Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Coming Back to Life: Part 1

Can friends become lovers?

Based on a post by Quinn_McMullen, in 7 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Explicit Novels.


Chapter 1.

Two years ago, my wife passed away. Processing the grief has been difficult because it has forced me to reconcile with my new identity as a widower. Supportive friends, neighbors, and colleagues have tried to help get me out of the house and away from the memories. Asking me to join their social events like fundraisers, parties, and cookouts have been great gestures, but I have yet to accept. I don't feel that I am quite ready for that much socializing, so I stay home and curl up with a good book.

It was a little past six on a warm Friday evening in mid-August. Dinner and the cleanup were complete. I settled down in one of the rocking chairs on my porch with my well-worn copy of The Fellowship of the Ring. The sun was just beginning to set behind one of the large maples on the west side of my property. About an hour and a half of filtered sunlight remained to enjoy the evening breezes and read about Frodo's adventures in Middle Earth. There was a horn toot on the road and I looked up to see Christina Ashby's blue hybrid turning into the drive.

Chrissy and I are both professors at the local college. Although she is 20 years my junior, she is one of my closest and dearest friends. Our friendship goes back eight years to when she first arrived at the college. Since neither her family, nor mine is close by, we have tended to look out for one another. For example, when Chrissy and her husband Jack came down with the flu, my wife Rosalind and I took them food, went to the pharmacy, and helped nurse them back to health. When Roz was sick, Chrissy brought me meals and tidied up around my house. She spent hours with me at Hospice House and was at my side when Rosalind passed away. Chrissy and Jack have continued to look out for me since. I have been a frequent dinner guest, they brought me into their home for the holidays, and Chrissy has come by regularly to check up on me. I was pretty sure that that's what this was; a wellness check.

My relationship with Chrissy has also been flirtatious, but completely platonic. Whenever I am having a conversation with her, we lock into some serious eye contact, not a couple of seconds, but rather several minutes at a time. I get lost in her brown eyes. It's as if we undergo a mind meld and I can't look away.

I try hard not to be the dirty old professor around campus. The abundance of enticing female flesh that our co-eds display makes that very difficult. For example, when going up the stairs, I always look at the ground for fear of being caught looking up a young woman's skirt. In person, I spend a lot of time looking into their eyes. With Chrissy it is no different. Her shapely breasts; her firm, toned butt; and her curvy hips present an attractive figure that my eyes are instinctively drawn to. I began looking at her eyes because I didn't want her to see me checking her out. Looking into her eyes has now become an addiction and I can't look away.

Chrissy is also into exercise, 5Ks are her preferred poison, but she is also an avid hiker. While motherhood added a pound or two to her short, muscular frame, she is in excellent shape. She is a stylish dresser and exceptionally modest. I have rarely seen more than a bare shoulder or calf.

I heard her car door slam. Soon she came into view, rounding the front of the house.

"Hey, old man. Aren't you going to Wendy's party?"

"I wasn't planning on it."

"Well, I'm here to change your mind."

Chrissy was wearing a knee length, white sundress with yellow flats. There was a touch of grey in her blonde hair, and it didn't appear that she wore any makeup. She didn't need any. She walked around and climbed the porch steps. I stood and she gave me a nice hug. She's at least a foot shorter than I am and I could feel her breasts press into my abdomen as she squeezed me tight. I returned the pressure and gave her a fatherly kiss on the top of her head.

I breathed deeply, smelling some type of herbal shampoo, "Wow, human contact."

Chrissy stepped back, checking me out, "Have you lost some weight? You look great."

"A couple of pounds. You are simply gorgeous."

She gave me another tight hug. We just stood there for a few moments holding each other. I was savoring her friendship. Finally, we eased off. I motioned to the other rocker and we both sat down.

Chrissy’s eyes looked a little red as if she might have been crying. I was tempted to say something.

She reached over, took my hand, and squeezed it, "How have you been? I've hardly seen you this summer."

She didn't take her hand away and I felt like a teenager again, holding hands with the girl next door. This simple human contact had my heart racing. I looked into her brown eyes and was lost.

I was tempted to catch a glimpse of her breasts, but her eyes were bewitching. "Been staying busy with the garden and repairing a spot on the back of the barn. I'll send you home with some veggies. Mostly just relaxing and doing a lot of reading. How about you?"

She pointed at my book, "I love Lord of the Rings. Well, we went out west right after school let out and saw my folks. Been doing a lot of writing. Getting ready to send Jackie off to kindergarten next month."

"Wow! Kindergarten already. Time flies huh?"

"He's growing like a weed. So, are you going to come to Wendy's party with me?"

"Look at me Chrissy I'm all sweaty and dirty."

"Nothing a little soap and water won't take care of. When was the last time you went out? Socially, I mean."

"Your house for Christmas dinner, I think."

"Are you kidding me?! Quinn, you must come with me. I need a date besides."

"How about Jack?"

Chrissy looked away. Something was wrong. Her jaw clenched and started quivering. When her eyes returned to mine, they were brimming with tears. "Jack is a shit."

"What's the matter?"

Tears started rolling down her cheeks. I reached into my pocket and handed her my handkerchief. "It's clean."

"My dad always has a handkerchief too. Can we walk?"


We both stood. Chrissy led me down the steps and waited at the bottom. She held out her hand and I took it. We started slowly strolling down towards my garden and my small meadow.

It took her a moment to start talking. "He is an absolute fucker."

She didn't look at me, her gaze fixed firmly on the ground ahead. Tears were flowing steadily now. She wiped her face every thirty seconds or so. I was surprised at the f-bomb because Chrissy rarely uses profanity. The exception is when she was really pissed off. This seemed to be one of those times. Marriage counseling is not something I would ever attempt, but I remember Roz used to ask me to just listen and not try and fix things.

I squeezed her hand, "You can tell me as little or as much as you want. You are one of my dearest friends and have seen me through some rough times. The roughest times." I stopped walking, "The least I can do is be here for you."

Chrissy reached and put her arm around my waist. I put mine around her shoulder.

She took a deep breath. "Jack and I have been fighting a lot. Two months ago he tried to hit me. He missed and I ran out of the house. I stayed with Zoë for a couple of days."

Zoë is our faculty colleague at the college. Chrissy and Zoë are thick as thieves and do everything together.

Chrissy continued, "We sort of came to a truce for Jackie's sake, but I haven't slept in our bed since. I use the guest room and lock the door. Jack is being a complete asshole. He acts like he's the only one with a full time job." I could see the anger rising. "I'm a fucking full-time college professor and he doesn't lift a goddamn finger around the house! I have to do everything for Jackie. And then..."

She stopped walking. Sobs started to wrack her body and she put her hands to her face. I pulled her to me and she buried her face in my dirty work shirt. I just held her as the tears flowed, shoulders heaving. I gave her another kiss on the top of her head. I petted her hair, trying to sooth her somehow. It took a while, but the sobbing eased. She stepped back. Tears and snot were freely flowing. Then her face turned from sadness to madness.

Her anger was palpable, "The son of a bitch didn't come home on Wednesday. I didn't see him until he came home from work yesterday. He said he was out with his buddies all night. Horseshit he was out with his buddies. He was out fucking someone. When he went to work I checked his laundry. There were cum stains on his briefs and they smelled like someone's cunt. Sorry, I hate that word, but that what she is; a cunt! He's a cunt too! I don't know who she is, but she's a cunt! The two of them have fucking destroyed my fucking marriage!"

She wiped her face one more time and handed back my handkerchief. "Sorry, it's all wet. I must look like hell."

"It's a beautiful hell though."

"Thank you."

She turned away from me and stood with her hands on her hips, her head thrown back, looking up at the sky. She was taking deep breaths trying to calm herself. I wasn't sure what to do, so I didn't do anything for a minute or two. Finally, I went over and I put my hands on her shoulders. She brought her hand up to mine.

Chrissy turned, took my hand, and lightly kissed it. We were standing on the far side of my property at the edge of a maple grove. The sun was angling across the meadow. The sun turned her hair to a golden amber.

Her sad eyes gazed into mine, tears brimming again. "What the hell am I going to do?"

This woman was in misery. She hugged me and the sobs built up again. I just held her for what seemed the longest time. I remembered holding my daughters like this when they broke up with a boyfriend. This was a hundred times worse. In either case, there was nothing I could do.

"I'm sorry," she wept into my chest.

I gently petted the back of her head. We stood there for quite a while. Every so often her body would shake. Eventually the sobbing eased. She leaned back.

I handed her the handkerchief again. "Wipe your face again."

"I've made a mess of your shirt."

"It was dirty to begin with. Shall we head back?"

She nodded and started moving back toward the house arm-in-arm. When we got to the porch stairs, I let her precede me. On the first step she turned around and hugged me again. Of course, I reciprocated and held her tight. With the added height, her face was much closer to mine. She leaned back, but kept her arms around my neck.

"Sorry for venting on you. It was really good to get all that off my chest. I've told Zoë a little, but it was good to tell you." Her right hand came up and cupped my cheek. "You really are a dear friend."

Then she kissed me ever so lightly with those beautiful lips. It was unexpected and took my breath away. She had never kissed me before. The softness of her lips sent electricity coursing through my body. I felt my cock stir slightly.

I must have had a shocked look on my face because Chrissy suddenly looked concerned, "I'm sorry I was so forward. That was completely inappropriate, but you're so good to me."

I shook my head, "No. That was fine. I always dreamed what it would be like to kiss you. Now I know."

She put her hand to the side of my face and lightly kissed me again. "So, now you know why I need a date to go to Wendy's party. Will you go with me?"

She put her arms around my neck again. My hands were on her hips.

Looking into her eyes I said, "Chrissy, I don't think I'm ready."

"What's there to be ready for? You are a handsome, available bachelor who needs to get out and meet some members of the opposite sex."

"But I'm really a widower whose heart is still mending. That's a lot of socializing. I'm just happy being here with you."

She kissed the tip of my nose. "You are sweet, but I worry about you. Please come with me to the party. I promise you we'll have a nice time and I'll have you home before you turn into a pumpkin. You can be my designated driver and I can drink my sorrows away." She placed both hands on either side of my face. "For me?"

I smiled, "Not fair. Christina, you know I would do anything for you."

"Then that settles it." She gave me a final little kiss.

"Okay, I'll go, but can we just sit here a while? It's nice just being with you. Just you."

Chrissy turned, climbed the stairs, and we returned to the rockers. She took my hand again, looking over the yard. I could feel her relaxing, the sorrow and anger subsiding. I looked at Chrissy and her eyes were closed. She looked peaceful, which made me feel better. I stole a glance at her breasts hidden under the sundress, was that a nipple? I returned to her lovely face. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she simply enchanted me.

She brought the back of my hand to her soft lips and kissed it, "Thank you my friend." She opened her eyes. "You have no idea what it means to have someone like you, someone who listens."

Chrissy looked out across the lawn. She rocked back and forth just a little in the rocker.

After many minutes she turned to me, "This is such a nice place. I know why you love it here. Quiet. Private. Gorgeous view."

I was still looking at her, "I love the view."

She looked at me, realized my meaning, smiled, and slapped my hand, "You need to get ready."

"Aye aye ma'am," I said invoking my naval training.

"Need me to help?"

"What are you going to do, scrub my back?" I asked sarcastically.

Her face lit up and with a broad smile, "Sure. I'll scrub your back."

In hindsight, I think that little exchange opened a door. I looked at her questioningly.

Perhaps I was a little dense. "That might be hard. I have a claw foot tub with a shower."

"Well let me see."

I led the way as we climbed the stairs and I showed her the bathroom. "Claw foot tub. Not much room."

"Oh," she said. "I didn't expect that. Well, I don't want to get this wet."

She kicked off her yellow flats. Then with one quick motion, she reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress, and pulled it over her head. Christina stood before me completely naked. Looking back, I would have never thought she went commando. She was breathtakingly beautiful. I'm sure my jaw dropped. Her breasts were quite pert with perfectly proportioned areolas surrounding semi-erect nipples. She had trimmed her pubes into the classic delta; I could see her labia through the shoulder-length blonde hair. I just stared.

"Quinn McMullen, you act as if you've never seen a naked woman before."

"I have never seen you naked before. You are more beautiful than I ever imagined."

"Well, thank you, but I'm only scrubbing your back remember." There was a bit of a tease in her voice. She reached out and lifted my chin so she could look me in the eyes again. "My eyes are up here. You always look me in the eyes."

"I do. I love your eyes, but you have always been fully clothed."

"You're sweet, but we need to get you cleaned."

"Right." I struggled to regain control. First, I pulled back the shower curtain and started the hot water. Then I went to the towel drawer, "One towel or two?"

"One. I won't get my hair wet."

I took out a towel for each of us and placed them on the towel rack. I reached in and tested the water, bringing up the cold water a bit to adjust the temperature. I put my watch on the vanity, kicked off my shoes, and began taking off my shirt.

Chrissy grabbed for my belt. "Here let me help you."

I slowed the unbuttoning and looked down into her eyes. She had my belt undone, pants unbuttoned, and zipper down in no time. She hooked her fingers inside my waistband and dropped my trousers and skivvies in one quick move. My semi-erect cock popped up.

She stepped back and admired me, "I guess it has been a while since you've seen a naked woman. That's a very nice package you have there, Dr. McMullen. I especially love your ginger pubes."

"You present an equally pleasing view, Dr. Ashby."

She stepped closer, put her arms around my neck, and looked up into my eyes, "Perhaps it would be a good idea if you kissed me. Really kissed me."

I put my hands around her and on to her naked bottom, pulling her to me. I lowered my mouth to hers, closed my eyes, and gently touched her lips with mine. Electricity ran down my spine. She pulled my face downward, the warmth and wetness of her lips causing goosebumps to break out on my skin. Her body pressed against mine, my erection pressed into her stomach. I felt her lips part and I extended my tongue to hers. I moved my hands to her back and pulled her tight. I have no idea how long we kissed for, but it was heavenly. She pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes.

She petted the side of my face and whispered, "The water's running. We're supposed to be washing your back."

"Right." I didn't move, looking into her eyes. "Can we just stay like this for a moment?"

"We have a party to go to."

"Right," I repeated, sounding like a broken record.

I stepped out of my jeans and pulled off my socks. I turned on the overhead shower and stepped over the lip of the tub and in.

"You'll probably want to be on this side, so you don't get your hair wet." I extended my hand, helped her over the side, and then closed the shower curtain. "Here's the soap."

I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and put my head under the showerhead. My mind was in a whirl as Chrissy started soaping up my back.

I asked, "Am I getting you wet with this spray?"

"A little, but it's okay," She said as she began washing my back. She started with my shoulders, kneading the muscles. It was more massage than scrub and it felt wonderful. I stopped for a moment, leaned my head back, and just stood under the shower, luxuriating while Chrissy’s hands worked on my back.

She gently slapped my butt, "Back to work."

I rinsed my hair.

Chrissy’s hands moved to my butt cheeks, "You have a very fine ass; do you know that?"

"I didn't, but thanks for the compliment. I think yours is quite shapely as well."

"Thanks, but it's flat and boney. It is firm though."

"Speaking of firm bottoms," I started to turn around with the intention of reaching for that flat, but firm ass.

She softly slapped my butt again, "Stay put. I'm not done."

She was grabbing both cheeks and massaging them. She took the soap and slid it up and down my butt crack, then pushed it against my anus. Her finger traced down my soapy crack and stopped at my asshole, then started rubbing with a finger.

"That's not my back." Then I heard an involuntary sound come from my mouth as she slid her finger into my rectum. I had never had anyone's finger in my ass that wasn't a medical doctor. I bent forward and her finger went in further. She must have reached my prostate because I suddenly had the urge to pee. Another groan came forth. I have no idea what she was doing, but it was driving shivers up my spine.

"Very nice. We'll have to remember that." Chrissy said with a giggle as she slid her finger out of my ass, reaching around to lather my erection.

"Can I turn around now?"

"Yes, you may."

I obeyed.

Chrissy ran her fingers up my torso, "You have a wonderfully hairy chest."

Her hands started at my shoulders and lathered my chest, then one hand grabbed my cock. I started to reach up for her breasts. She blocked me with her hand, and she said, "I just showered. Remember, I'm here to help you get clean." Her smile was very mischievous.

"As one of my salty chiefs in the navy said, 'it's yours and you can wash it as fast as you want.'"

With that same smile she said, "This isn't sexual; I just want to help you get nice and clean. For the party."

"For the party. Says the beautiful, naked woman who just probed my ass and is now stoking my rock-hard cock. Of course, it isn't."

Chrissy smiled that naughty smile.

I am only an average guy in the manhood department. Average length, average thickness, and at the ripe old age of 60, I'm not a sexual dynamo. As a man gets older, the pelvic muscles aren't what they used to be. The result is that when I cum, it sort of dribbles out. Nevertheless, Chrissy had me as hard as a rock and was "cleaning" my cock with a nice stroking motion. This was probably the longest erection I had had in the past decade.

Looking into her eyes I asked, "Would you mind if I kissed you again?"

She raised her face, closed her eyes, and puckered slightly. I grabbed the shower curtain for balance, bent down, and kissed those soft lips again. Her free hand came up to the side of my face, her lips parted, and our tongues probed the warmth of each other's mouths. She stopped stroking me and just held my erection. Then she removed her hand from my face, grabbed my free hand, and placed it on her breast. Her nipples were stiff, and I moved my hand over her firm, wet mounds. I gently rolled her nipple between my fingers. Her body twitched involuntarily.

Chrissy eased the kiss enough to mumble into my mouth, "Are you clean enough?"

I shook my head. Her free hand returned to my face and continued kissing me, our hands fondling one another. Again, I have no idea how long we stood there in the shower enjoying one another. I was afraid to break the spell she had cast.

Finally, she looked lovingly into my eyes, "Well my dear friend with shower benefits, we should probably start getting ready."

I turned around and rinsed off the soap, then bent down and turned off the water. I opened the curtain and handed Chrissy a towel. "Thank you so much. I don't think I have been this clean in many years."

She gave my butt a pat, "That's what friends are for."

My mind was racing. I love to taste and smell a woman, to bury my tongue in her vulva. I love to bring my lover to an orgasm and feel her body involuntarily contracting as she cums. It had been years since I had experienced this and I thought that perhaps Christina would allow me to end this drought. In hindsight, I'm not sure why I was hesitant. We were both naked; we had been kissing passionately; she had just massaged my prostate; had stroked my cock clean; and had placed my hand on her breasts.

I stepped out onto the bathmat, continuing to towel dry. I took a breath and got up my nerve, "Chrissy" I took another breath. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask away my dear friend."

"While I have you in this state of undress." I looked into her eyes, "I wonder if you would allow me to taste you."

Her face became very serious, "Are you asking to go down on me?"

I was a bit flustered. Had I'd overstepped some boundary? "In a sense, yes."

"Are you asking to lick me?"

Regaining some confidence, "Yes."

Chrissy smiled her impish smile, "Are you asking if you can give me oral sex?"


"Is an orgasm involved?"

"Only if you want there to be."

Chrissy stepped over the lip of the tub, put her arm on my shoulder to steady herself, and then threw the other one around my neck, pressing her body against mine. I placed my hand on the small of her back.

She looked into to my eyes, "What would be the point of oral sex, if an orgasm wasn't involved?"

"Excellent point."

She dropped the towel, grabbed me by the hand, and started pulling me toward the door, "I think your bedroom is this way, is it not?"

"It is."

I would have followed Chrissy through the gates of hell, but she only led me to my queen-sized bed. When we got there, she released me. She jumped on the bed and lay down on her back. I had several pillows at the head and she arranged herself so that she was in a lounging position, her legs slightly parted.

She held out her hand, 'Care to join me?"

A soft evening light was streaming in through the western windows, bathing both her and the room in a warm glow. I climbed onto the bed and laid down on my side next to her, my elbow on the pillows, and my face close to hers. With my free hand, I cupped her cheek and softly kissed her. Chrissy closed her eyes and pressed her face against my hand. I leaned in and kissed her again, this time starting with a partially open mouth. She responded in kind, but after a few moments, I broke the kiss and moved toward her ear. I gently touched her earlobe with my tongue, then slid my tongue down and kissed her neck. I could see gooseflesh break out on her arms. I slid lower and put my leg over hers so that I was partially on top of her. My erection touched her leg. Chrissy reached down and grabbed it.

I traced my tongue along her collarbone, then down to the side of her breast. As I moved in a circle around the underside, I heard her breath suck in, then subtly become shallower, as if she were panting. 'Go slow,' I told myself and brought my hand up to her other breast, being careful not to touch her nipples. I encircled her nipple with my tongue, getting ever closer. As I reached her areola, I shifted to her other breast.

"Are you trying to torment me?" she asked.

I duplicated my approach on her other breast. "Perhaps."

"Well, you are succeeding."

I was nearing her areola when she grabbed my hair and moved my mouth to her nipple.

She whispered, "Please?"

I continued to tease, first breathing on her, and then finally touching the very tip of her nipple with my tongue. Chrissy let out a groan. I circled her nipple with my tongue a few times, then finally took it into my mouth and sucked. She pressed my head into her breast. I moved over to her other breast, teasing her again. She started to spread her legs further apart, so I moved between them, using my elbows to keep most of my weight off her. I could feel her pubic hair on my stomach.

She whispered, "I thought you wanted to taste me?"

I chuckled into her nipple, "I am tasting you. You taste exquisite."

I raised up in a push up and pulled myself back to her lips. As I did, my erection brushed against her coochie. She smiled seductively. I lightly kissed her, and then began sliding down her body again. I traced my tongue to her cleavage, then slowly across her taut stomach. When I reached her pubes, I grabbed a tuft with my lips and pulled gently. Then I pressed my nose into her hair, breathing in her pheromones. Her scent was working overdrive on my desire.

After a few moments of olfactory arousal, I slid lower, moving my arms under her legs so that her thighs came up on either side of my face. I moved to about halfway up her left thigh then began to slowly slide my tongue down toward her vulva. I could see her labia glistening with moisture. I stopped in the valley between her leg and vulva then slowly circled across her perineum to the other side. I slid my tongue up the inside of her right thigh, then stole a look up at her face. Chrissie's mouth was parted, and her eyes were locked in on me. I gave her a smile and started kissing and tonguing my way toward her crotch.

I hovered over her vulva and blew softly. Then, ever so softly, I made contact with her perineum and began sliding my tongue between her labia. I thought I heard a quiet whimper as I reached her clitoris. I immediately backed off, using my tongue to probe into her cooch and lap up the now flowing juices.

"Please," she whispered.

Thinking I had overstepped my bounds I stopped. "I'm sorry." I looked up into her eyes.

"No. Please make me cum."

Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I moved my mouth over her swelling clit and began licking, not continuously though. I would lick for a few seconds and then stop. Teasing her and increasing her anticipation. My tongue ran the length of her opening, lapping up her moisture, then a few more seconds on her clit. I got on my elbows, placing my left hand on her breast and my right at her vulva. I gently ran a finger around her erect nipple with one hand while rubbing the opening of her cooch with the other. She placed her feet on my back, maximizing her spread.

I continued this cycle of teasing countless times. I never broke eye contact. I could see her beginning to pant a little and I slipped my finger in to find her g-spot. It was already wrinkled, indicating Chrissy was close to climax. I backed off a little, keeping her on the edge of orgasm. A little lick on her clit. A little rub on her g-spot. A pinched nipple. Rinse and repeat.

"Please," she whispered.

I began vigorously licking, rubbing, and pinching. Her legs started trembling as she grabbed my head and pressed my face into her coochie. Her eyes closed. Her back arched. A guttural "Ah," came from her throat.

I eased off her clit, but continued rubbing her g-spot. Her cooch was pulsing with orgasmic contractions.

My goal was to keep her in ecstasy for as long as possible. Her body bucked. I eased off on the finger wave for just a moment, feeling her contractions continue. Her back eased its arch and I thought the contractions might begin to fade, so I began rubbing her g-spot again. This time she grabbed my hair as the contractions increased in intensity again. I continued the g-spot teasing, then just barely touched my tongue to her clit.

Chrissie's body jolted, she was panting loudly, yanking my hair back to keep my mouth from her clit.

In between pants I heard, "Come. Up. Here."

She started pulling on my ears. I resisted and continued feeding her orgasm. Her body quivering with pleasure. I reached up and gently pulled on her nipple. Her back arched and she clamped her thighs on my head.

Chrissy was still panting. "In me."

I pulled myself across her body, stopping to suck hard on first one nipple, then the other. Her body shuddered with each suck. I rubbed the length of my stomach across her pubic mound, moving my erection toward her coochie. She reached down and grabbed my cock with the intention of guiding me in.

I must have hesitated because she whispered, "I'm on the pill."

"Vasectomy," I said as the tip of my cock parted her labia. Her contractions were still going as I eased into her cooch, the warmth and wetness engulfing me. Chrissy brought her knees up and locked her ankles behind me. Her hands grabbed my ass cheeks, setting the timing of my thrusts. Our eyes were locked in again, her mouth open. I kept the strokes as long and slow as possible, trying to check my orgasm as long as possible. Her coochie still contracting, massaging my cock. I continued thrusting, my arms aching. Then I felt the point of no return. I whispered, "I'm cumming."

Chrissy grabbed my face with both hands and pulled me to her. She thrust her tongue into my mouth. My body shuddered as I came. My back arched, then I fell sideways, bringing her with me, our bodies joined. Her cooch still contracting on my erection, sending electricity up my spine. As I gazed into her eyes, I noticed that the sun had set, and the light was fading. Her hands held my face. We were both smiling.

Then she grimaced.

"What's wrong?'

"Cutting off the circulation."

I was lying on her leg. My fading erection plopped out of her as I rolled onto my back. I pulled a pillow under my head. Chrissy moved against me. Her head on my chest with her hair touching my chin. Her fingers began playing with my chest hair and she brought her leg over me, her moist coochie pressed against my leg. I brought my arm up behind her and placed my hand on the small of her back, pressing her to me.

We laid like that as the light faded, euphoria spreading through both of us. Her body completely relaxed and her breathing slowed. I kissed the top of her head. I thought I felt some dampness on my chest. I placed my hand on her face and realized that tears were flowing.


"Yes, my dear."

"Thank you."

"I should be thanking you."

Chrissy raised her head and rolled so she could look at me in the fading light. "A half hour ago, an hour ago, whenever I came here, I felt worthless. A worthless woman with a loveless, failed marriage." I started to speak and she put her finger to my lips. "Quinn, you have no idea what you just did for me. This act of friendship. No, this act of love has." She hesitated. "Quinn, you brought me back from the brink."

She pulled herself on top of me so that our faces were inches apart. Her legs straddling me with her wet coochie on my stomach. Our combined fluids flowing out of her onto my skin. She kissed me softly and smiled. "Plus, I have only had an orgasm like that once in my life. Jack has never given me an orgasm. I always faked it." She kissed me again. "I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship." Our eyes were still locked in.

"There is nothing you could do to ruin our friendship. All these years you have always enchanted me, Christina. I have gone out of my way to come up with an excuse to be with you, to meet with you, to do anything with you."

"I know," she laughed. "You had some pretty flimsy excuses. I knew what you were doing."

"Your eyes seem to reach into my soul. Every time I have looked into your eyes I felt so close to you. I am so lucky to have you as a friend."

"A friend with shower benefits." She patted my chest.

"Do you think we are going to make it to Wendy's party?" I asked.


Chapter 2.

Ending a sex drought does interesting things to one's mind. Everything takes on a sexual connotation and having sex again becomes one of the mind's primary drives. It had been at least three years since I had made love to my wife. Her ensuing battle with cancer and passing put a damper on my libido.

My evening of passion with my dear friend Christina was an incredibly life changing experience even though it was most likely a one-off event. Although we cared for one another, even loved one another, I somehow doubted that our affair would continue.

Even though I was primarily friends with Chrissy, part of me felt like I had betrayed my friendship with Jack. Yes, he was cheating on Chrissy Yes, Chrissy was probably leaving him. Nevertheless, Chrissy and Jack had both come to my aid when I needed help. They both saw me through so many tough times. While making love to Chrissy was a dream event, deep down I felt a bit like a shithead.

Chrissy had left my house around nine o'clock on Friday evening and said she was going to Zoë's. I didn't hear a thing from her on Saturday or Sunday.

Monday dawned hot and muggy. I decided that this would be a great day to harvest my onion crop. I started around nine and had all the onions out of the ground by eleven. I still had to put them up in the barn to dry, but I needed some water and a break. Sweat was streaming down my face and the brim of my straw hat was dark with moisture. My shirt was drenched and the garden dirt had just made me a muddy mess. Trying to brush anything off just made it worse.

"Hey there, lover boy." It was Chrissy She was walking down the hill from the barn. "I hope you don't mind, but I pulled my car into your barn and closed the door."

"No. I don't mind. What? So Jack won't see your car?"

She nodded. Chrissy was wearing some snug fitting jeans which nicely highlighted her figure, a Chicago Cubs t-shirt, and a ball cap. Her hair was in a ponytail extending through the cut out at the back of the cap. She came over to me with what looked like the intention of giving me a hug.

"You may not want to get close to this mess."

"Oh, you are yucky." She came over and studied my face. "There's a clean spot" and she kissed my cheek bone. "I think that's the only one. What are you doing?"

I pointed at the garden, "Harvesting onions."

"Wow, that's a lot. Do you use that many?"

"No. I'll keep about a dozen and give the rest away. I was just heading up to the house for a break."

She fell in beside me, and held my hand. We walked quietly for the first 25 yards.

I broke the silence, "How are you my friend?"

"I've been better. I just came from the lawyer's office. She's filing the divorce papers this afternoon. I'll pick up Jackie from pre-school and keep him for the rest of the week. We're going go with alternating weekends for now. When he gets to kindergarten I think I'm going to ask the teacher to call him by his proper name; John. The nickname has to go."

I didn't know what to say, so I thought silence would be best. We reached the back door and I held it open for her. Inside I have what I call my mudroom. The washer and dryer are there, plus a deep sink.

I said, "Give me a moment to wash up."

Chrissy sat down on an antique park bench that was against the wall. I knew she was watching me. I stripped off my shirt and threw it on the laundry pile. I took a towel from the rack and set it next to the sink. I ran the water, first sticking my head under the faucet, then washing my face, arms, and hands.

Chrissy said, "You really are a sexy man. I love how the sweat has matted your chest hair."

"Chrissy, I'm old, scarred, and wrinkled."

"And sexy."

I turned my head and smiled at her. I toweled dry and donned a clean work shirt from the laundry basket. "There. Damp, but presentable."

Chrissy came over and gave me a hug, placing the side of her head against my chest.

I kissed the top of her head. "I was going to have something to eat, let's go into the kitchen."

She took my hand and led the way. Once in the kitchen she sat at the table.

I asked, "What can I get you?"

"Just some water. I'll eat whatever you're eating."

I got out two pint glasses and filled them with tap water, placing one in front of her and one where I would sit.

I said, "So, you saw a lawyer. You're filing. But how are you doing?"

"Quinn, I'm miserable."

"Why don't you start with when you left here on Friday?" I put bread in the toaster and bacon, lettuce, and tomato on a plate. I came over and sat down. Our eyes met and it felt like our souls became one. Looking into her eyes has never gotten old.

"Well, I went over to Zoë's. Quinn, you have no idea what loving you did for me. You most certainly saved a life, either mine or Jack's. I was emotionally at the end of my rope. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Before I came here, I actually drove to the trail by the old quarry. I was going to climb to the top and jump. Then I thought of my son and backed down. Then I thought about the party, I was going to get plastered. I thought of you and how you could go with me and be my date and designated driver. You have to believe me that I had no intention of doing anything other than going to a party with you when I came over here."

"I believe you. It was just as much me as you. Lust got the better of both of us. Chrissy, I'm a little concerned about your mental health. If you ever think about hurting yourself again, you've got to let me know."

"I promise. I'm doing better. I'm going to be around someone like you or Zoë as much as possible."

“Sounds like a wise decision, Chrissy. Despair is a killer; and your situation is a bit volatile.” I recited from a good book on grieving. “I am honored by your trust in me. I’ll do my best for you.”

The toast popped. I got up and put the four slices on a plate. I brought them over to the table and we assembled our BLT sandwiches. The tomatoes were from my garden and I watched Chrissie's face for her reaction.

"That's a nice sandwich. Are the tomatoes yours?"

I nodded. "Pretty good?"

"Oh, they're fabulous."

"So you went to Zoë's."

Chrissy continued looking into my eyes, "Yes. No way was I going home. Zoë probably thought I was pretty weird. I remember coming in, giving her a long hug, and asking her to use her guest room. I was just overcome with emotion. I couldn't sleep. Kept thinking about you. Thinking about Jack being a shithead. Thinking about making love to you." She put her hand on top of mine. "I couldn't stop thinking about making love to you."

I raised her hand to my mouth and kissed it. "Christina, you have not been out of my mind for more than a moment or two since Friday. I can't stop thinking about you either."

She squeezed my hand. "I probably didn't get to sleep until dawn. I slept until noon. Zoë is such a good friend; she made me breakfast and didn't say a thing. I told her about Jack, and she wasn't at all surprised. She reminded me that he has always had a wandering eye. Jack hit on her hard at the welcome party back during my first week on campus. We'd only been married a year! She told me about that the next Monday, one of the reasons she became my friend. That reminded me that he grabbed one of my bridesmaid's ass at our wedding reception. I later found out that he grabbed another friend's breast on the dance floor. Zoë also reminded me how he's always been flirting with every girl he sees."

"And here I thought you two had a storybook marriage. That you were living happily ever after."

"Right? I guess I just ignored all the signs. I kind of thought the same way. I've been so blind, probably willfully blind. I didn't want to know. How did Zoë put it? 'This isn't a romance novel. This is real life. Sometimes things don't work out the way they're supposed to.' I feel like such an idiot. I should have seen it coming. I thought we had a good life together. Yes, our love life has slowed. Maybe I could have prevented it. After the baby came, I know I was ugly and I wasn't desirable."

I raised my hand, "Point of personal privilege. You have never been ugly. You have never been undesirable. You are hands down a very beautiful woman. Chrissy, if Jack decided he was going to cheat on you, I doubt there is anything you could have done."

Chrissy said, "I hope you don't mind, but I told Zoë what happened between us." I raised my eyebrows. "I didn't tell her all the details, but I did tell her that you were an amazing lover and that I had never experienced anything like that in my life."

I must have blushed a little. I certainly felt very awkward. Seeing her plate was empty I said, "Can I get you another sandwich?"

"No, thank you." I picked up her plate, placed it on mine, and took them to the sink. I came back and sat down. Chrissy put her hand on mine and our eyes locked in again. "I'm sorry Quinn. Zoë is my best friend and I had to share. If I didn't, I was going to burst. Please don't be mad. You are my other best friend."

I sighed. "Chrissy, I could never be mad at you."

"Zoë also told me you wouldn't be mad because you loved me. Probably a lot more than I realized."

"Zoë's right, again."

"This might sound crazy, but I have been thinking about us. About us being together." Suddenly her eyes were welling with tears. I held her hand again. She used her napkin to wipe her eyes. "Quinn, other than Zoë you are my best friend. Zoë told me how much you loved me because I told her how much I loved you. You are good and kind and decent. You are like a saint."

"Whoa, Chrissy, I am no saint. Ever since I first met you and you looked into my eyes, you had me. I was a married man and I lusted after you. I would imagine what your nude body looked like. I downloaded every picture you posted of yourself on Facebook. I thought about what it would be like to make love to you, how my life would be if you were my partner."

She nodded. "I thought about that last part all day yesterday. Here's the thing Quinn. I don't know how we could make it work. You have twenty years on me. You're already a grandfather, with what three grandkids?"

I nodded.

Chrissy continued, "You would be 73 when Jackie, I mean John, turns 18. You've done fatherhood once. Could you start all over?" She had a point. "When this divorce is final, I would have no problem asking you to be my partner, to be my husband if we decide together that it is right for both of us. For right now, I don't think we should think about it. That's a long way off."

I just nodded again.

Tears were tracing down her cheeks. She stopped trying to control them.

Chrissie's lower lip was trembling, "Here's the hard part." She swallowed hard. "I don't think we should be lovers for a while."

I grimaced. How did I know this was coming? I didn't have an answer so I just continued looking into her eyes.

Chrissy finally continued, "Yesterday, it dawned on me when I remembered what you said on Friday when we were lying in each other's arms. You haven't seen anyone since Roz passed away. I would be your rebound love. You would be mine. If you will eventually have me, I will gladly share the rest of your life with you. But, I think you should start dating. When I'm ready, I should date other people too."

"Come on Chrissy, who I am going to go on a date with? I'm an old man."

"You are not. I can think of half a dozen right on campus; Zoë, Asha, Astrid, Colleen, Julianne."

"Technically, that's five, and Asha is a lesbian."

"Okay, Trish. You know what I mean. I would bet every one of them, well except Asha, would love to go out with you. There's a lot of single women on campus and I'm not counting the co-eds."

"Co-eds are strictly off limits for me."

"Good point, but it doesn't even have to be one-on-one. You could come with the Wood Nymphs on a hike. You know about the Wood Nymphs?"

"That's your hiking club."

"It could be something as simple as going on a hike with Zoë. She would love to show you the local forests." She placed her hand on mine, "Please? For me?"

"Be careful. Look what happened the last time you asked me like that."

"I'm not asking you to have sex with Zoë." Her eyes twinkled. "Although I think that would be a fabulous idea."

I raised my eyebrows, "You want me to have sex with Zoë?"

"Maybe friends with benefits. Quinn, she is so insecure. Yes, she comes across as confident, but I don't think she's been with more than a handful of men in her whole life. I know at least one of those turned out horribly. I don't think it was rape, but I think she was traumatized."

"Isn't Zoë seeing Anders? Those two seem to be really tight. They're like classic hipsters traveling the world. Didn't they go to Denmark together?" Anders was a staffer at the college and Zoë was always posting pictures of the two of them together.

"Quinn, Anders is gay. Didn't you know that? In fact he's getting married to his longtime partner over Labor Day weekend and they're moving to California."


"Zoë's pretty bummed about Anders moving." She squeezed my hand again and smiled. "Whenever possible, I would love to spend time with you. Like today. I don't have to pick up Jackie; John; until 3:30. I'd love to help you with your onions and anything else you are doing."

"I'd love that. Let me show you where Roz' work clothes are. You can wear those and not get your nice clothes dirty."

Chrissy changed into a pair of torn jeans and a white blouse that had paint splatters on the shoulders. The jeans were too big at the waist and she had a belt cinched tight to hold them up. She also wore Roz' straw hat.

She said, "I have some grubbies I'll bring over and leave here. Roz' stuff is a bit big on me."

We gathered up the onions and took them to the barn where I showed her how to braid the stalks together to dry. Within minutes we were both sweating profusely and I noticed that Chrissy had gone braless for the occasion, her lovely areolas showing through the now transparent blouse. I decided not to comment and just enjoy the scenery.

We finished with the onions, then went back to the garden and prepped the beds for planting in the spring. I had brought out water bottles for us. She drank some, then poured some onto her shirt providing the wet t-shirt look.

I said, "Good idea," and poured some on me.

Chrissy gave me an impish smile. We both knew what we were doing to one another, but the idea of not being her lover was difficult. I had a truckload of cow manure and we spread some of it out on the now empty onion beds. After an hour and a half of work, we walked over to the porch and I got us some more water. We held hands and sat in companionable silence. At 2:30, her phone's alarm went off; Chrissy said she needed to get ready to get John. I walked into the kitchen with her assuming she'd go up and change.

She said, "I'm filthy." Standing in the middle of the kitchen, she unbuttoned her blouse and handed it to me. Her beautiful bare breasts taunted me. She kicked off her shoes, dropped her pants, and handed those to me as well. She stood before me naked, facing me with her hands on her hips. Her body glistening with sweat, "I figured I would save you a trip with the dirty clothes."

"What the hell are you doing to me?"

"I said we shouldn't be lovers. I didn't say I couldn't tease you and keep your interest up. Plus I have a little exhibitionist streak in me. You have no idea how hot this is making me having your eyes on me."

"Here I thought you were this very modest woman."

Chrissy gave me a very impish smile. "Normally I am." She stepped forward, kissed my lips, and patted my sweaty shirt. "Gonna take a shower. Please stay down here." She ran off. I went and sat on the porch, my cock throbbing.

Chapter 3.

The next day I was cutting the grass on my riding lawn mower. My two acres takes about three hours to cut. I used to load up some songs to my iPod; yes, I still use an iPod; and rock out for the duration. Today, I just put in earplugs and thought. Of course, the only thing on my mind was Christina. The memories led to some stiffening, and I frequently felt moisture leaking on my leg.

It was about three in the afternoon. I had just turned and started another pass across the adjoining acre, moving toward the house, when an unfamiliar car pulled into my gravel drive. As I approached, I saw Zoë Maisano's brunette head emerge from the yellow Subaru.

Zoë was a short, petite professor. I wasn't sure how old she was, but my guess would be somewhere around 40. She was single, never married and loved traveling. She was open to all types of exercise. Zoë's brunette hair was almost black which, given her complexion, I would guess was her natural color. She had a slender waist, which accentuated her slim hips. Her breasts were slightly smaller than average. At the college, Zoë was always professionally dressed. Although we were friends, I had not really hung out with her except at the occasional party when Rosalind was still alive.

I rode up to Zoë. She was wearing large sunglasses and a white sleeveless tank top. I thought I detected her nipples through the material. She capped her ensemble with short khaki shorts and some hiking boots.

Although she was short, proportionally Zoë's legs were toned, long, and lean. I pulled up alongside her and cut the engine. She stepped on the cutting deck, leaned over, and gave me a semi-hug; arms around me, head next to head, but no body contact.

"Hey," she said.

"How are you doing Zoë?"

"Oh, good, good. I just finished a nice hike up on the trail."

"You hike by yourself?"


"Is that safe? A lot of creeps around."

"Oh, I can defend myself quite well. I was supposed to go with Chrissy She told you she was filing, right?"

I nodded.

She continued, "It bums me out. We were supposed to go hiking today, but she had to go see her lawyer. She suggested that I ask you to come with me instead. I was almost out the door and I didn't think it would be fair to invite you with no notice."

"Thanks for that."

"Maybe you want to come with me tomorrow."

"I don't think I could keep up with you. I'm not a young man anymore. I'm in decent shape, but not like you."

She laughed. "Don't worry. I'll take it easy on you. How about if I take you out for a training hike. We'll go slow and make frequent stops. No need to be embarrassed. Just you and me."

"And I won't be embarrassed in front of you?"

"Quinn, how long have we known each other?" Zoë and I had started together at the college 10 years ago. "I don't think there is anything that you should ever be embarrassed about with me. You are one of my best friends. That way you can get in better shape and come with us more frequently."

She was a friend, but I wouldn't have put her into the 'best' category. I started to fumble for an excuse.

Zoë reached out and put her hand on my arm, "Quinn, you need to let us take care of you. I'll stop by your house tomorrow at nine and pick you up. Wear some layers and some good walking shoes. Mornings are cool. By afternoon it will be warm, maybe even hot. Bring your sunscreen."

I smiled and said, "Aye aye, ma'am."

"That's a good sailor." She started to leave. "I'll even bring a nice lunch. Anything you are allergic to?"


Zoë said, "No mayo."

She jumped back into the car and started pulling out. "See you tomorrow," she called and waved.

I waved back. It sounded like Chrissy was following through on her promise to get me out seeing people again.

The next morning, I woke earlier than usual and made myself a hearty breakfast of eggs, sausage, toast, and coffee. About quarter to nine, there was a knock at the kitchen door. I looked around the corner and saw Zoë. I waved her in.

"I'm just cleaning up from breakfast. Can I get you anything?"

Zoë came in and said, "Got any coffee?"

Before I could respond, she had moved to the pot. She grabbed a mug from the cupboard and poured a cup.

"Milk is in the fridge and there's sugar on the table."

Walking from the fridge to the table she came up behind me and gave me a hug. I could feel her breasts on my back. I put my hand up to hold her arms in place, savoring the contact; my cock stirred slightly.

Zoë said, "We're going to have a blast. We're going up in the state forest. It's an easy hike, and the late summer wildflowers will be out in the high meadows. I have a nice lunch packed. No mayo."

I gave her a smile, "You're being very kind to an old man."

"Quinn, you are not old. You look like you're in great shape."

"Looks can be deceiving." I finished the frying pan and placed it in the drying rack. "Can I get you anything to eat?"

"No, all set. Good coffee, though. That must be a Navy habit, cleaning up like that."

"That's me. Shipshape and squared away."

"I don't know too many guys who do that."

"You just don't know the right guys. I have some 'to go' cups if you would like to take your coffee with you."

"Yes, please."

I broke out the cups, poured her coffee in, and then handed it back. I poured a cup for myself, then quickly rinsed out our mugs and placed them on the drying rack. "You may want to top that off."

"Good idea," Zoë said as she moved to the pot. "Ready?"

I turned off the coffee machine. "As ready as I will ever be. Let's get going before I change my mind."

To be continued in part 2, Based on a post by Quinn_McMullen for Literotica.