Sunday, March 2, 2025

Little Big Man: Part 1

Willy gets dating advice from his friend Mandy.

In 5 parts, based on a post by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, 2010

"Sorry sir, we're closed now."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The man protested as he stood in the doorway of the pharmacy. "It's fucking eight o'clock! I just need one thing!"

Willy shook his head. "I'm sorry sir. We're closed."

"Un-fucking-believable," the well-dressed man muttered as he stormed off towards his Range Rover. "Fucking bullshit," he said one last time before driving off.

No stranger to being talked down to, Willy carried on with locking the door of the pharmacy and heading out to his Toyota Corolla, parked in the far corner of the parking lot as is required of all employees.

As he drove home listening to some NPR host droning on, he again got lost in his thoughts. This was his life. A twenty-two year old loner, no college degree. Working at a pharmacy, barely making ends meet. No girlfriend, no friends to speak of. He had no hobbies. Nothing that made him passionate.

Willy was always shy growing up. He wasn't particularly attractive. He was short, skinny, and spent most of high school covered in acne. Despite being very intelligent, he never possessed the financial means or motivation to go to college and ultimately make something of his life.

Instead, this was it. Aimless. Living alone in a small apartment. Not much money. Not much drive. He feared his life would pass him right by.

"I'm here." The text popped up on Willy's phone as he neared the turn into his neighborhood. It was Mandy. She needed Willy to fix her phone again.

If there was one single bright spot in his life it was certainly Mandy. The two met way back in eighth grade when they were randomly assigned to work on a school project together. They couldn't have been more opposite. Mandy was the pretty ebony doll of his youth. On the cheerleader team. The volleyball team. The debate team. Top of her class. Prom queen.

Willy was the quiet, awkward nerd. He never imagined being in the same room as someone like Mandy never mind talking to her. She was known as the perfect ten. Shining curly black hair, piercing brown eyes. A smile that could illuminate a thousand cities. A stunning physique that fit perfectly in every outfit she assembled.

Working on that one project, however, brought the two unlikely people together for an extended period of time. Mandy was very open to everyone. She had no issues getting to know Willy. It was he who was uncomfortable at first. But after several long hours together, he opened up. They learned a lot about each other. They grew fond of each other, but more in a sibling sort of way.

Willy was a late ‘bloomer’. His puberty arrived late in his sophomore year. Too small for any athletics, and too scrawny to draw the interest of any of this female classmates, Willy learned to be a loner. He wasn’t shy or introverted. He just learned to hate his high school environment; Except for Mandy. She was truly a nicer person than he ever imagined a beautiful social butterfly would be. She treated Willy like the brother she never had.

Mandy cared deeply for Willy and they stayed very close over the years. She saw how the big jocks picked on Willy, back in high school. She somehow found a way to back them off him. It happened shortly after one of her ex-boyfriend got a humiliating reputation for having a micro-dick and creaming prematurely at the movie theatre.
Willy never asked about it, but he thinks Mandy intervened with blackmail threats.

No guy wanted such humiliation and mockery from high school girls.

Even as she went off to College and he stayed home, they remained close; often hanging out together on long Sunday afternoons when there wasn't much of anything else to do. When Mandy needed a break from her many boyfriends or busy plans with family and friends, she spent that time with Willy. He was her escape from reality. There isn’t anything Willy wouldn’t do for Mandy. And she felt respected and safe when she was in his company. But there never seemed to be any chance of the two connecting romantically. Willy knew she was way out of his league.

"Hey," Willy said, as he opened the door to his apartment and tossed his keys on the counter. Mandy was laying on the couch watching TV. She had her own key to his place. She practically lived there sometimes.

"You look dead inside," she teased.

"I feel like I died a year ago and now I'm just a walking smelly zombie."

"You know, scientists don't actually know what zombies look like. So you could actually be one," she joked as she sat up and crossed her legs. "There's so much we don't understand."

"Ha ha ha," Willy said mockingly. "What did you do to your phone now?" he asked as he took a seat in a chair opposite her. "Toilet again?"

"I completely fucked it sideways," she said as she examined the device in her hands. As she described what happened to it, Willy looked her over. She was wearing tight, dark jeans. Her legs looked perfect in them. The black v-neck sweater allowed her ample cleavage to show off. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail.

Willy never had a girlfriend. He only kissed a girl once. He had no idea what love was. But he knew he had very strong feelings for Mandy. Aside from the fact that she was drop dead sexy and a walking boner-creator, she was sweet and kind. She didn't look or talk to him like most women did. In fact, most women acted like he was invisible.

Not Mandy. She laughed with him. Made dinners with him. Had long conversations over bottles of wine. They had the perfect relationship. Except that is, for the sex part. Willy accepted the fact that she was completely out of his league. Just like in eighth grade. He would never stand a chance.

"So that's it? Just the screen?" he asked. He wasn't even listening to her story. He understood the minute he saw all the cracks across the glass.

"Yeah, do I need a new one?"

"Naw. Give it to me. I can put a screen on. I have all that stuff."

As Willy worked meticulously on her phone at his makeshift workbench, Mandy told him all about the latest happenings in her busy life. She always had so much to say to him. He never minded listening to her talk. He found it adorable, quite honestly. As he worked on the device, he periodically peeked at her on the couch. She was laying down, facing away from him with her feet up on the opposite arm rest. He watched her toes wiggle in her sandals as she spoke. He loved that little quirk about her, but of course would never dare to admit it.

"So, yeah. That was that. I'm not sure he's gonna get a call back from me," she said looking back at Willy. "So how's it going with that thing? Am I gonna need to go to the Verizon store and shell out money I don't have?"

"Here," he said as he stood up and handed her the phone. "Good as new."

"You really should start a business or something," she said as she inspected his work. With the brand new glass screen installed, the phone was completely repaired. "This is awesome!"

Willy shrugged as he sat down on the couch next to Mandy. He turned on the TV. "I try," he said nonchalantly.

He never really said much around Mandy. For as long as they have been friends and gotten to know one another, he maintained a feeling of nervousness anytime he was with her. It was probably due to him constantly feeling like he didn't deserve to be so close to her. She was everything he dreamed of. Outgoing. Attractive. Motivated. He never felt like he was enough for her.

Mandy was content to hang out for hours at Willy's apartment. He didn't mind so neither did she. As they sat in silence, Willy watching Jeopardy while she scrolled her newly repaired phone, she sighed and looked at him. "What's going on in that big brain of yours?" she asked as she tapped his head. "Hello?" she teased.

"I think it's Mozart," he said.

"Hmm?" Mandy pondered.

"The answer. I think this is Mozart." Willy was pretty sure.

"Who is Beethoven?" the contestant guessed. "Correct," the host responded.

"Close but no cigar," Mandy said as Willy half-smiled. "How's it going with the whole find a girlfriend thing?" she asked, hesitant to bring up what had proven to be a touchy subject.

Willy shrugged. "It's going I guess."

"Any good leads?" she asked, sitting up and leaning in towards him. She studied his emotionless facial expression.

"Not really. I've been busy."

"Willy," she said as she reached for the remote and turned the volume down. "You're busy with what, the pharmacy?"

She quickly realized that wasn't a fair comment. "I'm sorry. You know what I mean. You're such a great guy. I want you to be happy. I want you to have your person."

"It's fine, Mandy. You don't need to worry about me," Willy said as he finally turned and made eye contact.

She grabbed his hand. "I do though. I want you to be happy. How's the dating app thing going?"

Willy laughed. "Oh yeah, it's going alright."

"You didn't try it?"

"Mandy. Look at you. Look at me. I'm not getting any swipes on a dating app."

She sighed as she checked him out. He was scrawny and short. He was still wearing his work shirt with khaki pants and cargo pockets. He had on gym sneakers that didn't go with anything. She suddenly got an idea.

"Ooh! Ooh! I know. What if we did a complete makeover?"

"What, like, makeup?"

"No! Your wardrobe! Let's go on a shopping spree. I swear I can get you looking sharp and spiffy, then we can post some good photos for the app!"

Willy shook his head. "I don't know, Mandy. It seems like that's just putting lipstick on a pig."

"Oh don't be silly. Let's go to Nordstrom tomorrow. I want to pick out some clothes for you. My treat?"

Willy couldn't deny he liked the idea. Not only would he get some new clothes, but spending the day with Mandy wouldn't be that bad. "When?"

"I'm free tomorrow. What about you?"

The next day was Tuesday. One of Willy's days off. "Okay fine. Just this once."

Mandy giddily clapped before leaning in and hugging Willy. He returned the favor by lightly rubbing her back. "This will be so much fun!" she exclaimed.

"Sure it will," he said skeptically.

Willy’s Make-over

"Where did the blazer go?" Mandy asked as she ruffled through a pile of clothing they had collected and laid out near the dressing room.

"The blue one? I put it back," Willy said.

"Go get it, silly! That was one of my top selections!"

As Willy fetched the blazer, Mandy laid out her favorite selections on a small bench. She would first have him try a plaid shirt and dark, slim jeans. Then, she had another pair of jeans with a v neck t-shirt and the blazer. She was so excited to see how he looked.

"Here," she said, handing him the first combination. "Try these." Willy begrudgingly took the clothes with him into the dressing room and shut the door. Mandy sat on the bench, crossed her legs and patiently waited.

"Hmm," she said as Willy emerged and stood before her. The clothes were far too baggy and not a good fit. But even so, they didn't really look very good. "Hate it," she said.

"See what I mean?" Willy protested.

"This is trial and error, Willy. Relax. We'll find the right combo. Here take these and put them on. I'm gonna go grab another button down."

Willy returned to the dressing room and stripped down to his boxers. Mandy found a new shirt and returned to the bench to see how he looked in the next outfit. Suddenly, another man approached the dressing room door and swung it open before Mandy could say anything.

"Oh I'm sorry!" he said as he found Willy inside. The moment the door opened, Willy was sliding the v-neck t-shirt on over his head while standing in nothing but his underwear.

Mandy covered her mouth in shock. She stared at Willy's white underwear, aghast at what she saw. It was not the fact that he was half naked and walked in on. It was the fact that he sported an obvious and pronounced bulge like none that she had ever seen in her life. It looked as if a tube steak was crammed in his briefs with nowhere to go.

The moment lasted no more than a split second. The man quickly shut the door as Willy squealed like a frightened child. Mandy wasn't entirely sure if what she saw was even real. It could have been the way he wore the underwear, or maybe her imagination. She convinced herself that she didn't actually see what she thought she saw.

Willy returned, flush red and looking embarrassed. "That was not cool," he said as he approached Mandy. "Guy didn't even knock."

She waved her hand dismissively. "It happens. Was kinda funny if you ask me!"

"Easy for you to say," said Willy as he turned to look at himself in the mirror.

"I have to say," Mandy started. "This may be the knockout punch!" She admired his outfit from head to toe. It truly looked like a significant transformation. Willy went from shy, awkward pharmacy worker to young tech entrepreneur. "You look great!" Mandy said.

Willy fidgeted with the clothing as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was dreadfully uncomfortable wearing clothing like this, but conceded to himself that it was in fact an improvement. "I don't know," he said, despite feeling somewhat optimistic.

Mandy studied him closer. Willy was constantly tugging at the clothing, particularly the jeans. They were very tight, perhaps even a size too small. He kept pulling at the fabric near his thighs, trying to make more room. Mandy stared at his thighs. Willy haphazardly turned in an effort to hide from her, but there was no use. Mandy saw the bulge again. This time up close and personal. The tightness of the jeans made it impossible to conceal. She looked away for fear of being caught.

"I, umm, it looks great, Willy!"

He quickly scattered away, towards the dressing room. "I'll take your word for it."

He shut the door and took a deep breath. That was a close call. He feared she was staring at his crotch which had only recently began to fill out a little. He quickly slipped out of the jeans and pulled his briefs out from his waist. He indeed was getting an erection. What terrible timing, he thought to himself. He closed his eyes, and paused movement. In a short time, his cock began to shrink, averting danger for the time being.

Meanwhile, Mandy was now sure of what she saw. Willy must be packing a pretty big dick. In fact, it appeared to be bigger than anyone she had ever seen. It wasn't even hard. Her mind went to work trying to imagine what it looked like. She replayed moment after moment in her head of their years long friendship, trying to figure out if she had ever noticed this before.

They tried a few more outfits before checking out and heading back to Willy's apartment. It played out like a regular day except for the fact that while Mandy pictured what it was that she saw earlier, Willy feared she may have seen the outline of his cock when he was wearing the tight jeans.

Regardless, they carried on like nothing had happened. As soon as they got home, Mandy went right to work on Tinder, helping Willy create a profile. She helped him devise answers to all the questions, making certain that his page was unique and intriguing. Her aim was for his profile combined with new pictures would yield plenty of swipes for Willy to connect with.

"Okay, okay, let's get these pictures taken!"

Willy reluctantly changed into the new outfit and posed for Mandy. She snapped the photos on her phone, making sure the angle and lighting were ideal. "Ooo, that's a good one. Definitely a keeper," she said as she snapped a dozen or so more photos.

Willy managed to stuff his cock under his waistband so as not to accidentally flash Mandy any more. It was a trick he usually did at places like work and school to prevent embarrassing situations.

"Okay, we're good!" Mandy said as she handed Willy's phone back to him. "Now, we wait."

Willy stared at the phone, anxiously waiting for something to happen.

Mandy giggled. "Willy. You need to be patient. Why don't you set it down and go for a walk or something. Take your mind off the anticipation. I need to go home anyways. I have a long day tomorrow."

"Alright, you're right. I'm gonna go do something to occupy myself. Have a good night," he said before turning to her. "And hey. Thank you. Thank you for everything."

"You know I love you, buddy," Mandy said with a wink before letting herself out.

Once the coast was clear, Willy frantically checked his phone.


"Fuck," he said to himself before tossing the phone down. He then went into his bedroom and lied down. As he dreamed about the incident from earlier, he couldn't help but begin to get aroused. His hand wandered towards his crotch. He pictured Mandy's facial expression as she stared at his bulge. He fantasized about pulling his pants down and showing her his cock. Her eyes got wide with excitement.

"Is that thing real?!" she asked. Willy proudly nodded as he clutched his rock hard cock and began to stroke it.

As his fantasy played out, Willy feverishly stroked his rigid cock. He paused every now and then to slap it against his belly as he sometimes liked to do. The big slab of meat made a loud noise each time it smacked against him. He could sense he was ready to burst. The long day shopping with Mandy had set him off in a way that only she could do.

"Oh my God," he said quietly. His hand paused at the base of his cock as it began to erupt. Like a dormant volcano, his cock sprayed thick globs of white cum up into the air and down onto his belly and chest. He tried his best to aim it as uncontrollable bursts of semen sprayed out.

"Mmm," he exhaled and resumed stroking as his orgasm concluded. As he lay there, covered in his own spunk, he began to worry about Mandy again. What if she was disgusted by what she saw and would never talk to him again?

He felt like he wanted to crawl inside a hole and never come out.

Willy’s Special Stuff

The next few days slogged along like most. Each day, Willy woke up, showered, went to work, came home, ate a bland dinner, watched TV, masturbated, then went to sleep.

That was it. It was his routine. He often thought about how maybe that was the part of his life that needed to change and it would have a rippling effect on the other aspects of his life. Maybe he needed a hobby.

Or a girlfriend.

Mandy was on her way over. She was just getting out of the gym. Willy truthfully didn't even bother to open the App to see what kind of attention his new look got him. To Mandy, he played it off like he didn't care. But the actual reason was he was nervous. Rejection was something he never took easily.

"You're kidding me. You didn't even look?!" she asked as she set her things down on his kitchen table. She was wearing short black shorts, a purple tank top. Her hair was up in a messy bun. Her cute face was still flush from her workout.

Willy wondered what her cunt smelled like after a good sweat.

Stop it he scolded himself. He should have jerked off before she came over.

"Give it," she said, holding her petite hand out. "Let's do this."

Reluctantly, he handed her his phone and watched her navigate over to Tinder. Rather than look at the screen, he watched her facial expression. It was nothing. She simply stared at the device without showing any signs of what the result was. Finally, she looked up at Willy quizzically.

She didn't have to say anything. He knew he didn't get any likes. "I think we need to spruce up your profile," she said, attempting to skip over the part where she told him he got nothing.

Mandy sat down on the couch as Willy followed, sitting next to her. "Well? Anything?" he asked.

"I think it's the profile. We need to make it pop." Willy's suspicions were confirmed by her non-answer. He felt deflated.

"What are some cool things we can say about you? How's your cooking ability?"

"Meh," he said.

"Any special skills?"

He shook his head.

"Interests? Favorite authors? Anything?"

"Mandy, you know me. I'm as boring as watching paint dry."

Mandy sighed as she stared at the phone. Then an idea struck. One that she had been thinking about since they last got together for a shopping spree. "You know," she started as she looked up at him. "Some guys put some more intimate information in their profile."

"Intimate? Like, what. Like, long walks on the beach?" he forced a laugh.

"No, no, not that. What I'm saying is sometimes you can see a little hint that guys like to drop in here."

"I'm not following," Willy said, confused.

"Here, look," Mandy said as she took out her phone and opened the App. She started swiping through profiles at a rapid pace. As Willy watched her, he pictured how someone like Mandy would easily skip him over. He never felt more defeated than at that moment.

She finally stopped at one. "Here. Look," she said. "At the bottom." She handed her phone to Willy who squinted.

"6.5? What's that supposed to mean?"

Mandy looked at him skeptically, wondering if he truly didn't know or was playing dumb.

"Willy. It's his, dimensions. He's trying to advertise that he's got a big one."

"Big one? Like, his, junk?"

Mandy giggled. "Yes, Willy. His junk. His pee pee. His Willy Nelson." They each laughed.

"You're kidding me. So guys just put that out there in the profile? And girls like it?"

Mandy shrugged. "Some girls do. I guess. I don't really care, but I'm sure some women are into it. I mean, it's worth a shot right?"

"You mean I should put mine in there?"

"Well, yeah. At least try for a few days and see if it helps get results I guess? That is, unless you don't feel comfortable sharing."

Willy took a deep breath as he stared at the profile. "Well. How do I even, like, I don't even know what mine would be."

"Wait," she said. "You mean to tell me you've never measured your dick?"

Willy shrugged. "No? I mean, why would I?"

"I guess I assumed that was just something all guys knew. I mean, hell, every guy I've been with always asks me to guess. I'm always wrong and they tell me the exact number. Like, down to the decimal."

Willy was shocked. He couldn't believe what she was telling him. And he became deeply jealous of the guys she was talking about. Anytime she brought up her love interests, he felt severe jealousy. "Wow. I guess I never even thought to do that."

"Go measure then," she said nonchalantly.

"Right now?" he asked.

"Yes, Willy. Grab a measuring tape and get your numbers. Let's see if it works."

Willy paused for a moment before heading for the kitchen. He opened the kitchen drawer dedicated to miscellaneous items and rummaged around. After a short time, he managed to find a tape measure. He returned to Mandy who was swiping through her phone with her legs crossed. Her smooth, tan legs were on full display. "Okay," he said, unsure what to do.

Mandy looked up. "Well? Go in the bathroom and do it. What are you waiting for?"

"Oh right. Sure," said Willy as he quickly hurried off to the bathroom. Mandy smiled and shook her head. That poor guy she thought to herself as she always does whenever Willy was awkward.

He shut the door and locked it. He turned on the fan for background noise before pulling his pants down. He was so nervous and uncomfortable, his cock was completely flaccid. He started tugging on it, trying to get it hard. When that didn't work, he debated lying and saying he got his measurements. But secretly, he wanted to tell her the truth. He wanted to see how she reacted.

He closed his eyes and pictured the one thing he knew would do the trick: Mandy. Naked in the shower. She was soaping her body down. Every inch of her perfect body was covered in soap suds. Her hand wandered across her voluptuous breasts, slid down her tight belly, and plunged deep between her legs. He imagined her cunt as completely shaved, pink, and fat. He imagined she masturbated with three fingers, sliding in and out quickly.

Like clockwork, he was hard. Hard as a rock. He opened his eyes to see his throbbing member pulsing in his hand as he stroked it.

"You done?" Mandy called out as it had been quite some time.

"Almost!" Willy responded, quickly realizing that Mandy must have been aware what he was doing. After all, how else would he get hard?

Willy was honest about not knowing his dimensions. He never even tried. He knew he was bigger than average, however. As he pulled out the tape measure, his cock retreated a tiny bit. He stroked it feverishly to regain its strength. He then laid the tape across it, first starting at the tip, then changing his mind and starting from the base.

He pulled the tape out from the case, inch by inch. 5 inches. 6 inches. 7, 8, He was still bigger.

When he reached the very tip, his cock just made it past the nine inch mark. He had a nine inch cock. In fact, it was longer than that.

He tried from another angle. And another. He tried from the bottom and again from the side. No matter what, he was over nine inches. He determined it was about 9.2 inches.

Dumbfounded, he put the tape measure down and ran the faucet. First he washed his hands, then turned the temperature to cold. He rubbed it on his cock to try and get it to go down.

"Now?" Mandy called out impatiently.

"Almost!" Willy called back, again feeling odd about his response.

At last, he was back to his flaccid state. He tucked his cock back in and emerged from the bathroom.

"Jeez!" Mandy laughed. "It's not a science experiment, Willy!"

Willy stopped at the fridge and grabbed two of the four beers he had in there before heading over to the couch. He opened one for Mandy and handed it to her. She took a sip and placed it on the coffee table, anxiously looking up at Willy.

He stood in front of her and swigged his beer silently. "Well?" she asked impatiently.

"Oh right," Willy said as he took the phone from her. He typed and swiped at it as he nervously edited his profile to include his newfound dimensions. Mandy patiently watched as she looked up at him. While Willy focused on his phone, she carefully stole a glance at his crotch. No noticeable bulge was visible.

"Okay. All set," he said as he sat down next to her. "Now we wait."

Mandy felt slightly disappointed. She was hoping to hear what the result was. "Can I see that?" she asked, holding her hand out.

Willy hesitated, but remembered he wanted to see her reaction. Now was his chance. He handed her the phone and took a sip of beer, trying to play it off like he didn't care. Mandy took his phone and looked down at it, tucking some of her blonde hair behind her ear. He studied her face as she navigated his phone. His heart raced. He prayed she wouldn't laugh at him, or be disgusted, or worse, run out on him.

But instead her eyes got wide. She covered her mouth as she read what was on the screen. She looked up at him, eyes still showing immense surprise.

"What?" Willy asked, unsure what to think of the situation.

"Willy!" she shouted. "No fucking way!"

"What?" he asked again. "Are you looking at my profile?"

"Yes!" she said. "I am! It says nine inches? Is that a mistake?"

"No, I mean, I don't think it's a mistake. I did what I was supposed to do. I even tried from different angles and what not."

"Your cock is nine inches?!" she asked. Willy tried to decipher if she was shocked, disgusted, in disbelief, or all of the above. He didn't know what to think.

"I guess I could go double check," he said in haste.

"No, well, I mean even if you're almost right," she looked up at him. "Willy, that's insane."

He was confused. He didn't know what to think. "What do you mean insane?"

Mandy handed the phone back. "I mean you're fucking hung, dude!"

Willy was relieved. He felt like he had accomplished something. For the first time in his relationship with Mandy, he felt like he was the one who had something to brag about as opposed to her. "Umm, thanks?" he said.

Mandy giggled. Willy could see that she may have even been blushing. His wildest dreams of seeing her reaction were living up to their expectations. He felt relieved. Tonight was shaping out to be the best moment of his life.

She took a sip of beer as she continued to shake her head. "That's unreal. You're really that big? How is that possible?"

No one had ever asked Willy that question. In fact, he had never even thought about it himself. He dealt with a larger than average cock his entire life. He never chalked it up to anything but him being an outlier. All he could do was shrug. "Just the way God made me," he cheesily responded.

"Damn," Mandy said as she tried herself to picture what his cock probably looked like. The quick glimpses she got from the dressing room and the tight jeans proved to be accurate. Her awkward, quirky, shy, socially anxious friend of many years possessed a giant cock.

The two of them carried on the evening, drinking the only two remaining beers in the fridge before Mandy finally called it a night and went home.

As soon as she got home, she hopped right into the shower.

As she washed her body, she knew what she wanted to do afterwards. The decision was already made. It seemed no different from any other time she was looking to get off. She distinctly remembered a time when she came home from an all night party in a barn. A very attractive boy was flirting with her all night. They even danced close to each other and she could feel his hardness. Despite their chemistry, nothing ever happened that night and she went home alone. She masturbated harder than she ever had before going to bed. Tonight was just like that. Except one major difference was what she was thinking about.

She never saw Willy as a sexual being. He was more like a little brother to her than anything. She never once considered him more than that. It was just the way they were. But in recent days, particularly after the dressing room incident, she couldn't scratch the image of him from her head. It was harmless enough until tonight. When she saw the number he wrote down on his profile, it was virtually impossible for her to think of anything else except what his cock looked like.

She pictured him holding it, stroking it. She pictured it being very hard and throbbing at every inch. She wondered how he handled it. She thought about if he knew what to do with such an impressive tool.

There would be no waiting to get out of the shower. She started masturbating right there and then as the hot water rained down upon her. She methodically rubbed her clit using her two fingers as she leaned against the shower wall. She closed her eyes to get lost in her thoughts. Anything but Willy. She tried to think about past sexual encounters. Boyfriends, one night stands, imaginary fantasies.

But no matter what she pictured, her mind brought her right back to Willy. She pictured his nine inch cock throbbing hard in his hand. It was long and thick. Ready to burst.

It was never hard for her to cum in the shower. She loved the feeling of the water splashing across her body. Right as she began to penetrate herself with her fingers, she knew she would soon climax. She continued picturing Willy. This time he was masturbating. She tried to imagine how much cum he shot out.

Then suddenly, she snapped out of it. She stopped masturbating and opened her eyes. She should not be getting off to him. This was insane. Snap out of it she said to herself. Quickly, she resumed, this time replacing the image of Willy with one of her other many fantasies. Her impending orgasm raced back into her being.

Yet he returned. This time she was with him. Stroking his cock. Cradling his balls. Talking with him about how big it is. They were together in his apartment. They were casually talking about his cock as she stroked it.

There would be no switching fantasies this time. Mandy moaned as her mouth opened and head shot back. She came harder than she has ever cum in a long time. As she gushed, she pictured Willy cumming too. He was spraying her with his seed, splattering it all over her chest and stomach. In her fantasy, he moaned too.

She perched up on her toes as she normally does when cumming in the shower. Her orgasm was all encompassing. So were her naughty thoughts about Willy.

She finished showering, dried off, got into pajamas and went to bed. She settled on a Netflix show while trying to doze off.

But she could not scrape the image of Willy's cock from her head. She had to see it in real life. Somehow.

To be continued in part 2, by BrazenHorse. For Literotica