Monday, March 10, 2025

Little Big Man: Part 5

Tinder Kink & Chasing Mandy

In 5 parts, based on a post by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

"What do you do?" Willy asked.

Donna smiled. "Retired," she answered as she took his hand and led him to a seating area across the room.

They sat down next to each other on one small section of a large L-shaped sofa. Donna sat on the edge of her seat, angled towards Willy. After they each took a sip of their drinks, she placed them on the coffee table in front of them. She smiled at him. "Well? Why don't you show me?"

Willy looked confused. "Come again?"

Donna laughed. "Your cock. Can you show it to me?"

"Oh, right," Willy said, almost as if it was a foregone conclusion he was expected to show her his cock. "Right now?"

Donna nodded. "Please," she said as she anxiously stared at his crotch.

Willy slowly unbuckled his belt and jeans. He began to unzip his fly, but suddenly stopped. There was a problem. "Uh, it's umm, it's not, erect yet."

Donna laughed. "My dear, dear, boy. It's okay. C'mon let's see this sucker!"

"Right," Willy said as he continued undressing. He slid his jeans down to his ankles, took a deep breath, then slid his underwear down as well. He watched Donna's eyes widen as she stared at his soft cock, resting over his tightened scrotum.

"What a beautiful young cock," Donna said as she fetched her wine glass and took a sip, never taking her eyes off his crotch. "You're very gifted, you know that?"

"I do," said Willy in his first showing of true confidence all night. The Scotch was helping. He leaned forward to take another healthy sip.

Donna reached her hand out, but stopped just short of his cock. "You mind if I?"

Willy shook his head. Donna smiled and picked up his flaccid member. "It's warm," she said with a wink before gently squeezing it. She reached her other hand out and held her palm flat. She slapped his cock against her open palm a few times. "It's quite heavy. I can certainly see the potential here."

Willy took a deep breath. Despite a woman holding and manipulating his cock, he didn't seem to be growing hard. This was a completely unexpected outcome that Willy truthfully never even considered. As he watched her play with his cock, he prayed he'd get an erection soon or else the night would be ruined.

For several minutes, Donna continued fondling his cock. She cupped his balls too. Even though he was yet to get hard, she showed no signs of losing interest. "You must be so full of cum. I saw in that video you sent. This thing sure is a shooter."

"Yeah," Willy said as he desperately hoped for an erection.

"I sure can't wait to see you cum, sweetie," Donna said with another wink. She continued stroking him, taking a moment every now and then to slap his plump cock against her hand. This continued for several minutes as Willy remained soft. The situation was starting to greatly concern him.

"I'm, uh, sorry that I'm not really getting there," he stammered. "This has never happened."

Donna rolled her eyes. "Honey, do you know how many times I've heard that?" she laughed. "Why don't I give you a little assistance, hmm?"

Donna then leaned forward and put his cock in her mouth. Since he was soft, she was able to take in a large majority of it. While using her mouth to pleasure his shaft, she fondled his balls with her hand. Willy could feel her warm breath from her nose as she sucked and slurped. She was aggressive as she clearly tried her best to coax an erection.

Nothing was happening. Willy was in full panic mode now. After at least five minutes of a woman sucking his cock, he couldn't even get an erection. He thought about what would happen next. Would he have to apologize? Would she demand he leave? He had not planned for any of this.

He looked around the basement in a panic. He wasn't sure what he was looking for. He needed to fixate on something to get his mind at ease. Nothing was working. He began to sweat nervously.

Donna didn't stop, however. She continued to suck his soft cock eagerly. Willy decided he probably had a couple more minutes before things would go downhill permanently. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to become one with the moment.

Then a funny thing happened. The minute he shut his eyes, he saw her. He saw her beautiful face as she watched him fuck Jenn. He saw her holding her breasts together, inviting him to feel them. Mandy's eyes were fixated on him. "Fuck me, Willy," she said sexily.

"Welcome to the party!" Donna said as she sat up and jerked him with her hand. Willy's cock was finally growing hard. Rapidly. The mental imagery of Mandy seemed to snap Willy out of his spell and he was suddenly approaching full on erection. Donna laughed excitedly as his cock grew inch by inch in her hand.

"Look at this!" Donna said, holding it by the base. "Look at you go! This is truly remarkable. It's even bigger than in the pictures!"

Willy was finally at ease as he watched his cock grow to its fullest potential. He could relax a little now and maybe even enjoy himself. He felt victorious.

The high was short-lived though. He came crashing down to reality the minute he heard the voice. Panic set in at an alarming pace.

"There you are!" a man's voice called out from the stairway. Willy's head spun like a top as he turned to see a large man approaching them on the couch. He walked right up behind them and towered over them.

"Hi honey," Donna said softly. She continued to hold Willy's cock as she looked up at him. "Willy, this is Dave. My husband."

Willy's heart raced. He felt faint. His basic fight or flight instinct took over as he tried to predict what would happen next. Regardless, he felt an impending doom approaching and regretted ever setting foot in that house.

"You care to explain this young man?" Dave said in a deep, powerfully intimidating voice.

"I, I, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry sir," Willy said. He tried to pull his pants up, but Donna would not allow it. Willy finally turned to her and noticed she was smiling. He looked back up at Dave who was also smiling before bursting out laughing in a deep barreling echo.

"Relax, young man. It's fine. This is what we do," he said as he extended his big hand out towards Willy. "Let's try this again. I'm Dave. I'm here to watch you fuck my wife."

This was too weird. Willy decided he needed to get out of there and fast. As Dave and Donna played around with each other, Willy quietly got dressed and headed for the stairs. "It was nice to meet you guys!" he called out. Neither of them responded.

Willy dashed up the stairs and left without hearing another word from them.

As he drove through the rich neighborhood, he reflected on what had just happened. Although strange, he felt like he had achieved even more experience. He admitted it was fun. Maybe not entirely his preference, but fun.

There was no denying it, however. The experience he was getting sexually was all leading to only one thing he truly wanted. And that one thing was Mandy.

The next few days were miserable for Willy. He tried to make sense of what transpired at Donna's house. A part of him wished it never happened. To make matters worse, she hadn't called or texted. Willy felt used. A married couple essentially used him for his cock. What would Mandy think if he told her? He figured she'd just laugh at him. After all, who wouldn't laugh at his pathetic decision to be roped in by Donna.

None of that mattered, however, because he and Mandy still hadn't spoken. Willy texted her a few times, but received one word answers back. She seemed distant and upset with him. She was his only friend and now, more than ever, he needed a friend to confide in.

A Changed Man

After yet another short reply from Mandy that morning, Willy decided he would visit her apartment. It was Wednesday and he knew she didn't work that night. He didn't care if it was unannounced or maybe she didn't want him there. He had run out of options. He missed her terribly and needed to tell her how he felt.

As Willy went to lock the pharmacy door, a familiar face approached the other side. It was the guy from a few weeks back. Yet again, he decided to show up right as Willy was closing.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" said the man as he removed his Bluetooth earpiece. "I need one fucking thing. Give me two minutes, pal."

Willy shook his head. "I'm sorry, sir. We're closed."

The man was not letting up. "Listen, pal. Open the fucking door. You really wanna deny my money?"

Willy filled with anger and rage. After all he'd been through, this impatient, entitled man was not going to add to his misery. After staring at the man for a moment, he reached down and unlocked the door.

"Ah, see? That wasn't so hard," said the man as he began to enter.

But Willy held his hand up, stopping his progress. "I told you we are Fucking Closed! Now turn around, get back in your car, and get the fuck out of here before I beat the living piss out of you!"

Willy's face turned bright red with anger. He stared at the man with a cold look, piercing into his soul.

It worked. He retreated. "Sorry, man. Umm, take care," he said as he quickly scampered off to his car. Willy watched him drive off. A slight smile spread across his face. He finally did it. He stood up for himself. It felt amazing to have told the man off and then watched as he basically ran for his life. Willy was no longer the self-conscious, nervous, and tentative guy.

This was the new Willy. The deflowered Willy. The threesome with a married couple Willy.

He locked the door and proudly trotted towards his car. He was going straight to Mandy's.

Mandy lived on the third floor of a beautiful brownstone. She was always her father's little girl as he paid for the apartment she would never be able to afford otherwise. Willy circled around in his car, ultimately finding parking two blocks west of her apartment. As he walked down the street, he played out in his head what would happen. Mandy would open the door. She would be surprised to see him, but before she could say a word, Willy would kiss her. They would move to her couch and begin to undress.

Willy would dominantly make love to her. He would perform fellatio on her and make her orgasm. Then they would have sex missionary. Then doggy style, then they would both cum at the same time in a magical moment of pure bliss.

As he climbed the stairs of her apartment, he felt butterflies in his stomach. This was his moment. The new Willy would shine. Mandy would barely recognize her long time friend.

He hesitated at her door. He could hear loud music playing inside. What if she had company? What if there was a guy over? Suddenly, he thought about leaving. How could he have not thought about this possibility? After all, Mandy was always dating or seeing someone.

No. You can't turn back now. You need to do this. Regardless of the outcome. he thought to himself. He slowly raised his fist to the door and knocked.

The music continued. No response. He took a deep breath and knocked louder. This time, he could hear footsteps as the music was turned down and Mandy approached the door. The latch opening and doorknob turning were deafening. The moment was here.

Mandy’s Home

Mandy opened the door and saw him. She was wearing a purple tank top. Her hair was in a messy bun. She had tight, black yoga pants on. She was barefoot. "Hey!" she said, excitedly. Her face was flush and she was sweating. An exercise video was paused on the television screen. "I was just working out. What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

Willy froze. He couldn't move, couldn't speak. His fantasy of immediately embracing his best friend was slipping away. There was no way he could do it. He felt like running away.

"Umm, hey," he said in his usual awkward and nervous manner. He had failed.

"Come in, come in," Mandy said. He stared at her perfect ass as she walked towards the kitchen and poured a glass of water. "Can I get you anything?" she asked as Willy slowly entered the apartment. "No thanks, I'm good."

Mandy stood at her kitchen island, drinking water. She was still panting from her workout. "Are you gonna tell me what's going on?"

Willy stood across from her. He placed both hands on the granite countertop. She wouldn't be able to see how much they were shaking. "I just wanted to see you. I really miss seeing you, Mandy."

She smiled. "I know. I do too, Willy."

"But you, you haven't really talked to me," he said. He was still upset that he completely backed out from his plan for the night.

"Willy, I'm gonna be honest with you, okay?"

He nodded.

"Hold on," said Mandy as she walked over to turn down her music. Willy watched her again. She looked so beautiful. He wondered what her skin smelled like after having just worked out. His cock twitched at the thought.

"Willy, you upset me. Do you know that?"

He shook his head. "I did? But, how? Why?"

"Look, I know I set up the whole Jenn thing. And I did that for you. And I'm not mad about it. But, if I'm being honest. I guess I kind of felt a little jealous."

Willy was stunned. He couldn't even speak. He had never expected this.

"Willy, look at me," she said as they locked eyes. "You just had sex with Jenn and you were coming on to me. Girls don't want that. Don't you know that?"

He felt like he didn't know anything these days, but nodded anyway.

"You're a great guy. And we've definitely crossed a million boundaries lately. I think there's something more. Don't you think there is?"

Mandy was so direct. Willy could only dream to be as forthright as she was. He felt so happy to have her. He knew he couldn't take the lead as he planned. He wasn't that kind of person as much as he tried. He smiled as they looked into each other's eyes. "I really do, Mandy."

"I know you do," she said coyly as she turned to the fridge to refill her water. "I think you've always liked me," she said.

She returned to the island. "After all," she leaned in. "You liked touching my boobs," she whispered sexily. They both laughed. "I really did," Willy admitted.

"So?" she asked. "Are we gonna try this? There's probably no going back. You know that, right?"

Willy did know that, but had not fully accepted it. He was so used to rejection, he imagined it would be inevitable that whatever happened between them would ultimately fail. Regardless, he nodded. "I know."

"Great," Mandy smiled. "Well, I'm sweaty. You probably smell like a pharmacy. Do you want to take a shower with me?"

"Shower? Together?, umm, well, yeah sure," he said.

"Yay!" Mandy said as she clapped twice and drank the rest of her water. She walked over to the other side of the island. "Can we hug?"

Willy eagerly embraced her. After a short moment, she peeled back and looked down. "Willy!" she said. "I can feel something!" she teased. "Come on, follow me."

He held her hand as she led him down the hall and into the bathroom. She opened the door to the shower and turned on the water. Willy waited patiently by the towel rack with his hands folded in front as a way to hide his ballooning cock. Mandy stood in front of him and smiled. "Can you believe we're really doing this?"

He shook his head. He truly was in disbelief.

"Okay. Ready? Are you excited?"

"You have no idea," Willy said as he anxiously awaited the moment he dreamt about for years. “I hope I get to lose my virginity to a woman who I adore, and have for most of the last 10 years.

“Lose what? Mandy wasn’t sure she understood his words.

“Jenn may love huge cock, but her cunt simply can’t fit mine. We had to do something else, that night.
"Oh, so you are still a virgin?” Mandy was stunned.

“Well, I hope to fix that issue really soon, if I have my way with the woman of my dreams!“  Willy winked. “Know what I mean?”

“I think I do," said Mandy as she glanced at his concealed crotch. She crossed her hands and yanked off her tank top, revealing her big boobs packed into a black sports bra.

She looked up at Willy. He was staring at her chest. "You wanna see them?" she asked. He nodded. "Go ahead and take off my bra," she instructed.

Willy reached out and grabbed the elastic bottom of her bra. In doing so, he revealed his erection. But by now, it was too obvious anyways. He slid the bra upwards allowing Mandy's big boobs to drop out. Willy's mouth dropped as he stared at them. They were perfect in shape and size. Her nipples were much bigger than he imagined, covering a sizable portion of her breasts. He nearly drooled as he noticed they were erect. Never in his life had he seen such a beautiful sight.

"Umm, Willy?" Mandy asked.

He looked up to realize he forgot to take her bra off and it was covering her face. He quickly helped her escape and dropped it on the ground. Mandy giggled as she held up her tits and looked down. "What do you think of them?"

Willy stuttered. He couldn't speak.

Mandy smiled. "Never mind. I can see you're a fan. Go ahead, feel them."

Willy reached his hands out and cradled the heavy orbs in his hand. He delicately bounced them, noticing how their mass easily filled each of his hands. Her skin was soft and inviting. "Whoa," he said. "They're incredible."

Mandy smiled proudly. "I know. They're my best asset I think. Go ahead and taste them if you'd like."

Willy paused. "Really?" he asked.

"Yes, silly. If we're gonna do this, we're gonna really do this. Suck on my tits."

Willy happily feasted on the left breast first, sucking the nipple like he was a thirsty puppy. He switched over to the right. He greedily sucked on them while Mandy proudly watched.

"That feels nice," she said as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. She grabbed the back of Willy's head and pulled him in closer as he sucked on them.

Willy was in heaven. He thought about how he could kiss her breasts all day and night. It had to have felt good for Mandy because she was running her fingers through his hair and letting out soft little moans. The steam from the running shower was starting to settle in as the temperature of the room and between their bodies increased.

Mandy lifted his head up. "Undress me," she whispered. Willy was relieved she was taking the lead, or else he would suck her tits for hours. He slid down her yoga pants, revealing tiny purple panties. By now, his cock was so hard, it jutted out from under his pants forming a wet spot at the tip.

He slid her pants all the way down her smooth, tan legs and finally over her little pedicured feet. He took notice of her toes as they wiggled slightly.

Mandy watched as Willy put his two index fingers between her panties and waist and then slid them off her body. "Ta-da!" she said.

Willy spent a long time simply staring at her naked body. She was such a beautiful girl. She could probably have any guy in the world. She could be a model if she wanted. Yet here she was, standing naked in her shower as she gave herself up to Willy, of all people. He still couldn't believe it.

"Touch me," she said as she stepped closer and put her arms around his shoulders. "I want you to put your fingers in me."

Willy did as he was told. He cupped his hand and inserted it deep between her legs. The bathroom was getting hot, but between her legs was stifling. He dug deeper and deeper until his fingers arrived at her cunt. It was soaking wet and burning hot. Mandy inhaled sharply and closed her eyes. "Put them inside."

Willy first jabbed his index finger in. He wasn't sure how to do this. He wiggled it around a bit and watched Mandy's reaction. She kept her eyes closed and smiled. She seemed to be enjoying it. So he went deeper. Then he went in and out. Then he inserted his middle finger. Mandy continued to moan softly before she took her own hand and grabbed onto Willy's.

"Like this," she said as she used her hand to guide him in rubbing her clit. Together they masturbated as she moaned quietly. "Oh God," she whispered. "You feel so good."

For several minutes, Willy and Mandy stood outside the shower fingering her as her pleasure gradually escalated. She spread her legs and rose to her tippy toes. "Oh my God, that feels amazing!" she said.

Finally, she led his hand out from between her legs and stepped back. She sexily bit her index fingernail as she looked at Willy, head to toe. Suddenly she burst out laughing. Willy looked down to see his cock had created a massive wet spot under his pants. It was so wide, it looked like he peed his pants.

"Willy! Did you cum your pants?!"

"That's, uh, just precum," Willy said, embarrassed.

"Holy shit, it is? It literally looks like you had an accident. Take them off already!"

Willy quickly unbuttoned his pants and slid his clothing off. He urgently started stroking his cock in front of her, having eagerly awaited an opportunity to do so.

"You're so hard. Look at that," she said as she watched him masturbate. "You need to cum, huh?"

"I'm sorry Mandy. I'm just so, turned on right now."

"That makes two of us," she winked. "Let's get in the shower and I'll soap you down."

Inside the shower, Mandy immediately reached for his cock. In no time, she was giving him a handjob as she washed his balls at the same time. "Oh my God," said Willy. "You're driving me crazy."

"I am!?" she giggled. "Hopefully not too crazy!"

She continued to jerk his cock, alternating between quick and frantic strokes to long and sensual. "You have such an amazing cock. It's so big, yet perfectly proportioned. You're thick, you're long. Your veins are beautiful. Your balls are great. So nice!"

Willy panted and moaned. Her praise of his cock and handjob skills were sending him teetering on the edge. But what happened next was what did him in.

"All clean now," she said. "Good enough to eat!" Mandy kneeled down in the shower as water from the faucet rained down on her face. She devoured as much of his cock as her tiny little mouth would allow. She made sure to stroke the rest of his shaft simultaneously. Willy watched her bead bob back and forth. His incredible girth made it difficult for her to avoid scratching him with her teeth, but he didn't care. He was in so much pleasure, nothing mattered.

Both Willy and Mandy moaned. She knew he was going to cum. It was not a cause of concern because she was confident he'd be able to go a second time. She wanted his hot and sticky cum and she wanted it all.

"Oh my God, Mandy! You're gonna make me shoot off!"

She stopped her sucking and slid his cock as far down her throat as it would go. As soon as it hit the back of her throat, he released it. His shaft throbbed and balls tightened as he dumped an ungodly amount of cum directly down her throat.

"Ah!" Willy moaned as he slapped the shower wall. "Oh fuck, fuck!

Mandy pulled his cock out of her mouth, gasping for air as his mighty cock continued blasting cum. She jerked him off and aimed it against the glass shower door. Loads of white hot cum, sprayed against the door and rapidly dripped to the bottom.

"Oh my fucking God, Willy!" she shrieked as she pointed his cock in every which way, trying to coat the entire door. "You're incredible!"

"Thanks!" Willy said, barely catching his breath as his cock lurched, sending the last few drops out the tip. Mandy held on to it with one hand while she reached out and scooped some cum off the glass with her other. She brought it immediately to her mouth and tasted it. She turned to Willy and smiled. "It's sweet! I like it!"

Willy was stunned. He was still reeling from his orgasm and now Mandy was openly eating his cum. Plus, he wasn't losing his hardness. Life couldn't be better.

"You're still so fucking hard," Mandy said with desperation in her voice. "God I love it. Let's go to the bedroom and dry off."

"What about," Willy started to ask as he eyed the mess on the shower door.

"Oh right," Mandy said. She took the shower head, unplugged it from its cradle and blasted the door. They watched as his cum washed away. "May need a power washer on this one!" she joked.

Willy noticed that Mandy was still holding onto his cock tightly, even as she sprayed down the shower door. It was as if she couldn't get enough of it and didn't want to let it go.

In the bedroom, Willy sat on the bed as he watched Mandy do her routine in front of the mirror. He played with his cock. She was so beautiful to him. He studied her naked body and all its perfect curves. Mandy was brushing her hair, facing away from him, so he was able to stare all he wanted. She was talking about something, but Willy wasn't paying attention to a word of it. All he could think about was how he messed up earlier that night. He fell into the trap of the old Willy and wasn't assertive like he planned.

As Mandy finished up in front of the mirror, Willy approached her, cock in hand. He was hard as ever. He never lost a single bit of arousal after ejaculating. Mandy spotted him as she looked in the mirror and stopped dead in her tracks. They made eye contact. Willy wrapped his arms around her and felt her tight stomach. He then moved up to her boobs, holding each one in a hand. He then smelled her neck before kissing it.

"Oh," Mandy moaned as she closed her eyes and dropped her hairbrush. She could feel his pulsing cock, pressed up against her back as Willy drew closer. He continued to kiss her neck and shoulders, ultimately spinning her around and devouring her mouth.

Willy was elated. This was the version of himself he wanted to show her earlier that night. This was the Willy completely in love with her. And Mandy couldn't have been happier. She threw her arms around his neck as they made out. His cock now throbbing hard against her belly.

They remained like this, making out in front of the mirror, for several minutes. Mandy could feel herself growing hot between her legs. She grabbed his cock to discover he was oozing precum. "Fuck me," she whispered.

But Willy didn't hear her. "What?" he asked.

"Fuck me!" she shouted with a laugh as they each raced towards the bed. She fell into it, on her back, legs open in the air. Willy stood at the foot of the bed, eagerly jerking off while staring at the most beautiful cunt he had ever laid eyes on. Mandy opened it for him with her fingers. Every detail from its pink and fat lips to its throbbing little clitoris was like a work of art. It belonged in a museum. And Willy was about to dive into it.

"Wait," Mandy said as she nodded towards the dresser behind him. "Top drawer please. You're a big boy."

Willy opened the drawer to find a bottle of lube. He quickly opened it and doused his stalk with the slippery gel. Mandy bit her lip as she watched how his huge cock glistened in the dim light. He approached her and stood at the foot of the bed. He positioned himself between her legs.

Mandy held her hand out, pressing against his belly. "Just go slow please. You're huge, Willy. I've never had a guy this big."

The reality of the moment rushed back in. Willy nearly forgot that he could hurt her if he was too rough. He nodded. "I will," he assured her. Mandy was so tight, he worried it may not fit. But once it did, it felt like it belonged there. Mandy frantically grabbed each of his thighs and squeezed. "Oh, God!" she said.

"Are you okay?" Willy asked, concerned.

"Yes. I'm good, Willy. It's just so, so, big. But I'm good. Please keep going."

Willy did as he was told. He pressed into her. This was the main event. The only one he cared about. He wanted to make it perfect.

It seemed to be doing the trick. After several minutes of slowly and gradually, Mandy appeared to be enjoying it very much. She placed each hand on either inner thigh. Willy noticed she would grab tightly with each thrust inward. Mandy was very quiet with her eyes closed. He worried he was not going to make her feel good.

But that changed quickly as her head shot up and mouth opened wide. "Oh God, oh god, oh God, Willy. Keep doing that! Oh my God!"

"Yeah?" Willy asked as he continued to thrust, sweat now dripping down his face.

"Oh my God, don't stop. You're gonna make me cum"

She couldn't finish her sentence as her body quivered. Her stomach muscles tightened. She grabbed her head with both hands and closed her eyes.

"Ah'' she moaned with the most gloriously beautiful display of feminine pleasure. "I'm cumming!" she announced.

Willy was so proud, he nearly fell over. He regained his balance and managed to go even deeper at the pinnacle of Mandy's ecstasy. He was bringing such immense pleasure to the girl he loved for so many years. It was his way of saying 'thank you' for being there for him. For being his only friend, and now his only love.

"Oh my God! Willy!" Mandy shouted. She seemed to be having another orgasm. Immediately after the first one. Willy didn't know what to do. Was this normal? He suddenly stopped.

But Mandy raised her head up urgently. "Keep going! Don't stop! You're gonna make me cum again!"

Willy continued as he watched her body contort once again. Her cunt was gushing all over him. It was clear to tell how deep he was going as a faint white ring formed around the shaft at its deepest point.

"Oh my God! Yes!" she screamed

Willy was so involved in the moment, he didn't even realize he too was about to cum. He felt his balls tighten and stomach twist. It was time. But Mandy was still in the middle of her orgasm. There was no choice but to blast his seed.

"Oh fuck!" Willy said as he stopped thrusting at his deepest point. He rested on his hands on either side of Mandy. He stared into her eyes as they both came simultaneously. Mandy could feel the hot sperm. She knew it was a lot. The feeling of his juices splashing her was euphoric.

"Oh God!" Willy said, as he shut his eyes as if he was in pain. Mandy ran her fingers through his hair as she watched him cum. She loved seeing his face in such pleasure.

After nearly ten blasts of cum, Willy collapsed on top of Mandy. His cock still hard.

"You're on, um,."

"Birth control?" she laughed. "Yes. You're a little late for that though, right?"

Willy laughed. "I'm sorry. I got caught up,"

"Don't apologize please? Willy that was the best sex I've ever had."

Willy started to get up, but Mandy stopped him. "Don't move. I like to feel you in me," she said. "Plus we're gonna need a new duvet if you take that thing out of me."

They laughed as they made eye contact. Willy wished this moment would never end. He could lay like this, inside Mandy, for the rest of his life.

"I love you," he said quietly. He didn't even plan to say it. His body took over for him. It forced him to say the words. The words he had said in his head nearly a thousand times. He finally said it out loud to her as his cock was firmly placed inside her.

Mandy smiled. Willy's heart completely stopped as he waited for her response, but she said nothing. Instead she continued to run her fingers through his hair and smiled adoringly up at him. Finally her mouth began to open. Time stood still.

"I love you too," she said with a smile. "So much."

Willy couldn't believe what he heard. She loved him! He was so happy he nearly cried. Mandy could tell and she lovingly hugged him. As they made eye contact again, she said to him. "You're still hard. Let's go again!"

They fucked for the next thirty minutes. Willy had stamina he never knew he possessed. They had sex in many different positions. Mandy led the way, teaching Willy all her favorite moves. The two of them were over the moon. They were in love.

Afterwards, they sat up in bed, drinking glasses of wine that Willy fetched from the kitchen. They laughed and giggled with each other about all of Willy's cum stains everywhere. Mandy loved hanging out naked with Willy.

Then they started talking about how they each liked each other, but could never admit it. Mandy surrendered the truth that it was Willy's cock that made her feel extra special about him, allowing her to see him as more than a friend.

Willy admitted he always liked her, but never imagined she'd feel the same way. They decided this was what they each wanted. And would explore where things could go from here.

"Hey, so you never told me," Mandy said as Willy sipped his wine. "How'd your date go from the App?"

Willy nearly spit out his drink. "Let's not talk about that," he said as they both laughed.

The end.

Based on a post by by BrazenHorse for Literotica.