Friday, May 10, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 24

A Surprise Ceremony

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Abby was in their tent and seated at a small desk making notes to herself of what needed to be done after they arrived home when Alec popped his head in.

"Hey, beautiful lady. I have a request for you three girls."

"Anything for you, lover. What is it?"

"Nathan is planning a ceremony of some sort for the day after tomorrow. Could you ladies please dress up in your finest, please? I believe it starts just prior to afternoon dinner."

Abby looked at his eyes closely and giggled to herself. He was so excited he was almost vibrating, and she knew that the men had something special up their sleeves that they were hoping to surprise the girls with.

"Sure thing, lover. I think we brought some suitable clothes with us. Should we wear our hair up or down?"

"Oh, down for sure. I love your curls, sweetheart!" he exclaimed, then rapidly went to her and gathered her in his arms while kissing her deeply. She gave her lips to him and sighed in satisfaction as he folded her close to his chest.

"Mmm, wanna fuck, big man?" she whispered, "you make me wet as a spring rain."

"I'd love to, Angel, but duty calls. I gotta run!" She was surprised to no end when he kissed her roughly, then broke away and exited the tent in a hurry. Hands on her hips, she cocked a blue eye in his direction while deep in thought. The men were certainly up to no good she reckoned, but there was nothing to do but wait and see what transpired. She passed the word on to Rose and June, and together they began preparing for this mystery meeting with Nathan. The next day the camp help was kept busy hauling and heating water while the three beauties bathed and shaved, then ironed the clothes the clothing the girls planned to wear for the occasion. Abby was a bit miffed at being left out of the loop and determined the three would dress to shock the men, hoping for a little payback.

They were even forbidden to enter the mess tent, which was frustrating as they watched many of the female camp followers bustling in and out all day while struggling to keep straight faces. For the first time ever, Abby denied Alec's advances while in bed that evening. Rose and June caught on and even though they snuggled in close to the couple, pushed his wandering hands away and tried to sleep, although that was nearly impossible because curiosity about the next day kept them awake far into the night. Alec simply chuckled to himself and slept like the dead, content in his knowledge.

The following morning, a bevy of camp women swept into the tent bearing platters of food for breakfast. Most of them were aware of the companion's sleeping arrangements, but they were still shocked when they caught the four still snuggled in bed together. More than one lady gave Alec an appraising eye as he scrambled to cover himself. The girls pestered him nearly to death with questions as they ate but he wouldn't budge an inch. Adding insult to injury, he sternly laid down the law.

"None of you will leave the tent until summoned. I'm posting guards front, rear, and sideways. Stay here, ladies. I'll paddle anyone that disobeys!" he said with steel in his voice. So much that Abby raised an eye at his tone and she knew he was dead serious. After breakfast, Alec left and the girls decided to get ready for whatever the hell was so important. They curled their hair until it fell just so about their smooth shoulders, then dressed in their carefully chosen attire, comforted by the fact that they'd certainly shock whomever crossed their paths later in the day. They even had some makeup they'd brought along for some reason, happy now that they did.

Soon enough, a scratching came at the tent flap.

"Mistress Abigail," a somewhat familiar voice beckoned. "You may lead your two ladies out, please." Excitedly, the three women exited the tent into brilliant sunlight and Abby let out a surprised cry. Earl and Robert, the two former troublemakers were holding their swords in an arc overhead as they faced each other. A few yards away knelt a beaming, uniformed Alec with his hat in hand. Abby covered her mouth with a trembling hand as he beckoned her. She swept under the upraised swords and stood trembling before her man.

All the men's eyes were bugging from their skulls at the sight of the three beautiful women. They'd chosen to wear the Continental Army uniforms that June had made, along with their tricorn hats. June and Rose wore their daggers while Abby's rapier was belted firmly around her slim hips. Shimmering curls fell down to touch their firm bottoms while their firm breasts were lifted and pushed together inside the tight corsets. Alec could barely speak his words.

"Abigail Durham, my angel, would you do the honor of marrying me today?" he managed through a tight throat.

"Yes, Heavy! Every day of my life I'd marry you!" she cried, as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. He stood and folded her in his strong arms while Rose and June covered the couple with hugs and happy kisses. As they broke apart, Alec offered her his arm.

"Come with me then, ladies."

Earl and Robert sheathed their swords and marched behind the foursome as Alec led them towards the command tent. He swept them around the corner, smiling in happiness as the girls gasped in surprise. The men in the regiment were standing in two companies before Nathan, leaving an aisle down the center for the couple to walk. At the rear, Alec removed Abby's arm from his and smiled down at her.

"Stay, my sweet," he whispered, with a twinkle in his eye. He strode to the front of the formation and stood before Nathan, then turned to look back at a blushing, beautiful Abby. A soldier on her right eased to her side and offered her his arm. She took it without a thought, her eyes still locked on her handsome man.

"May I give you away, sweet daughter?" a more than familiar voice asked softly. Abby's shocked gaze swung up to see her father, George, looking down at her with tears on his cheeks.

"Father! Oh, father!" she cried out, immediately overwhelmed with emotion, and she threw herself in his arms. Dimly, from behind, she heard Rose and June crying out as well as they noticed William standing next to George.

"Master! Master!" cried a delighted June.

"William! My sweet William!" came from a now sobbing Rose.

A grinning Nathan and Alec, along with the entire regiment clapped their hands as bedlam ensued. The girls cried their hearts out at the return of their two loved ones until a tear stained George finally put a halt to it.

"Buck up now, ladies, we've a wedding to conduct!" he ordered happily.

He escorted Abby through the ranks and handed her to Alec, then he and William stood next to him while June and Rose accompanied Abby. Nathan conducted a short but sweet ceremony, leaving not a dry eye in the throng of civilians and soldiers.

Sarah was in the front row and couldn't help but put herself in Abby's shoes and Nathan in Alec's, imagining that one day she may see it to fruition.

The camp followers and soldiers were more than shocked at the three ladies uniforms, their tight trousers and bountiful cleavage left little to be imagined. Alec, George and William were bursting with pride at the sight of their women, the surprised murmurs among the men and women was as music to their ears.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Alec took a glowing Abby in his arms and kissed her thoroughly, much to the delight of the crowd. With a mighty round of applause, the regiment was dismissed and the feasting began. Three cows had been slaughtered and roasted, then served with huge pots of beans and hundreds of biscuits.

The girls wanted nothing more than to be left alone with their men, but they persevered and visited with the happy well wishers until the whiskey was rationed out in the early evening. Eventually, the party died off and many a soldier went to bed a bit tipsy, with a full belly and a happy smile. Tents had been set up for George and William along with their mates, and soon only the guards were outside and patrolling, ever watchful for the enemy.

"Alone at last," Abby sighed, as she trailed her fingers through the crisp hair on Alec's chest. He was supported above her by his muscular arms.

"Ah, yes," he groaned, as he felt her clasped tightly about him. "Finally I've got you to myself." Ever so slowly, he sank deep until she gasped and stopped him with a light touch on the taut planks of his belly.

"You feel so good, Heavy. So long and thick, you take my breath away."

She wrapped her legs around him and hooked her heels under his ass cheeks, then rolled her hips until she'd worked him deeper inside her tight tunnel. He leaned down to kiss her, but she averted him to nip his neck at the juncture of his shoulder.

"Fuck me, lover," she whispered, as he winced at the bite of her sharp, white teeth. "Give me a baby, sweetheart. Fill me up and make me pregnant, my love." He stiffened in her arms, and she suddenly feared she'd gone too far because they'd rarely discussed having children.

Slowly, he relaxed and nuzzled her ear. "I'd love to, Angel. I thought you'd never ask," he murmured, breathily. "How many would you like?"

She slapped his ass and giggled. "One at a time, lover, please." He smiled naughtily.

"More, please, lover. I don't care that it hurts," she groaned, as she ground her hips up into his.

He was absolutely killing her, but she loved every second of it. She came again with a long cry of satisfaction. The sound of her cumming apart drove him to heights of pleasure he'd rarely found, that and the thought of planting his thick seed in her belly and conceiving a child brought him to a quick end.

She kept him clasped close to her as he slowly wound down to finally collapse atop her in exhaustion, wringing wet with sweat. She licked his lips and tasted herself on him, another of her favorite things to do. He returned her kisses until she protested that he was squishing her, so her reluctantly pulled free and laid beside her.

Immediately, she raised her knees and hugged them to her chest, instinctively trying to keep his seed inside her.

"I love you so, Heavy. I hope our part in this damned war is over and we can go home," she murmured. He rolled to his side and caressed her flank and thigh.

"Me too, Angel. I hate to admit it, but I'm getting tired of the fighting and killing. I just want a place to call home and raise a family with my beautiful wife." A look of wonder came over her sex flushed face.

"You called me your wife!" she exclaimed happily. "I love it! I'm a wife to the most wonderful man in the world!"

He chuckled and kissed her swollen lips until she was panting for breath.

"Now I know why you delayed us from going home for so long," she said softly. "You were waiting for Papa and William to get here, you sly devil."

He smiled happily and nodded.

"It was a difficult secret to keep. We've known for several days they were headed our way. They did well down south and have killed a ton of redcoats. George and his men were relieved by Army regulars and sent on their way. Fortunately, they sent a runner to Nathan to ask for advice and he answered that they should make haste to meet us here. I thought it would be an excellent time for us to get married. I'm so glad you said yes," he said happily as he nuzzled her.

Abby slid down and caught his still wet cock in her small fist, pumping him until she felt a response. The nearby cries of June and Rose as their mates took them savagely were an aphrodisiac to them, and Alec responded rapidly to her caresses.

"Get inside me again, big man, and fill me up. Your woman needs you."

Meanwhile, Sarah was working up the nerve to take. He'd eaten heruntil she nearly lost her mind, and every time she almost crested into orgasm, he pulled away until she cried out in frustration.

"I'll do my best to not hurt you, little one," he said softly, as he filled his hands with her huge breasts, kneading them carefully and plucking her nipples until she writhed beneath him. She nodded bravely and pulled him down over her. She hissed in pleasure when he parted her gates, stretching her slightly. Nodding in acceptance, she gasped at the sensation and put a cautious hand on his belly, stopping him for a moment.

"Please, give me a few seconds," she groaned, almost overcome from the pain she felt at his intrusion. "So big," she whispered. "My husband was nothing this, not even close." Nathan felt a surge of pride and his cock jerked as he heard her words.

His leg began to hurt, so he knelt again between her thighs and raised her calves to his shoulders. He was sweating slightly and she noticed the pain on his handsome face.

"Is your leg hurting, sweetheart?" she asked, as she caressed his thighs.

"Is it so obvious?" he asked a bit shamefacedly. "I'd thought to hide it better, it hurts like the hammers of hell right now."

"Can I do something to help?" she asked innocently.

"Well, maybe I can lay down and you can get on top. I'll show you the way," he smiled.

They shuffled about until Sarah was astride him, and he held his cock vertically for her to mount. Instinctively, she crouched over him and taking him in hand, steered him to her wet center. He smiled proudly when she gasped and groaned as she tried to work him inside her, crying out when he suddenly slid inside with a sudden rush.

"Ah, so good," she whispered.

She watched him closely as his nostrils flared and his face flushed a deep red, and she knew he must be near his climax. Finally, he lost control of himself.

"You've killed me, woman!" he groaned. "I've never felt the like."

"I've never felt the like either," she returned prettily, as she sat astride him. She looked down between them as she gently pulled up and off of him, concerned about his leg. She gasped as he slid free and slapped down wetly on his belly. Unable to help herself, she took him in her hands and reverently looked down at him.

"What a beast you are," he heard her whisper. He recalled her words of a few days ago, stating how she desired to be used by a man. He decided to test her and see if she really meant it.

Bravely, she leaned down and opened her mouth and took him inside. She was shocked at the mixed taste of him and her, so tangy yet somehow sweet as she ran her tongue around and under his swollen head, exactly as Rose had instructed her.

Another sexy growl left his throat and heightened her own pleasure at the thought of what she was doing to him. She swallowed and went back for more.

"Ah, so good, sweetheart," he groaned aloud, making her smile happily.

"Why thank you, kind sir," she whispered, as she pulled up and off of him. He protested but she insisted on checking his wound, finding it weeping a spot of blood but nothing looked too serious. She petted his thighs and flanks until his eyelids began to droop, then she curled up next to him and tugged his head over on her breast. Instinctively, he nuzzled in and was asleep in an instant. She gazed down at his crown and smiled happily to herself. She'd finally been used by a real man and she reveled in the feeling.

The next day, Alec's company of men and camp followers packed up and left for Blenheim plantation in the late morning. Happy goodbyes were shouted out as they parted from General Greene's regiment. Rose hugged Sarah and shed a few tears of joy. Sarah had chosen to stay with Nathan at his urging and she smiled like the sun whenever her glance landed on him. Nathan squeezed Rose half to death and kissed her soundly as she took her leave.

"Thank you for introducing us, Miss Rose," he said, as Sarah stood at his side. "I wish you and William a long and prosperous life. Perhaps when the war is over, Sarah and I can come visit."

"Of course, Uncle Nathan, you two will always be welcome, wherever we may be." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips warmly, then did the same to a blushing Sarah. Wiping tears from her eyes, she boarded the wagon alongside her husband and waved goodbye to the happy couple.

It took five days for the company to reach the plantation. Alec had chosen to take their time in respect for the wounded that were laid up in the wagons. Abby, Rose and June did yeoman's work in aiding the injured men, and many a patient was smitten by the charms of the beautiful girls.

The three women did their best to match up soldiers with the many war widows and young single women that had accompanied them on the journey. Abby had an ulterior motive, she wanted lots of fruitful families to live and work on her two plantations, and new couples expecting children would be ideal as long term employees.

When she wasn't tending the wounded, she rode with her father and Uncle William on their wagons, teasing long tales from them about the previous months of war. Rose and June also spent time with their lovers, the two vixens literally glowing with love for the men they'd missed so badly. Rose was of the same frame of mind as Abby. She was sick to death of war, wanting only safety for her and William in the hopes of starting a family. June simply wanted George by her side. She longed for a child, but knew he'd probably be against it at his age. She sighed to herself and snuggled into his broad shoulder, hoping that she'd soon be able to babysit for Abby and Rose, if all went well.

On the evening of the fifth day they rolled into Blenheim. Unknown to the company, Alec had sent Earl and Robert ahead to warn Joseph and Madeline about their arrival. A cheering crowd met the weary travelers and they eagerly assisted them in unloading the wagons and tending to the livestock. Maddy had been cooking all day and everyone enjoyed a massive feast while celebrating the return of the victorious soldiers. Joseph reported to Alec, claiming all was well at the plantation and the redcoats hadn't made a showing for quite a while, but the men still maintained a security force, day and night.

"We've scouted two days ride to the south and haven't seen hide nor hair of the enemy," Joseph stated. "Word is that the redcoats are retreating as fast as possible and nearly beaten." Alec clapped a big hand on his back and thanked him profusely for staying behind and securing Abby's tobacco fields.

"By the way," Alec continued, "how's it going with your three ladies?"

Joseph colored a bit and couldn't keep a smile from breaking his scarred, taciturn face.

"It's better than I expected, sir. Maddy is an amazing woman and she keeps the other two minx hard at work, but they play harder and I certainly enjoy that. Especially when Maddy joins in," he chuckled happily.

"I well know the feeling," Alec returned with a wink. "Those days are nearly over for me I believe, and happily so. George and William can worry about satisfying their women from now on."

Just then, Maddy summoned them to the parlor where the happy family was reunited after their long ordeal. Abby insisted that Maddy, Joseph, Mira and Sabra join them for drinks and a short, private celebration. William and George raised curious eyebrows at the relative newcomers to the family, but when Abby whispered in their ears about the arrangement, they nodded in acceptance.

The next morning, the ring of steel rang through the newly built tobacco barn, raising the curiosity of the plantations inhabitants. Abby and George bounced lightly on their feet as they fenced with each other. Both were sweating from their exertions and panting heavily. June walked through the door causing George's eyes to twitch her way momentarily, and Abby's rapier flickered out to tap his shoulder.

"I've marked you, father!" she shouted happily. He grinned in good nature and wrapped his arm around his lovely June.

"Have I ever told you two how much I love you? It seems a lifetime since we were all together, safe and sound. I'm ready to settle down and live in peace. The problem is, I need a good wife to take care of me."

He looked lovingly down at June and chuckled as her eyes lit up in hope. She and Abby gasped when he dropped to a knee and took June's small, brown hand in his.

"Miss June. My June. Will you marry me, sweetheart?" he said softly as he gazed up into her beautiful, teary eyes.

"Yes, Master! I'll marry you! Oh, I love you so!" She threw herself in his arms and sobbed with joy while Abby wiped tears from her own eyes.

"Let's tell the others," George said happily when the girls had recovered themselves. Together, they locked arms and headed for the big house.

Two years later

Abby sat astride Alec and leaned back, working his cock deep inside her. He tenderly caressed her full breasts and sighed in pleasure as her tightness enveloped him. She leaned forward to feed him a turgid nipple and just before it met his lips the cry of a small child came from the nursery down the hall. Abby groaned when both her nipples spontaneously spurted out warm milk to drip on her husband's chest. Instinctively, she pulled away to see to her child, but he captured her in his arms and pulled her down to nurse at her breast. He murmured in pleasure when he tasted her sweet milk and he suckled hungrily. She gently slapped him on the head and smiled tenderly down at him.

"Save some for your son, naughty man, he sounds hungry"

He sighed in resignation and released her from his arms. Reluctantly, she slid off him, giggling as his huge cock slipped free of her to slap wetly down on his belly.

"Will you be  okay?" she asked as she glanced at his still swollen lance.

"Of course, my love. See to the little one."

Abby silently went down the hall to the nursery only to find Rose had beaten her there and was rocking little Alexander George in her arms. Abby kissed her lips softly and took her son in her arms. Together the two women went to the parlor where Abby settled in an armchair to nurse her son while Rose flopped down on the couch.

"I feel as big as a house!" Rose stated, as she caressed her swollen belly. "Another month or so and I'll be rid of the little beastie," she said fondly, and gazed a bit enviously at the little man sucking hungrily at his mother's breast. She and William had traveled from Durham plantation where he and George were in the process of rebuilding it with help from the former slaves. She intended to stay with Abby and Alec until the birth of her child, with June coming to help in another two weeks or so.

Abby closed her eyes and relaxed while her baby fed, almost falling asleep. Alec trod in the room, stark naked to check on her and not seeing Rose until he walked past the couch she was laying on.

"Oops, sorry!" he exclaimed, and turned to flee, when Rose giggled and spoke up.

"Don't worry, honey. You're much too modest. Here, use my blanket if you must."

He wrapped himself and Rose raised her head so he could sit down, then she pillowed herself on his lap. Abby looked on approvingly while holding her hand out to take Alec's and she sighed in pleasure.

"I'm so happy. I've got my family here and soon our sweet June and father will arrive." she said softly, and gave Alec a contented smile.

"And hopefully William and I will have a healthy child. Little Alec will have a cousin," Rose said softly, as she thought ahead to the future. Alec stirred and disturbing Rose, got to his feet.

"That reminds me, I've been sitting on a piece of news and I believe now is the perfect time to reveal it." He padded down the hall, then returned shortly with a letter that he handed to Abby, then he sat on the floor between her knees. She opened it eagerly and let out a joyful yelp that set little Alec to howling in surprise. She hastily switched him to her other breast, then read the letter aloud.

"Mister George and Mistress June Durham are pleased to announce the impending birth of their first child. No gifts are necessary, just the pleasure of your presence at the birth is requested."

Abby smiled beautifully at an astonished Rose.

"June was worried that father wouldn't want another child and I felt the same. I'm so glad for them both, and I'll have a little brother or sister!" she exclaimed happily. Rose struggled to her feet and leaned down to hug Abby, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Finally, after all this time we're becoming a real family. If it weren't for you and this gorgeous man between your legs, June and I would be long dead. I thank you both for my life and for taking care of us both. I love you two with all my heart," she said tenderly, as her tears splashed atop Alec's curly head. He tugged her down to sit beside him and threw a big arm around her shoulders, then snuggled them both back into Abby's warmth.

The three companions slowly nodded off to sleep while the heir of the new Greene plantation suckled happily, his future bright and secure, thanks to the bloody wartime sacrifices made by his loving mother and father.

The End