Friday, January 31, 2025

The Young Wizard: Part 4

Rescued from the abyss of my sorrow.

by senorlongo. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


Mandy woke early the following morning, jumped in the shower and back into bed, startling me awake. She climbed on top of me, a huge grin on her face. “Thank you, Jeremy, you made me a woman and a witch in one step and the best part is that now we can do it forever.” I smiled back and kissed her. She pushed her tongue between my lips despite the reluctance I exhibited because of my morning breath. In mid-kiss Mandy reached for my cock. I was already hard as she lifted her hips and positioned me at her tunnel.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Young Wizard: Part 3

Paradise Regained.

by senorlongo. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 7.

MP and I had a long discussion one day about “fucking” and “making love.” I explained to her that animals can fuck but they can’t make love. Who do you think about when we’re having sex?”

“You, Jeremy,” she answered.

“Right, and I’m always thinking about you. That’s why we make love instead of just fucking, understand?” MP just responded by kissing me, even though her father was only thirty feet away.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Young Wizard: Part 1

Jeremy’s Chivalry and Infatuations.

by senorlongo. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 1.

I think I was in fifth grade when the first Harry Potter movie came out. My buddies Ted and Josh begged me to see it with them and since we were our own version of the Three Musketeers I agreed. We were into the movie maybe a half hour when I looked over at them. They were really into it. I could see the rapt expressions on their faces. Me? Well, let me put it this way; if I was texting I would have written “LMFAO.”

Monday, January 27, 2025

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Poker: Part 3.

 Pru and I begin our life together .

by senorlongo. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.



When we were in the dorms we were lucky to make love once or twice a week. We had many wonderful memories of room seven. It seemed plenty at the time, but now that we were together and married five times a week seemed insufficient. Pru was anything but prudent when it came to sex with me. We would typically study for several hours each afternoon, leave for dinner, return to study until at least ten then shower and make love before bed.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Poker: Part 2.

Pru and I take a big step toward our destiny .

by senorlongo. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


Chapter 4.

They say Irishmen have hard heads and that must have applied to me. I was almost completely healed a week later. That was when Pru asked me to go home with her over the long Patriots Day weekend. Coming from New York I’d never even heard of Patriots Day, but a day off from school would be a relief.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Poker: Part 1.

The story of how I paid my way through college and met the love of my life.

by senorlongo. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

This is the story of my life; how I paid my way through college and bought my first new car at the expense of a biased snob. It’s also the story of how I found the love of my life.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

That Time I Died: Part 2

Some women were waiting for me.

In 2 parts, by DragoTime. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


I realized that everyone on Earth who described Heaven was wrong. They talk about it being a place of eternal bliss. But that is an understatement, let me tell you. It is so, so much better. Every thrust gave me more pleasure than I'd ever dreamed could be possible. My no-longer-virginal cock was screaming out with joy as this heavenly pleasure tore through it. My bliss angel’s lovely cunt seemed to have a swallowing motion and it seemed to draw my cock further up and further in.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

That Time I Died: Part 1

Life after death is a lot better than I expected!

In 2 parts, by DragoTime. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


I’m Jimmy. I was unpopular for my whole life. 18 years of being mocked by the other kids. I looked awkward, overweight, and of course, I was a virgin. I had no particular reason to be popular. Of course I had friends, but we geeks mostly wallowed in our unpopularity together. On this particular day, which I will remember for the rest of my existence. Myself and my friends Mark and Peter were sat on the school bus, on the way back to school. Finals were over, and all the seniors had been on a week-long trip to celebrate.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

David’s Transition To Manhood: Part 4

Finally realizing the better options they both could choose..

Based on a post by dark overlord 6, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Roxy closed the door behind her neighbor, chaining the lock and turning out the light, but in spite of her exhaustion, it was a long time before she fell asleep.

When her phone rang early the next morning, it took her three tries to get her hand on it, and she nearly pushed if off the end table and onto the floor before finally snagging it in her grip.

"This had better be a lawyer telling me I just inherited a million dollars," grumbled Roxy into the receiver.

"Roxy? It's David. Did I call too early?"

Monday, January 20, 2025

David’s Transition To Manhood: Part 3

David is confronted by Roxy’s ex.

Based on a post by dark overlord 6, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The following week David was back at the plant, and discovering that his body was slowly acclimating itself to the earlier schedule since at least he hadn't fallen back to sleep in the car on the way. Roxy had them doing a file purge of all the old requisition forms that were more than three years in the past, and he was sitting cross-legged in front of a filing cabinet with piles of paper lying around him when she came to check on his progress.

"How is it that you guys haven't digitized any of this crap?" he asked, waving at the stacks.

"I've been bitching about that for years, but the company has other priorities I guess. Thanks for raising the parenting bar for me by the way."

Sunday, January 19, 2025

David’s Transition To Manhood: Part 2

Struggling to let go of a failed relationship.

Based on a post by dark overlord 6, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The rest of the day, he spent thankfully inside; taking in and fulfilling requests for everything from paperweights to desk calendars. It was a surprisingly exhausting first day, and he fell asleep in the car on the way home. His dad shook him awake when they arrived, and he walked into the house in a daze, barely mustering the energy to eat dinner before he headed to his bedroom and collapsed on top of the covers. He was half dozing, even though it was scarcely 8:00 pm, when his phone rang.

"Yeah;" he grumbled into the receiver.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

David’s Transition To Manhood: Part 1

Passions flare between an older woman and her summer hire.

Based on a post by dark overlord 6, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

David’s Disrupted Life

Being awoken by his alarm clock was usually bad enough. When his mother got in on the act it was often decidedly worse. On this particular morning, David Cross enjoyed the distinct displeasure of both things happening. The first, because even though he had graduated the night prior, he had forgotten to switch the alarm off and it did its duty by trying to wake him for a non-existent school day. The latter, because he had left his cell phone sitting on the kitchen counter after staggering in from a graduation party at four a.m.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Rainstorm in Fargo: Part 2

Pete and Tracey Both Head West.

Based on a post by ron de, in 2 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.



The campground where we were camped was next to a state park, and after that lunch, I really needed to either walk around or take a nap. I figured Tracey wouldn't like me taking a nap so I asked her if she'd like to walk one of the trails in the state park. She laughed.

"My Joe would have taken a nap while I walked by myself, so this will be new to me. Let's go."

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Rainstorm in Fargo: Part 1

 Pete was retired and seeing the US. Then Tracey came along.

Based on a post by ron de, in 2 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.



The ‘workaholic’ retires.

It's amazing how much time you have once you retire. You have nowhere to be at any certain time and no people you just have to be there to meet. You have no deadlines and no tasks that absolutely have to be done before the corporate visit on Tuesday. It's like a curtain between you and your life has been lifted and you can see yourself doing what you always wanted to do.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

That Lovin' Feelin': Part 2

Denial of Conjugal Rights

Based on a post by Vitorio, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

How could a vibrant, attractive, confident woman be reduced to such a waiflike caricature?

"Not if I can help it. Nor Gordon, nor Jane. She's good you know. The best." Hope in her eyes. "Try not to worry just help them all you can. Don't hide anything Barbara."

She looked at me, "I like that. I like it when you say my name. I wish you could have said it, you know. And I wish I could have said yours. David. I like that. Simple. Simple and nice."

God she was lovely. Even here, no make-up, simple clothes, sad. I held her hands in mine, against the rules but no-one came in, and said, "I like Barbara too." I think my tone told her how I felt just then because she squeezed my hands.

"Thanks," she said. "It was unkind you know, to use you like that!"

I laughed, "I didn't mind and I don't know." I squeezed her hands, "I hope that you might 'use' me again."

"I think I'd like that," she said smiling then the sadness descended, "but I won't because I'll be in prison."

"No you won't," I said firmly. "Now, chin up. We'll get you off this."

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

That Lovin' Feelin': Part 1

A lonely man meets a sexy woman.

Based on a post by Vitorio, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, 2010

Forty-ish I suppose, same age as me, sitting on her own. Unusual in a British pub on a Friday night. Very, very noticeable. Red hair worn in a slightly old-fashioned style, curly, shoulder length. Her face was, how to say this, big. No that's wrong, striking is a better word. Characterful, is that a word? Dark red lipstick, almost 'porn star' quality. That was it really, she had something of the appearance of an actress from those early films I'd seen in my youth.

She was bloody attractive - difficult to take my eyes off her. She was certainly drawing attention. Two young lads made a move to her - saw them off in pretty smart style. Don't know what she said to them but they drifted away, tails between legs.

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Monday, January 13, 2025

A Rescuer's reward

Stormy Weather Is Not Always Bad News.

By heighrick. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.


My name is Jimmy, my profession is Carpenter and Joiner. I know that it's a trade, not a profession but to the Hoi-Poloi, like me, it sounds impressive. It’s a Greek word, meaning ‘the many’.

I work for my uncle Tom who runs a small and respected shop fitting business. He is a very relaxed, easy-going, fifty years old widower, and has taught me a lot, mostly about how to bamboozle the Hoi Oligoi; which is also Greek. It means ‘the few’; the self-anointed few who claim to be the betters of us hoi poloi.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Naked and Unashamed: Part 2

Joy in watching others consummate.

by PolySwingerWife. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


As Kathy walked out of Dr. Anne Jordan's office, she thought to herself that the person she needed to talk to was Trevor.

Crossing the quad, She saw Trevor ad walked toward him. Trevor noticed Her and waived. She walked up to Trevor and asked him if he had some time to talk. He said that he did. She asked Trevor if he and Tom ever talked about sexual things.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Naked and Unashamed: Part 1

A young woman finds her faith and sex intimately intertwined.

by PolySwingerWife. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

Kathy and Tom attended the same seminary. They Both saw Christian ministry as their highest calling. She stayed in the women's dormitory and Tom stayed in the men's dormitory. They held hands in public, and often kissed in private. They both knew that they had to wait until after they were married to do much more.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Virgins’ Brave Consummation: Part 2

Now for the really scary part 2

By AarontheBaron. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Layers Come Off

The tension in that honeymoon cabin was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I gently rested my hands on my virgin bride’s hips, and her shoulders twitched, I leaned forward and planted a very soft kiss at the base of her neck. She moaned softly, and then again as my hands slid upward, past the swell of her hips and her slender waist, gliding over the silky fabric up her back until, so very softly, my fingers left the satin and traced across the exposed skin of her back.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Virgins’ Brave Consummation: Part 1

A tale of a terrifying wedding night.

By AarontheBaron. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Devout Believers Face Their Wedding Night mental struggles.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm the palpitations that were pounding through my veins. I was standing on the edge of a mountain, nothing but vast open space around me for miles. The height wasn't helping me relax, and for the hundredth time I silently asked myself why on earth I had wanted to get married on a mountain?

Then I saw her, veiled and gowned in white, gracefully descending the stairs towards me, and the world was made anew.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tom’s Wife Has Family Sex Secrets

 A hypnotist discovers his wife’s kinky past, and her parents’.

Based on a post from Brett. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


After finishing university as a Psychologist specializing in Hypnosis, I finally had an opportunity to dig into my wife’s past.

She always kept her past and younger years close to her chest; whereas I was willingly open about my whole life. Not that she asked, because that would have made it tough for her to refuse my curiosity.

We have been married for almost three years. Darla is 27 and I’m 28.

Life was as good as one could expect at our age, we both worked hard but equally enjoyed kicking back on weekends. Kids were in our plans, but we needed a couple more years for just us.

As much as I tried to get Darla to let me put her under hypnosis, the answer was always the same, ‘No, Tom!’

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Tower of Refuge

Young lad saves and is saved by beautiful Highland Lady.

Based on a post By Stonemarten.  Listen to the Podcast at Connected

Lady Anne Mackintosh was a real, historic figure from the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. She was a true heroine and brave, married to the head of her clan, who was a redcoat officer in the government army, however she herself led-out her Highland clansmen as "Colonel Anne" in support of the rebel Young Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart, often known as Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Training the Trophy

 Finding the Ultimate Trophy Wife.

by  Sustainer. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


 No matter what they may admit to, every man desires to have an obedient, submissive, beautiful trophy wife. Conversely, every woman secretly desires to be a perfect, subservient possession who is adored and cared for, objectified and kept captive while provided firm direction and absolved of all guilt surrounding sexual latitude- since her sexual conduct is no longer her choice, but rather, her solemn and sacred marriage duty. Every man wants this. Every woman secretly longs for this.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Destiny Delayed: Part 2

Our romance continues.

In 2 parts, mandroid55. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

We knew each other five weeks. We were in the honeymoon part of our relationship. Things were going great. It was wonderful. But we had to get to know each other better before the relationship moved to the next level.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Destiny Delayed: Part 1

Marti and I Finally Meet.

In 2 parts, mandroid55. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

One Thursday night in early June I received a call from my neighbor Sally. Her prominent attorney husband was out of town for a trial. She needed an escort to the metropolitan area's social event of the season, the Tiara Ball, Saturday evening. Being a widower for a year, having attended the ball before and Sally being a knockout I said yes.

Friday, January 3, 2025

It Happened One Night

Virgin Annie's night starts out sour but ends pretty sweet.

By ExoticaEroticaInsidaya. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

I slammed Richard's car door and stormed off. He rolled down the window.

"Bitch!" he shouted, loud enough for everyone on my block to hear.

His tires screeched as he hit the gas.

Richard was supposed to take me out on a date and have me home by 12am. I looked at the cracked screen of my cellphone. It read 2am. They were having classic movie night under the stars in Springfield Park, there were showing Now Voyager with Paul Henreid and Bette Davis.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

An Angel For Bishop: Part 4

A Criminal Investigation Exposes Powerful Alliances. But Willow Becomes Free & Legal.

In 4 parts, based on a post by BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Dan pulled the keyboard towards him and banged out a quick email to Kira with the measurements and the details of where to get the secure credentials. He maintained an online repository for such details and he knew she had the credentials to access that. Once that was sent he pushed back his chair and stood up with Willow in his arms. She snuggled her face into his neck. He carried her into the kitchen and checked on the timer for the pizza. It was almost ready. Dan walked over to the kitchen table and set Willow down on a chair. She seemed reluctant to let go but when he asked her to she did immediately.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

An Angel For Bishop: Part 3

Willows tortured past exposes itself.

In 4 parts, based on a post by BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Once they were both clean they were breathing hard and standing facing each other. The moment he leaned towards her lips she surged forward to press hers against his. His tongue slipped forward to brush against hers and suddenly she was sucking at his tongue. His hands came up and cupped her breasts and he gently took her nipples between his thumb and finger, feeling the little gold barbells and rings dangle from them. Willow gasped into his mouth and he felt Willow's legs buckle a little. She was beginning to make those needy yips as she rolled her hips. She tugged, but he jolted back.