Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cáel and the Manhattan Amazons: Part 9

Oh My God! All their clothes vanished. What was I to do?

In 25 parts, edited from the works of FinalStand.

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‘‘Living every moment like it is your last is less attractive tomorrow.’‘

(Still Wednesday)

Katrina had left for wherever she snuck off to; I suggested to Aya it was a game room, Aya suggested it was as torture chamber; only to return when the next turn of the screws came. I was informed I had a visitor coming up by the name of Libra Chalmers plus a guest. Quickly enough they appeared. The guest turned out to be Brooke Lee.

‘‘Who are these two?’‘ Aya glibly spoke as the two Vassar girls walked into the room.

‘‘Hello Libra,’‘ I greeted my almost date from last night. ‘‘Hello Ms. Lee,’‘ I said to Brooke.

‘‘It's Brooke,’‘ Brooke smiled at me; she was hungry and scenting around for something remarkably like me.

‘‘I'm happy to see you; oh; this is my guardian and protector, Aya Ruger,’‘ I made the introductions. ‘‘No lie, Aya has been keeping up with my workload while I've been on 'light' duty. Aya, this is Libra Chalmers and Brooke Lee, both from Vassar College. Brooke is Trent's friend and Libra had mercy on me Tuesday night and kept me from being a 'fifth' wheel.’‘

‘‘I'm actually Trent's fiancé,’‘ Brooke corrected.

‘‘Fascinating,’‘ I lied. Oh fuck, that was NOT good.

‘‘Cool. I'm happy to see the both of you, but what brings you to my office today?’‘ I continued.

‘‘Well, I showed up to ask for Trent and Libra asked for you,’‘ Brooke gave a sly smile.

‘‘The thing was,’‘ Libra picked up the tale, ‘‘they were looking up Trent, but the front desk knew exactly who and where you were; so we came here first.’‘ My mind was busily working out how to pull Aya aside to give her a friendly warning when Katrina waltzed in.

‘‘Ladies, this is my boss, Katrina Love, Head of Executive Services for Havenstone,’‘ I plastered a smile on my face.

‘‘Katrina, this is Brooke Lee and Libra Chalmers. I met them Tuesday night,’‘ I kept things simple. Doom was impatient.

‘‘Brooke is Trent's fiancé,’‘ Aya chimed in gleefully. She wasn't being malicious. She just didn't know any better. Katrina had been in the process of giving some congenial nods.

She stopped and turned on a dime. Damn it.

‘‘Really?’‘ Katrina's interest was piqued.

‘‘Yes,’‘ Brooke beamed. She brandished her engagement ring in Katrina's face. Better yet, Katrina 'ooh'ed and 'aah'ed then spun on me.

‘‘Cáel, I didn't know Trent was engaged,’‘ Katrina pierced me with those lethal ocular devices.

‘‘Yeah, I bet you didn't,’‘ I groaned. ‘‘I only found out a moment ago.’‘ Trent had lied on his dating survey; slash application to Havenstone. They kinda/sorta made damn sure we had no external female attachments. It meant less bodies to dispose of if things went wrong.

I couldn't understand how they missed it then a curious custom/lifeline reared its ugly head.

‘‘Brooke, that's your 'promise' ring, right?’‘ I probed. ‘‘I'm sure Trent would get you a bigger rock for the actual engagement.’‘

‘‘Yes,’‘ Brooke confirmed. ‘‘We've decided to make the official engagement when our families take the Christmas Holiday at Hilton Head.’‘

How could I express to Brooke that Christmas with Trent at Hilton Head was a rapidly vanishing dream? Katrina resumed her stroll to her desk.

‘‘Katrina,’‘ I started my appeal. My argument was going to be that 'promise' rings didn't really count even though I knew her omission on his survey/application was bad enough already. Brian was different. If he chose to 'follow his career', she'd shed the prerequisite 17 tears and happily get on with her life. Girls like Brooke came looking and that wouldn't do.

‘‘No,’‘ Katrina didn't even turn around. When she got to her desk, the phone calls began. Brooke was starting to realize something had happened. I gained a level of importance that extended beyond my bedroom sexpertise.

‘‘Cáel, is something wrong?’‘ Libra took my hand in hers.

‘‘Trent may have neglected to mention some things during his job interview,’‘ I explained.

‘‘Like?’‘ Libra was getting concerned.

‘‘Like the existence of Brooke,’‘ I answered. See, if Trent had written down his acquaintance to Brooke, Havenstone would have investigated her in the same way they investigated my mentor, Dr. Kimberly Geisler. She had admitted to the length, depth and termination of our affair.

The issue of her teaching me anything besides sex had never come up.

‘‘What?’‘ Brooke grew indignant. Not with Trent, but with me. See, I was still a peon in her eyes and casting dispersions on her guy, who she knew and trusted.

‘‘Brooke,’‘ I sighed, ‘‘did any Havenstone personnel talk to you about Trent?’‘

‘‘No,’‘ she admitted.

‘‘Every single woman I was ever with was questioned about me and my relationship to them,’‘ I explained. ‘‘Trust me; that was a really long list.’‘ Libra had the answer to that confusion. She pulled out her phone and got a busy signal; that would be Havenstone' now-active jamming devices.

‘‘What's the number?’‘ I asked Libra. She was momentarily annoyed; then suspicion kicked in. She gave me the number. Caller ID indicated it was Marla, Libra's sister. I gave the phone up.

‘‘Marla,’‘ Libra began, ‘‘did anyone from Havenstone Commercial Investments ever talk to you about Cáel?’‘

‘‘Umm, is he in trouble because of what I said?’‘ Marla asked.

‘‘What did you say?’‘ Libra eyed me.

‘‘I said he was a total asshole who broke my heart and given the opportunity I wouldn't mind watching he die a painful death,’‘ she confessed. ‘‘Only later did I realize I missed him and felt sorry about what I said.’‘

‘‘Do you know if they talked to any of his other former girlfriends?’‘ Libra inquired.

‘‘I am absolutely sure they talked to at least one other person,’‘ Marla mumbled. Her Aunt.

‘‘Who? I need to talk to them,’‘ Libra continued.

‘‘That wouldn't be wise,’‘ Marla responded. ‘‘Suffice it to say they didn't give a glowing review either.’‘ Libra hung up and gave me back my phone.

‘‘Cáel, do you have a problem with women?’‘ Brooke glowered at me.

‘‘Yes, there are so many of them,’‘ I shrugged. ‘‘That seems to be my main issue.’‘

‘‘Cáel, how many women have you been with?’‘ Libra mused.

‘‘Around 200,’‘ I acceded.

‘‘200! Holy Shit!’‘ Libra gasped. Out of the blue,

‘‘Of those, how many have dumped you for cheating only to come back to you later?’‘ Katrina postulated.

‘‘Around 40,’‘ I recalled.

‘‘That's my Daddy!’‘ Aya crowed proudly.

‘‘What?’‘ Brooke boggled.

‘‘Not what you think!’‘ I insisted. ‘‘Not what you think!’‘

‘‘Aya is my niece,’‘ Katrina explained. ‘‘Cáel is not her biological father. He is her friend, paternal guide and guardian.’‘

‘‘Aya and I are in negotiations about me eventually marrying her mother, but I have assured her that is years and years off,’‘ I added.

‘‘Cáel is not my real Daddy,’‘ Aya clarified. ‘‘He lets me pretend that he is.’‘

‘‘Besides Cáel, does that 200 include the past month?’‘ Katrina diverted the conversation.

‘‘Well; 200 as in closer to 200 than 300,’‘ I grinned weakly.

‘‘How did you graduate?’‘ Libra followed along.

‘‘I have a lot of stamina,’‘ I pointed out. Tessa Carmichael glided into the room.

‘‘Brooke Lee?’‘ she greeted the not-here-for-me girl.

‘‘Yes? Do I know you?’‘ Brooke was getting nervous and snippy.

‘‘I'm Tessa Carmichael, Director of Human Resources for Havenstone. I handled the final interview process for Trent Grant,’‘ she smiled with deceptive warmth. She was furious. I could tell, having a long history with women in such moods.

‘‘Is that Lee; L-E-E?’‘ Tessa continued.

‘‘Yes, what is this about?’‘ Brooke persisted.

‘‘You and Mr. Grant are in a long term relationship?’‘ Tessa asked next.

‘‘Answer my question,’‘ Brooke snapped. Thankfully Tessa wasn't Elsa.

‘‘Trent lied on both his initial application and then twice in the interview process,’‘ Tessa relayed calmly.

‘‘About dating me?’‘ Brooke was confused.

‘‘We will explain in a moment,’‘ Tessa smiled and patted Brooke on the upper arm.

Brooke and Libra were more poised than I believed was warranted. Suddenly, I peeled back eleven days of experience and realized they assumed that Aya's presence was some sort of armor against violence. Whoops. Olympia Shore entered the room followed by Trent. Bright yet careless, he immediately clued in on the crisis.

‘‘Brooke;’‘ Trent mumbled. Olympia shut the door once Trent was too far inside to run.

‘‘Trent, what is going on? They say you didn't list me as an acquaintance and somehow that's important,’‘ Brooke grumbled.

‘‘I; um; I can explain,’‘ Trent was addressing; the room?

‘‘Be at peace, Trent,’‘ Tessa took over. This was her job and her fuck-up. ‘‘We only need your assurance that your relationship with Ms. Lee was terminated before you signed your contract with Havenstone Commercial Investments.’‘ Trent was looking for the right answer that would make everyone happy, but there wasn't one.

Had he warned me yesterday that Brooke was his lady, I could have warned Brooke to NEVER come here. Trent hadn't done that because it would have necessitated him explaining to Brooke that he had denied her existence in order to get a cushy job. Trent had deluded himself into thinking he could have it both ways, probably because lying had always worked before.

‘‘I think there has been a misunderstanding,’‘ Trent began. The most important thing in the world to Trent was Trent and he could outfox these backwoods feminists. ‘‘I am willing to submit my resignation immediately over this unfortunate mistake.’‘ That was a feint. Sadly, the important ladies had zero faith in his words and had already decided his fate. Moron.

‘‘All we need is for you to verify your relationship, Trent,’‘ Tessa remained congenial.

‘‘I said I will quit,’‘ Trent asserted. Trent was probably curious why his concession wasn't working the way he'd planned.

‘‘It is not that simple,’‘ Tessa sighed. ‘‘You see, when you submitted your final work contract, numerous people co-signed your accounting of events. These people will now be subject to severe criminal, financial and civil penalties.’‘

‘‘What?’‘ Trent gulped. ‘‘What do you mean?’‘

‘‘Trent, we gave you a substantial signing bonus plus benefits and salary. Those people who verified your application are liable for fraud. That would be two of your professors, the Dean of the School of Economics at Carnegie-Mellon, your father, uncle, both the current and previous fraternity presidents and a State Senator.’‘

‘‘You can't; that won't fly. My family and those organizations have lawyers and they'll fight this in the courts for years,’‘ Trent rallied.

‘‘Because they all want fraud cases hanging over their heads,’‘ Tessa looked at Trent as if he was an unruly schoolboy. ‘‘You, of all people, should appreciate how aggressive our Financial Investigative department can be.’‘

‘‘They are going to crawl over all the finances of everyone who we bring suit against. It will be a very public fight that we will gladly bring to the press. Professors will lose their jobs, election campaigns opened to public scrutiny and your personal banking; and everyone they have financial ties to; will be equally targeted.’‘

‘‘If you want, your termination papers are on the way. We have already contacted Legal, who are preparing briefs to file with the District, State and Federal Courts,’‘ Katrina simmered.

‘‘Trent,’‘ Tessa closed in for the kill, ‘‘if you state to us here and now that you are not now in, or plan to pursue a relationship with Ms. Brooke Lee, we can keep this indiscretion in-house.’‘

That was the crux of the matter. At this point Felix and I would have fallen on our swords, admitted to the lie and stood by the lady. Felix was an asshole, but he was a 'face the world on his own terms' asshole. I admired that about him. Brian and Khalid would have evaded, leaving Brooke to swing in the breeze, because that was the kind of men they were; they had a Life Plan and no silly emotional attachment was going to slow them down.

Trent proved to be the latter type of 'man'.

‘‘I decided to not continue a romantic entanglement with Brooke some time ago,’‘ he blatantly lied. The sharks in the room nodded politely. Brooke's mouth opened in outrage. Libra was rallying to Brooke and I was rallying to them both.

‘‘Look, it is a 'promise ring', not an engagement ring,’‘ Trent created excuses. My arm wrapped around Brooke constricted painfully enough to distract her from Trent's cowardice so she focused on me.

‘‘Wait,’‘ I whispered. ‘‘Please wait.’‘ My eyes must have projected my warning of caution.

‘‘So,’‘ Tessa nodded sagely. ‘‘Your romantic relationship with Ms. Lee ended some time ago; say a year; and you were so past the relationship you forgot to include it on your list critically important people to be interviewed; the list you created and your sponsors signed off on.’‘ Run, Trent! Sense the trap and make a break for the door. Go down swinging like a man!

‘‘Yes,’‘ Trent gratefully agreed. Chicken-shit. What mattered here was Trent, followed distantly by Trent's family name, buddies and academic mentors. I was willing to bet it was facing his family's disappointment was the deciding factor for Khalid. Sure, he had an ego. We all did, but Khalid was equally proud of his parentage and racial background.

He'd even had an ancestor in the 54th Massachusetts regiment in the Civil War. His ego had gotten him in trouble and he'd taken responsibility. Poor bastard. The girl was irrelevant. He'd have gladly bought his way out of the trouble if he could. Havenstone knew his weaknesses and dialed up the pressure until he acquiesced.

‘‘Trent!’‘ Brooke squawked. Trent got points for hutzpah.

‘‘Brooke,’‘ he patiently regarded his discarded baggage, ‘‘it has been over for some time. College is over and I let you know we had to move on. Please, it is time for you to let go.’‘ Brooke's mouth fell open and a tear streaked down her eye.

‘‘So Trent, Ms. Brooke Lee's absence was more a matter of a well-established emotional detachment, not a personal oversight. We believe you,’‘ Olympia agreed.

‘‘That would be correct,’‘ Trent jumped on the life preserver offered by his boss.

‘‘I disagree,’‘ Katrina stood up angrily. Nice acting. I would have believed it if I hadn't already figured out the script.

‘‘Katrina, Trent is an indispensable member of MY team and his progression is something I am paying close attention to,’‘ Olympia protected her body-shaped sperm dispenser.

‘‘No,’‘ Tessa joined the attack.

‘‘I'll take responsibility for this,’‘ Olympia challenged her associates. ‘‘I'll have Trent relocated to our East Asian section so he'll no longer be a worry for you two.’‘

They even used the word 'relocate' and Trent was still grinning like a Christmas Elf on the 26th of December. Idiot.

‘‘Trent, how about we get you out of this poisonous atmosphere for a year, or two, and move you to a place where you can shine?’‘ Olympia asked her victim.

‘‘That would be great, Olympia,’‘ Trent's relief came through. Cowardly, selfish shmuck.

‘‘Well, this meeting is over,’‘ Olympia declared. She took Trent by the arm and led him out of Katrina's office. I resisted the impulse to request Trent tell Khalid 'hello' for me. Brooke turned to Libra, leaned into her and started sobbing.

Why all the drama? Now Brooke and Libra, outsiders and long term associates of the vanished, could testify that Trent WILLINGLY threw himself off the face of the Earth. Khalid's relocation might someday be a problem. No one would come looking for Trent after Brooke and Libra got done with him socially; and it was all self-inflicted, the ignoramus.

It was all about loyalty here at Havenstone. My steadfast loyalty to Katrina, paid for in blood, was why I was still running around with the knowledge I possessed. For all my numerous, obvious flaws, there was a sliver of my personality they could identify with. Stepping in front of Leona wasn't solely a matter of bravery.

They acknowledged I was brave for doing it, yet the factor that mattered to them was that my bravery's source was my loyalty to Katrina and her house. No one assumed I was suicidal; there was confidence that Tessa and Katrina would have screened for that, even though the majority of the Amazons didn't like what they were doing.

Khalid had let his balls outweigh his reason. Trent hadn't shown physical cowardice; he was probably martially proficient. His flaw was a weakness of character. He saw every organization as nothing more than a vehicle for his personal advancement. In the rest of corporate civilization, that wasn't so bad, but he wasn't in the sane, morally-compromising, big business world.

He was in Havenstone. They tossed a truckload of money his way, lured him away from other promising offers to reel him; all of us; in. They expected honesty (from us lowly males), loyalty to their company and devotion to their cause even though they had no intention of telling us what it was for some time. Fair; it wasn't.

‘‘Katrina?’‘ I got my boss's attention.

‘‘Take the rest of the day off, Cáel,’‘ Katrina responded. ‘‘Aya, you will be staying with me tonight. Cáel you need to be at Medical 11:00 pm.’‘

‘‘Thanks Katrina,’‘ I nodded her way. I retrieved my crutches, gave Aya a kiss on the top of her head, another on her forehead, sealed with her hug.

By the time we reached the elevator, Brooke was transforming from shell-shocked to righteously pissed. HE (whose name it wasn't safe to mention) had the temerity to dump HER. She was going to socially BBQ his ass with the hidden benefit that ole Trent was about to be incommunicado for the next few months.

‘‘Cáel, what just happened?’‘ Libra asked softly. ‘‘Who do you really work for?’‘ Suddenly that little 'corporate confidentiality' discussion I had with Trent had a new, sinister implication.

‘‘That bastard dumped me in front of a bunch of strangers!’‘ Brooke seethed. If there was any doubt, I am a bastard too.

‘‘It was worse than that,’‘ I consoled Brooke. ‘‘He lied about your intimacy so he could get this job.’‘ I didn't bring up the crap I went through because I didn't matter in her world.

‘‘Did you lie about anything?’‘ Libra asked.

‘‘I didn't describe any of my relationships, but I did list everyone I had contact with,’‘ I answered.

‘‘Why would they do something so bizarre?’‘ Libra hugged Brooke.

‘‘I haven't seen inside the minds of Human Resources, yet I get the feeling that Havenstone is a very closed system. Personal loyalty, honesty and accountability all rate highly with them. Havenstone doesn't worry about personal embarrassment. The only people who are going to know are their staff and they don't use such things in inter-office politics,’‘ I explained.

‘‘How did you get a job here anyway?’‘ Brooke snapped. She meant was, how did a knuckle-dragger like me get the same business opportunity as Brian, Felix, Khalid and Trent? She was lashing out in anger at the closest male; my background and name were irrelevant. I had nailed girls like this all the time. Anger leads to poor decision making which leads to her hectic hunt for her clothes in my domicile sometime after us having sex.

‘‘I proved to be just as good, if not better, than every other candidate,’‘ I glared right back. Brooke didn't want me apologetic, joking, or silent. She wanted me to be a strong, solid and unyielding. Why? Trent had just shattered the bedrock of her future and she was desperately seeking any foundation to set down on. It could be temporary, but had to be quick.

‘‘I don't see how that is possible,’‘ Brooke glared. Brooke was used to being pampered and catered to. It was her birthright.

‘‘That's the difference between you and me, Brooke,’‘ I met her stare. By Brooke, I meant Trent and we both knew it.

‘‘I have fought for everything I've earned and if I've learned anything it is to appreciate my good fortune.’‘ Meaning women. The supposition was that I would never have undervalued, or abandoned, a woman as wonderful and complete as Brooke. I could see the mathematical calculations going on behind Brooke's eyes.

She was working out how many drinks she'd have to take before she could justify to the rest of the world she was drunk when I fucked her; while she got to full enjoy the experience. Oh; was I with Libra? Not only can guys not trust me with their girlfriends, girlfriends can't trust their girlfriends around me either.

I've had girlfriend's roommates invite me over to rendezvous with my girl only to discover my girl was busy; but the roommate wasn't. Maybe I'm not a pig. Maybe I'm an amoeba; thoughtless and all-devouring.

‘‘Let's go out for some drinks,’‘ Libra suggested. Oh, I was having a three-way. Wait!

‘‘Maybe you could call Marla?’‘ I looked to Libra. ‘‘Honestly, I don't know either of you that well and she could help fill in some of the gaps?’‘ Translation: Can we please make this a four-way?

‘‘Good idea,’‘ Libra blushed slightly. Yay me! It turned out that Marla could be with us in an hour.

The bar scene was dead; it wasn't even five pm yet; so Libra put in an order for some liquor from a delivery service; huh? Libra asked me what I wanted to drink. I said I only drank moonshine, or, if that wasn't available, turpentine. She promised me some aged Scotch. Libra and I sat patiently in the taxi ride to Libra's place as Brooke bitched endlessly.

I think what impressed Libra the most was my ability to engage Brooke successfully while she spat venom over the entire spectrum of all things 'Trent'. Men, college, Carnegie-Mellon, fraternities; Brooke heatedly ask if I was a frat-boy. I inquired if Beer Drinking Clubs counted and she chuckled. She jumped right back to the 'bitchy', but we'd crested the wave.

We three were working through the uncertain status of who would/should do what to who as we sat around Libra's apartment. Added to that was Libra and Brooke using every tentacle of social media to castrate and castigate Trent. Trent made some half-assed counterattacks (he was on his way to the airport), his 'bros' rallied to his cause, Brooke's sorority rallied to hers, and billions of electrons died for no real purpose except to feed two people's impassioned egos.

‘‘Cáel, could you get the door?’‘ Libra requested. Since the two ladies were going full-blown agro on their phones and I was merely crippled, I hobbled to the door of Libra's posh crib. It was Marla. I opened the door and her eyes rounded in surprise.

‘‘Cáel,’‘ she mumbled. Her eyes flicked down, took in my bulge, my limp, then followed me inside.

‘‘Is the leg; okay?’‘ Marla asked. Libra waved while she kept talking. Brooke didn't even do that much. I doubted Marla wanted an in-depth medical report.

‘‘It's strong enough,’‘ I grinned hungrily. That's what she wanted to know.

‘‘Good,’‘ she exhaled happily. She dropped her bag, leapt on me, her legs wrapping around my waist, her arms linked behind my head and her tongue darted into my mouth to play with mine.

I staggered back while my hands cupped each of Marla's jean-clad ass cheeks and began to knead them. Her crotch throbbed against my hard-on. Marla was quickly making these precious little throttled moaning noises heralding her sexual need. I was peripherally aware of the conversation in the room dying down.

‘‘I want to fuck,’‘ Marla panted. Misinterpreting that was nearly impossible. Cleverly, I had done an earlier reconnaissance, spotted the bedroom while pretending to look for the bathroom. There was also a nice sofa in the entertainment room, just in case, plus the kitchen counter was at a fuckable level. I turned and limped to Libra's bedroom carrying an encircling Marla.

Since I wanted to fuck all three, I didn't bother kicking the door shut. Erotic sound effects were fine. Leaving the door open was a magnet to their voyeuristic carnality. Soaking up Marla undressing was a cornucopia of information too. She wanted aggressive coitus, was soaking wet from masturbating on the drive down, and was expecting my ultimate effort.

This was a combination of 'I'm lonely and it is your fault' sex and 'make-up' sex. I stole a glance at Libra's bedside clock. Marla jumped backwards onto the middle of the king-sized bed. I pursued her as rapidly as my wound would allow. This didn't even take a Year One effort from me. I pushed her down, she kissed the hell out of me, hands grasping my ears, and I sent my fingers after her.

My two fingers had trouble in their penetration; she'd been abstaining from sex for a while. I managed to scoop out some juices and rub them all over her button. I really do have a gift for memorizing the sexual details of every woman I've encountered. It is a real pity there isn't a Nobel Prize for that. There should be.

At 58 seconds, Marla howled. She always had good lungs. I followed that up by pushing her arms over her head while she was still coming down from her apex. I rained down butterfly kisses on her triceps, just how she liked it. She was humping up against me and whining piteously as I kept working her over.

‘‘Cáel,’‘ she moaned. ‘‘Do me! I've missed you so much.’‘ What can I say? A buddy once suggested that if I was less exciting in the bedroom, my ex's might not hurt me so much. I laughed and asked him 'that wouldn't be nearly as much fun now would it?' I'm an idiot. Wait, let's change it up; I am a passionate masochist.

‘‘Not yet, Marla,’‘ I kissed her.

‘‘No,’‘ she wailed. ‘‘Do me; then we can do that; please?’‘

‘‘Do you forgive me?’‘ I teased her. Marla bit her lip and looked away. She was still humping away like a bunny.

‘‘No,’‘ she whispered.

‘‘You don't have to,’‘ I murmured. ‘‘Condom.’‘ I worked down her body, while I blindly sought out my pants, retrieved a line of condoms; I was really shocked to learn that most guys don't walk around with ten at a time.

Marla howled, first in surprise and pain then in orgasm number two. Marla was missing me far more than I had anticipated. She was so freaking sensitive. As her vibrations died down, I rolled us over so that Marla was on top.

‘‘Oh fuck yeah,’‘ she panted. ‘‘Better than I remembered.’‘

‘‘Marla, are you okay?’‘ Libra inquired from just out of sight. Marla began her rendition of bull-riding on my lap.

‘‘Ah; ah; ah; I'm so wonderful,’‘ Marla laughed. ‘‘Thanks for finding Cáel for me. God, I've missed this mighty shaft.’‘

‘‘I didn't find him for you, Little Sister,’‘ Libra griped. ‘‘He's my date.’‘ Now I was a date.

‘‘Who; who do you; like better; Cáel?’‘ Marla panted. I began strumming her button.

‘‘I've never slept with Libra, Marla,’‘ I informed her. I didn't want to touch the word 'comparison'. If I was that callous, I might miss this chance to fuck Brooke. Libra was a given.

That wasn't my ego talking. If you want to nail an older sister, nail her younger sister. Marla's antics were simply adding the audio-visual aids to make all of this a foregone conclusion.

‘‘Sorry,’‘ Marla said while looking over her shoulder. ‘‘I found him first. He's mine.’‘

‘‘But you dumped him,’‘ Libra strode into the room. Brooke stood in the door. ‘‘So he's fair game.’‘ Before you insult my masculinity for lying there and being treated like property by three stuck-up babes, do remember I was definitely fucking them all before eleven o'clock tonight. You go be He-man if you like. By soaking up a few irrelevant insults, I was going to exceed 300 fantastic ladies before the Amazons killed me and I was still going to go out like a true male of the species.

‘‘We are making up,’‘ Marla insisted.

‘‘Marla, hold on,’‘ I intervened. ‘‘We aren't here so I can fix things with you.’‘ During the 'make up' period, take the blame for the failure of the relationship; that leads you to sex, trust me. ‘‘Trent turned out to be a total Tool. He dumped Brooke instead of manning up and admitting he'd lied on his application. It's only a damn job and there thousands out there. What a shmuck.’‘

Balancing act time. I wasn't one of 'them' so insulting one of their social class was a dicey endeavor. You counter that with the fact that Trent had behaved like a douche, Brooke wanted the whole damn world to know she was a prize worth fighting for and finally doubling down on Trent not being a man worthy of her affections. Low and behold, there was a man in front of her willing to prove that Trent wasn't a real man; me!

‘‘I don't want to have sex with you,’‘ Brooke declared while enthralled with Marla's ass bouncing up and down on my hips, which were visible half the time. Marla tossing her head around in the throes of passion was a nice touch. Between her gyrations, Marla let out a soprano high note that damn near ruptured my inner ears.

My current paramour collapsed on my chest. Libra came over and sat on the bed, level with my chest. Brooke was now halfway in the room; definitely convinced she wasn't having sex with me while rubbing her tingling thighs together and certainly not getting wet. (Yeah, right.)

‘‘Mmm,’‘ Marla sighed. ‘‘You are the best guy I've ever been with, Cáel.’‘

‘‘Why in the hell did I ever screw us up?’‘ I groaned. I knew why. Her aunt was sexy. I was lucky Marla never caught me banging any of the customers/other girlfriends in her shop. I repeat, girls love it when you take the blame. Brooke especially was getting into it. Marla was living proof I was emotionally unhealthy to hang around. To get around that, I had to be a bit of a sap.

‘‘Me neither,’‘ Marla kissed my chest.

‘‘What did he do?’‘ Libra pressed her sister. At this point, outrage is a good thing. See, this clears the board of any unanswered questions that can be deal-killers later.

‘‘He slept with Aunt Jeannine,’‘ Marla kept raining down little kisses on me.

‘‘What!’‘ Libra howled. ‘‘Why didn't you say anything before now? Cáel, did you put my aunt down on your little sex survey?’‘ Bringing out the broom.

‘‘It was too painful,’‘ Marla started licking up my/our sweat off my chest. She was hiding her pain well.

‘‘Yes, I put her down on the application. Honesty is important in any relationship,’‘ I gave Libra sad eyes. Honesty? From me? I can't recall all the times I've looked into a girlfriend's tearful gaze and said 'No, I'm not seeing anyone else. I only have eyes for you.' I learned that 'only have eyes for you' was a nice add-on when I turned 19. Hell, I've used those lines on three different girls in one night.

What can I say? I wanted to keep having sex with them.

‘‘If you were seeing Marla, why did you sleep with Aunt Jeannine?’‘ Libra groaned.

‘‘I was bitter, angry and self-destructive,’‘ I 'confessed'. No, I was horny and she was a gorgeous, accessible Milf. Somewhere in the de-clothing process she threw out there that Uncle Whomever might be cheating on her. Worked for me.

‘‘Do you regret that now?’‘ Libra asked.

‘‘Would you cheat on her again?’‘ Brooke seethed.

‘‘I regretted when I hit on Jeannine,’‘ I admitted. ‘‘Marla didn't deserve that.’‘ Marla purred like a cute, happy kitten. ‘‘Would I cheat this time?’‘ I let that hang out there.

‘‘Yes; yes I would and that's why I don't want to give Marla and me another try until I'm a somewhat more reliable lover for her,’‘ I sighed.

‘‘But why!’‘ Brooke screamed. She was starting to cry; again.

‘‘I'm me, Brooke,’‘ I shrugged. ‘‘Not only can I not say 'no', I can rarely say 'maybe later'.’‘

Humor, blame acceptance (I'm a dog) and yet 'not my fault because slutty girls hit on me'.

‘‘How can men be so heartless?’‘ Brooke choked back another sob.

‘‘There are good guys out there,’‘ I assured Brooke. Libra edged closer. Brooke moved to the edge of the bed. I reached behind my back, grabbed a pillow and put it on my lap.

See, by covering up my crotch I was being considerate of Brooke's sensibilities, proving, despite EVERY other piece of evidence indicating I was out for sex, I was only here for moral support.

‘‘You approached your relationship with honesty and clear intentions. Trent wanted nothing more than to use you to pad his portfolio,’‘ I continued.

‘‘Face it, you're beautiful, smart, cultured and have the best education,’‘ I said. I hadn't a clue how good Vassar was, or how well Brooke had done there. Also, call attractive women beautiful; they like the boost. Call beautiful women smart; it is not a complement they normally get. ‘‘You were the perfect choice.’‘ Brooke was eating it up.

‘‘I'm not the perfect choice?’‘ Libra nudged me.

‘‘You are from New England, Libra. Trent is from New York and was looking for a Southern girl to make himself look more cosmopolitan,’‘ I appeared deeply serious. That bit was total bullshit. I had no clue about the geopolitics of the top 1%.

As far as I knew about Trent, he was already too inbred with all the New York families, so a girl from Virginia was a safe bet for children with the appropriate number of fingers and toes. To be fair, Brooke was better looking than Libra, or Marla, but nothing short of torture would make me say that.

‘‘Yeah,’‘ Libra mused, ‘‘Trent was always so superficial about that; but never in front of you Brooke,’‘ she added.

‘‘I hate that I'm only finding all these horrible things about him now,’‘ Brooke screwed up her face. She sat on the bed, was clearly uncomfortable; with the comforter; and then pushed farther onto the bed until she was next to my strategically placed pillow. Whatever animal I am identified with, the general consensus is that I'm a terribly lucky member of the breed.

Marla spotted Brooke's move and decided that a little bit of demarcation was in order. She snaked a hand under the pillow and began stroking my phallus. Marla was my bed-buddy. We had a history. She was also the youngest and the little sister of one of the other combatants. Rich, pretty, petty girls don't share well; why should they?

The doorbell rang. That would be the liquor store that made home deliveries; I had clearly been living in the wrong part of the world most of my life.

‘‘Marla, go get the door,’‘ Libra commanded. ‘‘It is a delivery.’‘

‘‘Why?’‘ Marla protested. ‘‘I'm the only one naked.’‘ What was I then? Wearing a pillow?

‘‘Consider it a tip for the delivery boy,’‘ Libra teased her sister wickedly. ‘‘Or, would you rather stay in a hotel tonight?’‘ Marla muttered 'bitch' as she slipped to the foot of the bed then left. It was time to hasten the undressing process.

‘‘I need to go to the bathroom and; clean up,’‘ I told Libra.

‘‘Right around the corner,’‘ she smiled. I brushed against Brooke as I left, pillow in place, and limped down the hall. The delivery boy wasn't a problem. It was a girl, around 5 foot 3, and 96 pounds; a little thing with a hand truck and a case of whatever.

‘‘Hi,’‘ she waved shyly.

I had to wonder why she wasn't more freaked out about a man wearing a pillow edging out of one room and down the hall. The look I was getting wasn't your normal reaction. I felt really bad for myself that I'd never get promoted to a lifestyle what would allow this thing to be common place. Wait; my cock had something to say; reality and cranium be damned.

‘‘Hey Sexy,’‘ I smiled at her. ‘‘When do you get off work?’‘

‘‘Dammit Cáel, I'm standing right here!’‘ Marla snapped. The girl looked from the naked chick who was signing for the order then back to me; the almost naked guy.

‘‘Ah; this might not be a good time,’‘ the deliver girl hesitated.

‘‘I know this looks bad, but nothing is going on. I have a girl who is a friend and her guy dumped her today so we're just doing a little commiserating,’‘ I perjured myself.

‘‘I didn't drive like a maniac down here for only one round of sex, Mister,’‘ Marla announced.

‘‘Oh; okay then,’‘ the Liquor monger turned to Marla. ‘‘I'm sorry about your break up; Ms. Chalmers.’‘

‘‘Ms. Chalmers is my sister,’‘ Marla stared at the girl somewhat impatiently.

‘‘Well then, I'm sorry for your sister's unfortunate romantic entanglement,’‘ the girl backpedaled.

‘‘My sister didn't get dumped. It was her best friend, Brooke,’‘ Marla explained.

The service girl looked back at me, somewhat in awe.

‘‘How many women do you have back there?’‘ she motioned to the bedroom.

‘‘Two,’‘ shouted Libra. ‘‘Now give me my tequila. I want to be drunk before I fuck this guy.’‘

‘‘Ah,’‘ Delivery girl looked even more confounded. ‘‘Is there a problem?’‘

‘‘Ah, no. I'm simply not in their social class; and I sort took her little sister's virginity,’‘ I said.

‘‘That would be me,’‘ Marla glared at the plebian; the one who wasn't me.

‘‘And her aunt,’‘ I completed.

‘‘At the same time?’‘ the girl gasped.

‘‘No;’‘ my interest was piqued by that vision though.

‘‘No!’‘ yelled Marla. ‘‘He's fucking me; again, and my sister and her best friend tonight. Don't you have somewhere you need to be?’‘ she stared at the working stiff.

‘‘You don't look like the average boy-toy,’‘ delivery girl was clearly taunting Marla now.

‘‘I'm not. I'm property of a tribe of Amazons who use me for target practice,’‘ I joked. Oddly enough, it was the truth but I didn't expect her to believe that. ‘‘These are just some chicks I met at a bar; except for Marla. I met her at college where she schooled me to a whole new level of ecstasy.’‘ That made Marla smug and happy.

‘‘You; go,’‘ Marla barked to delivery girl. ‘‘Where are you going?’‘ she questioned me.

‘‘I need to go to the bathroom,’‘ I told her.

‘‘Fine, but don't go jumping out of the window like you did last time I saw you,’‘ Marla warned me.

‘‘Wow; we are on the seventeenth floor,’‘ I sighed. ‘‘I really don't want you to scream and throw books at me yet I think plummeting to my death would still be my primary concern.’‘

‘‘Fine,’‘ delivery girl shrugged. ‘‘I'm going.’‘ She rolled her hand-truck to the door. Before Marla could shut it. ‘‘Nice to meet you; uh.’‘ Having a rather unique name rocks. I've been warned that come Paternity Suit time, it won't be nearly so cool.

‘‘Cáel Nyilas,’‘ I waved good-bye. ‘‘N-Y-I-L-A-S.’‘ Marla slammed the door shut then put her back to it.

‘‘You are reprehensible,’‘ she gave me the sultriest purr. Yeah, I was a bad, bad boy and those three were going to spank me with their kitties to put me in my place. Life can be thankless, demanding and unrewarding at times; I'm sure that will happen to me eventually. I stumped off to the bathroom, dropped my (unused) rubber in the trash, washed up, didn't find lube but massage oil would do for tonight and returned to the bedroom.

Oh my God! All their clothes had fallen off! What was I to do?

Libra was in the middle, Brooke was closest to me, and Marla was unhappily on the far side of Libra. All were resting their upper backs and heads against the headboard. Brooke was drinking 'my' Scotch, Libra had her tequila, leaving Marla with a Bordeaux.

I put the pillow down by the foot of the bed, slipping my oily lubricant underneath the pillow. That was for later. I crawled/pulled myself up the middle. Libra was polite, if not sincere.

‘‘Take care of Brooke first,’‘ Libra said.

‘‘I'd rather show her some things and let her decide what she likes,’‘ I countered.

Yes. I was telling Libra I was going to use her body as a surrogate fuck-toy to amuse her friend and by the look in her eyes, she was all for it.

‘‘I really don't want to have sex right now anyway,’‘ Brooke lied. In sex, only the top lips lie. An un-coaxed cunt glistening with arousal is about as honest a plea for sex there is.

I deftly slipped on my next condom before 'tripping' and landing my chin on Libra's stomach.

‘‘Whoops,’‘ I grinned at her. She gave me a famished look. ‘‘Well, since I'm here,’‘ I eyebrow-pumped. My body backed up enough so that I was even with her labia. Keeping eye contact with Libra, I took my first tongue stab; rolling the tongue and penetrating her. Her lips parted and her chest inhaled deeply.

Marla moaned wantonly, inspired by previous encounters with me. I didn't let myself be distracted. This was Libra's place, we all where here at her sufferance and Brooke had foisted me on her so now I was 'her' guy. By girl-logic, that meant she went first and I better let everyone know she was first. All of this ignored me and Marla's earlier romp of course.

Libra was a naughty little slut. She tried to hide her hot spots from me using distractions and deceptions. It took me five minutes to figure out her game. Then I waited for the right moment.

‘‘I thought you said this guy was good, Mah!’‘ Libra wailed to Marla. Libra was a clit-nibbler. I took that proffered bit of delicate femininity and made it my bitch.

In the first few seconds I had realized Libra was an anal virgin. Brooke being an anal virgin was a no-brainer. Neither woman was 'that' kind of woman and they'd given Marla a tough time because of it; or so I imagined. A few seconds after I ambushed her I decided to do something about that. She  held my hand to her snatch while she swiftly flipped onto her front and raised her ass up. I worked a third finger into her. Libra was vocally expressive somewhat similar to her sister; and aunt.

When I slipped one finger behind, Libra whelped then whimpered. She was far too busy building up to her ascent to protest. She did tilt her head so that we could make eye contact again. She wanted to form the words to make me stop, but the pleasure robbed her of the necessary concentration.

Libra's fists balled up in the comforter, her head rolled back and she began escalating to her own operatic concerto. Man, I loved these Chalmers's women and their arias.

‘‘What was that?’‘ Brooke shook the amorously frayed Libra.

‘‘That was an orgasm,’‘ Marla snickered. ‘‘I warned you that Cáel punched all my buttons.’‘

‘‘Libra, have you been faking it all these years?’‘ Brooke gasped.

‘‘Mmm; yeah; I guess I have,’‘ Libra panted. ‘‘That was nice,’‘ she murmured. ‘‘Cáel, do it again.’‘

‘‘No way,’‘ Brooke grabbed my arm. ‘‘It is my turn!’‘ So much for not wanting to have sex with me.

Libra made a feeble effort to keep me in place. Brooke was insistent. I didn't let her pull me into her lap, instead falling fully upon her body. She was momentarily put off by the scent of Libra's juices on my face, but quickly came around. We were kissing and licking each other's faces in no time.

The Scotch was good. I could taste it on her lips and inhaled it with her breath. I slipped into her with minimal effort and no resistance. Trent had been getting the job done in the bedroom. That didn't stop him from being a dunce and misusing Brooke. Slowly, as I kept easing in and out, Brooke began squinting. When she closed her eyes, I decided on what she needed.

‘‘What are you doing?’‘ Brooke muttered as I began rolling us onto our sides. She was looking at me once more.

‘‘Close your eyes,’‘ I whispered. She squinted again, but didn't fully close them. When I withdrew my penis from her steamy folds, she stiffened.

‘‘I don't like that,’‘ Brooke insisted while her eyes remained slits.

‘‘You don't want to do what you've done; with him, Brooke,’‘ I murmured. ‘‘You want to do something new; something that says you've moved on.’‘ She bought it. Brooke let me roll her over then pushed up into the classic doggy style position; which she claimed 'not to do'.

She was confused when I pushed her hips back down to the bed. I carefully poised my body over hers, balancing on my right leg and both arms. Brooke didn't know what to make of the first kiss on the back of her head. I wasn't romantic; I was a putz to be shoved into her a few times to take her mind off of her pain. That was her opinion of me.

'Fucks' didn't gently kiss you, caress your hair, neck and shoulders with his nose and lips, eliciting amorous noises from the girl they were gratifying. Brooke began radiate peace and contentment as I tenderly lavished attention on her. As a reward, she gave me what I wanted, namely her body plus an unspoken promise of a follow-up encounter.

I had Brooke pushing her ass up, after an indeterminate time. She had transformed from 'in control and basic' to urging me to 'do what I will' to her body. As predicted, Brooke was an anal virgin too. I pulled her hips back up then worked all the way into her. A few careful strokes came next.

My slamming hard, caught Brooke and the others off-guard. Brooke grunted, started to protest then had her utterance stolen away by the next pile-driving thrust. After that, it was too late. I lost track of the number of Brooke's orgasms. I didn't really care. My goal was to fuck the Trent right out of her recollection.

The first time Libra attempted to intervene and save her friend, my fierce glower turned her back. The second time, Marla kept her from yanking on my arm. When I finally shot off, Brooke was past caring. I lowered us back down to the bed and began showering her with kisses again. She was making contented little moans then twisted her head around, requesting a bit of lip action.

‘‘Happy,’‘ Brooke sighed dreamily.

‘‘I can tell,’‘ Libra was a bit peeved.

‘‘Trent who?’‘ Brooke giggled. Mission success! Oh, she'd be a few decades despising the bastard yet I had given her a far more passionate experience to balance out the pain and emptiness that had been inflicted on her.

Women, don't thank me. Thank my mentor, Kimberly, who taught me that a penis without experience and imagination was like a car without tires, or gas. It might attract attention, but then what do you do with the damn thing?

‘‘Come home with me, Cáel,’‘ Brooke said between tongue tussles.

‘‘Brooke, I have a job, I need to be back at eleven tonight, and we do have some company, remember?’‘ I reminded her; of the two ladies right next to us on the bed.

‘‘Me next,’‘ Marla beamed.

‘‘I'm not a carnival ride,’‘ I grumbled. I was. Fessing up wouldn't help me negotiate later.

‘‘How about you three let me get cleaned up then, Marla, I want your ass again. I've really missed the way it turned you on,’‘ I grinned seductively at the youngest woman. I wanted to have anal sex with all three. Brooke's libido was too steamed up to hold out for long. Libra wanted more sex yet wouldn't let me near her precious ass until she saw Marla get all torn up.

I confess I was strongly motivated by a desire to simply visit those two asses up, because they were stuck-up bitches who looked down on me. I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and I use sex appeal to get what I want; namely sex. I got out of bed, kissed Brooke on each ass then limped away to wash off.

When I came back they were in a furtive discussion.

‘‘We've decided I'll go next,’‘ Libra purred.

‘‘Oh,’‘ I stopped. ‘‘I'll get dressed and be on my way now. Marla, I have my own apartment plus a place at corporate we can crash.’‘

‘‘Wait,’‘ Libra sat up, caught between outrage and need. ‘‘What's wrong with me?’‘

‘‘You are perfectly scrumptious, but there is a fundamental misunderstanding of why I am here,’‘ I lectured them. Now to throw out a curveball. ‘‘I'm here for Brooke. She was the one betrayed by my co-worker. She didn't deserve any part of that.’‘

‘‘If this is how you two (Marla and Libra) want to treat me, I'm gone. Brooke can find me if she wants me. Marla and I have a history, so I owe her; thus the invite. Libra, I like you, but I have to have my priorities before I think of myself and what I might want,’‘ I explained. I was lying. Had it only been Libra and me, I'd have been nailing her until 10:45.

If it was just Marla; ditto. Brooke; ditto again. The emotional dynamics became a little more complicated when it came to any two of them, but my stance would be the same. I was the guy. If I didn't get the sex I wanted, I would leave. If I pushed them too hard, they wouldn't hesitate to show me the door. No one surrendered their decision making ability.

They were still submitting to my lustful desires. Pointing that out would have not helped me achieve my objectives; namely the utilization of every condom in my stockpile.

‘‘Thank you, Cáel,’‘ Brooke smiled at me with something akin to fondness. ‘‘Please stay.’‘

‘‘If you really want to have sex with Marla, I'll understand,’‘ Libra conceded.

Before I even had a knee on the bed, Marla squealed happily and presented her ass for fucking. If the other two had any suspicions about the massage oil suddenly appearing in my hand, they kept their questions to themselves. Anal sex was nasty, dirty and degrading; something only 'those' kinds of girls did. They had never experienced it.

Had their boyfriends ever had on a porno with anal sex, they would have yelled at their guys and made them cut it off. No one told Marla this. By the time one of the other girls in her social circle brought this up, all she could do was nod and keep her erotic achievements to herself.

‘‘Damn Marla,’‘ I teased. ‘‘Have you not let anyone else back here since we were last together?’‘

‘‘I find it awkward to ask,’‘ Marla whimpered as I worked my first finger inside. ‘‘Ah; this only reminds me more of how much I've missed you.’‘

‘‘Try not to make me cum before I'm ready,’‘ I begged Marla; points for me all around. The only thing a woman wants more than to control her partner's orgasm is an orgasm of her own.

‘‘Ah; ah; ah, I'll try,’‘ Marla gasp-giggled. No, she was going to work my shaft over with every trick she could recall.

‘‘That doesn't look comfortable,’‘ Brooke commented as I began working into Marla. She had actually half-crawled over Libra to get a better view from my right side.

I was about to develop an awkward moment of helplessness. I winced. Brooke caught it.

‘‘Are you okay?’‘ Brooke touched my right forearm. The one that was pumping two fingers into Marla's ass.

‘‘Um,’‘ I sounded embarrassed. ‘‘My leg is killing me; I can't; um; it is embarrassing.’‘

‘‘What is it?’‘ Brooke insisted.

‘‘I need; ah; to coat me with massage oil so I can penetrate Marla the moment she's ready,’‘ I gulped. Totally false. There is no 'Golden Second'. I could easily lube up then penetrate Marla, but I selfishly wanted to get Brooke involved in some kinkiness.

‘‘Ah, okay,’‘ Brooke acquiesced immediately. She doled out three squirts of oil into her palm then began coating my condom-covered tool. Her placing her face only centimeters away while she worked my tool was; strange.

‘‘You are bigger than Trent,’‘ she murmured. ‘‘Definitely thicker.’‘ It wasn't a contest that interested me, but if it made her happy.

Brooke pulled back, a bit ashamed.

‘‘That asshole used to make me give him blowjobs all the time,’‘ she informed us. ‘‘I can't believe he made me swallow.’‘

‘‘I'd never treat you like that, Brooke,’‘ I expressed to her.

She smiled and began to vigorously stroke, as a reward. Honestly, as long as the girl didn't vomit my seed on me, I could care less what she chose to do with it. Third finger.

‘‘Do you want me to give you a blowjob?’‘ Brooke teased.

‘‘No,’‘ I sighed. ‘‘You are fragile right now. I only want to do what makes you happy.’‘

If anyone is surprised that was a lie, you clearly haven't been paying attention to me and my sexual appetites. If I thought I could get away with it, I'd have her give me fellatio on the taxi ride back to work as long as her efforts were at least passible.

‘‘Make me happy,’‘ Marla panted. ‘‘Make me happy.’‘ I put my hand over Brooke's right hand; then she used her left hand to cup my ass cheek. Together we pushed into Marla.

Brooke initially contended with my advance. Our eyes locked. Next she tried to move her hand away. I thwarted that action yet held firm at Marla. She kept staring at me. My hand over hers, I let her guide me against her best friend's little sister's rear frontier. When my rod passed that resistant point, both Marla and Brooke groaned.

I actually had to slow Brooke down. She was getting off on the feel of the pressure on my penis.

‘‘We don't want to hurt Marla by going too fast,’‘ I counseled Brooke. She gave a minute nod.

‘‘Marla, that looks like it hurts,’‘ Libra spoke up. She was on her back but just inches from Marla’s face. Libra could watch both of our faces, but feeling left out.

‘‘Mmm,’‘ Marla smiled, looking into her sister’s face. ‘‘This is pure bliss, Big Sis,’‘ Marla groaned. ‘‘Painful; yes. Thrilling; definitely!’‘

‘‘I can feel her; uh;’‘ Brooke struggled for words.

‘‘Bum?’‘ I offered. Brooke's uncertainty vanished and she snickered.

‘‘I can feel her 'bum' squeezing his pipe,’‘ Brooke giggled. ‘‘It's freaky.’‘ In a good way I was glad Brooke hadn't let go of my cock after all.

‘‘Pull it back,’‘ I whispered to Brooke conspiratorially. She looked momentarily confused then amused. In her drunk retelling of this tale, she'd claim to have drank the whole bottle of Scotch first. With a big, toothy grin, Brooke pulled me mostly out. Marla moaned happily. Brooke pressed her left hand behind my ass and gleefully reversed course and began pushing me back in.

Brooke was getting to ass-fuck a girl without the benefit of a strap-on. She also quickly figured out that we had to go deeper into Marla each time. Marla's grunts let Brooke know when enough was enough.

‘‘Brooke!’‘ Libra gasped. ‘‘You are fucking my sister's ass with Cáel dick.’‘

‘‘I am, aren't I?’‘ Brooke seemed surprised with herself. Brooke’s left hand slid into my ass cheek and her middle finger started making little circles on my sphincter. brazen hussy!

‘‘Brooke, dear;’‘ I asked; ‘‘Can you drip some more oil on my shaft as I come out? I I want to make sure Marla has enough, deeper inside.’‘ Brooke grinned as she expertly applied more. It resembled putting mustard on a hot dog, at the ballpark. As quickly as she concluded the oiling, she forced my ass cheek  to go back inward, even deeper.

‘‘Feels great Brooke,’‘ Marla sniggered. ‘‘Keep it up. Ram that big boy in me.’‘ Three more strokes and Brooke's hand would have to re-position between Marla’s legs, and settle for holding my sack. She sat back on her haunches, somewhat disappointed her primary role had come to an end. But Brooke loved what her left hand was continuing to do.

It was time for me to refocus on Marla, who had been a very good girl. I reward the efforts of my partner. As soon as she became comfortable with my intrusion in her, I wrapped both arms around her stomach and began coating her shoulders with kisses. A few minutes of gentle action made Marla one contented little racehorse.

‘‘No,’‘ she whined. Marla knew what was coming was only 'bad' because it was so good for her. Tenderly I reached my arms tight to hold her tits, then raised her torso up until she was bouncing slowly in my lap, but vertically spooning. That was followed up with me raising her arms up over her head, then she reached them both back to tousle my hair. My tongue began running up her inner left arm. Her whimpering became downright plaintive.

Marla's rendition of a heavenly chorus was the prize she offered up. Oh, she was still riding as she ground her ass down. The secret lesson here for Brooke and Libra was that anal sex wasn't all about a guy shooting his wad up the girl's ass. It was also something a woman could truly get behind, so to speak.

Marla was obviously enjoying it up her back as well as her front. Had some girl at a party, properly sloshed, vouched for this, they would have sneered behind their drinks while nodding. Now; Brooke was licking her lips and Libra was restructuring her conceptions of her sister; the sexual animal.

That sister had stumbled down from her latest climax. Her hands rested on my hips, allowing me to shift my hands up to her breasts, nice and gentle-like. Careful finger contact to her nipples was what she wanted and needed.

‘‘Oh God,’‘ Marla panted. ‘‘I have got to transfer to a college in the city.’‘

Marla added to that declaration by increasing her vigorous attention to my body. She gave her everything and I gave it up despite some desperate concentration on my part. I howled out my frustration of her getting the better of me; he he he he. Hey, we were both happy. My doctor was going to give me crap about my thigh; again.

That was okay. We cleaned up and got a bit drunker. Brooke's ass was next. I got behind her, tenderly worked and let her adjust. Ten seconds later, I was holding her by her wrists and jack-hammering away. I wasn't being needlessly cruel to Brooke. I was fucking her like no one else had. The newness and passion elevated her spiritually, no lie. She'd never be the same sensual creature after tonight.

Brooke was crying, screaming and cumming like crazy. We ended up, myself spent, lying on our sides with her bawling in my arms. That last bit, we were to never talk about again. More resting. We put on some underwear. I told the ladies that if they put on bras, I got to put on a shirt. They protested. I went for my shirt. They pelted me with their bras.

For my insistence on gender equality, I got to watch breasts bounce all over the place. Do Upper Crust babes want to be ogled like sex objects? Of course not; that's vulgar, demeaning and opposed to every fiber of their beliefs in female empowerment. So, every wiggle, jiggle, and 'subconscious' tweaking of their nipples was absolutely unintentional.

We feasted on strawberries  and  sour cream, banana slices, pate and spheres of a cubic watermelon. It tasted like normal watermelon to me. I puttered around the kitchen with them. In other words, I leaned against the counter while making the occasionally feeble effort to help only to be shepherded by to my observation post by the lady feeling the most touchy-feely at the moment.

A little later, Brooke and Libra went back on 'Bitch-fest'. I pulled Marla and Brooke to the bedroom. Brooke gave me a dangerous look until she figured out the plan. I lay on the bed with Brooke on my face, facing forward, while she continued to blather on the phone. Marla, sweet Marla, began administering a blowjob. She's not the best ever but she is devoted to the craft.

Somewhere in my succulent feasting, Brooke gave out a strangled squeal.

‘‘Oh that,’‘ Brooke said casually. ‘‘That's one of Trent's co-workers whose face I'm currently riding.’‘ ‘‘Which one? The good one; Libra's date.’‘ ‘‘Is he good; definitely a 'yes'. He's like an Arabian stallion. Damn, my thighs are still trembling from all the orgasms he's put me through, plus he's done Libra.’‘

‘‘No, not last night; right now; in the past three hours,’‘ Brooke chortled. ‘‘Oh, and he's done Marla; Libra's little sister; from last night? Yeah, he's had sex with her three times as well.’‘ ‘‘Yes, in the past three hours. What did you think I meant by stallion?’‘ ‘‘Oh, that's rather perfect too; not a monster, but a whole lot. Marla's got her mouth around it right now.’‘

‘‘Yes, while he's eating me out,’‘ Brooke giggled then gulped. I had just started twisting a finger into her rump. ‘‘No,’‘ sigh, ‘‘He's from one of those very exclusive, elite colleges they have in New England,’‘ Brooke added. ‘‘I think Libra's family owns it.’‘ Ah, my alma mater. Good Golly, Ms. Molly, I was a zebra so they were painting my black stripes white and selling me as a midget thoroughbred.

We were Brooke exhibiting to the World she was most desirable and Trent was a fucktard. I lapped her with broad strokes of my tongue then began to pull her body down my face. I kissed along the bottom of her stomach to the sound of her quickening breath. When I finished licking some sweat from around her belly button, I proffered up a present.

‘‘Brooke, you still look upset,’‘ I gave a throaty growl. ‘‘Let me take care of that for you.’‘

‘‘Oh; oh yeah, that's him,’‘ Brooke beamed triumphant femininity at me. ‘‘I'm really upset right now and Cáel is going to help me get over that.’‘ Smile. ‘‘He's being a bad boy. He's making me get on top. It feels just like Equestrian class; all that,’‘ huff, ‘‘pounding up and down.’‘

‘‘Always working those thighs,’‘ she purred. ‘‘This is going to take a while. He's screwed me so much already, I think he's going to really have to work to get this next orgasm out of me.’‘ ‘‘How many? I've lost count; a few of them ran together so it was more like one continuous scream as opposed to any of that 'Oh God' nonsense.’‘

‘‘Oh, I'm sorry,’‘ Brooke didn't sound terribly sorry. ‘‘Brian seemed like such a nice guy. Well yeah, we knew; he didn't? What a douche,’‘ Brooke frowned. She put her hand over the phone. ‘‘He wouldn't let her shower with him because he was 'upset',’‘ she explained to me. Translation: Brian decided she wasn't worth fucking twice.

‘‘Gina had a good time with Felix,’‘ Brooke continued talking as I began to work over her nipples. I hand-motioned/pleaded with Marla to put a condom on me. She gave an angry little harrumph then did as I requested. ‘‘She says they did a 'little something',’‘ Brooke sighed happily. ‘‘She doesn't normally give it up on the first date. He must have been super seductive.’‘

Good ole Felix, batting one out of the ballpark and increasing his life-expectancy at Havenstone. Gina might become a semi-regular thing for him. Gina thought the world of Felix and Felix thought the world of Felix. Common ground is a foundation for any relationship. As I was shaking Brooke's right teat in my teeth like a famished weasel, Brooke coughed up a squeal.

‘‘Cáel is doing something to me; the right something,’‘ Brooke explained her outburst. I was beginning to get the feeling that it was going to come down to Felix and me. Brian, for all his ability and willingness to play it safe, had a fundamental Havenstone flaw. See, if Felix, or I, wanted a lady, we would pursue her. It was our nature.

Brian, if he couldn't lure one girl in, he'd hit on another. He had the same tool sets as us two, but whereas we focused on the woman, Brian focused on sticking his dick in something. Felix wanted to conquer her, I wanted to sleep with her; Brian didn't even want to know her name. Again, predators were a mindset Amazons understood and admired.

Parasites, on the other hand, were not liked. Brian was definitely the most cautious of us. That was his edge. The problem was, when hunting season began, Felix and I would stalk women in the same way they stalked us. Target; close to contact; struggle; victory. Despite Felix's machismo, he wanted that woman to know his name, dammit, and he wanted to brag about his conquest of her (in his eyes).

I wanted to get laid. I wasn't complicated. Until the branding irons, collars, tattoo needles, or hand stamps came out, I'd be a great guy. Brian would screw around too. The difference was, the Amazon he just banged ceased to be relevant to him the moment he shot his load. Felix and my desire to fuck them on their own terms was something the Amazons could work their minds around.

Being treated like a discarded batch of tissues was not. The first time an Amazon looked into Brian's post-coitus eyes and realized she'd been reduced to a sperm receptacle; well, that shit wasn't going to fly at Havenstone. Brian would be assuming the mantle of domination without even fighting for it.

That was precisely the way the Amazons treated their old male population; you know, all those dead guys. There was no way in Hell any Amazon was going to be treated like that (Rhada excluded and I'd never let a prick like Brian within a thousand light years of Rhada). I was figuring all this out as Brooke shimmied down my torso so she could impale herself on my cock.

‘‘Oh;’‘ Brooke moaned. ‘‘That was him entering me. I'm looking down on him. I'm guiding him in with my other hand; and here he comes.’‘ I pushed myself up with one hand. ‘‘He's suckling my; ah; left breast and; Um; he's running his fingers up and down my spine.’‘ ‘‘Yeah; yeah, I think Cáel is besotted with me; nice word,’‘ Brooke giggled.

‘‘That's not true,’‘ I loudly declared. ‘‘Brooke, I'm merely a receptacle for your lusts and nothing more. Let's not complicate things with commitment issues.’‘ Brooke laughed.

‘‘Fine, Cáel's my man-whore,’‘ she chortled. ‘‘Using me? Cáel, are you using me for sex?’‘

‘‘No,’‘ I shrugged. ‘‘If you'd rather play backgammon, we'll play backgammon.’‘

If she chose to play backgammon, I would weep. I still hadn't nailed Libra's ass yet and I was really starting to fixate on that goal.

‘‘Back to it,’‘ Brooke snickered. ‘‘I'm using you for sex and don't you forget it.’‘

‘‘Yes Ma'am,’‘ I grinned then attacked her other breast.

Life is good. I brought Brooke to orgasms. We spent forty-five minutes doing different things, then I pounced on Libra. She was tensing up because she thought I was going for her ass. I wasn't. I moved us into straight missionary sex with regular sojourns to her breasts. I cupped her ass cheeks as part of a general 'hands roaming over her sweaty flesh' thing.

I gave her not one, but two long gentle screws. She was putty in my hands when I finished. Some more time to recharge, then I nailed Marla in the kitchen, her ass resting on the counter as I savaged her and she mauled me in a loud, animalistic fashion. She'd been feeling neglected and I let her work that out. I had to leave soon, so I Saran wrapped my bandage and took a shower.

Libra and her ass? She joined me in the shower, she cleaned me up then let me turn her around, rub some real expensive and viscous hand soap onto my rod and her rear entry. I let her take it nice and slow; the reason I had started my shower twenty minutes early; and I coaxed her into wiggling that delicious posterior down my cock mostly on her own.

I wasn't sure why she tried to keep quiet. I hadn't met a Chalmers woman yet who could. Before long,

‘‘Give it to me you bastard,’‘ she screamed. ‘‘Tell me I'm better than Marla!’‘

‘‘You aren't better than Marla,’‘ I responded. Libra turned and gave me a hurt and angry glare.

‘‘You aren't better than Brooke,’‘ I continued. ‘‘You are awesome. You are in a totally different category,’‘ I then kissed her. That mollified her. Actually, it encouraged her. By the time I pumped my last genetic deposit for the night, Libra could barely stand. The fact that I could barely stand was irrelevant.

As I was finishing getting dressed, and stealing the massage oil, it occurred to me that I was disappointing Katrina again. I was also a bit surprised that one of Elsa's trolls hadn't made an appearance. I checked my phone, which I had left on vibrate. Oh look, Aisha had been looking for me since 9:30. Better yet, she was in the lobby downstairs and they wouldn't let her up.

I called the front desk and sure enough, she was there and truly steamed. I then asked if there was a back way of this place; there was; then I called for two taxis because I'm both an idiot and an asshole. When the cabs arrived, I left by the service elevator out the back. I gave my phone and ID badge to the first cabbie.

He was to go down to the Battery then circle back to Havenstone and deliver the phone and badge to the front desk. Yes, they would let him in and yes, he was getting a big tip. I took the second cab straight to Havenstone. I didn't have an ID badge, but the security guards recognized me; I was famous now; maybe infamous, I wasn't sure.

They let me call up to Medical and that cute physician's assistant came down and signed me in. I showed her my massage oil and she started getting excited. On the gurney, I received near-failing grades for my self-maintenance. I confessed to having sex with three women, over five and a half hours, before coming in.

I told her the reason was I didn't want anything inappropriate to happen between us. By her expression, she was a bit peeved about that. That didn't stop her from stripping down for her massage. Oh, first she tried to maintain her bra and panties, but I explained that wearing oily undergarments for the rest of her shift would be a real bummer.

That got the bra off. The panties took a few more seconds. I couldn't work the tension out of her luscious ass cheeks if she kept them on. For modesty's sake, she put one of those little green paper things over her ass. To avoid getting oil on my clothes, I stripped down to my underwear.

Five minutes into the process, her low moans of contentment brought our first sightseer. Another physician came by and protested. The physician’s assistant claimed she was on her lunch break. I had the green thing gone and oil everywhere when Aisha showed up; with my phone and ID badge. Oh, and a temper.

‘‘Real smart, wise-ass,’‘ Aisha snarled. ‘‘I was there to protect you.’‘

‘‘No you weren't,’‘ I chuckled. ‘‘You were there to bust my chops. Last night, you were cruel for the sake of being cruel and you thought you could get away with it. Wrong. I got you good tonight, showing you the same courtesy you showed me. How does it feel to be treated like a man; as if you are stupid and useless?’‘

Yeah, she was about to clock my ass. On the bright side, I was in a small hospital.

‘‘33 more minutes,’‘ my health care provider intervened sensuously. ‘‘I've got him for 33 more minutes.’‘ The medical professional held up her phone to show the countdown timer.

Aisha glared death my way. She didn't threaten me. It wasn't her way.

‘‘That confirms you haven't learned a damn thing,’‘ I sighed. Then I returned my attention to my gurney buddy.

In case there is any confusion, all oil body massages between gender appropriate couples involves oral, pelvic and nipple stimulation with fingers and the tongue. Honestly, I read it somewhere. In the final climb to her bliss, my medic coughed up her name, Layla, then she gushed all over my hand. Aisha was about to bust a blood vessel she was so screwed up inside.

Layla leaned in for one last kiss after we cleaned up yet again. The countdown timer chirped. Now, no kissing was allowed.

‘‘Sorry, no can do,’‘ I bumped her forehead. ‘‘We are both Havenstone employees again, and my voluntary public service time is at an end.’‘

‘‘When do I get my next public service call?’‘ Layla purred.

‘‘Well, Aisha is about to decorate the elevator with my intestines, so it may be a while,’‘ I joked. I hoped I was joking. We walked/hobbled to the elevator. As the doors shut, we stood there. ‘‘Sky Blue,’‘ I told Aisha in Old Kingdom Hittite. Her head flashed my way and her gaze became more intense. See, Amazons culture began before there was an effective numbering system.

They would need another system to differentiate things, so they chose colors. Every entry hall in Havenstone had a unique color. The upper, more public, ones had numbers as well, but color was the key. When the door opened on Desiree's floor, I hit the 'door open' button.

‘‘Okay, can we call it even, or are we going to continue to waste time feuding?’‘ I asked her.

‘‘What mistaken belief insinuates I am in a feud with you?’‘ Aisha sizzled. What she meant was 'you are not worthy of being in a feud with me'.

‘‘Look at it this way: you and I are both alone. Barring a few fixed points, you have to search the entire city for me. Trust me, if you dump a tracking device on me, I will show it to Katrina and let her barbeque your ass,’‘ I looked at her.

‘‘I am already going to complain about the fact you are tracking my phone and/or ID badge,’‘ I continued. ‘‘I'm not beating you because I'm better than you in any way. The odds are simply too stacked against you. There are hundreds of places all over the city where I can lose you. Now, if you want me to keep humiliating you, okay; I'll do it. I'm giving you an out.’‘

No response. I stepped into the hallway and crutch-walked my way to Desiree's room. She let me in. Aya was already asleep, so I settled in with her between me and Desiree. Once there, I picked her up gently and laid her on top of me. Her sleeping, pouty little face grew a smile without ever waking up. I noticed Desiree staring again.

‘‘I don't know why I love her; yet I do,’‘ I whispered. Desiree shut her eyes and went to sleep.

To be continued in Part 10

By FinalStand for Literotica.