Tuesday, January 14, 2025

That Lovin' Feelin': Part 1

A lonely man meets a sexy woman.

Based on a post by Vitorio, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, 2010

Forty-ish I suppose, same age as me, sitting on her own. Unusual in a British pub on a Friday night. Very, very noticeable. Red hair worn in a slightly old-fashioned style, curly, shoulder length. Her face was, how to say this, big. No that's wrong, striking is a better word. Characterful, is that a word? Dark red lipstick, almost 'porn star' quality. That was it really, she had something of the appearance of an actress from those early films I'd seen in my youth.

She was bloody attractive - difficult to take my eyes off her. She was certainly drawing attention. Two young lads made a move to her - saw them off in pretty smart style. Don't know what she said to them but they drifted away, tails between legs.

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I'd come out for a drink to get out of my flat, first time for a while, trying to shake off the depression caused by the last letter from my solicitor. My ex - off to the States with her new man, and the kids. Cow!

I didn't think I was that bad. It wasn't me over the side was it, bloody toe-rag, seducing her like that. I had no chance. He had it all, money, good looks, youth, the bloody lot. Nineteen years down the bloody pan!

I just wanted to sit by the bar surrounded by people, try to get back to life I suppose. Hadn't thought about women for a good while, well I had but the thoughts hadn't been about sex! Felt pretty let down really. Christ, she was bloody attractive.

Then she noticed me looking. Eyes met and I looked away, embarrassed. Hadn't done this for a long time, chat a woman up in a pub. Different 'rules' now. Couldn't not look though, shit she was lovely!

Looked at her again and she was looking at me, hell. Shit, bugger, smile you idiot! So I smiled and, miracle of miracles, she smiled back. Took a deep breath, got up, and walked over.

"Can I join you?" A nod, a smile. Fuck!

"A drink, err, can I get you a drink?" Hell, how long ago had I last done this!

Big smile. WOW " Hmm, yes please. Gin and tonic, double, with ice and lemon. Thanks." Nice accent, posh. Well not quite, posher than me. A double, unusual but there you are!

Off to the bar. Got the drinks, wine for me, never been a beer drinker and spirits: well not now! As I turned the two young guys moved in.

"Pushy sod aren't you?" said one.

"Yeah, pushy!"

I wasn't in the mood! Pugnacious look, full height (6' 2"), "Piss off before you get into trouble!" and stared them down. Kids! Stand up to them and they back off (I hope!). They did, slunk away without a look.

I looked at her, she was watching with ghost of a smile. I sat, gave her the drink.

"Wine?" she said with a soft smile, "hardly the drink of a 'hard' man."

"I'm not hard, just don't like being interrupted." She smiled again and nodded. She seemed, melancholy.

We sat; we talked, about me mostly. I took her in. Probably around 35. OK, 40. So difficult to tell nowadays but she was a looker that was certain. Quite a lot of make-up but well applied and accentuated her beauty. There seemed to be something familiar about her. Couldn't see her figure but if it was as good as her face and hair, wow! Then, as her drink diminished, "You live around here?"

I did. "About 5 minutes," I said.

"Let's go!" I must have looked shocked. Surely chatting up hadn't changed this much. "Show me where you live!" Who was picking up who?

She stood, I stood and we left the pub. Nice evening, slow walk and she held on to my arm. Nice.

Back to my flat. Stale, uninteresting. Hadn't really got round to making it into a home. Difficult.

"My 'castle'," I said. She smiled and crossed the threshold. She was tall, well over average, I'd say about 5' 10" in her heels. Not slim, could see that under the coat. Followed her in and took coat.

WOW. The rest of her was as good as her face. Not, repeat not, the skinny planks that women try to be today. Very shapely. The view from the rear as I showed her into the lounge, was bloody marvelous. Thank god for the Coke bottle! Gorgeous hips and an arse to die for. She turned. Shit, I didn't think I could take much more. Breasts full and shapely under her blouse. Slight rise of tummy dipping to the pleasure palace. She was Monroe, Loren, and Lolobrigida, a fantasy. Fuck!

"Drink?" I managed. She smiled.

"I didn't come here to drink," she said as she reached for me and pulled me close. Things had changed!! Her kiss was unpracticed but passionate and, as she pulled away, "Bedroom, where's the bloody bedroom!"

What's happening here?? No time to think, did I want to. Shit no. I knew exactly what I wanted to do! I took her hand, corridor, bedroom. Thankfully I had a double bed, didn't matter mind you.

She grabbed me again, her kisses passionate. So were mine by now. Boy did she light my fire. I'd never met a woman like this, forward. My wife wasn't bad but this? No, nothing. Hands were fluttering at my shirt buttons, releasing them quickly then stripping my shirt off. Mine did the same to her blouse, ripping several, she didn't seem to mind. She was stroking my body, cooing, kissing my neck and shoulder. I did the same to her but I wanted those tits! They felt great pressed against my chest.

Unclip bra and slip it off her shoulders, she helped then pulled my head down and thrust her tits in my face. "Suck, bite, oh you bastard, squeeze them." Ever the gentleman, I did hard. She was grinding hips into mine by now

An hour later I Rolled off her and lay on my back, don't like to smother a woman. Deep breath - wow that was good. Calm. Phew, hadn't been like that for a bloody long time.

No rest for the (very) wicked though. She was there, on me. "Fuck! That was bloody good. Do you practice?" She laughingly asked. She had a nice laugh. Sexy, rich, free.

"No," I said, "been a while. Divorce."

"Oh! I suppose so. Nothing in between?" Fool! I'd unburdened myself to her. Divorce, kids, lover, States: the bloody lot. Because she listened.

"No," She laughed as she looked down on me. "Bloody waste, that was fucking good." Language! Didn't know any women who talked like that. Bloody sexy. Plus she was playing with my cock and balls!

"Not finished I hope?" I wasn't!

"No," I smiled up at her.

"Bugger," she said, "need to get rid of this, it has been a long time hasn't it?" Off she tripped. "Where's the loo?" What a fucking body!!!

"First left."

"Don't go away!" She was gone. Time to take stock. Bugger it, why bother, this was Fun. Shit, what a woman! She was back, stood in the doorway, a goddess!

Swayed across to the bed, knelt by me. God, her tits! Tummy! Big smile as my cock noticed her. "Better clean him up!" she resolved. Not sure she'd done much of this. My ex was a good cocksucker, wouldn't take cum in her mouth though. Wonder if she did for him.

Sod them, she may not have been experienced but she was enthusiastic. Head bobbing, tongue washing. Withdrew and looked down.

" Hmm, nice, your turn!" and lay back. Boy did I want my turn! Long look at her body, first time really. Wow. Tits firm, not good at size but looked good to me. Tummy, I like that not too flat. Leads nicely down to pussy, hers did. She was a natural redhead. Trimmed but not too much. Legs slightly open, she looked good enough to eat, I did but first her tits.

Started by squeezing firmly, playing nipples, then kissed and bit. Like doing this, she like it as well.

"Oh yes play with my tits. Bite, suck, oh god!" She pulled my head down for a kiss then, "Ever fucked tits?" No I hadn't actually.

Stunned, "Err, no!"

"Never had them fucked either. Shall we try?" Well I certainly didn't mind trying to fuck these beauties.

"Let's!" A voyage of discovery!

"Hold them together. Oh shit, yes. Like that."

Big smile, "You like that?" I managed a nod. "So do I!"

Did it for a while then, "Shit, I've got to stop." If I didn't I'd cum and I hadn't eaten yet.

She smiled, powerful, in charge, well she was. I didn't even know her bloody name! Mind you, she didn't know mine either! "Why?" Teasing with a smile.

"I haven't eaten!" I said. Regain the initiative, I thought.

She looked puzzled, "Eaten?"

"Your cunt," I said.

Raised eyebrows, surprise, then a smile, "Oh yes, for as long as you fucking like!" Language, never heard it like that from a woman, even ex. Bloody sexy though!

I climbed off her and checked the menu. Legs slightly apart she looked delectable. Wet again --seemed to get wet. Not that I minded. She moaned when I got there.

She went off like a firecracker. Noise! Shouts, screams, moans. Couldn't hear what they were: legs gripped my head like a bloody vice. Seems she wasn't used to this! Finally she came down and let me go, wow! Still, time to bring her on again, regain control!

She screamed, wasn't used to this either! I was crushed, never had a reaction like this. Hands held my head to her legs crushed, and hips pushed up. Breathe? Just! Bloody good fun.

Took longer for her to come down, but she did: finally. I wasn't finished here though. Still, did enjoy rimming and, well, it was such a lovely arse!

Lifted my head for air, phew. Looked down at her. I don't think I'd ever seen a woman so, hell I don't know, sensuous is the only word I can think of. She wasn't finished, far from it. Mind, I wasn't either, yet!

I lifted her legs higher and it was tiny, a star with the faintest ring of muscle. She shivered, "Oh my fucking god. You'd do that. Oh fuck yes!" She was pleading. I was delivering but I couldn't get there properly.

"Turn over," I said gruffly as I lifted my head. She looked apprehensive. Needn't have worried. Never done anything to a woman that she didn't want doing to her, don't believe in it. Hadn't had that much experience though. Half a dozen girlfriends then marriage, cow. 19 years! Still, forget that, wow.

"Why?" throatily.

"So I can rim you!" Well she used the language, might as well.

"Oh fuck yes. Never done that!"

"Always a first time," I said with a look that indicated that other 'first times' might be in the offing.

" Hmm, there is," and she turned as I moved away. Look, I'm not really an 'arse' man per se. I like all of a woman but, shit, she had an arse to die for and, from that day, I was an arse man. She conquered me! I said she wasn't a plank. Full, shapely figure. Wide hips, not so narrow waist but proportionate, the sweep of those hips, the curve. Nothing in nature equaled that shape. And the cheeks! How to describe them. Two footballs, no basketballs joining body to legs with the valley between hiding her arse-hole. This doesn't do them justice but it's the best I can do.

I was motionless at the sight before my eyes. I was so hard I think it would have broken had I knocked it!

I had to take a deep breath, control. For fuck's sake hold on!

Then she smiled, "Get to it then!" I did but first I played with those glorious globes. Squeezed, kneaded, stroked, even slapped gently. She liked that. Turned her head just a little, "Yes, do that. It's, oh fuck yes, It's nice." I slapped a little harder but I'm not into that sort of thing. Don't like inflicting hurt, pain so now kissed and licked the redness caused by my slaps.

" Hmm, nice." She turned her head again, "Thank you," she said softly with a strange look. Something clicked inside, don't know what. Smiled back softly as well, wow. Returned to the task in hand. Gently now stroked her cheeks, one hand on each, and parted the valley between with thumbs. She eased her bottom back, enjoying the feeling I suppose.

Time now. Bent head and licked. Enjoy this (why I don't know but I do). Back and forth along the sensual valley between the cheeks of her bottom. She shuddered (orgasm?) and sighed. Focused there now. Round and round then prod gently with rolled tongue. Load moan and push back. Tip of my tongue enters, wow.

"Oh fuck yes. Yes I want that. Don't cum. Please don't cum there. Haven't done that. Please!" Well, it hadn't happened to me for a long time. First girlfriend swallowed, mainly because she liked being eaten and said I had to! None of the others did.

"Fuck yes." I was rock hard now. Terrific tension. Didn't realize at the time how strange this all was. Still!!

Nothing before even approached this feeling, why?

She was moaning now, thrashing about, head down, thrusting back at me. Our timing was fantastic. Shudder after shudder rocked her body. .Moaning turned into a keening wail. Bugger, I thought, hope the neighbors are out.

Then quiet.

She knelt up level and said, "Oh fuck, fuck. That's so bloody exciting." Then a big smile. I was dumbstruck, and knackered.

"'God!" Knelt up and made to kiss me. Bollocks, she deserved a kiss and there's a first time for everything. Held her close and kissed her spunky lips, wasn't bad. Suddenly thought, this was our first 'real' kiss, not intensely passionate like earlier. Softer, passionate yes, but gentle. Her tongue pushed past my lips and met mine, exchanging spunk I suppose. I didn't mind, just enjoyed the feel of her skin next to mine, her nipples, still hard, pressing into my chest.

She pulled away and I looked at her. She looked a bit bedraggled, I suppose I did as well. Sweat (sorry, she glowed, I was covered in sweat) and now the smell of rutting filled the room. When you look back at it, sex is pretty unappetizing isn't it. Lucky it doesn't seem like that at the time!

She was beautiful! Beautiful and sensuous. Sexy. Her eyes didn't seem to want to let go of me and they, sort of, captured me. Then, "Bugger, I need to clean up," she laughed, "you do to."

I laughed back, "I don't know, you look gorgeous."

With a tinkling laugh she kissed me, "Flatterer! You're only after one thing." I raised my eyebrows and gave her a lop-sided grin. She laughed even more. "Come on. Is your shower big enough for two?"

"Only if we stand close together," I answered with a smile.

"Oh yes, we'll do that!" God, she wasn't finished yet. Mind you, I wasn't either. Hadn't felt like this for a very long time indeed. Those eyes!

Off to the bathroom. I followed her; watched her arse sway. She was tall, 5'9" in bare feet. Suited me, I like tall women. Her hips, wow, her hips! Would she? Deep breath.

Climbed in the tiny shower and squeezed close, heaven. Somehow we managed to wash ourselves in less than an hour! She couldn't fail to notice as we dried each other, she playfully stroked.

" Hmm, nice," she said then fixed me with her eyes. "Have you done it?"


"Earlier, you know, my, hell I shouldn't be embarrassed. Oh sod it, you licked my arse. Have you done it there? Fucked a woman in the arse?"

"Not one whose name I didn't know," I said with a smile. She didn't swallow the bait.

"Don't avoid the question!" she said with a sexy glance, "have you or haven't you?"

No point in lying is there, "No," then hopefully, "always wanted to though!" I added with a big smile. The held her and kissed her, running my hand across that glorious arse.

She pulled away, "Never done it either. Does it hurt?"

I laughed out loud and she pouted, wow. "I've never been fucked in the arse either so I don't know!" She laughed.

"I should hope not," then seriously, "I want to. I've seen it. Have you?"

Time to 'fess up'. "Yes, I have. I've got a few DVD's. Where did you see it?"


"Oh," I laughed, "you've got DVD's as well?"

"No silly," laughing, "no. My, ! Oh it doesn't matter. It looks easy?" she was apprehensive. Well, I suppose it would be. I wasn't apprehensive, just bloody excited! I knew, however, it wasn't that easy.

I took her in my arms, god she was lovely, and kissed her. Her skin was soft against mine and the wonderful contours of her body seemed to fit so well. "I don't think it's that easy unless you're experienced, and prepared." I had a sudden thought. Incongruous! Discussing anal sex with this woman I'd only met an hour and a half ago. But she was bloody gorgeous and her arse, well.

Her eyes met mine. "I see. I think I understand. OK, out you go!" Raised eyebrows, "I need to get ready don't I?"

I laughed, "It won't do That any good!"

"No, suppose not. All right, keep it warm for me," then she added throatily.

On the bed I had time to take stock - why bother! Was this real? I pinched myself a couple of times just to make sure. No, it wasn't a wet dream. Never, never had anything like this happened to me. Here I was, almost 40, divorced, probably carrying a pound or two too much weight, laying on my bed awaiting the arrival of a gorgeous woman who was insisting that I fuck her arse!

Don't get me wrong. I'm not that bad. Still fairly fit, a 6' 2" frame carries my weight pretty well and I'm not that bad looking, apart from the broken nose reset wrongly when I was a kid. Girlfriends used to say it gave me the look of a 'hard man'. Not that I am, don't much like violence. Only use it as a last resort.

Who the hell was she? All sorts of weird ideas crossed my mind. Was I in some fantasy? You know, she was a witch, vampire, or something. Didn't matter really, I was hooked now. Nothing on earth would have got me to leave my flat then. Although she was very, very, sexy, sexual, I suppose, she didn't seem very experienced, worldly. Fuck, she was lovely.

I was getting tense now, not sexually tense, my cock had retreated by now, just nervous. Time to think I suppose. Hell, she might get pregnant! No, women nowadays only get pregnant when they want to, don't they? Perhaps she wanted to. Needed a man, you know. Stupid, if it was that she wasn't about to swallow your spunk was she? Or let you fuck her up the arse. With that thought she came back in the bedroom.

Fucking hell she was lovely! Fixed hair and use some makeup. She must have nipped out and got her bag. Not much but, experienced sexually or not, she certainly knew how to use makeup to good effect.

"God you're beautiful!"

"Thank you kind sir," she said with a smile then twirled. "Nice?"

Too much! I had to hold her. Crossed and wrapped her in my arms. "Very nice indeed," I whispered in her ear. Running my hands over her body I gloried in the softness of her skin, the eroticism of her curves. Stood back a bit and ran my hands down the side of her body, following the marvelous curve of her waist and hips. Her eyes, hooded, seem to burn into my body and light fires deep inside. We stood for a moment just looking at each other. God she was beautiful!

As I held her head firmly her eyes looked up into mine. They seemed on fire. I felt as if I could go on forever. Two cums had made me much less liable to go of 'halfcocked'.

The animal in me was close just then. Looking down I could see her red face, saliva dribbling from her mouth. She looked so, oh I don't know the word, so absolutely given to pleasure that. Then back, gasping for air.

"Oh fucking hell," she said breathlessly. "Is that good?"

I lifted her up, "Yes, bloody good!" I said with a smile.

"Oh, must have that," she said playfully and dragging me to the bed. We fell about kissing, stroking and laughing. I ended up on my back and she ended up on top, sitting on me and rubbing her on my chest. She was bloody hot! Slid down my body. I could feel her heat as she bent and kissed me. I guessed what she wanted.

"Go on," I said with a smile.

A sexy smile, "Can I?"

"For as long as I can manage," I pulled her mouth to mine, "but remember!"

" Hmm, I know," and she lifted slightly, obviously feeling intense pleasure. I've not known that many women but all of them have enjoyed this very much. She was no exception. After a while she leant forward and covered my mouth with hers, tongue pushing inside. Now she was moving back and forth, I suppose, because, with another long sigh, finally whispering, "Oh fucking hell, that was good." I just smiled.

"What now?" she said making to get off.

"No, stay," I said with a smile, "just turn round." She looked puzzled then realized what I meant.


"So I can see that delightful arse of yours." I could see her mind working. She can't have been very experienced because she didn't seem to see what would happen.

"All right," and she turned. God that was good! I think she enjoyed the different feeling this way. Leaning forward and exposing her arsehole. I don't think she did this on purpose but hell was it sexy! What a sight! I've said she wasn't small. Her hips were broad and her arse wasn't small but very, very shapely. Full, round, firm cheeks that were now parted to show the valley between.

Time to begin! Reaching forward, I squeezed her cheeks, kneaded and stroked. They felt wonderful. She enjoyed it as well. Turn her head and smiling, "Oh good, good. That is nice. Harder!" It wasn't long before another shower of female juice flooded my cock and balls, brought on I suspect by my finger stroking her tight little anus. Now she was still. A little tense and I began to explore her arsehole.

Look, I said I'd never had anal sex before and that's true. I had played about a bit there because my ex enjoyed having her arsehole teased. Now I just stroked my finger, wet with saliva of course, back and forth across that tiny star. She leant forward and relaxed. It was difficult to concentrate with my cock still buried in her pussy. It seemed alive, I suppose she must have been excited all the time.

More saliva and she was nice and wet now. Time to probe! I circled her anus a few times the pushed gently at the muscle. "Time to open up," I said with a smile as she looked back in surprise.

"I haven't done this before you know!"

"I know, we'll take it slow. If you say I'll stop. OK?"

" Hmm, go on then," and she relaxed. Her ring opened and pushed back slowly. My middle finger slid in to the first joint. "Oh, that feels, strange." My ex always enjoyed this, no further but she would cum just with my finger in her arse. Bet she took him there! Forget your bloody ex idiot!

"OK?" I asked and started to finger fuck her arsehole. No deeper, just a gentle movement.

" Hmm, nice. I like that. Oh yes, yes."

No taste? What had she done. Oh well, no problem.

She'd looked back when I took my finger out, watched me suck the two fingers, so she knew what was coming. "OK?"

" Hmm, try. Oh god this is so bloody exciting!" I'd go along with that! So two fingers. She opened this time and the tips slipped inside. "Oh god, bloody hell." This as she moved back slightly, accepting the fingers to the first joint. "Oh my god. Oh!"

She crawled up level.

"That was bloody good you know. You're very good!"

Thankful for a moment's relief I smiled, "You're not so bad yourself!" That brought a sexy smile and a kiss.

She smiled back, "I think I do. Your fingers felt good in there but," she seemed apprehensive, "remember I've never, you know." I really don't know whether she did this on purpose but her words just had the effect of exciting me even more.

Pretty soon she was slippery. Leaning forward, laying my cock along that delicious valley, I whispered, "Ready?"

"Oh yes I'm bloody ready. Do it. I want it. Please!" This was almost too much! Didn't need to hold it, I was as hard as an iron bar.

She screamed again, what I don't know. I wasn't really in any state to hear. I think she made to pull away. This must have given her time to adjust to the feeling.

She screamed as well, what I don't know, but it was pretty loud! I'd lost all sense of being just then. I didn't want to stop this. I wanted to go on forever. I held her tightly to me. What a feeling!

I let go of her finally and she fell forward on the bed. Now I came 'back'. Christ! Had I hurt her. She looked spent lying there face down on the bed. Bloody gorgeous mind you. I lay beside her.

"I'm sorry," I said softly, "I got carried away."

She turned her head and smiled, " Hmm, so did I."

"Did I hurt you?" I was intensely worried just at that moment. I don't think I'd ever got so carried away. I hadn't spared a thought for her. I felt selfish and a bit disgusted with myself.

"A bit, ," I made to interrupt,", at first but then,  Hmm, it was good.” She laughed.

"God it was bloody marvelous," I said. "I don't think I've ever felt like that before."

" Hmm, it was good though wasn't it. I think we ought to do it again don't you?" Again. Well I wanted to but she'd have to wait a while.

I laughed, "Oh yes, we should do that again but, ," I looked down.

"Oh dear, have to wait a while then," and she bent down. Where it had been didn't seem to worry her. God she was bloody gorgeous but I had to stop her. You blokes will know how sensitive your cock becomes in situations like this, well I hope you do!

"You'll have to stop love," I said, still didn't know her name. She took pity on me and let go. We lay together. What would happen now, I thought. Will she go. Well, just ask. Talk.

"Will you go home?"

Now she looked apprehensive, frightened almost. "Can I stay," she asked eagerly then added a sexy smile, almost as an afterthought, "we've got lots to try!"

Deep breath, "Hell, of course you can stay. Stay for as long as you like!" She did!

She stayed for the whole weekend. She seemed insatiable. We watched movies together then did them. Things I'd never imagined doing with a woman. If the girl wanted to, and in the same position. You name it, in every way I'd ever imagined and then some. Everything that you could imagine. It was as if she was trying to expand her experience, for what reason I didn't know.

And the strangest thing. She didn't tell me her name nor ask me mine! We lived on what I had in the flat, tins, frozen stuff. She wasn't a bad cook, when she took the time that is. Most of the time she was trying to get me to screw her in one way or another. I lost count. Hers, well god knows. By the time we went to bed on Sunday night I was knackered. She was different as well, sad, melancholy. Kissed me a lot, stroked, petted. Didn't realize the significance until the next day.

The alarm woke me. Work called. How the fuck I was going to manage I didn't know. I felt like a hollow shell and my cock and balls actually hurt! She'd drained me dry. I heard the paper come through the door so struggled out of bed, picked it up, and into the kitchen. She was still asleep, at least I thought she was.

I Sleepily put on some coffee, stuck some bread in the toaster, very stale bread, then sat at the table and glanced at the paper. Shit! It was her. Her picture staring out at me. Not a very good one but her nonetheless. Caught the headline, "Wife of financier sought after murder".

Very deep breath, deep! I read quickly. Seems her husband had been found on the kitchen floor with a filleting knife sticking out of his chest. Just one stab wound. Trousers half undone. I sat back to think. Strange, I wasn't worried. Too late anyway. It didn't seem like her. Mind you, the papers never get it right; do they?

"You know then!" I turned to see her standing in the doorway. She was looking at the paper.

"Is it true?" Again, the answer didn't bother me. I stood and faced her.

"Yes." Sad. "I killed him. Oh, I am so sorry."

"You must have had a reason?"

"Oh no, I'm not really sorry about that. Well of course I am." she added sadly, "I meant that I'm sorry for using you."

"Using me?"

She reached up and stroked my cheek. She was so sad, defeated. "After," she nodded at the paper, "I just sat. I was stunned. Then I realized I would go to prison. Prison for a long time. Oh dear, I am so sorry." I still didn't understand. "I went out to find a man. A nice, kind man, who would make love to me. I found you!"

I swallowed. "I wanted to take some memories into prison with me. Good memories." She smiled, "Very good memories, and you gave them to me but it wasn't fair. I should have told you."

Do you know, I didn't care. I reached out and held her. "It's all right," I whispered, "it was great, wonderful. I've never experienced anything like it."

"Good," she said softly, "Now. I'd better go. They will be searching for me." I didn't want that. Just then I didn't know why but I wanted to protect her, cosset her, and shield her from harm. If she killed him she must have had a reason, that was good enough for me.

"No," she said pulling away, "I must go. It's not fair."

"Look, just sit and have a coffee. I'll pop out and get some food and things and we can talk. Another couple of hours won't matter. Please!" What was going on here, inside me?

She reluctantly agreed and sat whilst I poured a coffee. I left her sitting at the kitchen table. I should have known really. She wasn't there when I got back. I sat, read and re-read the article in the paper. I wanted her, wanted her badly, and not just for the sex. There had been more, I was sure. Hadn't there?

Fool, I thought, bloody fool. You're on the rebound. Down, sad, lonely. You're just some guy she chanced upon. Could've been anyone. Don't kid yourself. Just a chance meeting?

Breakfast With A Killer

No, not chance surely. There is a pattern, isn't there? What did she need most now? Support, certainly and I could give her that, wanted to. What she really needed was a good brief. Well, I was a good brief. Mind you, I only dealt in civil courts, company law, inheritance, and the like, but I worked in chambers with some very good criminal solicitors and we had one of the best defense barristers in the country.

Not chance at all then! 'There is a destiny that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we may'. Ok, I'd go for that. Oh, I know I was rationalizing. Wife buggered off with a younger man and the kids. Here was me, on the rebound, 40, lonely and alone. Shit! But she was there. Hell the sex was fantastic but there was something more. I'm sure there was: wasn't there? Her eyes, the way she looked at me sometimes and soft, gentle caresses amongst the passionate. I knew I was hooked and I knew I was going to do everything in my power to save her from prison.

Decision made I went to the coffee maker, a letter!

'Darling man, I'm sorry, I don't know your name, darling man,

I'm sorry, really sorry for using you like that. It was unfair and I've probably got you in

trouble as well. It was wonderful and I won't ever forget it,

Thank you with all my heart


Well! There was a lump in my throat as I folded the letter and put it in my wallet. Decision made and now confirmed. Half a dozen lines on a piece of paper!

I got to the office later than usual of course. Once there I hunted out Gordon Streeter, our best defense solicitor and a good friend. Showed him the newspaper, "Gordon, I want you to see her"

"Why, old son?" he was older! I showed him the letter. "Blimey, what happened?" I told him, not everything just that we had sex. "She picked you up in a pub on Friday night?"


"It'll be trouble Dave. Plod will be around."

I laughed, "I think I can deal with the local constabulary but, Gordon, I don't want her to go to prison. See her, please. I'll talk to Jane."

Arm round shoulders. "David, old man, we've known each other for a goodly number of years." He was 20 years older than me was Gordon. Supported me, and Jane, right through our careers. Something of a 'father figure'. He continued, "It's not, hell you know, you're not still upset about Helen." He knew about America.

"Bugger it, Gordon. Yes I'm upset, upset and angry, but it's not that. Shit I don't know really and I won't be able to find out if she's in bloody prison will I. It's worth the risk!"

"It'll cost."

"I can afford it," I said. Couldn't really. Divorce hadn't left me that well off - what's money after all!

"OK," he said, "I'll see what I can do." Shot upstairs to Jane. Jane Lackington is one of the very best criminal barristers. A QC very early, she's defended some pretty important cases and bloody expensive! That's what Gordon meant.

She was in. "Jane, a word please." Got on pretty well now Jane and me. Born in the same month, university together, had a bit of a fling. Flirted gently now, nothing serious, she was married, but it was fun. Knew Helen's boyfriend quite well - very annoyed when he moved in on my wife.

"Hi Dave, of course. What can I do for you?" Sexy smile, arched eyebrows.

"Unfair Jane, you always know what you can do for me," I said with a laugh then, seriously, "I need your help." Raised eyebrows. "Well not me, someone I, er, someone I know." I handed her the newspaper.


"Yeah, Barbara Carter."

"David! What have you been up to?" Showed her the letter and told her about the weekend, not all of course. "Hell! Dave are you sure. Look, it's not Helen is it?"

I smiled wanly, "That's what Gordon said. No, well I don't think it is. Well possibly but, bugger it Jane, I've got to find out."

"She's bloody attractive I suppose?"

I laughed, "Yes, bloody," then seriously, "Jane love, it's not only that. Hell, I don't know how to explain it but, I don't want to see her go to prison. I want to, . hell I don't know what I want really."

She smiled. She knew me well did Jane. I sometimes wondered whether I shouldn't have asked her to marry me instead of her sister but there you are, times past. "I'll have a chat with Gordon when he gets back. Give you a call."

"Thanks Jane, thanks a lot."

Day passed slowly. Nothing from Gordon 'til five-ish then a call from Jane. "Want to come up Dave?" Like a shot!

"It's a good case Dave," she said. "I think we can get her at least Manslaughter, possibly less with a bit of digging." I didn't really ask what had happened. Didn't want to know just then, happy for them to deal with it.

"Wanted to know who sent me round," Gordon said with a smile, "told her it was a 'friend'. She's puzzled. In a bit of a state really. Got no money of her own, her 'friends' have all disappeared, and she doesn't have any family. I think she needs you son," he said with a big smile.

"Can I see her?"

"They won't let you 'til she's been to the Magistrates Court. That'll be tomorrow. I'm going back later when she's charged. You should be able to see her in the remand center or tomorrow."


"You know our lot Dave. It's a murder charge and, as far as they are concerned, she's a deadly criminal. I'll try tomorrow but I suspect Plod will oppose and the beak will agree. I'll try and arrange for you to see her tomorrow."

"Thanks Gordon, Jane, thanks a lot."

They both smiled. "Oh, by the way," said Gordon, "Expect Plod when you get home. She told them where she was."

Well they were there. Two detectives who, very politely, suggested that I accompany them to the nick. No point in refusing. I knew from Gordon that all she had said about the weekend was that we slept together so I wasn't going to deviate from that. At the police station I showed them the letter, which they insisted on keeping, didn't matter, I'd copied it in anticipation. They'd already satisfied themselves that we hadn't met before Friday so it was just a couple of hours of them trying to get me to say that she said she did it! Christ's knows why because Gordon said she'd admitted killing him in her statement.

Finally home. Empty, much emptier than it had been over the weekend. You're a fool I said to myself, a bloody fool. But then, better a happy fool than a sad genius. Just made dinner, TV, then bed. Remembered her there, got quite excited!

Even more excited in the morning. Gordon arranged for me to see her after the committal. 11 o'clock I was there. He knew the staff pretty well so saw her in a room alone apart from an overlooking window.

She was sitting as I came in. "You!!"

" Hmm," I said - a smile, "me."

"But, but, but. Oh god, now I'm embarrassed."


A shy smile, "Oh you know. Don't be unkind."

"I could never be that," I said, a look telling her all she needed to know.

Sadness overcame her, "I don't even know your name," she muttered.

I sat opposite, table between. "David," I said, "David Graham."

"You!!" she said again. Raised eyebrows. "It's you? Gordon, he said something about 'David'."

"Must be, if you say so," a smile, "me what?"

"It's you who arranged for Gordon to see me isn't it?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"And for the lady barrister. Jane isn't it?"

"Yes, me."

Something like hope in her eyes, "Why?"

Opened heart now. "Because I don't want you to go to prison.“

“Because I can't get the memory of the weekend out of my mind.“

“Because I can't get You out of my mind.“

“Because I want to know you better." I fixed her with my eyes,

 "Because I'm fond of you and because I'm a romantic fool!"

Shy smile then, "I like fools!"

I laughed, "Well, at least I'm in with a chance!"

Then sadness again, "I killed him you know."

"I know. Doesn't matter. You must have had a reason."

"Perhaps. I'll go to prison." She looked lost and forlorn.

To be continued, in part 2, By Vitorio for Literotica