Saturday, July 13, 2024

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 4

Cum on Over Here!

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected


Dana burst out laughing. "I feel like each of you signed up to maybe get someone's cum on you tonight, no?"

"True. Good point," Liam said as he smiled.

"Okay, okay. Let's take care of things shall we?" Maureen asked as she rose to her feet and approached the boys. She knelt down in front of Dave and Robbie. Dana stayed put and crossed her legs.

"Since Dave is such a good sport. He'll be enjoying a Maureen Special right next to his pal, Robbie," Maureen announced as she took hold of each of their erect cocks. Her mouth dropped open as she felt Robbie. "My God! It's like made of iron or something!"

"I get really hard," he said proudly as he watched Maureen's hand clutch his shaft.

"Liam, darling. Be a doll and get me some lube, would you?" Maureen asked without looking up. She was focused on Dave and Robbie's hard cocks. Liam hopped up and ran off to the bathroom, his huge cock swaying back and forth as he jogged. Dana felt a tingle in her crotch as she watched him.

Liam returned holding two bottles in his hands. His cock swung back and forth like a pendulum. "Okay, do we want almond or vanilla?" he asked, holding up both bottles.

"Vanilla." Both Dave and Robbie said in unison.

"Well, I guess you two know what you want!" Maureen said as she turned to Liam. "Be generous with it, sweetheart."

Liam popped the top and poured the liquid first all over Dave's cock and next over Robbie. Dana found it strangely erotic to watch him pour it on the other guy's cocks. She fantasized about rubbing it on Liam's big cock. She knew that moment would be arriving soon, hopefully.

Maureen inhaled deeply as she stroked each lubed up pole. "Mmm, so yummy."

Robbie and Dave got comfortable next to each other as Maureen worked on their cocks while Liam wandered over to Dana and sat next to her. She slid over to make room, smiling at him as he sat down. Dana stole a peak at his cock which looked as if it was starting to harden up.

"This feels so good, Maureen," Robbie said as he watched Maureen's hand slide up and down his thick cock. He didn't have the runway that Dave had, but he noticed Maureen used a twisting motion instead. His cock throbbed under the pressure.

"Yeah, you're good at this," added Dave. Maureen smiled sweetly as she alternated her focus from one cock to another.

"Round and round and round we go! Will we have as much cum as before? Nobody knows!" Maureen chanted as she worked on her two studs.

"Nevermind that," said Dana. "I still can't believe they're hard again. It hasn't even been an hour!"

Maureen turned to Dana behind her as she continued to jerk them off. "To be young again, right lovely?"

Dana laughed, turning to Liam and making eye contact. She glanced at his cock, this time not secretively. He raised it up and squeezed it for her before placing it back on his thigh. Feeling comfortable, Dana reached out and softly pet his resting cock. "He's still sleeping," she whispered with a cute little giggle.

"Oh God," murmured Dave as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. As Maureen stroked his cock, he clutched and tugged at his scrotum, feeling his balls begin to tighten. He stretched his legs out and raised his ass ever so slightly off the cushion. "You're gonna make me cum again."

Robbie looked over and noticed his buddy's cock was throbbing and looked ready to burst. "Already?"

Dave opened his eyes with a skeptical gaze. "Coming from the guy who just came in under a minute." Robbie cracked up laughing as he diverted his attention back to Maureen's twisting hand on his cock.

"Fuck. Keep that up," said Dave as he raised his ass further. "Just like that. Just like that. Fuck. you're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum."

Dave launched his second load of the night, shooting a clear shot of cum up into the air. It didn't have a single trajectory as drops splashed everywhere. A couple landed on Robbie's stomach next to him.

"Ahh gross dude!" he said, wiping the cum off. Dave moaned loudly as more came flying out his spewing cock head.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Maureen screamed as she now focused all her attention on milking Dave dry while Robbie waited, cock in her hand. Dave managed to open his eyes as he watched Maureen jerk him, coaxing out many more shots. Much of his spunk landed on Maureen herself. Her black blouse was soaked as an indication of how much cum was pouring out.

"Oh my God this is crazy," said Dana only loud enough for Liam to hear. He smiled and put his arm behind her on the back of the couch as they watched their friend have an orgasm. Dana noticed he was becoming hard quickly. His cock expanded up his belly.

"Oh God! Fuck!" Dave winced as Maureen squeezed out the remainder of his cum as it dripped harmlessly down her hand.

"Look at this mess you made, dear," Maureen said as she examined her blouse and jeans, both wet from his cum. She continued to stroke Dave as he winced in pain. "Ooh," she giggled. "Is somebody sensitive?" she asked while continuing to tease Dave by jerking his cock. He writhed in his seat, ultimately grabbing Maureen's wrist so she'd stop.

She slid over so all her attention was now on Robbie, whose cock was about as hard as it's ever been as he approached another orgasm. "I think this one's almost ready too," Maureen said as she alternated both hands to caress Robbie's thick cock. One hand still had Dave's cum on it, but it served as a suitable lubricant and Robbie didn't seem to object.

Maureen fondled his big balls with one hand and jerked him with the other. "I can feel your spunk boiling, honey," she smiled up at Robbie. She knew he was about ready to burst as she could feel it as well as see it in his eyes. He squinted as if he was looking into the sun. His cock was so bloated it looked like it was about to burst.

"Look at that," Dana said to herself as she watched from her seat. She turned to Liam who smiled back. She looked down to see his fully hard cock resting against his stomach. Precum spilled out the tip indicating he was very aroused.

"Fuck. Here we go. Watch out. I'm gonna cum," said Robbie as his cock pulsed and throbbed. Maureen stopped stroking, opting to hold it from the base as she waited for the first shot.

But instead of a shot, it was a dribble of cum that slowly oozed out his head and wandered down the shaft, over Maureen's fingers. Robbie moaned as another load exited his tip, this time a continuous flow of cum. He kicked his legs violently as his cockhead pulsed. But cum wasn't flying everywhere like Dave or Liam. It was a thick stream flowing down his shaft like a babbling brook.

Maureen finally resumed stroking as Robbie's orgasm came to a conclusion. "There we go, big boy. Let it all out for us," she said soothingly as Robbie closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Wow," Robbie said, eyes closed. Maureen still held his cock in her hand. Semen covered her fingers. "That was amazing."

"It just kinda dribbled out, huh?" Dana asked.

"Like a leaky faucet!" Maureen said, releasing his cock and holding up her hand to show everyone. "A-Plus for consistency!" She opened and closed her hand to demonstrate the thickness of Robbie's cum in her fingers before rubbing her hand on his leg.

"Messy, messy boys," Maureen said teasingly. "Off to the shower please!" she said as she stood up and 'shooed' them away. "I want you both spick and span!" she added. The boys trudged off towards the bathroom, remembering that Maureen was in charge tonight.

She wiped her hands off on her jeans and turned to see Liam and Dana sitting comfortably together on the couch. Liam's hard cock was pressed against his belly, reaching nearly to his chest.

"Well look at you two lovebirds!"

Dana blushed and ran her finger through her blonde hair, tucking it behind her ear. She slid over slightly so as not to get too close to Liam and his massive cock.

Liam stroked his cock looking up at Maureen. "When do I cum again, Miss Maureen?" he asked, flirtatiously. She eyed his throbbing member, nearly salivating watching him stroke it.

"We still owe you the almighty blowjob don't we?" she asked, hands on her hips. The shower could be heard running in the background as the other two boys joked and laughed in the bathroom.

Liam nodded, looking thirsty as ever. Dana openly stared at his huge prick. She studied the veins in his shaft, his balls, his head. Every detail.

"I think that's the perfect job for the lovely Dana, wouldn't you agree?" Maureen asked.

Liam nodded and looked at Dana.

"Wait, wait. What?" Dana asked, shocked. She did not plan on giving anyone a blowjob tonight. In fact, the last time she had ever given a blowjob was early on in her marriage. She didn't even think she remembered how.

"Is there a problem?" Maureen asked. "Surely you wouldn't want to pass on the opportunity to suck this magnificent meat stick, now would you?"

Liam cracked up laughing as he stroked his cock, awaiting Dana's response. She now was leaning forward on the couch, staring at Liam's cock. She debated in her head if she was willing to do this in front of everyone.

"You guys. I haven't given a blowjob in years. Years! And the last time was, well, it was not like this here," she said pointing to Liam's big cock. He throbbed at the compliment.

"Look at this thing," she reached out and took hold of Liam's cock. He placed his hands by his side to allow her complete access. Dana smiled as she felt the warm flesh in her hand. She poked and prodded all over his shaft. She then grabbed the tip with her thumb and forefinger and pulled it down in front of him.

Liam winced in fake pain. Dana let his cock fling back as she giggled. It slapped against his stomach with a loud thwack. "Oh my God, Liam!" Dana laughed with Maureen as she catapulted his cock a second time. "This is fun!"

"Have you ever launched objects off your diving board, Mr. Liam?" Maureen asked as she watched Dana have fun with the massive cock in her hand.

"Guys, I've done just about every trick there is in the book."

"Is that right?" Dana asked, looking up at Liam. "Maybe we'll have to see some of these tricks soon."

Dana went along playing with Liam's cock while he gladly watched. She was delaying the inevitable, trying to buy time before getting down to business. "Who's thicker, you or Robbie?"

"I didn't wanna say anything to him. But I'm pretty sure I've got him in girth." Liam placed his hand around the thickest part of his cock at the middle and gave it a tug. Dana held on to the top part simultaneously. "Yeah. I agree with you," she nodded.

"Gosh, this thing is so huge. You must destroy women."

"I don't know. Maureen, what do you think?" Liam asked as he cracked a guilty smile.

Dana looked up, shocked. "No, No! Really, Maureen?"

"It was a long time ago, right Liam? Maybe four years or so? You may have still been in College even," she admitted.

"We met at a shoot. Just the one time. Since then, it's been more of a playful relationship, wouldn't you agree?"

"Indeed." Maureen sipped from her wine glass.

"The more you know," said Dana as she continued stroking Liam. She wondered if her developing crush on Liam was not such a good idea anymore. She pushed his cock down again and let it fling up. This time a drop of precum flew off his cock and landed on his face.

"Ooh!" she shouted as she cracked up laughing. "I'm sorry!" she said as she wiped it off his nose with her thumb. "I got you in the face!"

"All good, all good," Liam said as he also wiped his nose. "Comes with the territory, right?"

Just then the other boys would be heard laughing boisterously as they exited the bathroom, heading for the others.

"Dude that was gross. You're a fuckin cock man," Dave said as he approached the living room. "Robbie just pissed in your shower, Maureen. And on me."

"Who doesn't piss in the shower?" asked Robbie, defending himself. "Dave just got in the way."

Dana continued stroking Liam while she checked out the others. They were fresh and clean and still very naked. Dave's cock hung down lazily past his balls. In its soft state he still maintained some good size, she thought. But Robbie's cock had contracted so small that it was barely more than a stub. "Was the water that cold, Robbie?" Dana asked. She couldn't help herself.

Everyone laughed, even Robbie. "Alright, alright, alright guys. I get it. Tiny dick guy here. I came twice already, I think he may be telling me he's done." Robbie pulled at his dick desperately, trying to reveal some length for everyone.

"Dude, c'mon. You got hard in the shower!" Dave claimed.

"That was a half chub and its cause I literally just came like two seconds before!"

"Whatever dude. I think you were sporting wood." Dave shook his head as he turned to Liam and Dana. "Holy shit. Speaking of wood!"

Dana smiled proudly as she too turned her gaze towards Liam's towering cock in her hand. She stroked it a couple times to show it off. "Liam's back, boys."

"Fuckin right he is. Dude's got a canon." Robbie said as he openly stared at Liam.

"Boys, boys, boys. Please be a doll and fix some snacks for everyone. And we need refills. The show's about to begin!" Maureen said as she clapped her hands in excitement.

Dave and Robbie trotted off to the kitchen to make some snacks, playfully shoving each other the whole way. Maureen rolled her eyes as she watched their cute asses wiggle. She affixed her attention back on Dana who was growing hornier by the minute. She reached up and tied her hair in a bun, preparing for her turn to please Liam. "You realize you're going to be my first blowjob in years," she said as she fixed her hair. "And I'm not even sure I'll be able to do this."

Liam smiled as she clutched his hard cock. "I think you've got this," he said with a wink.

Robbie and Dave returned with some popcorn and fresh drinks for everyone. They sat on either side of Maureen as all three faced Dana and Liam on the other couch. Dana held Liam's cock by the base, staring at it as if she was pondering what to do next.

"Whoa," said Dave as he tossed some popcorn in his mouth. "That thing's looking angry."

Dana leaned forward. She slowly placed her lips on the head, feeling it's hardness and warmth. She sensually kissed it twice. She then stuck out her tongue and swirled it around the opening at the tip. She then softly tapped his cock onto her tongue a couple times, as if she was just warming up.

Next, she opened her mouth as wide as it would go and inserted the head inside. To say she was filled up by just the head would be an understatement. Liam's massively big, bloated cock head took full residence inside Dana's wet mouth. After slurping on it for a few seconds, she pulled it out with a 'pop.'

"Your head is literally the size of an entire cock!" she said, already out of breath. Robbie laughed as he looked over at his pal, Dave.

"Jesus," Dana said as she shook her head in disbelief. "I don't think I can do this."

"You've got this, sweetie!" Maureen said, encouragingly. "It gets easier."

"Yeah, Dana. Try and get to that line," Robbie pointed out a faint line on Liam's cock, roughly three inches down from the head. "That's a reasonable goal."

Dana tilted her head to see what he was referring to. "Easy for you to say over there!" She stroked his cock as she looked up at Liam. He had a tenderness in his eyes. A caring demeanor.

"You feel amazing, Dana," he said softly. "You're so beautiful."

Dana smiled bashfully. She then opened her mouth and took his head in again. This time she was determined. She stroked his cock with one hand while slowly inching her mouth down further. Her tongue was pushed all the way in the back of her mouth to make room for his cock, so any tongue action was unfortunately not possible. But her hand continued to work feverishly. She added another hand on his balls for more stimulation.

Liam closed his eyes and moaned. "Oh my God," he said as he entered pure bliss. "This feels so good."

Dana closed her eyes and pushed down further. She never felt so much flesh in her mouth at once. The warm, throbbing sensation of Liam's giant cock was starting to have an effect on her. She felt her cunt gush under her pants. She removed one hand from Liam's balls to feel herself, just briefly, before putting it back.

"She's past the line," said Dave, looking at Maureen and Robbie. Maureen nodded, eyes widened, impressed.

"She's incredible," Robbie said. He had been absent-mindedly playing with his cock while watching. He was hard again.

Dana was moving at a rapid clip now. Bobbing her head up and down on Liam. He moaned repeatedly and placed a hand on her head as she bounced. Liam's other hand dug into the couch cushion.

"I think he's getting close," Maureen whispered to Dave. "Look at his balls!" Liam's balls were so tight, they had practically become one big ball. The moment was fast approaching.

Even Dana moaned now with her mouth full of Liam. She struck a rhythm and could feel his cock tensing in her mouth. She knew it was almost time.

Liam suddenly opened his eyes and leaned forward. He tapped Dana on the head. "It's time. Shit. Gonna cum."

Dana slid his cock out and started jerking him rapidly. Just as she popped him out, a huge glob of cum fired out his tip and all over his chest. Another thick cumshot splashed his face. Dana giggled and aimed his cock towards her.

"Fuck!" shouted Liam as he unloaded a massive gusher directly onto Dana's chest, seeping into her cleavage. Two more equally wet blasts filled her up.

"Fuck, baby!" said Dana as she stroked out more thick shots coating her tight stomach. "Oh God!" she said. She was overcome by the moment.

"Holy fuck," said Dave as he watched Liam blast semen all over Dana and himself. "That's a lotta cum."

"Okay, okay, Okay, oh my God," Liam said as he leaned forward and took control of his cock from Dana. She leaned back, sitting on her feet, examining the massive load in her cleavage. She was very pleased with herself.

"Liam, Liam, Liam. My dear, dear Liam. You look like you just died and went to heaven," said Maureen, smiling from across the room.

Liam looked as if he just smoked a blunt. His eyes half shut, smile planted across his face, cum dripping from his cheeks. "That was the best blowjob I've ever gotten."

Dana wiped her face, staring at Liam's cock. She reached out and squeezed out a tiny droplet from the top, clearing it with her thumb. She brought it to her mouth and licked it clean. "Thanks," she said sweetly, looking at Liam.

Meanwhile Robbie had a raging hard on and Dave was fast approaching an erection as well. Maureen smiled as she noticed the two of them were aroused as she was at the scene.

"Well would you look at tweedle dee and tweedle dum over here," she teased. "Not so fast you too. You both had your fun. Now it's time for the lovely Dana and me to enjoy our evening together."

Robbie and Dave both looked at each other and sighed. "Sure Maureen. What'd you have in mind?"

For the rest of the evening, Robbie, Dave, and Liam all waited on Maureen and Dana as they caught up and drank wine. They served them dinner and dessert. All the while, completely naked and sporting fairly consistent erections. Dana enjoyed watching them wander around the apartment, fully exposed. She was really getting used to this strange new experience Maureen had turned her on to.

But it was Liam that was really drawing her in. They no doubt had chemistry. And after this evening, they reached a new level sexually.

Dana couldn't wait to see where things went next.

Dana and Liam spend an evening together.

She hadn't felt like this in years. Not since her marriage or even before it. Her mind was completely consumed by Liam.

For the next few days following the party, Dana and Liam traded texts back and forth. It started at flirty little exchanges and turned into Liam once again showing off his glorious cock for Dana. He sent pictures of it soft and hard. He compared to items like a banana, wine bottle, anything he could find around the house.

Dana loved it. She got a kick out of Liam being so willing to show it off for her. The conversations they had would almost immediately turn racy.

"It's so huge!" said Dana.

"Glad you like."

"I still can't believe what happened"

"You're amazing"

Dana smiled at her phone. "Thanks. I did my best! Lol"

"What was your favorite part?"

She spent a minute pondering the question before typing out a response. "I love it when you cum because it just seems to go on and on forever."

"I do too :)"

Dana replayed some videos Liam sent her of him ejaculating alone at his apartment. One particular video shows him stroking his cock into the shower. Cum sprays everywhere in thick, white streams, unbroken as they launch from his cock.

She often masturbated to these videos. Occasionally bringing herself to orgasm, but more often going right to the edge. She decided she absolutely wanted to see Liam again, but needed to check with Maureen first. The other night she learned that Maureen and Liam had slept together before. Talking with her first was the right thing to do.

"Hey!" Dana said as she entered the living room. Maureen was sitting on the couch working on a project on the coffee table.

"Hi, beautiful."

"Hey so listen. I wanted to ask you something."

Maureen stopped what she was doing and looked up. "You're going to see him."

"See who?"

Maureen sighed. "Liam, my love."

"How'd you know?" Dana looked confused.

Maureen returned to her project. "I've been around awhile. I can tell when sparks are in the air. And the other night?" she looked up at Dana. "It was a wildfire."

Dana blushed. "But you guys have a past."

Maureen laughed. "Liam and I are nothing more than acquaintances. Yes I may have perhaps taken the horse for a ride outside the stable, but it was a long time ago and not something we're interested in."

"No?" asked Dana.

Maureen looked up. "There was a lot of libations that night." She smiled as she continued her work. "Besides. Why do you think I invited you to help with my shoot the other day?"

"Thanks, Maureen. For everything. I feel like a new woman."

"Don't thank me. Thank Mr. Big Dick!" Maureen teased.

"Can I ask you a question? How did you, how does it,"

"Fit?" asked Maureen. Dana nodded.

"Have you ever heard the expression 'slow and steady wins the race'? Well, that couldn't be more true with our friend Liam."

Dana shook her head in disbelief. "Did you take all of him?"

Maureen laughed. "It was many years ago, dear. I'm sure I did. Or most. You're in for a glorious treat. That is, if you're to take him on."

As Dana stood up to go get ready, she looked down at Maureen's project. She was working with a clay-like substance, molding it into different objects. She couldn't help but notice the piece in her hand was strikingly similar to a certain male body part.

"Do I even wanna know what this project is?"

Maureen shook her head. "I doubt it. But you may want to once it's done," she winked.

Dana shook her head as she walked towards her room and closed the door.

The place reeked of seafood and stale beer. Dana immediately felt overdressed in her thin, white sundress. She felt the eyes from the bar patrons as she walked briskly past them, showing off just enough cleavage to draw attention.

As she scanned the restaurant, she noticed Liam sitting at the last seat at the bar with an open stool next to him. He cheerfully waved her over.

"So is this your idea of an elegant evening?" she asked, sarcastically.

"What's not to love!?" Liam said as he stood up to hug Dana before she took her seat. "The bar popcorn is fantastic here. The jukebox is always on. And the fried clams are to die for."

Dana looked around, nodding her head. "Ya know, I can always enjoy a nice dive bar from time to time."

Dana looked Liam up and down. He was wearing a tight, dark green t-shirt. His muscles were practically bursting through. He had on tight, ripped jeans and flip flops. Dana found it amusing their mismatch of clothing choice. She was dressed for a night at the yacht club while he was looking like he'd be smoking a joint on the beach. She reminded herself of their age difference as she enjoyed an ice cold Coors Light and laughed with Liam over his silly jokes.

"What?!" asked Liam, as he struggled to get through a story he was telling Dana. "I really had to go!"

"You could have waited until there was a restroom. Or at least the woods or something!"

"Wasn't possible. Sometimes when you gotta go, you gotta go."

The two had excellent chemistry. Laughing and joking all night long as different people came and went all around them. Dana hadn't felt this way in years as she and Liam flirted heavily. She sensed it was almost time to end or extend the evening. She hoped it wouldn't end.

During a brief lull in the conversation, Dana leaned in, clutching Liam's muscular arm. "Can I just tell you something," she started.

Liam nodded and leaned in. As if Dana was about to tell him a big secret.

She looked around and lowered her voice. "The other night was absolutely crazy.

"I've never done anything like that in my life. It was so, so surreal! Almost as if none of it ever happened."

Liam smiled and nodded as he took a sip of his beer. "Oh, but it did," he winked at her.

Dana shook her head. "Still can't get over it. Your," she lowered her voice to almost a whisper. "Your fucking cock is so big."

The two of them cracked up laughing, as they had been doing all night. "Yeah?" Liam asked as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Yes!" Dana said as she began to blush. "It's enormous. I can't believe I did the things I did to it."

Liam's eyes got wide. "But you did. And my God you were incredible."

Dana was not one to brag and she didn't take compliments well. "I was living in the moment. But I have no regrets. So tell me one thing. When did you find out you had such a big one? Is this something guys talk about to each other?"

Liam shrugged. "Not really. We kind of rely on you guys to tell us. I dated this girl in college who was, like, obsessed with it. Constantly measuring it, comparing things to it. Showing it to her friends-"

"She showed it to her friends?! Like in pictures?" Dana asked. She no longer lowered her voice.

"No! She would invite them over. Make me whip it out. It was kinda wild." Liam shifted in his seat and took a sip. As he did so, Dana took a glance at his crotch, noticing it was expanding.

"So kind of like the other night?" she asked.

"Yeah, exactly. That was when I realized I may have something. One thing led to another and now I've got the site and everything. Kind of a niche thing."

"Do all the girls that hire you do what me and Maureen did?" Dana asked, afraid to hear the answer.

Liam paused. His expression turned serious. "Dana, the truth is, yes. Yes they do. And sometimes more."

"I see," Dana crossed her arms in her lap, scanning around the restaurant.

"Does that bother you?"

"No, no, don't be silly. It's your business."

"I never do this with customers. Only you." Liam reached over and gently lifted Dana's head by her chin so that they made eye contact. "You're a special one, Dana."

She couldn't help but smile and feel warm. "Thank you. You are, too."

"Get out of here?" Liam asked.

"Yes," Dana said with conviction.

They were barely through the doorway of Liam's apartment before Dana's tongue was down his throat. Her arms around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist. Liam effortlessly carried Dana down the hallway into the living room in the back of the apartment, passionately kissing the whole way.

He let her down slowly on the couch, pushing aside his guitar as he climbed on top of her. With his big hands, he reached down and helped Dana take off her dress. She was wearing sexy black panties and a black bra. Liam devoured her tits as he caressed them over her bra. Dana breathed deeply as she spread her legs and closed her eyes. Her fingers ran through Liam's hair as he got acquainted with her chest.

Dana helped him out by unclasping her bra, revealing her gorgeous tits for the first time. Liam held her hands by his side and stood up to admire her sexy physique. "You're stunning," he said quietly to her as he took in the view. He then removed his shirt, revealing his large muscles and chiseled abs.

She raised her dainty foot with painted nails and ran it down Liam's stomach, starting at his pecs. She slowly traversed each abdominal muscle with her big toe, admiring their tightness. She continued to investigate with her toes as she reached Liam's tenting crotch. His big cock was sticking out, down the right pant leg, aching to be let out.

Hungry for it, Dana sat up on the couch and unbuckled his belt. "I've been thinking about this for days," she said as she eagerly looked up at him.

"That makes two of us," he said as he peered down at her.

Dana unzipped his pants and pulled them down, leaving Liam standing in just his boxer briefs. Next she grabbed them by the waistband and slid them over his protruding cock, releasing it from its dark confines.

It sprung out violently, slapping Dana directly in the chin. She turned her head and laughed. "Oh my God, this thing!"

Liam laughed too as Dana glared at his cock from inches away. "God, it just gets more impressive every time I see it. Look at this," she said as she lifted it up, examining the underside. She then placed it on top of her face and looked up at Liam. "It's bigger than my head!"

Liam laughed and ran his finger through her golden hair. "It's a good look on you."

Dana leaned back on her feet and stroked his cock. She used two hands on the shaft, every once in a while switching one hand to caress his heavy balls. Liam moaned softly while bending his knees. He was as hard as a rock.

"Do you like my big, eleven inch cock?" he asked, taking command of the spellbound Dana.

She nodded as she ran her fingers up and down the underside of the shaft. "I do."

"Then say it," he demanded.

"I love your eleven inch cock," she said, staring at it. Liam's cock pulsed with arousal as precum spilled out.

"I want it in my mouth again," said Dana as she gently kissed the tip several times before engulfing his swollen head whole.

"Mmm." Liam groaned at first contact. The warmth of Dana's mouth sent shivers throughout his entire body.

Unlike the other night, there was no taking it slow for Dana. She had not stopped thinking about the next time she would taste this man since Sunday night and was making it count. In an instant, she had a third of him deep down her throat as she stroked his shaft with both hands.

Overcome with intense feelings of pleasure, both Liam and Dana moaned in unison as she sucked on his hardened pole. She was blowing him with fervor, sucking in every taste, every smell, every pulse of his colossal cock, stretching her lips further open, her jaw wedged wide.

Much like the other night, Dana would occasionally use one hand to finger herself, over her panties while she engulfed him. She massaged her clit with a purpose, moaning softly albeit muffled with a mouthful.

Liam's breathing increased and his stance strengthened. Dana held onto his big thigh for support and could feel it was rock hard and bracing for an orgasm. His balls were tight too as they prepared for blast off.

She ached for his cum.

And it didn't take long.

After only a few minutes, Liam was boiling. "Oh. Oh. Oh, Mmm fuck. Fuck! Fuck!"

He arched his head back and pushed his pelvis out as his balls began to empty and the floodgates opened.

At first, Dana thought she could handle it. She felt a warm sensation deep in her throat. So deep, in fact, that she swallowed what she assumed to be the first blast with relative ease. She felt his cock throb in her hand and mouth as a second powerful load entered her throat. Again, she swallowed, feeling the hot and sticky goop travel down her esophagus.

But nothing could prepare her for the ensuing blasts, all powerful, all increasing in volume. She gagged a bit as she quickly pulled his gushing member out of her mouth. She gasped for air as Liam took control of his spasming cock, launching ropes up over her head onto the couch behind her.

Dana regained composure quickly, managing to take control back. She used both hands to aim his orgasm at her chest.

"Oh shit! Fuck yes Dana!" Liam muttered as she squeezed out thick cum-blasts, caking her chest and abs. She watched him unload as much of his spunk traveled down her body, covering her panties below. There was so much of it.

"Wow," she said quietly to herself as she rubbed and tugged at his cock, in awe of the sperm spectacle happening in front of her. Cum still dripped from her mouth as he finished. Dana released his cock and inspected the mess left all over her. Liam took hold and stroked out a couple last dribbles. Dana giggled as he let them fall onto her thighs. "It just never stops, huh?" she asked sweetly, smiling up at him. Liam shook his head. His orgasm had finally concluded.

Liam helped Dana to her feet. They both looked down at the incredible amount of cum still dripping from her tight yoga body. "How about a shower?"

"Ya think?" she teased. Liam took her hand and led her through the living room into his master bathroom. She watched his muscular ass the whole way. He was glistening with sweat. As they stood next to the shower waiting for the water to warm, Dana noticed she was dripping.

"Oh shit, it's getting everywhere." She clumsily tried to collect the cum off her body.

Liam laughed. "Don't worry about it. It's fine, I'll take care of it!" He paused to look at the white goop all over her. "I really got you huh?"

"Very funny," Dana said, rolling her eyes. "I think you have a problem. You should really get that checked out," she joked.

"But then I can't drench you like this!" Liam reached out and helped scoop some cum off of Dana. He checked the water. It was ready. "After you, my lady."

To be continued in Part 5, by BrazenHorse for Literotica.