Sunday, May 5, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 19

 Joseph & Maddy

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


"Joseph, please call me Abby, I insist. As I said, you're family, and I shall call you Joe. Is that  okay?"

"Yes, Miss, er, Abby. That's fine with me," he stuttered awkwardly. Her beauty and kind demeanor still made him uncomfortable, probably because like most men he was head over heels in love with her, and had been since the day he'd first laid eyes on her.

The following day, the couple had a lovely time exploring the plantation. June had fixed them a picnic basket and they spent the entire afternoon together. Just before they headed back, Joseph took Maddy beneath a huge oak tree and kissed her for the first time. She timidly accepted his kiss, then after a few moments returned it with a ferocity that stunned him. She was starved for the touch of a man and she took all that he offered. Still awkward with her, he gently slowed her down and she happily relented, satisfied for the moment.

Maddy insisted on being home in time to prepare supper, and while she did so, Abby pulled him aside to ask him how the day went. She was happy to see a new spark in his eye and a pep in his step that hadn't been there earlier. She mentally patted Alec on the back for a job well done. The happiness of her home meant a lot to her and she was well on her way to satisfaction.

After supper, Alec and his women gathered in the parlor as they tended to do for an evening smoke and drinks. Abby was snuggled next to Alec on the couch, while Rose pillowed her head in his lap and read a book. June was sitting between his knees and knitting a cap for one of the many orphaned children when Joseph walked silently in the room. Alec offered him a seat and rang the service bell. Mira responded and took Joseph's request for a whiskey which she delivered with her usual aplomb and flirty attitude. She too was becoming enamored with their new guest and vied for his attention. He gave her a polite smile and thanked her before she left the room.

Alec smiled to himself as he watched Joseph's eyes take in the scene before him. Alec looked quite happy and comfortable while draped in his harem of beautiful women and it intrigued Joseph to no end. Soon, Joseph took his leave and went to bed while female giggles sounded in the parlor after his departure.

Abby scolded her girls between her own fits of laughter. "Now don't make fun of the poor man. He just needs time to adjust to our ways. You must admit we're an odd bunch," she said, loyally in his defense. "Let's encourage his girls to make him more comfortable and help him fit in. He's a good man and he deserves an honest try."

Rose and June nodded in respect of Abby's opinion and sheepishly agreed. They remembered how strange it'd been when Abby first chose to share her man, and they knew it could be a stressful time for all involved until they'd adjusted to their new circumstance. Alec chuckled to himself, the shackles of responsibility were gradually dropping from him and he liked the feeling.

The next morning after breakfast, Joseph cornered Alec in his study.

"So, about last evening, Mister. Greene," he began.

"It's Alec, please."

“ Okay, Alec. About last evening. Is that how it is with you and the three ladies? You're all, um, companions?"

"Yes, Joseph. We live and sleep together. Everything a normal couple would do except we're a foursome. It's a long story and somewhat complicated, but George and William insisted that we take up our old ways until they return. I love those three girls dearly and would do anything for them."

"And you expect me to do the same with Maddy, Mira, and Sabra?"

"I don't expect you to do anything if you don't desire, but I hope you do. Everyone must be in it willingly, or it won't work and hard feelings will arise."

"I see," Joseph said thoughtfully. "And the maids all know of your, um, relationships?"

"Oh yes, in fact I believe they want to emulate us, hence the problem of them rubbing on me like a damn cat every chance they get," Alec said with a chuckle. "I love them like family, but there's only so much of me I'm willing to share."

"I'm sure I like Maddy, she's certainly a smart and beautiful woman," Joseph mused, "I'm not too sure about the others yet."

"Let me give you some advice. Maddy is their senior and pretty much runs the house. She'll allow them to be with you if she desires. If not, well, we'll have to see what happens." Alec replied thoughtfully. "Just please do your best to keep them off my back. And another thing, if you want company in the parlor tonight, invite them. They'd be ecstatic to join us."

Joseph did exactly that, and he was joined by his new ladies on the loveseat. Mira sat between his legs and as she'd noticed June do the night before, and was knitting a garment of clothing. Maddy cuddled up next to him and put her head on his thick shoulder in contentment, while Sabra sat at her side. Showing her sweet demeanor, June moved next to Mira and helped her figure out a complex pattern in her knitting while Joseph spread his knees wide to accommodate the two beauties. The men chatted about the day's events while Abby and Rose listened sleepily. By all accounts they looked like a large, happy family and Abby heaved a sigh of contentment. Alec felt her move and he leaned in to kiss her sweetly.

"Well done, my love. Well done." he whispered while she gave him a smile that melted his heart.

"Take me to bed, Heavy. I need some loving." she said softly, and kissed him until his toes curled. He picked her up and carried her down the hall while the other companions readjusted their seats. Maddy rose, and bravely taking Joseph's hand led him to his room, then firmly shut the door behind them. Mira and Sabra were looking at a loss until June took them in her arms.

"Patience, my loves. Maddy needs a little time with Joseph." The two mulatta maids nodded in understanding, but they were obviously unhappy with their situation.

"Go to bed, little ones," June ordered. "Tomorrow is another day and we'll see what it brings for you."

Maddy stood before her man and slowly unlaced his shirt, baring his skin to her hot gaze in the candlelight. She traced the scar on his shoulder, then tenderly kissed the one on his face. He tried to wrap his arms around her but she captured them and held them at his sides.

"Allow me, please Master," she whispered. She knelt and tugged his boots free, then unbuckled his belt and slowly worked his trousers down, giggling softly when his tallywhacker swung free to tap her chin as it rose rapidly to greet her. When he was naked, she loosened the laces at her bodice and pulled it down to free her big, firm breasts. He gasped in delight when they appeared before him, her nipples already hard and wanting.

"Sweet Maddy," he said softly.

"Yes, Master."

He cupped her head in his hands and ran his fingers through her long curls. "I've not been with a woman for longer than I can remember. Please be patient with me," he said softly. Already, he was filled with excitement and knew he wouldn't last long at all. He was worried about spending himself too soon and disappointing her.

"Don't worry, Master. I'm here to serve you in all ways," she breathed, and gave him a beautifully submissive smile that spurred a long stream drip and alight on her breast. He gasped when she took him in both hands and opened her mouth wide. She was shocked at his thickness as her fingers didn't come close to encompassing his shaft, to the point that she doubted she could fit him in her mouth. He watched in fascination as she flattened her tongue and laid his swollen head on it, narrowly missing his crown with her sharp, white teeth. He'd never had a woman’s mouth before, and the sight of it finally happening to him was almost too much for his fevered mind.

When he was completely spent, she laid him back on the bed and finished disrobing herself. He watched, entranced by her beautiful curves as she bared herself to his gaze. He had very little time with women, other than visiting a whore on the rare occasion he couldn't stand relieving himself with his right hand anymore, and they were generally quick and to the point visits. Tonight was a completely new experience, one that he was looking forward to immensely.

Maddy paused for a quick thought before joining him on the bed. She asked herself what her mistress would do, would she be bold and take what she wanted or lie still and let her man have his way with her? She decided she'd be bold, and not giving herself chance to overthink it, she bravely climbed astride Joseph and surprising him completely, buried him in sweet kisses, so much that she had him gasping for air as she nearly sucked his tongue from the roots.

She raised up and fed him her magnificent bosom, steering one at a time into his ravenous mouth. She sighed in pleasure as he tugged at her like a thirsty child.

"Please, Master. Take me as a man takes a wife, Master. Give me what I need, please," she begged as she writhed her hips beneath him. He drew back slightly and gave her a tentative thrust, considerate of her earlier complaint of his girth.

She petted his back and shoulders, crooning in his ear while he recovered slowly in her arms. He tried to slide off her but she locked her arms and legs around him, holding him in place while she enjoyed the weight of him crushing her to the mattress. As he relaxed, she tugged his face to hers and smothered him in hot kisses. Eventually, he became too heavy for her and she allowed him to slide to her side. Gathering a towel she'd laid bedside, she wiped them clean of their combined juices, then she covered them both and snuggled into his side.

"Thank you, Master," she whispered in his ear. "You were absolutely wonderful to me and you felt amazing."

"Ah, sweet Maddy, I've never felt the like. I feel I'm floating on a cloud right now," he replied and brushed an errant curl from her eyes. She kissed him sweetly and laid her head on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat. Slowly his breathing changed and she realized with a happy smile that he'd already nodded off to sleep. She cupped her tender womb. She was as content as she'd ever been and the flame of hope in her breast burned ever brighter.

Alec awoke in the wee hours and noticed Rose and June weren't in bed. He padded naked down the hall and found them still in the parlor, wrapped in a blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace. Mira and Sabra were next to them and sleeping deeply.

He picked up June and carried her to bed while she mumbled sleepily in his arms. When he returned for Rose and crouched to pick her up, Mira's slim hand boldly snaked out to caress his naked thigh. He jumped in surprise and looked down, not realizing he was so close to her. He watched her nostrils flare as she took in the hot scent of his and Abby's lovemaking wafting near her face. She looked at him with such a pleading expression that his heart went out to her. He knew well the feeling of being lonely and he felt for her. He took her hand in his and knelt to kiss her brow.

"Be kind to Maddy and help her in all ways and you'll have a man in your bed soon, little one," he whispered softly to Mira. She gave him a beautiful smile and nodded in acceptance. As he turned to pick up Rose he felt Mira's little hand trail longingly up his thigh and caress the warm crease between his firm buttocks, the back of her knuckles brushing his swinging sack. He wanted nothing more than to comfort her, but he knew it was better to let Maddy do it as she saw fit. He picked up Rose and gave Mira a little wink before heading to bed.

Abby had taken June in her arms and together they were sleeping like the dead, so Alec laid down on his side holding Rose close and she mumbled in her sleep, then turned into him and buried her face in his crispy chest hair with a deep sigh of contentment.

"I love you, sweetheart," she whispered softly, and kissed his warm skin.

"And I you, my little Rose," he returned, and kissed the crown of her head, then closed his eyes to fall asleep in moments.

As true to her masters as always, Maddy was up at the crack of dawn and had prepared a wonderful breakfast. Abby and Alec shared secret smiles as Maddy floated around on a cloud of love, touching and kissing her man whenever possible. Joseph's attitude was much improved as well, the smile on his face told the story of last night better than he could have spoken it aloud.

The plantation was bustling that day with Abby deeply involved in preparing the fields for spring planting while Alec conducted his spy business, consolidating bits and pieces of information he'd received via messengers and dispatching it to whomever he deemed needed the knowledge. It was just after lunch when a cry came from the sentry at the front door.

"Master Greene! A messenger is arriving, hurry!"

"Shit fire," Alec cursed, "what now."

"Master!" June's desperate cry raised his hackles and he flew to the front porch beside her. The messenger was at the porch stairs, still astride his horse and wove in the saddle, nearly losing his seat. His mount's head hung low and it was panting heavily while bloody foam poured from its muzzle. Alec ran to the man and on his way down the stairs noticed Abby trotting up, her face creased in consternation.

Alec caught the man as he fell off the horse and lowered him to the ground. He heard a ragged gasp, then a huge thump as the horse collapsed to the dirt. He looked up to see Abby with a bloody dagger in her fist. She'd put the poor beast from its misery before Alec could command it. She gave him a quick nod and knelt with him at the man's side. The messenger pawed blindly at his bag while gasping shallowly for air.

"General Greene, it's from General Greene. He's in a bad way and needs help," he croaked out. His trembling fingers found the parchment and he handed it to Alec.

"Someone get the doctor!" Abby cried out while holding the man's hand for comfort. June quickly ran to do her bidding while Rose trotted down the stairs to help. Together, the three dragged the exhausted man inside and laid him on the couch in the parlor. Alec read the letter and Abby watched his face intently as he frowned deeply, then a look of fierce determination came over his countenance and Abigail knew their lives were changing again, right before her eyes.

Alec raised his head and looked at her. She gave him her strongest smile but she knew he could see the uncertainty in her eyes.

"We go to war," he said with a dark scowl. She didn't blink an eye, she simply went to him and kissed his lips.

"Tell me what you need and I'll make it happen, Heavy."

He immediately sent for Joseph and together they rallied the militia, instructing them to pack light, and ready themselves for a long trek. Abby, Rose and June went to every home and slave cabin to inform them of the day's events. The wives wept at the thought of losing their men and the widows gave them love and support as best they could. Alec, with Joseph's advice picked a dozen hard men to stay behind as a skeleton security force to keep the inhabitants of the plantation as safe as possible. It was a nearly useless gesture if they were attacked, but he needed every man available to help fight the redcoats.

Alec and Abby had a rare argument as the strain of the day came to bear on them. "Joseph stays!" she fumed when Alec insisted he ride with the militia. "He's my man and I trust him, besides, Maddy now needs him. Don't take him away already!" she stomped her little foot and glared up at him. She was so beautiful and full of fire that he couldn't bring himself to cross her. He held out his arms and she flew into them with tears in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Thank you, Heavy. I love you so much," she sniffled. He caressed her back and soothed her until she pulled back to give him a sweet smile. Little did he know that he'd lost only the first battle of the day, and that another was building steam in her golden head.

Platoon Inspections

Alec went to his study and for another hour sorted his intelligence into two piles, one he kept and placed in his leather satchel and another that he tossed documents and notes from into the fireplace. He was under a massive amount of pressure, and used his best judgement on the importance of each piece before keeping or destroying it. He was just finishing up when he heard a rustle in the hedges outside the window near his desk. His first instinct was to reach for his pistol that he kept clipped to his sword belt and hanging on the back of his chair. To his chagrin it was gone along with his sword, he must have misplaced it, he thought unhappily.

A feminine voice pitched low like a man's reached his ears from the hedges.

"Major Greene. Report to the back porch in five minutes for inspection of the combat troops!" the voice said, as it quivered with laughter. He knew at once it was his Abby and his lip quirked in a smile, but he was hugely busy and answered a bit sharper than he intended.

"I'm really busy right now, whomever you are. Come back later." He winced as he heard the tension in his own voice, knowing she would hear it. A few seconds went by, then a different voice called out, Rose's by his best guess.

"Major Greene. Report to the back porch in five minutes for inspection of the combat troops. If you fail to report, all your special conjugal privileges shall be hereby revoked, forthwith!" the voice commanded sonorously, while cracking with laughter. Sure enough, it was his Rose, no doubt. A genuine smile broke his lips when he heard more feminine giggles floating out of the bush. His girls were trying to lift his mood and he loved them for it.

"Yes, sir," he answered, "five minutes it is. Right away, sir." Their laughter was music to his ears and he glanced at the clock to ensure he'd be on time per his ladies demands.

When his time was up, he strode down the hall to step out on the porch. His jaw dropped and he was struck mute for several seconds as he gazed in wonder at his women. The three beauties were standing side by side and rigidly at attention, while wearing nearly perfect reproductions of the Continental Army officers uniform, to include the tricorn hats Nathan had given them. Each girl's hair was braided into a thick ponytail that flowed gracefully down their backs to brush to tops of their stunning little behinds. Abby's uniform was piped with pink to match her cap while Rose and June's were piped in gold to reflect the same.

Their trousers were tight beyond imagining and his eyes were drawn like magnets to their sleek thighs and the turn of their calf muscles. The riding boots on their small feet were shined to a mirror black finish that must have taken hours to get perfect. Their big tits were held upright and mashed firmly together by beautiful, white, strapless corsets that June's clever hands had made, ensuring their perky nipples were barely covered and their areolae peeking out just enough to taunt and tease any passerby that might glance their way. The fronts of their jackets were cut deep and wide to frame their bodices boldly for their man's enjoyment.

Abby and Rose had their squirrel rifles at their sides with the butts grounded and the barrels resting on the fronts of their shoulders. Abby's rapier and dagger were present, and Rose's own small knife was on her belt. Little June had Alec's huge saber hung about her hips and his pistol clipped to her other side. He raised an eye as the mystery of his missing weapons was solved before his admiring eyes.

Playing their game, he stood in front of Abby and seized the rifle from her grasp, looking it over minutely. Her beautiful red lips quirked in a smile as she tried heroically to contain her laughter. He noticed she'd put on a light coat of makeup and added a beauty spot to the left upper corner of her lip. The effect was astonishing and he shook his head in wonder. She was a classic beauty in the every sense of the word.

He ran a rough finger over her exposed areola, smiling when her nipple hardened immediately and tried to push its way free from the confines of the corset. She set her teeth and a tiny moan broke from her lips at the sensations he was arousing in her body. His finger trailed down slowly, tracing the shallow groove between her tight abdominals, then slid lower to slip between her legs. His eyebrows rose in surprise when her felt the deep cleft of her nether lips, pulled apart by the tight center seam of her trousers. She moaned again as he ran a big finger in the gap of her thighs, massaging her through the thin material.

"Hold steady, troop," he teased, as her wanton hips rotated to follow his fingers.

"Yes, sir," she panted, and gave him a sexy smile that hardened his cock instantly. He handed her rifle back and moved to Rose next who jerked in surprise as he snatched her squirrel rifle from her grip. He twirled and spun it rapidly, then caught it in a big palm that slapped sharply on the steel barrel, drawing gasps of admiration from his girls. She looked at him alluringly and he noticed she wore the same makeup as Abby to include the beauty mark. Surprised, he glanced at June to see the same. They'd gone to great lengths for him and he was touched beyond words.

He watched as Rose's eyes followed his fingers as he explored her cleavage, pushing a big finger between her tits and imagining it was his tallywhacker pushing its way inside instead.

"You're at attention, troop!" He snapped, and her eyes immediately stared straight ahead into his chest while she fought to contain her mirth. He grounded her rifle and returned it to her grip, then he crouched down in front of her.

"Attention, troop!" he barked again as her eyes dropped to follow his movements. She giggled, and again brought her eyes to up to stare in the distance. He looked at the gap in her thighs, amazed at how the fabric had wedged her lips open, the seam splitting her so deep that he could hardly believe it. He ran slowly a finger in the deep groove while she squirmed and wriggled and a sigh of frustration broke her lips. He smiled to himself when he fancied he felt her swollen clit through the material, pulsing with desire at his touch.

He stood up to give her a sly wink and she sighed with relief. She'd feared he might bring her to orgasm right there on the back porch! Moving to June he stood in front of her and shook his head sadly.

"That's an awful large saber and pistol for such a small soldier. Where'd you get them, troop?" he asked with as steely a voice as he could manage.

Her answer was in a small tone that quivered a bit in fear, not too hard for her to fake because his tone was so realistic, and even though they were playing, it frightened her a little. She was after all, still a slave. He instantly picked up on it and gave her a reassuring wink, whereupon she relaxed immediately. She took a few seconds to gather her thoughts, then responded.

"I found them unsecured, the owner apparently forgot about them so I appropriated them to give to the proper authorities, sir."

He almost laughed at the utter gall of her, but controlled himself, just barely. Rose and Abby were snorting with mirth and struggling to stay at attention while June was doing the same. He suddenly whipped his saber from the sheath and looked at it closely.

"Why I believe this is my saber, and you've stolen it from me, troop! What should your punishment be?" he shouted. He'd frozen her again, but a quick wink at her startled eyes assured her all was well.

"I don't know, sir," she quavered.

"Well, maybe your squad mates do, Major? What say you?" he quizzed Abby.

"Um, branding sir. One should always brand a thief," she said with a giggle, "right on her slutty little ass."

"And you, Captain Rose?" he asked, as he fought back a loud guffaw at Abby's jibe.

"Oh, definitely a good spanking, sir. I'd use a nice switch myself because the little tramp probably deserves it!"

"Rose Marie!" Abby chided, and broke into laughter.

"You're still at attention!" Alec barked, and three lithe bodies straightened up immediately and their eyes looked ahead to the distance.

"Hmm," he mused. "Captain June, bend over and grab your ankles!" She looked at him in surprise but saw no give in his gaze. She slowly did as he said while Abby and Rose tried to watch from the corners of their astonished eyes.

He swung his saber sharply and caught her with the flat of the blade, square across her tight little ass and quite a bit harder than he'd intended. She let out a surprised yelp and her little cap flew from her head to land on the wooden decking.

"Ouch, Master!" she inadvertently squeaked. He knew he'd whacked her quite hard and immediately felt bad about it. He stabbed the saber in the floor and ran his hand over her ass to soothe her. She'd managed to keep her grip on her ankles and she stayed in her position while he rubbed her little bottom.

"Mmm," she moaned, "that's better, Master, er, I mean, sir," He liked her little moan and ran his fingers between her tight ass cheeks and pressed one in the slot of her lips, wedged so widely open by her tight trouser seam, much like Rose's. She moaned again and swayed on her feet. He was having quite an effect on her. His other hand crept inside the top of her corset and he rolled her nipples between rough fingers. Her groan of pleasure drew her companions eyes to the scene and they both shivered as they imagined what little June was experiencing.

"Are you sorry for stealing, little thief?" he growled in her ear.

"Not yet, sir. Perhaps one more stroke?" she whimpered as his finger found her swollen clit and swirled about it in gentle circles.

"As you wish." Abby and Rose gasped as the saber cracked home again and a cry of surprised pain came from June's red mouth. He laid the saber down and repeated his motions of before, one big hand soothing her stinging ass while the other twisted and turned her nipples delightfully.

Finally, he had to stop himself or the three beautiful women would find themselves thrown over the handrail and violated repeatedly from behind. He bid June to stand up and return to attention which she did with a blushing face and tits that spilled freely from her corset top, her nipples engorged and still longing for his touch.

He backed up to get a good look at the three and tripped over a wooden chest, nearly falling down the stairs. He caught himself and looked down to three chests, all aligned and apparently ready for a trip.

To be continued in part 20, by Seethegood for Literotica.