Mrs. Claus’s Cookie Therapy: Part 1
An aging couple gets a surprise gift from Mrs. Clause.
Based on a post by m storyman x, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

I could hear Nancy, my wife, clinking the dishes in the kitchen as she unloaded the dishwasher. It was Christmas eve morning, and she was up and about before six. That meant only one thing as far as I was concerned, no Christmas sex this year, again. Not with the kids showing up this afternoon. I've found myself thinking back to the early years a lot more lately. You'd think that in my sixties, sex wouldn't be a big deal anymore, but instead it seemed like my tolerance for her lack of desire or output was lower instead of better.
I closed my eyes again and thought back to our first Christmas together as man and wife. It was a small tree, and there weren't many presents around it, but we gave each other the best present in the world that Christmas night. We made love under the tree, not once, but multiple times. Nine months later our first daughter was born. All through our dating time she was sexually playful and we would have sex many ways and in lots of places. She never seemed bashful when she undressed for me, exposing her incredibly beautiful body. Hell, I never would have even tried to ask her out on a date if I hadn't accidently spilled my drink all over her at McDonalds. She was way out of my class. She looked more like playboy model material than someone interested in a somewhat geeky college freshman.
To my surprise, she demanded that I take her out to make up for spilling the soda all over her. So I did. And again, and again. After half a dozen dates, I built up enough nerve to suggest we mess around while we were walking in the dark through the local park. She readily agreed and the two of us made love for the first time on a picnic table in the middle of a public park. It was the first of many times we made love, in private, in semi-public areas, in the river, in the lake, well, you get the idea. She was willing to do it anywhere I felt comfortable doing it with her. She never seemed to be able to get enough of our intimacy. And it was so much more than just sex. You could see it in her eyes. She loved what I was doing with her and she loved watching me climax along with her. It became almost a game with her, to hold it as long as possible before letting herself tumble over the edge, taking me with her. But it was for me, and only me. Once we started dating there was no one else, not even close male friends that would hug or anything. It wasn't until I proposed that I learned I was the first man to have her that way.
We got married less than a year after spilling that soda on her, and we made love the first time as man and wife in the hot tub on the balcony of the bridal suite. Not one time, but twice before we finally tumbled into bed, exhausted from the day’s activities. The next months were fantastic. She seemed to delight in teasing me, skimpy or no underwear with short skirts, sexy lingerie, sometimes wearing things without a bra so her big 32 D tits would wiggle enticingly. Our first Christmas found her under the tree in a red see through negligee, a gift tag tied to the crotch of her see through panties that read "definitely open before Christmas!" We made love under that tree and we loved each other. Over the next months, her belly grew, but her desire for me didn't change. If anything, it increased. It was almost as if being pregnant enhanced her sexual desire. And I wasn't going to argue. She always whispered how much she loved me and how much making love with me made her feel loved.
It wasn't a surprise when sex drew to a sudden halt after Tabitha was born. I could understand it. I waited patiently, and some of the sex returned, but not nearly what it had been before. We had to plan when we had sex so we didn't wake Mikey, interrupting us. A year later we had Julie, and sex became even less frequent. After Mandy, well, sex just didn't seem to happen anymore. It was frustrating, but I always looked ahead and said that once the girls were grown and out of the house things would get better.
College came for our sons, and we were empty nesters, but the long skirts, heavy duty bras to hold her now thirty eight triple D's in place, and the granny panties appeared to be the future. Sex was maybe once or twice a month, if I was lucky, always in the bedroom and always the same way. It was, to say the least, depressing to see what my life had become. I was married to the most beautiful woman in town, maybe the state, and I barely got to even see her naked any more unless we shared a shower. Now here we were, twenty years past the girls moving out on their own and I was more depressed about our sex life than I could remember. I lay dreaming back to that first Christmas, picturing her lying under the tree in that see through red mesh, her legs spread, her body illuminated only by the blinking lights of the tree, looking so damn sexy and inviting. I could still feel in my mind the sensations of sliding my hard-on into her and hear her moans of pleasure as she begged me to fuck her over and over again.
I could feel my hard-on inside my sleep shorts growing, my hand moving to it as I remembered the image of her tits bouncing inside the sheer material before she rolled me over to sit on top of me. I stroked my hard shaft, pretending it was her hot wet cunt again, her big tits now bouncing wildly on her chest, the sheer material pushed apart by her flying tits. My mind could still remember how she felt around me as she pounded down on me with abandon until she made me come deep inside her. I grunted and felt my cock surge cum onto my stomach, remembering that day and wishing for those days again. I knew in my heart it was a useless wish. Nothing was going to change, but I still couldn't help but wish it none the less. I tossed back the covers, pushed the sleep shorts the rest of the way off and headed to the shower to rinse off the evidence of my desire.
After Christmas
It had been a good Christmas. I loved having the kids and their families over, this year with the first of our grandchildren as well. It was midmorning, the day after Christmas, and I was moving around the tree, picking up the odds and ends wrapping paper that had gotten left behind and putting my Christmas presents away in the shop, or wherever else was a suitable home. The tree had been inundated with presents, as usual, stacked so high that only the top two thirds of the tree were visible. Both of us enjoyed giving presents to the kids and their spouses. My wife spent hours picking just the right things for all of them. Christmas was probably the best season of the year, at least I felt so. Though each year it became harder and harder not to think back to that first Christmas. No, I wasn't going to change wives. I loved Nancy more than anything else in my life, though the kids would be a darn tough second.
No, I was resigned to my life of near celibacy, at least compared to how my life with her had started.
To make matters worse, my wife and the neighborhood ladies were all fitness-minded. They keep up a daily routine of evening walks and morning yoga. This means I wake up to a beautiful display of curvy bodies in the living room or back patio, adorned in the hottest yoga pants, leotards, or swimsuits. Good luck hiding your morning wood with multiple ladies watching.
I tucked things away and I was about to call it done, when I noticed a small package sticking out from under the tree skirt. "uh oh." I mumbled, "someone didn't get a present." I pulled the oddly wrapped package from under the skirt and looked at it. About six inches square and maybe an inch thick. I didn't recognize the paper. It was a deep burgundy with some kind of fuzzy pattern on it and a bow that looked to be made of silk lace. It had a small tag which I turned over. "To Mike, from Mrs. Clause."
I chuckled. My wife and I often traded packages from Santa. I was surprised that she didn't catch one of mine was missing. I gently slipped the bow and ribbon off the corners and gently unwrapped the paper. It was almost like foil paper with that interesting soft texture. It had to be expensive paper. I opened the box and inside was a single heart shaped cookie, white frosted with red sugar dusted over it. Under I could see a small parchment paper. I slipped it out. The parchment looked and felt ancient, but clearly couldn't be or it would fall apart. The writing was in a looping feminine script.
"Merry Christmas. Share this with the love of your life, to grant your Christmas wish, but be alone." Mrs. Clause.
I looked it over, front and back, but there were no other clues. Maybe this was my wife's way of trying to start something? We hadn't had any sex over Christmas yet, so maybe this was her way of giving me a present she knew I would enjoy. I grinned at the thought. I could play that game. I headed to the bedroom and took off my underwear so I was wearing only my thin nylon workout shorts. That should make things easier. I took the cookie from the box and opened the plastic wrapper. Setting the unwrapped cookie back in the box, I went to find her. Now was as good a time as any. I found her in the kitchen, putting dinner into the crockpot. I stepped behind her and gently kissed her neck. Breaking the cookie, I reached around her, pressing my already growing hard-on against her ass crack. I whispered. "I have something for you." I held the piece of cookie out in front of her mouth for her to take the bite.
"What's that?" she asked, her hands unable to do anything as she held the chicken breasts. I slipped the portion of cookie into her mouth before she could object any further. "Oh my god! That is so good!" she moaned, almost orgasmic as she chewed the cookie slowly.
"Knock knock!" I heard from the garage door as Linda, our neighbor called as she walked in. "Anyone home?"
"In here!" My wife called, dropping the chicken into the crockpot and moving away from me to wash her hands.
I scowled at the interruption, feeling my hope of what was to come, fade away in an instant. This seemed to be the story of my life. Just when I thought I had her interest, something interrupts and the "mood" never seems to come back. Linda wasn't a bad looking woman. Not nearly as hot and sexy as my wife, but then not many women are, even at sixty three. Linda is slender, early fifties, modest sized chest, half a foot shorter than my six foot, and divorced for the last three years.
"Now, where did you get that?" My wife asked, as she turned to face me, wiping her hands on a small towel, while Linda stepped into the kitchen.
"From you." I answered, feeling a little confused. "It was under the tree with a tag for me."
"I didn't give you a cookie," my wife said with a frown. "You have a secret girlfriend giving you things?" She continued as she took the box from me. She snapped off another piece of the cookie and ate it, closing her eyes and letting out a soft moan. "Oh god this is so good."
"What is?" Linda asked as she stepped over.
"This cookie. Try this. It's the most exquisite taste!" My wife said as she snapped off a piece of the cookie and held it out to Linda.
"Oh damn!" Linda groaned after she popped the piece of cookie in her mouth, chewing it so slowly, clearly savoring each moment.
"Here hon. Taste this." My wife whispered, holding a piece of the cookie out for me. I opened my mouth and let her slip the cookie piece into my mouth.
It was an incredibly unusual taste. Almost like, well, almost like... Oh shit! I knew exactly what it tasted like now. It tasted exactly like Nancy's cunt when I make her climax on my tongue.
"God, Linda. Have you ever tasted anything so incredible?"
"No. I haven't. It's incredible." She whispered as she reached for another piece of the quickly disappearing cookie. She slipped another small piece into her mouth as my wife took the last piece and at it. The two of them moaned almost in unison as they closed their eyes and chewed the last of the cookie. "Damn, is it hot in here?" Linda asked, fanning herself with her hands as she swallowed the last of the cookie. "Where did you get that?"
Nancy turned to look at me again. "Mike said it was under the tree."
"It was," I said, taking the box back from my wife. I turned it over to show her the tag on the ribbon, still partly attached to the box. The parchment fell out of the box and fluttered to the floor. My wife bent over to pick up the parchment.
"Mike, you want to tell me something?" she asked as she looked at the writing on the note. "Are you seeing someone on the side I should know about?"
"I wish." I grunted.
"Merry Christmas. Share this with the love of your life, to grant your Christmas wish, but be alone. Mrs. Clause." My wife read. "Who the hell is Mrs. Clause? My wife asked me angrily. "Some new woman I don't know about?"
"Shit honey. You know you're the only woman in my life. Honestly, I thought it was from you. We trade Santa presents all the time. I just thought it was from you."
"Not me. I didn't give you a cookie. Hell, I don't even recognize the writing. Who writes like this anyway?" My wife asked as Linda pulled the note from my wife's hand to read it.
"Looks like an invitation to play." Linda said with a grin. "Someone wants your husband’s goodies."
"Yeah. right. Who'd want an aging old man?"
"I dunno. I might. Not that I've seen what he has to offer, but I can tell you that bulge in his pants is pretty inviting."
Both my wife and I looked down at my crotch. "Shit." I grunted in surprise at how far my shorts were tented out as my mostly hard cock tried to stand erect, but instead just pushed the front and part of the right leg of my shorts out until the material was taut, trapping it bent over. My cock was so hard and long that my engorged mushroom head poked out the end of the leg hole suggestively.
"Jesus Mike!" My wife snapped. "Really? Is that all you think about? Sex?" She slammed the box on the counter and stormed off toward the bedroom.
"Hey! Nancy, If you don't want it, I'll take it!" Linda called down the hall toward my retreating wife. She looked down at my crotch and grinned. She stepped closer, tossing the note onto the counter and then reached down toward my bulging shorts. I felt her fingers stroke up and down my material covered shaft a few times and then stroke over my exposed bare head. "Umm. I bet this would feel good inside me. Spreading me? Oh yeah. I'm sure it would."
Linda whispered as she teased my phallic head a few more moments. I felt her hand slide up and her other hand join it, one on each of my hips, reaching for the elastic waistband of my shorts. "Hell, I wouldn't mind at all if you put that someplace hot and warm and wet," She whispered to me as she pushed my shorts down over my hips and ass. She started to squat down in front of me, while I stood there, not moving, letting her push my shorts down my body, slowly forcing them down over my hard cock until it popped out and stood pointing up at her face.
“Mike, you’re thicker than the flagpole on my front porch!”
I felt like I shouldn't be doing what I was, but at the same time, I wanted her to. I wanted her to see me and touch me. I wanted her to want me.
"Oh shit yes," I groaned as her hand closed around my hard shaft. I looked down at her as she gently licked up the bottom of my cock until her tongue reached my mushroom head. She seemed to know exactly how and where to tease her tongue, making me groan in pleasure again, moments before she closed her lips around my leaking cock head. “I forgot how great this can be!” I admitted to the neighbor hottie kneeling in our kitchen.
"Hmm." She moaned, making my cock vibrate slightly as she began to stroke her mouth and hand up and down my shaft. It'd been years since anyone had done what she was doing, and all I could do was to stand there and let her do it.
"Shit! Linda!" I heard Nancy say from behind me. "What are you doing?"
"Sucking his incredible cock. God I don't believe you don't still do this for him. It tastes so damn good!" Linda said huskily from where she knelt in front of me. "You should get down here and help me. I think he's going to come for me, the way it feels."
"Mike? You're going to just let her suck your cock?"
"Oh damn." I groaned as she went back to sliding her lips up and down my shaft, her tongue teasing under my engorged head with each stroke. "Fuck she's good at this."
Linda was now standing, but bent over. Her left hand frigging herself inside her red yoga pants, while her right hand cupped my dangling balls. Her head tilted to accommodate my cock’s descent into her throat.
"Mike!" My wife said quietly, the look on her face one of, what? Disappointment? Surprise? Betrayal? I wasn't really sure. She stood and stared at Linda sucking me, drawing me ever closer to orgasm. "Mike?" She asked in a squeaky whisper. "Is this what you want? Sex with another woman?"
Linda’s right hand now squeezed the base of my shaft and squeezed tight. My prostate pressure was throwing me into a dizzy haze. She looked up into my eyes and smiled, then opened wide. With my cock head just outside her open mouth, she relaxed her grip on my shaft and the volcano erupted.
"Oh fuck." I grunted as my body spasmed. I could feel my cum lancing out into Linda's mouth, shot after shot pumping into her as my body jerked and trembled. I stood there, my stomach tensing and my hips trying to push toward her with each new surge of cum. I didn't realize I could come that much, finally standing there, panting, after at least a dozen powerful shots of cum.
Linda pulled her mouth from my cock and looked up at me. She opened her mouth to show me the tremendous load of cum I'd deposited in her mouth, an amount more reminiscent of my more youthful days. She closed her mouth and smiled before opening it again so show not only me, but Nancy, that she had swallowed the whole load.
"Oh god, Linda? You swallowed it?"
"Oh fuck yes," she said as she stood up. "God I'm so fucking horny." She started to push her yoga pants down, her fingers taking her panties along with them, forcing the stretchy material down over her ass and hips, down her thighs, almost to her knees. I'd seen her in some one piece swim suits before, but I'd never seen her anything close to naked. She had full round outer lips with a significant amount of inner labia exposed, pressed to her full round twat. Her bush spread from her mound, down between her legs, covering much of her cunt. She pushed her pants all the way to her knees and then slid her hands tantalizing up her thighs, slipping to the inside of each thigh before gently stroking and spreading her delicate inner lips. I watched her fingers stroke sensually between her lips, teasing them apart, almost as if inviting me to not only look but touch. I watched her hand slip down and back several times before she allowed her fingers to trace up from her wet lips to her mound and then higher. Her fingers hooked under the bottom hem of her tight tanktop and pulled it up, sliding it up over her surprisingly firm stomach, pausing only a moment when they reached the bottom of her bra. She hooked her fingers under the elastic bottom band and then pulled the shirt and bra up, pulling both it and her shirt up over her tits, exposing her whole body from high on her chest all the way to her knees to my view. "Lick my cunt Mike. Please? Please lick me?" she practically begged as her fingers moved from her shirt and bra, back down to her rock hard nipples, gently stroking small circles around each hard protruding nub.
I stood and stared at her mostly naked body for long seconds, my brain seeming to be in a fog of desire I hadn't felt since saw Nancy's naked body that first time. I wasn't sure at all why I did it. I shouldn't have. Part of me knew it was wrong, but another part, an animalistic part, demanded that I respond to the feelings of want and desire welling up inside of me almost uncontrollably. I gave in to those urges and I gave into them right in front of Nancy. I reached for Linda's hips, moved her in front of the island counter and lifted her up, setting her bare ass on the cold hard granite surface. She didn't seem to care as I pulled off her jogging shoes, dropping them on the floor before pulling her pants the rest of the way down her legs before tossing them aside. I grasped her ankles and lifted her legs into the air, pushing them apart as I stepped between her legs. I pressed my shrinking cock against her wet cunt lips, grinding myself against her wetness and pressing my lips to hers in an aggressive wanting kiss that she eagerly returned. I stood there, kissing her for only a few seconds before lowering my head from her face to her tits. I closed my lips around one hard nipple and sucked it into my mouth, teasing it with my tongue as she grasped my head with one hand, pulling my face forcefully toward her chest. I heard her moan loudly as I nibbled her hard nipple. "Oh god. Fuck me Fuck my hot cunt!" she gasped loudly.
I couldn't do that. My cock was on the wrong side of climax and was going to take a few minutes to recover, but that didn't mean I couldn't pleasure her in other ways. I pulled my face from her tit and kissed my way down over her stomach, over her hairy, curl covered mound, and down between her thighs. I kissed each thigh several times, each kiss moving closer to her hot wet cunt. I could smell her excitement, her lips practically leaking her juices even before touched them with my tongue.
"Oh my god yes!" she moaned as I made the first lick up her cunt lips, tasting her sweet nectar as I let my tongue spread her inner lips. I eagerly licked up and down her slit, driving my tongue deep between her lips, finding both the leaking entrance to her depths and her hard clit. I wanted to be hard, I wanted to drive my cock into her hot depths, but it wasn't ready yet.
Linda’s eyes were closed as she leaned back on her elbows, like a Grecian statue, there on our kitchen island pedestal.
I used a finger to slip into her, drawing a gasp of pleasure. I teased her clit with my tongue while I slipped my finger in and out of her like a small dick. "Oh Fuck!" she cried as her legs trembled and shook, my tongue continually teasing over and around her hard exposed clit. I was a momentarily surprised at how quickly she was going to come, but the thought fled my mind as I was overtaken by the scent of her cunt, and an overwhelming desire to fuck her. My mind briefly felt thankful that she had just sucked me off and I hadn't gotten hard again yet, but I couldn't quite gel the thought as to why that was important, so I continued to lick and tease her clit until her whole body tensed. She trembled and her cunt was leaking copiously, I pulled my finger from her and used my tongue to try and drive into her depths, allowing me to enjoy the flow leaking from her depths. I licked and sucked her juices as they leaked into my mouth, sharing her climax as she came for me. "Oh, damn." She panted as her body slowly stilled, my tongue now slowly stroking up her slit, collecting the last of her flow. I stood up slowly, looking at her, my mind slowly realizing what I had just done; and to whom.
"God Mike. I don't believe you just did that." I heard Nancy say from behind me. I had forgotten she was even in the kitchen, let alone watching me lick our neighbor to climax!
I stood up, my shorts still around my ankles. I wiped a hand across my mouth to wipe Linda's cum from my chin, and turned to look at her. There were so many things I could say, so many things I felt like saying, but for reasons I don't quite understand, the only think that came out was, "Your turn?"
"Oh Mike!" she cried before bursting into tears. She turned and ran down the hall. I heard the door to the bedroom slam, and then a sound I don't think I've ever heard. The click of the lock button on the doorknob.
"Oh shit." I whispered as Linda sat up behind me. I felt Linda press herself against me. I felt her hard nipples press into my back, her hands reaching around me to find my half hard cock. Her fingers of one hand teased my cock while the other stroked up and down my stomach and chest. Her legs hooked around my thighs in a possessive embrace.
"Any time you wanna put this pole in me, I'm ready." Linda whispered in my ear. "If Nancy doesn't want it, I'll be more than happy to keep you satisfied."
"I don't think that'll help, at the moment." I whispered, suddenly feeling like I'd lost something, but my mind couldn't quite identify what.
"She's upset. I'm sure it'll pass." Linda tried to smooth things over. “If a magnificent cock like your’s isn’t appealing, she’s sexually comatose.”
I turned in her arms to look down at her, her shirt and bra now gone so she was completely naked. "I better go talk to her." I whispered as her hand found my cock again and began to try to coax it between her legs as it slowly hardened in her hand.
"That isn't helping." I struggled.
"No? you mean it isn't making you want to put your cock in me? It's getting harder, so I think you do." Linda’s horniness was unabated.
"I do, but I don't. I mean, I shouldn't want to. I love Nancy. I want to be making love with her," I answered Linda; my mind slowly clearing and starting to come to grips with what had just occurred.
"I understand. You want to make love to the woman you love. But I could be that woman, couldn't I? I mean, we've known each other for years. I'm not married anymore. So, what's stopping us from going there? Just push this joystick into me and we'll see how long it takes for you to fill me up with your cum."
"Linda. Oh shit. I'm so close to just throwing you down and fucking you. But I know I shouldn't. I know that what I want, is back there, in the bedroom. I just don't know how to get her to want it anymore." I got free of Linda’s clutches and sat down at the table.
Linda stood and said; "Why don't you let me talk to her, and then I'll come back and ride you until you pop in me. How's that sound? You just sit and wait for me and when I come back, I can climb right onto your cock and fuck you until you beg me to make you come." With that she turned and walked down the hall to the bedroom. I heard her knock on the door and ask my wife to let her in. It took several times before the door opened and Linda was let in, the door closed again behind her.
To be continued in part 2, Based on a post by m storyman x for Literotica.