Karaoke Conclave
In 5 parts, based on a post by BrazenHorse. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

"Well?" Mandy said as she sat down across Willy at the sparsely occupied karaoke bar in the center of town. "How'd it go?"
"With what?" Willy asked, sipping his tea. He was not much of a wine drinker. Mandy loved singing karaoke, and she often invited Willy to join her, here.
Mandy scoffed. "The App, ya dum dum. Did you get any hits?"
Willy smiled, looking around. He turned back to Mandy. "Umm, yeah. You may want to have a look." He handed his phone to her and watched her reaction.
Mandy's eyes suddenly widened when she started scrolling through the App. "Willy!" she shouted. Someone on the other side of the cafe looked up from their laptop. She leaned in, lowering her voice to a loud whisper. "You blew up!"
Willy laughed. "You could say that."
"Look at all these messages! These are babes, Willy! You're a stud!"
Willy nodded proudly. He was yet to fully realize the response he got from the change in his profile. Something inside him insisted it probably wasn't real.
"Wait," she said as she continued scrolling through. "You're not saying anything."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"You're not writing back to any of them. You have to engage!"
"Mandy," he said. "There are literally hundreds of messages. I don't even know what to say to these girls."
Okay, it’s our turn on the stage. Come sing a duet with me, and we’ll figure out your next move, after we get out of here.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe start with "hi"?!" she exclaimed. "Here, look at this one." She turned the phone to Willy and showed him a picture of a gorgeous brunette with big boobs. She posed in workout gear. She held a dog in her hands. "This girl's cute!"
"What did she say?"
Mandy read the message and burst out laughing, covering her mouth. "Oh my God. I can't," she said. "Here." She handed the phone back and watched Willy read the message.
"Hey big boy. Or should I say huge boy," he read aloud. "I would love to connect with you. I am dying to find out if your subtle little hint is accurate. Xoxo"
"What?" Willy said.
Mandy giggled. "Seems like she wants a picture of it," she guessed.
Willy continued reading messages, this time to himself. "They all talk about it. They all want to see it."
"You're like a budding celebrity," Mandy said. She desperately wanted to see it herself, but tried to erase those thoughts from her head.
"Do I send those kinds of pictures on here?"
Mandy leaned back and crossed her arms. "Don't ask me! It's not my thingy!"
"No, I'm serious. Is that bad? Or creepy?"
Mandy thought about it. "Honestly, if they want to see it, I guess there's no harm. I wouldn't show anything in it that would identify you though."
"Do I take it from, above? Or set my phone down? How am I supposed to do this?" he pondered.
Mandy laughed again. "Do I look like the dick pic authority? I guess just take it from a good angle that you're pleased with? C'mon, you mean to tell me you've never photographed your junk?"
"Have you?!?" Willy asked, truly perplexed.
Mandy shook her head. "Uh-uh. I'm not telling you that. That's top secret."
Willy took that as a yes. He briefly pictured her taking a picture of her boobs or, even better, her cunt. He felt his cock tingle at just the thought of it.
"I guess I have some work to do," he said as he drank the last of his tea. "No idea how I'm gonna do this, to be honest."
"Relax, Willy. I'll help you out. C'mon let's go."
DickPic Session
"Do you need to, umm, prepare it?" Mandy asked. They each stood in Willy's small living room where they normally hung out together. Mandy held Willy's phone in her hand, preparing to take the photo. Without really talking about it out loud, it was determined that she would help him by taking pictures of his cock. A boundary between long-standing friends was about to be crossed quickly.
"I guess I should, huh? Or should I do one with it, normal first?"
"I don't know!" Mandy giggled. "I guess so! okay, let's do a before and after."
"Okay, cool," Willy said nervously. His hands were shaking, but he hid them from Mandy so she wouldn't see.
They stood together in awkward silence. "Okay? Like, whenever you're ready?" she laughed.
"Oh, right, right," Willy said. He started to unbuckle his belt. The sound of it was deafening in the quiet room. Mandy watched patiently as he unfastened the button on his jeans. She could see his hands were shaking. She could nearly hear his heart racing.
"You want me to not do this?" she asked.
Willy looked her in the eye. This was seemingly his final chance to back out. "No, it's cool. As long as, as long as you're cool with it too."
Mandy smiled. "I'm cool with it," she whispered. She tried her best to ease his nerves. "Relax. Let's take some pictures."
Willy took a deep breath and pulled his jeans down. He was wearing white Hanes underwear. Mandy chuckled. "We forgot to upgrade your underwear huh?"
"What's wrong with Hanes?"
She giggled again. "Nothing, if you're a six year old boy."
She stared at his crotch waiting for the reveal. It was quite obvious he was packing. His cock already looked plump. It was stuffed in his underwear like an overflowing sock drawer. She could barely make out where it began and ended. It was quite substantial.
"Fuck. okay, here we go," Willy said. He took one last deep breath, this time holding it in as he lowered his underwear.
Despite dreaming of this very moment for many years, he couldn't bring himself to watch her reaction. Instead he closed his eyes and prayed his nerves would go away.
At first, silence. There was no sound coming from Mandy. He felt the cool air on his cock and balls. He was fully exposed. He felt as if he might even be growing an erection. Then, suddenly, he heard it. Mandy gasped audibly.
"Oh my gosh," she said so quietly he could barely hear. "That's really big."
Willy finally opened his eyes. He looked at Mandy whose eyes were fixed down below. She stood with the phone in hand, clutching it against her stomach. Her mouth was open. Her eyes were wide. "Willy, you're enormous."
He looked down at his cock. The same cock he's been looking at for his entire life. The same cock that no woman had ever seen or touched. Until now. It rested lazily past his testicles. Its thickness demanded attention. It moved ever so slightly as Willy breathed. As they each stared at it, it was slowly taking shape while he grew an erection in the heat of the moment.
"Is it getting hard?" she asked, looking up at him for the first time. She quickly looked back down to not miss anything.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I can't help it."
"Don't be sorry! It's so big. I can't even believe it, Willy. I've, I've never seen anything like this in my life!"
As his cock grew in both length and girth, Mandy quickly snapped into action. "Ooh, ooh, I need to get the before pic!"
She angled the phone towards his cock, making sure to get the whole thing in the frame. "It barely fits in the frame," she whispered excitedly. "No idea what we're gonna do when it's fully grown!"
Willy basked in the moment as Mandy snapped picture after picture of his dangling cock. It had quickly hardened to a point where it began to angle away from his body, begging to stand up. "Did you get it?" he asked.
She nodded affirmatively. "Marvelous," she said. "And looks like you're getting ready for the main event!"
"Heh, yeah. I'm sorry," he apologized. He didn't know what else to say.
"Stop saying I'm sorry!" she said as she held her index finger up against his lips. "You have nothing to be sorry about."
They each watched silently as his cock expanded. The skin along the shaft slowly began to spread out. The folds visible in his flaccid state were quickly disappearing. Willy kept his hands firmly clasped behind his back as they watched him produce a sturdy erection.
"It's unbelievable. It keeps going and going, huh?" she asked as she laughed.
"It sure seems that way," he agreed. "I think it's as big as it's gonna get now."
Willy alternated between looking at his hard cock to Mandy's facial expression. Watching her was the sole reason he had grown so hard in that moment. She was mesmerized as she stared at it. It had poked out so far, it was nearly making contact with her as she stood in front of him. Realizing this, she subtly stepped back so as not to accidentally touch it.
"So, maybe hold it up I guess?"
"Like with my hands?" he asked. She rolled her eyes.
"Right," he said. "With my hands."
Willy hesitantly grasped it at the base. His knuckles were white he gripped it so hard. He had small hands, nearly as small as Mandy's. She quickly noticed how his fingers almost couldn't touch as he gripped his thick shaft.
"Whoa," she said in astonishment. "Jeez, Willy. How many hands can you get on that?"
Willy placed his other hand on the shaft. He then moved his first hand above his second. "There's room for a fourth, it looks like!" she said. Willy smiled and nodded. "Yeah," he said.
"Okay, go back to just one real quick."
Willy obediently held his cock with one hand. Mandy took the phone and stepped to his side. She took a profile picture of him holding his cock. "It's, like, seriously so thick," she said. "I cannot even believe this."
She took a few more photos. "Okay, take the hand away," she said. She was in full photographer mode, aiming to get the perfect angle. Willy released his hand, letting his cock bob free. She took several pictures from slightly altered angles.
"What about an angle from your point of view?" she asked as she handed him the phone. Willy took it from her hand and aimed it down to his cock. She peered over his shoulder to check the picture. "You need to hold it higher, Willy! You aren't even getting the whole thing!"
He held it higher. And higher. And higher until his arms were fully stretched out. "Do I have it?" he asked.
"Does it look like I know?!" Mandy said. They each laughed as Willy took a few blind shots. They quickly reviewed the images to see that he had indeed captured the entire cock.
"Think we're good?" Willy asked.
Mandy stared at his cock. It was dripping precum that she didn't think Willy had even noticed. She thought about how aroused he must be from this moment. She certainly was.
"Mandy?" he asked.
She snapped out of it. "Huh? Oh yeah. I think we're good."
Willy quickly pulled his underwear up and comically tried to pull it over his cock. He was so hard it was completely impossible to do so. Mandy laughed uncontrollably. "Willy!" she said as she caught her breath. "You can't even get them back on!"
He wasn't used to pulling his underwear back up when hard. Under normal circumstances, he would just masturbate to get it to go down and be on his way. But he couldn't do that as Mandy was there. "Shit," he said, allowing himself to laugh as well. He ultimately decided to just tuck his massive cock against his belly and secure it with the underwear waistband.
"You're ridiculous. Like, literally ridiculous." Mandy said as she crossed her arms and stared at his seemingly painful situation.
"Where else am I gonna go with this?" Willy protested as he went to pull his jeans up. He then stood there in front of Mandy, jeans pulled up with his cock sticking out lewdly.
"I don't know!" Mandy said. "I don't have one of these things!"
"They're not fun, believe me," Willy said as he examined his uncomfortable situation.
"It certainly looks fun to me," Mandy said in a flirtatious way. "It looks like a lot of fun actually."
Not knowing what else to do, Willy tried his best to reposition his cock so it wasn't so blatantly exposed. He tried to tuck it back in his underwear, but had nowhere to go with it. He then pushed it to the side, but that was no use as well.
Mandy couldn't contain her laughter. She tried her best to refrain, but the situation was just far too comical. As Willy moved his cock around, he could feel immense pleasure pulsing from it. He felt a tingling sensation and was quickly overcome with sensitivity. The weirdness of the situation mixed with Mandy's incredible infatuation with his cock was doing a number on him. He quickly put his cock back in its original position, under the waistband, and tried to leave it alone to prevent an unfortunate accident.
"Do you need to go, umm, take care of things I guess?" Mandy asked. "Will that help?"
Willy didn't answer her. He abruptly became still. His mouth opened a tiny bit. A tiny moan escaped from his mouth.
"Are you okay?" Mandy asked when she heard him moan.
It was no use trying to hold it in. Willy had fiddled with his cock too much and he was going to cum. He moaned again, this time louder as a thick glob of white cum shot out his cock, dripping down over his underwear.
"Oh my God!" Mandy shouted as she noticed it. She jumped back out of the way. Willy keeled over with his hands placed firmly on his hips. He grunted as if he was lifting heavy furniture. His cock spewed out load after load of white, creamy jizz.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," he managed to say as his orgasm continued to empty his seed all over his underwear and the floor beneath him.
"It's okay," Mandy said quietly as she watched. The amount of cum expelling from Willy amazed and impressed her. No guy she had ever been with had cum that much at once.
Willy breathed heavily as he finished cumming. A massive puddle formed on the ground and more kept dripping from his underwear. He was flush red and embarrassed beyond belief. "Jesus Christ," he muttered to himself, both disappointed and ashamed. "I can't believe that just happened."
Mandy sensed he was deeply embarrassed and snapped into action. She dashed for the kitchen and grabbed paper towels and cleaning spray. When she returned, she found Willy still looking down at the ground. He looked as if he was going to cry.
"It's okay, Willy. It was an accident." She knelt down and started cleaning up the gooey mess. Willy intervened, taking the paper towel from her. "You don't have to clean this. This is my fault," he said.
"Don't be silly. If I hadn't insisted we take these photos, none of this would have happened," Mandy said, trying her best to make the young man feel better.
She noticed as he cleaned up that his cock was getting smaller, yet still stuck out from the waistband. She marveled at how big and plump it was even when it wasn't hard. Eventually, he was able to stick it back in his underwear and get dressed, putting an end to the unfortunate circumstances.
"Hey," Mandy said as they finished cleaning. "Are you okay?"
Willy nodded, unable to look her in the eyes just yet. "Yeah. I think you should go, though. I need to get some rest."
Mandy wasn't convinced. But she wanted to respect his privacy. "Okay," she said as she gathered her things and walked to the door.
"Willy," she said before opening it. "I'm really sorry about this. Please don't be ashamed or embarrassed. It's a normal thing that just happened. You have a really beautiful gift. I hope you know I wasn't offended or grossed out or anything. okay?"
Willy nodded, still unable to look at her. She left without saying another word.
Mandy Visits the Pharmacy
"Why are you putting the greeting cards there? They're supposed to be in Aisle 9 with the others," Willy said to his newest staff member at the pharmacy. "You need to be doing a lot better, John." He stormed off, leaving the young clerk feeling dejected.
This was not his style. He was always kind and welcoming to all employees of the pharmacy he managed. The incident from days before was taking a severe toll on Willy. He went through a lifetime of being ignored by the opposite sex. He never had a single chance with a girl. Until the one female in his life that he truly cared for and longed to be with witnessed him cum himself in a moment of pure embarrassment and humiliation. He couldn't even hold it together for longer than a few minutes.
Despite the situation, Mandy didn't stop being the sweetheart that she is. She felt awful for Willy and wanted to make sure he wasn't too down on himself. She was well aware of the anxieties that plagued Willy most of his life. She knew how he must have felt after the incident but wanted to ensure he didn't feel like he messed up in any way.
She frequently texted and called, trying to make things normal between them. After a couple weeks, she finally convinced him to let her come over and see him.
"Hey goofball," she said. It wasn't uncommon for them to greet each other with silly names.
"Hey," Willy said quietly as he opened the door and retreated to the couch. He didn't even hug her.
Mandy sat down and waited for Willy to say something, but he stayed quiet, staring at the tv. She finally stood up, took the remote and shut it off.
"Willy. Come on," she said.
"Can we please stop with the whole attitude thing? I've been nothing but nice to you. I know why you're doing this."
Willy finally looked at her. "Doing what?"
Mandy rolled her eyes. "You've been a cloud of darkness the past couple weeks. One word texts. No call backs. Moping around."
Willy didn't protest. She was right.
"So you had a little accident," she continued. "Big deal dude. Do you know how many times I've seen guys blow their nut too early?"
Her vulgar words cut through the tension like a sharp knife. Willy blushed. It was the first time they spoke about what happened.
"I didn't mean that," Mandy admitted. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "Can we just forget about it? I had a lot of fun the other day with our little experiment."
Willy nodded. He too had fun, but was too embarrassed to admit it yet.
"I brought you something," Mandy said as she rummaged through her bag. She produced a small gift bag and brought it over to Willy. She sat down next to him as he took it from her.
"What's this?" he asked.
"Open it!"
He dug into the bag, removing the carefully positioned wrap. He peered inside. "Boxer briefs?"
Mandy giggled. "I realized we neglected to include underwear in our makeover as soon as I saw your worn down tighty whities!"
Willy cracked up laughing. "Hey, those get the job done ya know."
"Apparently not though!" Mandy joked. "These ones are extra roomy," she whispered with a wink.
Willy suddenly felt awful. Here was this sweet beautiful girl he truly called a friend. She was being so kind yet he continued to be a complete asshole.
He abruptly hugged her and held her tight. "I'm sorry," he said as they embraced. He let her go and faced her. "I'm acting like an idiot."
"It's okay."
"No one's ever seen me down there," he said. "I think I was just really overcome with the moment."
Mandy smiled and held his hand. "I told you I don't care. I understand."
"So, you're not creeped out by me?" he asked.
Mandy laughed. "Oh please, Willy. Quite the opposite actually."
She nodded. "I actually thought it was kind of impressive. Like, you didn't even touch yourself. And there was so much shooting out. How was that even possible?"
Willy blushed again. "I don't know honestly. It's always like that. It can get pretty annoying if I'm being honest."
"You're just full of surprises huh?"
Willy smiled. "Just a few."
"So I have to know," Mandy started. "Did you send the pics?"
"Umm, I did," he said. "I sent a couple to one girl."
Mandy's eyes lit up. "And?!" She asked excitedly.
Willy unlocked his phone and handed it to Mandy. She quickly read what was on the screen. "Willy!" she shouted. "This girl is really into you!"
He shrugged off the compliment. "Or she's into my thing."
"Still! This is racy!"
Mandy's eyes scanned the message thread. "I want it inside me," she said as she began to read aloud some excerpts. "How much do you cum? I wanna eat it," she laughed as she read. "This is racy!"
Willy smiled. "Go to the end."
Mandy urgently read the message before handing the phone back. "Well? Are you gonna do it?"
"No! Of course not! Plus, how would I even, I would totally mess it up."
Mandy was skeptical. "How hard could it be? One hand holds the phone the other hand, well, does the work."
They laughed. Willy shook his head. "I'd find a way to mess it up. Or ruin my phone or something."
"She seems like she really wants to see you shoot," Mandy reminded him. "Like, really really wants to see it."
Video Shoot
"Well, that's just great but I signed up for this to find a girlfriend. Not send a masturbation video to some stranger who's probably a guy anyways."
"Oh knock it off. First of all, that's no guy. You can tell. Second, you'll find a connection eventually. But this is the fun part of online dating. I think you should do it. I think she'd be impressed!"
"You think so?" Willy considered the idea. "I don't know. I still feel like I'd screw it up."
Mandy thought of something. "You know, I helped you with the photos. I could also help with the video if you want."
Willy's heart skipped a beat. "Like, you'd be the one to video it?"
"Mm hmm," she nodded excitedly. "Why not?"
Willy couldn't contain his excitement. Of course he wanted her to tape him cumming. But his anxiety tried to overshadow his instincts to go for it. Mandy patiently waited while watching his facial expression. "Willy?" she asked.
"Umm, sure ;yeah why not," he said with a tremble in his voice. "Here?"
Mandy looked around. "I think we should go to your room. On account of your, erm, abilities?"
They both laughed as Mandy led Willy into his bedroom. It would be the first time any girl had been in there with him.
"Does anyone live here?" she joked as she looked around his small yet impeccably clean bedroom.
"You know I'm a neat freak," said Willy as he awkwardly stood by his bedside waiting for instructions from Mandy.
"This is more than neat. This looks like the model apartment they use to sell units. Willy, you don't even have a nightstand!" They each laughed as they examined Willy's comically empty bedroom. There was a bed, a desk and chair, and a TV.
Mandy turned to see Willy standing shyly with his hands by his side. She looked him up and down. "I think you should probably go in the buff for this one, right?"
"Oh, umm, okay. You really think so?" Willy was visibly nervous.
She nodded. "If you want the maximum effect. Don't worry I won't get your face in it. Like you said, it might be some creepy guy."
Willy's eyes grew wide. "Relax!" Mandy said. "I'm joking. Now, come on!"
"Okay. Sure, yup. No problem. okay here goes," he said as he took off his t-shirt first. His physique was considerably skinny and lacked any real muscle definition. He hated taking his shirt off and here he went about to take a whole lot more off.
Mandy didn't criticize him. She remained expressionless and professional, committed to her task. Willy felt a bit more at ease now as he proceeded to unbuckle his jeans and lower them to the ground.
"You and those undies," Mandy joked. Willy looked down to see his tight white briefs, struggling to contain his hefty appendage.
He then took a deep breath and looked up. "Ready?"
She smiled widely and nodded.
He peeled his underwear off and closed his eyes. For some reason, he anticipated hearing her laugh at him. But the laughing never came. Instead, he opened his eyes to see Mandy staring hopelessly at his hanging cock and balls. "Wow," she said. "Just wow."
"What?" Willy asked.
Mandy rolled her eyes. "You know what, dum-dum. Your cock is so beautiful. I'm jealous."
"Oh you're jealous?" he laughed.
"I am!" she said, smiling. "It's super nice. Listen, Little Big Man, in all honesty, I’m a bit giggly because I’m beyond words at the awesome privilege I’ve been given. I’m in the presence of a sex god. You just don’t know it, yet. And I’m still blown away at the massive dimensions of your sexual equipment. Got it?"
Willy didn’t know how to process that, statement, so he ignored it. He continued removing his underwear and placed his hands behind his back. They each stared at his anatomy in silence.
"Okay, so, do I need to get an erection now?"
Mandy was the one to awkwardly laugh this time. "Yes, Willy. Yes I believe you need to have an erection for this."
Before Willy made his next move, he paused and looked up. "Are you gonna just watch?"
"I kind of have to, don't I?"
She was right. Willy hated himself for being so tentative and wished he could simply jerk off in front of the gorgeous young woman he adored so much. "Okay. Let me just, okay, here we go."
Willy began playing with his cock with one hand. He had never masturbated in front of anyone of course. It was a private and intimate activity he often felt bad about even doing it so much. To make matters worse, the person he often thought about while doing so was now right in front of him. His heart beat so strongly he felt like he was having a heart attack.
Despite being as nervous as he was, he was hard as a rock in record time. His cock stretched and bulged to over nine inches as his hand now raced up and down the thick shaft.
Mandy was hypnotized as she watched him. She smiled widely while admiring the sheer mass of his cock. Seeing such a powerful and masculine part of Willy was both surprising and sexy all at the same time. She noticed his eyes were closed as he concentrated, allowing her to stare unabated at his cock. He stroked rapidly with one hand while his other clutched the side of his thigh. She noticed he spread his legs shoulder length apart.
"Let me know when you're getting close," she finally said, breaking their minutes-long silence.
"Okay," Willy responded, opening his eyes for the first time. He immediately saw Mandy staring at him without the phone even ready. She looked like she was under a spell.
"Your balls are pretty big too, huh?" she asked. "It's like everything about you down there is super-sized!"
Willy closed his eyes again and increased his intensity. He was beyond the point of being uncomfortable and had now embraced the moment. Suddenly the idea of Mandy watching him cum was bringing him limitless pleasure and anticipation. For several minutes, he stroked his cock with two hands, clenching his ass cheeks as his momentum increased.
"Jesus. You need two hands on it!" Mandy said. "I'm sorry, that's just so crazy!"
Willy managed to make eye contact and smile. He was proud of the reaction he was getting out of her. He even noticed her face was flush. Perhaps he was actually arousing a real live woman.
"Does it feel good? Are you gonna, umm, finish?" she asked as she steadied the phone.
"I think so. Soon," he said as he winced with pleasure.
"Okay, okay, hold on," Mandy said as she looked around the room. Willy paused jerking off as he held his cock tightly with both hands. "What?" he asked.
"Where do you want to shoot it? We shouldn't get any identifying things in the frame."
Willy looked around. Mandy was right. The last thing he needed was this video to end up on an online porn site or something. "Umm, how about into a sock or something?" he suggested.
Mandy laughed. "That's, that's not really exciting, Willy."
"Right," he said. He pumped his cock slowly so as not to lose any intensity in his erection.
"Here," Mandy said as she lifted his blanket up in the air and spread it out across his bed. "We'll do like an over-the-shoulder shot," she said. "This way we can really show how far it goes."
She guided Willy by his shoulders so that he was at the foot of the bed, facing towards it. She then slid his desk chair over and stood on it, next to him. "Careful," Willy warned as he clutched his hard cock.
Now that she was positioned higher than he was, she held the phone out and aimed. "This is awesome," she said. "Your cock still takes up the whole frickin frame!"
"Okay, should I go now?"
"Let it rip!" Mandy encouraged as she hit record.
Willy went back to masturbating, this time with a clear mission. It was time to cum. He used both hands to feverishly jerk his cock. There was no need to lube as his precum had been gushing nearly since they started. Squishy, flopping sounds emanated from him.
Mandy watched excitedly as she focused the shot, making sure not to show too much of anything other than Willy's cock. "Holy shit," she said. "You're so huge."
"Oh fuck," Willy said. "Oh my God!"
Willy grunted. "Ah, fuck. Oh fuck!" he screamed as he jutted his waist out, holding his cock steady. "I'm gonna cum!" he whined.
Willy stomped his right foot on the ground as he shot a thick, white rope of cum across his bed. It landed on the bed spread with a loud splat. "Fuck!" he said quieter this time as two more thicker loads coated the bed.
Mandy remained quiet by covering her mouth with her hand. Her other other hand held the phone steady. Her heart raced as she watched how much cum Willy was expelling from his massive cock.
"Nuh!" Willy grunted again as he thrusted into his own hand, spraying the sheets with an endless supply of fresh seed. Mandy continued to be amazed as she watched him orgasm. She had never seen so much cum in her life. The sounds and smell of his semen floated through the air as he unleashed massive globs.
Willy let out a huge sigh as the final deposit dripped out his cock onto the floor. Mandy, still in shock, managed to press Stop without making a sound. Once the video was over, she simply stood still, staring at the massive amount of cum in front of them both. Willy clutched his cock and panted. He couldn't remember the last time he came that much.
Then Mandy burst out laughing. She laughed so hard, she felt like she would cry. She nearly fell off the chair as she carefully climbed down. Willy turned to her in horror. "What?!" he asked. "Why are you laughing at me!"
Mandy shook her head as she tried to regain composure. "I'm not laughing at you, honey. Far from it. I'm laughing at the sheer amount of jizz you just shot out. I have never, and I mean never seen anything like this in my life! You're incredible!"
"Really?" Willy asked, turning to the bed. Thick white streaks covered nearly every inch of the blanket.
Mandy stood next to him as they admired the mess. "Really," she nodded with conviction. "That was un-freaking-believable."
She turned to him as they stood there. He was sweating and still panting. "Have you always cum like that? Like since you were young?"
"As long as I can remember. I just thought it was normal."
Mandy giggled, turning back to the bed. "This," she said pointing. "This is far from normal!"
"Gee, thanks," said Willy.
Mandy clutched his arm. "No, no, no. Not like in a bad way. I think it's incredibly hot!"
"You do?" Willy asked.
She nodded excitedly. "I think it's really hot. I really do." She glanced at his cock. "And you're still hard?"
Willy blushed. "Sometimes it doesn't really go away after the first time."
Mandy smiled and shook her head while looking at his cock. "So what do you do?"
"What do I do?" he asked as he picked up his cock and let it down. "I usually just wait it out. Or do it again. I guess it depends."
Mandy laughed. "You're hilarious." She turned back to the bed. "I'll go check our video clip. I guess you need to change the sheets, huh?"
Willy blushed. "Unfortunately, yes. I do. I'll meet you in the living room."
Mandy headed for the door, but not before looking back at Willy. He was busy collecting the bed sheets. She watched his cock bounce around, still as hard as it was when they first started. She marveled at his ability to remain so erect so soon after orgasm.
To be continued in part 3, by BrazenHorse. For Literotica