New Year, Motherhood, and home life decisions.
Based on a post by Baztrachian, in 2 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Shauna was up just before Kelsey was done in the shower and she went about making breakfast. Jim was his usual chipper self when the three of them sat down for their morning repast.
The conversation was pretty light and they talked about their plans for the New Year.
Jim and Shauna had ideas about finishing out the remaining two bedrooms on the house. And then the conversation turned to Kelsey.
"What are your plans, sweetheart?" asked Jim.
Kelsey looked at him and tried to reconcile this version of Jim with the one who was fucking her and her mom.
"I guess to find a job and find a place of my own."
Jim nodded. "Very sensible plan."
That evening the trio watched a classical music presentation about the New Year in Vienna. The music wasn't exactly to Kelsey's liking but it was beautiful and so were the scenes from around Vienna. She had no fantasies about ever visiting the place but it was nice all the same.
When the show ended Kelsey picked up and took a few things out to the kitchen. When she came back Shauna was already gone and she could see that she was supposed to go to bed with Jim.
"I think I'll sit up for a while." she said to him.
"No, I think we need to talk. Come with me." he instructed.
He led her to his bedroom and shut the door.
"You don't like it here?" he asked.
"Wait, no, why would you say that?" she asked.
"You said you want to leave. You know, get a job and get your own place. Don't you like it here?"
"It's not like that." she protested.
"Then tell me what it's like."
She sat down on the bed. "The last week or so has been pretty confusing I guess."
"Okay, so I get that. So your plan is to leave and get away from the confusion?"
She looked at her feet. "I guess."
"What are you afraid of here? What's wrong with staying on?" he asked.
"If I stay, you're gonna make me pregnant and then I'll have to stay."
"Would that be so bad? Your mom likes it. Don't you want to give it a try?"
She looked up at him with amazement, "A baby isn't something you just try, it's forever. I mean if I have a baby with you then it would never make sense to leave. I'd be taking the baby away from you and living who knows where and trying to make it. And it's not anything I can undo."
"What if you were pregnant right now? What would you do?" he asked.
She shrugged. "I guess I'd have to stay, I mean there'd be no choice."
"I told you that I love you." he reminded her.
"I know."
"How do you feel about me?"
She looked at him. "I'm not sure. I mean I know I like you and everything but I'm not sure, past that. This has all been kind of fast and kind of weird, too. I mean you're my mother's boyfriend and now you're kind of mine, too."
"And if you got pregnant you'd stay and sort out your feelings, right?"
She quickly shook her head, "Yeah, I guess I'd have to, but I'm just not ready for that."
For Jim she'd told him what he needed to know. It was what he wanted to hear, really.
He pulled off his t-shirt and dropped his boxers.
"Jim, I, uh, this isn't a good idea." said a flabbergasted Kelsey as she looked at Jim. The bedroom light was on and she was getting to see him in the light for the first time. She was suddenly keenly aware of how big he was.
He took hold of his long cock and shook it at her. "What you need is to have this make up your mind for you."
He reached down and took her hand and stood her up. "Take it off. I want to get a good look at you."
"Jim," she protested.
He reached for the buttons on her nightshirt and started undoing them. She did nothing to stop him because at this point she knew there'd be no stopping him anyway. He pushed the flannel garment off her shoulders and gave her tits a nice palming. Then he pushed her panties down to her ankles. She stepped out of them on her own.
"Bed." he said as he pointed at it.
"Please," she whispered as she got into the bed. He moved around to the other side.
"Are you going to turn the light off?" she asked.
"No." he replied, getting into the bed next to her.
She lay on her back and held her arms to her chest when he pulled the blankets away.
His hand went to her flat belly. "So you're afraid of me planting a baby in here, huh?"
She felt her heart thumping in her chest as she replied. "Yes."
"Why is this so scary to you when we've already been doing this a few times?"
She swallowed. "It's different when you mean to make a baby."
He gave a modest laugh as his hand rubbed her belly and wandered up to her tits. "Kelsey, I've been meaning to make a baby in you every time I been with you."
Her eyes went wide for a moment. Realization hit her. "My mom wants me pregnant?"
He nodded, "Yep, right from the start."
He moved onto her body and she didn't argue when his legs went between her own.
Jim looked down at her and he liked what he saw.
Kelsey looked up at him and some things started to make sense to her. He always fucked her like he had a purpose and now she understood it. It wasn't enough for Jim to fuck a woman, he wanted to make her pregnant too.
Kelsey was disturbed by this revelation but a big part of her was aroused by it.
A man wanted to have a baby with her. This man.
His cock rubbed between her nether lips and she willingly spread her legs for him.
Jim looked into Kelsey's eyes as his cock started to move into her. She took in a sharp breath and then wrapped her arms around his neck.
He rose up and looked down between them. She looked too. In the light she saw the fullness of his cock slowly pumping in and out of her body.
Her eyes went back to his and he kissed her.
"Tell me you love me." he said to her.
"I love you." she said. Her fingers ruffling through his hair.
He kissed her again as his cock went deep. She tensed and then relaxed when he pulled back.
"Tell me you want my baby."
The tingle of orgasm was starting in her belly.
"I want your baby." she breathlessly replied.
His lovemaking became fucking and it triggered her euphoria. He kept it going for what felt like an eternity and when her pleasure finally ebbed she didn't care when he stabbed deep into her pussy and started cumming.
They fell asleep with the light on. Kelsey lay on her back and Jim lay next to her. One of his legs across hers. His hand on her belly.
Sometime during the night Jim woke up and got up to turn off the light. Getting back into the bed he felt Kelsey's soft, naked body and he firmed up.
"Huh?" she said as he moved onto her.
His cock easily slid into her moist pussy and she simply said, "Oh."
It was a quick fuck and she felt warm and satisfied when he was done.
A New Year.
New Year's Day arrived with more snow. The breakfast conversations were pleasant and Jim, as always, was congenial and happy.
Jim went off to help a neighbor with a weather related problem and that left Kelsey and Shauna alone for a while.
Shauna spoke first. "I see you and Jim sorted things out. You both seem pretty happy today."
Kelsey's eyebrows went up for a moment. "I guess you could say that, yeah."
Shauna leaned into it, "How about a little girl talk and you tell me about it?"
Kelsey looked at her mom, "So Jim told me you wanted me pregnant right from the start."
"It's true."
"Because, sweetie, you had this empty life in California and I missed you and wanted you to be home again. I also thought you needed a good man and a baby and Jim's the best man I can think of."
Kelsey laughed. "Momma, you never heard of dating apps? I mean I could have found a man on my own you know."
Shauna shook her head, "No baby, what you found weren't men. A real man is a different thing from what you had in California. And don't tell me you don't like the difference because I heard you last night and you were definitely not complaining, were you."
"No." replied Kelsey. "And I can't believe I'm having this discussion with you!"
"Yeah, it is a little crazy. A little bit." Shauna agreed. "But we share the same man so who else are we going to talk to about him?"
"I guess so." said Kelsey.
When Jim got back from the neighbor's place the clock was heading towards four and the sun was starting to dim.
The two women were dressed in their night time outfits already with warm robes and slippers on. Jim saw Kelsey all cozy and cuddly and he decided to ask her to give him a hand in the bedroom.
Shauna smiled when Jim winked at her while Kelsey led the way.
A few minutes later Kelsey was on her back with Jim fucking her for everything he was worth.
Shauna heard them from the living room and she turned down the TV. She got up and went to the bedroom door and found it was open a crack. Pushing it open a tad more she saw Kelsey's bare feet up in the air and Jim's big frame pounding away between her legs.
Over the next few weeks, the line in Jim's personality started to blur, just a bit.
Where he usually reserved his sexual side for the bedroom there were more than a few days when he came home from work, took Kelsey by the hand, and almost dragged her off for a fuck.
One day he came home and found Kelsey fresh out of the shower. She was in the kitchen wearing just her fuzzy bathrobe when Jim came in and saw her. He'd been thinking about her all day. In a few minutes she was sitting naked on the island counter with Jim fucking her.
Shauna came into the kitchen and said, "Excuse me." as she reached for the coffee pot. Jim grunted at her and Kelsey just made a noise.
Sitting down at the kitchen table Shauna watched the show.
She saw how Jim would drive deep with Kelsey, just like he did with Shauna. Except with Kelsey, it was a bit more uncomfortable. Shauna knew this would change after Kelsey had a baby.
The couple fucked to their completion and Shauna was treated to seeing Jim's cock and balls contract as they worked to fill Kelsey with cum.
A couple minutes later Shauna didn't say a word as the naked couple walked past her to get cleaned up for dinner.
After dinner Jim excused himself to do something with his truck and just as soon as the door closed Kelsey turned to Shauna.
"I can't believe you watched us!"
Shauna laughed. "It's my kitchen you know. I do live here."
Kelsey just shook her head. She knew the argument wasn't going to go anywhere.
"You liked it, didn't you?" said Shauna.
"No, admit it baby girl, you're all growed up and you like getting dicked."
"Jeez, Momma. That's so crude."
Shauna was having fun! "Crude is getting fucked in the kitchen. Worse is not admitting that you like it!"
"Okay, you win, I like it." said Kelsey, "How's that?"
"That's fine. Just fine." said Shauna as Jim came back in and the conversation ended.
Kelsey wasn't too surprised when Shauna wanted to sleep with Jim for a few nights. After seeing the show Jim and Kelsey put on Shauna decided she needed some of that for herself.
Kelsey, of course, had to try to sleep with the sounds of fucking coming from the other room.
Given her 'time off' that she ended up having, she did give some thought to Jim's sizable appetite for sex. Grabbing her phone one day she did some reading and research on the web and discovered that Jim wasn't all that unusual in his desire for sex. But in all that reading she also discovered she had an increased desire for sex.
It was ironic, she thought, that frequent sex made her want frequent sex. She'd never felt this way with her ex-boyfriend. With him sex was something that Kelsey would sometimes enjoy but mostly tolerate. With Jim it was always serious animal fucking and he made clear that he wanted to see a baby in Kelsey's belly.
And Shauna had Jim to herself for most of the week.
When Friday rolled around Jim announced that he had to go help at another store for the weekend. They needed help with replacing some old storage racks and Jim was the resident expert at such things. Besides, he wanted the overtime pay.
Kelsey and Shauna had what passed for a pretty normal weekend. They got the household chores caught up, even the laundry, and they managed to have a few pleasant conversations too.
Monday night when Jim got home there were the expected kisses and greetings and a few catch-me-ups on what had gone on around the house. After dinner was over the threesome changed into their comfy outfits for the evening and retired to the living room.
Shauna was in her usual outfit of pajamas, slippers, and a robe. Jim went for a t-shirt and shorts and oddly fuzzy slippers.
Kelsey showed up wearing her button down flannel nightshirt. And just that.
She sat down on the couch opposite of Shauna and pulled her feet up. The angle gave Jim a faint view of her uncovered pussy. The fact that her pussy was bare stirred him up.
Shauna had chosen a romance-comedy movie for the night. It wasn't risqué, just romantic and funny. But about halfway through the movie Jim decided not to wait any longer.
Getting up from his recliner he walked over to the couch and dropped his shorts. His cock stuck out obscenely and Shauna giggled at the sight.
"Excuse us." he said to Shauna as he knelt down in front of Kelsey.
Kelsey knew she'd been playing with fire but still she didn't quite understand exactly what Jim had in mind. She was wondering if he was going to pick her up and take her to bed but then he grabbed her hips and pulled her ass to the edge of the couch. He pushed her nightshirt up to her belly exposing everything below her waist.
Now he pushed her legs apart and then pushed her knees back at her chest.
"Oh." she remarked as she suddenly understood the geometry.
Shauna licked her lips as she saw Jim place his cock at Kelsey's pussy. Kelsey glanced over at her mother and knew her mom was enjoying this. This fact didn't bother Kelsey.
Jim pushed and prodded his cock at Kelsey a couple times and then pulled back and sat on his knees. Pressing a thumb between her pussy lips he worked up her wetness and got turned on watching Kelsey writhe with her arousal.
Now he got himself into position again and swabbed his cock into her wetness. Looking down he saw the spongy head glistening and then he pushed it into her.
Kelsey had been holding her breath and now she exhaled as she felt Jim's cock start to enter her. It had been a week since she'd last felt this and she needed it.
Jim wanted her too. In a few strokes he had his cock buried into Kelsey. She twitched when he went deep and pushed against her womb. He liked it. So did she. Her hands were on his hips and they were pulling at him, even when he went deep.
Shauna watched as her man slow fucked her daughter. 'This is so perverted' she thought to herself. And then she giggled because she didn't care.
Kelsey heard her mom giggle and was about to have a thought when Jim plowed his cock deep into her and ground it against her insides.
"Ow!" she quietly cried out. All while hanging on to Jim's hips.
The way her head was propped against the couch and with her knees tucked up was a bit uncomfortable but the sex was so good that she let it go. She looked around and saw her mom watching the show and when she looked up at Jim she saw his serious face.
He slow fucked her for as long as he could and then Kelsey felt his pace pick up. He was getting closer.
Shauna saw it too and she moved from her seat.
Jim was captivated with fucking Kelsey when he felt his balls get cupped by a hand. He looked and saw Shauna kneeling next to him.
Shauna's fingers lightly brushed his balls and it felt good to her. She could feel them churning and she felt the moisture from Kelsey's pussy on them. One of her fingers explored Jim's shaft and then she touched Kelsey's pussy lips where that shaft entered her.
She probed around Kelsey's pussy and found what she was looking for.
Kelsey made an almost mournful sound when she felt her clit being manipulated. Jim was fucking her and she had no idea how he was making this happen. It was just magical to her. The stimulation increased and suddenly Kelsey seized up in a paroxysm of sexual energy.
Jim tried to hold it together as Shauna brought Kelsey to her peak. Kelsey's pussy utterly throbbed with convulsions and he did his best to prolong it for her.
And then he felt Shauna cup his balls again. She gently pulled on them as he fucked Kelsey and then she'd run the tips of her fingernails on them.
"Gah! Fuck!" he yelled as his cum started to spurt into Kelsey! Shauna kept pulling on his balls causing him to erupt the most powerful orgasm he could ever remember! He fired another time and thought he was going to be done when Shauna started a milking motion. He couldn't help but to keep fucking Kelsey while his body emptied itself into hers.
"Jesus, stop, " he finally said to Shauna. She milked him some more and it actually hurt when he came again.
Only when he pulled away from Kelsey did Shauna let go of his balls.
Jim's insides were sore. He'd never experienced such a thing before.
Kelsey was sore, too. Jim's massive orgasms had caused him to plow painfully deep into her and it almost felt like someone had kicked her in the crotch. But it felt good.
Shauna stood up and went back to her seat.
Kelsey sat up and heard Jim's cum hitting the carpet. It was dripping from her pussy and she didn't care.
Looking at Shauna she said, "Mom, what in the actual fuck was that?"
The domestic situation is now changed.
The next day was a relatively quiet day in the house.
Breakfast was consumed, chores were done, lunchtime chatter took place, and all the while the subject of the previous night was studiously avoided.
That evening at bedtime Jim suggested that Shauna and Kelsey sleep together in the main bedroom and Jim would take the spare bedroom. "I gotta get some sleep." he said and neither of the women argued with him about it.
The next morning Jim was gone before the ladies even stirred. They'd all had their first uninterrupted sleep in some time and they were all the better for it.
Jim was home late from work that night. And when he got home he went right to work breaking down the old full size bed in the main bedroom. Another hour and a half later and he had a brand new king size bed in its place.
Kelsey and Shauna went along with Jim's initial explanation that the original bed was just too small and he was tired of his feet hanging off the end.
When everything was done and the new sheets and blankets were in place Jim started undressing. At this point he was past his bed time anyway.
"Time to try this out." he said.
Shauna started getting ready for the night and Kelsey went to excuse herself.
"Where are you going?" asked Jim.
Kelsey gestured at the next room, "Uh, to bed? I was going to let you two enjoy the new bed tonight. I'm sure I'll get to try it some other time."
Jim was down to his boxer shorts, which he now dropped. "There's room enough for everyone now. That's the point."
"Oh." said mother and daughter in unison.
"I think we're past the place where we're supposed to be surprised by this kind of thing, aren't we?" he said. "I mean, who are we trying to fool here? After everything that's been going on we may as well sleep in the same bed now, right?"
"Uh, yeah, I guess." said Kelsey as she noticed Shauna shimmying out of her night clothes and slipping into the crisp, new sheets.
"Get the light and come to bed, okay?" said Jim to Kelsey.
"Sure." she flipped the light off and stood there in the dark for a moment. Despite everything that had transpired she still had some qualms about what she was doing and how this odd relationship was developing.
She heard Jim get into the bed and he said to her, "Come on, plenty of room for you on this side." Kelsey saw him patting on the bed due to the nightlight in the bathroom.
Kelsey stripped down and went with the program.
There was some chatter and some adjustment as the threesome settled in for the night but after a while all Kelsey could hear was light snoring coming from her bedmates. She eventually allowed herself to relax in the comfy bed and embraced sleep.
Sometime during the night Kelsey heard whispers. She woke up and could barely make out something being discussed between Jim and Shauna. She heard them kissing and Shauna murmured something that sounded like approval.
Kelsey was on her side facing away from Jim and Shauna and now her eyes were open. She listened in the dark and felt slight movements. And then she felt Jim's big body moving. The sheets and blankets pulled as Jim did whatever he was doing. For a moment Kelsey wondered if he was trying to get up. He'd gone to sleep between the two women and she figured it might be a bit involved if he had to get up for something.
But it didn't seem like he was getting out of the bed.
"oh, " whispered Shauna as Jim's larger movements settled down.
Kelsey felt the bed start moving with a very gentle rhythm. It was something she was accustomed to hearing from the next room.
"Hmm" groaned Jim.
Kelsey realized that Jim and Shauna were fucking.
As quietly as she could she rolled over the other way. She wanted to see.
The nightlight from the bathroom cast a dim glow on the bedroom and Kelsey could make out Jim's body on top of Shauna's. His ass slowly rose and fell and she could hear the two of them kissing.
Kelsey watched in rapt fascination as the two lovers mated.
This went on for a few minutes when Shauna suddenly exclaimed, "FUCK, FUCK!!! CRAMP!! LET ME UP!! LET ME UP!!"
Jim immediately rolled back towards Kelsey and then Shauna sprinted up out of the bed to walk off a leg cramp. Kelsey rolled the opposite way to make room for Jim.
"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry, I need to go walk around for a while until this damn thing settles down." She grabbed her robe and a moment later could be heard walking around the house.
"Well, that's just fine and dandy." said Jim, betraying his disappointment at being interrupted mid-fuck.
"I'm sure she didn't mean it." said Kelsey.
"I know."
He thought for a moment, "Were you awake through all that?"
Kelsey sighed. "Yeah, most of it."
"Whad da ya think?"
She drew in a breath, "Things sure are different."
They sat there in silence for a bit listening to Shauna walking around the house. After maybe ten minutes they heard her sit down and the TV came on.
"She's not coming back to bed." said Jim. He wasn't so much saying it to Kelsey as just thinking out loud. His cock was softening but he was still amped up from the interrupted fuck.
His thoughts turned to Kelsey. She was naked and just a few inches away from him.
"You think you're gonna get back to sleep anytime soon?" he asked her.
"No, but I'll try." she replied.
She felt his hand move and touch her bare hip. He caressed her up to her waist and back down to her bare ass.
"Jim, I don't think that's a good idea right now." she said.
"You were just fucking my mom and now you just want to use me to finish up."
He laughed. "Yeah, it does seem that way, don't it?"
He moved closer to her and she gave an exasperated sigh as he pulled at her shoulder and rolled her onto her back.
"This is so fucking wrong." said Kelsey as she spread her legs for him. She wasn't into this but she knew neither of them would sleep until he nutted in someone and right now she was that someone.
"You're the best, Kelsey." He kissed her as he moved himself between her legs.
She felt his cock bouncing on her thighs and it was still moist from being inside Shauna's pussy. She felt like she was hitting a new low as the tip of his cock bumped into her folds.
He poked at her a couple times but the idea of his cock fucking her mom and then fucking her had killed any mood she might have had. She jumped a little when he abruptly reached between their bodies and ran a finger through her pussy until he found her moisture. Then just as abruptly he plunged his finger into her all the way to the knuckle.
Jim finger fucked her for a quick minute and then moved his cock back at her opening.
"Oh, slowly!" she complained as he shoved himself into her body. Two thrusts and his cock was buried to the root. A couple more thrusts and her body was responding to his.
"I can't hold this back, " he apologized and then started fucking her harder.
Jim felt a pulse of pre-cum shoot into Kelsey's pussy and he groaned. His balls were full and primed. He fucked a couple more strokes into her and then he felt his creamy load of cum start racing through his cock and into Kelsey's cunt! He shoved himself deep into her and was barely aware of her saying something as he blasted the opening to her womb with several strong jets of cum!
He shoved himself into her again and she felt him cum again.
She laid silently with Jim on top of her. His cock plugging most of his cum inside of her pussy. She thought of all that cum filled with his sperm and then all of that sperm trying to find their way into her baby maker.
'What the fuck am I doing?' she thought to herself.
Jim kept his softening cock inside of her and even moved to scissor himself with her to keep his cock plugged in.
"You're not done, are you?" she whispered in his ear.
He didn't say anything in response and instead just lay on her body occasionally humping his cock back into her when it threatened to slip out.
Kelsey was starting to close her eyes and try to sleep when she felt his thrusts start to increase. His cock firmed up and then he was fucking her again. He still had her legs scissored with his own keeping his cock deep inside of her.
It wasn't uncomfortable in the least and she passively let him fuck her.
She was just starting to feel a little hint of pleasure when he grunted and spewed his cum into her.
Neither of them said anything more and when Jim finally disengaged from her she didn't bother trying to clean up. She just wanted to sleep and she did.
She heard his alarm clock go off and felt the bed move as he got up. A minute later she heard the shower running and it sounded like rain and lulled her back into sleep.
Later in the morning both women were up and around and dressed for getting out of the house. There was shopping to do and Shauna wanted to check in on an older friend who'd broken a hip.
For the shopping they wanted to do this meant a drive north across the state line to Branson. It was a pleasant trip and the sky was clear and the winter air chilly and cold.
With their shopping concluded Shauna suggested a stop for coffee. It was a treat to get something special for a coffee drink and the two women were in a good mood when they sat down to enjoy themselves.
After a little pleasant banter Shauna took a little breath and said, "Sorry about last night. I didn't mean to cause all that ruckus. I just get a cramp once in a while and those things don't care what else you're doing."
"No, it was no problem." said Kelsey all while thinking of the night before.
"Thanks for understanding, sweetie." said Shauna.
Shauna figured there was something else. "How're you doing with all this?"
Kelsey's eyebrows went up, "Well, it's not exactly what I'd expected to be doing, you know, sharing your boyfriend with you."
"Is that a problem?"
Kelsey held her coffee cup in both hands and looked out the window at people passing by. "I'm feeling a little weird about it is all. I mean what if I have a baby? What then? It's like I went from staying with you and him to moving in permanently."
"We'll figure it out." said Shauna before she gave a wry smile, "Tell me what you think of Jim?"
"Oh, he's great mom. I see what you like about him. Really. He's really nice most of the time but like you've said when it comes to sex you just go along with him."
Shauna still had that smile on her face, "He's good in bed isn't he?"
Kelsey shook her head, "That's the worst part. He's amazing in bed! And everything that tells me this is so stupid just gets tossed right on out of my head when he puts his hands on me."
"That's how I felt, too. After I left your father it was a long time before I bothered even looking at another man and then I met Jim and he was everything your father wasn't. He was patient with me and we dated a long time before anything happened between us. I liked that about him."
Kelsey sipped her coffee, "Mind if I ask when you had your first time with him?"
"Sure, about three months before you came home."
"Really? I thought you two had been serious long before that."
Shauna looked out the window. "No, we took our time."
"How did it happen?"
"Oh, I had Jim over to the house one day and we were getting a little cuddly and one thing lead to another. We both wanted it."
Shauna sipped her drink and said, "My turn. Tell me about your first time."
"With Jim or David?"
Kelsey took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I'll start with David. We'd dated for a while and then this one time he asks if we could do it. I thought I was ready for it and we set a date on the calendar, he bought some condoms, and then we spent a day together. He was very polite and nice but it felt like it was missing something."
"With Jim, wow. That was different. It was like having a first time again. I mean I was mostly ready for it but then had some second thoughts especially about not having a condom on him and then he fucked me anyway. It was the most raw sexual thing I'd ever done. Lots different from being with David."
Shauna delved deeper, "Still having second thoughts though?"
Kelsey nodded, "Yeah, you already know all that."
"What would make you feel better?"
"I guess just having some direction. You know, like making a decision and then just having it over with so I can stop worrying about things."
"What if you get pregnant?"
Kelsey looked at her coffee cup, "That would definitely make up my mind about a lot of stuff. No choice then."
Shauna looked at her daughter, "Then why not choose to have a baby and stay on with us? I know it's different but I'd rather have you safe at home then trying to make ends meet with some stupid job in some shitty city."
Kelsey looked at the clock, "I'll think about it. But right now we need to get to heading back."
Shauna and Kelsey listened to music on the way home and more or less kept the conversation light. The weighty issues had already been discussed although Kelsey was still far from making up her mind.
That night at dinner the three of them were finishing up a dessert of fresh chess pie when Kelsey made a decision.
"Jim, I want to have a baby with you. I want you to give me a baby."
Jim put down his fork and smiled, "I've been trying but it's good to know you want one too."
Kelsey shook her head, "No, what I mean is I made up my mind. No more second thoughts. This is what I want to do."
An hour later the threesome had retired to bed just a little on the early side. Shauna was on one side of the bed, Jim on the other, and Kelsey was sandwiched in the middle. The lights were still on.
Kelsey lay back and spread her legs. "Give me a baby." she said to Jim.
Shauna had her hands on one of Kelsey's knees as Jim got himself into place.
Shauna watched her daughter's face react as Jim moved himself into her body. She saw Jim's ass rise and fall and then saw his ass muscles tighten as he pushed deep into Kelsey.
She caressed Kelsey's knee as Jim's movements settled into a familiar rhythm. Kelsey sighed at one moment and Shauna caught her eye.
"Are you happy now?" asked Shauna as Jim's cock plowed Kelsey.
"Yeah." said her daughter with a dreamy quality to her voice.
Ten months later the two women sat together at the kitchen table one morning feeding their babies. They both had their tits out and their infants were latched on and enjoying breakfast.
Jim had a cup of coffee and made small talk with the women as he watched the show. He felt a sense of pride in seeing both women with his children.
Over the summer he had busted his ass getting the rest of the house finished and now he figured the four bedroom house would need to have a few more occupants.
For her part Kelsey still had some second thoughts after she found out she was pregnant. She couldn't help it. But as the year unfolded and her body changed she felt better about it.
Now she was enjoying the intense emotional feeling of feeding her baby and when she looked up at Jim and she caught his eye she happily accepted the certainty that this would only be her first baby.
Jim and Kelsey began referring to their relationship as a marriage. It made more sense than any other social construct. It explained the live-in mother, and provided the children a plausible and acceptable place in the rural community.
Even the Pentecostals and Baptists treated them with mutual respect. After 7 years, the statutes of law could convey marital status, should they ever need to declare and claim such inferior credentials.
The kids were eventually homeschooled and excelled.
Shauna finished her nursing studies. She eventually became a midwife and went on to deliver hundreds of babies, even securing obstetric privileges at the nearest hospital in Harrison, nearly an hour away; in partnership with a retiring country doctor, whose clinic was just around the bend from their home.
As the elder physician slowed his workload, Shauna increasingly cared for the patients and kept the only medical clinic in the community from shutting its doors permanently.
Kelsey eventually became the deputy county clerk. Her clerical and administrative résumé impressed the elderly man who’d held the elective office of County Clerk (slash) Circuit Court Clerk. Two years later, He encouraged her to run for the office, as his successor. The County Judge, treasurer, and sheriff endorsed her candidacy a month before the election commission’s filing period.
The election was never held. Kelsey was the only candidate who filed for office, and therefor was declared the winner by the Arkansas Secretary of State.
Jim became the Kroger store manager and was the spiritual leader of the home, but he always referred to himself as a “Mere Christian”. A follower of God’s wisdom, without the human government that Emporer Constantine, King Henry, or other such powers sought to subjugate. He tried his best to teach the timeless godly principles without human methodology or cultural conformity.
for two wives was not a spiritual conflict for him. Great men of
several millennia gave him plenty of example, insight, and expectations.
time, his weekly family devotions were of particular interest to others
who were hurt, rejected, or abused; by organized churches. Some asked
to attend his family devotions, but he avoided the matter by offering to
mentor such seekers in forming their own household devotionals.
He taught the family to be caring for their neighbors in need, and provide emotional and spiritual support, without seeking converts to a movement. Over the next ten years, at least 8 other families in the valley were following Jim’s example.
But Jim not only refused to be regarded as a spiritual leader of this ‘house church’ movement. In fact, he strongly argued the others to not give in to the worldly mindset that seeks to form any earthly kingdom, other than that which God has ordained; the family.
Based on a post by Baztrachian for Literotica.