Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 1

Dana's fascination with well-endowed men

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Divorced Dana helps Miss Maureen with a project.

"I'd be a lot harder if you took your shirt off."

The words flashed across the computer screen. Dana abruptly shut her laptop and laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. 'What the hell am I doing?' she thought to herself.

She had been divorced for almost six months now. Her marriage of five years finally collapsed after hanging on by a thread basically the whole time. It was a surprisingly amicable split. She and her ex-husband, Ryan, had grown further and further apart until it became utterly hopeless to continue. With no kids, it was easy to go their separate ways.

At thirty-nine, rejoining the dating scene was not exactly an easy task. Dana had no trouble in the appearance department. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a yoga-shaped perfect physique. She always considered her firm and round ass her best feature and most men would agree whole-heartedly.

She often resorted to online video chat rooms, especially when she was drinking, to connect with other men and feed her sexual appetite. Tonight, being no exception, she chatted with a good looking man for several hours, careful to never reveal her face. She sat on her bed in a bra and panties. He, however, had no issue openly playing with himself as Dana flirted through her keyboard.

As usual, she ended the conversation once it was clear he wanted more from her.

Dana didn't have many single friends. Most of her friends were married with kids and she found it increasingly difficult to populate the bars and clubs scene. Her friend Christina would sometimes act as a wing-woman, but that was rare as she was busy with her husband and his sixteen year old son, Justin.

That left Dana's roommate. Since getting divorced and moving out of the house, she shacked up with a woman named Maureen, a thirty-seven year old fashion designer she met on Craigslist. Maureen was eccentric, carefree, and usually a bit odd. She always seemed to be onto her next "project" never really staying focused. As of late, she was into swimwear design for men and women. Dana always wondered who Maureen's clients were and how she paid her share of the rent.

But despite Maureen's quirkiness, she was a great roommate and a kind person. Dana often found herself talking with Maureen late into the night over several bottles of wine. The two had actually begun to develop a strong bond, despite their personality differences.

Dana got dressed and wandered into the living room where she found Maureen in sweatpants and a t-shirt, kneeling over squares of paper laid out on the floor. Each square was painted a different color. Maureen was fidgeting with the squares moving them around in different patterns.

Her jet black hair was seemingly always frizzy and out of control. Tonight was no exception as it hung off her head in all directions. She was a bigger girl, but not overweight by any means. She had such great style that she knew exactly what to wear for her body size. Her tits were very large but well contained and expertly concealed most of the time.

"Hello, sunshine!" she said. Maureen always called Dana strange nicknames, never seeming to stick with one over time.

"What are you doing?" Dana noticed an open bottle of red wine next to Maureen. She poured the remaining contents of the bottle into her empty glass since it was her wine anyways.

"I'm building a color collage. See all these squares? I'm going to hang them up on that wall over there. I think it's begging for something, don't you think?"

Dana looked over at the wall. It already had one of Maureen's paintings on it. "Sure, I guess," she said shaking her head. Sometimes it was better to not even try and understand Maureen's projects.

"So I have a question," Dana said as she sat down on the couch, crossing her legs. "Would you ever show yourself naked online?"

"Ooh, saucy!" Maureen exclaimed without looking up from her paint squares. "The internet is a beautiful place, isn't it? So many people brought together by tiny little fiber optic cables running all throughout the planet."

"So is that a yes?"

Maureen placed the final paint square into its place and leaned back on her feet. "I have shown the gifts God has bestowed on me on many, many, occasions my lady."

Dana smiled. "And why am I not surprised?"

Maureen winked at Dana before rising to her feet and walking over to the kitchen. She opened another bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. "Are you camming back there, my darling sweetheart?" she asked.


"Yes. You know, flaunting your fantastic fanny for fans across the world?"

Dana cracked up laughing. "Not exactly. No. But I was chatting a bit. Guys like to show me themselves. I don't return the favor though. It's just a fun thing to do."

Dana paused, staring into her wine glass. "I miss sex."

"You're horny, love." Maureen took a sip of her wine.

"Excuse me?"

"You said you miss sex. That's a very polite and proper way of saying you're horny. You need to meet a nice man, Dana."

"I'm too old for dating," said Dana. "Where does a thirty-nine year old meet men?"

"Depends on what you want, babe. Are you looking for your next hubby or just a routine cleaning?"

Dana wandered over to the kitchen and sat at the barstool, facing Maureen. The apartment was modern and chic. It boasted a large open concept living room attached to an inviting and bright kitchen. She propped her head up with her hands and looked Maureen in the eyes. "I don't know what I want anymore," she said hopelessly.

Maureen nodded. "Very well. My girl, you're going to come to a job with me. We’re going to have a splendid time with a young man."

"A young man? What do you mean? Maureen, sometimes I feel like I don't even know what you do."

"When are you done tomorrow?" Maureen asked as she fetched a pen and paper.

"I only have one client. I'm done at 11, why?"

Maureen was writing something down on a piece of paper. "Perfect. Here. You come here when you're done. We'll split the profits. I think you're going to really enjoy this." Maureen slid the paper across the counter.

Dana glanced at an address written on the paper. "Irvine? Maureen, what is this? What am I getting into."

"Trust me, it'll be fun. Come see what I do for work tomorrow."

"I have a hard time trusting you," Dana said as she stood up and walked towards her room. She stopped and looked at the wall. "Especially when you hang paintings like this one," she teased.

The building was about as non-descript as you could be in an Irvine, CA office park. Dana walked into the entrance with no signs or markers, simply a "110" to indicate the suite number. She breezed by the graphics design company that shared a wing of the building and knocked on the door. A distant 'Come in!' was heard from inside.

The space appeared to be a vacant office building as Dana walked down a long corridor of empty conference rooms. Each one had various fabrics spread out across the tables and chairs. It looked as if a bomb went off and left fabric everywhere. She ultimately found Maureen in the largest room in the back, studying a table filled with different prints and designs.

"What on Earth is going on here, Maureen?" Dana laughed. "This whole place is a disaster!"

"Oh darling, it's all part of my creative process," Maureen said as she held up what appeared to be a men’s bathing suit to the fluorescent light of the conference room. She was wearing a multi-colored scarf over a loose fitting blouse, designer jeans and red heels. Her thick-framed purple glasses rested on her ears below her frizzy hair held up in a bun.

"Wait, so you're doing men’s clothing now?" Dana asked as she picked up one of the designs and inspected it.

"Anything goes when you're a pantologist, hun-hun."

"A pantologist?"

"Jack of all trades, sweetie. Today I trade in men’s swimwear," she said smiling. She looked up at Dana. "It's whatever the client needs."

"These are really good, Maureen!" she said as she picked up another pair.

"Why thank you, lovely, but we mustn't be overjoyed yet as we have much work to do. We need to narrow these down to two, maybe three suits total. Those will be submitted to the client."

"I see. So you need me here for, what? My opinion?"

Just then there was a knock on the door at the front of the suite. Both women turned towards it. Maureen turned back to Dana. "For that. Get the door please, sweetheart."

As Dana approached the door, she could see a tall figure through the privacy glass. It appeared to be a man. As she opened it, she was shocked to see a very handsome man standing before her. He was tall and fair-skinned. He had wavy blonde hair, deep blue eyes. His frame was strong and powerful. He extended his big hand out towards Dana.

"Hi, I'm Liam."

Dana was taken aback by how gorgeous this man in front of her was. She felt a little flush as she extended her little hand into his. He squeezed hard as they greeted each other.

"Dana," she said with a half-smile.

"Great, so, can I come in?"

"Oh! Oh, yes of course. I'm sorry." Dana stepped back and waved Liam inside. He smiled as he entered the office, moving aside as Dana closed the door.

"This way? Or,?" Liam hesitated, awaiting instructions. But Dana realized she didn't really have any.

"Ya know what, I'm not sure," she laughed awkwardly. "Let me bring you back to Maureen and we can see."

Liam followed Dana through the office passing the various conference rooms filled with different fabrics and patterns. She was wearing yoga pants and felt a little uncomfortable with Liam behind her. Almost as if she could feel him checking her out. She casually placed her hands behind her and held them together in somewhat of an awkward way of covering up.

"Hello stud!" Maureen's voice could be heard as she walked towards Liam with open arms. The two embraced. It appeared this was not the first time Maureen and Liam met.

"Are you excited?!" she asked Liam, pressing her hands together under her chin.

"I am! This will be great," Liam said. Dana sensed a bit of hesitancy in his voice. By now, she realized he would be the model for Maureen's swimwear. She still didn't know what she'd be doing though.

"Darling, you will do excellent. Look at you," Maureen said as she placed her hands on Liam's shoulders and looked him up and down. "Such a fine specimen."

"Thanks Maureen."

"Okay, Liam sweetheart, you'll be heading back to the third room on the right. I have some options for you. Please start with whichever one you'd like. Then the lovely Dana will bring you out back here so we can have a looksee. Good good?"

"Sounds great," Liam said as he looked at Dana. Dana paused for a moment before jumping into action. "Okay, umm great. Okay, let's head back there then." She looked at Maureen as she walked away. Maureen stood with her hands still folded together. She smiled and winked.

Dana closed the door behind them as they entered the conference room. "So just any one of these?" Liam asked as he picked up a floral print bathing suit.

"That's right. Whichever one you like."

"Okay, let's do this one. Umm," Liam paused as he looked at Dana.

"Oh! My gosh, I'm sorry. I'll step out. Just let me know if you need anything."

Flustered, Dana left the room and headed back towards Maureen. She was growing agitated from not really knowing what she was supposed to do.

"What are you doing?" Maureen asked in a half whisper. "Go back in there please!"

"He's changing!" Dana said in more of a whisper. "You want me to be in there when he changes!?"

"These are custom swimsuits, Dana. The wearer needs to have a pleasant experience putting them on. We need to make sure of that. I'll need you to watch him get the suit on so we can identify areas of improvement."

"Okay?" Dana looked back towards the conference room, but didn't move.

"Shoo, shoo!" Maureen said as she indicated for Dana to get back to the room quickly.

She knocked on the door. A muffled "come in" could be heard. She opened it slowly to find Liam standing, shirtless by a chair in the corner. "Yes?" he asked.

Dana glanced briefly at his toned and muscular body. She had to remind herself she is looking at a swimsuit model. It had been a long time since she was in close quarters with such an attractive man. She hoped she wouldn't say or do anything stupid.

"Umm, so Maureen wants me to make sure you don't have any issues putting the suit on?"

"Makes sense," Liam said, unphased by the proposal. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. He pulled them down and kicked them aside. He now stood in front of Dana in nothing but tight, black boxer briefs.

Dana watched in silence. She was dreadfully uncomfortable watching this man get changed, but knew she had a job to do. Liam swiftly pulled his underwear down and kicked them aside as well. That's when Dana let out an unexpected audible gasp at the sight standing before her.

Dana had been with her fair share of men before. She liked to think that she had a fairly wide variety of different cock sizes in her repertoire after all these years. But there was nothing that even came close to the cock that had just been revealed to her in the tiny little conference room.

As Liam fiddled with the drawstring on the bathing suit, Dana stared at his long, thick, flaccid cock as it hung aggressively far down between his legs. Halfway to his knees. Two twin balls protruded from his body dangling loosely in his outstretched scrotum.

"This thing's tight huh?" Liam asked as he looked up at Dana. She quickly looked away.

"Hmm?" she asked.

"This drawstring. See? I can't get the damn thing untied."

"Oh, umm, yes I see. Here, let me try."

Dana reached out her hand as Liam gave her the suit. He was left standing there, hands by his side with his enormous cock hanging in plain sight. Dana used her manicured fingernails to help untie the string in a matter of a few seconds before handing it back to him.

"You've got the magic touch I guess," he said, smiling.

Liam bent over, stepping both feet into the swimsuit, and pulling it up. When he arrived at his crotch area, he lifted his large cock and balls up with one hand and pulled the waistband out with the other. He let the waistband down and dropped his hands to his side. His huge cock was plainly visible under the fabric as it was not exactly a loose fit.

"Well, this isn't going to work is it," he said, making light of the situation.

Dana cracked up laughing, covering her mouth in the process. "It certainly isn't, is it?"

Liam carelessly tried to maneuver his cock around under the bathing suit for a better fit, but it was simply too big. His balls too were so cramped it looked like he was in pain.

"Here, why don't we go show Maureen and she make the proper adjustments. Follow me."

Dana led Liam to the back conference room where Maureen was kneeling on the ground organizing various different bathing suits. "Well hello! Oh my, look at you!" she said as she hopped to her feet and walked over to Liam. She did not take her eyes off his crotch.

"This isn't going to work is it now?" she giggled as she fidgeted with the bathing suit on Liam. "My goodness, the damn thing needs to breathe, doesn't it?" she asked, looking up at Liam.

"It's a little tight, yeah."

"You're a big boy, Mr. Liam. Don't worry, we'll fix it. That's the point of today anyways, wasn't it?"

Dana looked confused. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What was the point of today again?"

Maureen sighed. "Dana, my love. My client makes custom high-end bathing suits for men of, a larger ilk. My job is to provide them swimwear that goes on easy and doesn't cause pain or embarrassment for the man wearing it."

"It's a bigger problem than you think," said Liam.

"Exactly. Which is why.. Dun-dun-dun! Maureen is here to save the day. Okay, okay, we need to make some alterations. Dana, sweetheart, please pull the waistband out for me."

"Like, out meaning off of his body?"

Maureen sighed. "Liam, my friend. Do you mind if the beautiful miss Dana here sees your willy?"

"Ship has sailed," Liam laughed. "It's all good."

"Thank you honey." Maureen turned to Dana. "Yes, off his body, please."

Dana obediently pulled the bathing suit off, revealing Liam's cock stuffed into the close confines. It was so big, it looked ridiculous coiled up inside the small area.

Maureen knelt down and went to work, busily making pencil marks around the crotch area of the bathing suit. "You see, men like our Liam here need a lot of extra room around this area. Their snakes need room to move about." She stopped and looked up at Liam. "Or should I say anaconda?"

Dana laughed as she looked down at Liam's cock again. She noticed it looked a little bigger. She watched closely and confirmed that the skin around his shaft was indeed expanding. It was getting bigger and thicker before her very eyes. She quickly looked away, feeling bad for staring.

Next, Maureen took her camera and snapped about twenty pictures of Liam, mostly focused on his crotch area.

"Okie dokie, artichokie," said Maureen as she rose to her feet. "We're good."

Dana released the waistband, but it wouldn't go all the way back down. The problem was that Liam had become so hard, that his cock was acting like a tent pole, preventing the waistband from clinging to his body.

"Whoopsies," said Maureen.

Liam burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, guys."

Dana didn't know how to react. The size of Liam's erection, sticking out under the shorts, was remarkable. It was both impressive and comical as he stood there with a raging boner in a swimsuit that was far too small for him.

"My poor, poor, baby," Maureen said in a fake baby voice. "Dana can you please take these off him and put this sorry soul out of his misery," she winked at Liam.

"Right here?"

Maureen rolled her eyes. Most would assume she was getting upset, but Dana knew she rarely, if ever, got mad. "Yes, the poor man is in pain. And we have two more suits to try."

Dana turned back to Liam and reached out, taking hold of the waistband. She slowly lowered them, finding it a bit difficult to get past his rock hard erection. She decided to pull from the front of the waistband instead, creating plenty of room for his cock to spring free. As it bounced out, the head grazed Dana's dainty knuckles.

"That's it!" Maureen said as she clapped twice. "Feel better?"

"Much better," said Liam, looking down at his cock.

"Very well. Dana, honey, you see the problem now, right? Men like Liam. They simply can't wear regular swimsuits. Especially not like this," she said pointing at his cock.

Liam grabbed the base of his cock as he awaited further instructions. Dana found herself staring at it and quickly turned away. She was growing more and more aroused by Liam, and desperately wanted to remain professional.

"I need you to try the red and yellow one next. But, Liam. My dear, dear Liam. This (points to his cock) This isn't going to work, now is it?"

"Sorry about that, guys," Liam said as he pulled his cock down, gauging its harness. Dana openly gawked at its immense size while it bounced back to its upright position.

"I can take care of it I guess," Liam suggested looking at Maureen for her approval.

"I think that's a splendid idea."

To Dana's horror, Liam began openly stroking his cock in front of the two women. She looked at Maureen, thinking perhaps she was kidding, but Maureen had already shifted her attention back to her fabric. Liam looked up at the ceiling as he tugged on his massive cock, running his hand up and down its substantial length.

"Oh, no, no, no, hun. Not here. Go, go. Out. I don't want you ruining any of this."

Maureen gently guided both Dana and Liam back towards the conference room, Liam in front clutching his cock. Dana followed behind, turning back towards Maureen with a 'what the hell' face. Maureen grinned as she ushered them into the room and went back to her pile of clothing.

"Okay, umm. So do you need to finish?" Dana wasn't sure what she was supposed to do now. She laughed awkwardly at the weirdness of the situation. "I'm sorry, this is just so odd."

"Don't be sorry," said Liam as he stroked his cock with one hand while the other hung by his side. "I kind of need this gig, so I don't want this to screw it up."

Dana stared at his hand as he masturbated. She finally looked up. "Oh, sure. I understand, Umm, should I leave for this part?"

"It's okay. I'll be done quickly. Then we can get back to work." Liam focused all his attention on jerking off. Dana stood in the corner of the room, furthest from Liam, trying her best to not look at him. But she was entranced by his attractiveness and masculinity. She peeked at the tall, muscular man as he pumped away at his thick cock.

He used two hands now, racing up and down his shaft. She nearly drooled while staring at his red, bloated cock head, appearing ready to spew at any moment.

The squishy sounds of masturbation filled the room. Liam's breathing increased as he neared orgasm. As hard as she tried, Dana could not peel her eyes away. Never in her life had she witnessed anything like this. She felt a powerful warmth spread across her body, emanating from between her legs. She quivered with excitement.

Suddenly, Liam stomped his feet and grunted, unleashing a deep and powerful moan. He gripped his cock tightly, like a baseball bat with one hand while cupping his other hand near his cock head. He made no sound, but opened his mouth as he watched a thick rope of cum splash against his hand with force.

Dana looked away, covering her mouth. She stared at the door as she heard the sounds of thick blasts dropping to the floor.

"Fuck," Liam forced out as he feverishly stroked his cock. He was coming so much his hand easily overflowed, forming a puddle below. He gave up on catching it and decided to angle his cock towards the floor as another three blasts soaked the carpet below.

Dana finally looked. "Oh, umm.." she reached her hand, indicating Liam cumming onto the carpet may not be a good idea. But there was really nothing she could do as Liam continued to orgasm.

"Argh," he sighed while launching three hefty loads onto the carpet below.

"Holy shit," said Dana as Liam turned to her, laughing.

Dana laughed too, raising her hand to her mouth. "Well then!"

"Yeah that was kinda a lot. Sorry about that," he said as he looked around careful not to spill the puddle of cum in his hand.

"That was unexpected!" Dana said, openly laughing at the insane amount of cum.

"I'll clean this up," said Liam as he looked around for something to use. Dana frantically spun around, noticing a wastebasket at the corner of the room.

"This probably would have been helpful, huh?" she said as she handed Liam the barrel, being careful not to get too close.

He dumped the cum from his hand into the basket. "Yikes," he laughed as he looked around at the mess. "That was a big one."

"Let me get you a towel or something," Dana said as she abruptly rushed out of the room. She headed towards the back of the office where Maureen was meticulously stitching together some fabric.

"Do you have a towel?"

"Sounds like our man took care of his problem, hmm?" Maureen laughed. "Here, sweetie." She tossed a roll of paper towels to Dana.

"Can I just say this is probably the weirdest thing you've ever had me do?" she giggled.

Maureen smiled and shrugged. "I warned you, my dear."

Dana knocked twice on the door before opening. Liam was standing in the same spot. Cum dripped from his hanging cock in a long strand towards the floor. He didn't seem to notice as he was trying to clear off his hand.

"Here you are," she said, reaching out with the paper towels.

"Ahh, thanks." Liam wiped off his hands, cock and balls before crouching down to clean the rest. Dana pretended to be getting the next bathing suit ready as not to stare. She did, however, glance a couple times to see Liam bent over, his huge cock and balls hanging down as he cleaned up. It was a sight to see.

"Okay, back to work, right?" Liam said. "This one next?"

"Sure," said Dana.

Liam stepped into the next suit. This one was red and yellow. Flashy, but simple. It appeared to fit him better as well. He inspected the bathing suit, stretching the fabric a bit as he got situated.

"How was the experience putting this on?" Dana asked, ready to take notes.

"Not bad. Better than the other one."

"And the fit?"

"Definitely not as tight, wouldn't you say?" he asked, looking up at Dana.

"It looks more comfortable, that's for sure." Dana looked at the crotch area. It was still very easy to see his ample cock, running down the front. "You still kind of, umm, stick out, huh?"

"It's really hard to hide this thing," Liam said as he tried to position his cock in the front. It was not much better. "See what I mean?"

"I do. Well, let's head out and see what Maureen thinks."

Dana opened the door for Liam. As he snuck past, Dana looked directly at his enormous bulge. He caught her this time as they made eye contact. He close-mouth smiled at her, nodding his head as he passed.

Dana, mortified, scolded herself for getting caught. She told herself to remain professional and not look at him again. She followed Liam back to Maureen.

"Now, look! We are making progress, ladies and gentlemen!" Maureen rushed to Liam and immediately began fiddling with the bathing suit. She pulled at the fabric around his crotch in an effort to better hide his endowment.

"I'm afraid there's no completely hiding your pork and beans, Mr. Liam," she said as she actually tried her best to no avail. "This will do, though. Okay, picture time everyone."

Maureen snapped a bunch of photos of Liam, some full body shots, some from the waist down, and some directly at his crotch. After she took about twenty photos, she stepped back admiring the bathing suit on Liam. "This one's a keeper!"

Dana helped Liam with the third and final suit. Maureen took more photos. When she was done, she paid Liam and dismissed him. Dana walked him to the door.

"Thanks for everything," he said with a warm smile.

"Oh no problem," Dana said as she opened the door for Liam.

"Hey listen, I hope you weren't offended by earlier. That happens sometimes and Maureen is always cool with it. But I probably shouldn't have done that having just met you."

Dana dismissed him, waving her hand. "Oh, it's fine. Really."

"Thanks," Liam paused. "This was fun."

"Sure was! Okay, well, see ya!"

Dana closed the door and leaned against it. She felt as excited as a teenager having her first crush. She smiled to herself before heading back to Maureen. Today was a good day.

Dana and Maureen have a guest over for dinner.

Maureen joined Dana who was already seated towards the back of the cafe. She placed her latte carefully on the table. "So," she said as she lowered into her seat. "How was your first day into the lovely world of fashion design?"

"Honestly? That was the weirdest thing I've ever been a part of, Maureen."

Maureen smirked at Dana. "Oh, it couldn't have been that weird, hun."

"I'm serious!" Dana sipped her iced coffee through a straw. She leaned in and lowered her voice to a whisper. "I mean, the guy was buck naked jerking off in a conference room. How is that not weird?"

Maureen shrugged. "Men need to calm things down sometimes, wouldn't you say?"

Dana shook her head. "Unbelievable." She looked around the shop before turning back to Maureen. "He told me he's done this before?"

"Oh gosh, many times. Dozens! Liam's a fantastic model for me. He fits the bill."

"No," Dana leaned in again. "He told me you've seen him, masturbate." She barely said the word and only mouthed it in the crowded shop.

"Well, yes Dana. I told you the man needs to keep his composure when he's doing the work. Why on Earth are you unhappy? I thought you'd enjoy it, to be honest."

Dana thought about what she said. She fidgeted with her coffee cup. "He was very attractive," she said looking down. Their eyes met. "Very, very attractive."

Maureen smiled, satisfied. "I knew you'd think that. And the fact that he's carrying around an eleven inch baton certainly doesn't hurt, now does it?" She sipped her latte.

"Is that how big it is?" Dana asked, stunned. "Eleven inches?"

"Nearly. He's just shy of eleven, but no harm in rounding up."

"How do you know that?" Dana asked, now intrigued.

"There's a lot you don't know about young Liam. He tends to be a bit of a show off."

Dana sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. She couldn't scratch the image of Liam's huge cock spraying cum out of her head. Her expression changed to mischievous. "Well, he can show off for me any time he likes."

"You're bad!" Maureen teased. She smiled at Dana for a moment before leaning in and lowering her voice. "You know, modeling isn't the only thing Liam does. He also does other paid gigs."

"Gigs? Like what?"

Maureen took out her phone and started typing into her browser. After she got what she needed she slid it across the table as Dana picked it up.

'The Host with the Most' was the title of the webpage. Liam posed in a speedo at the top of the page.

Maureen continued. "So our friend with his big jelly bean puts on a little act. We, as the customers, get to sit and enjoy ourselves by being waited on hand and foot by young Liam."

"Okay, so he's like a private chef or something?"

"Yes of course, honey. But one of the nude variety."

Dana's eyes opened wide. "He's naked?!" She looked around the cafe having realized she was getting a little too loud.

"In the buff. He'll do whatever we want. Our job? Admire his eleven inches of man meat."

"Do we, do we need to be naked?" Dana asked, beyond excited.

"You may do whatever your little heart desires, my friend," Maureen said as she admired Dana's slim figure. "But no. We don't have to be. It's part of the thrill."

Dana scrolled down to the bottom of the page. "A thousand dollars?"

Maureen smiled and nodded. "Plus tip. I assure you it's well worth the money. He always ends with a, blast."

Dana shook her head smiling as she continued to read the webpage. In it, Liam describes his most impressive feature in full detail. He assures his customers they never will be asked to do anything they don't want to do and he will try to accommodate any and all requests provided they are within the boundaries of the law.

"I'll think about it."

Maureen smiled. "Take your time, sunshine. Whatever you so choose."

Maureen was out working on another shoot the next morning. She had asked Dana if she didn't mind going through the photos from Liam's session and picking the best ones for her proposal to her client. Dana sat in her bed, wearing nothing but black bra and panties since she was the only one home.

She opened up the first folder which had all the pictures from the first bathing suit that was way too small. Feelings of arousal returned to her body as she stared at the massive erect cock underneath the bathing suit. It was so big, it stretched all the way down his thigh, tenting hard under his trunks.

Dana pinched the touch screen of her laptop and zoomed in. She could clearly make out the pulsing hard shape of his enormous cock and even noticed a wet spot at the tip. She slid up to the base, trying to make out his balls. They too were pressed firmly against the tight clothing, easily creating a visible impression.

"Jesus Christ," Dana said out loud to herself. Her cunt pulsed with arousal. She flipped through the rest of the photos, making sure to zoom in on each one. She became hornier and hornier the more she combed through the collection.

She decided she had enough. Picking up her phone, she shot out one quick text to Maureen.

'Let's book Liam. Split 50/50?'

Maureen wrote back immediately. All she wrote was a heart face emoji.

Dana didn't know what to wear for the evening. They would be staying at her and Maureen's apartment. She opted to wear dark jeans and a low cut black blouse. She tilted her head as she brushed her golden blonde hair that hung down past her shoulders.

As she applied makeup, she couldn't help but feel as if she was getting ready for a date. It had been so long since she went on an actual date. But tonight was far from a date. Tonight was odd, yet exhilarating. She had no idea what she was in store for, but was excited.

Maureen sat in one of the apartment's two arm chairs, sipping red wine, reading her book. Jimi Hendrix's 'Red House' could be heard in the background. She smiled when Dana emerged. "Hello beautiful butterfly!"

"What do I wear to this thing?" Dana laughed. "What are we even doing?"

"Fear none, love. You look great. Tonight will be splendid. Our big boy comes over any minute now."

"So is he just gonna be naked the whole time?" Dana asked as she poured herself a drink and sat down opposite Maureen. She nodded in response, not looking up from her book.

"He'll make us a nice dinner too," she added. "He's really an exceptional cook."

"So he has many talents?" Dana teased.

"Many, indeed."

To be continued in Part 2, by BrazenHorse for Literotica.