Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 1

Abby prepares for war.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 1

The sound of ringing steel echoed through the barn along with the gasping of two people laboring for breath. Abigail Durham and her father George sparred with their practice swords, sweating and panting as they danced and dodged each others thrusts. George cried out in surprise when his 18 year old daughter parried his stroke and tapped his forearm with her blade.

"I've finally marked you, Father!" she cried in victory and he smiled at her sheepishly. He was so proud of his beautiful protégée. Abby was his only child and she was the light of his life. Her mother had died three years ago of consumption and he still mourned her daily. Abby had always been a sort of tomboy and eagerly took to learning marksmanship as well as swordsmanship, of which she excelled like no other person he knew except himself. An exceedingly rare thing in the late 1700's for a woman to be interested in to be sure, but he paid it no mind. Since she could walk he'd taken her on hunts with him, along with long trips on the road to visit cities scattered through the colony of Virginia as he conducted his business of growing and marketing tobacco.

The Revolutionary War was closing in on them rapidly and being a man of action and quite well educated, he predicted a long and bloody road in their future. Since his wife had died he'd poured his heart and soul into preparing for the rough days ahead. With Abby's assistance he'd scouted out several small limestone caves within several miles of their plantation and staged provisions in case they were forced to abandon their home and hearth, in Blenheim, which was the heart of central Virginia. The Monticello plantation of Thomas Jefferson was just a day’s ride to the east, But Jefferson had fled to Paris to serve as the U S Ambassador and seek help from the French to assist the Continental Army.  

Chief among their treasured items was gunpowder, bullets for their firearms, and foodstuffs such as beans, rice, and smoke preserved meats. They also had clothing, bedding, and various tools they may need for the future scattered throughout their various caches. He'd even gone so far as to draw up detailed maps and demanded Abby commit the locations to memory.

Just before his wife had died, his brother William had moved in with them to help out with the plantation. George saw it as a gift because William's wife, Rose, was quite a bit younger than him and closer to Abby's age than his own. In fact she'd been 21 years old to Abby's 15 at the time. She was quite instrumental in raising Abby into a promising young lady over the last three years. As a result, Abby could be right at home with the highest of the local society, not giving the least impression that she could outshoot and out sword fight any man she might happen upon.

The rumble of far off cannon fire seemed to draw closer every day, increasing George's anxiety for the safety of his family and his beloved workers who labored in his fields. He had learned a great deal of compassion from his wife and as a result treated his slaves far better than most owners. His plantation home was small and modest by the day's standards, simply because he chose to invest in decent housing for his slaves. In fact, the slave cabins were nicer by far than most white folk's homes in the area, garnering some jealousy to say the least. The title "Master" was forbidden to be spoken. He was simply "Mister Durham" to his workers while Abby was referred to as "Missy" and she was beloved by them all.

"Can we go another round?" Abby asked happily, pleased that she'd scored a hit on her father.

"I'd love to dear, but I think I it's nearly dinner time. Go get cleaned up and we'll meet in the dining room."

"Yes, Papa." She kissed him sweetly on his cheek and set off for the house while he watched her departing figure with a worried frown. He wasn't normally a man to harp on his feelings, but deep in his gut he knew bad things were on the not so distant horizon. When Abby reached the house, her quadroon maid, June, had a tub of hot water ready for her.

"Have you been fighting with your Pappy again?" June asked teasingly.

"Yes, we were sparring a bit and I scored a hit on him, my first one!" Abby said excitedly. June clapped her hands joyfully.

"Well done, Missy! I'm sure your Pappy is mighty proud of you. Now strip down little lady and let me scrub you up nice and clean."

Obediently, Abby complied, dropping her trousers and blouse into a heap while June shook her head in disapproval.

"I'll never know why your Pappy lets you dress like that. You should be all dolled up in a pretty dress and making eyes at the local boys out there!" June said in a stern voice, but Abby saw a twinkle in her gaze and she smiled mischievously.

"I can't ride, shoot, and sword fight with a dress on June, you know that, silly lady!"

She lowered herself in the tub, hissing as the hot water burned her little butt cheeks. June watched with a critical eye. Her little ward was growing up quickly. Long wavy blonde hair topped her fine head and flowed down over her pale shoulders nearly to her waist. Her bottom had filled out and her once small breasts were now large and firm, her tight nipples pointed proudly skyward from her small ribcage. She was nearly five foot four inches tall and weighed about 105 pounds soaking wet. Thanks to her relatively new friend, Rose, she'd taken to shaving her legs and armpits, an up and coming trend among ladies and one her father heartily agreed with. He was a firm believer in a lady being a lady, especially when in public. His wife had been a beautiful woman whom he'd been proud to show off on his arm for many years.

June quickly bathed and shaved her with accomplished ease. She took care of Rose as well most evenings, never telling Abby that Rose kept her pubic area shaved clean for her husband. Some things must be kept private, June figured to herself.

After dinner, the men retired to the parlor and asked the girls to join them, which was entirely out of character Abby thought with surprise. Speaking in an authoritative tone, George addressed them.

"War is coming to us all, I hate to say. The British are on their way through here and there's little we can do. Hopefully some local militias can turn the tide but I doubt it. William and I have spoken at length about it and have come to a decision. We will stand and fight when the time comes. We'll lose the slaves whenever they desire. They can leave now if they like."

As if punctuating his sentence, a roll of cannon fire sounded in the distance.

Abby started to speak but her father raised his hand to silence her.

"There will be no discussion. Abby and Rose, you two will head for the forests when I command, use our caches and caves to subsist until things improve for the better. I believe our side will win in time, but short term it will be a terrible thing."

Abby flung herself in his arms and tried protesting but he would have none of it. It broke his heart to treat her so but he knew it must be done.

William drew Rose onto his lap and comforted her as she sobbed on his shoulder. George continued.

"Abby, starting tomorrow you'll be ready to evacuate at a moment's notice. Keep your squirrel rifle handy and your horse in the small barn near the tree line. You do the same, Rose."

A couple of years ago, the brothers had Kentucky rifles made for the girls. They were in 32 caliber and shortened both at the stock and barrel so they could handle them more adroitly. Rose was a decent shot while Abby was absolutely deadly with hers out to nearly 300 yards. Rose had hunted a bit with hers but never really enjoyed it. Abby had harvested several deer and turkey and had no qualms about filling the larder with fresh meat.

George continued instructing his family for nearly an hour, preparing them for the worst. Finally, he sent them off to bed while he and William had another drink and smoked their pipes in the light of the oil lamps.

Sometime in the night a particularly loud boom of cannon fire awoke Abby and she noticed a faint glow in the night sky coming through her window. She wrapped herself in her night robe and sneaked down the hallway so she could watch from the porch. A faint cry robbed her attention and she listened attentively. It seemed to be coming from William and Rose's room. She tiptoed to their door and noticed it was open a crack. She peered in, and in the faint light of a guttering candle witnessed a sight like she'd never seen or heard of.

William and Rose were both naked atop the bed covers and his face was buried between Rose's thighs. Her hands were twisted in his hair and she was moaning in what sounded like pain. Abby was immediately concerned for Rose, what was he doing to her! She was ready to rush to her defense until she heard Rose cry out his name in rapture.

"Oh yes, Willy! Just there, please don't stop!"

Abby was wide eyed in amazement. Her breath hitched and she gasped aloud at her first sight of a cock. She quickly covered her mouth, afraid the couple had heard her. Apparently not, because they kept on with their lovemaking. He looked intimidating down there, yet Rose seemed to enjoy what he was doing! She clasped her hands under his bottom and urged him deeper with contented sighs.

Abby was almost beside herself and was feeling some decidedly different emotions. She'd thought about sex of course but had always been so busy playing at tomboy that she'd never really dwelled on it much. Contributing to that was probably the lack of men her age on the plantation, other than slaves of course, and they held no interest to her other than as good friends. William drew her attention when he spoke to Rose in a strained voice.

"How would you like me to spend myself, dear?"

"Let me taste you tonight, honey!" she managed to gasp out.

Abby watched attentively. A loud gasp came from the doorway. Abby couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing. Rose was moaning to another satisfying orgasm.

Sensing the end was near, Abby quietly slipped back to her room and burrowed under her covers, her mind awash with the exciting scene she'd just witnessed. It took many hours before her fevered mind allowed her to fall asleep.

The next day Abby took Rose aside and asked her a few questions about sex, which aroused her suspicion.

"I'm pretty sure I heard you outside our door last night, that's true isn't it?" Rose asked her with a smile and a twinkle in her eye.

"Yes, it was me," Abby answered guiltily. "I heard you when I was up and just had to see what you were doing."

"Did you like what you saw?"

"At first I thought Uncle William was hurting you! Then I heard you call his name and cup his head in your hands and I knew you were  okay."

"Oh yes, I was fine. It feels wonderful."

Abby felt a shiver run up her back at the thought of a man doing such a naughty thing to her. She couldn't imagine! In the past Rose had tried to instruct her on matters pertaining to procreation but she'd shown little interest until now. Hearing about it in dry terms was somewhat boring, seeing it in action was another thing entirely, she thought to herself.

" Does it taste good? Did you like it?" she asked in curiosity.

"He did it because I asked him to. It tasted a little salty usually, and I did like it. It's the seed that makes little babies and if it's near the time of the month I may get pregnant, I have him shoot in my mouth or on my breasts. He absolutely loves doing it."

Abby pursed her lips thoughtfully, "Do you think I'm pretty enough for a man to want me like that?"

"Oh, honey. You're absolutely beautiful! Any man would be proud to have you. When we dress up and go to parties or the Christmas ball, haven't you noticed the young gentlemen fawning over you?"

"I guess so, over the last couple years they're always looking at my chest, it's rather irritating when they speak to my bosom."

Rose giggled in delight. "That's what men do when they want you. You have no idea how gorgeous you really are, dear Abby. There's not a man alive who wouldn't roll you in the hay!"

"Aunty Rose, shame on you!" Abby laughed, but inside she felt the same shivery sensation she'd experienced last night and a hint of moisture dampened her thighs. Suddenly, a bold idea struck her. She took pride in excelling at everything that interested her, why not sex as well?

"Will you help me get ready to be with a man, just in case it ever happens? I don't want to be caught unawares. Please teach me everything you know."

"I'd be happy to, just don't tell the men, we'd get in so much trouble!" Rose laughed gaily. "Let's talk about it while we move our horses to the barn like your father instructed."

After they did so Abby went searching for her father. She found him in the workshop toiling diligently. He was packing large flower pots with blackpowder and horseshoe nails, sealing them tightly with hot wax then replacing the flowers and soil atop the explosive. He explained that he planned to set them next to the benches that lined the drive near the shade trees. The slaves used them to relax on when they took breaks from working the tobacco fields. When the redcoats came he hoped to detonate them and cause as many casualties as possible. Abby gazed at her father in a new light and he noticed her expression when she realized the deviousness of his plan.

"We do what we must, Abby. They'd rather kill us than keep us as prisoners and use up their valuable supplies. I plan to return the favor. The bloodier we make it for them the sooner they'll return to their country." She nodded in understanding.

"I want to fight with you, Father, please let me!" she begged. He looked at her closely. He knew she would be a huge asset but he couldn't bear losing her. Against his better judgement he chose to take a calculated risk.

"I'll let you stay and fight until I order you to leave. At that moment, you obey me immediately and without question. Do you understand me?" he said in his sternest voice.

"Oh yes, Papa!" She flew into his arms and hugged him tightly. He was glad she couldn't see the tears gathering in his eyes.

"We start setting up our trap today, honey. Go get Rose and you two can help me out."

He set up targets where each of the flower pots would be and had Abby go to the upper story of the house and fire down on them until she was comfortable with the range. The targets started at 300 yards out and were staged at the sitting benches up to 100 yards from the front porch. She used both hers and Rose's rifles, firing as fast as Rose could reload which took her as long as 45 seconds. When George was satisfied, he installed his flower pots at the benches, then he filled buckets with caltrops he'd had the local blacksmith make. When the British troops arrival was imminent, he'd scatter them on the road between his home and the ambush site, in order to slow any troops that leaked through, thereby allowing the people in the house more time to rain fire down on their enemies.

That evening after dinner he took Abby to the work shop and he presented her with a gift. It was a rapier that was shorter and lighter than most, essentially made for a small man or woman. Her hand fit the grip wonderfully and the cupped hilt would protect her hand from a counter slash. Abby was beside herself with joy! The leather scabbard she drew it from had gold fasteners and a wide belt that fit her lithe waist perfectly.

"Careful now," he cautioned. "It's razor sharp and will kill a man in an instant. It has blood grooves on each side to break the suction of a man's flesh so you can remove it easier. Stab, twist, and pull, like so!" With a flourish he drew his own sword, mimicking his instructions. She clapped her hands and drew him into a thankful hug.

"Oh Papa, you're the best ever!" she exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

"Let's get some rest, honey. Tomorrow will be another long day." he said quietly.

Abby discovers sex for the first time.

Chapter 2

That evening after dinner, Rose pulled Abby aside. "Would you like some training in the subject we talked of earlier?" she asked with a wicked smile.

Abby was instantly on board. "Yes I would! What did you have in mind?"

"Let's go visit June. I believe she can get you started out right." Puzzled, Abby followed Rose as she led them to her room where June was adding scented oil to two big tubs filled with hot water. At her urging both women disrobed and she bathed them both clean, including washing their long tresses. Rose was a thin brunette and stood a touch taller than Abby at 5 foot six, weighing in at about the same weight of 105 pounds. Her breasts were a bit smaller than Abby's but were strikingly firm and her pink nipples seemed to be perpetually hard. Abby gasped when she saw the lack of pubic hair on Rose's smooth pussy. Rose noticed and giggled.

"That's why June is here, to shave you like I am. It feels wonderful!" Abby's eyes widened in amazement. She could see every nook and cranny between Rose's thighs as she bent over to towel herself dry.

"Come, Missy. Sit on the stool here and I'll show you how it's done," June said softly. She lathered Abby up and with several practiced strokes shaved her smooth as a peach. Abby stroked her newly shorn pussy and giggled.

"It feels so slick and smooth, I like it!"

The girls laughed along with her.

"Just wait til a man gets in there and diddles you, Missy. It feels wonderful," June said with a faraway look in her brown eyes.

"Are we still on for tonight, June?" Rose asked with a mischievous smile.

"I sure hope so," she answered and returned the smile. "Give me an hour or so, please."

"We'll be there, thanks so much!" a still naked Rose answered, and gave June a big hug and a kiss. The quadroon girl blushed fiercely at the contact and dipped her eyes submissively. "Yes, Ma'am. I'd do anything for you."

"I know that, you're so sweet, June." Rose said gently.

"Where're we going?" Abby wanted to know.

"It's a surprise," Rose answered. "Now put your dress on, no undergarments and wear your softest shoes. We'll sneak outside soon. I'll go talk to our men and get them settled in the parlor."

Rose's arrival in the sitting room caused a bit of a stir. The men were just heading for the parlor when she approached them, flushed from her hot bath and her breasts swinging loosely under her bodice. George couldn't help but notice how sexy she looked while William looked like the cat that got the canary. He knew he was getting some action tonight for sure. She herded them into their seats and fetched them stiff drinks along with their pipes. She loved flirting with the men, but never did it with George when his daughter was around. Abby had no idea of her father's proclivities and Rose hoped to keep it that way. He had a rampant sex drive that only a select few people knew about.

She sat on her husband's lap and slyly tugged her neckline down until a pink nipple was just peeping out. She heard George suck in his breath when it emerged to meet his gaze. She kissed William deeply and squirmed in his lap until his hips began grinding up to meet hers.

She gently disengaged and tucked her nipple away with a sly wink at George who was busy trying to hide the thick bulge at his crotch.

"I'll leave you two alone now. Please enjoy your drinks. I'll see you later, husband," she said throatily. As she walked away she heard George speak in a rough voice. "My word, man. How do you keep up with that filly. She's exquisite!" She felt her loins flood with heat and her face flushed at the compliment. She was immensely attracted to George and wouldn't mind letting him know. William had hinted in the past that he'd love to watch her fuck another man, maybe she could work something out she thought to herself somewhat wickedly.

She gathered Abby from her room and the couple slid quietly down the hall and out into the darkness of the plantation. Rose took her to June's cabin where she was waiting for them on the porch. Without a word she took the girl's hands and led them down the footpath to the overseer's house. They sneaked around back and June pointed at a ground floor window.

"In there," she whispered. "Isaac has a new girl tonight." The three slid in close and peeped over the window sill into the room lit by two oil lamps. Abby had known Isaac her whole life and he'd always intimidated her with his size and rough voice but was ever gentle and soft spoken when he addressed her. She knew him to be a big teddy bear that could awaken to a full blown grizzly if one of his workers back talked him or slacked off in his labors. Tonight when she saw him, it changed her opinion of him forever.

Big and black as coal, he towered over the little lady at his feet. She was a half breed, a sweet mocha color that seemed at odds with his anthracite skin. Abby caught her breath when she saw the thick black snake the slave girl held in her hands. Isaac was pulling her close and feeding the bulbous head into her small mouth. All three voyeurs held their breath in sympathy for her. They heard his groan through the open window and more than one pussy trickled juice down a damp thigh.

For several minutes she serviced him until he was rampant and hard as a steel rod. He growled down to her in his own language and the girls heard her diminutive voice answer.

"What did they say, June?" Abby asked in the faintest whispers.

"He asked her if she is a virgin, and she replied that she is; and she would be honored to have him take it from her. He was a great warrior back in Africa and very famous," June replied.

The girl took a blanket from the bed and flipped it to the floor, then got to her hands and knees, spreading wide for him. He put a huge hand between her shoulder blades and pushed her down until her firm tits were on the blanket while her little ass was high in the air. Abby was aghast as she watched him. The girl cried out in pain as he slowly lowered himself. The three women outside were beside themselves with lust, agog at the sight before them.

"June," Rose commanded softy while silently hiking up her the hem of her dress. Abby nearly fainted when June knelt and pushed her head up under Rose's dress. Abby clamped a hand over her mouth and watched Rose catch her breath when a soft tongue caressed her. Rose's eyes never left the couple inside the house as they continued on, oblivious to the activity outside the window.

A sharp cry from Isaac's virgin woman drew Abby's attention. He murmured something and she nodded her head in assent. His heavy glutes tensed up, then with a grunt of effort he powered down and he broke through her barrier. He ripped a high scream from her slender throat, concealing the surprised yelp that Abby voiced in the night. Rose quickly silenced her, all the while struggling to keep herself quiet despite June's roving tongue.

Isaac gave the woman a minute to accommodate. His mate was now crying out in more pleasure than pain as he broke her open for the first time.

Rose whispered in Abby's ear, "Touch yourself. Feel how wet you are."

Abby obeyed and was shocked at how soaking wet her pussy was. Her quick fingers enjoying the new sensations coursing over her. She was loving how it felt shorn of hair, so slick and smooth!

As Isaac's figure rose and fell over his lover, Abby noticed that Rose was breathing hard and letting tiny grunts fall from her lips. Finally, with a bull roar he unloaded, unleashing deep inside his mate.

When he quivered his last and slowly stood up, blood tinted cum ran down. Rose clapped a hand over her mouth and came hard on June's face, tucked between her thighs. Rose was shaking and moaning quietly while Isaac stood tall and pulled his woman's face to his groin where she licked and suckled him clean. The slave pair were both moaning in satisfaction and looking into each other's eyes; while the women outside recovered themselves. June suddenly reappeared and wiping her mouth, grabbed the two girls hands and they quietly ran off into the night.

Minutes later, Abby lay in her bed and listened as William, whom by now was in his cups, pound her Aunt Rose through their mattress, urged on by her loud cries of passion. Abby returned her hand to her still soaked pussy and while she listened to the rutting couple, brought herself to her first orgasm. She shuddered and shook as she awkwardly pleasured herself, bravely shoving a finger inside to touch her virgin barrier. It hurt a little when she pushed, so she returned to her swollen clit and discovered the joy of back to back orgasms.

It was a bit awkward when she bumped into Rose in the morning, but in no time they were sniggering with their beautiful heads close together as they relived last night's adventure.

Just after lunch all hell broke loose on the plantation. William had ridden to town to take one of the workers to see a physician for a smashed finger. They were accosted by two redcoats and William had shot one and the worker had killed the other. One had managed to put a musket ball through Williams shoulder leaving a grievous wound that rendered his arm useless. He was bleeding heavily as the slave helped him through the front door of the plantation house.

George was there to witness his arrival and quickly interrogated the slave on what had happened.

"Abby! Rose!" he bellowed. His voice reverberated through the walls and the girls came running. "Help William with his wound. I must prepare our defenses. The redcoats may be here soon!"

The girls frantically cleaned up William and staunched his bleeding but he was in poor shape and deep in shock. Rose stayed with him while Abby did what she thought needed to be done. She ran to her room and dressed in her leather trousers. As she did when she practiced her swordsmanship, she bound her breasts tightly to her chest with strips of linen then put on her white button up shirt made of the same material, then tied her long blonde hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck. She gathered up the two squirrel rifles along with powder and shot, then sprinted upstairs to her post at the window overlooking the main road that led to the house. She saw her father out in the yard directing his slaves who had volunteered to fight into their defensive positions.

"I'm here, Father!" she shouted from her perch. He turned to look up at her and she waved bravely at him. He blew her a kiss and returned to his duties. She watched as he shouted for Isaac and when he arrived began giving him direction. Isaac nodded and couldn't help but look up at Abby. She then knew that they were speaking about her and she wondered what they were planning.

Suddenly, Rose flew into the room.

"I'm here to help, Abby! June is with William, I think he'll make it but I'm not sure. He's unconscious for now!" Rose was almost hyperventilating in near panic.

"You go back to William and send June to me. I'll have her come get you if the redcoats show up," Abby ordered in a calm voice. Rose seemed to relax a bit at her confidence.

“ Okay, please send for me though when you need me." With that she disappeared back downstairs and June showed up in minutes. She was trembling badly and shaking like a leaf.

"Come here," Abby ordered. She took the girl under her arm and squeezed her tightly. "We'll be  okay, June. Just wait and see. My Papa will make sure of it."

For long hours the plantation waited for the enemy to show themselves but they never did. George assigned guard duty among the slaves, leaving everyone in the house to get some rest through the long night. He alone stayed up and walked the property with his sentries, giving them support and confidence in the darkness. Come dawn he was exhausted and finally laid down in his room for a nap.

After a few hours Abby went to check on him and slowly cracked open his bedroom door. She started when she saw him sleeping deeply with his arm around June, his big hand covering her bare breast with familiarity. Her gasp of surprise awakened June who got a horrified look on her face when she saw Abby looking at her. Abby quickly shushed her with a finger over her lips and slid quietly inside.

She went to the couple and gazed down at her slumbering father. He looked more peaceful than he had in weeks. June looked at her with frightened eyes until Abby leaned down and tenderly kissed her cheek.

"Thank you, June," she whispered, and silently stole away to leave the couple alone to rest. In the hallway she cried hot tears for her father, happy that he'd finally found some solace from his grief for her dead mother.

To be continued in part 2, by Seethegood for Literotica.