Estelle’s Training.
Based on a post by ron de, in 5 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

"I feel a wetness."
Estelle sighed as my fingertip again stroked between her puffy outer lips.
"Yes, it is because you are arousing my passions. The flow will increase as I become more excited. It is so to ease the passage of your cock when that time comes."
I confess I was ready for that time to come at that moment, but refrained from acting upon that urge. Instead, I continued my examination of Estelle's cunny, for having never seen one, I was very curious.
I parted her lips and saw inside another pair of lips. They were much more slender and were an exciting series of ripples that originated at the soft fold of skin at the top of her cunny, the same soft fold I had touched before. As my fingertip traced between those ripples, they seemed to grasp and flow around it. Estelle would also make a tiny little mewing sound with each touch.
As Estelle had predicted, I soon saw a small amount of her slippery/sticky fluid flow from between the lips I stroked. She moaned then, and reached for my hand.
"One finger now; inside my portal; and move it in and out."
I was not certain where such a portal might be located, but reasoned the fluid must originate from that spot. Slowly I moved my fingertip down, probing gently as I did so, until it slipped into a spot that seemed to mold itself around the finger. As I began moving that finger in and out as Estelle had instructed, her hips rocked and she moaned again.
"Yes, Johnathan; that is the way. You stir my fires as they have not been stirred in some time. Pray add another finger to the one that gives me so much pleasure."
The second finger was a snug fit and I was somewhat concerned about injuring Estelle. I inserted it slowly, and when it joined the first in her warm, wet depths, began stroking both in and out. Estelle rocked her hips again, then began lifting her body into each push of my hand.
I felt Estelle's hand on my thigh and looked down. As I watched, she slipped her slender fingers up my thigh and then grasped my rigid cock and began stroking its length. To say that was pleasant would be to say a downpour is slightly damp. My mind was nearly carried away with the sensations she caused with her soft fingers. I knew what was to come soon, and wished she would instruct me to plunge my cock inside her lest I spill my seed on her hand.
She stroked me at the same pace as I moved my fingers in and out of her cunny for a while, then pulled on my stiff cock.
"Put your cock in my cunny now and move it as you do your fingers."
Estelle opened her thighs wide as I knelt between them, and pulled at my cock to guide it to the opening. Once she found the place with my swollen cock, she pulled on it again. I, in turn, pushed in.
The feeling of my cock slipping into her slippery warmth was indescribable. Estelle pulled at my hips to push it deeper inside her, and kept pulling until I felt my sack touching the cleft between her hips. She gasped when the base of my cock spread her lips and flattened them against her body, then sighed when I began stroking.
"Ah; it has been so long I am nearly at my end already."
I was not certain what she meant, but continued to stroke my cock in and out. After only a few moments, I felt my sack tighten and the now familiar feeling that meant I would spew my seed. Knowing the inevitable outcome, I attempted to pull out of her clasping depths that my seed would not be squirted inside her. Estelle gasped, "No; inside me" and then began rocking her hips wildly.
Controlling my actions then became an impossibility, for her gyrations had rendered any such attempt useless. Moments later, I felt the first spurt erupt from my cock when it was at its deepest penetration of her cunny.
Estelle cried out then, and arched her back. My second spurt splashed inside her as she arched higher and then began such a quaking and rocking it was difficult to keep my cock inside her. I did manage in spite of all her motions. With a groan, I thrust my cock deep and shot the last spurt as she cried out and then fell back to the bed.
Estelle wrapped her legs over my back then and held my cock inside her. She sighed and stroked my back.
"Hmm; this first lesson was quite satisfying. You are an apt apprentice."
"I only did as you instructed."
"Yes, but you did so with the great vigor I enjoy. I believe I will have to give you another lesson shortly."
And so Estelle did that night, two more lessons actually. For the second, she taught me of the ways to increase her passion by the rubbing of what she called her pearl. Once she had released me from the entrapment of her legs, I found that nub of flesh had come out from under a little fold of skin at the top of her cunny lips. It was very pink and very stiff, and when I touched it, Estelle nearly jumped into the air.
"Oh, yes; gently now, but continue and I will soon want to be skewered on your wonderful cock again."
The skewering did happen after a while, and Estelle proved to be even more active in her body movements. As I had already spent once, I was able to restrain myself, and continued to stroke my cock in and out of her swollen cunny lips until she cried out loudly and heaved herself up off the bed. The shaking of her body then was more than I could bear. My cock splattered her clasping passage with more of my seed.
The third lesson was the same, except the duration was longer. I attributed this to the partial sating of Estelle's desire and to the fact I had spent most of the seed my body had stored. Still, the ending was every bit as wonderful as the first two, and left me gasping for breath as Estelle pulled me down on top of her. I felt her teats press into my chest as she held me tight. After a few moments, she chuckled.
"I do believe you have a talent for this work."
I also chuckled.
"It was not work, Ma'am. Nothing so enjoyable could be called work."
Estelle stroked my back.
"Be that as it may, you have learned your skills well. Were the hour not late and were I not satisfied for the moment, we would have yet another lesson. I shall leave you for my own bed for now, but we shall continue our lessons when my husband is again away. Do not forget what you have learned tonight."
Estelle then rose from my bed and clasped her hand over her cunny. She chuckled and remarked the next time she would bring a cloth to stop the flow of our juices from her body, then left my bedchamber for her own. I slipped under the blanket and thought of my new teaching.
I was still somewhat fearful of her husband discovering the truth, but then realized Estelle had as much to fear as did I. Her husband would surely cast out both her and I were he to know of our coupling. That understanding caused my fears of discovery to wane, and I fell asleep knowing I would welcome any lessons she desired to teach me.
Still, I was apprehensive for the next two days, but found my fears to be unfounded. Estelle greeted her husband upon his return with a kiss and an embrace, and fixed us a special dinner that evening. Though I watched carefully from the corners of my eyes, she did not so much as look at me through the course of the meal.;
Master Eaton did inquire as to my progress with the manufacture of Estelle's new lantern and I showed him the various pieces I had shaped and filed. He was pleased and suggested I might make various piercings on the sides that the lantern would cast a pleasing pattern of light upon any surface near it when lit.
There were several patterns for such piercings in the shop, but when I examined them, I found them not to my liking. Instead, I drew a new pattern of piercings that pleased me. Upon showing them to Master Eaton, he remarked they were unique and fit for the lantern of his wife. I set about using a sharp punch to make the series of small holes of the design in the four sides of the lantern above the openings for the glass panels.;
Our business began to increase with the cool breezes and shorter days of autumn. The women of the village required new pans for baking of the usual holiday treats, and the waning daylight forced the use of lanterns even in the early evening. Master Eaton and I were busy in the shop from early light to dusk in fashioning these items. As a result, our supply of tin plate quickly required replacing.
I had thought to go with him to the mill for I had never done so, but at the last market, all the pastry cutters we had were purchased and still the women wished for more. He instructed me to stay in the shop and make as many as possible for the next market day.
I was happy with this decision for two reasons. I had the week prior to the market day fashioned a few cutters in the shape of the fir tree that would decorate each home during the Christmas season, and they were quickly sold for a price twice that for the normal round, oval, or star shaped cutters. They were simple to manufacture and required little more time than the other shapes, and it pleased me to know the women of the village wanted more.
The other reason I was happy was that the mill was a day's travel by wagon. Master Eaton would leave at first light, drive throughout the day, and then purchase the new stock of tin plate late in the afternoon. The next morning, he would begin the journey home and arrive in the village as the sun was setting. I would have almost two days and one night for more of Estelle's lessons.
True to my wishes, Master Eaton had only just climbed into the wagon seat and clucked to the horse when Estelle came into the workshop.
"How is my apprentice this fine day?"
"I am doing well, Ma'am. I would hope you are the same."
Estelle sighed, but then smiled.
"I am not, though I believe there to be a cure."
I was certain I knew what that cure might be, and smiled.
"Would I be able to assist with that remedy?"
"Oh, most certainly you can. It is a remedy I have not yet taught you. It may require much practice before the remedy is effective."
In my admittedly limited knowledge, I believed I understood the normal means of effecting that which Estelle desired. I was at a loss as to what she was saying.
"Is there not but one remedy?"
Estelle giggled.
"Johnathan, you have much to learn. There are many remedies, all similar, but all different in some ways. Come. I shall teach you of two that please me greatly."
Once in my bedchamber, Estelle lost no time in removing her clothing. As her loose, long legged under-trowsers fell from her hips and then to the floor, she chuckled.
"The remedy requires you to be without clothing. I cannot teach you if you remain as you are. Surely you are not embarrassed after our earlier lessons."
I was not embarrassed. I was only watching Estelle's breasts wobble about as she removed her clothing and thinking of how they had felt in my hands. I quickly pulled off my shirt, stepped out of my boots, and then unfastened my trousers. My cock bobbed in the air when I stepped from them, and Estelle chuckled again.
"I think my apprentice is ready for the next lesson, for your cock stands at the ready. We shall begin by easing your desires a bit, for I see already a droplet of your essence. That and the flood that will follow cannot enter me this day or I shall quite likely become with child. Do not be sad. There is another way, a way I believe you will greatly enjoy."
With that confusing statement, Estelle took me by the hand and bade me lie upon my bed. She sat down on the edge, then grasped my rigid cock and smiled.
"On such days as this, a proper woman would do thusly."
I watched, spellbound, as Estelle lowered her face to my cock, opened her mouth, and engulfed the swollen head. She sucked at it gently and then I felt her warm, wet tongue licking the underside. Estelle giggled when I groaned.
"Is this not as I said? I believe you do enjoy my new method."
She licked all around the darker head and caused me to groan.
"Yes, it is quite wonderful."
"I quite enjoy my method as well. Perhaps you will find this as pleasant."
Estelle slowly lowered her mouth over my cock head and then down my shaft. I felt gentle suction when her cheeks moved inward and then the sensation of my cock head touching the back of her throat. My hips lurched upwards of their own accord, and only because of her small hand with which Estelle gripped my shaft did it not plunge deeper.
Estelle giggled around her mouthful of my cock and then slowly pulled her lips back up the length. When she reached the rim of my cock head, she sucked a bit harder and swirled her tongue over the tip. My hips lurched again.
Estelle's mouth pulled off my cock head with a little smack, and she looked up at me.
"Shall I continue?"
My hips lurched again because she was slowly stroking my shaft. The feeling was much more arousing than when I did the same.
"As you said, your new methods might require practice to perfect, though I think you have already perfected this one."
Estelle giggled and then circled my cock head with her wet mouth. I felt her hand stroking my shaft as she bobbed her head up and down, and then her other hand fondling my sack.
At that time in my life, not much manipulation was required to bring me to my end, and that end was fast approaching. Estelle's stroking hands and her sucking mouth caused my sack to draw up, and I knew that meant I would spend. I attempted to warn her but she took no heed.
"Estelle, I cannot stop myself."
She only ceased her sucking and looked at my face.
"Then do not. I shall enjoy what is to come."
She resumed her stroking and sucking then, and I felt the end approaching. When I groaned again, Estelle thrust her sucking lips down my shaft until they met her hand and then pulled them back up. She did this rapidly several times before my loins exploded with the release of seed. As the first spurt left my throbbing cock, Estelle swallowed and then continued to swallow. The sensation of her throat closing on my cock head made me groan again as the second, then third and fourth spurt spewed from my body.
I was shaking somewhat when I eased my thrusting hips back to the bed. Estelle sucked as she lifted her lips from my cock. After that same smacking sound as her lips formed around my cock head and then released it, she used her thumb and fingers to strip up my length. She caught the resulting drops on her tongue, slipped that tongue into her mouth and then swallowed again.
"Umm; .I do love the taste of a man and his seed. We shall do this again presently, though you must learn another lesson first. As I enjoy your taste, you must learn to enjoy mine."
Estelle lay down beside me then and pulled my hand to her breast.
"Do as you did for our first lesson. Stroke my pillows and then my cunny. Once I am flowing with passion, I will teach you of what I speak."
I am somewhat proud of the fact that flowing was not long in coming, for this was only my second attempt at applying the skills I had learned. Estelle's teats quickly rose long and taut under my tongue and lips, and shortly after I touched her rippled inner lips, I felt the slippery juices begin to flow.
Estelle was breathing faster, and it was seemingly with difficulty she stopped her little moans in order to speak.
"Oh, yes; you; you have caused the flow. Now, my able apprentice, kneel between my legs as before, but; oh; do not enter my cunny with your cock."
"What am I to do then?"
"Use your tongue to lick my folds and my pearl."
To think of doing so was both fearful and exciting. I had witnessed the dogs on the estate doing the same, but had never given thought that people might do such a thing. Estelle seemed to want this, so I put my fears aside and knelt between her spread thighs.
The hair on her lips glistened with her wetness, and as I had already separated the strands that my fingers might enter her, her swollen lips were visible and a little open. A scent came to my nose as I lowered my face to those lips, a scent I had never smelt before and a scent that made my already stiffening cock twitch. Tentatively I touched those swollen lips with the tip of my tongue.
Estelle's juices were surprisingly pleasant to taste and I wasted no time in licking the length of her lips on the outside. She moaned and adjusted her position to open herself a little more.
"All around the outside and then between", she sighed.
It was with increasing pleasure I did as she asked. I found her outer lips to be very soft and a little puffy feeling. The slender lips hidden inside were even softer and rippled into folds. Both excited me greatly both for the wonderful texture as well as her musky and slightly tart taste.
As I lapped away, Estelle seemed to flow from time to time. I would feel a slight lifting of her hips, and if I let my tongue move down, I was rewarded by the taste of her fresh juices.
"My pearl now", she murmured between moans and gasps.
What I had seen as a small hidden button was now swollen stiff. At the first touch of my tongue, Estelle gasped and lifted her body into my face.
"Oh, yes; do not stop."
I did not stop, for by that time, I had realized if I continued, Estelle would reach her end. Making her do so would give me great pleasure, I thought, even though I could not sheath my cock in her tight cunny. I licked the stiff little button until Estelle was beginning to thrash about on my bed.
From my higher position now, I could look over the crinkled hairs on her mound and see Estelle's face. Her face was to the side and her mouth was open because she was panting. From time to time, she could close her mouth and then lick her lips, then resume her panting breaths. I thought the sight quite a beautiful one.
My tongue happened to slip from the turgid tip and instead stroked the side. Estelle moaned and her body tensed. Reasoning that several types of licking might be better for her than only the one, I began sliding my tongue on each side, then the top, and then back to the tip. Estelle began lifting her hips regularly, just as she had done when she reached her end before. A moment later I felt her hands on my head.
"Oh, Johnathan; I am nearly there. Suckle at my pearl and I shall reach that end."
Though her pearl was small, I was able to seal my lips around it, and I then began to suckle. The effect upon Estelle was quite remarkable. She began to rise slowly by arching her back, and I felt her entire body grow tense. A few moments later, she gasped and her body rose even more. A small cry followed this rise, and then I was forced to hold on to her hips because of the rapid rocking my efforts had caused. A louder cry slipped from her throat and she pressed my face tight into her cunny. I felt her pearl begin moving in and out, and suckled with more force to keep it between my lips.
Estelle suddenly cried out loudly, her cunny jerked up into my face several times, and I felt her thighs squeeze my head tightly. After one last lurch upwards, Estelle sighed and eased back down upon the bed and pulled me up over her body. As I lay there with her breasts pressed tightly to my chest, she kissed me.
So much did her lips move, it seemed as if she wished to join her lips to mine. I opened my mouth to allow this, and felt her small tongue slip in and touch mine.
I would suppose it to be more instinct than anything that made me attempt to thrust my stiff cock into her cunny. Estelle stopped kissing me and chuckled as she reached between us for my cock.
"My apprentice appears to need another stroking. On your knees over my pillows, Johnathan. I will remedy your desire."
What followed was much the same as my first experience with this new way of coupling without actually coupling. The strokes of her hand were just as arousing, and though she did not again take my cock into her mouth, I quickly reached my end.
As seed spewed in strong spurts from the tip, Estelle opened her mouth and attempted to direct the streams therein. She was successful at doing so with the third and fourth. The first spattered onto her breasts and the second painted her eyes and brow.
Estelle only chuckled and used a finger to capture the misguided streams and than transfer them to her mouth. She smiled at me.
"Such a flow so soon after the first is a pleasant surprise. I must rest now. We will resume this lesson after we dine tonight."
I went to the workshop and began again on my pastry cutters. I had discovered early in my pastry cutter days that by making several shapes at once, then the required handles, and finally soldering them together enabled greater output than making them one at a time. As a result of my method, by the time for the evening meal, I had completed as many as would have taken me a day had I made them one at a time.
After our meal, Estelle joined me in my bedchamber again, and we practiced our skills twice more. Both my times at bringing Estelle to her end were exciting and very erotic. Upon commencing my licking the first time, Estelle sighed that she would greatly enjoy feeling my cock, but as that was not possible, I should use two of my fingers in her cunny. The second time, I was happily lapping away and looked up over her mound to treat myself to her beautiful face.
Estelle was manipulating her teats by pinches and pulls. Reasoning she would not do so if it did not give her pleasure, I moved my free hand to her breasts and began doing the same. Estelle gasped at my touch, and then sighed.
"Yes, Johnathan, pinch tight and pull. I will feel it in my belly."
I believe her peak from the combination of my lips on her pearl and my fingers in her cunny and on her teats was a bit more energetic than before. Seeing her thrashing about under my lapping tongue made me very happy. Feeling her mouth sucking at my cock until I spurted was wonderful.
The next morning, we repeated the lessons, and after Estelle had cried out three times and nearly threw me off the bed, she fell back to the mattress and sighed.
"Ah; would that I could do this again, but I feel another ending might cause me to swoon. The cause of that swooning would be so wonderful, but alas, such is not possible. It would not do for my husband to return and find me naked in your bed. I shall go to bathe and prepare for his return. Do not be sad. There are many more lessons to be learned before you will become a journeyman lover.";
And so, my training as a tinsmith continued for the remaining year of my indenture. On the day of my nineteenth birthday, Master Eaton pronounced me a journeyman tinsmith. He went on to say that unfortunately, he could not envision sufficient increase in the business of the workshop to support us both. He recommended I strike out on my own by traveling the countryside and repairing pots and pans as well as manufacturing new items for sale.
His recommendation was very logical. While the people of Honiton had only to walk to the market if they required a new pot or lantern, the people of the countryside had no such market. By traveling the countryside, I would find customers for my skills and be able to earn my living.
I would not be sad at leaving Master Eaton's workshop. While he was a fair man, he seemed to never smile or laugh. I enjoyed doing both, but had been rebuked by him for doing so in the past.
Leaving Estelle would cause me some pain. It was she who taught me the skills of arousing a woman to both our pleasures. The days I had lain between her trembling thighs as I pumped my seed into her clasping cunny were days I would remember always.
Her training had continued through that last year when the opportunity presented itself. Estelle taught me of other positions for pleasuring each other. I believe my favorite lesson was the afternoon she straddled me and lowered her cunny onto my stiff cock. I could lie there while she stroked her body over my shaft and enjoy catching her swinging breasts by the teats and then pinching and pulling those stiff, swollen knobs.
There were other positions as well, and I enjoyed them all. I would miss Estelle, I knew, but not just for her lessons. I had found her to be a pleasant woman to be around and to talk with.
Our last coupling was during the time she had said I could not fill her with my seed. I knew this because I had come to understand the counting of days she did to determine such. I was prepared to begin as I had on those days in the past and did so.
As Estelle became more and more aroused, she sighed that she needed my cock since this would be our last time together. I replied that I believed that would not be possible.
Estelle only smiled, and then rose and fished in the pocket of her dress. Upon returning to my bed, she sat down and showed me what appeared to be a small ring of thin, almost transparent material. From the center of the ring, more of the material covered the end and was knotted in the center.
"It is more usual for a man to obtain a lambskin, but I have managed. It is the preserved gut of a small sheep, and will capture your seed when you spend inside me."
Estelle placed the knotted tip over my cock head, and then unrolled the ring down the length of my shaft. After doing so, she straddled me, guided my cock to her entrance and then shuddered as she sank down over the length.
I found the sheath around my cock to diminish the sensations somewhat, but not to a disagreeable amount as it was very thin and the fit was very snug. Our coupling continued as on prior occasions, with Estelle crying out and quaking over my cock as she reached her end. I likewise reached mine and groaned as Estelle's body milked my cock with the contractions that tightened her cunny around it. When I withdrew my cock, I saw the truth of her statement about the lambskin. My seed had been contained entirely within the tube.
Our second and third that day were accomplished as on other such days, with Estelle taking my cock into her mouth until I spent, and I returning the favor by licking at her cunny and suckling her pearl until she cried out and pulled me tight to her rocking hips. I found both methods to be an absolute joy, and told Estelle I would remember her always.;
As it was, once I had been deemed a journeyman, I did stay in the workshop with Master Eaton for a time. He had secured a contract with a nearby village for over a hundred pails for use by the townspeople in case of a fire, and required my assistance in order to complete the contract in a timely manner. I was paid in coin for this work, and used most of that payment to purchase such tools as I would need to strike out on my own.
After making a further purchase of a small amount of tin plate and a pushcart to carry everything, I bade goodbye to Master Eaton and to Estelle, and began pushing my cart down the road I had taken from Whitchurch to Honiton. My intent was to return to the place of my birth and establish a workshop there.
Along the way, I would do such tinker's work as I might find and increase the coin in my purse. I had no doubts about the success of this venture. It was usual for the tin surface of pots to become worn through in spots, and once the tin surface was gone, the iron beneath would rust and develop a hole. The repair was fairly simple though beyond the skills of most untrained people. For a few pence I would repair the pot and it could be returned to service
I had done these repairs frequently in Master Eaton's workshop. It was a simple matter of cleaning the rust from the iron and then forming a small ring of clay, called a "Tinker's Dam" around the worn place. After heating a copper iron in the small furnace, the iron was used to melt a thin stick of tin inside the ring. Once the tin melted and then cooled it was fused to both the bare iron and the surrounding tin, and the pot was as good as new.
The housewives who brought the pots were more than happy once the repair was completed. I assumed the housewives of the countryside would be likewise pleased and be eager to pay the small cost. I did not anticipate the other rewards I would receive from some of those housewives.
To be continued in part 3, by ron de for Literotica.