamas” by the side of the bed, essentially a tee shirt and gym shorts. Fortunately, hers were pink so I doubted I’d make a mistake. We were up early and dressed, but not before Mom had put the coffee on. Steffi volunteered to help with the dinner which was interesting since she could barely make toast or boil water. None the less Mom took the time to teach her. I could hear them talking and joking about the turkey as Steffi made the stuffing under Mom’s direction. She stuffed the bird and placed the bacon on top. Mom always did that to make it moist, besides we all know everything’s better with bacon.

I settled in after a light lunch to take in the football game. The turkey was done around 4:30; it has always been my job to get it out of the oven. I carefully placed several towels on the Formica surface and lifted the roasting pan up and out. Once I was done I couldn’t resist taking a piece of the bacon, now crisp and mostly stuck to the turkey’s skin. I pulled up a long strip and placed one end into my mouth before tapping Steffi on the shoulder. She turned and laughed. Mom heard her, turned and laughed, too. “You’d better humor him Steffi or else he’ll keep it up all night.”

Steffi took the hint and took the other end into her mouth. Together we bit our way up the strip, stopping only when our lips met.

“You know, all you had to do was ask.”

“Okay, I’m asking.” Steffi rolled her eyes, but threw her arms around my neck and kissed me madly for several minutes. She broke it with a pat on my backside. “Just let me know when you’re getting another piece. I enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoyed you.”

Dinner was served around six. As usual, I had carved the turkey and, as usual, it was a small one; suitable for such a small family grouping. We all sat at the table, but now the old table was covered with a plastic table cloth. I began the blessing: “I usually have many reasons to be thankful; my health, my singing ability, my success, and, of course, my mother. Now I have something else that dwarfs the others. I have the love of the most beautiful woman I have ever known. Steffi, you have made me the luckiest man on the planet.” From there I moved into a traditional blessing, thanking God for our food, health, and family. Then we dug in. I was pleased to see that Steffi wasn’t holding back. It showed me that she felt comfortable with my mother. They chatted like old buddies throughout the meal. Too soon it was over, although I did, again as usual, eat way too much. We cleaned up and retired to the living room for some TV. Steffi snuggled up next to me, pulling my arm around her. I glanced at my mother, noticing she looked on with approval.

About an hour later we had dessert. We always had the same things; pumpkin pie for Mom (I hated pumpkin) and chocolate cream for me. Mom showed Steffi how to whip the cream and make sure it didn’t turn into butter. I ate too much pie, but so did Steffi having a slice of each and giving her approval to both. We cleaned up while Mom showered in preparation for tomorrow’s work. She worked in a big department store and tomorrow was “Black Friday,” a day when all the employees would be busy from opening to closing. It would have been nice to sleep in, especially with Steffi, but we were going to the high school for the basketball practice. All the recent graduates would show and scrimmage against the varsity.

We showered and climbed naked into bed. Steffi slithered over my body. We kissed briefly and I asked her, “So, how was your day?”

“Wonderful, Rob; I love your mother. She has such strength and she accepted me so easily. I was afraid she wouldn’t like me; too young, Jewish, not good enough for her son, I don’t know; any reason, but she’s been so nice.” I smiled. I was really happy for both of us.

“So, now that you’re happy and stuffed with food; .”

“Simple; I want to be stuffed with you. I can be the turkey and you can be the stuffing; or the stuffer for my stuffee.”

“Lame, but I still love you. Roll onto your side. I want to try something new.” I moved her to my side facing away from me. Pulling her leg back over mine, opened her cunt to me. I pushed forward to rub her clit with my cock’s tip. Soon Steffi was moaning continuously as she turned on. I pulled back and thrust forward, sliding into her hot wet tightness. Steffi’s moans were louder; more insistent, more demanding. I rubbed her swollen nipple with my other hand; her moaning became louder.

I pushed into her hard, driving her forward, but holding her back with my strength. I reached around to tickle her clit, finding it hard and swollen in her desire and her need as I continued to pound her sensitive cunt. I brushed it gently, but she gripped my hand, forcing it firmly into her sex. “Harder, Rob,” she begged. I pinched it as I would her nipple and she exploded. Unfortunately, she forgot where she was and screamed in her passion then clamped her hand over her mouth as I laughed and laughed, still pumping her cunt hard. I had barely finished laughing when I grunted almost as loudly, signaling the onset of my orgasm. Over and over I sprayed her cunt with my rich sperm-laden juice. Exhausted, I began to withdraw until she stopped me, holding me within her body. “Let’s sleep like this,” she whispered.

“You’ve got to be kidding. If I stay in you I’ll be hard the entire time. That means I’ll be moving and neither one of us will get any sleep. It’s a nice idea, but not tonight. We have to get up early.” I pulled out, turned her around, kissed her and told her I loved her while she pulled up the blanket. We slept soundly in each other’s arms.

Mom laughed when she saw us the following morning. “That must have been a really good one, Steffi. I think you could have been heard blocks away.” Then she laughed again and hugged the red-faced Steffi and kissed her.
I kissed her once Mom had turned away. She looked up at me and whispered, “I’m so embarrassed, Rob.”

Mom heard her and replied, “No reason to be embarrassed, Steffi. Most women would kill for an orgasm like that. I know I would.” We settled down to breakfast and showered quickly before driving the short distance to the high school. I introduced Steffi to the coach and went to dress while she ambled to the bleachers. Practice was fun, but not as much as I thought it would be.

We returned to the apartment where I carved the rest of the turkey in preparation for tonight’s dinner. I placed the carcass in a really big pot with about six quarts of water. Steffi washed and sliced about a pound of carrots and a bunch of celery. However, I wouldn’t let her do the onions. Most people cry when they slice onions, but I seem to be mostly immune. All these went into the pot along with some salt and pepper. I covered it and let it come to a boil, before turning the flame down to let it simmer.

I’d been making this soup since I was in seventh grade when I thought it was a waste to throw out so much food. We were in a much better situation financially now that I was working, but I still loved the soup. We’d have soup and turkey sandwiches for dinner tonight. I’d take Mom and Steffi out to eat tomorrow. I had something special planned.
Steffi asked me what we would do while the soup simmered. “Nothing; we just wait until I decide to remove all the bones,” I replied. She nodded silently and turned to walk down the hallway. She returned a few minutes later with a large bath towel which she spread on the carpet. “What?”

“Simple; we can fill the time with some fucking; right here on the floor.”

“Uh; you know, we have a nice bed right in there?”

“Sure, but I’m feeling a bit kinky this morning, especially after watching you sweat this morning. I’ll bet your cock has an interesting taste, so?”

 I chuckled. Life would never be dull with Steffi around. I stood and held my arms out. She jumped into an embrace, her arms running under and around mine as her hands clasped my head and pulled it down to meet her slightly open lips. Our mouths met, warm and moist, as her tongue snaked around mine, tickling my gums and palate.

One hand left my head, searching my crotch for my engorging organ. She found it in seconds and her groping motion only encouraged its growth. My hands on her back pulled her to my body, freeing her hands to open my belt and jeans. They slid immediately to my ankles. My boxers followed and an instant later Steffi pushed my sweatshirt and tee shirt over my head. I stood now totally naked in front of her. Steffi stood back admiring her prize then came forward again, but instead of kissing me she dropped to her knees and took my cock into her hand, my balls into the other.

“You know, Rob these are really beautiful. I love the shape of the head. It reminds me of a medieval monk; like one of those who used to spend their lives copying manuscripts. I also wonder why it’s so spongy when the rest is so hard. I’ve also noticed the skin. It’s loose so when you fuck me it seems to stay still while the part underneath moves back and forth. All in all it’s like a beautiful mystery, but I love it; everything about it. Now let me show you.”

Her tongue out, she slowly licked all around the monk’s head; her eyes glued onto mine. I could see the pleasure in her eyes, the knowledge that she was giving me infinite pleasure with her tongue as she would later no doubt with other parts; her tits and her cunt. She was so giving; so loving; so wonderful. No wonder I loved her so much. Looking down I saw her engulf my organ, swallowing the entire eight inches before bottoming out against my pubic hair. My legs grew weak and I tottered against the couch before falling to the floor. Steffi continued working me over, running her tongue up and down the ultra-sensitive underside of my shaft. Suddenly, she pulled back and moved her head a bit lower. She kissed my scrotum and sucked each testicle slowly into her mouth. She rolled them around with her tongue and gently allowed each one to pop out from between her lips.

She moved me onto the towel and began the most sensuous striptease, slowly removing her sweater, jeans, bra and panties. She turned around and shook her ass in my face. I reached up and pulled her down to me. Her body met mine; we spoke at the very same instant, “I love you.” We pulled each other close then we became one as she sank down on me. Her face showed me her utter contentment as we met. I held her ass as we found a rhythm, one that would make the feeling last. You’d think that fucking every day would become boring, but no; Steffi and I managed to find new ways to excite each other; to show each other our love. Steffi had a great imagination and there was little she wouldn’t do to help me. Today she rotated her tight cunt around in circles, flexing her Kegel muscles as she went. It was the closest to Heaven I’ve ever been. I reached up to massage her clit, but she stopped me. “Later, darling; this one’s for you; all for you.” She fell to my chest and kissed me again. It was more than I could take. I made one strong thrust as I emptied my balls into her. I held Steffi so tightly as I regained my breath.

“What am I going to do with you? One of these days you’re going to get me into such trouble.”

“Maybe, but just think of the fun we’ll have.” She waited for perhaps a minute before continuing, “Rob, can I ask you a question?”

“What is this; déjà vu?”

“Maybe, but I’m going to ask you something else this time. What do you know about anal sex?”


“Because I loved it when you played with me back there and then you told me all about those nerve endings so I thought you must know something about it. Have you ever done it?”

“No, Steffi I’ve never done it. Everything I know I’ve learned from the internet. Okay, here’s what I know. It can be great or; it can be hell. Those nerve endings can give both pleasure and pain. If you’ve ever seen it in porn you’d think all you have to do is stick it in, but if you do you’ll never want to do it again. They spend more than an hour preparing and that’s not counting all the enemas they take the day before. Just imagine some guy pulling out of her ass with his cock covered in shit.

“If you wanted to do it, we’d have to prepare you, maybe with some ass plugs that would familiarize your rectum with being stretched.

Then we’d have to use a lot of lube because your ass doesn’t make any.

Don’t forget, your cunt is made to be invaded; your ass isn’t. I think before we even consider anal intercourse we should try a finger or two or maybe a thin vibrator. On the positive side I believe the orgasms that come during anal can be really intense, but you’re getting intense ones just from regular sex. Either way, we’re waiting until we’re home. Okay?”

“I guess.” She agreed.

“Good, because I need to check the soup.” I diverted.

Steffi rose and I crawled out from beneath her. I had just pulled the cover from the pot when the phone rang. I signaled Steffi to answer it.

“Oh, hi Mom. Yeah, Rob’s here, but he’s checking on the soup. It’s starting to smell pretty good. Okay, you’re working until six so we should plan dinner for around seven. That’s great; how’s business today. Oh; that bad, huh? Okay, bye; see you then.”

“What’s that? Business is bad?”
“No, she said they’re so busy that she hasn’t had a chance to get off her feet all day. She sounded tired. I’m glad you’re making the soup so she doesn’t have to cook.”

“Yeah, that’s on my mind, too. Mom has always been a hard worker. I wish she could get an easier job. It’s hard being on your feet all day. I swear, I don’t know how women can wear those shoes.”

Steffi giggled, “You should know we wear them for men; the same reason why you play the harp, silly.” Using a large slotted spoon I continued to fish around in the soup for any bones I may have missed. I went into the refrigerator for the giblets. After washing the liver and the heart I added them to the broth. Steffi asked me what they were.
“The liver and the heart; you should try the liver, it’s loaded with iron. A lot of people don’t like the taste, but it’s not like eating a whole meal of it. You lose a lot of iron every month with your period. I read somewhere that some women even become anemic. Okay, I think I got all the bones out. Once this mess cools off I’ll pull the meat off and put it back into the soup then I’ll add the rice and it will just be a matter of time.” I picked up the towel and sat on the couch, pulling Steffi to me and turning her around.

“Oh, how I love these ass cheeks of yours. They’re perfect.” I leaned forward to plant a kiss on each one while I fingered her anus. “That’s just a sample. We’ll play more when we get home and I have a chance to install a pole in our bedroom. That was some striptease.” She laughed through another kiss and I pulled her with me to the shower.
Everything was ready when Mom arrived home at 6:45. Steffi had set the table, putting out the carved turkey and stuffing, the bread and some mayo. Mom said “hellos” and went straight to the bathroom. She was laughing when she returned. “I see some wet towels in there. You two been at it again?”

“We can’t help it, Mom. We love each other, but I take full responsibility. Sitting around watching soup simmer is boring.” Steffi replied.

Mom laughed at Steffi’s embarrassment. “Yes; I can see that you two are deeply in love. I was worried when Rob told me he was engaged that it might just be lust. That’s happened too often, but I can see how you react with each other, how you look at each other, how you touch, that it’s the real thing. Of course a little lust is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m so happy for both of you. In fact, I’m a little jealous.” She hugged Steffi and kissed my cheek. “Now let’s eat. I’m starving.”

We all had huge sandwiches with turkey and stuffing sticking out the edges of the bread to go along with the tasty soup. I had given Steffi a small piece of the liver. She made a face when she tasted it, but she ate the entire piece. I offered to share the heart, but she made a face as if to say, “Uggh!” I laughed as I ate the entire thing. Like most organ meats there was plenty of cholesterol, but it would be nothing compared to the meal we’d have tomorrow when I took Mom and Steffi out for dinner. I had something special planned.

My mother gave birth to me at twenty-one so she was only thirty-nine now; still a young woman. It bothered me that she had no one so I stuck my nose in where it didn’t belong. “Are you seeing anyone, Mom? You’re too young to waste your life alone.”

“No; there’s this one guy at work who seems to like me, but he’s kind of shy so I doubt he’ll ever get up the nerve to ask me out.”

“I’m taking you and Steffi out to dinner tomorrow so why don’t you ask him to join us?”

“You want ME to ask HIM? My generation doesn’t do that.”

“Well; they should. Have his phone number? I’ll call him with the invitation. How’s that?”

“I don’t know, Rob. I don’t want to seem too eager.”

“Oh, Mom,” Steffi chimed in, “go for it.”

“I see I’m outnumbered. Okay, Rob my phone’s in my purse.” I got up and found the phone. It was the same as mine; some special deal from the carrier. I found the number after she told me his name and pressed Send. It went to his voice mail, “Nicholas, my name is Rob Kerwood. I believe you know my mom, Christina, from work. I’m taking her and my fiancé to dinner tomorrow night and I’d be pleased if you’d join us. I’m picking up Mom outside the store so if you meet up with her around four we’ll be all set. Dinner is on me so no worries there and dress will be casual. You can tell Mom tomorrow at work when you see her. I hope you can join us. Bye!” I ended the call and turned to my mother who was as red as Steffi had been earlier. “Don’t be embarrassed, Mom. If you want something you have to go after it. Now, tell us all about him.”

“Okay, as if I have any choice. He’s forty, I think, and a bit taller than me. He’s fairly thin and I know he’s divorced. That may be why he’s shy; once bitten, and so forth. He works in menswear which as you know is right next to women’s which is where I work so I see him quite often during the day. He has all of his hair which is nice, but not necessary, and decent teeth which is. He’s very polite and he’s told me some funny stories so I think he has a good sense of humor. He seems to like me, but; .”

“Well,” I replied, “we’ll find out tomorrow, won’t we? Now; who wants some more soup?” Steffi had her bowl up in a second, followed shortly by Mom. I was already ladling some into my bowl.

Once again we all ate too much. Thank God Thanksgiving only comes once a year. Despite being stuffed we all finished with a huge piece of pie which officially ended the feast. We retired to the living room to listen to Mom describe the hordes of people at the store today. She even told us of calling security to break up a fight that broke out when two women wanted the last blouse that was on sale. I couldn’t ever imagine men acting like that. Fight over a woman; sure, but over some clothes? Not a chance. Mom’s cell phone rang just before nine. I could tell from the conversation that it was Nicholas. He wanted to speak to me.

“Hello, Nicholas,” I began.

“Uh; I appreciate the offer, but I’d probably be a burden.”

“Not at all. Mom has told us all about you and we’d love if you would join us. Here’s a question for you; what are you going to do instead; sit at home by yourself? Eat a crummy pizza? We used to enjoy Manero’s up in Greenwich but it’s closed so I’m thinking either Ruth’s Chris or Morton’s. Yeah, they’re both steak houses, but not formal and the food is great. Trust me; I can afford it. Ask my mom tomorrow at work. I’m surprised she hasn’t bragged about me. Okay, I’m in college, but I do work occasionally. I’m a singer. No, I don’t do weddings or birthdays, but I did five concerts with a major Boston orchestra about a month ago and I have another set coming up before Christmas. Okay; great; I’m looking forward to meeting you. See you tomorrow.” I ended the call and looked at Mom. She was even redder than Steffi had been earlier. “What?” When it came to women I was truly clueless.

We all went to bed around ten. Okay; Mom went to sleep, Steffi and I went to make love. We showered again and I spent a little extra time on her ass crack, tickling her anus with my soapy finger. She swooned with delight, falling into my strong arms. Holding her securely I kissed her tenderly. “Know what? I love you to pieces. I’m the luckiest man who’s ever lived. You’re beautiful, sexy, hot, gorgeous, and you even fuck pretty good.”

“Oh, sure; go ahead and ruin the moment,” she teased. “Next thing you’ll tell me that I give decent blowjobs.”

“Well; a bit above average, I’d say.”

“Oh, yeah? You just wait.” We exited the tub laughing. We tiptoed back to the bedroom still wet and closed the door. Steffi took control now, pushing me back onto the bed. “Decent blowjob, eh?” she kidded me. “Okay, let’s see how this one is.”

“Stop! Hold it! This afternoon you told me that I could take care of you later. It is now ‘later’ so I think it should be your turn. However, in the interest of fairly evaluating your skills I will be willing to permit a ’69.’” Steffi gave me her mock exasperated look and climbed onto my body.

“Keep in mind that I’ll be evaluating your skills, too.” She kissed me with a smile and spun around to engulf my cock. I took a quick look at her cunt in the dim light. I loved her puffy outer labia and the delicate inner lips. They were almost identically symmetrical. Gently, I kissed around her cunt, noting how hot her labia felt. I could feel them swell under my touch as Steffi shuddered. Next I licked those delicate inner labia, loving the soft feel of her skin there. It was only a millimeter’s adjustment to plunge my muscular tongue into her haven; the core of her womanhood and her sexuality and the source of our future family. I reached for and found her G-spot. A mere touch sent ripples of ecstasy through my love.

How Steffi could concentrate on what she was doing while I was doing her amazed me. Her tongue was active, wrapping around and washing my cock as she sucked me with incredible strength. As if that wasn’t enough she cupped and rubbed my sensitive balls. She worked hard, trying to literally suck the semen from my body. Ultimately, that’s exactly what she would do.

I moved my attention to her clit. I loved her clit. When swollen it peeked out from its hood hard and hot and oh, so sensitive. I began by gnawing on it, knowing that Steffi had no defense against it. She’d had experienced some mind blowing orgasms through my gnawing technique. However, they were nothing in comparison to what happened when I sucked her little button between my teeth. When I did that to her now she screamed for almost ten seconds and flooded my face with her ejaculate. I thought the walls might fall and I knew that Mom would certainly hear from the neighbors tomorrow.

At the time, though, my mind was centered on what she was doing to me. With one mighty and final suck my semen exploded from my cock past her tonsils to her stomach. Over and over I blew and each time she sucked it up and swallowed. At last I was done; literally and figuratively. I was exhausted. I lay back, Steffi equally spent atop my body. She barely had the strength to turn around and hold me. “How was that?”

“I’d give it an A-plus, plus, plus just like every other time.”

“I gave you four pluses. I hope your mom doesn’t get evicted. I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s go to sleep.” She never replied; she was already unconscious.

Mom reacted the following morning the same way she had yesterday; with a laugh. “Steffi, it must be wonderful to be so orgasmic.”

“Truthfully, Mom; I didn’t realize I was until I met Rob. He’s the reason. I only had sex with one boy before I met Rob and it was a disaster. I didn’t even come close to; you know. But somehow I knew Rob would be different. He was and he is; wonderful, but we both know that there has to be more to a successful relationship than great sex. We both love music and we help each other study...I’m good at subjects he’s weak in and vice versa. I’m sorry if I got you into trouble.”

“Don’t be. Not a peep has come from this apartment for years, so one weekend of an occasional noise is more than understandable; and I’m so jealous.”

“Maybe; Nicholas, Mom; maybe.”

“I don’t know. We’ll see.”

I started the breakfast; bacon and egg sandwiches on hard rolls with lots of butter and salt and pepper; a cardiologist’s nightmare. We ate hurriedly. Mom had to go to work and Steffi and I were on our way to the train station and Manhattan. We took the subway to Lincoln Center and stopped by to see the faculty at Julliard. Then we walked through Central Park to Madison Avenue and south to 63rd. Up a few floors brought us to my agent’s office. Most people would have been home with their families, but Les had no family. The artists he represented were his family. He treated me like his son. I knew he would be in the office.

“Rob; Rob, I’m so glad you came in. I have news. The orchestra wants you for two more Christmas concerts.”

“Uh; Les, I’m getting married. This is my fiancé, Steffi.”

He took a step back and gave an appraising look. “Good choice; she’ll look good in publicity photos.”

“Les, I don’t really care about all that stuff. Tell them that I’ll do the extras, but they’re going to have to pay for upsetting our plans. Tell them I want fifteen each or forget it. They’re making a fortune on me as it is.”

“Okay, I’ll tell them. You’re really getting married? You know, you could make a fortune by playing the field. You could even get married but keep it a secret. Lots of big stars have done that.”

I hated Les when he was like this. He was a great agent and he was responsible for a lot of my success, but he could also be a Grade A ass. “No, Les forget it. That would be so disrespectful to our relationship so forget it. Of course, I could also go to William Morris or Creative Talents. I doubt they’d be interested in doing that kind of stuff.”

“Great, Rob; treat me like a schmuck. Don’t I work hard for you?”

“Yes, Les you do, but I’m not interested in that kind of cheap publicity. We’re going now. Contact them and let me know what happens. Bye, we’re off to the Empire State Building.” I took Steffi’s hand and led her away. We were in the elevator when I spoke again, “I’m sorry you had to hear that crap, Steffi. He’s a great agent, but sometimes he just forgets I’m not into all that publicity BS. I couldn’t imagine being seen with some bimbo when we’re married; or even now. Ewwww! It’s just not going to happen.”

We’re kids so it was nothing to walk the twenty-nine blocks south on Madison to the Empire State Building. It’s not as long as it seems. The blocks are much shorter N-S than they are E-W. It was a lark for us, especially for Steffi who had never been in the city before. We rode up to the 86th floor observatory clutching our tickets. It was worth the expense to see the expression on her face as I showed her the sights. She wanted to do everything, but that could take us weeks and we had to be home to clean up before driving to pick up Mom and her friend.

We spent an hour there before walking the short distance up to the Old Bridge Deli on Lex between 37th and 38th where I gave Steffi her first New York hot pastrami on rye experience. We had some Dr. Brown’s cream sodas and the complimentary coleslaw and pickles before proceeding on to Grand Central Station. We were back in Pelham by 2:30. It was only a five minute walk to the apartment. I’d done this trip so often I could do it blindfolded, even crossing the streets.

We showered together, of course, but no sex. That would have to wait until tonight. We walked to the car at 3:30 looking like the All-American couple we were, reaching the mall just before four and parking outside the women’s wear entrance where Mom always entered and left. She walked out about twenty minutes later with her clear vinyl purse in her hands. She had explained that the store required it to prevent the employees from shoplifting. Personally, I thought it silly. If someone wanted to steal they would, transparent purse or no.

To be continued, by senorlongo.