Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Poker: Part 3.

 Pru and I begin our life together .

by senorlongo. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.



When we were in the dorms we were lucky to make love once or twice a week. We had many wonderful memories of room seven. It seemed plenty at the time, but now that we were together and married five times a week seemed insufficient. Pru was anything but prudent when it came to sex with me. We would typically study for several hours each afternoon, leave for dinner, return to study until at least ten then shower and make love before bed.

We’d have to shower again in the morning before leaving for breakfast. I was up at 5:30 every other morning so I could run. I had learned that running gave me more energy and better concentration in class or when studying. Whatever the reason, the Patrick and Prudence team was very effective. Our grades were much better during our sophomore year and even better as juniors. We never tired of pleasing each other and we tried everything; absolutely everything!

Pru took the car one day when I had a class, driving, as she told me later, to a bookstore in Harvard Square. She was plenty mysterious about her errand, but I trusted her and I knew she’d tell me when she was ready. She was ready when I returned to the apartment from a class; she held up her recently purchased copy of the Kama Sutra. I looked at her in disbelief and dismay.

“I want to start on page one and work our way through to the end. According to the woman in the bookstore there are about sixty different positions so I think we can try all of them in about eight to ten weeks; max. What do you think?”

“I think I love you; even if you are crazy. I doubt it will take us even five!” I grabbed her, pulling her into my arms. She squirmed around wildly as we kissed. So, for the next six weeks we took a scenic tour of Indian love-making. There were times I thought I’d need a chiropractor, but mostly we had a lot of fun and we loved each other even more when we were done.

The fraternity and its members had been very good to us; better than we could have imagined; so we found a way to pay pack. There was always an open house on graduation day, but, other than the graduates, most of the brothers had already returned home. Pru and I volunteered to assist; we only lived three miles away. At Pru’s insistence I was outside to greet the parents while she helped out in the dining room. Thus, I was on the sidewalk after our junior year when a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce rolled to a stop. A nattily dressed gentleman in a navy pin-striped suit stepped out, walking my way.

“Good morning, sir. Welcome to Delta Upsilon. How may I help you?”

“Good morning. I’m looking for Patrick Hayden. I was told he’d be here.”

“Well, you’ve found him; I’m Patrick Hayden.”

He held out his hand. “I’m Gerald Laird.”

“Oh.” It was Martin’s father.

“Please; don’t be concerned. I’m not angry or upset. I’m very well pleased with the things you’ve done to my son. I’m sure you’re surprised. Oh, is this your wife?”

Pru had walked up behind me. I turned and took her hand. “Yes, sir; this is Prudence. Pru, this is Mr. Laird; Martin’s father.”


“I’ve gotten that reaction a lot; unfortunately. His mother spoiled him rotten and our divorce hasn’t helped at all. I was never allowed to discipline him. She handled everything that happened at home, but that’s changing now. He’s coming to work for me and he thinks he’ll be a vice president. That’s just what I need; an obnoxious vice president who’s abusive and turns people off. We’re playing poker tonight. If he wins he gets that job. If I win he’ll start at the bottom, and I do mean bottom. Even the janitors will be above him.

“I understand that you’ve beaten him for thousands. Any idea how much?”

“Actually, I do, the side bets, anyway; more than a hundred thousand over the past three years. His bets became more and more idiotic over the past year until I refused to accept them back in March. I must admit; I always knew I had him beat before accepting his challenge. I figured he deserved it for the insults he hurled at me and when he insulted Pru that was the final straw.”

“I can hardly blame you for that. I’m told you clobbered the crap out of him in the boxing competition. I’m not upset about that, either. You’re the only person to stand up to him his entire life.”

“I’m not entirely proud of that, although I told Martin to stay down several times my freshmen year. He ignored me. He has a lot of guts, but even more stupidity; oh, sorry.”

“Don’t be; you’ve described my son perfectly and I’m sure I would have done a lot worse if he had insulted my wife. Well, I would if my wife looked like yours. Now; you said you knew you had him beat. How?”

I couldn’t resist a chuckle. “I have to go back to the beginning; the second week we played in my freshman year. I was extremely conservative. I still am, but the others, including Martin play every hand.”

“That’s stupid.”

“I agree, but I noticed something when Martin drew his card; his left eyebrow twitched. When he won the hand I thought I might be on to something. I kept a close eye on him every hand after that. I could usually tell from what he drew or the exposed cards what he had. I admit to suckering him with the first side bet. After that all he could think of was getting even, but he never did.” Mr. Laird was laughing hysterically before I even finished.

“That’s priceless. Only an ego like Martin’s would fall for something so simple and so obvious. Actually, it’s not quite priceless.” He reached inside his suit, pulling a white envelope from his pocket. He handed it to me. “I’d like you to have this. Use it for school expenses or even to take your lovely wife on a vacation.”

I opened the envelope; there was a check for $25,000 inside. “I can’t accept this, sir.”

“Sure you can; you sold me a valuable piece of information. It’s worth that and more. Please; please accept it. You certainly earned it and more dealing with Martin for the past three years.”

I was pensive when I put the check into my pocket. “Mr. Laird, mind telling me how you learned all this? I’m sure Martin didn’t tell you.”

“You’re right. Martin would never mention being bested by someone he considers an inferior which in his mind is the entire world. No, I learned all this from Jeff; Jeff Spencer. You might find it hard to believe this, but the Spencers are neighbors. If anything, George Spencer earns much more than I do. We’re competitors in several industries. However, there were consequences for Jeff’s actions while there were none for Martin; not until now. I have to go now, but I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed talking with you; and you, too, Mrs. Hayden. Best of luck, although I doubt you’ll need much.” He handed me his business card. “Just in case you do.” We shook hands and he was gone. Pru and I were dumbstruck.

“I can’t believe that just happened.”

“Me neither, Pru, but he did have a good idea. I never did take you on a honeymoon.”

“That’s not important.”

“Are you telling me you wouldn’t enjoy making love in some romantic tropical isle?”

“No, but that’s cheating. I’d enjoy making love to you at the South Pole. It’s something to think about. C’mon, back to work. Here come some parents.” We visited her folks that afternoon and told them about our discussion with Martin’s father.

“It sounds to me as though he has his head on right. Raising any child without logical consequences is a roadmap to disaster.”

“He made a suggestion about the money he gave me.”

“What money, Patrick?”

“He gave Patrick a check for $25,000, Daddy. He suggested we take a vacation.” I interrupted to explain the entire conversation. My father-in-law commented that I should have held out for more.

“Why? Martin has graduated so the information is no longer of value. He could have had it for nothing, but I was interested in his suggestion. Pru’s boyfriend won’t be out of school for another month so; ”

“Patrick!” I knew I was in trouble now. “Stop picking on Michael; it’s not nice. He’s twelve now; it’s an awkward age. He’ll probably forget about me any day now.”

I laughed. “Not a chance. It’s a good thing I got you first, or; .” She swatted my arm, but kissed me. We talked about vacations her parents had taken; what they liked and what they didn’t. We talked some more back at the apartment the following day. We thought about Los Angeles; Disneyland; rejecting it because of the crowds. There’s nothing romantic about being in the middle of 25,000 people. Pru was an aspiring scientist. She had great analytical skills. I sat back while she ran through the pros and cons of virtually every suggested destination. In the end there was only one we completely agreed on; Bermuda. We contacted a travel agent the following day and left four days later.


This was the first time either of us had flown any distance. I was surprised at how comfortable the seats were with plenty of room to stretch out and the food and service were excellent. Had I not been totally in love with Pru I would have enjoyed checking out some hot stewardess ass. We flew from Boston’s Logan Airport to New York’s Kennedy and from there to Bermuda. Our first flight was on a propeller plane, but we flew a Boeing 707 to the former British colony. As we flew I realized that we’d never seen each other in bathing suits. Naked, yes; obviously; but a bathing suit, never.

It was quite a long taxi ride from the airport to our hotel on the eastern side of the island. The Elbow Beach Hotel was an old one, but it was in remarkable condition and had every possible amenity. Our room was really a mini-suite with king-sized bed and a beautiful view of the ocean and the surrounding reef. All our meals were included so we took our breakfasts in our sitting room, spreading the plates, glasses, and cups across the coffee table.

My first look at Pru in a bikini was shocking. The bra wasn’t much more than two tiny triangles of yellow polka dotted cloth. The bottom was extremely brief, barely covering her pubic hair and the crack of her ass. “You’re not going to wear that in public, are you?”

“Why? Doesn’t it look good? If you had to go through a waxing like I did; .”

“That’s the problem; it looks too good. Damn, you look good enough to eat. What’s a waxing?”

“You can do that later and I’ll have an appetite for you, too. Don’t worry. I only have eyes for you and the rest of me is all yours, too.” I grimaced as she described what was involved in waxing her pubic hair; I swear, the things women go through! I took her hand, grabbed our bag and we were off to the beach. Growing up in Dutchess County all of my swimming was done either in lakes or public pools. I’d never been in the ocean. Pru grew up in a coastal town. The shoreline was too rocky there to swim, but her family had often gone to Cape Cod in the summer. Fortunately, the offshore reef kept the water relatively calm and extremely clear. We rented snorkel gear; it was fascinating seeing all the colorful fish. We even saw a squid hovering near a mooring buoy. It fled when we approached, but returned immediately once we had gone.

We were back in our room when Pru reminded me of my earlier comment. “Do you still think I’m good enough to eat?”

“Absolutely; before or after our shower?”

“During, I think and then I’ll take care of you.” She stripped out of her suit, obviously taking only seconds to remove the tiny garment. Once done she pulled my trunks from my body and led me by my hard cock to the shower. I turned on the water as she leaned against the wall. Kneeling brought me to the right level; mouth-to-cunt. I led with my tongue, licking the residual ocean salt from her skin. Pru spread her legs in encouragement; I dove in. I loved eating her. Oral sex wasn’t all that popular with our generation, but it was with us. We loved to lick and suck each other to orgasm after orgasm. Rubbing her labia with my raspy tongue made them red and swollen. Pru groaned; her legs grew weak. I had to help her stand as my tongue found her tight hot tunnel. I loved this part. Not only did she taste great, but rubbing her this way always drove her crazy. When I moved up to suck on her clit; my knowledge of the female anatomy had increased exponentially over the past three years; she collapsed, sliding down the wall into the tub. I held her tightly while she recovered.

“I think I should have worn that bikini sooner. That was incredible; unbelievable; wonderful. I love you, Pat.”

“I’m glad. Can you sit up now? Are you okay?”

“I will be in another minute and I can’t wait to get that beautiful cock in my mouth.” It was only a short time later that Pru started to lick me. She washed my balls before running her tongue up the sensitive underside of my cock and around my helmet. I was excited even before her tongue found my organ. Eating Pru always did it to me. Today the touch of her tongue was enough. I came; hard; covering my wife’s face and hair with my ejaculate. I was horrified, but Pru laughed as she wiped it over her face. I pulled her up with me as we finally washed each other before dressing for dinner. Was there any wonder why I loved this woman?

We were both 21 now so we could legally drink. We’d had a few beers at DU parties, but we weren’t prepared for the nightly rum punch parties at the hotel. Those things could really sneak up on you. More than one night I had to practically carry my wife up to our room. Technically they were for honeymooners. I had wondered why our travel agent had given us a honeymooners’ package. Now I knew; so we lied a little; big deal!

As much as I hate shopping one of the highlights of the trip was shopping in downtown Hamilton, the main city and shopping center of Bermuda. We walked along Front Street checking out the cruise ships and all the shops, buying English woolens; sweaters and skirts, caps and scarves for ourselves, but also for all our family members, too. We bought an expensive 700 ml. bottle of Knappogue Castle Single Malt for each of our fathers. As amateurs our palates were a lot less demanding. We bought gin, scotch, rum, and brandy; all well-known brands. We weren’t much for drinking, but we had entertained in the past. Being under age we couldn’t offer our guests anything other than Coke or ginger ale.

We brought back so much that we had to pay duty once we were back in the U.S. We still made out like bandits. Two weeks later we drove to see my family. As usual, I received my hugs and kisses then stood and watched them swarm around Pru. I didn’t feel bad; I was thrilled that they had accepted her as one of us. Pru distributed the gifts and received the thanks. Everyone knew too well how much I hated to shop.

Later that night, after the dinner dishes were done, I found Michael sitting alone and glum in the back yard. I sat next to him in the damp grass. “What’s the problem, Michael?”

“Oh; nothing.”

“You know, one thing I’ve learned is that when a person says ‘nothing’ he really means ‘something,’ but just doesn’t want to talk about it. So, I repeat; what’s the problem?”

He sighed, “I was just wondering if I’ll ever be able to find someone like Pru. You’re so lucky.”

“I know I am, but it was Pru who did the finding. She found me at the Freshman Mixer. I had absolutely no experience with girls. Can you believe; I was a college freshman and I was still a virgin.”

“You’re kidding!”

“No, I’m not. Pru found me and helped make me what I am today, but; if you were to ask her what makes her special she’d say; .”

Pru found us sitting alone out back. “What’s up, Pat?”

“Michael was just sitting here and wondering if he’d ever find someone like you.”

Pru sat next to him, draping her arm over his shoulder. “Of course you will. There are plenty of girls who would appreciate and love someone like you.”

“Pru, what makes you so special?”

“Me; special? I’m not special, Michael. If I had to pick anything I’d say my love for your brother, but I’m really not so special.”

Michael laughed. “Paddy told me you’d say that. I guess that’s exactly what does make you special. Thanks, Pru.” She leaned over and hugged him, smiling as she looked at me. I smiled back. We went back into the house; back to my family a few minutes later.

We loved visiting, but it was restrictive so far as our sex life was concerned. There were so many of us that the rooms were small and one could hear talking through the walls easily. A squeaking bed or Pru’s almost constant groaning would be dead giveaways. We were married, but that didn’t mean we wanted everyone to know what we were doing. We had a great visit, but we couldn’t wait to get back to our apartment where we had the freedom to make love daily and as noisily as we wished.


Our senior year began before we knew it. I won the cross-country race again for the fourth consecutive time and had played poker with my friends since the school term had begun. I still won every time; a lot less now that Martin and his side-bets were gone. I wondered how the poker with his father had been.
Both Pru and I wanted to go to graduate school, but it would be something we’d pay for ourselves. My parents now had Sean in college and Katherine ready to go next year. Enough was enough; I couldn’t expect them to pay for anything else. The rest was up to us. I had won roughly $100,000 from Martin. Pru and I decided during our sophomore year that we should pay taxes on the money. I wanted to be an attorney. The last thing I needed was a tax evasion charge when I was job hunting. I spread it out over four years to minimize the impact. We had just over $30,000 left to get us through the next three years. It would be close; tuition in grad school was almost double what we’d been paying as undergrads.

Working with Pru had helped me immensely. My cumulative GPA was almost 3.5 out of four while hers was even higher; 3.75. How a chemistry major could score so well always amazed me, but then Pru amazed me almost every day.

Pru took the Graduate Record Exam the same day I took the Law School Admission Test. We were anxiously awaiting our results when I received an important phone call. “Mr. Hayden, this is Mrs. Golden from Dean Schmidt’s office. The Dean would like to know if you can meet with him Monday afternoon at two. Please bring Mrs. Hayden with you.” I knew that a request to meet with the Dean was practically a command performance. We were free Monday afternoons so I agreed, telling Pru when she returned from class.

We arrived a few minutes early and were shown directly into the Dean’s office. “Ah, Mr. Hayden; Patrick; so nice to meet you and this must be your wife, Prudence. I’d like you to meet Dean Mitchell from our law school and Dean Smithwick of our graduate school. We’ve been watching the two of you for quite a while. Prudence, you’ve met our expectations. We thought you’d be an outstanding student and you are. Patrick, we thought you’d be a marginal student so you’ve obviously exceeded our expectations.”

“Thank you, sir, but you should congratulate Pru; Prudence. She’s the reason for my success.”

“I suspect she’s partially responsible, but we all know one can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear. You had the ability, but you had to learn to tap it. I’ll turn the meeting over to Dean Mitchell now.”

“Thank you, John. I’ve seen your application, Patrick. It is most impressive, not only your academics, but especially your intramural participation. I don’t think I’d enjoy stepping into the ring with you or racing you, for that matter. I want you to know you will be accepted here. Prudence, Dean Smithwick assures me that you will be accepted, too. Have you given any thought to how you’ll pay for graduate school?

“We have some money left over from a poker game I’ve played in. Maybe we can get some aid or I can get a part-time job. We haven’t given it much thought yet.”

“We have, Patrick. In fact, we have it solved for you.” He hesitated for a few seconds before calling, “You can come in now.” The door to what I assumed was the lavatory opened. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Hi, Pat,” I must have looked like a deer in the headlights. It was Martin, dressed in an expensive business suit. He extended his hand, something he had refused to do when we were playing poker or in the ring. I responded from instinct more than anything else. “You must be Prudence. I know I owe you an apology, too. My dad kicked my ass at poker last graduation night. When he told me how I was angry as hell then I realized what an idiot I’d been. He has me working in the mailroom and I’ve learned a lot. I always thought these workers were drones, but I understand now that they’re real people with real problems and real dreams. Even more importantly, I like them.

“I’m here on behalf of my dad. He wants to cover your grad school expenses. He feels he owes you and, to be honest, so do I. The university has been directed to forward your tuition bills to his office. He’ll also give each of you $1,000 a semester for textbooks and incidentals. If you decide to attend summer session just let the Dean know. Dad will cover that, too. He’ll also send you a check every month for living expenses. He’d like to invite you to dinner on Saturday. I hope you’ll agree. You can review your needs then.” We thanked the Deans, shook hands and walked out with Martin.

“My dad had his doubts about me, especially after you drubbed me in the ring. I should have listened to you and stayed on the canvas, but I thought I knew everything then.” We made arrangements to meet for dinner and, as expected, it was a fabulously expensive restaurant. I was glad I had worn a suit. We met outside the front door at eight sharp. A few handshakes later we walked in for the dining experience of our lives. We were hesitant to order anything terribly expensive; the salads were $8.95 (a fortune in the late ‘60’s);  until Martin reassured us, “Please order anything you like. We consider this a business dinner so it will be deductible and even if it wasn’t it’s still a celebration.” We talked business between courses. Mr. Laird agreed to give us $2,000 a month for living expenses. It was much more than we needed, but he insisted.

We said our good-byes to Mr. Laird and his girlfriend, walking to our car with Martin. “It’s been nice to see you again, Pat. I’m sure you’re surprised to hear that, but I did like you when we were playing poker together. The problem was my ego. I thought I was better than everyone else and I refused to even think that someone could be my equal let alone my better. You obviously fell into the latter category.”

He held out his hand and I shook it willingly. “From what I’ve read and heard one of the reasons people go to college is to find themselves; I’m glad you finally did.” I finished the handshake and Pru gave him a hug. He’d actually become a decent guy, one I could even learn to like. We drove back to the apartment, walking hand in hand as had become our habit long ago.

We were bloated from having eaten too much of the rich French food. I knew we should phone our parents, but it was too late. It would have to wait until tomorrow. I sat on the bed watching Pru undress. She began to laugh. “Instead of watching, how about helping? Then I’ll have a good reason for rewarding you.”

I rose, kicking off my shoes en route. “I’m always up for one of your rewards. I think I’d do anything for you.” I slowly unzipped her dress, stopping to kiss her back almost every inch, even when it reached her ass. Pru had the sweetest ass I’d ever seen. Okay, hers was the only ass I’d ever really seen other than my brothers and sisters when they were infants, but I had a vivid imagination. Even then it was the best I could imagine. I hung the dress away in the closet before removing her bra. I leaned down to suckle. Pru’s breasts were small. Truthfully, I’d never seen the appeal in fat flabby breasts. Pru’s would likely be firm her entire life. Kneeling I removed her stockings and her panties, kissing her prominent mound and smelling the beginnings of her arousal. My tongue flicked, gaining entry to her core.

Pru pulled me up. “My turn now.” She loosened my tie and unbuttoned my shirt. My tee was pulled over my head. Seconds later my pants fell to the floor. I had just stepped out of them when my briefs fell. “C’mon, handsome; let’s get a shower. Then I’ll need a good fucking.” That’s exactly what happened. Pru was like a wild cat; not a lion or tiger; she was a leopard that slinked through the night. She placed me onto the bed then crawled all over my body. She never touched my cock; she didn’t have to; her touch was driving me crazy. I could take no more. I grabbed her and flipped her over. My rock-hard cock arrived in a single thrust. Pru gripped my head, pulling me into a savage kiss while I ravaged her body. I felt Pru gasp as her orgasm claimed her body. I pumped into her furiously as her body shook in one long convulsion after another. It continued for more than ten seconds until I joined her in Nirvana. My cock erupted again and again until it, and I, were completely drained. I collapsed onto Pru’s chest.

I had long ago stopped worrying about hurting Pru during or after sex. She may have been slender, but she was strong; the result of many years of gymnastics as a young girl and yoga which she practiced almost every day. “I think I could fall asleep here; right on top of you.”

“I doubt it. I’d have you hard and fucking me all night. That was incredible, Pat. How’d you know I needed to be taken?”

“I didn’t, but I’m glad. It seemed to be the perfect ending to an incredible day. In fact, this has been an incredible week. I never thought Martin would turn out like this. He’s actually likeable. Too bad it came so late. I’m sure his college experience would have been a lot more pleasant if he’d woken up sooner.” I would have continued, but I could feel that Pru was already asleep. I crawled off her and covered her with an extra blanket from the closet. I was asleep in seconds.

Our final semester as undergraduates flew by so quickly. It seemed as though I blinked and it was over. One minute we were celebrating Christmas with my family and the next we were dressed in caps and gowns in the graduation processional. I would graduate Cum Laude; with honor. Pru was Magna Cum Laude; with high honor. We agreed we would take our diplomas together, hand in hand, so when I was announced; Patrick Joseph Hayden; I accepted and waited for Prudence Elizabeth Hayden. We kissed briefly in front of the thousands of guests and retreated to our seats.

We took the summer off, using some of our reserve funds for a trip to New York City. We braved the crowds during the day and made sweet love at night. Our studies began in earnest in September. Pru graduated with a PhD in chemistry two years later. Once again she was Magna Cum Laude. She was hired at an attractive salary by Laird Industries in their research department.


As usual, we spent Christmas with my family. Pru called for a family meeting on Christmas Eve. She spoke from the center of the floor one everyone was seated. “Pat and I want you all to know that I’m pregnant.” Of course the meeting was delayed for more than fifteen minutes while we were congratulated. She continued once order was restored. “Sean, would you like to be godfather?”

“I’d love to; thanks.”

“Katherine, would you like to be godmother?”

“Oh, yes, Pru. Thank you.”

We could see the disappointment in the faces of Michael and Siobhan so Pru continued. “Michael, would you like to be godfather?”

“But; you already asked Sean.”

“Would you?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Siobhan, would you like to be godmother?”

“Yes, but; .”

“What would Pat and I do with two sets of godparents?”

I could see the light in Sean’s eyes. My finger to my lips silenced him. Then it dawned on Michael and Siobhan. They spoke with one voice, “Two babies. You’re having twins!” Pandemonium reigned again in the Hayden household, this time lasting for almost an hour. We were hugged and kissed and then hugged and kissed again and again. My father broke out the single malt Irish whiskey we’d bought him from Bermuda for several toasts. What a Christmas present!

We returned home a day later so Pru could return to her laboratory and I could return to my studies. I was only back in school for a week when I received a caller. Hearing the doorbell was a rare event. I was curious when I opened the door. “Oh, hi, Mr. Laird, c’mon in. Sorry there’s a mess, but with Pru working and all the studying I’ve been doing ; .”

“Don’t worry about it Patrick and I think you should call me Gerald.” He extended his hand and I took it before leading him to a chair. “Obviously, I have a reason for coming. I want you to know that Prudence is doing a wonderful job for us. Her research has created a new durable plastic we’ll patent and make millions from. I’m also thrilled for both of you; becoming parents; but I for one will be sorry to see her leave. I enjoy having a Hayden on payroll and that brings me to the point of my visit. What kind of law do you plan on practicing?”

“I was thinking about corporate law, sir; uh, Gerald. May I ask why you’re interested?”

“Laird Industries includes fifteen divisions; chemicals, plastics, steel, those you already know about. However, I’m also into finance, real estate, and investments. My in-house counsel needs help so, of course, I thought of you. You’d be his assistant for five years. That’s when he plans to retire. Then you can hire your own assistant. You should know; you’ll report to Martin. He’s a different person now and I credit much of that to you; the beatings you gave him in the ring and at the poker table. I’ll pay you well; $50,000 to start. I know you’ll need money for when Prudence is home with the children. My God, having twins is just amazing. You’re going to need a bigger place; I can help you with that, too. So, shall I welcome you aboard?”

“Why not? Knowing that I’ll have a job will help us a lot, and the salary is more than I could have hoped for.”

“Don’t worry; you’ll work hard and long hours, too. I believe in getting my money’s worth. Fortunately, I already know what a hard worker you are.” He rose from the chair, shook my hand again, and left. I couldn’t wait to tell Pru when she returned from work.

She walked in around 5:30. “Let’s go to bed. We’re celebrating.”

“What, not that I need much incentive to be in bed with you.”

“I got a job today; a good one. Gerald Laird offered me a job in his legal department; $50,000.”

“You’re kidding! Well, I have news, too. I got a bonus; $50,000; for my new plastic. It’s as strong as steel and much lighter.” We hugged then I picked her up and carried her bodily into the bedroom. She was laughing and kicking her feet when I gently dropped her. Sitting up, she literally ripped the clothes from my body. Buttons flew everywhere; my shirt sleeves soon followed. I was glad it was an old shirt that was about to become our newest rag. I climbed onto the bed once she had disposed of my jeans and briefs. My cock sprung forth, hard and ready for use. Pru had her clothes off only a second later. Gripping my shoulders, she flipped me over, landing me on my back. She took position between my legs. She looked like a predator with me as her prey. I loved her like this and she knew it.

My pulsing cock was covered by her tongue as she laved my organ, coating it with her saliva. She leapt forward, spearing herself in a single motion. Head back and back arched, she groaned from the ecstasy; the rapture; she was feeling. Pru spread her legs wide, baring her clit, as she rubbed it furiously into my abdomen. I reached up and mauled her tits, rubbing and pinching her tender tissues as she went wild on my cock.
Nobody, not even us, could fuck at the pace Pru had set for very long. It was over too soon for both of us. We lay together exhausted and covered in a sheet of sweat once we were done. Finally, she raised her head. “Dinner?”

“Pizza or subs okay with you? I’m too beat to actually cook.” Once we were in grad school our opportunities to dine at Delta Upsilon evaporated. Their kitchen was for undergrads only. We learned to cook; barely; over the ensuing months. It was a process that saw many roasts burned to inedibility before we began to get it right. Many nights, however, we either ate out or brought in.

“Tell you what; I’ll get the pizza. I think you should call your family and give them your good news; and mine, too. Phone my folks and wheedle an invitation for dinner on Saturday.” She kissed me and hopped out of the bed to the bathroom, her pussy leaking semen as she went. I followed her thinking about a quick shower. “Let’s do that later; after dinner then I’ll want to be on the receiving end.”

“Pru; you are incredible. I don’t know what I’d ever do without you.” I gave her a quick kiss as I wiped my cock with a wash cloth. I rinsed it and handed it to her. She wedged it into her crotch to stem the flow of semen from her body. I kissed her abdomen, something that had become a habit since we had learned of her pregnancy. Kissing Pru anywhere was always a pleasure.

Our parents were thrilled for me; for us. I didn’t even have to ask my in-laws for a free dinner. They offered willingly to take us into Boston for a celebration.
Pru worked right up until her ninth month. She and our complete families were present for my graduation from law school, the highlight of which had nothing to do with my graduating. We were in the apartment when Michael walked in with a girl. She was almost at tall as he was and she was slender. “Pat, Pru this is Beth.” We greeted her warmly, of course. Later we learned Michael’s modus operandi when it came to girls. After getting to know a girl he always asked the same question; what makes you special? He was looking for and had found his Pru. We were thrilled for him.

Pru gave birth a month later. I think I was even more nervous than she was. Luckily, she felt her first contractions on a Saturday morning when I was home. I drove her to the hospital immediately, hoping that it wasn’t a false labor; praying I wouldn’t be stopped by a cop. It wasn’t and I wasn’t. Pru’s doctor examined her, telling us it would be about ten hours. I phoned our families and gave them updates until it was almost time. Then all my attention was for Pru. I held her hand and wiped her face, giving her sips of water or tiny chips of ice when she needed some, almost crying when I saw how hard she was working; how difficult the births were. When it was done I was relieved; we had two beautiful and healthy girls; Alanna and Brianna. I kissed Pru over and over, telling her how much I loved her. She smiled; her beautiful smile; and told me that she loved me. I couldn’t possibly be happier.

We began our house search right after my graduation; once Pru had stopped working and before I had begun. We found one we thought we could afford on a quiet street. It had three bedrooms and one and a half baths. I liked the full basement, thinking I might set up an office there. We were surprised when Gerald Laird suggested a different house. It was bigger, in a better neighborhood, and with a better school district. I didn’t think we could afford it until he offered us a 15-year zero percent mortgage to cover the entire $43,000 price. We eagerly accepted his generous offer.

I learned early on why Gerald had offered me such a high salary. My immediate superior was a lush. He came into the office after ten and left around 11:30 for a long three-martini (or more) lunch. Most afternoons he was too smashed to do any actual work. When Martin came in to check on me at the end of the week I closed my office door for a frank discussion. “Is your father aware of what’s going on here? Stephen is lucky to do three hours’ work a day. He’s a drunk. He’s going to kill himself one of these days. We need to talk with your dad. Oh yeah, I need a set of law books for my office. His office is locked whenever he’s out. I’m wasting hours every day trying to find stuff.”

He took me to speak with Gerald. “Of course, I know about Steve. He’s an old and dear friend.”

“Well, I think he should be in some kind of treatment. He’s hardly ever sober. You should see him stagger in from lunch. You didn’t want a two-person legal team, Gerald; you wanted one! What you have now is about one and a quarter; at best!”

“That’s true. I think that Marge has been doing all the work down there for months. Okay, I’m promoting you. You’re running the department. I’ll give you a $20,000 raise and more when you pass the Bar. Don’t worry about Stephen; I’ll deal with him.”

The following week I was giving him orders even though he earned three times what I did. I worked many hours, usually twelve or more a day doing the work of two. He disappeared two weeks later without notice. I prayed he wasn’t dead in some alley. I studied tirelessly for the Massachusetts Bar when at home. I was greatly relieved when I passed it on my first attempt.

I had everything under control after six months. I continued to work long hours so I could devote the weekends to Pru and my girls. I got several good raises over the next two years and I thought everything was great. Pru was talking about having another baby; I thought that was a great idea, too. Then everything fell apart.

Chapter 11.

Other than having a 28 year-old girlfriend Gerald Laird was a very conservative person. He refused to fly, thinking it too dangerous. I’d heard him say many times, “Who survives a plane crash? Nobody! I’ll stick to the ground.” Instead, he took the train, renting a limo at the other end when needed. He was in a sleeper car when the train derailed. Later it was learned that some kids had loosened the rail “just to see what would happen.” Gerald might have survived if he had been seated, but he was in the process of fucking his lady friend. The sudden stop threw his body across the cabin, breaking his back and snapping his neck. Mercifully, he died instantly, suffering no pain. All of us at Laird Industries were devastated, but none as much as Martin. He reverted to his college days’ behavior, making the work day impossible for those who had to be near him. It became worse for me when I was named as an heir in Gerald’s will. He left his house to his ex-wife, $50,000 to his secretary; appreciation for her loyal service over more than twenty years. Pru and I were given $100,000 and our mortgage was to be considered paid in full. Martin got everything else; more than twenty-seven million dollars in investments plus the company which was worth hundreds of millions.

The situation at work was becoming unbearable. Martin’s tirades were growing more unreasonable and more frequent every day. He made threats as often as his dad had said “hello.” Pru thought I should look for another job. I agreed, but where would I find another that would pay me $150,000 a year? She suggested I put out some feelers at the next meeting of the Boston area Bar.

I had rarely attended these functions, preferring to spend my time with my family. Alanna and Brianna were very active children. Even at three they wanted to play with Daddy at every opportunity. I arrived at the hotel early, around 6:45 and stepped up to the bar. “Gin and tonic, please.”

“Make it two!”

I spun around; I knew that voice. “Jeff? I didn’t know you were a member of the Bar.”

“I’m not, but I’m here with our chief counsel. I was hoping to speak with you.”

“Me? I’m flattered; what can I do for you? More importantly, how the hell are you?”

“I’m well, thank you. I’m married to a wonderful woman and we have our first child on the way. I’m working for my dad as chief operating officer. I hear good things about you; turned things around at Laird in less than a year. My dad considers that a miracle. I was sorry to hear about Gerald even though we’re competitors. He was a decent man. I hear things over there are; um; unstable.”

“That’s a good description. Martin is running things now and the company is going downhill in a hurry. He’s losing it. Too bad; he had turned himself around after he graduated, but his dad’s death has been too much for him.”

Our drinks were served. Jeff insisted on paying for them. “Let’s find a table so we can talk.” I thought he’d take the first available, but he led me to the back of the bar. “As I said, Pat I came here to find and speak with you. I’m sure you know that Spencer Products is much bigger than Laird. Our chief counsel is retiring and I’d like you to replace him. I don’t need your answer now. I’d like you to visit us. We’re outside Worcester, about an hour from Boston. We have a lot of things that Laird doesn’t; like day care, social activities, and a reasonable work day. We don’t let anyone work more than ten hours a day. We value time with our families. May I ask what you’re making now?”

“One fifty.”

“We can beat that.”

“I appreciate the interest. Truthfully, I’ve given some thought to leaving; getting out while I still have my sanity. I’d like to talk it over with Pru. I know she likes where we liv.” He gave me his card, writing his home number on the back. We shook hands and left, our untouched drinks on the table behind us.

I left and drove home. My mind was working overtime. I parked in the garage thirty-five minutes later. Pru was crying on the couch when I walked in. I rushed to her side. “Oh Pat! Martin phoned while you were out. He threatened to fire you. I’m so upset!” I held her head to my chest as I explained about my meeting with Jeff.

“He’s not going to fire me. I’m going to quit; effective tomorrow. They owe me 38 vacation days. I have to give 30-days notice so I’ll be covered.”

“Will he pay you for all of them?”

“He has no choice; ‘Royce vs. Amalgamated Steel’ is the defining case. There are others, too. I almost hope he fucks with me. I’ll crucify him; the nerve of the bastard calling here and abusing you.” I picked up the phone and dialed. I spoke to Jeff’s wife, asking her to please have Jeff call me. “Don’t worry about the time. I’ll be up as late as needed.” I thanked her and hung up.

“If you hurry you just might catch your daughters before they fall asleep. I told them I’d send you in if you came home in time.” I kissed Pru and walked hurriedly to their bedroom. Quietly I opened the door. It was a wasted effort. They saw me and jumped up yelling, “Daddy! Daddy!” I took them into my arms for hugs and kisses. We had them in separate bedrooms as infants so they wouldn’t wake each other, but now as three year olds they were together. I put them back into bed, tucked them in with another hug and kiss then red a story, their favorite; Babar. They were asleep when I finished. I kissed each of them again and turned out the light.

I walked to my office and put a sheet of paper into my typewriter; it was a good quality IBM electric. I wrote a terse letter of resignation. I didn’t thank anyone for my opportunities; I had made them myself. Basically, all it said was that I quit; period. I typed a copy and placed both onto the seat of my car. Once I was back on the couch with Pru I pulled her onto my lap. “Tell me why I don’t do this more often.”

“I guess we’re just busy. It’s the price of being successful and of being parents. Why don’t we go to bed?”

“That’s a great idea, but I think we should take separate showers in case Jeff phones. C’mon, I’ll go first.” Pru leaned down to kiss me then she was up and off to the bedroom. I checked all the doors and followed her. I had just closed our door when I heard the phone ring. It was Jeff.

“Your offer still on the table?”

“You know it. I guess Pru was interested, eh?”

“Yeah; that idiot Martin phoned while I was out, threatening to fire me. He was really abusive to her. Pru was in tears when I got home. You know how I was when he insulted her. I’ll resign tomorrow. I’ll walk in, clean out my office, give the letter to his secretary, and walk out. I have enough vacation days accumulated to cover my 30-day obligation.” We spoke for about ten minutes, Pru taking the phone when she was out of the shower. Jeff was the only poker player we had ever socialized with. He wasn’t the fraternity type so I invited him to DU parties whenever possible. Jeff and his girlfriend had been to our apartment many times. He was my closest friend other than some of my fraternity brothers. I looked forward to working with him.

Pru had just hung up the phone when I returned, my head still damp from the shower. “You didn’t tell me his wife was expecting. Jeff invited us; all of us; to his office on Friday. I’m glad you’re doing this. I think it will be a good move even if we have to leave here. We’re now about seventy-five minutes from my parents and Worcester isn’t that much farther, plus we’ll be closer to the Mass Pike so we’ll be closer to your family.”

“Yeah, and Jeff told me they’d pay me two hundred to start with an even better benefit package. Now; enough business; let’s get down to business.” I placed my naked body next to hers. We hadn’t changed much since college. I still ran three times a week, only not as far; I weighed all of 165 pounds; Pru had gained only five pounds, but in her breasts and ass making her even more appealing than she had been before. I rolled back, pulling Pru onto me.

“You know; I still love the feel of your skin.”

“I love the feel of your skin; inside me. C’mon, I need you. It’s been too long.”

“It was only Sunday; two days ago.”

“Like I said; too long! Now, are you going to; ?”

I smothered her mouth with mine as I pushed my hips up, I went into her waiting tunnel. Giving birth had loosened her up a bit, but only a bit. She was still deliciously tight and even more orgasmic if such a thing was possible. I’d never experienced anything like my wife fucking. Even after seven years I marveled at being so lucky to have her. Of course, I also knew that she’d claim to be the lucky one.

I drove my hips up, ramming into her. Pru loved to be fucked, but she especially loved being fucked hard. We came together, our motions driving me deep into her, hers bending my organ in directions I couldn’t begin to imagine. Faster and faster we moved. I could tell when she was close. I moved up to kiss her; to take her scream into my mouth; as I pinched and twisted her nipples. Suddenly it hit, as hard as a nor’easter hits the rocky shores of New England. Wave after wave of pleasure engulfed her until I finally shot rope after rope of slick white semen into her. Pru collapsed onto my chest, her hair still wet from her shower, her skin wet from our exertions.

“Maybe now you’ll understand why I want that every day.”

“I’ve always understood, darling. I’ll always understand. I’ll also always love you.” We kissed and climbed under the blanket. I was eagerly looking forward to going to work tomorrow; something I thought had left my life when Gerald had died.

We woke early, as usual, when our daughters jumped into our bed. It was something we encouraged, just as my parents had encouraged me, Sean, and my other siblings. I thought it was one of the reasons why we were so close. Alanna and Brianna would always sneak up on us while we pretended to be asleep. Then they’d jump on us, smothering us in kisses and hugs. Pru and I always reciprocated then we kissed. It was a big part of who we were.
Sitting up I asked if they would like to go out for lunch.

“No work, Daddy,” Brianna asked.

“Yes, sweetie, but I’ll come home early. Would you like that?” She and Alanna laughed and hugged me some more. An hour later I was ready to leave. Again I hugged and kissed my children. I hesitated when I got to Pru. I could see the determination in her face.

“Go ahead, Pat. You beat him at poker and in the ring. You’ll beat him again today.” She kissed me and I was gone. I had a thirty-minute drive to the office. I walked in with my briefcase and a cardboard box. My personal possessions went into the box; my photos of my family and my desk pen set, a gift from my parents. I emptied the briefcase of my company papers and every other item owned by the firm, even the paper clips. When I was done I called Marge into my office. She noticed the changes immediately.

“Leaving, I see; I don’t blame you, Pat. That man will bring this company to ruin. I wish you well. You’re the best boss I ever had.”

“Thanks, Marge. I do have one final request. Accompany me to Martin’s office so you can witness me tendering my resignation.”

“I only wish I could join you. Unfortunately, I probably have another ten years to go. Maybe I could find another job. I just don’t know.” I patted her back and walked out. I’d miss Marge. She was like an assistant lawyer, just one without the degree. We walked quickly to Martin’s office. It was on the floor above, symbolizing, at least in his mind, the difference in status between him and the rest of us. I didn’t speak again until I was at his secretary’s desk. “Sylvia, I’d appreciate if you’d stamp and sign this and also my copy. She took a look then gasped, but she did as requested. Marge also signed as my witness. Putting the copy into my jacket pocket I picked up my letter of resignation and carried it into Martin’s office. Unlike his father who had an open door policy, Martin forbade any of us to enter without a formal appointment. He was about to yell when I threw the letter onto his desk.

“What the hell is this? Can’t you follow even the simplest order? Get out and get an appointment.”

“I assume you can still read, Martin. Consider today as my first vacation day.”

He looked at the letter and his eyes flared. “You can’t do this. You owe me thirty days.”

“Martin, you’d never make it as a lawyer. I will do one final thing in the short time I’m here. I’ll find the case that requires you to pay me and allows me to leave. I loved working here with your dad as much as I’ve hated working for you. If anything, you’re worse now than you were in school.” I turned and returned to my office, finding the citation in seconds. “Marge, take the book up to Sylvia. Don’t stay too long or he’ll take out his anger on you. I’ll miss you very much. You were not only a great secretary, but a great friend, too.” I hugged her, took one final look, and walked out the door for the final time; thank God. I was back home less than an hour later. I walked in and kissed my wife then I gave her the dozen long-stemmed red roses. I gave each of my girls a small bag of jelly beans. I was glad I remembered the roses. Without them I would have been in big trouble. Pru disapproved of sweets.

Pru relaxed while I did some of the chores and played with the girls. Their favorite game was something I called an expensive roll. I’d lie on the floor while they rolled me across the floor. I was always sure to have plenty of small change in my pocket. Watching them scramble for a buck or two was always worth the money in fun and laughter.

We went out for lunch as promised to their choice; McDonald’s, where else? We had a great time even if the food wasn’t so hot. After lunch we took them to the park. They climbed the apparatus only to jump into my arms. It must be wonderful to have such trust. They laughed for more than an hour, falling asleep in the car before we had traveled a mile. They slept the rest of the afternoon, rising only for dinner.

To be continued, by senorlongo.