Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Discovering Amy: Part 2

Amy gets fingered for the first time.

In parts, by Djmac1031- listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Tommy sat by the edge of the pool, alone with his thoughts as he waited for Amy to come back out of the house.

Both of them had made it back unseen and unquestioned from their little secret getaway into the woods.

He had just gotten back poolside when Amy’s best friend Cindy came over to him.

“If you’re looking for Amy, I just passed her in the house a minute ago,” Cindy said. “She looked kind of strange, and freaked out a little. You two love birds aren’t fighting or something are you?”

Tommy sighed inwardly. Cindy was a good friend to Amy, but she was always so damn nosy. She’d been “shipping” the both of them since long before “shipping” had become a catchphrase, and a stupid one at that, Tommy thought.

“No, of course not,” Tommy replied, as casually as he could. “I haven’t seen her since the Marco / Polo game broke up a while ago and everybody wandered off.”

Cindy looked skeptical. “Thought I saw you two still chatting after I got out of the pool,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “You sure somethings not up? You better not have upset my bestie!” she growled.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tommy said, a little too defensively.

“I’m gonna talk to her about it later tonight, ya know. I’m sleeping over. I’ll get her to dish, whatever it is, you know that right?” Cindy claimed boldly.

Tommy shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “You guys have fun, talk about whatever you want, I don’t care.”

Cindy gave him a look that said she didn’t quite believe that, then spun and walked away.

Tommy watched her leave, relieved she was finally gone. He caught himself looking at her plump ass as she retreated, then quickly averted his eyes.

Cindy was cute, even beautiful he had to admit. If he was being honest with himself, he found her attractive sexually. But he certainly didn’t have any feelings for her. Not like he had for Amy.

Tommy’s thoughts drifted back to Amy, and their time alone in the woods, and what they’d done together, a series of firsts for both of them.

He thought of her final words to him before she left the wooded path for the house: “I love you too.”

Was it love, he thought? It was certainly more than just some teenage “crush.”

Was it just sexual? No, he thought. He’d had feelings for her long before what became their first sexual explorations together this evening. He was just finally getting around to admitting it to himself, and understanding that Amy had these same feelings too.

It was all so new, so confusing. But exciting too, he had to admit.

He sat there alone, feet in the water, thinking about all of that, and trying not to think about the handjob Amy had given him just minutes ago, or about seeing and touching her breasts for the first time. The last thing he wanted was to pitch another tent right there by the side of the pool.

He looked up from his thoughts and saw Amy’s mom heading into the house.

Tommy had a moment of panic. He hoped Amy was done doing, well, whatever she was doing in there. She’d been gone awhile.

But he supposed she had to clean up the mess he’d made. She was probably washing her suit and towel out, making sure no telltale stains were left behind.

He didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until he saw Amy bound out the door and down the steps into the yard, and he let it out in a rush of relief.

She looked happy and carefree enough, so if she’d encountered her mom it must have gone okay.

Amy paused, looking around, and her face lit up in a radiant smile when she spotted him.

Amy had to keep herself from running over to Tommy. She felt like she was floating over the grass, not simply stepping across it as she walked towards him, butterflies in her stomach.

He stood as she approached, and it struck her, not for the first time, just how handsome he was.

His eyes were a strange but beautiful combo of green and brown, with yellow flecks you could only see up close.

His hair was a darker blonde than hers, although it was lightened now by the sun and spiky in a short summer cut.

His body was lean and lanky, with wide shoulders and long legs. While not super muscular, what he had was lean and firm and strong from the various forms of physical work he always seemed to be doing.

Amy’s eyes traveled down his hairless chest to his stomach, then (not for the first time) to that hint of a V shape that started just under his abs, pointing the way towards his,

“No, stop, not now,” Amy thought. “That way madness lies,” she laughed to herself, remembering her Shakespeare.

She hoped he hadn’t caught her looking, then realized maybe she wouldn’t mind so much if he had anyway.

His eyes seemed fixed on her as she approached, and they were speckled moonlight.

Amy felt her heart flutter and a tingle between her legs. “Oh girl,” she thought. “If this is love, you’re in trouble,” she groaned inwardly.

Then they were together, standing face to face.

Amy desperately wanted to hug him, to kiss him, but they both knew they couldn’t risk such open displays of affection just now.

So she instead simply spoke, “Hey there.”

“Hey,” Tommy replied, almost a whisper.

They both stood there, smiling like, well, two young lovers. Neither knew what to say next. Tommy broke the silence. “Wanna get a snack?”

“I’d love to,” was her reply.

They spent the rest of the party almost entirely by each other’s side. Oh they socialized, chatted with their other friends, even played horseshoes for a while. But they we’re always at least close by, making eye contact and sharing secret smiles.

The party eventually started to wind down, and people began saying their goodbyes.

Tommy kept a respectful distance as many were approaching Amy to congratulate her and say goodnight. She stood for a while with her parents, thanking each guest in turn for coming and for their thoughtful gifts, etc.

He felt a sudden tap on his shoulder. It was his mother.

“Hey sport, I’m gonna go. Do you want a ride back with me or are you staying for a bit?” They only lived a few blocks away, an easy walking distance, but his mom had driven so she could bring over the food she’d volunteered to make and the graduation gifts they’d gotten for Amy.

“Is it okay if I stay a bit? Amy’s parents said it was okay if a few of us stayed and watched a movie,” I explained. “I can walk home after, no problem. It’s a nice night.”

Mom looked at him and grinned. “Wanna spend more time with Amy, huh?” she said knowingly. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed how much time you two have been spending together lately.” Tommy gulped but said nothing.

His mother relented. “Well, okay. I trust you, and I trust Amy’s parents. You won’t get into too much trouble I think. Just behave yourself, you hear? Be a good gentleman. And be home by midnight.”

Tommy smiled and nodded. “Sure mom, you bet. Thanks.”

“Just remember: God is watching you.” And with that she turned to make her goodbyes to Amy and her parents.

“Yeah, well, we gave him a hell of a show earlier then,” Tommy thought to himself, and had to stifle a laugh.

The popcorn was made, some fruit juice poured, (“You guys have had enough soda for one day” Amy’s mom had said, stern but kindly) and they were settling down to watch the movie.

The only person who wound up staying besides Tommy was Cindy, who of course was sleeping over.

Amy and Cindy were on the center couch. Tommy sat alone in a recliner chair off to the side, as Amy’s parents came in from the kitchen.

“We’re heading up to bed now,” Amy’s dad started. “We expect you kids to behave yourself.” Amy’s mom turned and looked directly at Tommy. “I expect you’ll be a gentleman and show respect for our house?” she asked him.

“Yes ma'am, yes sir,” Tommy replied, addressing both parents.

Mom nodded, then turned to Cindy. “Cindy, you’re chaperone. Keep a watch over these two. They’ve been making eyes at each other all night.”

“Mom!” Amy cried, embarrassed.

“What? You thought we didn’t notice? We’re not as blind as you think we are,” her mom shot back.

Amy flushed crimson, but said nothing more.

“Cindy?” Mom continued, “you heard me right? You’re on guard duty. Understand?”

Cindy barely contained her eye roll but nodded and replied, “Yes ma'am, of course.”

“Just remember,” Dad said suddenly, “leave room for the Holy Spirit,” and looking directly at Tommy, dropped him a wink and smiled.

Tommy gulped. He had no clue what to make of that at all, so he simply nodded.

Mom threw dad a sharp glare and his smile quickly faded. “Straight home after the movie young man, you understand me?” Mom said.

“Yes ma'am, I understand,” Tommy replied.

Then they both gave Amy a kiss on the cheek and went upstairs to their bedroom.

The room was silent for several moments after they left, finally broken by Cindy. “Well that was awkward,” she blurted.

They all laughed, breaking the tension.

They’d all changed into some dry clothes earlier, (Tommy had only just remembered to fetch his from his mom’s car before she left) and Tommy couldn’t help but notice how cute Amy looked in her sleepwear; a pink Hello Kitty pajama top and matching shorts.

It was, as all her outfits were, modest, but it left her shoulders bare and he could see the tan lines made by her bathing suit. Suddenly he was thinking about her breasts, exposed and pale in the moonlight, as she’d slowly slipped down the straps,

He was snapped out of this memory by a voice. “Tommy? Earth to Tommy!”

It was Cindy. “You can’t see the TV well from there. Come sit on the couch with us. I’ll scoot over, you can sit next to Amy.” She smiled wryly, and Amy elbowed her good naturedly, but put up no further argument.

“Yeah, sure, makes sense,” Tommy said casually, trying not to sound too eager.

The girls scooted over and he sat down next to Amy, who was now in the middle, Cindy to her left at the other end.

Their hips touched as he sat, and he awkwardly tried to figure out what to do with his left arm. He decided to put it around Amy’s shoulders. He made sure to keep his hand up on the couch, a safe distance from the tempting curve of her breast.

Amy settled her head on Tommy’s shoulder, sighing almost imperceptibly in contentment. Cindy heard it though, and this time did not contain her eye roll, but smiled knowingly.

They watched the movie like that for a while, in silence. It was some rom-com the girls had picked out, one of their favorites. Tommy didn’t really care what they picked. He wasn’t there for the movie.

It was a PG film and a pretty tame one at that. No sex or nudity of course. Although there were a couple of kissing scenes and during them Tommy could feel Amy shifting slightly under his arm, and knew exactly what she was thinking.

About an hour into the movie, Cindy suddenly stood up. Making a show of stretching (Tommy could not help but notice the way her large breasts pushed out from her less modest tank top, despite himself) and, mock yawning, turned to address them.

“I’m tired, I think I’m gonna go to bed,” she announced, looking slyly at Tommy for a second. Then to Amy she added, “your parents bedroom is right across the hall from yours. Keep your cell phone nearby. If I hear them stir, I’ll text you.”

Turning back to Tommy, she said, “There’s about 30 minutes left in this movie. If Amy’s not upstairs and in her bed in 35, I’m personally knocking on her parents door and waking them up.”

“I know your parents told me to chaperone,” she continued, “but I figure if God sees all, let Him keep an eye on you two.”

And with a sly wink and a totally knowing grin, she turned and went upstairs.

Tommy and Amy both sat silent and shocked as they watched her go.

Tommy broke the silence. “I, I can’t believe she just did that,” he muttered.

Amy just sighed, cupped his face with her hand, turned it towards her own, and whispered, “she’s a good friend.”

And just like that they were kissing.

Tommy’s mind was spinning happily. She smelled so good, clean and fresh after her earlier shower. Some kind of floral scented shampoo, he thought, and he also caught a hint of what he guessed was perfume; a light, almost fruity scent. Her hair was loose, wavy, and flowing around her face and neck.

He could taste her lip gloss, sweet with a hint of cinnamon.

It wasn’t long before the arm he still had half on the couch dropped to a more comfortable, intimate position.

Breaking the kiss a moment, he looked at her, head tilted, eyes questioning. No words were needed. She simply nodded her consent and shifted herself into a better position for his hand to gently cup her breast.

Again he felt her hard little nipple underneath her shirt, already swollen. He could see her neck and what little skin that was exposed just above her chest flush with excitement as she squirmed under his touch.

His hand then slid under the soft cotton fabric and found the bare skin of her breast beneath. He was surprised she wasn’t wearing a bra, but supposed the top was generally modest enough that she didn’t need one.

Or, he speculated, she’d left it off on purpose.

Amy rested her head back on the couch and closed her eyes, focusing on the incredible sensations, as his hand explored her firm young flesh. He was so gentle, and every time his fingers found her nipples her body jerked as if shocked.

Tommy’s voice broke through her trance, whispering. “Amy, are you  okay? Tell me if I hurt you, or,”

“I’m fine, just, sensitive,” she stammered. She opened her eyes, imploring, “don’t stop, please.” She leaned in, finding his lips again.

As they continued making out, he felt her hand land on his upper thigh, slowly moving towards his crotch.

The loose fitting shorts he was wearing were containing his throbbing erection, but just barely. Then her hand was over it, feeling it’s length for the second time that night.

Suddenly she was tugging at his waistband, trying desperately to free it.

It took all of his willpower to grasp her hand and remove it.

“Amy, we can’t. It’s too risky. And too, messy.”

She groaned and frowned. “I know, but,”

Tommy lifted her chin up to face him, and spoke softly, lovingly. “Amy, I want it too, but we have to be smart. If your parents walked in on us with my pants down, or if I made a mess again all over your couch,” he paused, removed his hand from her breast, and with one finger made the “throat cutting” gesture across his neck.

She nodded, regretfully. “Yeah, you’re right. Dammit.”

They sat quietly for a moment, just holding each other.

She looked at him suddenly, with a determined glint in her eye.

“Would you,” she paused, licked her lips, swallowed nervously, started again:

“Would you, touch me, somewhere else?” Her voice was a weak whisper.

“Where?” said Tommy, not getting it yet.

Amy smiled shyly, looked down, and slowly parted her legs.

Understanding dawned in his eyes. A huge grin spread on his face, but was quickly replaced by gentle concern.

“Are you sure?” he asked sweetly. “Because I don’t want to pressure you, or make you feel like you have to,”

Amy cut him off sharply but lovingly. “Tommy, if you don’t touch my Kitty right now I’ll wind up screaming in frustration. Please. I need this.” Her voice was a harsh whisper that contained a desperation he’d never heard from her before.

Tommy was utterly taken aback by this outburst. Then he broke into a goofy grin. “Your kitty?” he said incredulously.

Amy flushed with embarrassment. “It’s what, it’s what I’ve always, called, it. I know, it’s silly.”

“It’s adorable,” said Tommy, “and so are you.”

His hand went to the bare skin of her right thigh, slowly caressing her soft, tan skin.

Her breathing became heavier as his hand slid higher up her thigh, finding the hem in the leg of her pajama shorts, then slipped under it.

His fingers found the edge of her panties where they met her thigh, then paused.

She moaned, put her hand on his, pushed it further. “Please,” she groaned, “please keep going.”

His fingers started to work their way under the edge of her panties when she suddenly stopped him.

“Just don’t, just don’t push your fingers, inside. Not all the way,  okay? I’m still a virgin, and I wanna stay that way for now. At least till we’re ready to,” she stopped herself, then shrugged, “, well you know. Touch anywhere else you want, just don’t push inside,  okay?”

Tommy nodded, understanding. He knew enough about the female anatomy to understand what the hymen was and how it could be broken. He certainly didn’t want to push Amy beyond what she was ready for.

“Don’t worry, I don’t ever want to hurt you, Amy. Please tell me if I do. And stop me if I go too far. I’ve never done this, and I want it to be right,” he said.

“Just touch me,” she hissed. “I’ll guide you if needed, okay?”

Without further hesitation, his hand slid up again, finding her panties, but instead of going under them he suddenly changed direction and went over the fabric, cupping her entire “Kitty” in his palm.

What he found was warm, almost hot, and he could feel moisture seeping its way through the gusset, warm and slippery like a lotion or oil.

He looked at her with happy confusion, and she smiled. “It gets that way sometimes. When it’s, excited.” She winked at him wickedly. “But you’re torturing me, Tommy. Here, let me just,”

With a quick move, her hand was suddenly inside her pajama shorts, and with a jerk she pulled her panties aside, allowing him easier access. He instantly felt the hot wet flesh of her virgin cunt under the palm of his hand.

He wasn’t sure who gasped louder at the moment of contact, him or her.

Amy’s eyes rolled back in her head as his fingers started to explore her soft folds.

Tommy was mesmerized by what he was feeling. His fingers gently probed and explored her swollen labia, then found where they separated as his fingers slipped between them, locating the entrance to her vagina.

He stopped there, remembering his promise not to probe too deep.

Cautiously, he stuck a finger tip in, then looked at Amy. “This okay? Not too much?”

Her breath was hitching, as she struggled to keep quiet despite the immense pleasure. “Ya, yes, it’s fine,” she stammered. “Juh, just a little deeper. There, stop! Now just slide it in and out a bit.”

He followed her instructions and she closed her eyes again, imagining, as she had when she’d masturbated earlier, that it was the tip of his cock sliding in and out of her virgin hole.

She felt like a fire hydrant the way she was gushing from the gentle fingering. Tommy felt it too.

“It’s so wet,” he said, his voice a low marvel. “I know, sorry,” she stuttered, barely able to speak.

“Don’t be,” he whispered in her ear. “I got you way messier earlier, remember? Besides, I’m assuming this means I’m doing a good job, right?”

“Oh, yes, yes you, oh, oh God, don’t stop, a little faster, oh, oh Jesus, I’m gonna,” Amy suddenly bit down on her lip so hard she thought it might bleed, as she felt the wave of her orgasm hit her, knocking her head back against the couch, her arm squeezing Tommy’s waist so tight he could barely breathe, her other hand flying to her mouth to cover her scream as her body shook uncontrollably.

“Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop,” her voice came muffled from under her hand as she felt a fireball of pleasure spread outwardly from her vagina, simultaneously up towards her head and down to her toes. Then her sounds were no longer words, but high pitched squeals. Her body rocked forward, then back, then shook with what looked like a convulsion. Her eyes rolled back in her head.

Amy gives her first blowjob.

Amy had been sitting with her eyes closed in a state of utter relaxation, wrapped in Tommy’s strong embrace. Suddenly they opened, and looking down, she saw Tommy’s erection, still straining against his shorts.

“Oh, Tommy, I’m so sorry, I totally forgot about, that,” she gestured to his crotch. “Are you sure I can’t, you know, help take care of it? It seems so unfair to leave you that way.”

Tommy glanced at the TV. There were maybe ten minutes left in the movie. Plenty of time, really. But he was still worried.

“Amy, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want you to. 

But I’m just concerned about making another mess all over you, or worse, on your parents couch!”

Amy looked sad, then thoughtful. She looked up at him suddenly, with a gaze that was both shy yet determined.

“I have, I have an idea,” she said, her voice shaking, “but I don’t know what you’ll think of it.”

Tommy looked at her quizzically, so she continued, “I could, I could, you know, put it in my, in my mouth.” She blushed at her own brazen words.

Tommy’s eyes went wide. “You mean,?”

Amy simply nodded. Her face still flushed but also filled with love and determination. “Yes,” she answered. “I want to please you that way. Please?” she begged, pouting.

Her plea broke any remaining willpower he had left to resist. He kissed her, then smiled. “How could I possibly refuse that pretty face?” he chuckled.

He sat back, loosened his shorts, then slid them down. His cock sprung free immediately.

Despite having seen and touched it in this state earlier that evening, Amy still couldn’t help but giggle at how his penis bounced and twitched all on it’s own.

“What would be the, you know, best way to, you know, do that?” she asked, suddenly feeling bashful.

“Um,” Tommy thought, “maybe on your knees? On the floor?”

Amy nodded and slid down to the floor, placing herself between Tommy’s legs.

This seemed like a good position, she thought, as she got her first really good, close up look at his penis. There was a long, thick vein that ran up the underside of it, from the bottom of the shaft up to the strange indentation of flesh just under the tip that reminded Amy vaguely of her own folds just above her clit. She observed his balls again, in their strange little sack of flesh, covered in small dark hairs.

“It’s all such a strange looking thing,” she thought to herself, “but somehow beautiful, and arousing.”

Amy took his throbbing member in her hand, feeling it pulse in her grip, then started to lean forward towards it.

Just as her lips approached his swollen head, she froze. Letting go, she looked up at him, suddenly afraid.

“I,” Amy started, “I don’t, I don’t know what I’m doing,” she stammered. “What if I hurt you?”

“You don’t have to do this, Amy, we can stop right now,” Tommy said, concerned.

“No, no, I’m just, I wanna do good,” Amy smiled weakly, “just afraid I won’t be.”

“Relax, take your time, go slow, you’ll be fine baby. I’m so worked up this won’t take long anyway,” he laughed, calming her. Then he echoed her earlier words, “I’ll guide you if needed,  okay?”

She nodded, smiled, then advanced once more towards his throbbing cock. She felt Tommy’s hand touching her face in gentle reassurance, then brushing her hair back away from it. She met his gaze and smiled.

Her lips found his head and kissed it tentatively. As before in the woods when she touched it for the very first time, it suddenly started bouncing up and down like a diving board someone just leapt from.

She suppressed her mirth this time, determined to get down to business. Again taking his thick shaft in her tiny hand, she held it steady, as she kissed the tip more confidently now. Tommy gasped, feeling the warmth of her lips make contact with his sensitive glans.

Feeling bolder, Amy parted her lips and slowly took the tip in her mouth.

Tommy winced suddenly, and whispered through his clenched jaw, “mind the teeth!”

Amy’s mouth let go immediately, and she blurted, “Shit, sorry! You  okay?”

“Fine, I’m fine, just, it’s  okay baby, try again,” Tommy said reassuringly.

Amy’s cheeks flushed hot, but she nodded and slid her lips over the tip of his cock again, this time making sure to keep her teeth clear.

She got past the tip easily enough, then took another inch or so. Here she paused yet again. She had no idea how far she should or could go, or what to do next.

Sensing her confusion and hesitation, Tommy spoke to her softly. “Only go as far as you’re comfortable, baby, then just slide it in and out, kinda like what you did with your hand earlier, but using your mouth instead. Does that make sense?”

“Mmm hmm,” Amy replied through her full lips, the vibrations causing a groan of pleasure from Tommy. She made a mental note that he liked that.

Slowly, Amy started to move her head, up and down, feeling the hot flesh of his cock sliding across her tongue, feeling the ridge of his tip passing in and out of her lips; a very strange yet pleasurable sensation.

She was starting to get the hang of it. Using her right hand to hold his cock steady, her grip gentle yet firm at the base, Amy continued to bob her head up and down over his cock, although she still only dared to take about a third of it.

It was incredibly hard, yet also felt somehow soft and spongy in her mouth. She was surprised to realize it had no real taste to it at all besides a hint of salt.

She was so busy concentrating on what she was doing that she barely remembered to check to see how Tommy was handling it.

Looking up, she saw him covering his mouth with his hand, trying to contain his groans and gasps. But his eyes spoke volumes as to the pleasure he was receiving.

Their eyes met again, and Amy somehow managed a smile despite having the first penis she’d ever seen, touched, and now sucked in her mouth. She started humming again softly, grinning up at him with a wicked sparkle in her ocean blue eyes.

That sent Tommy over the edge. These sensations were all too new to him, far more intense and pleasurable than anything he’d ever managed to create with just his hand. There was no way he could hold back for long.

Amy suddenly felt his penis swell in her mouth, like it was expanding somehow. The earlier handjob she’d given had clued her in on what this meant of course; his climax was imminent.

Now was the moment of truth, Amy realized. Would she be able to handle him squirting all that thick, sticky stuff in her mouth?

Despite being completely inexperienced, Amy was a smart girl. She decided the best course of action in a split second.

Quickly she lifted her head up so that her mouth now only held his throbbing cock head. Her lips sealed tight around the ridge forming a vacuum. The hand that had been gripping his base now started to stroke his shaft up and down as he’d taught her before, jerking him while applying gentle suction with her mouth.

If she was going to try to catch all of his squirt, she decided she should treat his cock like a straw and try to suck it out. That’s just what she did, and she felt the first blast pushing its way up his shaft under her hand, forcefully shooting out the tip.

It hit her tongue; hot, salty, but also sweet somehow. The texture was thick and creamy, like some strange combo of yogurt and egg whites. Amy tasted it for only a microsecond before acting on instinct and working the slimy glob to the back of her throat and swallowing.

Just in time for the second blast. This one caught her less prepared, and she choked slightly, then kept going.

But there was simply too much to keep up with. Her mouth was filling up faster than she could swallow, and with horror she realized some of his cum was leaking out past her lips despite her best efforts at containment and about to drip on the couch.

Suddenly she felt a hand just under her chin. Tommy, thinking quickly, had grabbed some fortunate nearby napkins and was using them to catch the run off oozing from her lips and down her chin.

She took the napkins gratefully, and quickly mopped up her chin. Amy pulled her mouth back until her lips were resting just over the slit of his tip, then slowly stroked his still hard shaft, feeling the last few drops squeeze out on her tongue.

She rolled his cum around on her tongue a bit, savoring the taste this time. It didn’t taste bad, nor did it taste good, she thought. Just, odd. But it certainly wasn’t terrible or anything. And just the notion of what exactly it was, and just how it had wound up in her mouth, sent pleasant little shivers through her.

Amy looked up at Tommy, the tip of his penis still on her lips, and grinned proudly. She’d done it! She’d actually made him squirt with her mouth! And managed to keep it from getting truly messy by actually swallowing almost all of it.

Amy felt his penis starting to soften slightly in her hand. She marveled at the fascinating biology of it all for a moment before deciding on a whim to lick him completely clean of the last few splashes of cum that were stuck to him.

She heard Tommy moan, and felt his body tremor, as she gently finished cleaning his shaft and head with her tongue. Then, giving it one last kiss, she reluctantly let go of his slowly deflating penis.

Amy then felt a sudden pang of guilt. Not for giving her first blowjob, no. She actually felt proud about that. She just felt bad for being so focused on what she was doing that she’d totally missed out on seeing most of Tommy’s reaction.

She looked up at him again. His face was flushed, but grinning ear to ear. She noticed with some alarm that his lower lip was bleeding, and called his attention to it.

“Really?” Tommy muttered, as if coming out of a trance. He tentatively touched his lip, saw the blood on his fingers, then chuckled softly. “Well, it was either bite my lip or scream so loud I’d wake your parents. Small price to pay, I guess,” he said laughing. “It’s not bad, it’ll be fine, don’t worry.” He dabbed his lip with a fresh napkin, wiping off the blood.

Amy got up off her knees and sat beside him on the couch, then simply wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug that he returned in earnest.

“That was beautiful, Amy. Absolutely amazing. Thank you so, so much,” he whispered in her ear, followed by, “I love you.”

“I know,” she whispered, grinning again. Tommy laughed. “Well played, princess.”

Looking up, Tommy noticed the credits were now rolling on the movie.

“Shit, I better get moving,” he sighed, reluctantly letting go of Amy and reaching down to pull his shorts back up.

“Wait,” whispered Amy, “just a second, I just wanna, ,” her hand wrapped around his now soft penis and gave it a gentle squeeze, “say goodbye.” Then she giggled. “It’s so strange how different it feels when it’s soft,” she marveled.

“Yeah, well keep that up and you’ll wake it up again,” he said, only half joking. He already felt it starting to stir despite having just had his second orgasm within a couple of hours.

“Take a last look,” he cracked before pulling his shorts up and adjusting everything back to normal.

Their eyes met again, and Amy gently kissed him, taking care not to put too much pressure on his sore lip. But it had already stopped bleeding and he didn’t wince at her kiss, simply returned it.

Finally they broke the kiss, and Tommy stood up. “Time for me to go, babe, sorry.”

Amy nodded, then suddenly looked troubled. Noticing the look, he asked, “What is it? What’s on your mind?”

Amy took a moment to gather her thoughts, then finally spoke. “Tommy, I, I’ve really, enjoyed everything we’ve, done together tonight. All of it. And I don’t feel guilty or shameful about it. Does, does that make me, a slut?” she asked with a gulp.

“No, God no,” Tommy gasped. “Do you love me?” he asked her, looking in her eyes.

“Yes, so much,” she replied earnestly.

“I love you too, Amy. And I don’t think it’s wrong for two people who love each other to, to do these things, to, to make each other feel good. To, please each other,” he said, “no matter what some guy in a collar says from a pulpit.”

Amy’s face relaxed and broke into a warm, grateful smile. “Thank you,” she said softly, “that makes me feel better. Because I feel that way too.”

“I gotta say,” said Tommy, “It kinda surprised me the way you swore when you were orgasming. It was, it was kinda hot.”

Amy blushed but grinned. “Yeah, that surprised me too, actually,” she said, then just shrugged.

They shared one last embrace, a quick final kiss, and then Tommy was out the door.

He turned to look back at her, waved, and whispered loudly, “I love you. See you again soon.”

“I love you too,” she mouthed silently, blew him a kiss, and closed the door.

The night air was cool on Tommy’s face as he walked home slowly. He was in no real rush and wanted a few minutes alone with his thoughts anyway.

He had no idea how or where things would go from here. He only knew he was in love, and that he wanted to continue to see Amy as, not just her friend now, but also her lover. And he certainly wanted to explore more things that two young lovers could do together, when she was ready for those things of course. He promised himself not to get greedy or pressure her, but allow things to happen naturally.

Suddenly he remembered something, and broke into a wicked grin.

“Guess I’m taking a little of Amy home with me,” he thought to himself, and held his hand up to his nose to sniff his fingers.

They were dry now of course, but her scent was still there, the lingering aroma of his young lover’s arousal that sent a shiver through his body, and blood rushing once again to his cock.

“I suppose I’ll have to wash this eventually,” he thought. “But not tonight. ”

His pace quickened as he reached the sidewalk to his front door, and quietly he turned his key and slipped inside.

Taking off his shoes, he crept silently up the stairs and into his bedroom, closing and locking his door behind him.

by Djmac1031 for Literotica