Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Freak: Part 3.

Trouble in Paradise before I take revenge.

Based on a post by Senor Longo. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

 THE FREAK; Part 3 of 5

“What happened to your face, Jack?”

“You did,” I replied with a little chuckle.

“Oh, no! Did I pee on you? I’m so sorry.”

“No; no; it’s not urine. Did you have seven orgasms?”

“I don’t know. I kind of lost track. I don’t know what you did to me, but it was incredible. I came quickly and then I kept on cumming and cumming. I didn’t think it was ever going to stop.”

“Well, every time you came I got flooded. I don’t know what it was, but I’m glad I was able to do it for you.”

She moved up a bit to look me straight in my eyes. “Me, too,” she whispered just before pressing those sweet plump lips into mine once again. I checked out the dashboard clock and pointed at it; 3:26, time to head on home.

Everyone was asleep when we walked through the back door. We turned left so Barbara could take a quick shower. She had left her night gown and robe here in anticipation. I closed the bathroom door and began to turn the couch into my bed when I felt a hand on my arm. Barbara was standing there naked. Damn, but she was a beautiful woman. “Come and join me,” she whispered.

I laughed. “Funny! You have got to be kidding. There is no way that two of us will fit in there. It’s all I can do on my own. Thanks for the offer, though; maybe someday, but not tonight.” I gave her a quick kiss and she returned to the bathroom, a pout on her face. Ten minutes later she came out, kissed me quickly and walked to the living room. I followed so I could turn the stairway lights on for her and off once she was safely upstairs. I showered quickly, mostly to wash my groin and my face, knowing what my parents would think if they saw me covered with Barbara’s juice. It was almost four by the time I crawled under the covers.

We slept in New Year’s Day and I would have stayed in bed after 10:00 had I not been invaded by an eight year-old monster named Carole. “C’mon, J.J., get up so we can play.” Did I mention that she was jumping on my chest at the time?

“What time did you go to bed last night?”

“Mom and Dad let me stay up until 10:00.”

“That’s great! I stayed up until four. Let me see; ten is bigger than four so you must have been up later than me.”

She responded with a scowl. “Even I know that’s not true. You need to get up. Barbara’s already up and dressed. C’mon!”

“Ugh! It’s a good thing that I love you.” I growled and Carole scampered away screaming down the hallway. Thank God I wasn’t a drinker. J didn’t know how I could handle a hangover considering how tired I was. I struggled out of bed to shave, run a comb through my generally unruly short hair, and brush my teeth, dressing in a Harvard sweatshirt, jeans, and slippers. Then I made my bed, turning it back into a couch before yawning my way to the kitchen.

Barbara was there getting a cup of coffee. I wrapped my arm around her waist and she moved up for a quick kiss. That was accompanied by a giggle from the breakfast nook. Knowing that Carole was watching, I moved in for a real kiss. Mom and Dad already knew of my intentions even if Barbara didn’t so I wasn’t worried that they’d say anything. Of course, the giggling was non-stop through the entire kiss. I broke it and jumped into the nook, grabbing Carole and swinging her around while I hugged and kissed her. Her giggling turned to loud laughter which stopped only when Dad complained of an after New Year’s headache. I felt real sympathy, knowing how I felt without one.

Barbara and I had only a light breakfast of pastries and doughnuts from the bakery. I broiled hot dogs for lunch then we retired to the living room for the traditional football games. Barbara sat on the couch where she had been on Christmas and I sat on the floor at her feet. She rubbed my neck and ran her fingers through my hair for most of the afternoon. Around three she moved to the kitchen to help Mom with the dinner. Carole and I helped by setting the table.

We ate dinner as one big and happy family before I walked outside with Barbara to drive her home. Tomorrow was Sunday so I’d see her early for Mass, knowing that we’d spend the entire day and much of the night together. Somehow, my need for seven days of basketball a week had ebbed, replaced by a greater need; a need to love and be loved and to be with that one special person. I let Barbara take the Olds home with her Sunday night so we could spend time together after Tuesday’s game.

January and February are the months when the basketball season kicks into high gear. Every game is a league game and every game counts toward that elusive league championship. Well, it was elusive if you played at a school other than ours over the past four years. There was pressure though; the pressure of being ranked number one; the pressure of having a target on your back every time you stepped onto the court. Despite the pressure we ran the table, winning every game by a wide margin.

I had expected to play against every junk defense in the book; box and one, triangle and two, and every variant that was ever devised. There were two big problems with this approach. The first was that I never cared how many points I scored; doubling me had to leave someone else open and my teammates were all very good players in their own right. Doubling me led to more open layups for them than I could count. The other problem was that the smaller guards couldn’t leap with me and the bigger layers were just too slow. You’re not supposed to be able to drive through a zone, but I drove for layup after layup most games. When I couldn’t score I gladly passed to a cutting teammate. Could I make All-American playing this way? Who cared? All that mattered was that we won.

There are four classes of schools in New York; A, B, C, and D; based on school enrollment. Tuckahoe was in Class D. Our success over the past four years meant that we could go anywhere we wanted to in the tourney to play against any class of opponent. Some of us wanted to go into Class A. Most of our opponents had been in Class B or higher, but I argued for us to stay in Class D. “Let the bigger schools beat each other up. Guys will get hurt. Guys will get tired. We’ll meet the best in the inter-class finals just as we have in the past.”

That was what we did and, sure enough, New Rochelle faltered in the A semis and so did Mount Vernon, another highly ranked school from our area. One of the lesser schools won the A competition and the same thing happened in the Class B finals. We blew the Class C champs out of the gym and the following night we whipped the A Champs. They were exhausted from their game against the B winners. Our starters had only played about half of our game the previous night. I won the center jump, one of the few that were actually contested and scored on our much practiced opening play, rubbing my man off on Eli’s strong broad body for a crashing dunk. We pressed full court and ran at every opportunity. For all purposes, the game was over at the half when we had built a twenty point lead. Instead of relaxing we shifted into overdrive and, once again, the basket looked to be as big as the ocean. I couldn’t and didn’t miss and neither did my teammates. We had our fifth consecutive state championship. Three of us made the all-tournament team; three out of ten. Our win streak was at 129 when the season ended.

Best of all; Barbara was there with me every step of the way, even staying overnight in a room with my sisters during the two finals weekends. She was one of many who stormed the court first when we won the Class D State Championship and, finally, when we won the whole shebang. She was the only one of that horde, however, to greet me with a searing kiss.

It was the last week in March and I had just driven to our favorite parking place after an early night of bowling. Soon the outdoor movies would open and we could look forward to an entire night of making out. So far Barbara and I had done everything sexually other than fucking. I loved her enough that I wasn’t going to push it. We were sitting together holding each other knowing that we had plenty of time for sexual activities later. Barbara broke our kiss and looked up at me, her pleading voice just above a whisper. “Jack, what’s going to happen to us once we graduate?”

“I think we’re going to stay together. We will if I have anything to say about it.”

“But how? You’re going to Harvard and I’m staying here to attend St. Elizabeth Seton. We won’t see each other for months.”

“No; you need to come to Massachusetts with me.”

“How can I do that? Where would I live?”

I could see that Barbara was almost in tears and I would never want that. I leaned down to kiss her then opened my door to get out. “Do me a favor and scoot over here a bit. Please?” I gave her a quick peck and got out, walking around the back of the car and getting back in on the passenger side. My right knee was on the car floor and my left foot was on the asphalt as I reached into the glove box to get a plain brown paper lunch bag. Mom had hundreds of them for Carole and even Marie on occasion.

Taking her hands in mine I began to speak. “Barbara, you know that I dated quite a few girls before you, but I’ve never once told a girl that I loved her, not until this very second. Barbara, I think I fell in love with you even before I caught you in front of St. Catharine’s. I am so totally in love with you that it’s scary. I told you about the flash where I saw you fall, but I never told you about the other flash that day nor about the hundreds I’ve had since then; flashes about our love and life with each other.”

I could see her start to understand and she smiled broadly as I continued. “Barbara, I hate being away from you for even a single night now so I can’t imagine what being away from you for months would be like. Actually, I can; it would be the closest thing to hell for me. What I’m doing here in case you haven’t figured it out yet is asking you to marry me. I promise that I will love and cherish and protect you forever, maybe even longer.”

I reached into the bag to retrieve the small blue velvet box from Harry Winston. Barbara hadn’t said a word, but she did push her finger out to me. There were tears in her eyes as I slipped the ring onto her finger. Once it was on she pulled me to her for the hottest kiss of my life. Then she whispered in my ear. “Jack. I have loved you for so long; as long as I’ve known you. I want more than anything to make love with you. I’ve wanted that for quite a while, too. I want to feel you inside me. I only wish I could feel you spurt into my womb, but that will have to wait; for a while, anyway. Can we get into the back seat?”

After a tight hug and a tender kiss I replied, “I think you deserve a real bed for our first time. You want to drive?”

“No, I want to cuddle up next to you and look at my ring. Was it expensive? I’ll bet it was!” She leaned forward again to kiss me then shooed me out the door. I drove us to Nepperhan Avenue, one of the main drags in Yonkers where I had seen some old fashioned motels; the kind that are a bunch of individual small cabins; on our way to an away game. We were there in less than thirty minutes. I handed Barbara a pocketful of change, telling her, “Why don’t you phone Mrs. Gleason and tell her you’ll be late. Be sure you tell her why; the engagement why not the making love why.” Barbara laughed then hugged and kissed me before slipping into the phone booth. (Remember! This was 1961 when such things were commonplace.) I walked into the motel office to register.

“I’d like to rent a room, please.”

He looked me over closely before responding. “Are you actually old enough?”

“My attorney tells me that one must be eighteen to legally sign a contract so the answer is ‘yes.’ I have my passport in my pocket if you like.” He responded by holding his hand out and I passed it to him. He spent more than a minute checking the photo and my date of birth before returning it to me.

“I suppose the woman outside is your wife.”

“Not yet, but we just became engaged tonight. She wants to make love and I thought her first time should be in a real bed as opposed to my back seat.”

“First time? Yes, I guess I can see why you’d like that to be special. Fifteen bucks and I don’t expect to have any trouble.”

“There won’t be any. I have too much to lose; a full ride to Harvard being at the top of the list.”

“Wow,” he said as he made change and passed me the key to number seven. “You’re a big kid. Ever play any kind of ball?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah; a five year starter in basketball and baseball and a four-year starter in football.”

“I recognize you now. Tuckahoe, right?” I nodded. He laughed as he said, “Nobody is happier than I am that you’re graduating. My son played JV basketball and will be a junior at Gorton next year.”

My smile vanished. “Too bad about Jimmy Albin.” He nodded. Jimmy’s situation was sad. He’d been found dead just after the end of the season, a hypodermic needle jutting from his arm. All of my teammates and I attended his wake and funeral. Barbara was there, too, never leaving my side. I put my smile back on my face as I walked out, but there was no fooling my love.

“What’s wrong, Jack?”

“Nothing really; his son played JV at Gorton. He knew Jimmy.”

She reached up to stroke my cheek. “You tried to warn him, Jack. He didn’t listen. A lot of kids think they know everything. Oh; Mrs. Gleason is thrilled. She didn’t seem to be too surprised.” She took my hand and we walked together to our room. She showed me a handful of condoms from the glove box.

“You trying to kill me before we’re even married?”

‘No, but I like to be prepared.” I smiled; prepared is good. I opened the door and turned on the light. I expected the room to be worn and it was, but it appeared to be clean although it was cold. I found the heater and adjusted the control. I was pleased when the machine responded immediately.

Now that we were here we were both nervous and hesitant. Eventually, we started to giggle and that developed into full laughter. We came together for a long kiss. “Don’t you think you should undress me now,” Barbara whispered. I kissed her again, moving my hands to her tiny buttons while she began to work on mine. My hands are big and powerful, but they weren’t made for this kind of work. She had me practically naked by the time I had half of her buttons opened.

“Here, silly, let me help you.” She pulled the blouse up and over her head, turning around so I could handle her bra. I leaned forward to nuzzle her neck and cup her beautiful breasts in my hands. Barbara reached behind her to lower my slacks and my briefs. Luckily I had worn my loafers so I was able to step out of my shoes. I placed all of the clothes on a chair while Barbara lowered the blanket and sheet. “I think I need to practice some sexy poses for you; something that will help you get turned on.”

“You haven’t needed anything so far. Just one glance at your beautiful face and your incredible body and look at me.” I looked down at my cock which stood at attention, as hard as granite and already leaking pre-cum. I kneeled on the bed and lay next to my goddess to caress and experience her fantastic body from head to toe; her soft smooth skin, her glimmering hair, her perfect conical breasts topped with sensitive and responsive nipples and areolas. I kissed each of those nipples, licking and suckling like an infant. My hand rubbed her labia until she was panting and squirming with desire.

“It’s time, darling. Make love to me. I want it. Damn, I need it.” She pulled a condom from the night table and with practiced precision unrolled it down my shaft as I moved between her legs.

“I know it’s going to hurt at first. Am I going to bleed?” I hesitated a second then jumped up to the bathroom, returning with a thin bath towel. Barbara raised her hips to accommodate me then spread her legs wide. I rubbed myself up and down her slit several times before gently pushing home. I was going slowly for two reasons. First, Barbara was a virgin, unused to having anything anywhere near as thick as my cock in her tunnel. Second, I didn’t want her to hurt any more than necessary. Apparently, she had other ideas as she thrust her hips upward several inches, ripping her hymen in a flash.

She cried out, several tears streaming from her face, but when I looked at her all I could see was her love. I kissed those tears away as Barbara began to smile. She relaxed as I pushed further into her. We began a rhythm, moving together; slowly at first;  Barbara’s legs wrapped tightly around my waist. “Oh, Jack!” She was moaning continuously now. I raised my body up onto my elbows so I could worry her sensitive nipples with my fingers. I could tell from her movements that she was rubbing her clit; her big hard clit loaded with sensitive nerve endings; into my pubic bone.

She was working as hard as I was, driving her hips into me with every thrust. Her face was a mask of love and lust. Her love for me was evident, but just as obvious was her lust; her desire and need to fuck and be fucked; to cum and cum hard.

Our pace increased until we were fucking like animals then; suddenly and without warning; she froze, grabbed me by the hair and pulled me down for a kiss that showed her passion and her love and her lust. Then, just as suddenly, she lost it. Her body shook in three or four directions at once as her powerful orgasm claimed reign over her body. Even my weight wasn’t enough to keep her in the center of the bed. She was just coming down when my orgasm hit. She knew by now what to expect. Six straight times my hips drove forward, a fountain of semen erupting from my hard hot tool. I tried to move off her, but she would hear nothing of it. “Please, Jack; stay where you are. I love having you in me.”

“There’s nothing I’d like more, but, if I do, there’s a good chance that the condom will leak. That would never do.” I kissed her again, a relatively chaste one, and slid off to her side, the condom, loaded with my seed, dangling from my shrinking cock. I trotted to the bathroom to flush it away and wash my organ thoroughly. I knew that Barbara wanted to play and the last thing we needed was for some stray sperm to find its way into the wrong place.

Barbara was grinning like the Cheshire cat when I returned. I lay next to her, kissing her cheek and hair and rubbing her back and ass. “Why the silly grin,” I asked.

“I was just remembering something you said. Remember when you told me that making love was the most fun thing you ever did? I agree completely. It really was the best thing I’ve ever done. Can we do it again?”

“We can, but we’ll need to rest and wait a bit. Men aren’t built like women.” She began to laugh and I joined her. “That’s not what I meant. Women can make love time after time as long as their vaginas are lubricated, but a man has to recover. I think it’s called refractory period. I should be okay to go again in about thirty or forty minutes. Then if you want to do it again it’ll take me a bit longer.”

She “pouted” until she smiled, calling me a spoil sport. I just shrugged my shoulders as I pulled her to me again. We talked about our plans. I wanted us to marry as soon as possible. I also wanted Barbara to accompany me to Cambridge the week after Easter so we could look to rent an apartment or house. I thought that she could apply to local universities for admission in January. She had good grades and there were plenty of universities in the Boston area so I was sure she would be successful. I’d rent two motel rooms for appearance sake, but after tonight there would be no reason to use both. If we could marry at the end of the school year we could move to Massachusetts the following week.

Barbara had been playing with my cock, something she had done often; almost every night we spent down past the apartments and, sure enough, thirty-five minutes later she rolled another condom down my shaft. “Why don’t you take the top this time? I think you’ll like it, maybe even better. You’ll have complete freedom of movement and I’ll be able to play with these babies.” I was already massaging her gorgeous breasts.

“It could be better?” Her tone was incredulous, but she climbed over me to straddle my hips. I took my cock and helped her to line up her cunny with my organ. She had her eyes closed, her face showing total contentment as I stretched her vaginal walls. She began a rocking motion, rubbing her clit into my muscular abdomen. She leaned down for a quick, but hot kiss as I rubbed her breasts and rolled her hard wrinkled nipples with my hands.
Barbara’s clit was big; much bigger than average. When swollen as it was now it was easy to rub it into me. Roughly half protruded from its hood. Barbara obviously enjoyed the freedom this position gave her. I knew that I loved seeing her physically expressing her love for me in such an energetic and enthusiastic way.

We had experienced intense orgasms less than an hour ago so both of us were much slower to cum. I thought it was a blessing to be inside Barbara’s heavenly cunt for such an extended time. Finally, after more than ten minutes a silent scream passed Barbara’s lips as her back arched about thirty degrees, driving her sensitive clit even more firmly into my body. I moved my hands from her breasts to her hips. Only my strength kept her from thrashing around, and possibly off, the bed. Once again, she was coming down; after almost a minute of what the French call “the little death”; as my hips drove her up and my cock exploded into her steaming hot vault.

Barbara was spent so I pulled her down to my body, taking care to let my shrinking organ escape her cunt. I knew there’d be leakage in this position so I wanted it on the sheets instead of in her. I spent the next fifteen minutes covering her face with tiny kisses while my hands rubbed her back and her glorious ass. Checking my watch I saw that the time was 1:17. I tried to rouse her. “C’mon, we need a shower and then I have to get you home.”

The shower was just a tub surrounded by a plastic curtain so we got in together once I had figured out how to work it and the water was warm enough. I washed Barbara with the motel’s tiny bar of soap while she used the other on me. For some reason we decided that was hilarious and we laughed through the entire episode.

I dried Barbara while she did the best she could with her hair then we dressed and I took the key back to the office. I was surprised to find the owner still on the job. On the brief walk Barbara had asked if we could come back tomorrow. That meant that I had two things to discuss. “I’d like to book the room for another night and I think I owe you for a bath towel. I’m sorry, but she bled on it.”

“You sure are an honest young man. Don’t worry about the towel. I’m just glad you had the sense to use one. It’ll be another fifteen for the room. I passed him another twenty and he amended the registration card. I left the office just a few minutes later. The clock on the wall said 1:54.

Barbara snuggled as closely to me as humanly possible for the entire drive home. We were ten minutes into the drive when Barbara looked up at me. “I can’t believe that something so beautiful could be a sin.”

“Welcome to the club. Truthfully, I find that a lot of the things that the Church considers to be sinful are ridiculous. Why do the priests and nuns always make everything so negative? If you don’t attend Mass every Sunday you’ll burn in hell. If you eat meat on Friday you’ll burn in hell. If that’s not bad enough, you don’t even have to commit a sin to burn in hell. All you have to do is think about it.”

“Yeah,” she responded cheerfully, “you’ll burn in hell for impure thoughts, or whatever.”

“On the positive side you have to know that what you’re doing is a sin for it to count. I don’t consider what we did tonight to be wrong, let alone a sin. Here’s something else; I find it hard to believe that someone who leads a good life, obeying the Commandments, won’t get into Heaven unless he’s Catholic. That just doesn’t make sense. I think that a lot of the things we are told exist only so the priests can control the people. Why else use all those scare tactics? Instead why not tell people how great they’ll feel if they attend Mass? I just don’t understand it.”

“Me neither, Jack; I do know this; what we did tonight was NOT WRONG. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced and tomorrow I want to do it again and again.” She reached up to kiss my cheek. I agreed with her completely. Making love with Barbara was the single most amazing thing I could imagine.

I dropped her off a few minutes after 2:30 Saturday morning and, even then, neither of us wanted me to leave. Finally, I whispered, “The sooner I leave the sooner I’ll be able to return. I’ll call you first; right after I tell my family how happy I am.” I leaned down for one more kiss before pushing her through the door. I was bone weary when I fell into bed around 3:00. Barbara had worn me out, something that hadn’t happened in 130 consecutive basketball games. What a woman!

I stumbled into the kitchen around 10:30 Saturday morning. My eyes showed my exhaustion and what my eyes didn’t show, my yawns did. I had just grabbed an apple for my breakfast when Carole plopped herself in my lap. “Why are you so tired, J.J?”

“I was up late celebrating.”

“Oh,” Mom asked as she walked into the kitchen. “What were you celebrating?”

“Yeah, J.J., what were you celebrating?”

I leaned down to hug and kiss my little sister. “I was celebrating you getting a new sister.”

Mom laughed, but Carole asked, “Is Mom having another baby? “ Then I laughed as Mom choked, nearly spilling her coffee all over her shirt.

“No, this time you’re getting an adult sister.”

“I guess you asked her, then.”

“Yes, Mom and she said yes; obviously.”

Mom came over to hug and kiss me, but Carole was still confused until I picked her up to hug her. “I asked Barbara to marry me last night. When she does she’ll be your sister-in-law.” I turned to Mom and explained how Barbara had almost fallen apart last night at the thought that we might break up when we graduated. “I couldn’t sit there and watch her cry, Mom, especially when I already knew that I was going to ask her in another couple of weeks.”

“Well, I’m not going to ask how you celebrated. Just make sure you’re careful.” I shook my head. There was no fooling my mother; dad either. I picked up the phone to dial the Gleason’s number. Mrs. Gleason answered and I spent fifteen minutes listening to her tell me how thrilled she was for both of us. I knew then that I’d sit through at least thirty minutes of the same when I picked Barbara up in half an hour.

I listened politely as the Gleason’s extolled about what we should do with our wedding. I thought that was funny because all four of us knew that they didn’t have any money to spend on it. This wedding was going to be on me. I felt blessed that I could afford the best for Barbara. She deserved it. I stood after being polite for forty-five minutes on the dot, explaining that we had a reservation for lunch and we had to meet with my family, too. They hugged and kissed us and I led Barbara down the stairs.

“Do we really have a reservation for lunch, Jack?”

“Well; .” Barbara grabbed my arm and hugged me as we stepped onto the sidewalk. A few minutes later we pulled into the diner’s parking lot. It was where we had our first real social interaction; not quite a date, but almost. We sat in the same booth, but this time around we ordered club sandwiches, mine with extra mayo, and Cokes. Unlike our first and even our subsequent visits, we sat together; very closely together; so we could touch and hold each other while we waited for our food.

I knew that Barbara was impatient to make love again. To tell the truth, I was impatient, too, but we still had to spend time with my family. She knew and she understood, but, like me, she wasn’t all that happy about it. None the less, we had our smiles in place when I opened the door around 2:00.

My parents were extremely pleased. I knew they loved Barbara and approved of our union. No; not that union; the marriage; the marriage!

There were hugs and kisses all around, but none like those from eight year-old Carole whose hug of Barbara might have killed her had I not intervened. We sat around the living room talking about when the wedding would take place. We already knew the where; St. Catharine’s. We talked about what Barbara would do in regard to her college and where we might try to find housing. That would be my priority when we went to Cambridge next week.

We stayed until four and left after Mom had invited Mr. and Mrs. Gleason to go out to dinner with our family tomorrow. “I think we’ll go to Manero’s. What do you think, Jack?”

“I think that’s great and seeing that it will be Sunday night we can probably have some of their garlic bread, too.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that restaurant,” Barbara told us.

“Not surprising,” I answered. “Manero’s is up in Greenwich; in Connecticut. We had an aunt and uncle; Dad’s sister;  who lived there a few years ago so we used to go there occasionally when we visited. It’s a steak house and a good one, but as much as it’s known for its steak that’s how much it’s known for its garlic bread. You’ll need to try some if only for self-defense.”

“I don’t think you’ll want to kiss J.J., Barbara.”

“Want to bet, Carole? What did I tell you? I kiss your brother whenever I can.” And then she demonstrated as Carole giggled and my parents just laughed. We waved good-bye as I turned around in the driveway.

Barbara was once again snuggled up really close. “I really love your family Jack. The Gleason’s are great people, but I’ve missed out on having brothers and sisters. I’m glad we’re going to have a family.”

“I’m glad we’re going to do all that practicing,” I kidded. She gave me a little elbow to the ribs, but whispered that she agreed. I drove into the motel’s parking lot and a minute later we were alone in the room. It had been made up and cleaned. The bed was turned down and a small bouquet of flowers had been placed on the dresser with a note that said, “Congratulations.” We were both surprised, but pleased.

Barbara once again moved into my arms. “I’m glad it’s early, Jack. We can spend a lot of time kissing and touching while I figure out what I want to do with you. I would have laughed except I knew that Barbara was dead serious. We stood kissing tenderly as we slowly removed each other’s clothes. Once we were naked we moved to the bed. Barbara pushed me onto my back so she could climb onto my torso. I wasn’t huge physically, but thanks to the changes in my brain I had been able to sculpt my body to maximize my strength. As such, I had very little body fat; just enough to promote optimal bodily functions. My legs were long with muscular definition from my crotch to my toes.

Barbara was about to kiss me again, but stopped and turned to look at my feet. She grabbed one foot and brought it up to lie across my other thigh. Then she did something that made me laugh. She held her tiny foot up to mine so our heels touched. My foot dwarfed hers. Turning to face me she said, “I never noticed how big your feet are. What size foot do you have?”

“Fourteen double-E,” I responded. “I need large muscular feet in order to jump so high and to be able to maintain my balance while moving quickly.”

“You have big feet. I wonder if there’s a correlation between the size of your feet and the size of your penis. Could you have made it bigger, too?”

“Yes, I could have made it twelve inches if I wanted, but why? You learned yesterday to rub your clitoris against my abdomen. You wouldn’t be able to do that if my penis; my cock; was that long. That wouldn’t be any good for you. It’s seven and a half inches long and thick enough to get the job done. That’s all that matters.”

“It sure is. I love the way it feels inside me, especially at the beginning when my cunny has to stretch to fit you. I had some doubts initially that you’d be able to get it into me. I should have known better, but I was a virgin. I just didn’t know.”

“I do know one thing; if I don’t get into you soon my cock is going to explode. Maybe we can do it three times tonight; once now, once after dinner, and then later, like eleven or twelve. What do you think?”

“I think I need to get that condom on you.” She reached over my body, tore the packet open, and unrolled the latex sheath; all in a space of only five seconds. Then she positioned herself over me and dropped, impaling herself just a second later. “You know,” she commented as she began to move, “this gives an entirely new meaning to words like impale, spear, pierce, stab, and skewer. I feel like I’ve been skewered on you, but it’s a wonderful feeling; absolutely wonderful. I love it almost as much as I love you.” She leaned forward then to kiss me; a kiss that seemed to go on forever. Then she broke it and got down to serious business, fucking me with incredible determination and strength.

She humped me furiously for more than five minutes before I began to feel tiny tremors running through her body. Those tiny tremors grew bigger and stronger with every thrust until they took over complete control of her body. She thrashed around wildly, moving from one side of the double bed to the other in just seconds. I would have cum earlier had I not been so wiped out, but I did cum eventually even as her tight cunt continued to grip me through her orgasm. She had collapsed onto my chest before my erupting cock ran out of semen.

We lay there together, my arms wrapped around her semi-conscious body, for some time before she began to stir. “Oh, Jack; I can’t wait until we are married so we can do that every day.; every single day. Are there other ways to do it? I want to try them all.”

“Well, there’s doggie; so named because it’s how dogs and all animals have sexual relations; strictly forbidden by the Church as is every position other than missionary which is how we did it the first time. There are others, too. Ever hear of the “Kama Sutra?” She shook her head to tell me “no” so I told her all about India’s imaginative sexual practices.

“How did you learn all about this?”

“Where did I spend most of my time? The public library of course; it is truly amazing what you can learn there. I even read the entire Kinsey Report there one Saturday when I was in eighth grade. Truthfully, some of those positions aren’t very appealing, but we can try as many as you want. We can buy the book after we’re married if you like.” She did like and we made love two more times that evening; doggie the first, which she loved when I reached under her body to caress her breasts, and lying on our sides with her in front of me with her top leg reaching back over my body. It was a slow and gentle mating after our frenzied sex earlier, but she loved it anyway. We finished the night by showering together before taking her home around 1:30.

I was up early to take her to Mass then we went to my house to relax with my family. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason came around three to meet my family and we left at five for the restaurant, roughly forty-five minutes away in Connecticut.

Dinner was great and; yes; we had plenty of garlic bread, but that did nothing to stop Barbara from kissing me. I sent her home early in my Olds; school tomorrow.

Barbara had decided not to make a big deal of her engagement. Her few close friends knew that she had a steady boyfriend; even knew who he was; but she thought a big announcement would be like bragging, something she usually despised. She went to her locker to put her jacket and purse away then selected her books for the morning and walked off to class.

She didn’t quite make it. One of her fellow students noticed the ring and practically screamed. A large crowd gathered around Barbara wanting to know the details. Unfortunately, this happened in front of Sister Mary Patrick, probably the meanest man-hating nun in the school. “What is going on here.” she practically screamed, totally overreacting to the situation.

“Barbara got engaged over the weekend,” one of the girls squealed.

“That’s absurd! Get into class now and get seated. We don’t have time for silly things like that.” The girls moved into the classroom, but when Barbara tried to pass Sister reached out to grab her wrist. She pulled and twisted Barbara to her and as she did she grasped the ring with her other hand, pulling it off of Barbara’s finger.

“This is no engagement ring. It isn’t even gold.”

“No, Sister; it’s platinum.”

“Nonsense. I’m keeping this in my top drawer with the rest of the cheap costume jewelry. Get to your seat. You’ve wasted enough of the class’s time already.” Barbara was near tears as she sat at her desk. She managed to get through the class and the next three, but returned to speak with Sister Mary Patrick before lunch.

“Sister, may I please have my ring back. I promise you that I won’t wear it to school again.”

“Sure; I know your type,” Sister Mary Patrick replied with a voice that dripped sarcasm. “You shake your filthy ass and flash your tits and all the boys go crazy.” She grabbed Barbara strongly by the elbow and pulled her into the classroom. “I remember girls like you from when I was in school. Girls flaunting themselves at boys, acting like tramps and floozies.”

“But; I’m not; .”

“Shut your mouth, slut!” By now she had pulled Barbara in toward the closet and reached inside. A second later her hand reappeared and Barbara felt the first horrible sting. She looked at the nun in disbelief as she whipped the astonished student repeatedly. “You’re a slut! A whore! A slag! A slattern! You’re no better than a woman who sells herself on the street. I know what you’re thinking.” And using her most mocking voice she continued, “I’m going to tell. I’ll tell the principal; Sister Mary Theresa.

“Well; go ahead, whore; I’ve been beating sluts like you for almost twenty years and I’m still here. She knows and she’s done nothing about it. She’ll do nothing about it now either.” She began whipping Barbara’s back anew, but this time Barbara was able to push the older and much heavier nun away.

She ran to the door, crying and bleeding. “You don’t know my fiancée. He’ll eat you alive; Sister Mary Theresa, too.” Then she bolted out the door and down the hall. Stopping only for a moment at her locker she grabbed her purse, left the locker open, and ran to the parking lot. Less than a minute later she was off school grounds, driving as carefully as she could through the veil of tears that poured from her eyes.

Where to go; that was the question. Mrs. Gleason would support the nun even though Barbara had done nothing wrong. She drove instead to Jack’s home, praying his mother would be there.

I had just opened my poetry book to Poe’s classic, “The Raven,” when the public address system blared. “Mrs. Wohl, please send Jack French to the office immediately. His mom is on the phone and there’s some problem at home.” I didn’t have to be told twice. I was out of my seat, leaving my books behind, knowing that one or more of my friends would take care of them for me. I went down the stairs two at a time and less than ten seconds later I stormed into the office. Mrs. Cecil told me to come behind the counter to take the phone. “It’s your mother, Jack.’

“Mom, what the problem?”

“Jack, Barbara’s here. She’s crying and incoherent. Something terrible must have happened at her school. You need to come home. She really needs you, Jack.”

I rung off and dashed out the door, running to the parking lot about a hundred yards away. I was in the Jeep and driving away in less than a minute. That’s when I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I would be doing nobody any favors if I crashed and killed myself. I slowed down, knowing that I’d still be home in ten minutes or less. There was no traffic so I was able to go a few miles above the speed limit. The closer to home I got the faster I drove, my tires squealing when I pulled into the driveway. I ran into the house where I found Mom and Barbara in the living room. She was still crying and shaking terribly. The first thing I noticed was that her engagement ring was missing. “Barbara, honey, what’s wrong,” I asked as I put my arms around her. I was shocked when she grimaced and gasped in obvious pain and my shock was even greater when I saw her blood on my hands. I stood and looked in amazement at her blood-soaked blouse.

Taking her hands into mine I then used my handkerchief to wipe the tears from her face. “Try to calm down, love. Tell me what happened. Mom, can you get her some water, please?”

Barbara took a couple of long drinks then told us in barely coherent sentences that were broken by gasps and heavy panting. “It was; Sister Mary Patrick. Some of the girls; they crowded around me to see my ring then she; she grabbed my hand and ; she twisted it off my; off my finger. My wrist really hurts. I tried to talk; tried just before lunch to; to speak with her, but; but she called me names; whore and slut. She pulled me into; into her classroom and started to beat me. She; she told me she’s been doing; beating girls for; for twenty years.”

“What about the principal?”

“She told me, Jack; she told me the principal knows but hasn’t done anything.” I was livid. Luckily, they were ten miles away and Barbara needed medical help or I would have driven to that school and killed both of them. Instead, I unbuttoned Barbara’s blouse, gasping in shock when I saw the oozing welts on her back. Gently, I replaced the blouse and walked out to the kitchen to phone my lawyer.

Stanley Silverman had been my lawyer for years. He had been instrumental in forming my corporation. That’s right, I was incorporated; my investments were all owned by JJF, Inc. I knew he’d give me good advice. He was on the phone less than a minute after his wife Rebecca had greeted me. I settled my nerves and told him what had happened. “You know where Cross County Hospital is in Yonkers, don’t you?” He continued once I had agreed. “I’m on my way. I’ll have a friend from the Yonkers PD meet you in the E R. His name is Lieutenant Paul Flanagan.”

“You’re getting an Irish Catholic cop for a case against some Catholic nuns?”

“Don’t worry about that. Just take care of your fiancée. I’ll see you soon.” I hung up and helped Barbara to her feet as I explained to my mother what we were doing. I eased Barbara into the passenger seat of the Olds. It was much faster and more comfortable than the Jeep.

Cross County Hospital was just off the Cross County Parkway; thus the name; only about ten minutes from my home with but one traffic light on the trip. I stopped in emergency parking at the ER and helped Barbara in. “What’s the rush, buddy?” It was a security guard who asked.

“My fiancée has been whipped at her school. She needs attention.” I turned her around to show her bloodstained blouse. “Don’t bother calling the police; they’re already on the way.”

Barbara was shown to a screened off area where her blouse was removed while I gave what information I could at the registration desk. Rather typically, they were mostly interested in who was paying. I was there when a tall thin man in a grey suit walked in. “You Jack?”

“Yes, I’m Jack French.”

“Paul Flanagan; where’s your girlfriend? Stan gave me some preliminary info, but I’ll need to speak with her directly. I also have a photographer and a female officer on the way.” I finished the registration process by signing that I would be responsible for any fees then led the detective down the hall. I was sure that he’d seen everything in his years on the force.

Yonkers was a city of more than 70,000 people and there were murders and rapes that occurred almost every day. All the same, he did a double take when we walked in to see her.

Barbara was lying on her chest when Lt. Flanagan told the nurse to keep her blouse and bra for evidence. “Also, I want you to wait a few minutes until a photographer arrives.”

“We have a camera here for cases like this Lieutenant.” She returned with it a few minutes later and had taken three flash photos when the female officer and the police photographer rushed in. Once again several photos were taken. Barbara was asked to sit up, a towel over her breasts for modesty and privacy, so more could be taken from different angles. Then she was allowed to lie down for treatment. Lt. Flanagan asked her about the incident and Barbara, who was much calmer now, told exactly what had occurred from the theft of her ring through her beating.

I was watching Flanagan’s face as Barbara spoke and I was surprised at his reactions. I could see real anger in his eyes. I found out why later on, after Stanley Silverman walked into the area, attracted no doubt by hearing Flanagan’s strong voice. He sat by silently until Flanagan was finished. “How much did the ring cost, Jack?”

“I have the receipt right here in my wallet. I got it from Harry Winston for $2,750 when I bought Barbara’s Christmas presents. It’s insured for that amount.” I showed him the slip of paper. He asked if he could keep it. Then he asked what we wanted to do. I looked at Barbara and saw immediately that she trusted my judgment. “I want these people in prison. Besides that, Stan, I want to sue, especially if we can find out if it’s gone on for years. I realize that nuns have been known to use corporal punishment, but I’ve never heard of anything like this.”

“I have,” Lt. Flanagan stated. “Something similar happened to me when I was a kid, except then it was a priest. I never set foot in a Catholic church again.”

“I’m sorry.” It was the only thing I could think of to say. He spoke to and with Barbara until the doctor called an end to the interview. Lt. Flanagan, Mr. Silverman and I retreated to a small unused office we had been told was set aside just for situations like this. Lt. Flanagan sat at the desk expanding his notes while I asked Mr. Silverman a few questions. “Stan, what is the waiting period on a marriage license?”

“Normally seventy-two hours unless a person can get a waiver.”

“What about blood tests?”

“No, they went out after World War II.”

“How do I get a waiver?”


“I don’t want Barbara going back to that school. If I marry her can she attend school where I live? When I proposed I promised to love, cherish, and protect her. I’ll feel a lot better if she’s where I can help her.”

“Okay, I think I can help you on both fronts. When were you going to get the license?”

“Either this afternoon or tomorrow morning and I was hoping we could get married Thursday morning, why?”

“I’ll put together a writ for a judge I know very well waiving the 72-hour period in favor of 48-hours. At the same time I’ll ask the judge for an order requiring the school district to enroll Barbara.” He took out a small notebook and wrote Barbara’s full name and date of birth, adding my address. “The law says nothing about a married woman or man attending school so long as the residency requirement is met. That hasn’t stopped most school districts from barring married women, though. Schools do all kinds of illegal things until they’re challenged. If I can get a judicial order we’ll have the upper hand.”

“Okay, how about getting a short-term lease at an apartment or house?”

“I can probably help you there, too. You will probably have more success renting using your corporation than doing it yourself. I assume you’ll be taking her to Massachusetts with you?” I nodded and he agreed. “Then we should use the same approach when you go there. Let me know what you plan to do.”

“Fine; next issue; how do we go about suing the school and the archdiocese and how does Barbara press charges against the teacher and the principal?”

Stan was about to answer when Lt. Flanagan interrupted. “You might want to hold off for a bit on that. You ever hear of a Monsignor Moran?”

“You mean that pompous ass who’s the cardinal’s right-hand man? Yeah, I’ve met him. The first thing he ever told me was how he knew everything that happened in the archdiocese and that he was the real power. That was at a dinner last September about donations to refurbish the chapel at Dunwoodie. I made a sizable pledge.”

“Here’s what I’m thinking. Let’s assume that this nun was telling the truth. She’s been beating and whipping girls for the last twenty years. The principal would have to know about it and if she knows then Moran would have to know, too.”

“Damn! That’s conspiracy and that would mean we could make a good case for a class action suit.”

“That’s exactly right, Stan.”

“Mind telling me what you’re talking about?”

“It’s simple, Jack. If someone knows that a crime has been committed or either knows or suspects that a crime is going to be committed, but doesn’t report it to the police that’s called conspiracy. Conspiracy is a Class A felony. Striking a student with a whip or a cane; that’s a flexible stick like rattan or leather or bamboo; could be considered assault with a deadly weapon or, at least, aggravated assault. But, Paul, how do we get the evidence on Moran and the principal?”

“I’ll need a warrant, but with Barbara’s statement and the pictures I don’t think that will be a problem. I can’t send a sworn officer in to speak with them, but I could send Barbara.”

“Absolutely not! That’s never going to happen!”

“Or, I could send you, Jack. As her husband you’ll have a legal right to discuss her situation and to demand the ring back and action against the teacher. There’s another advantage to using you. You’re big and strong. You’re not likely to be intimidated. If you made a pledge with Moran you’ll already have a legitimate reason for speaking with him. You can wear a wire. We’ll have a team nearby taping the conversation. I’ll tell you what to say and how to steer the conversation. When we have the evidence you and Barbara will have to testify before the grand jury. Don’t worry about that. It’s done in secrecy with only the district attorney or his designee asking questions. I think I’d ask for you to go first. That way you can be in the room with her for support. She’ll need it, Jack; all you can give her.”

We spoke then about some of the details, like how many girls had likely been beaten. The teacher had said something about dozens. That would mean that others besides the principal and Monsignor Moran also knew. How many other sisters? How many lay teachers? It would be interesting once the lawsuit was filed. Knowing Stanley Silverman there would be a huge press conference on the courthouse steps. Stan was nothing if not a publicity hound, but he did listen carefully to what Lt. Flanagan said. He knew we would have a much stronger case if criminal charges were filed first; better still if there were convictions. Looking at my watch I saw that more than an hour had passed so I wandered back in to Barbara. She was asleep, lying on her stomach, when the nurse said she was okay to go home. She handed me three preions and gently shook Barbara’s shoulder.

I saw that she was wearing only the hospital gown. While she was rousing herself I went downstairs to the shopping mall. This was the craziest situation I had ever seen; a hospital right in the middle of a major mall.

Once in Macy’s I spent only a few minutes selecting new clothes for Barbara. She dressed in minutes then I found the car and helped her in from the wheelchair to the front seat.

“Where are we going, Jack?”

I knew that we had to talk so I pulled over to the side of the road. “Barbara, we need to make a few adjustments in our timetable.” She began to cry, thinking that I was breaking the engagement in light of what had happened. Just the opposite was true. I gently stroked her cheek as I explained. “I’m so sorry, my love. I didn’t say that well. Tomorrow morning I’d like for us to get our license. Mr. Silverman will get us a waiver so we don’t have to wait seventy-two hours to get married. If you agree we’ll get married Thursday morning at the Eastchester Town Hall. Until then I want you to stay with my family. You can sleep in Carole’s bed. I promised to protect you and that’s what I plan to do. We may have to put off our trip to Cambridge for a day or two. Lt. Flanagan has a job for me.

“I don’t want you to ever go back to that school. Mr. Silverman says you will be allowed to attend school with me.”

“I think it will be a bit difficult living with your family.”

“I agree. You can get a little noisy from time to time.” She smiled for the first time since this mess had transpired and she moved over to kiss me. “That’s why he’s looking for a short-term apartment lease for us. It’ll all work out; you’ll see.” I gave her a quick peck then pulled out onto the highway again.

“I don’t want to sleep in Carole’s bed, Jack. I’m still afraid. I want to sleep with you where I know I’ll be safe.” I wondered how I’d explain that to my parents, but it turned out just fine. I put Barbara to bed wearing one of my tee shirts and a pair of gym shorts that I had tied around her slender waist.

Later I helped her with a bowl of homemade chicken soup for dinner then I took two large suitcases to Mrs. Gleason so I could get most of Barbara’s clothes. She wasn’t happy, not believing that one of her precious nuns would ever harm a student. “I invite you to say that after you’ve seen Barbara’s back, Mrs. Gleason. I think you are a wonderful woman, but when it comes to the Catholic Church you’re deaf, dumb, and blind to the things they sometimes do. Barbara has a badly sprained wrist from when that nun; your ‘good Sister’; twisted it and ripped her engagement ring from her finger and she has at least thirty welts across her back from being whipped. And, for what? Because she asked politely if she could have her ring back? I guarantee this: she will get it back and a whole lot more before I’m done with them.” I got most of Barbara’s things in the Olds before driving home around 9:30. I was glad to see her laugh when I told her I had no idea where we would put all this “stuff.”

We watched TV for about a half hour before I took a shower and prepped for bed. Barbara couldn’t shower for a few days. Her back was covered with bandages and the painkillers she was taking made her woozy. I helped her to the toilet then we climbed into bed with me lying on my back and Barbara’s head on my chest, her leg lightly draped over mine. It had been a long and difficult day. I was surprised at how quickly I fell asleep.

I phoned the school office the following morning to let them know that I’d be late. Mom signed the note I had written even though Mr. Silverman had told me that someone my age could write and sign as an adult. Dad had made us a good hearty breakfast of cream of wheat and orange juice with coffee for Barbara and hot chocolate for the rest of us. My sisters were very sympathetic toward Barbara, but Carole seemed devastated. Barbara looked at me and it was as though we communicated through mental telepathy. I confirmed with a slight nod.

“Jack and I are going to get our marriage license this morning and we’re going to be married Thursday morning in a civil ceremony. We’ll have a formal ceremony later in a church, but we don’t know which one it will be yet. Carole, I’d like you to be my maid of honor. You get to stand fight next to me the whole time. Who’s going to be your best man, Jack?”

“I’ll tell my buddies when I get to school this morning and I’ll ask Eli. He’s my closest friend. If he can’t I guess it will be Dad. We kissed everyone good-bye even though we knew we were too early for the license bureau. Instead we drove around the community checking out the apartments. There were only two in Chester Heights, but we found an additional four in the Village of Tuckahoe that were in the school district. Checking the local newspaper I also found three houses for rent. We thought they might be better because they were furnished. I found a phone booth and called Stanley Silverman’s office. He was already en route to the court, but his wife said he would get back to us later this evening.

Barbara and I were first in line when the office opened. We completed the form and paid the three dollar fee. While there we also checked on how to get married and were advised that a justice of the peace was always on duty from nine to five weekdays. That would suit our purposes perfectly. I dropped Barbara back with my mother, leaving her with a big kiss and drove to school.

It was lunchtime before I had a chance to tell everyone what the emergency was. I was seated at a table with my basketball teammates when I also told them about the wedding. “I’d like all of you to come Thursday morning. We won’t know the actual time until it happens because we might have to wait if there are others ahead of us, but Eli, I’d like you to be best man.”

“I’d be honored, Freak, but someone will have to pick me up. You know I don’t have a car.” I did know that. Eli’s dad ran a gardening/landscaping business and; unlike many of the other Negro families in the area who lived in apartments; he lived in a small house that I had visited many times. The house was always immaculately neat and clean and I knew his parents were strict. Boy, were they strict! One time back in junior high when Eli had cut his hair into a Mohawk, his mother had banished him to the garage until it had grown in again to something she considered presentable. He never did anything that foolish again. I had to agree with his mom. He looked like a fool until he finally had the opportunity to trim his hair to a uniform length.

As happy as they were for my impending wedding that’s how angry they were when they heard about Barbara’s injuries. They couldn’t envision any scenario in which something like that could be considered appropriate. Even in our public school none of us could remember any time when a student had been struck by a teacher; by another student, sure, but not by a teacher.

Before I knew it the day was over and it was time for baseball practice. I phoned Barbara from the phone booth outside the cafeteria and we spoke for a few minutes. She assured me that Mom was taking good care of her. I told her that I loved her and ran out to my car to drive into the village to our field.

Tuckahoe High School had been built in the 1930’s on a plot that was really much too small. Looking at the schools we competed against anyone could see that they had three or four times as much land as we did. I didn’t know why and I probably would never know the reason, but our baseball field belonged to the Village of Tuckahoe and was about three miles away. I skipped the bus because I saved almost an hour by taking my car. Today Eli and Tony joined me. We were in a jovial mood even though they teased me about giving up my freedom. They had met Barbara on several occasions so they knew what I was getting. I was also sure they were thinking about all the sex I was about to get, but they were good friends so they had huge smiles, but said nothing.

I walked in the door at 5:30 that evening to my usual greeting from Carole who always jumped up into my arms for a hug and kiss. That ceremony was a little shorter today because I needed to look after Barbara. I found her in the living room, sitting calmly and reading a book from the library. She looked better and when I touched her back I could see that one of the preions, an ointment that I had rubbed in this morning before replacing her bandages, had done a good job on her welts. Still, the doctor had told us the full healing process was likely to take several weeks, at least.

I know what you’re thinking. Why couldn’t I use some of my special brain power to help her? I would have gladly, but I had never been able to help others that way, not that I hadn’t tried. Two years ago Carole stepped into a big patch of poison ivy near our parents’ bungalow way out in Long Island. I tried everything, but I was totally unable to relieve the stinging, burning, and itching sensations she had. Instead, I rubbed calamine lotion over her legs four times a day for almost a week.

I grabbed a quick shower so I’d be presentable at dinner and after and dealt with my homework in the breakfast nook, finishing at nine. Barbara took a shower that was more a sponge bath as she still had to keep her injured back dry and I helped to dry her then carefully applied the ointment before affixing new bandages to her back. She turned to face me clad only in the gym shorts and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I love you, Jack. You make me feel so safe and secure and it’s nice to see that I have an effect on you, too.” She did; she’d made me as hard as a rock in seconds. “I think I’ll be able to handle that rather big problem you’re having as soon as we get into bed.”

“What about my parents?”

“Oh, Jack; your mom already knows and if she knows so does your dad. She saw how you handled my body last night when you dressed me for bed and put two and two together. We’re going to be married in two days. She asked me if you were taking care of me and I assured her you were; the very best of care; and then we both laughed. I don’t think I can handle missionary yet, but I can take the top if you’ll be careful about touching my back. On the positive side I won’t have to go to confession ever again. Maybe we can check out some churches on Friday.”

“No, by then we’ll be in my parents’ bungalow out in Shoreham. It will do us some good to get away and relax for a few days. I can phone Lt. Flanagan late Friday morning. I think he’ll have some info for us by then.” We brushed our teeth and climbed into the bed. She stripped my pajamas from my body while I helped her out of the shorts. I thought it might be better if she kept the tee shirt on, but she pulled it over her head, telling me she was much more comfortable without it.

She was ready; no, actually she was eager; to make love, to show her love and to take mine freely. She lay on my chest, kissing my neck and my cheeks before her lips found mine. Her passion had never been more ardent. I wanted more than anything to hold her in my embrace, but I knew that would hurt my love terribly. Instead I moved my hands to her hips, massaging the tight globes of her ass as she drove her pubis into mine. Suddenly she stopped, broke the kiss, and lifted her body. I supported her by placing my hands on her shoulders, being careful to keep my fingers on the front of her deliciously sexy body. She spent almost no time running my cock into her slit and slowly easing her way down.

“Hmmm; impale; spear; penetrate; any way you say it, Jack, it’s the best feeling in the world. Push it into me, Jack; all the way. I can’t tell you how much I need it.” She took the tee shirt and jammed the sleeve into her mouth then, hands on my shoulders she began the ride of her life. Her movements were frantic, demonstrating her terrible yearning. This was no slow loving intercourse. It was instead hard animalistic fucking; sex at its rawest level.

She moved herself up and down my cock at an incredible pace; sweat falling from her breasts ; until she threw her head back and growled like a feral beast as her body shook wildly. I was truly concerned for her safety as I was unable to grasp her torso without hurting her. I settled for her hips as I drove up; thrusting my spear deep into her slender body. Only when we were done did I realize that I had failed to use a condom.

“Barbara,” I whispered, “I forgot the condom.”

She leaned down to kiss me. “I think we’ll be fine. My period is due in three days so I’m not terribly concerned. Even if I become pregnant we’ll be married and we’ll be proud and loving parents. Don’t you have any flashes?”

‘No; you know that I can’t control that. Maybe we should throw some clothes on and get to sleep.” Barbara agreed and soon enough we were under the covers and asleep in the same position that we shared last night. Little did I realize that we’d sleep like that virtually every night for the rest of our lives.

Wednesday was just the same except that we had a scrimmage against Mount Vernon after school. Because of that Barbara had driven us to school, returning later so she could follow our bus to the Mount Vernon field which was quite close to our house. I usually play center field when I’m not pitching. Being early in the season each of our three pitchers was scheduled throw three innings. I started the game, relying on my mid-nineties fastball and slider. I threw three innings of one-hit ball while we took a two-run lead behind a double by Eli, single by me and another double by Tony two outs later. I shifted to center in the fourth inning, getting another single as we won by the score of 2-1. I drove back with Barbara, eagerly looking forward to tomorrow’s ceremony. The game had been a good preparation for our opener right after our Easter vacation.

My sisters had a huge discussion at dinner about what they should wear. Dad and I laughed, but Mom silenced us with a look. “This is an important day in our lives and understandably we want to look our best. What are you wearing, Jack?”

“My navy suit, white shirt, and the paisley tie that Barbara gave me for Christmas.”

“So, you’re dressing up as you should. I know that Barbara will also dress up. It isn’t every day that you get married. I know what Barbara is wearing and I think that the two of you will look great. Now leave the girls alone so we can plan what to wear.”

I usually knew when to shut up and this was clearly one of those times. I picked up a pork chop with my fork and when Barbara held out her plate I passed it over to her before being rewarded with a nice, but chaste kiss.

Once my sisters decided what they were going to wear the meal was like so many others we’d had over the years, loaded with animated discussion. Tonight, however, it was all centered on the wedding. My sister Marie told us that she had gone to the pharmacy this afternoon to buy flashbulbs and film for her Kodak Brownie. “I’m going to take a lot of pictures,” she told us with a huge smile.

Suddenly, Barbara had a somber serious expression on her face. “Jack, we don’t have any rings.”

“We don’t need rings to get married, but we do have some. They are a matching set to your solitaire as you’ll see when you get it back. Okay, now?” She smiled again and threw her arms around my neck, kissing me passionately in front of my giggling sisters and smiling parents.

Turning to the sisters on the other side of the table she said, “You’d better get used to seeing that. What did I tell you about kissing Jack, Carole?”

“You kiss him as often as you can.”

“And he deserves it, too. How many boys do you think would rescue their fiancée the way Jack has rescued me? A lot of them would have turned tail and run, leaving me high and dry even though I did nothing wrong. Only crosses are permitted around your neck, but there’s no school rule about wearing rings or bracelets. I’m very lucky to have him and all of you, too.” That was my cue to lean over and kiss my future bride.

Rather than help with the dishes, Barbara, Carole, and I were excused so I could shine the shoes. I did Carole’s and mine and then I got my first glimpse of what Barbara would wear. Her shoes were a silvery color. That was the only way I could describe them. Fortunately she had polish for them. I assumed correctly that it was squirreled away in the box with the shoes. Looking at Barbara I resolved to thank Mrs. Gleason the next time I saw her.

NEXT: My day of revenge.

To be continued, by Senor Longo.