Friday, May 3, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 17

A Picnic & a plan.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

 Abby watched the girls closely both during and after breakfast, noting their little flirtations with Alec and how they fluttered around him and herself, always kissing and caressing them whenever they got an opportunity. She realized they were getting needy again. With their men gone, they were bereft of any real intimacy and Abby knew they'd require some serious attention to keep them happy and out of the dreary doldrums that were so easy to fall into. She caught Alec alone and suggested they go for a ride, thinking a day outside in the fresh air might help them all out. Alec went even further and decided a picnic was in order.

Working with Maddy, they packed a box with cold cuts, cheese, and fresh bread for the ride. Alec worked his flirtatious magic on Maddy and she graciously made an apple tansey as well, one of his favorite desserts. As she was peeling the apples, he swept her up in a big hug and kissed her soundly, much to her embarrassment. She giggled helplessly in his arms and pecked his cheek delightedly. She hadn't spent much time around him, but he was quickly making a place for himself in her affections.

Joseph had hitched two horses to a wagon for them, and with Alec's stallion saddled and tied to the wagon, they departed for a scenic tour of the property.

Thankfully, the day was warm and soon they shed their overcoats, enjoying the sunshine. Abby happened to be glancing in the forest when a human form on horseback appeared. She clutched Alec's leg with one hand and reached for her rifle with the other, alarmed at the man's presence.

"Easy, lover," Alec said with a smile. "Joseph and a few men are sweeping the trees. I have them do it every now and then to be on the safe side. Especially today with my family out and about." She nodded and relaxed her grip on his leg, pleased with his claiming ownership of her and the girls as well as his abundance of caution. Neither of them had explored the plantation much, but Abby had gone over a few of the fields with the foremen, as well as studied up on a couple of rough maps. She had a good idea of where the springs were, as well as a large cave.

Between her and Alec, they found the larger spring and they set up for lunch. Rose produced a bottle of her favorite wine and they enjoyed a delicious meal while they all chatted and reminisced about days past. They slowly ran out things to say, so Abby sat behind June on a blanket and brought out a hairbrush. She gently worked it through June's slightly frizzy, but long hair, exclaiming how beautiful it was. June purred at the unexpected attention and leaned back into Abby, loving every minute of it.

Alec took Rose between his knees and petted her hair and shoulders, eventually working his strong hands over her tense muscles, drawing moans of pleasure from her sweet mouth. He watched as her long eye lashes fluttered repeatedly as she fought against sleep. The delicious meal and fine wine had gone to her head and a nap was in order. He gathered her in his arms and laid on his side while cradling her close. His big hands continued caressing her and he hummed a little lullaby until her delicate little snores reached his ears.

Abby caught his eye and gave him a beautiful smile which he returned happily. June noticed and leaned in to kiss him and Rose both before she dragged Abby down to her side and together the foursome napped in the warm sun, the tinkling of the spring in the background soothing them as they slept.

Alec awoke to the sound of female sniffles and quiet sobs. Rose had turned to face him and was soaking his shoulder in her tears.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he whispered in concern.

"Oh, you and Abby are so sweet and kind to us. I miss William terribly and just when I feel at my worst, you two comfort me in such a lovely way. I don't deserve such good friends," she said tearfully.

"Oh, nonsense, honey. You mean the world to us and you deserve far more than we can give you," he said gently. She hiccuped and nodded slightly while he smiled lovingly down at her. He kissed her tears away and held her even tighter, squeezing her little ribcage until she giggled despite her tears.

"I love you, sweet Alec. More than you'll ever know," she breathed, and kissed his lips tenderly, "and Abigail too. I hope I never have to bear losing either of you."

"I love you too, Rose. More than I ever should have let myself," he admitted. She smiled sadly and hugged him close, then gave him her beautiful eyes.

"Alec, my sweet Alec. I find myself begging for your and Abby's affections again. Can you find it in yourselves to take me into your bed? I miss a man's touch terribly at night."

Just then, Abby's strong little arm wormed it's way around Rose from behind and her tender lips kissed her neck. "Of course, my love," Abby whispered, surprising Rose beyond words. "But my touch will be included as well, you can count on that."

"And mine!" June exclaimed mischievously, and pounced on the threesome while giggling happily. Alec and Abby were soon covered in warm hugs and kisses from the two needy women whom were more than grateful to them for their love. Rose and June knew how hard it was for her to share Alec, so much that they'd discussed leaving the plantation rather than come between the couple again, but they couldn't bring themselves to do so, knowing their desertion would crush Abby completely.

They'd discussed their situation time and again until they both came to the same conclusion and acknowledged it together, that their love affair wasn't solely with Alec, but Abby as well, possibly even more so. They couldn't bear to live without either of them and knew one day they'd have to tell the couple of their feelings, one way or the other.

On the way home the companions chattered happily, with Rose and June's attitudes greatly improved, secure in knowing that Alec and Abby's affections for them were constant and strong. Before dinner, the girls had a bath night and spent a couple hours grooming themselves and preparing for the evening. They even dragged Alec in and scrubbed him vigorously while he sputtered and spit soap, then they laughed delightedly as they trimmed his pubic hair and shaved his balls clean while he was nearly petrified in fright. It was nearly like life back at the cabin, and the girls fell into their old roles with ease.

"Miss Abby?" Maddy asked, as Abby passed through the kitchen.

"Yes, Maddy."

"Why are Miss Rose and June so much happier this evening? It seems as though something has changed."

"We're a family again, Maddy. They'll be sleeping with me and Alec from now on."

"Oh, I see." Maddy replied, a bit perplexed. Abby could see her wheels turning and she giggled out loud.

"Before we arrived here, we shared each other. Now with father and William gone, we've chosen to share again."

"Wouldn't that make Master Durham upset, Mistress?" Maddy asked timidly. She truly loved George as a master and was instantly concerned for his feelings.

"It was his and William's idea," Abby responded. "They know of our past relationships and have asked me and Alec to resume caring for our two charges while they're gone. It's difficult, but I have an idea or two that might make it a bit easier on me."

"I've noticed since the General and Major Moore have gone that Mira and Sabra are pining a bit. I'm sure they don't love the Major, but they certainly miss a man in their bed. Do you have any ideas for them, Miss Abby?"

"I might, let me think on it a bit. Do you miss Nathan as well?" Abby asked shrewdly. She knew Maddy had enjoyed her time with him quite a bit and suspected she was at a loss herself.

Maddy cast her eyes down and colored slightly. "I do, he was so good to me, like no other man ever has been. He told me I was beautiful," she enthused, and she brightened a bit at the memory.

"Did he ask you to stay faithful to him?"

"No, he told me to do as I please with other men, but to keep him in my heart for one day he would return to see me again. He said he couldn't ask me to stay faithful to him when he would continue to take comfort from other women, like he always has while at war. I wouldn't expect him to either. A soldier's life must be terribly hard," Maddy said, with a tear in her eye.

"It certainly can be, dear Maddy. I try not to judge people's actions these days. War is not pleasant in the least and causes folks to fall into far different circumstances than they've ever experienced, such as mine and Alec's right now. Can you understand that?"

"Of course, Abby. I'll tell my girls to keep their mouths shut about your affairs. No one outside these walls need know."

"Well thank you, Maddy. That's not necessary but I understand. Come, kiss me goodnight."

Abby installed her man in his armchair in the bedroom and handed him a snifter of brandy. "Heavy, I need some help with the girls, please," she stated as she knelt at his feet. He was wearing only a white, ruffled shirt and she caressed his bared legs as she talked with him.

"How can I help, Angel?" he asked in concern. He knew from the tone of her voice that she was vexed.

"Well, it's time for me to face the music. Rose has always pecked away at me to allow her to play with me more intimately. I know it'd make her extremely happy if I returned her favors, or even just allowed her a bit more freedom with me. The same goes for June but a bit less so. Will you help me with Rose, maybe show me what to do and be there with me?"

Alec looked at her with understanding in his eyes. He'd noticed how Rose had hinted strongly with her affections and had seen her get shot down time and again by a reluctant Abby. Apparently, his Angel was finally willing to give in and explore herself a bit more sexually.

"I'm game for anything, as long as you're comfortable, lover. That's my main concern. I love those two dearly, but I don't want you pushed further than you want. You lay down the guidelines, not Rose or June," he said firmly.

"But you'll help me, Heavy? You'll show me the way until I get comfortable?"

He held out his arms and she climbed up in his lap. "Of course I will, Angel. I'd do anything for you, my sweet." He kissed her deeply, so deep her head spun and she gasped for breath.

"Thank you, lover. I'll need you for sure. It makes me nervous just thinking about it," she admitted shyly, and her face flushed in embarrassment as she imagined herself licking Rose while Alec watched from nearby.

"Just stay at my shoulder, I'll take care of you, sweetheart," he said gently and pulled her in for another long kiss.

Rose and June were in their room brushing out their hair when Abby knocked at the door, naked as the day she was born. She held out her hands to her friends, "Come, join us tonight," she said, with a tentative yet inviting smile. She led them to her room where Alec was sprawled comfortably in his armchair, his shirt unbuttoned completely and his long cock hanging formidably down his thigh.

He stood and held out a big hand, "June."

She went to him obediently, "Yes, Master," she breathed in excitement. He peeled the nightdress from her petite frame and propping her up with pillows, leaned her against the headboard of the bed.

"Rose, come." Again, he held out a hand and Rose slid seductively into his arms. He stripped her nightdress as well and picked her up bodily, then laid her down to recline on her back atop June. Her head lay next to June's as she laid on her, and Alec crawled between their legs to kiss them both tenderly. Abby was at his side, and as he switched from June to Rose, she kissed June gently, exploring another woman's mouth for the first time. June caught her breath in surprise, then tentatively returned her kisses, not wanting to scare her away by being too aggressive.

Alec pulled back from Rose and caught her breast in his warm hand, caressing it gently while she moaned in pleasure. Abby took the opportunity to kiss Rose like she had June.

"Hello, Miss Rose," she breathed, and licked her lips open with her tiny pink tongue. Rose's startled eyes met hers and Abby giggled. "Surprise, lover. I figured it was time to let you catch me. Just be patient with me, please."

"Oh, anything, sweetheart!" Rose exclaimed softly, then gently kissed her back, her eyes wide with excitement. Alec moved back in and Rose's face was covered in blonde and brown curls as the sexy couple playfully fought for possession of her hot mouth. Her flood of juice ran down her thigh as her lovers covered her in kisses. Ever so slowly, Alec worked his way down her neck and shoulders, his kisses and nibbles driving Rose mad with passion. Abby followed his lead as best she could, encouraged by Rose's sighs and moans of pleasure.

Abby shuddered at the taste and texture of Rose, something she'd never experienced before, and she found herself liking it. She followed him down to nuzzle and kiss Rose's hipbones and the basin of her pelvis until Alec pulled back slightly.

Abby tried to recall the things she'd seen Alec and her friends do in the past and threw herself willingly into her new role, until they both were panting for breath and teetering on the edge of orgasm.

Rose broke with a scream that nearly woke the house. June watched from her seat behind Rose, stunned at the sight of her mistress.

With a final, deep grunt of pleasure, Alec settled back on his heels and caressed Abby's sexy body as she finished licking his moisture from a satiated Rose. June reached down to gather up Abby and pulled her up for a sweet kiss and a sample of her lover's spendings. Happily, Abby let her have her way, and she kissed June back eagerly, wanting to share Alec's taste with her.

With a huge sigh of contentment, Alec collapsed beside his women and Abby snuggled next to June and Rose.

"Holy  Saint Jude," Rose managed in a weak voice. "Wherever did that come from? I think you've destroyed me," she panted as she recovered from her amazing orgasm.

Abby giggled. "I guess you finally wore me down. Alec being there helped me out a lot, but I can't promise that happens every time," she admitted a bit shyly and glanced at Rose's still smoky eyes.

"You were wonderful together, sweetheart. I don't think I've ever felt the like." She pulled Abby close to whisper in her ear, "Especially when he came and you licked it up, you were gorgeous." Rose caught her head in gentle hands and kissed her sweetly, savoring Alec's musk on her tongue. Abby moaned and returned it until her head swam, overwhelmed at the sensation and taste of her best friends lips.

"May I return the favor, sweetheart?" Rose asked quietly. Abby nodded hesitantly and glanced at Alec with uncertain eyes. He nodded and kissed her cheek.

"I'll be right here with you, Angel," he confirmed. "June, can you hold our lover, please?" June gladly opened her arms and legs to pull Abby's back to her front and she cradled her close, whispering calming words in her ear. Alec laid down, then looked up at her with his sexy grey eyes. "We'll stop any time you get uncomfortable, okay?"

Abby sighed and rolled her head back on June's shoulder. She was trying to relax but was having a difficult time. When she felt Rose's hair brush her inner thigh she jerked in surprise, then fighting the impulse to close her eyes tightly, looked down to see Alec pull back and allow Rose to slide in closer. Rose looked up at her with a question in her eyes, waiting until Abby gave her a tiny nod of assent.

Abby watched fascinated, yet trembling with anxiety as for the first time in her life a female tongue sampled her. Rose sighed in pleasure as the scent and taste of Abby filled her nose and mouth. Abby was as exquisite as she'd ever dreamed, sweet, hot, and fresh on her palate.

"Mmm, you're delicious," Rose moaned softly between tiny licks as she sampled Abby's ambrosia. Ever so slowly Abby was able to relax, especially when Alec joined Rose, and together they nibbled. June softly caressed her firm tits. As Abby crested, Alec took over until she came hard, her wetness pouring down as he eagerly fed at her sweet spring.

Abby cried out in passion and offered herself to him completely by spreading her thighs as wide as possible and thrusting her mound into his face repeatedly. Rose watched avidly from below as her best friend clenched and pulsed with each contraction of her inner muscles as she came in a long, continuous spasm of pleasure. June murmured words of love in Abby's ear as she finally relaxed, little aftershocks shaking her body as she reluctantly pushed Alec away.

"Too much, lover, please!" she begged as her clit became too sensitive for the touch of his tongue. Reluctantly, he pulled back, then kissed his way up her body to nuzzle into her and squeeze her tightly.

"Are you  okay?" he asked gently. She nodded and looked at him with misty eyes.

"I've never felt closer to you all," she replied softly. She turned her head to kiss June, then pulled Rose to her and tasted herself on her lips. "Sweetheart, thank you. You felt wonderful."

Rose smiled tenderly and kissed her back. "I loved it, you're absolutely delicious, my love. June and I have a gift for you and Alec, can we play a bit more with you?" Abby looked to him and he nodded, communicating that he was game as long as she was comfortable.

"Of course, sweetheart. We'd be happy to." June wriggled joyously and Rose giggled at her antics.

Eventually, Abby turned to face Alec and she laid on his chest, kissing him sweetly while Rose and June cuddled up on either side of them. June threw a big blanket over them all to keep them warm and little sighs of contentment filled the room until Alec suddenly stirred in alarm.

"June, my sweet. We ignored you. Would you like to play some more?" he asked, abashed and ashamed that he'd forgotten her.

"No, Master. Being with you and Abby was enough for me. Your pleasure is mine," she said softly, and lovingly kissed his neck. Together, the foursome slept the night away, their dreams filled with hope and promise for the future.

The following day, Abby went to Alec's study to collect him for lunch, passing Mira and Sabra along the way. She peeked in the door to see him sitting at his desk and mumbling expletives in his short beard. He was dressed in a white, ruffled shirt and his typical more than tight trousers, and he looked scrumptious. She walked in quietly and slid onto his lap, then kissed him softly.

"What's wrong, Heavy. Is your workload troubling you? I heard you cursing up a storm in here."

He frowned and released a deep sigh. "Oh, Abby. It's these maid servants nowadays. I can't seem to keep them off my back. Every time I get busy they want to check on me, or bring me something such as food or drink. And they're forever rubbing their tits and asses on me like I'm a scratching post. It's disconcerting as hell!" he complained. "I can't play stud to the entire household you know, you three beauties are all I can handle."

Abby had to bite her knuckles to stop her laughter. He still had little idea of the effect he had on the females around him. Sometimes he asked for favors and was surprised at how easily they were awarded, but other than that he generally had no clue. He did however manage to pick up on her amusement.

"What's so funny, little girl? Are you making fun of my predicament?" he asked sternly, but with a twinkle in his eye. In a heartbeat, he took her over his knee and was spanking her little ass with a wooden ruler while she shrieked in imagined pain. While she struggled, she managed raise her skirts and deliberately bare her bum for him and she moaned as he stung her a couple times with his ruler, leaving red stripes on her firm cheeks.

"Oh, Master Alec, please stop!" she yelped in laughter, but her eyes grew heavy with passion as she looked up at him with a flushed face and rumpled blonde curls. He palmed her red ass and soothed it with his hand until she writhed on his thigh. His fingers dipped in her deep cleft and found it dripping with slick, and she shivered when she saw him raise them to his lips for a taste.

"Mmm, so wet already," he mused. "I may use this ruler more often to maintain order around here." She was shocked at how quickly she'd gotten aroused at his spanking and wanted more. This was a side of herself she wasn't aware of, she thought in some alarm, but threw caution to the wind. She couldn't stop her hand from reaching back to pinch the sensitive inside of his thigh, hard.

"You can try, Master, but you better be quick!" she teased and playfully scrambled for safety while he cursed the pain of her pinch. She didn't even make it half way off his lap before she was pinned securely with her skirts thrown over her head and his big hand wielded the ruler on her bared skin with great effect. She shrieked and cried to no avail as he continued on, laying light, red stripes across the width of her jiggling little ass cheeks. The blows were louder than they were painful and she realized he was striking her utmost care, but the excitement of it all had her soaking his knee in juice, almost instantly.

Abby always took pride in being aware of her surroundings and consequently was generally quick on her feet, so to speak. For months she'd been after Alec to play rough with her and manhandle her like he'd done to Rose at one time, but he steadfastly denied her, citing his love and concern for her as a refusal to cause her undue pain. Thinking quickly, she realized that if she played her cards right she might coerce him to a bit of rougher play. She increased her struggles and thrashed about on his lap while sinking deeper into her role as slave.

"Master! I shan't obey no matter what you say!" she hollered theatrically and rudely pinched his thigh again, harder this time than before. He roared in surprised pain and this time the strikes of his ruler drew real fire across the backs of her thighs. Her own cries grew shrill as the new pain registered and she began to wonder if she may have overplayed her hand a bit.

"If you continue beating me, there'll be no more poon tang for you, Master! No more!" she cried loudly.

"You think not, slave girl?" he ground out from between clenched teeth, and dropped his ruler to introduce his rough palm to her reddened ass repeatedly, spanking her soundly as her cries of pain grew louder. "You would threaten your master?" he asked, in a low growl. Her struggles became more violent and he immediately stopped swatting her ass and released his grip on her, still afraid of hurting her. She struggled to her feet and managed to give him a quick wink before she bent over his desk and hiked her skirts to bare her ass for him.

Unbeknownst to them both, the study doorway was filled with five women whom were gawking in the greatest of surprise at the proceedings. June, Rose, Maddy, Mira and Sabra were goggle eyed and staring as Abby cried out again to her master.

He was now seeing through a red mist and his blood pounded in his ears, dulling her cries for mercy. Her constant teasing and cries of imagined, then real pain had unleashed the beast inside him and he set it completely free. He ripped the belt from his trousers and lashed her hands behind her, then he gathered her long blonde hair in a thick ponytail and pulled her head back until her back bowed in an erotic arch that fired his blood even hotter.

She cried out brokenly in pain as gravity claimed her and tugged her down.

"Master, please!" she begged, not joking in the least this time. He was absolutely killing her and it hurt terribly. He ignored her cries and she quavered in painful anticipation as she felt him load his hips. She let out a guttural groan.

"Master! Master!" she cried to no avail. She suddenly realized she needed to call his name to tame the ravenous beast behind her.

"Alec! Sweetheart!" she finally cried out. He stopped immediately and a brief look of confusion crossed his face, then awareness of her plight dawned on him. He took in her flushed face and tear streaked countenance and his expression fell in shame.

At that point, Rose rapidly ushered the crowd down the hall to the parlor, realizing that they needn't see what might follow. "Master Alec and Mistress Abby's business is their own!" she lectured, "no gossiping about what we saw today, understand?" Nods of confirmation came from all the girls and she excused them with a wave of her hand.

"Oh, Angel!" Alec was saying in consternation as he drew Abby to him. She clung to him and sobbed in fright. He had literally scared her half to death and she felt horrible for pushing him to such lengths. He'd never ignored her cries like that before and it terrified her. He petted her and held her close while crooning words of love in her ear until her sobbing quieted and she sniffled in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Heavy. I should never have pushed you like that. You knew better after all. I thought I could handle you," she said regretfully as she wiped her tears away.

"It's my fault," he countered. "I got carried away playing master and slave, I should've known better than that. I've always been afraid of hurting you and now I've gone and done it," he whispered and kissed her lips gently. "Are you truly  okay, Angel?" he asked in concern.

"My nether hurts terribly of course, but what hurts most is I made you ignore me when I needed you to listen the most. I shall never do that again, Heavy. It frightened me badly," she whimpered sadly. He gathered her ruined skirts and wrapped her in the rags, then picked her up to take her to bed.

Abby was fine of course, mostly because she was tough as nails, and after a short nap was up and around although she was hobbling a bit. She did stay especially close to Alec and let him know repeatedly through secret touches and caresses that she wasn't upset with him in the least which he was more than thankful for.

Rose soon pulled her aside for a confidential word. "Sweetheart, you need to know that you and Alec had, um, well, a few voyeurs today while you were in the study."

Abby was absolutely horrified with embarrassment. "What? How much did you see?"

"I think we came in about the time Alec was spanking your ass so enthusiastically." Rose giggled. "Then you stood up and offered yourself to him like a slut while refusing him access at the same time." Rose couldn't stand it anymore and broke out in subdued laughter.

"We? We? Who the hell is we?" Abby demanded, red faced and mortified.

"Um, everyone," Rose sobbed in laughter and her eyes filled with tears of mirth.

"Well, I hope they didn't see the end," Abby grumped. "It didn't turn out that well."

Rose quickly sobered at her expression. "No, I ran them off when it became obvious something was wrong. I'm sorry I was making fun, sweetheart. Are you  okay?"

"Yes, I'm just angry at myself for getting carried away. I made Alec hurt me when he's always refused to in the past. I feel horrible about it."

Rose hugged her, then gently kissed her lips. "He's an amazing man, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you purposely."

"He didn't, but he did lose control because of my teasing. I shan't do that again. He was scaring me to death," Abby admitted quietly.

"Some men have a beast inside them that most times is best kept locked away. They keep it hidden, never to be revealed unless their woman wants to experience it, even then it can be dangerous," Rose stated matter of factly.

"I found that out the hard way," Abby grimaced and touched her tender belly. "He really knocked the bottom out of me, it still smarts."

"Well, I'll take him on next time for ya, I could use a good pounding," Rose giggled teasingly.

"You're a worthless tramp, dear Rose," Abby chided with a mischievous smile and kissed her cheek, "but you're welcome to him, I'm in no shape to argue."

To be continued in part 18, by Seethegood for Literotica.