Monday, April 29, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 14

Sabra & Mira

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

They returned with James, and giggling like teenagers stripped him bare and installed him in his tub of steaming hot water. He groaned in pleasure as he sank deep, then smiled in surprise when Mira stepped in and sat with her back between his legs. She took his arms, wrapping them around her slight frame and he happily took her full tits in his hands, teasing and caressing her nipples until she was purring in satisfaction.

Nathan was getting the same treatment from Sabra. She was younger and a bit more shy than Mira, but was willing to play. He thought a bit guiltily about Maddy not being with him, but his imagination went wild and soon he was fantasizing about Maddy sharing him with Sabra. He decided right then to abstain until the evening and he'd broach the subject with Maddy, nearly certain she'd agree with him.

He continued to keep his hands full of Sabra, even when she turned to face him

 James, on the other hand had no such compunctions about saving himself for anyone. By now, Mira had him standing up.

For long minutes she serviced him until he was gripping her head tightly in his big hands and starting to help himself to her slender neck.

While James was enjoying himself, Nathan and Sabra were watching Mira service him.

Mira pulled back slightly, just enough to speak to James. "Take what you need, Master. I'm here to satisfy you in any way. Please, it would make me happy." She pulled him down as deep as she could take him. She wore a look of startled surprise that in a few moments changed to one of determination. Her hands dropped down and she placed them behind her back while leaning into him, giving herself to him freely.

The sight of his man juice on her shiny tongue wrenched a few more spasms from his jerking, bucking cock and his eyes widened in appreciation when she swallowed his load happily, then clasped her lips around him, sucking him dry.

Nathan was almost to cum himself, mostly from the sight of the young mulatta maid taking the Major.

"Later perhaps, my sweet. Let's see what the evening brings us," he said softly, then leaned in to kiss the sweet lips she unhesitatingly offered up to him. James lowered himself back in the water and the couples soaked for a few more minutes before standing up to dry off. Sabra was kneeling to towel Nathan when they heard the door open. He turned to see Rose standing there with a sultry look on her face, almost like she knew what had been transpiring earlier. She dropped her gaze to his semi-hard, and her look of lust intensified.

"My word,' she breathed. "Like uncle, like nephew I guess. What a cannon you carry, Uncle Nathan." Despite his years and numerous past sexual experiences, he still managed a deep, red blush that brought a delighted grin to her face. "And so modest. I'm beginning to like you more all the time, General."

Not to be outdone by his superior, James caught her eye and slowly stood up, water pouring down his lanky frame to drip from his thick cock.

"Mmm, you're absolutely delicious too, Major. I can tell I should've been here a bit earlier."

"Thank you, Miss Rose. It means a lot coming from a lady such as yourself," he said graciously. "At the risk of sounding crude, I find myself wishing you'd have been here earlier as well."

"Major." Nathan said with a warning tone in his voice.

"It's fine, Uncle Nathan, I hope you don't mind me calling you that," Rose purred.

She advanced in the room and slid over him gracefully, then gazed up at him with her gorgeous eyes and said, "William and I are working on an understanding. You and James are welcome to speak to me however you please."

She tugged his head down and kissed him softly, then moved to James and repeated her sweet kiss. "Dinner will be served in two hour’s time. I trust we'll see you there, gentlemen?" she asked with a devilish smile.

"Indeed, Miss Rose. We wouldn't miss it for the world," James said with sexy growl.

She took her leave while the men stared at each other. "What just happened?" Nathan asked, nearly aghast at her boldness.

"She's just that way, Master," Mira volunteered shyly. "She's a very sexual person from what we can tell."

"She likes girls too, we saw her kissing Miss June in the hallway," Sabra said in a confidential voice.

Nathan just shook his head in amazement. "What a family this is. Always keeping us on our toes, Major. We'd best improvise and adapt if we're going to survive here, I think."

Abby slowly awoke from her healing sleep to find June's head pillowed on her full breast. She kissed her brow and stroked her naked shoulder until her eyes fluttered open. "Hello, Miss June. Did you sleep well?"

"Mmm, yes Mistress. I dreamed we were back in the cabin and Alec was building our bed. He was so big and strong that we couldn't keep our hands off him and we ended up sleeping with him. It made me wet." She reached down and slipped a finger inside herself, writhing her hips slightly.

"Yep, I'm soaked." she giggled. "You're so lucky to have him, he's such an amazing man, Abby. I sure miss him."

"Those days are over, sweetheart. We've talked about this."

"I know, I love your father dearly and want to spend forever with him, but there's something primitive about your Alec, he's such a beast."

"He is a beast, I agree. But doesn't father fill all your needs, does he not fuck you well?"

"Oh yes, he does, and I come hard too, but he lacks that edge that drives me crazy. Alec is like a wild animal that can barely hold back from violence. Maybe I need George to be rougher and take me hard. He's always so gentle."

"Have you asked him about it? Maybe he feels the same way as Alec but he's afraid of scaring or hurting you."

"No, not yet. I need to though. Maybe Rose can help me, she's quite good at that business."

"That worthless tramp sure is a nasty slut," Abby snickered. "But I love her dearly."

"I heard that, you naughty girl!" Rose said, laughing from the doorway. She took three quick steps and launched herself in the air to come crashing down on her friends in the bed.

"Ow! Oh damn it, that hurts!" Abby cried in pain and clutched her wounded leg, only partially faking it.

"Oh Abby! I'm so sorry! I forgot you were hurting!" Rose exclaimed remorsefully. "Let me see!" She slid the blankets down Abby's naked body and inspected her dressing. A spot of fresh blood was showing through the white linen and she exclaimed again at her clumsiness.

"I'll kiss it better, I'm sorry, sweetheart," she said softly. She kissed Abby's leg gently all around her bandage, unintentionally tickling her until she giggled aloud.

"I'm  okay, honey. Come back up here."

Rose couldn't resist herself, mostly because she was horny from torturing Nathan and James, but throwing caution to the wind she gently kissed her way up Abby's leg to her hip, then sensually slid up and finished off with a sweet, soft kiss on her lips. Abby cupped her face and kissed her back, then cocked her beautiful head and looked at Rose appraisingly.

"You sure can be sneaky. Do you really enjoy me that much? Do you like me as you like June, sexually?" Rose was as startled as she'd ever been in her life, and was speechless for several seconds. She finally took a deep breath and dove in, she may as well tell the truth she figured because Abby would see right through her if she didn't.

"I do, sweetie. I certainly do." She reached across and took June's hand that lay innocently on Abby's hip. June and I both love you dearly. Remember those times with you and Alec in the cabin? It was all we could do to not half rape you when we were together. You have no idea how lovely and desirable you are to us. We'd do anything for you, including giving up our lives if it spared yours. I know you don't want to hear it, but we feel the same about Alec. We love our men, but you especially own a cherished place in our hearts. We love you, sweet Abby. We may never have you, but we love you just the same."

A tear slipped down her cheek as she fought her emotions, and June let out a little sob at Rose's tender words.

"Oh dear, I had no idea how you two have been feeling. Is that terrible of me?" Abby asked sadly.

"It's not terrible of you at all because we chose not to tell you. I hope it doesn't change our relationship," June said softly, while wiping her eyes.

"Of course not. I could never be angry with either of you. Let me think on these things awhile. For now, snuggle in with me for a bit before we get ready for dinner. I'm chilly."

The rest of the party was waiting in the parlor for the girls, but they never showed up. George was chosen to go find them so he began his search. When he opened the bedroom door and found them with limbs entangled and still sleeping in the large bed, he halted abruptly and watched them slumber. His throat grew tight with emotion as he took in their innocent beauty. He was so happy to have his family back, and now the war threatened to split them apart again. For long minutes he took in the sight, then slowly backed out. He made his way back to the parlor and found Alec, then motioned him to meet in the hall.

Alec knew something was up and he hurriedly obeyed. "I can't bring myself to wake them, Alec. They're so beautiful and innocent. My heart is breaking for them. Please do it for me. I beg you." Tears were running down his cheeks and Alec threw a big arm around his shoulders.

"I will, George. I can understand your feelings. Those three girls are more than special to me, as you know. Come with me, we'll do it together."

He took George's elbow and led him down the hallway until the girls came into view. He went to Abby's side of the bed and gently pushed George to the other. He caressed Abby's soft hair and smoothed her brow until she shifted and opened her eyes. The soft light in them flickered and shown bright when she saw Alec and she held her arms up to him with a loving smile. He gathered her in and kissed her sweetly while she sighed in satisfaction. From the corner of his eye he saw George doing the same to June. Rose awoke as well and joined June embracing George, the two beauties giggling as they fought each other for possession of him. Rose tightened her arms around his neck and tugged him down to lay between her and June. He laughed happily and relaxed as they both kissed his lips tenderly.

Alec caught his eye and winked at him before returning his attention to Abby. Soon enough, they roused themselves and left the girls to dress hastily for dinner.

"Thank you son, I don't know why I lacked the courage to wake them, but you handled it nicely. And you're right, those three women are extraordinary."

"Right now they're my sole purpose for living, George. My every day is spent thinking on how to keep them alive and ending this terrible war so we can live in freedom and safety." Alec said solemnly, as they returned to the parlor to prepare for dinner.

The mulatta maids, Mira and Sabra served everyone dinner, then true to Maddy's word, were allowed to take seats at the table, Sabra between Nathan and James, with Mira to James' right. Nathan and James were surprised because slaves were never allowed a seat in the dining room at any place they'd ever been. They both noticed that no one in George's family turned a hair at the slaves presence other than to welcome them heartily.

Happy chatter filled the air and soon they were all comparing war injuries which led to tales of how they acquired them. Amid the banter, Maddy whispered in Nathan's ear quietly so Sabra couldn't hear their conversation.

"How was your bath today, did Mira and Sabra both spoil you, Master?" she asked timidly.

"No, Sabra offered, but I chose to wait for you, sweet Maddy."

Massy was more than surprised at his words. "Did you not like her, Master? Does she displease you? Was I wrong to offer her to you?" she asked fearfully.

"On the contrary, she was very sweet. She's very beautiful too, but when she was with me I kept thinking about you, and then I thought about the three of us together. I'm ashamed to admit it, but that's what I was thinking." Maddy nodded her head and thought on his words.

"Have I upset you, sweetheart? I truly hope not, I was just being honest with you." Nathan asked with a worried frown.

"Oh no, Master. I was simply thinking on how best to please you. You're the only man who's ever treated me so well and I want to make you happy."

"You needn't go out of your way, I'm perfectly content spending time with you, dear Maddy," he said gallantly.

She reached behind him and touched Sabra's shoulder. "Attend me in the kitchen, please," she said and rose to her feet. "May I bring anyone anything?" she offered to the diners and she received a few requests that she and Sabra hurried to fulfill. Shortly, they returned and took their seats. Maddy slid a soft hand onto Nathan's thigh caressing him tenderly and he returned her favors with a big hand on her leg. He started almost violently when Sabra's small hand slid down his other thigh and her clever fingers rubbed gentle little swirls on the fabric of his thin trousers.

Maddy continued her exploration until she found his stiffening cock jutting almost painfully down his thigh, trapped in his tight trousers. She tested his width with gentle fingers, then she reached across to find Sabra's hand and tugged it over to join hers atop his now tumescent shaft. He groaned quietly under their ministrations and took a sip of wine to steady his nerves. Rose caught his eye and gave him a suggestive wink, as if she knew exactly what was going on under the table. He blushed madly as he remembered how she'd ogled his cock earlier in the day, and he saw that she suspected what he was thinking, which embarrassed him even more.

She stuck her little pink tongue out at him impishly and he almost laughed out loud at her cuteness and utter gall. He was beginning to really like her he realized, and he gave her his most winning smile, but his attention was quickly returned to the hands that were torturing him so sweetly.

Meanwhile, James was also being caressed by Mira. Her fingers were testing and inflaming his swollen cock and she was driving him crazy. Eventually, he took her hand in his to avoid embarrassing himself in front of the other diners. She giggled quietly at him and squeezed his fingers happily, pleased he was enjoying her gentle touch.

Rose had a fistful of William and she was literally sitting in a puddle of juice as all sorts of fantasies fluttered through her heated mind. She thought of when William and George had taken her together. She was a sodden mess and couldn't wait for dinner to be over so she could ravish her husband.

After the meal, nobody took up George's offer of enjoying a brandy in the parlor. They all begged off saying it had been a horribly long day and everyone needed their rest. He started to protest but June took his arm firmly and led him to bed.

James was upset but understanding when Sabra, who'd satisfied him twice now, went to Nathan's room with Maddy. Mira swiftly took his mind off of her friend when she knelt in front of him.

"I want you to tonight, Master.” She looked over her shoulder at him.

"Take me, Master!" she almost hissed; "like a slave girl should be."

With an animal growl he descended on her. He smiled savagely as he heard her cry out in painful pleasure.

"You're a god, Master. I'm your slave forever. Do anything you want to me, just don't stop!"

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. My knees are shot and I need to lay down. You felt amazing and I hope I didn't hurt you, I seemed to have lost control of myself for a few minutes," he said gently as he caressed her body.

"I'm fine. I've never been used like that before and I loved it. Thank you, Master." He got up and helped her onto the bed where they lay together and relaxed, their bodies cooling in the slight breeze flowing through the open windows.

Meanwhile, down the hall, Nathan was being spoiled rotten by his ladies. They were kneeling on a bearskin rug in front of the bedroom fireplace. Maddy had never pleased a man with another woman, but Sabra used her own limited experience to help her out. Together, they had him almost drooling in pleasure.

"Damn it, girls. You've nearly killed me," he said in exhaustion. "Let me lay down for a few minutes." They quickly stood and ushered him onto the bed where they lay on each side of him and ran their soft hands over his frame while he panted for breath.

Sabra knelt and watched avidly as he skillfully brought Maddy. She was a trembling wreck when she finally pushed him away in protest.

"I'm sorry, Master. No more, please! It's too much!" He smiled to himself, content with her reaction to his loving, he prided himself on never leaving a lover wanting.

Many women in his past had been left hurting and nearly crippled the next morning after his loving, but none had ever regretted it that he knew of.

Finally, he rose to his knees again and fisted his cock. "Who wants it, ladies?"

"I'm ready, Master. However you want me, I'm yours." Sabra pledged.

"Please, Master! Be gentle with me!" she begged in a worried voice.

"I'll try, sweetheart. Tell me if it gets too bad and I'll stop. It'll feel good eventually, or so I'm told," he chuckled softly. She looked up at him and nodded in readiness.

She nearly woke the entire house with the cry he tore from her throat.

"Oh Master. I've never felt anything like that before! Thank you. You're such an animal and I love you for it."

He smiled down at her and bent over to kiss her sweetly. "I hope it wasn't too much, sweetheart. Are you  okay, little one?"

"I'm perfect, I may never be the same, but I'm perfect," she giggled and pulled him into a tight hug, throwing her legs around his trim hips and gripping him tightly. "Thank you, Master," she whispered and nipped his ear. After she cuddled him awhile his thoughts turned to Maddy who was being ignored.

For long minutes they enjoyed each other until she experienced a wonderful orgasm and he was again hard as a fireplace poker.

He spun her to face him. "Madeline?"

"Yes, Master?"

"I think you were rather mean to poor Sabra, weren't you?" She looked at him warily and saw steel in his eyes, but at the same time his lip quirked with humor. She lowered her eyes submissively.

"Yes, Master. I was jealous of her and I shouldn't have spoken so rudely." she admitted softly.

"What should your punishment be for such a sin?" She frantically thought for a few seconds.

"Um, a spanking, maybe?"

Sabra wanted so badly to join in and name a punishment, but figured keeping silent was probably her best choice because she hardly knew the General at all.

"How about you get the same treatment that you begged me to give her?" She quickly looked up at him and he gave her a wink that surprised her greatly. She'd thought she was in serious trouble! She broke into a beautiful smile.

"Oh yes, Master. I'm sure I deserve that," she giggled in relief.

Slowly, he tipped over beside Maddy and tugged her head over to rest on his furred chest while Sabra snuggled in on the other side.

"Ah, ladies. You've ruined me forever," he said in a voice still rough with passion. "I've never experienced anything like that before."

"Thank you, Master," they both chimed together, then giggled aloud. Sabra got up and went to fetch water and cloths to clean them with, and Maddy took the opportunity to talk with Nathan in private. She ran her hands gently up and down his body, soothing him until his breathing returned to normal, then spoke her heart.

"Will you stay with us longer, please?" she asked hesitantly, knowing a slave had no right to ask such a question.

"I can't, sweet girl. The war beckons and we have duties to perform. I'd love nothing better though. I promise to come see you any time I'm close to this area. Would that be  okay with you?" She nodded her head rapidly and smiled a bit sadly.

"I'll miss you terribly, Master. No man has ever treated me like you do."

He looked down at her and kissed her forehead. "Ah, sweet Maddy. I'm so lucky to have found you. You love me even when I mistreat you a bit like this evening. I'm not sure I deserve you."

"Oh Master, I was jealous of you and Sabra and I needed to be punished. I have no claim on you and I'm only here to serve. Please forgive me." she begged as hot tears flooded her beautiful eyes.

"There's nothing to forgive, sweetheart. And another thing, when we're alone or with members of this family, call me Nathan. When we're around others, I'm simply General Greene," he said and hugged her to him tenderly. She felt a warm glow and the fluttering of hope in her breast, something she'd never experienced before as a plantation slave.

Sabra returned, and using a damp cloth gently cleaned Nathan until she was satisfied, then she and Maddy cleaned themselves. Sabra went to take her leave, but Maddy called softly to her.

"Sabra, come sleep with us, please." Nathan was pleasantly surprised and turned his head to Maddy. She looked at him with a tender smile and kissed him sweetly. "I love you, Master," she whispered.

The men depart for war and Abby establishes her authority.

Chapter 13

General Greene decided to take another day of rest before departing for his command, a decision the family was more than happy with. The recent combat had been hard on them all and Nathan judged they needed a respite before pursuing the war against the Crown. He soon asked Abby and Alec to meet him in George's study.

"I've got some bad news for you both. Alec needs to meet with my people, the ones he'll be corresponding with while fulfilling his duties here," he said gravely, while a frown of dismay crossed the young couple's faces.

He continued, "It'll help both him and my folks immensely if they can spend a few days getting to know one another and teaching Alec what my surveillance section is all about."

Abby glanced up at Alec and behind his frown she saw a glint in his eye. She suspected that this wasn't all bad news to him as he was a spy by trade and had been out of the loop for several months now. He was probably itching to get back to business.

"It doesn't make me happy in the least, but I can understand the reasoning," Abby said. "How would this work out, would he go with you tomorrow?"

"Yes, that's what I'd prefer. He can travel with us and return to the plantation on his own in a month or so," Nathan replied.

Abby pursed her lips and thought a moment. She really wanted to accompany the men, but knew the General would probably not allow it, also, she needed to stay and implement her plan on getting the plantation back up and making a profit again.

"I know you can handle it, dear Abby," Nathan said gently. "With good friends like Rose and June, you should have no issues keeping the plantation in line."

"She's just the woman for the job. She's smart and more than capable of managing it," Alec said confidently and gave her a reassuring wink. She smiled lovingly up at him and stuck out her little pink tongue.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, big man," she teased. He put an arm around her and hugged her close while she giggled happily.

Nathan looked at them fondly. "Well, that's settled then. Now I need to speak to George and William. If they're ready, I'll have them head south tomorrow and pursue the redcoats as hard and fast as possible. I want them pushed back to the sea and out of our country," he said with a determined look in his eye.

Abby and Alec took their leave and wandered arm in arm down the hall.

"I shall miss you terribly," Abby said sadly.

"And I you, Angel," he responded. "It's for the best though. I must admit I look forward to resuming my old billet in the Army. It's the most fulfilling thing I've ever done other than meet you, sweetheart," he added.

"I understand. I can't blame you for that. It'll be interesting to see you operate. It's undoubtedly so different than what I dragged you through the last few months," she said, and lovingly squeezed his thick bicep with her small, but strong hand. "I hope you'll be much safer this time 'round," she teased, remembering how she'd rescued him from a sure hanging just a few short months ago.

"Tell me about it. Thank God for angels," he said solemnly, then stopped and pulled her into his arms for a sweet kiss. "If it weren't for you I'd be long dead and in the ground," he whispered, and kissed her again, deeply and with all the sincerity he could muster. When they parted his eyes were a bit misty, and hers were moistened as well.

"I love you, Heavy," she breathed, and winked up at him with a tender smile. He gave her such a look of love that her heart clenched in her chest and she felt a tear leak out to trickle down her cheek. He kissed it away and gathered her in for another gentle kiss.

"There's a bedroom down the hall ya know!" a female voice said loudly and they quickly looked up to see Rose smiling at them and giggling into her hand from a few steps away. She squeaked in alarm when Alec suddenly lunged at her and caught her up in tight hug, then swatted her little ass until she laughingly begged for mercy. When he stopped, she squeezed him as hard as she could and pecked him on the cheek. He let her go and Abby grabbed her for a big hug as well.

"Nathan is stealing my man and sending father and William away! Whatever will we do?" Abby asked of Rose, with a sad expression. Rose's eyes widened in alarm.

"I knew it was coming, damn it! How long will they be gone, months and months?" she cried.

"He said Alec will be gone a month or so. He didn't give a time frame for father and William. I would imagine until the redcoats are defeated." Tears gathered in Rose's eyes as the bad news sank in.

"But we just found them! Damn it, that makes me mad as hell!" Rose sobbed and threw herself in Abby's loving arms. Alec joined them and gave them what little comfort he could. He heard the study door close and looked up to see George and William taking their leave of the General, and they both wore long faces. William looked at Rose in Alec's arms and he took a step towards them with a pensive look on his face, then stopped and nodded at Alec sadly. He turned and followed George down the hall, his shoulders slumped under the weight of his burden.

Just before lunch, while Alec was packing his clothing into a wooden travel chest, he was approached by George. "Son, I've a favor to ask of you and Abby. Will you accompany William and I at lunch, please? We'd like to speak to you two for awhile. Then afterwards I fully intend to drink the afternoon away and enjoy my last day here to the fullest!" he declared with a smile that somehow refused to reach his eyes. Alec noticed immediately and knew his future father-in-law was not happy in the least. However, he knew George was a professional and would fulfill his duties without complaint.

"I'd be more than happy to, George. Shall I request anything special from Maddy?"

"No, just whatever she has in mind for the day. I'll not inconvenience her in the least. She has plenty more than us to worry about."

Alec was continuously impressed with George's care and concern of his slaves. He was like no other man Alec had ever met when it came to respect for his laborers and he always treated them like members of his own family.

"As you wish, I'll hit her up for a bottle of nice wine though. I think you and William deserve it."

To be continued in part 15, by Seethegood for Literotica.