Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sister Agnes In Heaven: Part 2

Sister Agnes is still apprehensive about sex in Heaven.

In 3 parts, based on a post by ElsieThompson. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

"Hello, Agnes."

Agnes looked up from where she was kneeling in her vegetable garden. It was Burt, President of the City Council of Heavenly Aden. It was hot and she was wearing only a pair of shorts and a white blouse. Her hands were soiled with dirt. "Hello, Burt," she answered with enthusiasm. "Welcome!" She stood up and walked over to where he was standing and kissed him on the cheek. For her that was bold.

"I came to apologize," he said.

"What for?" she was puzzled.

"I should have fucked you the other night. I focused only on what I wanted, and didn't take your needs into account." Burt had masturbated and cummed on her tits.

Agnes, with less that a week in Heaven, still flinched at the word fuck. "Oh," she said, dismissing his apology, "That's all right. Harold, uh, fucked me good. I was happy." She chuckled. "Maybe for my first sex experience one man was enough. And I enjoyed watching you, uh, cum on me."

"You were a virgin on earth, I take it."

"Oh, yes, 80 years of chastity on earth." She laughed. "Suddenly I'm in Heaven and; and sex is required; and I've always been a stickler for following the rules. Plus, I am enjoying my 32 year old body. I am delighted to have a garden, a house, a dog." She reached down in the cleft between her tits to wipe away the sweat. Burt's eyes followed her hand. Self-consciously she looked down. The brown of her nipples showed through the thin, sweat-soaked fabric of her blouse.

"Well, I'm glad you're not mad at me. If there's anything I can do to help you adjust to Aden," His eyes did not leave her chest.

Agnes mused a moment. "I do have a question. Is there no anxiety or jealously in Heaven? Harold and I had a good time; but I was unhappy when he left me to have sex with another woman. I understand that we all have an obligation on Friday nights to make sure that everybody has sex, and I'll do my part. But I felt abandoned. Harold fucked me and left." A tear ran down her cheek. She clutched Burt to her. "Fortunately you showed up and made me feel better. But are my feelings normal here in Heaven? Where everything is supposed to be, well, heavenly."

Burt squeezed her to his chest and patted her back. "I suggest you give it some time; and try other partners. I felt uncomfortable the first time my wife fucked another guy here. It was a bit unsettling to my un-renewed mind. But we chose Aden as our heavenly home because we both have the desire to experience a more permissive sexual scene. Perhaps you feel the same? Repressed desire; all those years as a nun?"

"Yes, I wanted a freer, more individualistic life when I chose Aden. But I feel like I should be in love with Harold, and jilted because he left me to fuck somebody else. Everybody fucks everybody here, but at heart I'm a prude."

Burt held her at arms length, as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You were not prudish at all. You lay there naked, your legs spread while I crouched over you and stroked my cock. You were attentive, a little apprehensive as anybody would be who has never been cummed on, but you were a sensual experience for me. I loved it."

Agnes wiped away the tear and laughed. "Thank you. I think I was just terrified. The epistles teach us to ‘be transformed by renewing our minds’. I guess that especially applies to now?"

"I should have fucked you. Slowly and carefully. I should have reassured you and made you comfortable." He paused. "I walked out here to see you and apologize, but I also wanted to take a shower in your neighborhood waterfall." He nodded toward the waterfall a few yards beyond her house. "Does that interest you?"

Agnes turned to look at the waterfall. It was a popular place for bathing. Nobody was there, but frequently people walked out from the village and cavorted in the deep, clear pool at its foot. Everyone went into the water naked. She felt panic at the thought of getting naked in broad daylight in the open air. "Well, maybe." She gathered her wits. She should do this. She was in a place in which sex and nudity was the norm.

 "Yes, let's do it" she said with resolve. "I need to wash the dirt and sweat off. I must smell like a goat."

"A very lovely goat," Burt answered.

"Getting naked is difficult for me. I'm still getting use to the culture here." Agnes admitted.

"I'll help you," Burt said with a leer, his eyes focused again on the rivulets of sweat that trickled between her tits.

‘He wants to fuck me,’ Agnes thought with a feeling of panic. ‘But I don't have to do it. Aden's rules are that sex is mandatory only on Friday nights. Do I want to do this? she asked herself. ‘Where would we do it? In the water? How? Standing up? Those rocks on the shore look hard. I'm not sure I want to lie down there. I wish my tits were bigger. I wish I had shaved my cunt. Am I ready for this? Oh, God, you put me here. Help!’

Her mind raced. ‘Have I already decided to fuck him? What if he doesn't want to? What if he's just being friendly. What if he rejects me? What if somebody sees us while we're fucking? I'll freeze up like a ice cube and I won't be any good. Should I fake cumming? How do you fake cumming?’

Burt took her by the hand, "Ready? Let's go." The two of them walked to the rocky shore of the pool. The waterfall made a low roar in the distance. "Now?" asked Burt. He shook off his sandals and then pulled down his shorts and tossed them aside. He wore no underwear.

Agnes looked down at him momentarily. Yes, that was Burt as she recalled him. A short, fat cock, surrounded by a heavy bush of black hair that extended up to his navel. His cock hung limply.

Burt touched her chest and began unbuttoning her blouse. "Okay?" he asked.

"Okay," she answered. She stood stiffly as his hand ran between her tits, undoing the buttons on the blouse. He turned her around and slid the blouse off her shoulders and tossed it onto a nearby bush. He kissed the back of her neck as one hand found a nipple and tweaked it. "Pink nipples that get hard when they're touched. You're going to become very popular here, in Aden."

"I'll do the best I can," she said, but not with much confidence. She felt the tingle of pleasure as Burt caressed her tit, but stiffened again when he loosed her shorts and pulled the garment around her shapely ass cheeks, where they dropped to her feet. She stepped out of them. The two of them stood facing each other and Burt kissed her on the lips and ran his hands down her sides and over her ass.

’Is he going to fuck me now?’ she wondered to herself. She could feel his cock rubbing into the hair on her pubic area and her tits, the nipples now long and firm, rubbed against his chest.

He stepped away from her and took her hand in his; and stepped carefully into the clear, green water.

Agnes paused before following him. "Before we go in, tell me something. I don't want to be deceptive. Does Melody know you're out here with me?" Melody was Burt's wife for 20 years on earth and 40 years in Heaven.

"Of course. We don't hide anything from each other. Nobody hides anything here. No reason to." He paused "It's my job; and Melody's; to make sure newcomers fit it and adjust; and she is really enthusiastic about sex. She fucks a man or two every day of the week. That's probably what she's doing right now. She will want to enjoy you. Soon."

Agnes didn't have much of a notion as to how women should conduct themselves, but she followed Burt into the water. It was cool and crystal clear. Colorful fish darted around her feet. Burt stepped deeper into the water. "Be careful. The rocks are slippery. Realism, you know, virtual life after death but without many of the unpleasant features of real life.

"No flies, I've noticed. No mosquitos."

"Can you swim?"

They were neck deep in the water. "Yes, although I haven't since I was a teenager. We didn't have a swimming pool in the convent." She laughed at the thought.

"Let's swim to the waterfall and take a shower," said Burt. Side by side they stroked across a few yards of deeper water. Burt pulled her up onto the rocks behind the waterfall. She looked around. Nobody was in sight.

The sound of the waterfall was thunderous now as they stepped into it. She shivered from the cold, then raised her face into the falling water and felt the heavy weight of it cleanse her body. She took a long gulp of the crystalline water.

"May I scrub your back?" shouted Burt, who was standing beside her. He reached onto a ledge and his hand came away with a bar of soap. "Oil and Ash soap, of course. No pollution allowed in Aden."

"Of course," she answered in what she thought was a coquettish voice. Burt massaged her shoulders, then ran his hand over her back, moving down to her ass, massaging and rubbing and then his hands were on her upper legs, his fingers between then, tickling her labia, running his hands over and up and down her upper thighs, and his finger found the crack in her ass and pushed downward; all the way down.

He pulled her around to face him and they kissed long and hard as the cascading water mist sprayed over their heads and down their naked bodies. He gently turned her around and wrapped his arms around her, taking one hand to caress her amazing tits, and his other hand traveled over her narrow belly, then fluffed her pubic bush. His fingers sought her cunt and he inserted one, and then a second one.

"Does that hurt?" he asked.

"No, I'm wet, lubricated; whatever the word is." She sucked in a breath. "Don't stop doing that." Burt's thumb massaged her clitoris as his two fingers stroked in and out. She lowered her hand behind her ass to feel his cock. "I didn't touch Harold's cock when he fucked me. I'm curious what it feels like."

"It's sort of cuddly when it's soft, but you've made it hard. Are you liking this? We can go to shore and fuck on the beach. Or go to your house, if you prefer."

"Oh, no," she answered. "Keep doing that. That feels so good." She was hunching back and forth, Burt's fingers reaching far inside her, the hard knot of her clitoris tingling from the gentle touch of his thumb. "I think I'm going to cum."

"Do it!" Burt commanded. "I want to feel you cum."

Agnes felt a shiver go down her whole body and her legs gave way and she would have fallen had not Burt been holding her. Her body convulsed in tremors as the climax pulsed up and down her limbs. "Oh, oh, oh," she moaned, throwing her head back and thrusting her hips forward to force his two fingers deep inside her and clutched them with her vaginal walls. She leaned back and Burt's other hand found the hardened nipple of her left tit, and he pinched hard and she felt another jolt radiating up and down her chest; and then it was over and she collapsed in euphoria and would have fallen had not Burt caught her in his arms. The falling water washed over her head and face.

"Oh, my God," she said when she could talk. "That was intense. I've never cum standing up." She thought to herself. ‘My language! I am not behaving like a nun. But then,’ she shook off the thought, ‘I'm not a nun anymore. I'm in Heaven.’ She said aloud, "That climax felt like when I found God."

"It was my privilege," said Burt. He kissed her on the cheek.

She felt his cock hard in her hand and nun-like again, she said, "Oh, but I forgot all about you. I need to do something. Don't I?"

"It would be nice," he responded. "Although you have no obligation. That's the joy of Heaven."

"It would be selfish of me not to satisfy you. And after that climax I feel an obligation. Oh, wow, do I feel an obligation! My decades of service to others is still deeply engrained in my conscience."

"Then, let's go to that beach over there" he pointed to the shoreline of the emerald pool. "I'll cum on your tits. And you can masturbate with me. That's what I like most to do. I'm visual. I like to see my partner; and the facial expression, and the way their body moves when they cum.

She took him by the hand and with a purpose of mission, she stepped into the deep water at the foot of the waterfall and he followed and they swam side by side to the shallower water.

As they touched bottom, Agnes said, "I'd like to feel your cock, uh, your cock inside me."

"You want me to fuck you?"

"No, I want to do what you want me to do. But first I'd like to feel your cock inside me. Just for a moment."

"Your wish is my command." He turned to face her in the shoulder-depth water and put his hands under her hips and raised her and she locked her legs around him and he cupped her ass cheeks, then  probed until he found her cunt. She felt him pushing inside her and then he was in.

"Is this what you wanted?" he asked.

"Yes, I just wanted to know what it felt like; if it felt differently than when Harold fucked me."

"Does it feel different."

"I think yours feels tighter."

"Is that a compliment?" he laughed. "Will you recognize me next time by the tight fit in your cunt?"

Agnes blushed in embarrassment. "That's enough. I just wanted to feel you inside me. Let's go to the beach."

"Dear Agnes, I believe you have the potential to be the best lay in all of Aden." He pulled his cock out of her and picked her up in his arms. "I am going to cum a quart all over you. Don't touch me yet! I'll spill my sperm prematurely. I have to let my cock calm down."

Burt continued to cup her ass in his hands and carried her out of the water. She wrapped her arms tightly against his back, and enjoyed how his chest hair tickled her sensitive nipples.

 Burt knelt slowly, and  gently deposited her on the small sandy beach. The warm sand felt great on her backside. He stood up, over her. She sat up and looked at him with appreciation. "What can I do to make this more enjoyable for you?" she asked.         

"Spread your legs and massage your clit; and let's try to cum together. God, I love those tits; and those hard nipples." He began to stroke himself, holding his cock over her tits.

Suddenly, there was a voice. "Hi, Burt." The voice came from a few feet away at the edge of the sand. Burt quit stroking and looked that way.

"Oh, hi, Andy. Chloe, how are you?"

Agnes, laying on the sand, turned her head to see the new arrivals. Honestly, they were about the ugliest couple she had ever seen. Both of them were short, round, and nude. Chloe's tits were enormous and hung down to her waist. Instinctively, Agnes closed up her legs and put her hands over her tits.

"Agnes," said Burt, "meet Andy and Chloe. Long time residents of Aden."

Andy walked over to Agnes's side and extended a hand downward to her. She took her hand off her tit and shook his hand. "I look forward to getting to know you better," he said. "Maybe next Friday?"

"Uh, yes, I'll look forward to it. Maybe," she stuttered. "Nice to meet you."

Chloe also came to her side. "Andy and I have sex as a couple. Both of us and you. It'll be fun. We could join you and Burt right now if you wish."

Andy chimed in. "You'll enjoy Chloe. She has the honor of having the biggest tits in Aden."

"I feel inadequate looking at them," Agnes said, feigning admiration.

Burt was still standing over her, his cock in his hand. He said protectively, "Agnes is new here, and we should let her find her own way into the sex scene."

"Oh, absolutely," Andy said. He looked down at Agnes. "Just know that Chloe and I are willing."

"I'll remember that."

"Well, we must be on our way. Have fun. Nice to meet you." The couple walked away.

Burt watched them go, then said, "Sorry about that. I know you're a little sensitive about fucking and nudity. But they're nice people. And actually she's a great lay. Very enthusiastic; and oh, wow, she is into multiple orgasms. She climaxes like an alarm clock that goes off every every minute on the minute." He began to stroke himself, holding his cock above her tits. "Sorry," he said, "I need to pay attention to you."

"Oh, no, I appreciate your insights and experience." She said that with a touch of irony.

Burt laughed. "Temper, temper, dear Agnes. Everybody likes to fuck Chloe. Just to feel those gigantic tits wrapped around your head. I foresee a beautiful friendship. You and me and Melody. Harold and Chloe and Andy. And a lot of people you don't know yet. A community that fucks together, stays happy together."

"I wish it had been that way on earth," Agnes said wistfully and relaxed, spread her legs, reached up to fondle his testicles in her hand, and used the other hand to massage her clitoris.

He took his cock in hand and stroked and it was over in a minute. His cock exploded with great streams of sticky semen spraying out and falling on her tits. She was a few seconds behind him, the spasms of her orgasm causing her to hunch upward and take her finger deep within herself and then she collapsed, convulsing on the sand. The last drops of Burt's sperm dripped onto her.

When her quivering ceased, he helped her to her feet. She kissed him and gave his cock a last touch, and then she twirled in ecstasy around and around on the sandy beach, her arms swinging, wet hair flying, tits bouncing, head back and looking at the sky; and her mouth locked in a smile of contentment.

"Thank you God! I did my duty and I am rewarded. I am free now." She stopped twirling and looked at Burt. "Was this how sex was when you were alive?, I mean on earth?"

"Sex was splendid on earth. But not always. Sexual activity had problems and complications. Here, it's just fun without detrimental consequences."

She shouted for all the world to hear, "I like Heaven. I love Heaven! I love sex!"

Agnes goes to a party in Heaven and meets three young men.

Sister Agnes felt both apprehension and excitement as she prepared for her second Friday night party in Heaven. She had lost her life-long virginity at the first party. What awaited her at her second? Another sex experience, to be sure, that was the rule. But with whom?

As the sun declined in the sky, her first decision was what she would wear. God had not provided a munificent wardrobe for her stay in the virtual medieval environment in which she resided. She had three pairs of shorts; a bit too short for her taste; three sleeveless blouses; a bit too revealing; and one dress. No bras, no underwear.

She tried on the dress. It was of thin cloth with a flowery pattern and a length that ended above her knees. It was sleeveless, cut-low over her tits, and held on by strings that tied over her shoulders. She knotted the strings. She had no mirror to evaluate her appearance, but she found the dress immodest. The slightest lean forward would expose her tits. She adjusted the straps to reduce the cleavage, but the cleft between her tits was still visible. She shrugged and decided to wear the dress. The people, or rather spirits, of Heaven had attended last week's party in every stage of dress and undress.

Despite her apprehension, she liked the dress. It swished around her hips when she walked; her legs were slender and her tits were ample and bounced with each step she took. During her sixty years as a nun she had never been able to overcome the sin of vanity. She had been proud of her body as a young woman; and she was thirty-five years old again in this virtual reality.

She decided the dress needed more shape. She fastened a belt around her waist and was gratified that it highlighted the gentle curve of her hips. She then tied her long, light-brown hair into a pony tail.

For inspiration, she read again the plaque on her wall:

"The spirits who reside in this afterlife believe that possession and ownership are the source of human misery. Here, you own nothing and you must share what you have, including your body.

The sun was getting low in the sky when she set off walking down the narrow, shady dirt road to the village a few hundred meters distant from her stone house. She shared the road with the enthusiastic spirits of other people, also walking to attend the weekly party. When she reached the main plaza of the village, one of the first persons to greet her was Melody, wife of Burt, the mayor of the virtual community.

"Agnes!" Melody gushed, rushing over to her. "I'm so glad to see you. I need help." The previous Friday, Melody had been wearing a very thin and silky diaphanous Roman toga. This week her nipples were bare, and completely distinguished in the ultra-sheer gown. Painted red and black lines radiated from her nipples along the curve of her tits. She wore a loincloth of tan colored cloth that bared her ample hips and was barely long enough to cover her pubic area and ass.

"What can I do?" asked Agnes, always willing to be helpful.

"The Three Amigos have chosen me for their Friday entertainment. I can't take on all three of them. How about joining us?" She gestured to her rear.

Agnes looked at the three men; really boys, about 20 years old; standing behind Melody. One was tall and black, one was middle-sized and white, and one was short and Asian. All were bare-titted and wearing loin cloths similar to Melody's

The tall black boy stepped forward, shook her hand and kissed her cheek. "Hi, I'm Tom."

The middle-sized white boy stepped forward, shook her hand and kissed her cheek. "Hi, I'm Dick."

The short Asian boy stepped forward, shook her hand and kissed her cheek. "Hi, I'm Harry."

Melody took Agnes by the hand. "Let's go to the dance first. It's fun, especially just around sunset." She led Agnes to a flat sandy place about the size of a tennis court with a pyre of logs in the middle. At one side of the sand was a raised platform on which four musicians were playing music. A young man with a guitar was playing and singing a country song. He was backed up by a drummer, a violinist, and a flutist. About one hundred people were crowded onto the sand dancing to the music.

"That singer looks like Elvis Presley," Agnes said. "I remember him from when I was a teenager."

"That singer is Elvis Presley," answered Melody. "He's on tour in Heaven. We're pleased to have him here tonight.

"Let's dance," Tom, the black boy, put his hand around Agnes's waist and led her into the crowd of dancers.

"I don't know how to do this," said Agnes.

"Just wiggle and sway," said Tom.

Agnes did her best and soon Tom passed her off to another man, and he passed her off to a woman, and she circulated around the sand, going from one partner to another in quick succession as the band ran through a series of rocking and romantic tunes.

Elvis and the beach party.

A naked man ran into the sand holding a burning torch. "It's time to light the pyre," he shouted and tossed the torch onto the mound of logs which flamed instantaneously.

"It's sunset," the man with whom she was dancing; and who was holding her much too closely; explained. "The ceremony is about to begin." He was gone before she had a chance to ask what the ceremony was.

As the fire burned brightly and reached toward the sky, Elvis and the musicians increased the intensity of their singing and playing and what had been a sedate minuet, turned into an orgiastic celebration. All 100 people frantically danced around the fire, circling from one partner to another, men with women, men with men, women with women. Agnes felt herself thrown from one person to the next, their hands running over her body, her hips, waist, and chest, the feel of erect cocks, covered and uncovered, touching her, other tits brushing hers, whirling hair rushing over her face, lips touching her neck and shoulders; and all that as the dusk thickened and night came closer.

A strap on her dress became untied and slipped off her shoulder and a tit was suddenly exposed. She reached down to pull the dress up; but a man's hand stayed hers. "Leave it," he said, and he reached up and untied the strap on the other shoulder and the dress fell to her waist leaving both tits exposed.

And, now, as the sky darkened, the band reached a new level of frenzy with Elvis and his band mates screaming (incongruously) "YMCA" accompanied by a pounding drum beat, the rhythm of the guitar, a whining violin, and the flute player trying desperately to keep up with the others. And Agnes kept dancing, sweat dripping off her face, running down her torso, tits bouncing, swinging wildly, her dress flying around her spinning body, throwing herself into the arms of one person after another, shouting out as did all the others the words to the song.

Then, suddenly the music ceased. Every one of the dancing 100 stopped dead in their tracks and sank to the sand, exhausted.

From the stage, Elvis said, "Thank you very much." He and his band walked off the stage and only the sound of heavy breathing, chirping crickets, and the murmur of water flowing by in the nearby river were heard. Agnes lay on her back, breathing hard, and men on either side of her touched her hips with theirs and their hands reached across her to nestle her tits.

A scream came, and Agnes turned her head to see its source. An enormous naked woman was at the edge of the sandy dance floor. She must have weighed at least 330 pounds, with several chins, thunderous thighs, huge tits that sagged to her waist, and rolls of fat hanging from her back, her ass, and each of her arms. She advanced toward the elevated stage, one slow, methodical, painful step at a time, each foot hitting the ground with emphasis.

"The Earth Mother," the man laying next to Agnes whispered.

Agnes started to ask about her, but then fell silent. The fat woman continued her stately walk toward the stage and, on reaching it, lay down on her back, her legs spread and hanging over the edge of the stage.

"That's the signal that sex can begin," said the man next to Agnes. He patted her on the stomach and sat up and said, "Sorry I have to leave you. I want to fuck the Earth Mother now. After the first half dozen men it gets messy."

With that, he stood up and walked to the stage, standing in line behind another man, who was already standing over the fat lady between her thighs and thrusting his cock. Still other men arrived and took their place in line. The other dancers, including Agnes, rose to their feet and began to disperse. The fiery pyre in the middle of the dance floor was burning low and the dusk had turned to night. Stars and a full-moon hung over the village.

Melody came to Agnes's side, the Three Amigos in her train. She kissed her and stepped back to look at Agnes, her hair wildly deranged and matted to her head by sweat, her tits bare and still heaving from excitement and breathlessness, and the limp dress hanging over the belt around her waists. "Oh, my God, you are so beautiful," said Melody. "I would be jealous; if jealousy were not prohibited in Heaven. Let's go to the river and wash away the sand." She took Agnes by the hand and led her away, beckoning for the Three Amigos to follow.

The river was only a few steps distant and several other people were bathing in the water. In the corner of her eye, Agnes saw a trio on the ground, a man on his back, a woman kneeling over him with him in her mouth, and a man standing behind the woman’s ass. "They didn't waste any time getting on with it," Agnes thought.

Melody stripped off her loincloth and put it on a bush, then turned to Agnes and unfastened the belt around her waist. The dress dropped to Agnes's feet, she stepped out of it. Melody picked it up and threw it on the bush. "Leave it here," she said. "You can get it back tomorrow." The Three Amigos also took off their loincloths and they were all naked. Agnes, Melody, and the boys waded into the cool water of the river and, laughing, splashed water on themselves and each other. Agnes dipped her head into the water and untangled her hair. Melody washed the remnants of the painted stripes off her tits. During her long earthly life Agnes had never felt so free and elated.

To be continued in Part 2,  By ElsieThompson for Literotica.