Friday, July 12, 2024

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 3

Dana and Liam get closer. Maureen throws a party.

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Dana squinted as she stepped outside the gym into the bright and sunny Southern California morning. Having just wrapped up with a client session, she was sporting a purple tank top and tight, black yoga pants. Her blonde hair was tied up in a pony-tail. She clutched a yoga mat under one arm and a fresh coffee in the other.

She opened her car and took a seat. As she turned the ignition, a loud guitar solo from Phish filled the car. She abruptly turned the volume down, laughing to herself that she was that motivated this morning before her session. Sipping her coffee, she glanced at her phone seeing there was one unread text message. It was an unknown 949 number.

"Had so much fun the other night"

Dana plugged the number into Google, but nothing. She didn't know who it was. She went to a party on Sunday and figured it was someone from there.

"Sorry who's this?"


Dana's heart skipped a beat when the letters flashed across the screen. Her absurdly weird yet incredibly exotic evening at home with Maureen flashed into her head. She had thought about Liam constantly, even before she and Maureen paid him to be naked all night. She quickly fired off a response.

"OMG Hi!

"We had a lot of fun too!"

Liam wrote back immediately. "I'm glad. Would love to do it again sometime."

Dana rested her phone on her lap and looked out the window. An older couple was walking into the gym. The man held the door open for his wife. She looked back down and typed out a response.

"Would be great. Afraid you're an expensive date though :)"

"Maybe you can get the employee discount ;)"

Dana felt a fluttering feeling. She loved the feeling of chatting with such a gorgeous man. A man twelve years her junior with a massive cock that she had just paid $500 to see. Dana cracked up to herself at the scenario. She had never done any of this throughout her younger days or when married. She was venturing into completely new territory.

"Let me sleep on that!"

Dana wasn't very good at playing hard to get. At her age, she didn't see the point, but was also unsure how to proceed. Then her phone buzzed again.

Flashed across the screen was a vertical photo of Liam holding his flaccid cock. It was so big, it draped over his fist, almost touching his thigh below. Dana quickly put her phone down and looked around the parking lot. No one was there except for a young woman tying her shoe by her car. She looked back down.

"Did you miss it? ;)" Liam typed back.

Dana still didn't respond. She stared at the massive fleshy snake draped over his big hand. It was truly a sight to be seen. She slowly nestled her hand in between her legs and inched her fingers in, snug against her cunt. She was already becoming wet. She typed with her other hand.

"Not gonna lie. I did."

"Do you want to see it hard again?"

'Fuck' thought Dana. 'He's driving me crazy.' She dug her fingers in deeper, feeling her cunt tremble as she stared at her phone. She checked around the parking lot once more before responding.


She stared at her phone waiting for the jumping dots to indicate he was typing back. But nothing. She looked around the parking lot as she gently massaged between her legs. She felt her heart rate increasing.

Still nothing. She texted back.


"Yes?" he answered.

Dana hesitated. He was going to make her say it.

"Can you send the picture?"

Liam replied right away with a picture of him holding his erect, ten and three quarter inch, massively thick cock. His hand was planted firmly at the base the same position as before. But this time his rock hard cock stood strong. His veins pulsed beneath the thin membrane throughout its length. Translucent precum dripped from the tip across his bloated cock head.

Dana's mouth watered at the image. She spread her legs as far as they would go in the driver's seat and rubbed her cunt furiously. She made the image full screen as she panted heavily, masturbating in the parking lot.

Her body was flush with heat as she rubbed in a circular motion, over her yoga pants, using her index, middle, and ring fingers. She felt her phone vibrate several times, but the image was full screen. She was going to orgasm any minute.

As she stared at every detail in the image, she climbed higher toward climax. She studied the head, the precum, the long and thick shaft. She traced the veins with her eyes down to Liam's big tightly gripped hand. It was too much for her. She closed her eyes, put her phone down and moaned out loud in her vehicle. She jabbed away at her cunt as she came. Her legs kicked in the cramped space. Her voice trembled.

After fifteen seconds, the moment passed and clarity returned. She opened her eyes. Standing in front of her car appeared to be two young boys on bikes, no older than fifteen. They each stood in shock, mouths wide open.

Dana stared at them, out of breath and quickly blushing. She then half-smiled and flipped them both off before pulling her car away.

Pulling to a stop at a red light, she checked her phone.

"Is that good?

"What do you think?


"I'm sorry."

Liam had been texting her, but she was too busy fingering herself to a full screen of his cock. She quickly typed back.

"Sorry! Was driving. Thank you for the picture."

It wouldn't be the last time she looked at that picture today.

Later that day, Dana arrived home carrying four big bags of groceries. She opened the door to her apartment with her foot as she struggled with the bags. Maureen was seated in the armchair reading her book. She jumped up when she saw Dana needed help.

"Here, here. Let me," she said as she took two of the bags from Dana and set them on the countertop. "I'm so happy you're home, love. We have lots to go over."

Dana, out of breath, raised her hand in pause. "Can I please pee first?"

Maureen smiled as she started unpacking the groceries and putting the food away. "Go tinkle, little tinker bell."

Dana returned to the kitchen and noticed a bottle of wine had been cracked. She poured a glass as Maureen sang to herself while putting the groceries away. Dana leaned against the counter and glanced at the painting on the wall. Maureen's painting accentuated the muscles in Liam's body. She exhibited his strength and masculinity. She studied the detail Maureen put into each part of his body, especially his most private area.

While Maureen's first attempt at a painting was completely ruined, her second one turned out great, albeit showcasing a "softer" Liam than before. His impressive cock still begged for attention as it hung down halfway to his knees, nestled atop his large round balls.

"He's beautiful, isn't he?"

"Hmm?" Dana turned. "Oh.. yes. He's certainly a looker."

"So Dana, honey. What do you make of your first experience being served by a giant, gorgeous young stud?" Maureen smiled as she paused from unpacking and took a sip of wine. "Pretty sure you were having a blast."

"No pun intended?" joked Dana.

"Completely intentional." Maureen winked as she continued putting groceries away. She spoke to Dana while facing the cupboard. "Your eyes speak your emotions. And in that moment, the other night, you were drifting, far above the atmosphere."

Dana laughed. "Was it that obvious?"

"Mmm hmm. But, you know. So was I. It's exhilarating isn't it? Society asks us women to be the ones on display so often. It's nice to flip that on its side."

Dana pondered her last statement as she gazed into her wine glass. "You know, I never thought of it like that."

"I like to shake things up," Maureen said with a wink. Dana always respected Maureen's unique approach to life. She was peculiar, but in an endearing way. She had a way about making others feel comfortable being outside their comfort zone. She was doing this with Dana more and more every day.

"You know, I texted with him," Maureen said as she finished putting the last of the groceries away and closing the cupboard.

"Is that right?" Dana asked as she took a sip. She didn't plan on telling Maureen she and Liam texted each other, for whatever reason.

"I think we should have another little get together."

"Another one? Maureen, that was expensive," Dana laughed. "I can't be spending all this money just to see a big cock!"

Maureen shook her head. "No, no, no. Don't worry about it. I'm going to introduce Liam to some producers and directors I know. The man wants to get into the film industry. He won't charge us in exchange. Quid pro quo, my love."

Dana laughed. "You and your connections. How do you know producers and directors?"

"Don't worry about that, hun. The important piece is we get to have another show. And there's more."

"But wait! There's more!" Dana poked fun at Maureen's proposal.

"I'm also inviting two other men I think you're going to like very much. Also models." Maureen smiled, drinking her wine, waiting for Dana to respond.

"Wait. So you're going to invite three guys over here to, be naked in front of us?" Dana couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth.

"Yes! Doesn't that sound fun?"

"Wait, wait," Dana shook her head. "Three guys. Here. Naked."

Maureen nodded, smiling excitedly.

"Don't we have to pay the other guys?"

"Oh heavens no. I've introduced them to many of my industry peers. They owe me if anything."

Dana paused a long time, thinking about the offer. She turned and looked at the painting of Liam. She stared at his big, thick, heavy cock. "Okay," she said while still looking at the picture. "Let's do it."

"Oh yay!" Maureen said as she went over and hugged Dana. "We're gonna have so much fun. Robbie and David will love you!

"They're younger than Liam. Twenty-two. They're very excited to do it!"

"Twenty-two," Dana repeated, shaking her head. "Unreal, Maureen. I don't know where you find these people."

Dana laid in bed, staring at the photo Liam sent her. She texted him.

"So you're coming back?"

"I guess so. That's the plan lol"

"Wow. Who are the other guys?" Dana texted back.

"Not sure. Maureen says they're cool though."

Liam texted again. "Are you excited to see my cock again?"

Dana smiled to herself as she responded. "Kinda"

"I'm excited to show it again."

Dana smiled warmly as she put her phone down on her nightstand. She felt like a teenager with a crush. She felt like something was brewing between her and Liam, but wasn't sure if it was an actual fling or just him coming over and stripping for her and Maureen. The whole scenario was confusing. She rested her head on the pillow and drifted off to sleep picturing Liam naked again.

"Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Yeah!" Robbie and David each threw back their shot glasses of Jameson as they cheered each other on. Dana, Maureen, and Liam each watched, declining to partake. Dana shook her head and smiled at Maureen as if to say 'Who are these guys?'

"Nice, dude!" Robbie said as he and Dave high-fived. He turned to the others. "You guys sure you don't wanna rip shots?"

"I think my 'shot ripping' days are over, but thanks," said Dana as she sipped her wine. She took a moment to check out the two boys. Robbie was shorter than she imagined a model would be. At about five foot eight, he was only slightly taller than Dana. But his tan skin, dark hair, and bright green eyes were strikingly attractive. He also sported a very muscular physique, showcasing his big arms in a tight, white V-neck shirt.

Dave was tall, about as tall as Liam, but skinny. He was not as muscular as the other boys, but undeniably handsome. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and a sharp jawline. Dana eyed his big feet and wondered if it was a sign of another big thing.

"You guys are certainly getting a buzz on, huh?" Liam asked as he sipped his wine comfortably with Maureen and Dana.

"You sure you don't want one?" Robbie held up a refilled shot glass towards Liam. He held his hand up, "Naw, you guys enjoy. We have a lot of work to do. I want to stay fresh."

"Yeah speaking of which," Dave said as he took a shot and wiped his mouth. "We doing this?" he turned to Maureen.

"You're free to begin whenever you'd like, little man," Maureen responded. "In fact, we can do what we're doing now just minus the (clears throat) clothing part."

"So just, do it then?" Robbie asked. He looked nervous, but excited. Dana noticed he and Dave certainly were showing their age while Liam, only five years older, had a certain maturity and stoicism to him. Dana caught eyes with him and smiled, looking away.

"Whenever you'd like, Robbie." Maureen crossed her arms and leaned against the refrigerator, awaiting the decision. Robbie cracked up laughing as he turned to Dave. "Me or you?"

"Be my guest, man."

Robbie shook his head as he reached down and took off his shirt. His physique was impressive as muscles lined his torso, accentuated by rock hard abs. Next, he unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans down, revealing black boxer briefs.

"This is so nuts," he said as he kicked his jeans away and placed his thumbs under the waistband of his underwear. "Now?"

Dana laughed and made eye contact with Liam. "Now, please," said Maureen as she anticipated seeing the young man fully naked.

Robbie pulled his briefs down, revealing his completely shaved pubic area first. He paused at the base of his cock, took a deep breath, then pulled them down. Flopping into view were his cock and testicles. It was still soft, hanging slightly past his balls.

"Oh my God, dude," Dave was the first to comment as he nervously laughed to himself.

"What?" Robbie laughed as he looked down at his exposed cock. "Sorry ladies, I'm not, like, hard yet."

"Oh don't be silly," Maureen said, dismissively. "We have a long night ahead, my dear."

Dana looked at Liam and noticed he was trying to be respectful by not looking directly at Robbie. She looked back at Robbie, who now stood awkwardly, unsure where to put his hands. He settled on his hips, thus inadvertently drawing even more attention to his crotch area. As he stood there, everyone in the room now looked at his cock in silence.

"Okay, someone else's turn!" he finally said as he shrieked back, covering his privates.

"What about you, Dave? Your friend here is naked. It's your turn!" Dana said as she gestured towards Dave's clothed body.

He nodded and placed his drink down on the counter. He took off his shirt and jeans, leaving his green plaid boxer shorts. Unlike Robbie, Dave sported a pretty obvious bulge under his shorts. Silently, he slid his boxers down revealing a significantly plump, half hard cock hanging at a forty-five degree angle.

Dana was the first to gasp as she marveled at the fleshy snake hanging from Dave's lean body. It was so large on his thin frame it looked out of place. She giggled a little, causing Dave to wince with embarrassment.

"Shit man," Robbie said, hands still on his hips looking down at Dave. "Things fuckin huge."

"Heh, thanks?"

Dana smiled at their silly exchange as she turned to Liam. Liam was already looking directly at her, causing her to shy away and back to Dave.

"Yay! Two down, one to go!" Maureen said as she did a silly dance with her arms. Feeling content, Dave stepped back out of the spotlight, gently tugging on his heavy cock. The attention in the room was now squarely on Liam who already was removing his t-shirt. After he took it off, he looked directly at Dana, grinning from ear to ear. He was so excited as he quickly pulled his pants and underwear down at once.

His huge cock flopped into sight, surrounded by large and full balls. Liam proudly picked it up with his hand and placed it down again, flaunting its massive volume. Dana and Maureen clapped while looking at the other boys. Both stood in shock, mouths open wide, as they stared at Liam's humongous soft rod.

"Are you fucking kidding me, man?" Robbie asked, defeated. He was already dwarfed significantly by Dave, but Liam's cock was like nothing else. "That thing's a beast."

"Yeah, man. Holy shit," added Dave.

Liam swung his cock playfully in a circle as the women laughed out loud. "Yeah. It's pretty fun," he said, having no shame in boasting. Realizing no one had looked anywhere but at his cock since he took it out, Liam began to slowly stroke it as he began to form an erection. Dave and Robbie were speechless. Dana looked at their cocks which had both appeared to lengthen in the presence of the exposed Liam. She figured the excitement of the situation was getting to them.

"Shall we move to the living room?" she asked, looking at Maureen.

Maureen, snapping out of a trance while watching Liam, jumped up. "Yes! Yes, yes. Okay, everyone, living room please!"

Maureen and Dana took their seats on the couch, while the boys paraded in single file. "Line up here please! Next to each other," Maureen instructed as she crossed her legs. Each of the boys stood side by side so the women could get a good look at each of them. On the far right end, Liam stood firmly, oozing confidence with his hands on his hips. His cock was completely erect and stuck out obscenely far in front of them.

In the middle was Robbie. He openly stared at Liam's firm erection as his own cock seemed to struggle to get past a half-chub. He desperately pulled and tugged at it, trying to produce blood flow as he stood in front of the ladies. Dana thought it was adorable to watch him squirm when no more than ten minutes ago he was Mr. Macho ripping shots.

On the far left, stood Dave, the quietest one of the group. His long cock had almost reached erection. Dana studied it as best she could from her position, noticing it was big and thick, but still fell a few inches short of Liam. It had a slight angle to it, jutting out to his left and nearly encroaching on his friend Robbie's space.

"Splendid!" Maureen announced as she clapped her hands. "First things first, boys. We need some measurements. Dana, honey, right next to you is a ruler. If you don't mind."

"Gonna need a yardstick for this guy," said Robbie looking over at Liam's cock. Liam grinned, flexing his cock.

"Liam already measured for us," Maureen said as Dana handed her the ruler.

"And?" Robbie asked, curiously.

"He's ten and three quarters," Dana said proudly, smiling at Liam.

"What?!" Robbie asked. Dave, too, looked shocked at the announcement. "It's almost a foot?!"

"Almost," said Liam, holding his cock up with his hand and giving it a long and tight stroke, pausing at the base.

"Jesus Christ, dude." Robbie furiously increased his own tugging and pulling, trying to get an erection to stick. "How is that possible?" he muttered.

Maureen stood next to Dave and casually placed her arm around him. She placed the ruler on top of his cock, looking perplexed. "You're a curvy one, aren't you?" she giggled as she tried different angles on Dave's left-pointing cock. "Don't want to short change you here, sweetie." Ultimately, she decided to lay the ruler up on the side of his shaft and roll it across, trying her best to capture every inch.

"Eight, And a half," Maureen said, satisfied as she removed the ruler. With her other hand, she gently stroked Dave's cock. "Very nice boy."

Next was Robbie. He was still anxiously trying to get an erection, but had no such luck. Maureen stood patiently next to him, watching him try his best to get hard. He looked painfully frustrated and embarrassed as his cock seemed to be getting smaller, rather than hard. "I need a minute," he said, straining to speak.

Dave, who had begun to stroke his cock slowly, chuckled. "C'mon man, what's the issue? You got two beautiful girls staring at you."

"Now, now," said Maureen. "He can take all the time he needs. But, I do still need a measurement," she said turning back to Robbie. She placed her ruler near his cock. "Just pull him out for me, would you please darling?"

Robbie pulled his cock out as far as it would go. "Four, And a quarter. Almost four and a half." She looked up at Robbie. "Great!" Maureen grabbed her wine glass and took a seat, carefully checking out each of the men one at a time. "I have great news for all of you. You get to cum!"

Dana cracked up laughing at Maureen. She was having such a blast instructing these boys each step of the way. She found her command of the evening to be very comical.

"So here are the rules. Whoever cums the first, gets a handjob later. Whoever cums the furthest, gets a blowjob. And whoever cums last? Well, you're gonna have to clean everything up."

Robbie was the first to protest. "What? That's gross! No way."

"Don't be a poor sport, Robbie. Just don't lose, man," Dave said, grinning at Liam. The two of them knew the chances of Robbie losing were pretty good given the fact that he was still as soft as when he walked in. Robbie sighed impatiently as he violently tugged on his cock, praying for a pulse.

Maureen fetched some lube from the bathroom and squirted some into each of the boys' hands. They lined up shoulder to shoulder, angled away from the ladies towards the wall of the living room. It was at least ten feet away, plenty of room. Dana kept her eyes pretty much glued on Liam as he stroked his long cock, often looking over at her in the process. At one point he winked at her to which she responded by kissing her lips and giggling.

Dave used one hand to jerk off while the other pinched his nipple. "Is that your thing, Dave?" Dana asked. He nodded, appearing to be in the zone. The moist and slippery sounds of each boy jerking off could be heard loudly. As Dana watched with excitement, she switched her crossed legs and sipped her drink. In doing so, she could feel how wet and excited she was becoming. She turned to Maureen who was sitting with her legs folded up into herself on the couch. She was making no attempt at hiding her fingers as she massaged her cunt through her pants.

Suddenly, one of the boys moaned. Dave and Liam both turned to Robbie to find that he had finally produced a full erection and seemed to be nearing orgasm. His hand feverishly ran up and down his cock which appeared to be at least six inches now. But it wasn't its length that Dana noticed first. No, it was its incredible girth.

"Robbie, you're thick, huh?!" she asked, very surprised at his sudden growth spurt. He smiled at her as he gritted his teeth and bent his legs. He paused stroking as a thick white glob of cum poured out the tip of his cock, falling to the floor. "Oh my God!" shouted Dana. "You're cumming already!"

He grunted and stomped his foot as another shot launched out his cock, landing a couple feet in front of him on the hardwood floor. Both Liam and Dave stepped aside as not to get hit while both continuing to stroke their own cocks.

"Ah fuck! Oh fuck!" Robbie shouted, eyes closed as another huge stream of jizz popped out his cock, falling to the floor with a loud Splat.

"Such thick cum too! Look at the consistency, Dana!"

"That's impressive, not gonna lie," said Dana nodding her head as she watched Robbie unload his thick spear. "He's got a lot in there."

Robbie exhaled and put his hands on his head. He jumped on his tippy toes as his orgasm left him shivering. He looked down at his cock as it began to retract, a long strand of cum was still hanging from the head. He shook it slightly, allowing the rest of his juice to fall to the puddle below before stepping back to watch the rest of the show.

"Well that was a shocker!" Maureen exclaimed. "Looks like we know who's getting their dilly wanked! Who's next?"

Dana smiled at Liam before staring intently at his huge cock. It looked ready to burst. She remembered the way his balls tightened up before he came the other day and in the conference room. It appeared to be headed in that direction right now. She glanced over at Dave who was jerking off so hard, he was starting to form beads of sweat across his forehead and chest.

"Jesus dude, you okay?" Robbie asked from behind the boys. He laughed along with the girls. "Yeah don't over-exert Dave," Dana added. "We don't want to be responsible for any injuries."

"I'm fine," Dave said in a serious tone. He now jerked off with his eye closed, pinching his nipple and focusing his stroking on his cock head exclusively. He stood on his toes, knees bent, ass clenched. His orgasm was imminent.

Just as Dave seemed ready to burst, it was Liam who suddenly stopped jerking off and looked directly at Dana. The two of them locked eyes as Liam winked and looked down at his rock hard erection. Just like before, he did nothing but hold it by the base. His cock began pulsing and throbbing in his hand as Dana, Maureen, and Robbie all watched with anticipation of what was to come.

"Argh" he moaned deeply like a whale as his huge cock spat a massive rope of cum halfway to the wall nearly ten feet away. After the first shot, Liam resumed stroking as another copious jet launched out, landing a couple feet further than the first.

"Jesus," said Robbie, watching from behind. His cock had returned to its flaccid state. "Is this guy kidding?"

Just as Liam progressed through his orgasm, Dave too reached his climactic finish. His moaning was more high-pitched than Liam, almost as if he was crying. His cock shot slightly to the left, nearly hitting a nearby chair. He readjusted his aim and fired a rope out in front, a few feet in front of him.

"Double cum!" screamed Maureen who was rubbing her furiously now. "You go, boys!"

"Dave's cum is so clear! Look at that!"

Dave stroked his cock, firing clear and viscous streams to the floor in front of him. While Liam, next to him, was firing out load after load of thick, white creamy spunk. Both boys moaned and groaned, pointing their toes and clenching their asses. Dave pinched his nipples while Liam yanked at his balls. Dana studied each boy as they progressed through their orgasms. She stared at the floor, soaked beneath them. She couldn't tell who was winning.

Dave finally sighed loudly as he stopped spewing. He leaned over, hands on his knees, out of breath. His cock dripped below him.

Liam was still cumming, however. "Oh fuck! Oh God!" he moaned as his cock paused for a moment before shooting a huge, thick, bright rope across the room, splattering all over the wall at the far end of the living room.

"Holy shit!" screamed Dana, watching as the final spurt clearly solidified him as the victor. "That's so far!"

Dave was too out of breath to say anything. Instead he just shook his head and looked at the ground. He would be on clean up duty.

"Fuck dude," Robbie cracked up from behind. "You gotta clean this shit up!" he said, laughing uncontrollably.

"Liam, sweetie, are you done with your orgasm? I feel like you have more."

Liam looked down at his hard cock. Cum dripped from his hand. He smiled. "I'm done Maureen. But there's definitely another load in there."

"You're a dream," said Maureen who finally had ceased rubbing herself in front of everyone. Dana wondered if she was aware of what she was doing. "Just look at those cocks. And that cum!"

Robbie walked up to Dave who was still out of breath. He put his arm around him and looked down at the mess.

"You may need some bleach bud!"

Dave looked at him and couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. "I hate you, man."

The party continues. Dana gets a taste.

"This is nasty," said Dave as he crawled around the floor cleaning up the cumshots from all three of the men. "This shit's everywhere."

Robbie and Liam sat side by side across from the women. As per the guidelines of the evening, they remained naked while Dana and Maureen stayed clothed. Dana compared the two men. While both were muscular, Liam was taller and more handsome, she thought. He had a way about him. Confidence, swagger, maturity. She was finding herself more and more into him as she got to know him; however bizarre the circumstances were.

Liam's resting cock was draped over the edge of his seat. He spread his legs in order to accommodate it and its two oval buddies on either side. Dana openly stared at it. Liam knew this and was in no way offended. After all, that was the point of the evening. He picked it up with his hand and wagged it, smiling at Dana who smiled back.

"That thing's an absolute hog, man." Robbie saw the whole exchange and felt the need to comment on Liam's enormous schlong. His own cock had retracted significantly, resembling a soft noodle nested on top of his big balls.

"Girth is your game, Robbie," Maureen commented as she eyed his cock.

"Yeah I agree. You're pretty thick!" Dana added. "And Dave here has got that magical curve. I think we have a great selection, wouldn't you think?"

"We do," Maureen agreed. "Dave, honey how are you making out?" she asked, fighting back her laughter. Dave had progressed to the far wall and was now scrubbing thick streams of white cum from Liam. The women watched as his tight ass shook while he scrubbed.

"This is ridiculous. Dude has a water cannon." As Dave scrubbed, Dana noticed his half-hard cock was rubbing against the wall. Remnants of Liam's load were finding their way onto Dave's cock.

"Umm, Dave?, Dave, you umm, You should be careful there," Dana said, trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Huh?" Dave looked down. "Ahh, goddamnit!" He hastily wiped off the cum from his cock using a paper towel. "Okay, I'm done. That's it you guys. I cleaned enough."

"You're right, hun. Thank you. You've held up your end of the bargain. Have a seat, love." Maureen pointed to an empty seat between Robbie and Liam to which Dave happily plopped down. He checked his naked body one last time for any more cum before looking up. "So what's next?"

"Well everyone gets a reward, even you Dave. But before we do that, I thought we'd sit and enjoy each other's company first," Maureen announced as she took a sip of wine.

"Dave, Robbie. Tell us. How'd you get into modeling?"

"My Mom worked for a fashion designer. She used to make kids' clothes and thought I made a cute kid I guess," Robbie said. "What started as a goof, kinda turned into a real thing as I got older."

"What type of modeling do you do now?" asked Dana.

"Mostly body-builder type stuff. A lot of fitness magazines and websites."

"You have muscles practically everywhere!" Dana said as she eyed Robbie from head to toe. Robbie humored her by raising his arms up and flexing. Dana pretended to fan herself as everyone laughed.

"How often do you work out?" she asked.

"Every day pretty much," Robbie said as he rested his hands back in his lap. "I have to in order to stay looking like this."

"What do you have there, an eight pack?" Dana asked as she leaned in, checking out Robbie's abs.

He looked down. "Abs are my specialty. I'm big into core stuff."

"Dana teaches yoga. Did you know that?" Maureen asked as she smiled at Dana. "She's got quite the body herself."

Dana blushed. "Oh stop. I'm old and frail."

"Let's see those abs, yoga girl!" Robbie teased, anxious to see some of what Dana had.

"I don't have abs like you guys do. Maybe when I was your age." Dana tried to deflect the attention, but the boys wouldn't let up.

"Let us be the judge," said Dave, eager to see what she looked like.

Dana put her drink down and reached for the bottom of her shirt. She slowly pulled it up, revealing a sexy, toned tummy.

"Holy shit!" Liam was the first to respond. "Damn!" added Dave.

"You're hot, Dana," said Robbie plainly. "You're really hot."

Dana blushed, pulling her shirt back down. "Thank you guys, you're being too kind." She looked up at Robbie and immediately noticed it.

"Did I do that?" she asked, pointing towards his crotch. Everyone looked over to see Robbie had grown a nearly full hard-on. His thick cock angled up towards his belly. Dana admired the girth of it as she studied the underside.

"You honestly may have," he said as he pumped his cock once.

"And what about you, dear. We must hear your story," said Maureen, shifting the attention to Dave. Robbie continued to hold his cock as the spotlight moved elsewhere.

"I don't have the experience Robbie's got. I still have a regular job. I've only really done a few gigs. Mostly for you and some other women. I'm new to the scene."

"You have that exotic look," Dana said as she studied Dave's face, quizzically. "You're like someone you would only see on TV or something."

"Umm, thanks?" Dave asked, laughing.

"No, no, in a good way! You're very attractive. But you know that."

Dana smiled as she checked out the rest of Dave. He was tall and skinny. He looked very cramped on the couch in between the others. Especially since each of the boys sat with their legs spread to make room for their privates. Dana stared at Dave's cock. It was flaccid, but growing slowly.

"And you cum like a horse," she added. Maureen cracked up laughing, nearly spitting out her wine.

"Amen, Dana. Amen. Dave, honey how big are you? Have you ever measured your pogo stick?"

Dave picked up his hardening cock and gave it a squeeze. "Eight and a half, nine. Depending on the day of the week."

"Well today's Sunday. So?"

Dave smiled. "Nine, for sure." The more he squeezed his cock, the more it lengthened. As it reached its fully erect state, its curve started to show itself. Liam eyed Dave's expanding member.

"It's pointing right at me. You better be careful with that thing," Liam joked. Dave responded by pretending to jizz in Liam's direction. "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" he said in a mock orgasm voice.

To be continued in Part 4, by BrazenHorse for Literotica.

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 4

Cum on Over Here!

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Dana burst out laughing. "I feel like each of you signed up to maybe get someone's cum on you tonight, no?"

"True. Good point," Liam said as he smiled.

"Okay, okay. Let's take care of things shall we?" Maureen asked as she rose to her feet and approached the boys. She knelt down in front of Dave and Robbie. Dana stayed put and crossed her legs.

"Since Dave is such a good sport. He'll be enjoying a Maureen Special right next to his pal, Robbie," Maureen announced as she took hold of each of their erect cocks. Her mouth dropped open as she felt Robbie. "My God! It's like made of iron or something!"

"I get really hard," he said proudly as he watched Maureen's hand clutch his shaft.

"Liam, darling. Be a doll and get me some lube, would you?" Maureen asked without looking up. She was focused on Dave and Robbie's hard cocks. Liam hopped up and ran off to the bathroom, his huge cock swaying back and forth as he jogged. Dana felt a tingle in her crotch as she watched him.

Liam returned holding two bottles in his hands. His cock swung back and forth like a pendulum. "Okay, do we want almond or vanilla?" he asked, holding up both bottles.

"Vanilla." Both Dave and Robbie said in unison.

"Well, I guess you two know what you want!" Maureen said as she turned to Liam. "Be generous with it, sweetheart."

Liam popped the top and poured the liquid first all over Dave's cock and next over Robbie. Dana found it strangely erotic to watch him pour it on the other guy's cocks. She fantasized about rubbing it on Liam's big cock. She knew that moment would be arriving soon, hopefully.

Maureen inhaled deeply as she stroked each lubed up pole. "Mmm, so yummy."

Robbie and Dave got comfortable next to each other as Maureen worked on their cocks while Liam wandered over to Dana and sat next to her. She slid over to make room, smiling at him as he sat down. Dana stole a peak at his cock which looked as if it was starting to harden up.

"This feels so good, Maureen," Robbie said as he watched Maureen's hand slide up and down his thick cock. He didn't have the runway that Dave had, but he noticed Maureen used a twisting motion instead. His cock throbbed under the pressure.

"Yeah, you're good at this," added Dave. Maureen smiled sweetly as she alternated her focus from one cock to another.

"Round and round and round we go! Will we have as much cum as before? Nobody knows!" Maureen chanted as she worked on her two studs.

"Nevermind that," said Dana. "I still can't believe they're hard again. It hasn't even been an hour!"

Maureen turned to Dana behind her as she continued to jerk them off. "To be young again, right lovely?"

Dana laughed, turning to Liam and making eye contact. She glanced at his cock, this time not secretively. He raised it up and squeezed it for her before placing it back on his thigh. Feeling comfortable, Dana reached out and softly pet his resting cock. "He's still sleeping," she whispered with a cute little giggle.

"Oh God," murmured Dave as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. As Maureen stroked his cock, he clutched and tugged at his scrotum, feeling his balls begin to tighten. He stretched his legs out and raised his ass ever so slightly off the cushion. "You're gonna make me cum again."

Robbie looked over and noticed his buddy's cock was throbbing and looked ready to burst. "Already?"

Dave opened his eyes with a skeptical gaze. "Coming from the guy who just came in under a minute." Robbie cracked up laughing as he diverted his attention back to Maureen's twisting hand on his cock.

"Fuck. Keep that up," said Dave as he raised his ass further. "Just like that. Just like that. Fuck. you're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum."

Dave launched his second load of the night, shooting a clear shot of cum up into the air. It didn't have a single trajectory as drops splashed everywhere. A couple landed on Robbie's stomach next to him.

"Ahh gross dude!" he said, wiping the cum off. Dave moaned loudly as more came flying out his spewing cock head.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Maureen screamed as she now focused all her attention on milking Dave dry while Robbie waited, cock in her hand. Dave managed to open his eyes as he watched Maureen jerk him, coaxing out many more shots. Much of his spunk landed on Maureen herself. Her black blouse was soaked as an indication of how much cum was pouring out.

"Oh my God this is crazy," said Dana only loud enough for Liam to hear. He smiled and put his arm behind her on the back of the couch as they watched their friend have an orgasm. Dana noticed he was becoming hard quickly. His cock expanded up his belly.

"Oh God! Fuck!" Dave winced as Maureen squeezed out the remainder of his cum as it dripped harmlessly down her hand.

"Look at this mess you made, dear," Maureen said as she examined her blouse and jeans, both wet from his cum. She continued to stroke Dave as he winced in pain. "Ooh," she giggled. "Is somebody sensitive?" she asked while continuing to tease Dave by jerking his cock. He writhed in his seat, ultimately grabbing Maureen's wrist so she'd stop.

She slid over so all her attention was now on Robbie, whose cock was about as hard as it's ever been as he approached another orgasm. "I think this one's almost ready too," Maureen said as she alternated both hands to caress Robbie's thick cock. One hand still had Dave's cum on it, but it served as a suitable lubricant and Robbie didn't seem to object.

Maureen fondled his big balls with one hand and jerked him with the other. "I can feel your spunk boiling, honey," she smiled up at Robbie. She knew he was about ready to burst as she could feel it as well as see it in his eyes. He squinted as if he was looking into the sun. His cock was so bloated it looked like it was about to burst.

"Look at that," Dana said to herself as she watched from her seat. She turned to Liam who smiled back. She looked down to see his fully hard cock resting against his stomach. Precum spilled out the tip indicating he was very aroused.

"Fuck. Here we go. Watch out. I'm gonna cum," said Robbie as his cock pulsed and throbbed. Maureen stopped stroking, opting to hold it from the base as she waited for the first shot.

But instead of a shot, it was a dribble of cum that slowly oozed out his head and wandered down the shaft, over Maureen's fingers. Robbie moaned as another load exited his tip, this time a continuous flow of cum. He kicked his legs violently as his cockhead pulsed. But cum wasn't flying everywhere like Dave or Liam. It was a thick stream flowing down his shaft like a babbling brook.

Maureen finally resumed stroking as Robbie's orgasm came to a conclusion. "There we go, big boy. Let it all out for us," she said soothingly as Robbie closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Wow," Robbie said, eyes closed. Maureen still held his cock in her hand. Semen covered her fingers. "That was amazing."

"It just kinda dribbled out, huh?" Dana asked.

"Like a leaky faucet!" Maureen said, releasing his cock and holding up her hand to show everyone. "A-Plus for consistency!" She opened and closed her hand to demonstrate the thickness of Robbie's cum in her fingers before rubbing her hand on his leg.

"Messy, messy boys," Maureen said teasingly. "Off to the shower please!" she said as she stood up and 'shooed' them away. "I want you both spick and span!" she added. The boys trudged off towards the bathroom, remembering that Maureen was in charge tonight.

She wiped her hands off on her jeans and turned to see Liam and Dana sitting comfortably together on the couch. Liam's hard cock was pressed against his belly, reaching nearly to his chest.

"Well look at you two lovebirds!"

Dana blushed and ran her finger through her blonde hair, tucking it behind her ear. She slid over slightly so as not to get too close to Liam and his massive cock.

Liam stroked his cock looking up at Maureen. "When do I cum again, Miss Maureen?" he asked, flirtatiously. She eyed his throbbing member, nearly salivating watching him stroke it.

"We still owe you the almighty blowjob don't we?" she asked, hands on her hips. The shower could be heard running in the background as the other two boys joked and laughed in the bathroom.

Liam nodded, looking thirsty as ever. Dana openly stared at his huge prick. She studied the veins in his shaft, his balls, his head. Every detail.

"I think that's the perfect job for the lovely Dana, wouldn't you agree?" Maureen asked.

Liam nodded and looked at Dana.

"Wait, wait. What?" Dana asked, shocked. She did not plan on giving anyone a blowjob tonight. In fact, the last time she had ever given a blowjob was early on in her marriage. She didn't even think she remembered how.

"Is there a problem?" Maureen asked. "Surely you wouldn't want to pass on the opportunity to suck this magnificent meat stick, now would you?"

Liam cracked up laughing as he stroked his cock, awaiting Dana's response. She now was leaning forward on the couch, staring at Liam's cock. She debated in her head if she was willing to do this in front of everyone.

"You guys. I haven't given a blowjob in years. Years! And the last time was, well, it was not like this here," she said pointing to Liam's big cock. He throbbed at the compliment.

"Look at this thing," she reached out and took hold of Liam's cock. He placed his hands by his side to allow her complete access. Dana smiled as she felt the warm flesh in her hand. She poked and prodded all over his shaft. She then grabbed the tip with her thumb and forefinger and pulled it down in front of him.

Liam winced in fake pain. Dana let his cock fling back as she giggled. It slapped against his stomach with a loud thwack. "Oh my God, Liam!" Dana laughed with Maureen as she catapulted his cock a second time. "This is fun!"

"Have you ever launched objects off your diving board, Mr. Liam?" Maureen asked as she watched Dana have fun with the massive cock in her hand.

"Guys, I've done just about every trick there is in the book."

"Is that right?" Dana asked, looking up at Liam. "Maybe we'll have to see some of these tricks soon."

Dana went along playing with Liam's cock while he gladly watched. She was delaying the inevitable, trying to buy time before getting down to business. "Who's thicker, you or Robbie?"

"I didn't wanna say anything to him. But I'm pretty sure I've got him in girth." Liam placed his hand around the thickest part of his cock at the middle and gave it a tug. Dana held on to the top part simultaneously. "Yeah. I agree with you," she nodded.

"Gosh, this thing is so huge. You must destroy women."

"I don't know. Maureen, what do you think?" Liam asked as he cracked a guilty smile.

Dana looked up, shocked. "No, No! Really, Maureen?"

"It was a long time ago, right Liam? Maybe four years or so? You may have still been in College even," she admitted.

"We met at a shoot. Just the one time. Since then, it's been more of a playful relationship, wouldn't you agree?"

"Indeed." Maureen sipped from her wine glass.

"The more you know," said Dana as she continued stroking Liam. She wondered if her developing crush on Liam was not such a good idea anymore. She pushed his cock down again and let it fling up. This time a drop of precum flew off his cock and landed on his face.

"Ooh!" she shouted as she cracked up laughing. "I'm sorry!" she said as she wiped it off his nose with her thumb. "I got you in the face!"

"All good, all good," Liam said as he also wiped his nose. "Comes with the territory, right?"

Just then the other boys would be heard laughing boisterously as they exited the bathroom, heading for the others.

"Dude that was gross. You're a fuckin cock man," Dave said as he approached the living room. "Robbie just pissed in your shower, Maureen. And on me."

"Who doesn't piss in the shower?" asked Robbie, defending himself. "Dave just got in the way."

Dana continued stroking Liam while she checked out the others. They were fresh and clean and still very naked. Dave's cock hung down lazily past his balls. In its soft state he still maintained some good size, she thought. But Robbie's cock had contracted so small that it was barely more than a stub. "Was the water that cold, Robbie?" Dana asked. She couldn't help herself.

Everyone laughed, even Robbie. "Alright, alright, alright guys. I get it. Tiny dick guy here. I came twice already, I think he may be telling me he's done." Robbie pulled at his dick desperately, trying to reveal some length for everyone.

"Dude, c'mon. You got hard in the shower!" Dave claimed.

"That was a half chub and its cause I literally just came like two seconds before!"

"Whatever dude. I think you were sporting wood." Dave shook his head as he turned to Liam and Dana. "Holy shit. Speaking of wood!"

Dana smiled proudly as she too turned her gaze towards Liam's towering cock in her hand. She stroked it a couple times to show it off. "Liam's back, boys."

"Fuckin right he is. Dude's got a canon." Robbie said as he openly stared at Liam.

"Boys, boys, boys. Please be a doll and fix some snacks for everyone. And we need refills. The show's about to begin!" Maureen said as she clapped her hands in excitement.

Dave and Robbie trotted off to the kitchen to make some snacks, playfully shoving each other the whole way. Maureen rolled her eyes as she watched their cute asses wiggle. She affixed her attention back on Dana who was growing hornier by the minute. She reached up and tied her hair in a bun, preparing for her turn to please Liam. "You realize you're going to be my first blowjob in years," she said as she fixed her hair. "And I'm not even sure I'll be able to do this."

Liam smiled as she clutched his hard cock. "I think you've got this," he said with a wink.

Robbie and Dave returned with some popcorn and fresh drinks for everyone. They sat on either side of Maureen as all three faced Dana and Liam on the other couch. Dana held Liam's cock by the base, staring at it as if she was pondering what to do next.

"Whoa," said Dave as he tossed some popcorn in his mouth. "That thing's looking angry."

Dana leaned forward. She slowly placed her lips on the head, feeling it's hardness and warmth. She sensually kissed it twice. She then stuck out her tongue and swirled it around the opening at the tip. She then softly tapped his cock onto her tongue a couple times, as if she was just warming up.

Next, she opened her mouth as wide as it would go and inserted the head inside. To say she was filled up by just the head would be an understatement. Liam's massively big, bloated cock head took full residence inside Dana's wet mouth. After slurping on it for a few seconds, she pulled it out with a 'pop.'

"Your head is literally the size of an entire cock!" she said, already out of breath. Robbie laughed as he looked over at his pal, Dave.

"Jesus," Dana said as she shook her head in disbelief. "I don't think I can do this."

"You've got this, sweetie!" Maureen said, encouragingly. "It gets easier."

"Yeah, Dana. Try and get to that line," Robbie pointed out a faint line on Liam's cock, roughly three inches down from the head. "That's a reasonable goal."

Dana tilted her head to see what he was referring to. "Easy for you to say over there!" She stroked his cock as she looked up at Liam. He had a tenderness in his eyes. A caring demeanor.

"You feel amazing, Dana," he said softly. "You're so beautiful."

Dana smiled bashfully. She then opened her mouth and took his head in again. This time she was determined. She stroked his cock with one hand while slowly inching her mouth down further. Her tongue was pushed all the way in the back of her mouth to make room for his cock, so any tongue action was unfortunately not possible. But her hand continued to work feverishly. She added another hand on his balls for more stimulation.

Liam closed his eyes and moaned. "Oh my God," he said as he entered pure bliss. "This feels so good."

Dana closed her eyes and pushed down further. She never felt so much flesh in her mouth at once. The warm, throbbing sensation of Liam's giant cock was starting to have an effect on her. She felt her cunt gush under her pants. She removed one hand from Liam's balls to feel herself, just briefly, before putting it back.

"She's past the line," said Dave, looking at Maureen and Robbie. Maureen nodded, eyes widened, impressed.

"She's incredible," Robbie said. He had been absent-mindedly playing with his cock while watching. He was hard again.

Dana was moving at a rapid clip now. Bobbing her head up and down on Liam. He moaned repeatedly and placed a hand on her head as she bounced. Liam's other hand dug into the couch cushion.

"I think he's getting close," Maureen whispered to Dave. "Look at his balls!" Liam's balls were so tight, they had practically become one big ball. The moment was fast approaching.

Even Dana moaned now with her mouth full of Liam. She struck a rhythm and could feel his cock tensing in her mouth. She knew it was almost time.

Liam suddenly opened his eyes and leaned forward. He tapped Dana on the head. "It's time. Shit. Gonna cum."

Dana slid his cock out and started jerking him rapidly. Just as she popped him out, a huge glob of cum fired out his tip and all over his chest. Another thick cumshot splashed his face. Dana giggled and aimed his cock towards her.

"Fuck!" shouted Liam as he unloaded a massive gusher directly onto Dana's chest, seeping into her cleavage. Two more equally wet blasts filled her up.

"Fuck, baby!" said Dana as she stroked out more thick shots coating her tight stomach. "Oh God!" she said. She was overcome by the moment.

"Holy fuck," said Dave as he watched Liam blast semen all over Dana and himself. "That's a lotta cum."

"Okay, okay, Okay, oh my God," Liam said as he leaned forward and took control of his cock from Dana. She leaned back, sitting on her feet, examining the massive load in her cleavage. She was very pleased with herself.

"Liam, Liam, Liam. My dear, dear Liam. You look like you just died and went to heaven," said Maureen, smiling from across the room.

Liam looked as if he just smoked a blunt. His eyes half shut, smile planted across his face, cum dripping from his cheeks. "That was the best blowjob I've ever gotten."

Dana wiped her face, staring at Liam's cock. She reached out and squeezed out a tiny droplet from the top, clearing it with her thumb. She brought it to her mouth and licked it clean. "Thanks," she said sweetly, looking at Liam.

Meanwhile Robbie had a raging hard on and Dave was fast approaching an erection as well. Maureen smiled as she noticed the two of them were aroused as she was at the scene.

"Well would you look at tweedle dee and tweedle dum over here," she teased. "Not so fast you too. You both had your fun. Now it's time for the lovely Dana and me to enjoy our evening together."

Robbie and Dave both looked at each other and sighed. "Sure Maureen. What'd you have in mind?"

For the rest of the evening, Robbie, Dave, and Liam all waited on Maureen and Dana as they caught up and drank wine. They served them dinner and dessert. All the while, completely naked and sporting fairly consistent erections. Dana enjoyed watching them wander around the apartment, fully exposed. She was really getting used to this strange new experience Maureen had turned her on to.

But it was Liam that was really drawing her in. They no doubt had chemistry. And after this evening, they reached a new level sexually.

Dana couldn't wait to see where things went next.

Dana and Liam spend an evening together.

She hadn't felt like this in years. Not since her marriage or even before it. Her mind was completely consumed by Liam.

For the next few days following the party, Dana and Liam traded texts back and forth. It started at flirty little exchanges and turned into Liam once again showing off his glorious cock for Dana. He sent pictures of it soft and hard. He compared to items like a banana, wine bottle, anything he could find around the house.

Dana loved it. She got a kick out of Liam being so willing to show it off for her. The conversations they had would almost immediately turn racy.

"It's so huge!" said Dana.

"Glad you like."

"I still can't believe what happened"

"You're amazing"

Dana smiled at her phone. "Thanks. I did my best! Lol"

"What was your favorite part?"

She spent a minute pondering the question before typing out a response. "I love it when you cum because it just seems to go on and on forever."

"I do too :)"

Dana replayed some videos Liam sent her of him ejaculating alone at his apartment. One particular video shows him stroking his cock into the shower. Cum sprays everywhere in thick, white streams, unbroken as they launch from his cock.

She often masturbated to these videos. Occasionally bringing herself to orgasm, but more often going right to the edge. She decided she absolutely wanted to see Liam again, but needed to check with Maureen first. The other night she learned that Maureen and Liam had slept together before. Talking with her first was the right thing to do.

"Hey!" Dana said as she entered the living room. Maureen was sitting on the couch working on a project on the coffee table.

"Hi, beautiful."

"Hey so listen. I wanted to ask you something."

Maureen stopped what she was doing and looked up. "You're going to see him."

"See who?"

Maureen sighed. "Liam, my love."

"How'd you know?" Dana looked confused.

Maureen returned to her project. "I've been around awhile. I can tell when sparks are in the air. And the other night?" she looked up at Dana. "It was a wildfire."

Dana blushed. "But you guys have a past."

Maureen laughed. "Liam and I are nothing more than acquaintances. Yes I may have perhaps taken the horse for a ride outside the stable, but it was a long time ago and not something we're interested in."

"No?" asked Dana.

Maureen looked up. "There was a lot of libations that night." She smiled as she continued her work. "Besides. Why do you think I invited you to help with my shoot the other day?"

"Thanks, Maureen. For everything. I feel like a new woman."

"Don't thank me. Thank Mr. Big Dick!" Maureen teased.

"Can I ask you a question? How did you, how does it,"

"Fit?" asked Maureen. Dana nodded.

"Have you ever heard the expression 'slow and steady wins the race'? Well, that couldn't be more true with our friend Liam."

Dana shook her head in disbelief. "Did you take all of him?"

Maureen laughed. "It was many years ago, dear. I'm sure I did. Or most. You're in for a glorious treat. That is, if you're to take him on."

As Dana stood up to go get ready, she looked down at Maureen's project. She was working with a clay-like substance, molding it into different objects. She couldn't help but notice the piece in her hand was strikingly similar to a certain male body part.

"Do I even wanna know what this project is?"

Maureen shook her head. "I doubt it. But you may want to once it's done," she winked.

Dana shook her head as she walked towards her room and closed the door.

The place reeked of seafood and stale beer. Dana immediately felt overdressed in her thin, white sundress. She felt the eyes from the bar patrons as she walked briskly past them, showing off just enough cleavage to draw attention.

As she scanned the restaurant, she noticed Liam sitting at the last seat at the bar with an open stool next to him. He cheerfully waved her over.

"So is this your idea of an elegant evening?" she asked, sarcastically.

"What's not to love!?" Liam said as he stood up to hug Dana before she took her seat. "The bar popcorn is fantastic here. The jukebox is always on. And the fried clams are to die for."

Dana looked around, nodding her head. "Ya know, I can always enjoy a nice dive bar from time to time."

Dana looked Liam up and down. He was wearing a tight, dark green t-shirt. His muscles were practically bursting through. He had on tight, ripped jeans and flip flops. Dana found it amusing their mismatch of clothing choice. She was dressed for a night at the yacht club while he was looking like he'd be smoking a joint on the beach. She reminded herself of their age difference as she enjoyed an ice cold Coors Light and laughed with Liam over his silly jokes.

"What?!" asked Liam, as he struggled to get through a story he was telling Dana. "I really had to go!"

"You could have waited until there was a restroom. Or at least the woods or something!"

"Wasn't possible. Sometimes when you gotta go, you gotta go."

The two had excellent chemistry. Laughing and joking all night long as different people came and went all around them. Dana hadn't felt this way in years as she and Liam flirted heavily. She sensed it was almost time to end or extend the evening. She hoped it wouldn't end.

During a brief lull in the conversation, Dana leaned in, clutching Liam's muscular arm. "Can I just tell you something," she started.

Liam nodded and leaned in. As if Dana was about to tell him a big secret.

She looked around and lowered her voice. "The other night was absolutely crazy.

"I've never done anything like that in my life. It was so, so surreal! Almost as if none of it ever happened."

Liam smiled and nodded as he took a sip of his beer. "Oh, but it did," he winked at her.

Dana shook her head. "Still can't get over it. Your," she lowered her voice to almost a whisper. "Your fucking cock is so big."

The two of them cracked up laughing, as they had been doing all night. "Yeah?" Liam asked as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Yes!" Dana said as she began to blush. "It's enormous. I can't believe I did the things I did to it."

Liam's eyes got wide. "But you did. And my God you were incredible."

Dana was not one to brag and she didn't take compliments well. "I was living in the moment. But I have no regrets. So tell me one thing. When did you find out you had such a big one? Is this something guys talk about to each other?"

Liam shrugged. "Not really. We kind of rely on you guys to tell us. I dated this girl in college who was, like, obsessed with it. Constantly measuring it, comparing things to it. Showing it to her friends-"

"She showed it to her friends?! Like in pictures?" Dana asked. She no longer lowered her voice.

"No! She would invite them over. Make me whip it out. It was kinda wild." Liam shifted in his seat and took a sip. As he did so, Dana took a glance at his crotch, noticing it was expanding.

"So kind of like the other night?" she asked.

"Yeah, exactly. That was when I realized I may have something. One thing led to another and now I've got the site and everything. Kind of a niche thing."

"Do all the girls that hire you do what me and Maureen did?" Dana asked, afraid to hear the answer.

Liam paused. His expression turned serious. "Dana, the truth is, yes. Yes they do. And sometimes more."

"I see," Dana crossed her arms in her lap, scanning around the restaurant.

"Does that bother you?"

"No, no, don't be silly. It's your business."

"I never do this with customers. Only you." Liam reached over and gently lifted Dana's head by her chin so that they made eye contact. "You're a special one, Dana."

She couldn't help but smile and feel warm. "Thank you. You are, too."

"Get out of here?" Liam asked.

"Yes," Dana said with conviction.

They were barely through the doorway of Liam's apartment before Dana's tongue was down his throat. Her arms around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist. Liam effortlessly carried Dana down the hallway into the living room in the back of the apartment, passionately kissing the whole way.

He let her down slowly on the couch, pushing aside his guitar as he climbed on top of her. With his big hands, he reached down and helped Dana take off her dress. She was wearing sexy black panties and a black bra. Liam devoured her tits as he caressed them over her bra. Dana breathed deeply as she spread her legs and closed her eyes. Her fingers ran through Liam's hair as he got acquainted with her chest.

Dana helped him out by unclasping her bra, revealing her gorgeous tits for the first time. Liam held her hands by his side and stood up to admire her sexy physique. "You're stunning," he said quietly to her as he took in the view. He then removed his shirt, revealing his large muscles and chiseled abs.

She raised her dainty foot with painted nails and ran it down Liam's stomach, starting at his pecs. She slowly traversed each abdominal muscle with her big toe, admiring their tightness. She continued to investigate with her toes as she reached Liam's tenting crotch. His big cock was sticking out, down the right pant leg, aching to be let out.

Hungry for it, Dana sat up on the couch and unbuckled his belt. "I've been thinking about this for days," she said as she eagerly looked up at him.

"That makes two of us," he said as he peered down at her.

Dana unzipped his pants and pulled them down, leaving Liam standing in just his boxer briefs. Next she grabbed them by the waistband and slid them over his protruding cock, releasing it from its dark confines.

It sprung out violently, slapping Dana directly in the chin. She turned her head and laughed. "Oh my God, this thing!"

Liam laughed too as Dana glared at his cock from inches away. "God, it just gets more impressive every time I see it. Look at this," she said as she lifted it up, examining the underside. She then placed it on top of her face and looked up at Liam. "It's bigger than my head!"

Liam laughed and ran his finger through her golden hair. "It's a good look on you."

Dana leaned back on her feet and stroked his cock. She used two hands on the shaft, every once in a while switching one hand to caress his heavy balls. Liam moaned softly while bending his knees. He was as hard as a rock.

"Do you like my big, eleven inch cock?" he asked, taking command of the spellbound Dana.

She nodded as she ran her fingers up and down the underside of the shaft. "I do."

"Then say it," he demanded.

"I love your eleven inch cock," she said, staring at it. Liam's cock pulsed with arousal as precum spilled out.

"I want it in my mouth again," said Dana as she gently kissed the tip several times before engulfing his swollen head whole.

"Mmm." Liam groaned at first contact. The warmth of Dana's mouth sent shivers throughout his entire body.

Unlike the other night, there was no taking it slow for Dana. She had not stopped thinking about the next time she would taste this man since Sunday night and was making it count. In an instant, she had a third of him deep down her throat as she stroked his shaft with both hands.

Overcome with intense feelings of pleasure, both Liam and Dana moaned in unison as she sucked on his hardened pole. She was blowing him with fervor, sucking in every taste, every smell, every pulse of his colossal cock, stretching her lips further open, her jaw wedged wide.

Much like the other night, Dana would occasionally use one hand to finger herself, over her panties while she engulfed him. She massaged her clit with a purpose, moaning softly albeit muffled with a mouthful.

Liam's breathing increased and his stance strengthened. Dana held onto his big thigh for support and could feel it was rock hard and bracing for an orgasm. His balls were tight too as they prepared for blast off.

She ached for his cum.

And it didn't take long.

After only a few minutes, Liam was boiling. "Oh. Oh. Oh, Mmm fuck. Fuck! Fuck!"

He arched his head back and pushed his pelvis out as his balls began to empty and the floodgates opened.

At first, Dana thought she could handle it. She felt a warm sensation deep in her throat. So deep, in fact, that she swallowed what she assumed to be the first blast with relative ease. She felt his cock throb in her hand and mouth as a second powerful load entered her throat. Again, she swallowed, feeling the hot and sticky goop travel down her esophagus.

But nothing could prepare her for the ensuing blasts, all powerful, all increasing in volume. She gagged a bit as she quickly pulled his gushing member out of her mouth. She gasped for air as Liam took control of his spasming cock, launching ropes up over her head onto the couch behind her.

Dana regained composure quickly, managing to take control back. She used both hands to aim his orgasm at her chest.

"Oh shit! Fuck yes Dana!" Liam muttered as she squeezed out thick cum-blasts, caking her chest and abs. She watched him unload as much of his spunk traveled down her body, covering her panties below. There was so much of it.

"Wow," she said quietly to herself as she rubbed and tugged at his cock, in awe of the sperm spectacle happening in front of her. Cum still dripped from her mouth as he finished. Dana released his cock and inspected the mess left all over her. Liam took hold and stroked out a couple last dribbles. Dana giggled as he let them fall onto her thighs. "It just never stops, huh?" she asked sweetly, smiling up at him. Liam shook his head. His orgasm had finally concluded.

Liam helped Dana to her feet. They both looked down at the incredible amount of cum still dripping from her tight yoga body. "How about a shower?"

"Ya think?" she teased. Liam took her hand and led her through the living room into his master bathroom. She watched his muscular ass the whole way. He was glistening with sweat. As they stood next to the shower waiting for the water to warm, Dana noticed she was dripping.

"Oh shit, it's getting everywhere." She clumsily tried to collect the cum off her body.

Liam laughed. "Don't worry about it. It's fine, I'll take care of it!" He paused to look at the white goop all over her. "I really got you huh?"

"Very funny," Dana said, rolling her eyes. "I think you have a problem. You should really get that checked out," she joked.

"But then I can't drench you like this!" Liam reached out and helped scoop some cum off of Dana. He checked the water. It was ready. "After you, my lady."

To be continued in Part 5, by BrazenHorse for Literotica.

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 5

Dana's Big Reveal

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Dana still hadn't been naked yet. She realized there was no turning back now. She slowly removed her panties and dropped them to the floor. Aside from a recent fling, no one had seen her cunt other than her husband in probably 10 years. She kept it neatly shaved, but never completely bare. Her tiny triangle of pubic hair was dark, unlike her golden blonde hair.

She watched Liam look down at her cunt. He smiled and kissed her passionately. They embraced. Dana could feel his rock hard cock pressed against her belly. Liam opened the shower door and stepped aside to let her in. She passed by, lifting his huge cock up out of the way to pass. "Like a toll booth gate or something," she giggled.

In the shower, Dana and Liam soaped each other up. Liam used his big hands to clean Dana from head to toe. He stopped as he reached her crotch, slowly slipping a finger into her crevice. She giggled and slapped his hand away. "You're bad!" she teased.

Dana reached down and grabbed Liam's cock. "I can however." Liam smiled and raised his hands up. "Be my guest!"

"How the hell are you this hard again?" Dana stroked his cock using soap as lube. She fondled his balls with her other hand.

"I never went soft. You've got me all worked up, I'm afraid."

"This is amazing." Dana stroked him a little more before she placed his cock up against her tummy. "It's like my whole abdomen."

"Do you love it?"

Dana didn't answer. She continued to stare at his cock, tracing the shaft with her finger. She squeezed it, sensing its hardness.

"Dana," Liam said. She looked up with a helpless look in her eyes. "Tell me. Do you love this cock?"

Dana nodded as she stared into his eyes.

"Do you want this inside you?"

She nodded again, this time moaning softly.

"Come into my bedroom in three minutes," Liam said as he peeled her hand off his cock and exited the shower stall. Dana exhaled deeply. She felt her cunt and discovered it was throbbing with arousal. She hadn't recalled being this worked up in years, maybe ever.

It was time for her to find out what it felt like to take Liam's monster cock inside her.

In the bedroom

Dana's stomach was in knots. She was so excited and nervous. She finished washing up frantically as she fantasized about what was to happen next. She reached down and cupped her cunt, feeling her intense warmth. She could tell she was wet from arousal even with the shower water streaming down her body.

Even leading up to her divorce, it had been many months since she had sex with her ex-husband. They had already fallen out. The last time she had sex was a couple months ago with a man she met at the gym. Dana recalled it as unremarkable. Vanilla and bland. Liam was sure to be an amazing experience. She had never been with a man so attractive and well endowed. Her nerves shook as she turned the faucet off. No sounds could be heard from the other room as Dana carefully dried off.

She took one look in the mirror, adjusted her still wet hair, wrapped the towel around her body and left for the bedroom.

"Oh my God," Dana said as she paused in the doorway. Liam, completely naked, was laying on his back in bed, stroking his cock as he grinned at her. His big legs were spread evenly apart. His immense body nearly took up the entire king size bed. "Look at you," she said.

"Look at You," he responded. "You're so beautiful. Come here and let me admire you."

Dana walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. Her eyes locked onto Liam's towering cock the entire time. She reached over and took hold of it, holding it steady from the base. It wasn't just hard, it was throbbing. She stared at the shaft, from top to bottom. It was so hard, it felt like it was going to burst at any moment.

Liam unraveled Dana's towel. It fell off easily, revealing her nearly flawless body and round, perky tits. He cupped one in his hand, slowly caressing her nipple with his thumb. "You're a ten."

"Stop," Dana said, unwilling to accept the compliment as she stared hopelessly at his cock.

"No, Dana. You are. You're gorgeous inside and out. Come here." Liam effortlessly lifted Dana up by under her arms as if she were a toddler. He positioned her on his lap as he slid up so his back was firmly against the headboard. Their naked bodies, still a little damp from the shower, pressed up against each other with nothing but Liam's cock separating them.

And it was blatantly in the way. So much so that Dana cracked up laughing as she clutched Liam's arms and looked down between them. In this position, his cock was firmly nestled between Dana's tits. She playfully squeezed them together, barely enveloping his massive stalk.

"You're so big and hard," she whispered.

"It's big and hard for you. Do you want it?" he asked, staring at her eyes as he tried to read her emotions.

"I've never been with a man so big."

"Do you want it?" Liam asked again, this time holding her chin to raise her head. The two locked eyes.

"Yes," Dana whimpered with desperation in her voice. "I want it."

Liam dug his tongue into Dana's mouth as he picked her up and spun her around on her back. She spread her legs and looked up at him. "Please be careful."

Liam stared at her open cunt, dripping with lust. He licked his fingers and tested her, quickly realizing how wet she had become. He grinned with pleasure. After stroking his cock a couple of times, he paused, staring at her crotch.

"What is it?" she asked.

Liam smiled at her before spinning her around aggressively so she was on all fours.

"Oh!" Dana hollered out in surprise.

"Here we go, baby. Nice and slow," said Liam as he clutched his hard cock and pressed the tip into Dana's warm and cozy crotch. Dana's lubed up entry greeted the phallus, as it traversed across her crotch. The drag along her clit seemed to go on forever. Then he reversed and slowly dragged his rippled wood back, until the fat head tickled her sphincter. Again, Liam traveled the long trail, until her clit was quivering in delight. Then he reached down and scooted her knees closer together. As his mighty wood dragged back away from her clit, she was overcome by the thickness of his shaft.

Then waves of spasms knocked her down.

"Oh!" she screamed as she dropped to her elbows, pressing her head into the pillow. "Fuck!"

Liam grunted as he grabbed Dana's firm ass while sliding another round trip.

It was already a feeling Dana had never experienced in her lifetime. And may never again. Even at just a couple of cycles, it had filled her up so much that she felt an orgasm already mounting. She pushed her face deeper into the pillow and let out a loud muffled moan.


Liam, never growing tired of the impact he has on women, smiled as he thrusted another couple inches up firmly against her hard clit. His thick, strong shaft was quickly getting used to its new tight slippery ravine.

"Oh God! Oh God! Fuck! Yes! Liam! Yes!" screamed Dana repeatedly as half his phallus went through her.

"Fuck! Shit! I'm gonna cum! Yes! Yes! Keep going! I'm gonna cum like this!"

"You want me to make you cum?!" Liam screamed with added fervor. He then picked up the pace and slammed several inches in repetition, so that at least seven were firmly revealed out her frontside.

Dana raised her head up and screamed the loudest she had all night. "I'm cumming!" she screamed out as Liam maintained his steady pace. "Cum for me, Dana!"

Dana's entire body shook as she expelled ejaculate all over Liam's thrusting. Never in her entire life had she felt as good as that moment, on all fours, with a massive log slamming through her hot quivering crotch. She quivered and moaned like a dying animal as her orgasm ran its course.

She dropped her head back onto the pillow and started laughing hysterically. Liam joined in the laughter as he gently pulled his cock out of Dana’s crotch. He sat back down on his legs, holding his hard cock while watching Dana collapse into the pillows.

Still laughing, she rolled over on her back and looked up at Liam, grinning from ear to ear. Her eyelids were slightly closed as her post-orgasmic lethargy took shape. She spread her legs wide and grabbed onto the top portion of Liam's cock. "In me."

Liam leaned forward and allowed Dana to guide him directly. She moaned as her nethers became completely relaxed and extended. It was only at this stage of her post-orgasmic cycle, that her canal could possibly be dialated enough for an experience with a manhood like Liam’s. She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. The feeling of Liam's was sharp, like the popping of her virginal cherry had been. She screamed as she held her hand out on his stomach, pushing him away.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked, concerned. His cock head remained nestled inside as he awaited her response.

"I'm good, I'm good. Just need to go slow," Dana said as she repositioned on the bed, leaning forward a bit. She knew the feeling may be uncomfortable at first, but would quickly become intensely pleasurable again. She gritted her teeth, rubbed her clit and nodded to Liam.

Once again, Liam began. This time, she adjusted quickly and the fantastic sensitivity returned. They both moaned as Liam ventured deeper and deeper, reaching depths unknown to her. Her eyes began to roll back into her head as the motion of Liam's movements bumped her head into the pillows over and over again.

"Oh my God, oh my God you're big!" she praised Liam as his thick cock reached new depths. "Oh fuck. Yes! Yes! Fuck! Right there! Mmm yes!"

Almost as soon as they got into another rhythm, Dana was cumming again. Her legs shook and her face flushed as another even more powerful orgasm returned to her entire body. She opened her mouth and stared at the ceiling, silent as pleasure mounted. Like a tea kettle left on the stove too long, she erupted.

Dana wrapped her legs tightly around Liam's rocking torso as he pressed nearly every inch into her. She screamed with pleasure. It was the best feeling she had ever felt in her life. Period.

"Oh fuck! Oh shit I'm gonna cum!" Liam said in between grunts. "Where do you want it?"

Dana picked her head up and opened her eyes. With determination in her voice, she managed to answer him with her preference.


Needing no further instruction, Liam happily stood back. He knew it was going to be a gusher.

Dana sat up on her elbows, legs still spread wide. They both looked at the tip of Liam's cock. It was red and bloated. An explosion was coming.

Dana looked up at Liam's face while they waited. He was bright red, straining. He looked as if he was trying to lift a heavy piano up the stairs.

Just as she returned her gaze to his cock, it happened. A massive stream of cum flew out his cock head and launched across Dana's gorgeous body. It cleared her head with ease, splashing loudly against the top of the headboard. A long, unbroken drizzle spread across her body from her cunt up to her forehead. It was all from the first blast.

Liam moaned. Another shot of equal force came barreling out. It would have landed in the same spot had Liam not aimed his cock down so that it splashed over Dana's chest and stomach. It was so forceful, much of it splashed onto her face, forcing her to close her eyes and mouth.

Liam had yet to stroke his cock as two more blasts exited his tip and coated the remainder of Dana's body that had not yet been canvassed. He moaned again. Dana managed to open her eyes in time to see Liam resume stroking his huge cock as he shot three more thick loads, all landing on the bed sheets between Dana's legs.

While clutching his cock, legs spread wide apart, he closed his eyes and looked up.

"Woo hoo!" he shouted at the top of his lungs before bursting out laughing. He looked down at Dana who was also laughing while absolutely covered in cum. She held her hands out, in a way as if to showcase her body.

"It's everywhere!"

Liam laughed like a prepubescent boy. He scrambled around looking for a towel, completely forgetting both their towels from before were at the foot of the bed. Dana giggled as she watched him and his huge cock dance around the room. She shook her head and fetched the towels from before.

"Oh right!" said Liam as he jumped in to help her clean his cum off. "Whoa I really did a number huh?"

"This is insane!" Dana said as she wiped her cunt, examining the towel afterwards. It appeared a sizable glob landed in her crotch.

"You get me so worked up."

"Oh this is my fault now?" Dana asked, jovially. "You're the one with the friggin bird egg balls over there!" Dana playfully poked Liam's ball sack with her toes. They were indeed large, maybe the biggest balls she's ever seen. Post-orgasm, she noticed they relaxed and hung down considerably low in his scrotum.

"I'm sorry, Dana."

"About what?" she winked. "Your cumshots are hot. I love every second of them."

Liam, still out of breath, looked around the room. It appeared everything was clean. He checked out Dana who still had a considerable amount of cum dripping from her.

"Look at you," he said laughing. "Come on. We gotta get back in the shower." Liam held his hand out and guided Dana back to the bathroom.

"Quick! Quick!" he teased as they both scurried into the shower. Cum was dripping from Dana's body in big, thick clumps.

As Dana washed up, she admired Liam's body once again. He was covered in muscles, head to toe. His dark eyes were mesmerizing. Dana smiled to herself, unsure how she found herself in this situation.

"Liam!" she shrieked! "You are Not hard again!"

Liam shook his cock, laughing. "Sorry!" he shrugged. Yet again, he stood firm at ten and three quarter inches.

"You're like non-human. How old are you again?"


Dana shook her head. "Twenty-six. To be young again. And here you are in a shower with an old lady."

Liam got serious. "I mean every word of this. You are beautiful. You're basically the definition of the word. I want you to know that."

"You're sweet," she said as she looked him up and down. "And hot."

As they soaped up, they engaged in small talk. Enough to get to know one another. It seemed surreal to be having a normal conversation with a man Dana barely knew, but had already fucked her brains out moments earlier. She still told herself, this wasn't becoming anything serious and it was just for fun.

"So that's when you started doing your side gigs?"

"It just gave me ideas, ya know? Like if these girls wanted to see me naked so bad, why not try and make some money doing that."

"Well, essentially it's just stripping, right?"

Liam scolded her with his eyes. "How dare you call me a stripper."

Dana's expression changed to serious.

"I cook too," Liam said with a smile, indicating he was joking.

"You are a great cock, I mean, cook! You're a great cook!"

Liam laughed at the Freudian slip. "Something on your mind?" he asked as he wagged his aching boner in the air. He playfully slapped Dana's thigh with it. She responded by grabbing it from the tip.

"You're still so hard. It's like you just keep going and going and going, huh?"

Liam smiled and leaned in. He kissed Dana as the water from the shower streamed down their faces. "It's because of you."

"You're being so sweet," Dana said as she continued to hold Liam's cock in her hand. "It's been a long time for me to hear those things."

"How long were you married, if you don't mind me asking."

"Ten years. Can you believe it?"

"You're a great catch, of course I can. What ended up happening?"

"We just went our separate ways. Was never really meant to be I don't think." Dana looked up into Liam's eyes. She continued to hold his hard cock in her hand as they had a conversation. She was drawn in by it and enjoyed the feeling of it in her tiny hand.


Dana shook her head as she looked at the rod in her hand. "No. That's one thing we both agreed on."

Liam nodded as he reached behind Dana to fetch the shampoo. "I do too. I'm not sure I'd ever want to have kids." He squirted some in his hand and started to run it through his hair. Dana stepped back to admire the young man's muscles as he washed up.

"Well if you change your mind," Dana looked down at his throbbing cock. "At least you know you're fertile!"

The two of them shared a laugh as Dana began jerking his cock in long and delicate strokes. She paused to lift his heavy balls in her hand, running her fingers through the loose skin.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Liam asked.

"I am, I am," she laughed. "I'm sitting here wondering how the heck this was just inside me, to be honest."

"The whole thing too. Well, almost the whole thing."

Dana looked like she saw a ghost. "This whole thing was in me?!"

Liam glanced down. "You made it to about, Here." He pointed towards the bottom of his shaft, about two inches up from the base. Dana's mouth dropped as she put her hand on her chest, right between her tits.

"Wow," was all she said. "What an incredible cock." She smiled up at Liam as she continued to stroke him. "I wanna make you cum again."

"Can't argue with that!" Liam laughed. "But we're gonna both be prunes if we stay in here longer. Here, come. I have an idea."

They both got out of the shower and dried off in the bathroom. "Follow me," said Liam as he beckoned for Dana to come along. They walked down the narrow hallway towards the front of the apartment. Liam glanced back at Dana who was walking slowly and carefully.

"You okay?"

Dana glared at him. "I feel like my insides have been rearranged." They both laughed.

"Heh. Sorry about that!" Liam joked as he wagged his cock at Dana who simply shook her head and smiled.

They entered the living room and Liam spun around to face Dana. "Okay, well since you're already kind of parting your legs, you'll be ready to try this."

"Liam, honey I can't try that again. I need to recover a bit. I'm sorry."

"No, no, no. I meant try out a new trick."

"Trick?" Dana looked perplexed.

"Have you ever jerked off before?"

Dana narrowed her eyes at Liam. Where was he going with this?

"Here, watch," Liam said as he walked over behind Dana. "Stay facing towards the living room." He instructed her as he crouched down behind her.

"What are you do," Liam slipped his cock between Dana's legs. She immediately felt his warmth against her thighs. "Ooh!" she squealed.

"I want you to jerk me off like it's your own cock. I want to see how far you can spray," Liam finally offered an explanation as to what they were doing. The scene was peculiar. Both adults naked in his apartment with one cramming an oversized cock between the legs of another. Dana looked down to see at least six inches of shaft protruding from her legs. She cracked up with her cute, little laugh.

"You're kidding me right!"

"Not at all! Some women dream of doing this, if they ever get their fist around a big enough cock. I thought it'd be fun."

Dana couldn't help but agree. It was interesting, that was for sure. She took hold of the thick cock between her legs and started to stroke it once again. It looked massive even with half of it concealed. She stepped in to squeeze harder on his shaft using her legs. "How's this?"

Liam moaned. "Amazing. God you have such nice hands."

Dana grinned as she increased her pace. It really did look like she was jerking her own cock. Even with half of it covered up, the remaining portion still looked huge. Dana licked her palm before continuing to masturbate Liam. She focused specifically on the head as she ran her hand all over the big dome, making sure to elicit the best response from her man.

"Oh God that feels good. Fuck," Liam praised her from behind. He gripped Dana's hips for support while staring at her beautiful round ass pressed against his pelvis.

"Yeah? You gonna cum for me again?" she asked as she increased her pace, determined to make her toy cock explode.

"I want to. Do you want me to?"

"I wanna shoot it everywhere. Come on, cum for me a third time, Liam."

Liam pressed in deeper and grunted. Dana could almost feel his load travel from his balls by her ass crack all the way up the lower shaft between her legs, to the upper portion in her hand. It finally exited out the tip in a solid white, creamy blast.

She paused her jerking motion to aim Liam's firing cock. Her first target was his coffee table, an easy ten feet away. But the first blast escaped too quickly, landing on the floor next to the couch. Liam moaned in Dana's ear.

The next load flew through the air, easily dousing the coffee table with a loud splat. Dana giggled at the sight of nailing her first target. She continued stroking as she pointed his cock around the room, looking for another victim.

Another load flew out, landing on the couch. Dana realized she was taking too long to pick a target as Liam's cock continued to shoot off. She laughed hysterically as she aimed his cock to the right in an attempt to hit the window across the room.

"Ah!" shouted Liam as he braced himself and fired a hefty load across the room. It splattered on the window like a paintball, leaving a thick white splash. "Oh my God, Liam!" shouted Dana. She kept stroking his cock. "This is so cool."

She used two hands to spray his cock around the room. "It's like a fire hose!" Dana took great joy in aiming Liam's cock as if it were her own. Throughout another lengthy orgasm, she hit the couch, the window, the floor, the wall, and everything in between. Liam, in pure bliss, was unable to speak as he grunted while clutching Dana's gorgeous ass.

"Holy shit!" Dana said as she finally stepped away from Liam. She looked around the room, proud of her work. "It's everywhere!"

Even Liam was impressed. Everything seemed to be covered. His cock, now softening, hung limp between his legs. "I better get a towel, huh?"

"Try three!"

Dana sat on the couch taking pleasure in watching Liam clean up the massive cumshots strewn everywhere. Feeling extra comfortable now, she sunk back and placed one hand in her crotch. She lightly massaged her clit as she watched the young hunk move around. He noticed easily, and even swung his cock around to show off. Dana loved every moment of it.

After the night's events, the two of them were content to just sit on the couch and watch TV. Dana crossed her legs and rested them on the arm of the couch while cuddling in Liam's arms. She couldn't help herself and ended up casually playing with his big, soft cock. Not in a sexual way, but more so just something to fiddle with as they watched TV. It was surprisingly very natural.

Liam's phone buzzed. Dana glanced over as Liam fetched it from the coffee table. They both noticed a glob of dried cum next to it. Dana giggled. "Gross!"

"Must have missed that one," said Liam as he checked his phone. He instantly wore a perplexed look as he read the text.

"Who is it?"

Liam kept reading.

"Liam? Who is it?"

"You're never gonna guess."

"Well considering we just met, I barely know anyone in your life, so, care to share?"

Liam laughed. "You're right. But this one you do. It's Maureen."

"Maureen, like my Maureen?"

Liam nodded while reading the text out loud.

"Hey there stud-muffin. I hope you and Dana are having a wondrous time tonight. I wanted to let you know I spoke with our chums, Dave and Robbie. Seems the bash brothers had such a good time the other night, they want to host us all at Robbie's. Would you, your lovely Dana, and your stone snake want to partake? Ta-ta!"

He looked at Dana with a mischievous grin. "Stone snake?"

Dana laughed. "Maureen's a funny one. What do you think?" She then felt a pulse. Liam's cock was coming to life, hardening in her hand by the second. Dana looked down, shocked while she watched the skin expand and harden in her tiny hand. She looked up at Liam.

"I guess that's a yes!"

Dana and Maureen attend a party.

"What did you say he does again?" Dana asked as their Uber driver tore through the winding road passing mansion after mansion in the upper class Orange County neighborhood.

"Our dear friend Robbie is a model. A rather inexperienced one at that," Maureen said as she turned to Dana in the backseat. "He inherited the estate from his parents."

Dana nodded, staring out the window. "Makes sense.

"I still can't believe we're doing this again. What are you doing to me?"

"If I recall correctly, I believe I've introduced you to a budding new romance. Not to mention a new and interesting hobby."

Dana smiled and shook her head. She said no more, for fear the driver would be let on to what they were up to today. "Liam's a nice boy."

Satisfied, Maureen turned back around as the car pulled up the long driveway.

"All the way up okay?" the driver asked.

"Mmm hmm, thank you love."

Dana stepped out of the car. She was wearing high heels and a white, summery dress. The dry, California heat caused her blonde hair to be a bit frazzled, but it was by no means unpresentable. Glancing at herself in the window of the Uber left her feeling good. She looked great.

She stopped at the walkway and put her hands on her hips, looking up at the huge estate. "Some inheritance," she said as the two women approached the front door.

They rang the doorbell next to the huge mahogany front door. It opened almost immediately and both Dana and Maureen were shocked to see a beautiful, tall woman standing there smiling as she greeted them.

"You must be Dana and Maureen!" She approached them, extending her arms to hug both of them. "I'm so happy you came!"

Dana forced a smile, glancing at Maureen to determine if she knew anything about this. Unfortunately, she looked just as confused.

"Please! Come! Come!" the woman stepped aside, allowing Dana and Maureen to enter. She was wearing a black dress, wrapped tightly around her perfectly curved body. Her tits were on display, pressed together exhibiting ample cleavage from the low cut dress. Her hair was full and brown, dangling on either shoulder. She was barefoot.

Before they could say anything, a familiar voice could be heard.

"Hey guys! Welcome to my home!" It was Robbie. Dana nearly burst out laughing when she turned to see Robbie walking towards the front door already completely naked. His soft cock flopped back and forth as he strode up to them, hugging them both. As Dana embraced him, she got a feel for this muscular build and even felt his cock press against her.

Robbie stepped back, smiling as he noticed the girls checking him out. "I figure why not get this part of the way earlier than later, right?" He winked. "I see you guys met Carmen?"

"Not exactly yet. It's nice to meet you, Carmen," Dana nodded in her direction. "Thank you for having us."

"Oh I don't live here, hun. I live next door. Robbie told me about your little party the other night and asked if I'd like to join tonight. So.. here I am!" Carmen said as she displayed herself in a little half pose.

"This isn't odd to you?" asked Dana as she gestured towards Robbie's completely naked body. "This, and us, and, this" she pointed back to Robbie's cock and laughed uncomfortably.

"Not in the slightest. I've seen Robbie in all his glory too many times to count," Carmen said. "It's his friend that I'm most interested in seeing tonight."

"Dave?" Maureen asked.

"And the new guy," Carmen said. Dana assumed she was talking about Liam. Given their newfound romance, she wasn't sure how she felt about sharing Liam out in the open like this. It was something she struggled with as she prepared for the day. And now she would have to deal with another woman potentially being with him.

"I told her all about it. Even I was impressed by it. C'mon, guys everyone's out back," Robbie said as he welcomed the three ladies into the house.

Buck naked, he led the girls through the kitchen towards the backyard. The house was enormous and impeccably clean. They walked through the large, completely open concept first floor. The kitchen area gave way to a living room, which gave way to a dining room.

Before they went out back, Dana immediately saw him. Liam was sitting at a patio table with Dave, chatting while having a beer. He was wearing a bathing suit and white t-shirt. He looked gorgeous as always, Dana thought to herself. She was excited to see him as she replayed memories of their sex-fueled night together in her head.

As they approached the two boys sitting poolside, Dana was shocked to see that Dave was naked as well. She hadn't yet noticed it from her viewpoint inside. She found it very peculiar that Dave was naked, and Liam was not.

"Hello, you two!" Maureen cheerfully greeted them as they both stood up to hug her and Dana. That's when it became very obvious that Dave was already erect. As he hugged Maureen, his large cock smushed against her belly. She looked down at it, giggling. "Already, Mr. Dave?"

Dave sighed. "Afraid so," he clutched his cock from the base. "Guess I'm just looking forward to today."

"Do you always get a raging boner when you hang out with dudes?" Robbie teased. He, himself, was still soft, but Dana thought it looked as if it was getting bigger too.

"Very funny," said Dave.

"You know, when I first saw it, I had a hunch it'd go to one side like that," Carmen said as she studied Dave's cock. All eyes were now fixated on his left-pointing erection. "Looks like I was right!" she teased Dave as he threw his hands up and shrugged as if to say 'oh well.'

"Everyone, please. Pull up a chair. We have drinks going. I'm gonna throw some burgers on later. We got naked dudes. We got it all for you!" Robbie said cheerfully as he went inside to fetch some more beers. Dana watched his muscular ass as he walked away before turning to Liam. He was already looking at her, smiling. He knew she was checking Robbie out and had no issue with it.

"So Carmen," Maureen started as she opened a bottle of Amstel Light. "Tell me. What makes you comfortable with such an odd situation."

"I guess I could ask you the same question, right?" Carmen laughed. "Truthfully it's something I've always been into. Robbie and I have known each other for years. Even dated from time to time. And when his parents moved to New York and left him the house, we decided to ramp up the, exhibitionism a bit more. It's been a lot of fun."

"It is indeed, isn't it?"

"Mmm hmm. Exhilarating really. Then when he told me about you two the other night, and Dave here, and Liam's secret weapon, I just had to squeeze my way into the next one."

"Secret weapon?" Dana asked. She knew what Carmen was talking about, however.

"I heard he has a massive, And I mean, massive cock."

Liam laughed. "Okay, okay, Carmen. I think that's good." Dana remained quiet but managed to make eye contact with Liam. He was uncomfortable with the topic as he and Dana had recently become a bit more exclusive.

Unrelenting, Dave added to the topic. "It is though, dude. Your cock is a friggin canon. I thought mine was big at eight and a half," he said as he held it up for everyone to see. "But yours is on another level."

Robbie returned with beers in hand as he loaded up a cooler. "What's on another level?"

"Liam's cock," answered Carmen as she smiled across the table. "I've heard it's pretty impressive."

"I think the moment is here, right?" Robbie asked as she stood by the table cracking a beer. Dana noticed his cock was now mostly erect as he was probably getting excited for the day.

Liam looked squarely at Dana. "We doing this?" he asked. No one except Maureen had any idea he and Dana were getting closer. It probably didn't need to be shared anyhow. Dana smiled at Liam. Something about sharing him with others was unsettling, but it's how the two of them met to begin with. She winked, seductively.

"Okie dokie," Liam said as he stood up and untied his bathing suit.

"You can already see it," Carmen observed as she pointed towards Liam's plump cock outline.

"It's not exactly easy to conceal," joked Liam as he took off his shirt. Carmen raised her eyebrows as she admired his strong physique.

Next, Liam casually lowered his swim trunks, revealing his huge cock, inch by inch. When it was completely out, the head and several inches of shaft were out of sight under the table. "Ta-da!" said Liam goofily as he stood completely naked before everyone.

"Umm, dude. You gotta, umm, you gotta plop it on the table or something. We can't see."

"Huh?" Liam looked down. "Oh, shit. You're right." He picked up his heavy tool and laid it out on the table for all to see. It was truly an obscene scenario as Liam stood quietly with his mammoth cock on full display.

Carmen's mouth practically dropped to the table. She was completely caught off guard by the sight of Liam's cock. Dana glanced at it laying across the table before she watched Carmen's reaction. There was something very erotic about seeing other women be so impressed with Liam's size. She was secretly getting off from it, in fact.

Maureen was the first to speak. "That's. That's quite the pecker."

"I'm speechless. I am without speech," said Carmen as she continued to stare, wide eyed. Liam grinned as he picked up his cock and set it down again, drawing more attention to its remarkable size and weight.

"Jesus, man." Robbie said as he pulled on his cock a bit. "Got some girth to that thing, huh?"

"Heh. Yup, just a little," Liam responded proudly. Dana watched as he continually checked on her expression to ensure she was okay with everything. Not only was she okay, but she was even aroused watching everything unfold.

"Dave. You have to stand up. Please, pretty please" Carmen asked.

Dave hesitantly rose to his feet. His hard cock hovered over the table. "Compare yours to Liam's."

"I think it's safe to say we know who wins." Dave was unsure why he had to be compared to the very obviously bigger Liam.

"No, no, I know," Carmen said as she stood up and walked over to the two boys. "I want to see if he's bigger when soft. You're hard as concrete, but he's still flaccid."

Dave shook his head. "Whatever floats your boat, I guess." He stepped closer as Liam shifted aside to make room. They were about the same height. Liam's soft cock stayed resting on the table, but Dave's was standing straight out on its own. Dave tried to get as close as possible, angling his body in several different ways, ultimately settling on one position.

Carmen stood next to Dave, looking down at the comparison. "Look!" she pointed towards the two cocks. "I think they're the same size," she guessed.

Liam helped out by picking his cock up and moving it closer to Dave. "I think you're right," he agreed.

"That's insane. He's not even hard and look at that," Robbie said from his vantage point.

To be continued in Part 6, by BrazenHorse for Literotica.

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 6

Dildo Ventures

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Dana and Liam locked eyes and smiled. She was proud of her new fling. She adored how impressed everyone was with him and pleased he was able to keep his composure in the spotlight.

"Liam, darling, have you ever considered molding your gift here into a commercially available product?" Maureen asked as she gazed at his crotch.

"I'd buy it," said Carmen.

"Shit, I'd buy it!" added Robbie, facetiously. "I'd use that instead of this one."

Carmen glanced at Robbie and frowned. "I like your dick, Robbie. It's cute. And you can shoot really far too."

Everyone cracked up laughing except Carmen. She looked around, confused. "What? He really can!" The group continued to laugh adding to Carmen's confusion. "What's so funny?"

"Carmen, we're not laughing at you. We're laughing because Liam here cums a friggin gallon and it goes everywhere," Maureen announced.

"Really?" Carmen looked at Liam's cock, then to his eyes. He shrugged.

"It's a lot. And it goes on for a while too," said Dana, joining in the conversation.

Carmen formed a curious expression on her face. "Well, then. This I need to see."

Liam grabbed his cock and gave it a squeeze. "I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet," he laughed. "I need some prep time. I don't even have an erection yet."

"Agreed. I think these other two studs are more prepared, hmm?" Maureen added as she took hold of Dave's cock and stroked it. No one said anything opting to let it happen. Dave remained standing right next to Liam as Maureen ran her hand up and down Dave's big cock.

"Aww, I wanted a turn!" said Carmen.

"There's room for two hands you know," Dave said as he gestured for Carmen to join in. Both women's hands were now sharing Dave's ample cock. He groaned in pleasure as the day's first sexual activity commenced.

Not to be left out, Robbie walked over to Dana and pointed towards his hard cock.

"Oh, umm. I'm not sure," she said, looking up at Liam. Liam smiled warmly and nodded. He was very comfortable with Dana pleasing another man. After all, group sex was the point of the day. They were all there for the same reason. "I think he's ready to burst for you, Dana."

Dana smiled as she slowly and hesitantly reached for Robbie's cock. Once she had a firm grip on it, she couldn't help but notice how much smaller it felt compared to Liam's. She likened it to the feeling of swinging a single baseball bat after warming up with two at once. Once you're used to something, anything less feels inadequate.

Dana couldn't deny Robbie's pristine physique. As she muddled her way through the handjob, she got a good look at his chiseled abs and big muscles.

"You have a really great body, huh?" Dana asked as she used her other hand to become acquainted with Robbie's abs.

"I, I try and workout," Robbie was struggling to speak as pleasure mounted from within.

Carmen smiled, listening to the exchange from across the table. She and Maureen worked in unison, stroking Dave's big cock from top to bottom. She went a step further and cradled his bloated testicles in her hand to try and coax out an orgasm faster. "Who's gonna cum first?" she asked, teasingly.

Robbie looked down and puffed out his cheeks as he struggled to keep his composure. Dana's sexy, slender, manicured fingers were all over his aching and throbbing cock.

"Looks like that's gonna be Robbie again," Dave said as she watched his buddy struggle to hold it together.

Dana continued caressing his tight stomach while she jerked him off. It was too much for him. He pulled back and stepped away. Dana froze, unsure what was happening. Robbie gripped his cock and held his breath. Everyone watched patiently.

"Ah," Robbie belted out as a flow of semen came blasting out his cock, landing on Dana in front of him. She shrieked and got out of the way. Robbie began pumping his cock and turned his body away from Dana. One, two, three more loads fell out of his dick, as he pumped all over the patio.

"Fucking shit!" he screamed in pleasure as a couple more loads dripped out and fell to the ground.

Everyone tried hard not to laugh, but it was no use. Robbie just came everywhere after lasting no more than thirty seconds. "You're good at that, Dana!" Carmen said as she continued stroking Dave while Robbie regained his collectedness. "Usually takes me at least a few minutes to get his loads out."

"She's very good," said Liam, beaming with pride.

"What can I say? I've got many more years’ experience than the rest of you."

"Jeez, Robbie. You really shot out a good one, huh?" Dave asked.

Robbie surveyed the scene, nodding. "Fuck yeah. That was awesome."

"I should go get cleaned up," Dana said as she walked towards the house. "Bathroom inside?"

"Two doors down on the left," Robbie said as he started to clean up his cum from the ground.

"I'll help," Liam jumped at the opportunity to be alone with Dana as he scurried in behind her, his cock flopping around with every step.

They entered the bathroom and shut the door. Liam smiled at Dana as they embraced. Their height difference was at least half a foot. Liam crouched down as their lips locked. Halfway through kissing, Liam stepped back. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy!"

Dana's hand still had Robbie’s cum on it. Some of it had smeared on Liam's broad shoulders. They both giggled like teenagers. "Oops!" Dana said, innocently.

"Comes with the territory, huh?"

"No pun intended?" Dana joked.

She washed her hands before helping him clean off. "You sure you're okay with this today?" Liam asked, arms crossed leaning against the bathroom door. His soft, yet plump cock on full display.

"I'll be honest. Carmen was a surprise."

Liam nodded. "Yup. Same here."

Dana looked up while drying her hands. "But I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to."

"It was kinda hot watching you jerk him off, you know."

"Oh was it?" Dana put the towel back on the rack and approached Liam. "Tell me what was hot about it."

"Don't do this to me. I've been so good staying soft."

Dana separated from Liam far enough to glance down at his cock. She picked it up and pressed it against his belly. The head reached past his belly button. "You really have. Not like the other two, huh?"

Liam shrugged. "Self-control?"

"Oh really?" Dana bent over and kissed the tip of his cock, passionately. She felt it immediately begin to harden. "We'll see about that, Mr. Self-Control."

Liam playfully swatted her away. "You're gonna get me in trouble. You know that?"

Dana winked. "They call me the troublemaker." Dana was having fun seducing Liam. She bent over one more time and sucked the first couple inches of his cock. He had grown to a half erection. She moaned softly with a mouth full of Liam's cock before releasing him and kissing him on the mouth. "That's enough for now."

Liam smiled as he opened the door, allowing Dana to walk through first. She stopped when she saw Maureen waiting on the other side. Maureen's eyes immediately were drawn to Liam's half erection. "Well hello to you as well!"

Liam tried to cover up, intentionally not being very effective. "Yikes. Sorry Maureen."

Maureen put her hands up. "Don't apologize to me! I was wondering when we'd finally see your soldier salute us!"

"Are you guys done yet?"

"Oh heavens no. Our big friend, Dave is a champ. He's making it a challenge to see how long he can go. Robbie's taunting him trying to get him to lose it. I had to take a tinkle break. I'll see you guys out there."

"Okay!" Dana said as she led Liam out back again.

"Just look at those big, beautiful, luscious titties, man. Don't you wish you could just suck those things dry?" Robbie asked as he watched Carmen stroke Dave's unrelenting cock.

"He's not budging!" Carmen said as she used two hands on the impressive organ. Precum dripped endlessly to the table below, but Dave still had not ejaculated.

"Dave! Nothing?" Dana asked as she walked over to see up close.

"Nope. I can keep going. Robbie's trying to get me to lose it, but.." Dave paused to moan softly as he stared at Carmen's hands. "But I'm good."

"That's impressive, bud. I'd probably have caved already," Liam added.

But Carmen had one more trick up her sleeve. She casually removed one hand and placed it by her side, out of sight. With one hand stroking and everyone watching intently, she was able to sneak her other hand towards Dave's ass. At first, she just rested it on his ass cheeks, feeling their tightness. But soon after, she shifted towards his asshole. She stuck her middle finger out and quickly inserted it inside and pressed down.

Dave suddenly jutted his pelvis forward in response to the powerful sensation of Carmen's finger inside him. She gritted her teeth and watched his facial expression change as his mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"Oh my God!" Dave shouted in immense pleasure. His cock instantly throbbed and shot out a thick, long rope of cum across the patio table in front of him. Liam and Robbie both jumped back from the table while Dana stood in shock.

"Fuck!" shouted Dave as more cum came launching out his spasming cock head, soaking the table. Carmen giggled as she pushed her finger deeper into his asshole. "Oh shit. Fuck yes!" Dave screamed as he continued to cum powerfully.

"She's got a finger in his ass!" Robbie shouted as he noticed what was happening. Maureen had rejoined the group now and began clapping in applause.

Dave keeled over as if he were in pain, but in fact had experienced one of the most pleasurable orgasms he could remember. "Oh my God, fuck you," he said. Carmen burst out laughing as she removed her finger from his ass and hand from his cock. "I gotcha!"

"Damn Dave. That's quite the mess you made here," Dana commented as she checked out the five streaks of jizz across the table. "Guess it was the added stimulation that did it?"

"That was, unexpectedly amazing," Dave said as he caught his breath and smiled at Carmen. She teasingly held her finger up to his face to which he quickly got out of the way. She laughed out loud before excusing herself to get cleaned up. Dave went to fetch some cleaning supplies to take care of his mess while everyone else took their seat.

Maureen scrunched her nose a few times. "Smells like, smells like man," she said as everyone looked at the mess Dave made. Thick white streams glistened in the sunlight as the warm air accentuated the smell.

"That's a lotta cum," said Robbie. The majority of it was closest to his seat.

Carmen returned and took a seat. "So? Was that more than you, Liam?"

"Huh? Oh. umm, not quite."

"Really?" Carmen asked, surprised.

"Liam is on a different level in the ejaculation department," Maureen added. "Isn't that right, Dana?"

Dana nodded, embarrassed to be called out. "He has a lot."

"Well I for one am excited to see. When's the volcano going to erupt?" Carmen asked, putting Liam on the spot.

"Why don't we move this party inside. I'm getting a nasty whiff of quickly drying cum in my nostrils," Robbie said before Liam could answer. The whole group migrated indoors as Dave passed them with a bucket and cleaning solution. "I may be a while," he joked as he passed them.

Inside, Robbie and Carmen worked like a married couple, refilling drinks and putting out some snacks while everyone else got comfortable on the couches. Dana sat next to Liam and was growing increasingly horny the more the anticipation grew for everyone to see him next. She put her head on his shoulder and held his hand tightly.

"I think you three need to sit next to each other," Carmen said as she surveyed the seating arrangements. "I wanna see the real comparisons." Everyone played musical chairs as Dana, Maureen and Carmen now sat across from the men.

Liam sat in the middle. Robbie looked down at his resting cock. "Dude it looks like you have a third leg."

Liam picked it up and playfully smacked Robbie's thigh with it. "Ah dude, stop!" Robbie said as he tried to get out of the way.

"Careful with that thing, Liam!" Carmen called out from across the room. Liam continued to slap his cock around while everyone, including the men on either side, looked on.

"How big is it?" Carmen asked. Everyone else laughed as she was the only one who didn't know the true measurements. "What? I'm curious. It looks absolutely enormous from here."

"It's eleven inches long and, I don't know, eight or something around. It's a horse cock," Robbie answered.

"You know more about it than he does!" Dana teased. Liam laughed at that as he mindlessly played with the tip. "It's not eleven, but it's close," he said.

"Look at these three fine specimens we have before us, girls!" Maureen announced as the women admired all three naked men sitting across from them. Dave was the only one who was not hard, his cock resting peacefully across his thigh.

"Where's XL?" Carmen asked.

"Hmm?" asked Dana.

"Well, look we've got medium, Large, and then it goes right to two XL. There's no XL!"

Everyone cracked up laughing at her humorous assessment. Liam stroked his big cock in response to her indirect compliment. His arousal had reached a peak and he desperately needed to release like the other men had already. Carmen took notice of this as she dreamily gazed at him. Liam was positioned directly across from her.

"Liam, you ready to shoot like the others? I can't wait for this supposed fireworks show you've got for us!" she asked in anticipation.

Dana couldn't help but feel a bit jealous watching Carmen's fascination and Liam's openness to her advances. She repeatedly reminded herself the reason they all came here today and that Liam is not her boyfriend. She tried her best to smother her emotions, but it was proving more difficult.

"I can if you want," Liam responded stoically as he stroked himself. "Any particular position?"

"I'd like to see you stay right there. Are we safe from this distance?" Carmen giggled.

Liam laughed. "You may want to get a poncho!" Everyone cracked up laughing as Liam sat up straight and began masturbating at a higher pace. All eyes were on his tall pole ready to burst.

Seemingly out of force of habit, Robbie started stroking too. He had quietly recharged his batteries and was preparing to cum for the second time that day. Dave remained limp, awkwardly sitting on the couch with two masturbating men.

Liam cradled his huge balls with one hand, while stroking the upper portion of his shaft.

"He likes rubbing the head, huh?" Carmen asked as the girls watched.

"I think the head's the most sensitive part for them," Dana added. She made eye contact with Liam who warmly smiled at her as he worked his way towards orgasm.

Liam switched to two hands on his shaft, revealing his balls had tightened up in the scrotum. His moment was very close.

But before anything happened, a whimper was heard from next to him. Robbie arched his head back, spread his legs and shot cum directly onto the floor in front of them. All the girls shrieked loudly.

"Oh fuck!" screamed Robbie, unaware of his own volume as he sprayed four healthy loads onto the floor, none of them reaching the girls.

Maureen and Dana laughed and clapped loudly as Robbie continued to cum while encroaching further into Liam's space on the couch.

"Oh God! Fuck that's feels so good!" Robbie opened his eyes and watched the final beads drip from his tip to the couch below. "Whoa. Oops." Robbie was surprised he had cum so quickly, even before Liam, the main event.

Carmen examined the area in front of him. "Good amount. Bad distance though. Robbie, I didn't know you were gonna-"


A huge, thick blast of cum splashed Carmen directly in the face as she was distracted by Robbie's orgasm. "Ah!" shouted Carmen as she jumped back in her seat. Liam's much anticipated time had arrived.

He grunted like an angry bear as a massive rope of cum launched out his convulsing cock, across the room, and onto Carmen's chest. There was so much coming out, it splashed off of her and landed on Dana.

"Oh my God!" shouted Carmen, clearly impressed as she wiped some of the cum from her face.

Liam had just begun. He grunted again, aiming his cock to the far left and launched another blast. This one flew across the floor and hit Maureen square in the tits. She was ready for it as she used her hands to squeeze her tits together, capturing the gooey, sticky mess. "Ooh!" she said aloud right before another copious shot hit her cleavage.

"This is so insane!" shouted Carmen.

"Jeez dude," Dave said, utterly speechless as he watched Liam erupt right next to him.

"Ah fuck! Fuck!" Liam shouted as he pushed his midsection up off the couch and barreled out another load onto Maureen before he aimed his canon directly at his current crush, Dana.

"Oh he's coming for you!" Carmen observed as she stared at the tip of his cock.

Liam managed to pause for long enough so that all eyes were on his cock in anticipation for the next shot. He already unleashed five healthy loads over two women from across the room. As they waited for the finale, Liam managed to make eye contact with Dana. They locked eyes in a loving and magical moment. Dana opened her mouth just in time as Liam moaned, releasing a creamy bomb across the room.

It was as if in slow motion as nearly all of it landed directly into Dana's waiting mouth. Dave and Robbie hollered loudly celebrating the hole in one, while Liam managed to force a smile. The other women shrieked louder than they had all day.

Liam stood up now. He stroked feverishly as another two equal blasts made their way into Dana's mouth, causing her to overflow. She leaned forward, catching the extra cum in her open palm while Liam's final shot forcefully smacked her in the face.

"Holy shit, dude!" Robbie declared. He too was standing, watching the show, nearly slipping on his own cum from before.

"My oh my, this man." Maureen said as she examined the cum dripping through her cleavage.

Liam panted, holding his hard cock. "I got everyone."

Dana opened her mouth and showed everyone the substantial amount of bright white jizz she captured. She then held up the one finger 'hold on' gesture as she emphatically swallowed the contents of her mouth before opening wide to prove she had done it.

Liam smiled as he carefully tip-toed over to Dana. They embraced affectionately, proud of what they accomplished together.

"Look at all this Cum!" Carmen shouted as she surveyed the scene. "It's everywhere! It's literally everywhere!"

Liam stood, still erect, with his arm around Dana. She proudly stroked his aching cock. "It really is, huh?" she asked, looking around with Carmen. "He's so impressive."

"Well, guys. Looks like we've soiled another area, huh? Why don't we clean up here and go upstairs. The Master bedroom is really nice," Robbie declared.

"You mean You clean up and we'll go upstairs, right?" Maureen asked as she grabbed Dana and Carmen by the hand and led them away.

"Oh and Liam's coming with us," Carmen said as she took hold of his hand leading him away. He scurried off, shrugging at the other boys as he left with the girls.

"Unbelievable," Dave said, shaking his head evaluating the mess everywhere. "Gee, thanks guys."

The master bedroom in the house Robbie inherited was like royalty. Carmen led everyone down a long hallway lined with expensive artwork highlighted with recessed lighting. They arrived at the entrance to the bedroom. Inside, they found a huge space, nearly half the upstairs. A king bed with a huge armchair and couch next to it. The bathroom was open concept, completely desegregated from the rest of the room and boasting two rain showers.

"Whoa, this is beautiful," Dana commented as she looked around.

"His parents were both Senior Executives at a big Consulting firm. They made a ton of money," Carmen commented as she took a seat on the edge of the bed. Dana noticed she continued to hold Liam's hand. He took a seat next to her as his throbbing cock pressed up against his chest. He had not softened since ejaculating.

"Look at you, Liam." Maureen said as she stood in front of them. "Would you consider this kind of stamina, normal?"

Before Liam could respond, Carmen reached out and touched him for the first time. But she quickly jumped back, looking up at Dana. "Is this, okay?"

Dana smiled. "It begs to be touched doesn't it?" she laughed. "Yes, this is okay, Carmen."

Carmen resumed as she made contact with Liam's cock. Her hand slowly wrapped around the shaft. "You're so hard right now. It's really hot," she said as she openly stroked him. "Fuck," she said quietly.

Maureen was getting antsy as she stood before them, watching Carmen inspect Liam. "I think it's time we join in on this most glorious occasion. What do you say, ladies?"

"You mean, we get naked too?" Carmen asked.

Liam raised his hand. "I vote yes." This was met with laughter across the room. "I vote yes, yes, yes!"

Maureen proceeded to remove her top, revealing her very large tits cradled in a black bra. Wasting no time, she unclasped her bra and let her natural ladies swing free. She had enormous tits, but concealed them expertly. It was a shock for Dana to see them at first as she wasn't aware they were so big. Next, she lowered her jeans, exposing the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties. She also sported a thick, black bush.

Maureen showed uncompromised composure and confidence as she stripped down. Her physique wasn't as perfect as the other two, but it didn't slow her down at all. She was proud of her body and happy to show it off for everyone.

"Wow, go Maureen!" Dana clapped as she admired her roommate, taking charge.

"Love the bush!" Carmen commented, continued to stroke Liam.

"All natural, ladies. No waxing here," Maureen said as she displayed her bush using her fingers.

"Very nice," Liam said as Maureen took a seat in the armchair and crossed her legs. "Who’s' next?" she asked the room.

Carmen smiled, released Liam's cock, and stood up. Like a butterfly coming out of her cocoon, she slipped her entire dress off in one motion, revealing her tightly toned body in matching red bra and panties. She bent one leg and put her hands in the air like she was a stripper popping out of a giant birthday cake.

She let out a cute little laugh before continuing to undress. First came the bra. Carmen's tits were bigger than Dana's, but not as big as Maureen's. Her toned abs gave way to a neat V-shape crotch line, culminating in a neatly shaved cunt with pink, puffy dripping wet lips. She gave everyone a quick peek of her cunt by spreading her legs slightly and opening it with her fingers.

Liam was speechless. He had not touched his cock, but it was bursting at the seams, dripping precum as his eyes wandered over Carmen's perfect body. Immediately becoming aware of his reaction, he quickly regained composure and looked at Dana. She was watching him stare.

"You're a stunner!" Maureen said from the chair. "Beautiful lady!"

"I know that ass," a voice could be heard from across the room. Carmen spun around to see Robbie and Dave walking in. They both had noticeable erections as they approached the rest of the group.

"We decided to join in on the fun."

"Damn. No complaints there," Dave said as he glanced at Carmen, then Maureen. "What about Dana?"

"Perfect timing, guys," Dana said as she was anxious to show off her body. She quickly removed her shirt and pants, displaying her fit body and perky tits. She briskly removed her bra and panties in a very transactional manner, neatly folding her clothing and placing them in a pile on the couch.

"Whoa," said Robbie as everyone looked at Dana's body. "Incredible."

"How old did you say you were again?" Carmen asked, in shock at Dana's gorgeous naked body. Dana didn't answer, but instead smiled as she took a seat in a big chair and crossed her legs.

"So what's the plan?" Dave asked, stroking his cock, anxious to have some fun as he sat the last round out.

"Oh I have an idea," Maureen said as she positioned the three men on the edge of the bed. "Side by side again, please." She arranged them so that from left to right sat Robbie, Dave, and Liam.

"Medium, Large, Double XL," she said pointing to each of them one at a time. She then pointed to the women. "Medium, Large, Double XL," pointing to Dana, Carmen, and herself. "I think each hotdog has its bun," she giggled as she knelt down in front of Liam.

Dana and Carmen were quick to fall in line as they each knelt down in front of Robbie and Dave, respectively. "Ooh, this is gonna be fun," said Carmen.

"Okay, okay, ladies. No hands, just knockers. Men? No cumming. Robbie I'm looking at you." Everyone laughed at Robbie's expense, knowing he was most likely to lose his load first. The ladies then proceeded to wrap their tits around each cock. It was surprisingly a very fitting exercise as each cock fit within its pair of tits almost perfectly.

"Damn," Robbie said as he watched Dana squeeze around his dick with her tits.

"You're thick, Robbie." Dana tried her best to envelop his dick entirely, but it was proving to be difficult due to his girth. "Much thicker than I thought, actually."

Liam watched out of the corner of his eye, feeling somewhat jealous, but he knew he had the winning cock and wasn't too concerned. He diverted his attention to Maureen who was already feverishly bouncing on his cock with her big, fat tits. Even with her size, it wasn't enough to completely conceal his cock, but with the combination of her saliva and his precum, it was a nice and slippery ride.

Liam leaned back on his elbows, enjoying himself. Suddenly he felt a surge. He leaped up and grabbed Maureen, holding her steady in position.

"Everything okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. It's fine. Sorry. I just thought I might have lost it there for a second."

Maureen looked content as she watched Liam shudder before sliding back into place. She still had an effect on the young man. Despite almost losing it, Liam showed off his self-control by immediately resuming activities.

Dave, however, was not so lucky. He glared down at the delicious tits of Carmen as she squeezed them all over his eight inch, slightly curved pole. His bloated cock head poked out between the tops of her tits, brushing against her long brown hair with each poke.

Carmen watched, looking thirsty as ever as she worked her way up and down the big cock between her chest. She couldn't help but comment. "You've got such a nice cock."

Her praise did no favors for Dave as he desperately tried to hang on. Just the minor act of verbal worship was enough to send him into an orgasmic tailspin. Dave had come the earliest and as a result, he was fully reloaded and ready to burst. Much more so than the others.

Having little to no self-control, Dave lost it. He grabbed his cock in a desperate attempt to plug the leak, but it was much too late.

"Oh!" he belted out as he sprayed cum across Carmen's chin and down to her tits. She didn't expect him to go so soon. Excitedly, she used her tits to stroke out thick load after load as Dave's cock spasmed uncontrollably.

Robbie cracked up laughing as he and Dana both looked over watching Dave cum everywhere. "Jesus dude. And you thought I was bad?!?"

"Oh fuck. Oh God!" Dave said as he painfully watched his cock unload all over Carmen. She giggled and bit her lower lip, happy to be the first one to make her man explode.

When it was finally over, Carman sat back on her feet inspecting the mess. "Nice one!" she said as she held up one tit in each hand, lightly jiggling them as cum dripped off.

"Shit, man. That's a lot for a second time," Robbie openly complimented his pal for an impressive cumshot.

As Dave came down from his intense orgasm, he began to feel horribly disappointed. He hoped he could regain composure enough to take part in whatever was to come next. And that moment was arriving quicker than he thought.

Just like before, it was Maureen who took charge. She slowly stood up, releasing Liam's cock back like a slingshot. "Okay, okay. Ladies, on the bed before we have another accident."

The men stood up and let the women take their spots. Liam glanced down at Dave's shrinking member and shook his head. "Sorry bud."

Maureen pointed directly at Robbie. "I want the host." Robbie smiled and walked over to Maureen who was laying on the edge of the bed. She slowly opened her legs revealing a soaking wet, hairy, pink cunt, begging to be filled. "Oh shit yeah," said Robbie as he clutched his cock, walked up to Maureen, and immediately pressed it inside her.

Her head shot back at the first penetration. "Mmm. Yes sweetie. Oh, you're a thick boy, aren't you?" She smiled devilishly as she caressed Robbie's rock hard abs and chest, making sure to feel every muscle on his body.

Dana watched Robbie sink into her roommate and couldn't help but feel herself in the process. She was so aroused, she felt like she was going to explode. With a look of pure lust, she made eye contact with her lover, Liam, and beckoned him near. It was her turn.

Liam first leaned in and passionately kissed Dana. As their lips separated and eyes opened, he turned to Carmen and kissed her. Then all three kissed at once. It was surprisingly romantic, given the circumstances. Liam then placed a hand on each of the women's pussies and began massaging their clits. His big fingers were perfect for the overly aroused women as they both began moaning as if they rehearsed it.

Meanwhile, Dave stood painfully on the sidelines, praying he would get an erection again so he could partake. He yanked and pulled at his cock as he watched Dana and Carmen approach orgasm.

But just before they did, Liam stopped. He leaned in again and kissed them, one at a time, slowly and passionately. Dana felt her cunt. It was as wet as a swimming pool. She stared up at Liam who was expertly taking his time.

"What do you want?" he asked, quietly.

"Fuck me." Both Dana and Carmen answered in unison.

Liam needed no encouragement. He stepped aside so he was between Carmen's legs first. Dana would have to watch. He took great joy in making her wait as he knew how incredibly turned on she was.

"Please go slow," Carmen said as she parted her labia for him. While clutching the base of his cock, he slowly lowered. Carmen's eyes rolled directly into the back of her head as she felt the first portion go in. "Oh my God. Oh wow."

Dana rubbed herself furiously. She alternated watching Carmen's facial expression to watching Liam.

"Oh my God your cock is huge," she shouted. "Oh fuck. Oh my God, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum already. Oh my God!"

Robbie laughed and shook his head watching while simultaneously filling Maureen. Maureen was in her own world, eyes closed, rubbing her clit as Robbie pumped rhythmically. The stimulation of fucking Maureen and hearing Carmen cum were having an effect on him. He played mental games, thinking of everything from football to history in an effort to keep his cum from bursting.

"Fuck! Fuck! How are you this big!? Oh my, God!" Carmen was losing it. As she approached her second orgasm, Dana got more and more restless as she waited for her man's big cock to arrive.

As if he read her mind, Liam very slowly reduced his thrusting pace before very carefully sliding his wet cock away from Carmen. Her cunt gaped before gradually retracting to fill the empty void. Her fingers immediately went to work on herself as Liam stepped over and placed his cock on Dana's hard stomach.

"Please. Now," she whispered, tired of the games.

Liam smiled. "Put it in," he commanded.

Happily, Dana grabbed his cock head and slid it directly into her cunt. She was so wet, it effortlessly filled her up.

"Oh fuck me. Yes!" she screamed as she spread her legs wide, nearly kicking Carmen in the face.

Liam gritted his teeth and began. The sound of his huge balls slapping against her tight ass filled the room with thunderous claps.

Dana moaned loudly, repeatedly praising Liam for how immensely large his cock was. Robbie successfully kept things under control by slowing his pace and taking plenty of time to bring Maureen to orgasm. She now moaned as loudly as Dana did, her eyes still shut tightly.

And lo and behold, good luck finally rained down on Dave as he sprouted yet another firm and solid erection. He walked right up to Carmen and slid with ease into her already lubed up thighs.

The day had reached a fitting climax as all three men rocked the brains out of the women. A day filled with sexual energy and activity was ending just as it should.

"Oh! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! I'm gonna cum!" shouted Robbie as his levee finally broke.

"Fuck me too!" shouted Dave. He had reached orgasm almost as quickly as he got his latest erection. Both of them pulled out and stepped back for the finale.

Cum poured out of them simultaneously, Robbie's having more volume and distance. Dave, quickly realizing his load would not be like last time, stepped closer to Carmen in an effort to try and get at least one splash on her. She giggled and helped out by putting her face immediately underneath his dripping cock head.

Robbie covered Maureen with ease, both of them laughing uncontrollably as his cock blasted her hair, face, and tits. "Ah!" she shouted, eyes closed, hands flailing.

When it was over, Robbie and Dave stood in front of their respective women, admiring yet another mess to clean up. But the real mess was yet to come.

"Mmm. Fuck. Okay, shit, You guys ready?" Liam asked the entire group, as if he was well aware that his orgasm would be the one to top them all.

"Shit. Here we go," said Robbie admittedly excited for Liam's upcoming blast. "Watch out, Dave."

Both men stepped back as they watched Liam clutching his rock hard cock. Liam, too, stepped back ready to fire.

"Argh!" he growled as he unleashed a massive load into the air, over Dana's entire body and onto the headboard.

"What the fuck," Dave said as he watched in shock.

"My goodness gracious," Maureen said as she also watched. One eye was still shut due to Robbie's cum.

Liam angled his cock down in time to splash Dana aggressively with his next load, leaving a long streak from her cunt to her neck. Next, he aimed at Carmen.

"No, no, don't you dare," she shouted as she held her hand up. But it was too late. Liam's next load splashed directly into her face, covering it.

"Argh!" Liam belted out again as he hit Dana in the hair on his way over to Maureen whom he nailed in the thighs.

After splashing Dana again on the stomach, he arrived back at Carmen. She watched nervously as his cock seemed to take a brief pause from spraying. Just when the whole group assumed he was done, a gigantic load flung out his cock landing on Dana's face. As Liam stroked out the final shot, his cock shook, sending a blast of cum in every which way. He managed to splash Maureen, Carmen, and even Robbie and Dave with his final load.

Robbie shook his arm to try and get the sticky mess off. "Aww man. What the fuck?!"

Liam's cock began to deflate as he stammered backwards and landed on the armchair, looking up at everyone whom he had just covered in cum. He put his hands on his head and started belly laughing with joy.

"What a way to end it," Dave said as he reached out and cleared some of the cum off of Carmen's pretty face.

"You know that's not yours, right?"

"Eh, like it matters anymore."

"Liam, you are a wonderfully beautiful beast, did you know that?" Maureen asked as she sexily leaned back on her elbows, legs crossed, drenched head to toe in cum. "I'll say I've had my fill."

"Me too," added Carmen.

All eyes were on Dana. She could only open one eye as the other was sealed shut with jizz.

"Me? Oh yeah. Yep. Me three. That's enough cock for a month."

Everyone laughed. Robbie and Dave collapsed on the bed as they all relaxed in mid-afternoon euphoria.

"Now what do we do?" asked Robbie, seeing as everyone had come off their sexual high for the day.

Carmen looked around at the scene before her. Five naked bodies, each of them covered in jizz. Three soft cocks still leaking. Drenched pussies still expelling fluids.

"You better know a good cleaning service!"

The End.

 by BrazenHorse for Literotica.