Friday, October 4, 2024

Hiking for Love: Part 4

Blending Our Lives.

by T. FoxalListen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 20.

The next morning I was awakened by a beautiful sensation on my hardened shaft. Carrie was licking and sucking me. When my hand caressed her face, she popped off of it and looked at me. “I couldn’t help it Babe. It was so hard and wanting attention. Lay back and enjoy.”

I smiled at her and said, “You know, if you are quiet, I too, could be licking and sucking something as you do that.” She smiled and moved so we could 69. As her damp panty clad cunt came down to me, my fingers moved the fabric to the side and I began enjoying her sexy slit.

It wasn’t long before Carrie’s body stiffened and she began to cum. I have no idea how she kept from yelling out, like she usually does, but she managed. I was already close when she started cumming, and that just helped me along, because about a minute later I was ejaculating into her mouth, which she somehow kept in and swallowed. After taking one last lick, she came off of me and moved so we could kiss. It was a very passionate kiss, that we both could taste our handy work. After kissing, she looked at me and said, “Good Morning Honey. I like this new mouthwash we use.”, then giggled softly.

After resting a bit, I had to get up and pee. Carrie just snuggled back under the covers and smiled at me. It was only 6:30 in the morning, but I was up now. I told her I needed some coffee. She said that I should make two cups and bring one back for her. I looked down at her and said, “You getting used to this morning service young lady?” “You betcha Baby.” then directed me to where the coffee pods were for her Keurig.

As I entered the kitchen, lo and behold, Chief was sitting at the table, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I didn’t even think that the paper was even delivered anymore. I red the news online. “Morning Chief” He looked up and said, “Morning Mark.” Good sign I thought. At least he didn’t call me Shitbird, or any other name.

I got my coffee and started to get Carrie her’s. John cleared his throat and told me to take a seat. “So Mark. Tell me what’s up with my little girl. I know they found some spot on one of her ovaries.”

“Trust me John. That’s about all I know. It took some prying to get that out of her. Hell, she was going to send me packing because of this. No way would I walk away from her, especially with something like that. But, I think it is just a cyst, that time and some meds will take care of.”

He just stared then said, “Mark. Honestly, I am an overprotective father, and grandfather. I just want only the best for my two girls. I know you and I like you. You have always been a man about things and someone I can trust, unlike that fuck knuckle she was married too. I never trusted that guy from the first day I met him. I know from just looking at Carrie, she is in love with you, and judging how you look at her, the same is true for you. All I ask, is don’t play games with her. Either be all in, or all out. I don’t want her hurt again. As for her cyst, or whatever it is, I’m sure it is nothing. Connie has had those in the past.”

“Sir. And I mean sir as respect as her father. We both know that we had to call officers sir, but we both know they couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag, with a knife and directions on where to cut. But John, truthfully, this is the real deal for us and me. I have never let a woman into my life before. I saw too much when I was in. How they were in love but deployment after deployment, took a toll on those marriages and most ended in divorce, so I never got into that situation. But your daughter has my heart and soul now and I will do anything for her.”

He chuckled then said, “Well, I am not complaining. I’ve seen the same as you. I got real lucky with Connie. We have been together almost 43 years now, married 42 of them. She is the love of my life. Best thing that ever happened to me. How she endured all of my deployments, I’ll never know. But I never took her for granted. Every time I was gone, I hurt inside, but I’d never show you assholes that side of me. I made sure when I was home, that she, and Carrie were the only things important to me. And I always acted like we were dating. We had date night a couple times a week. I don’t mean sex either. Taking her to dinner, or a movie, or anything that she had an interest in. You do that, and you’ll have a very happy home life. And, the sex is great too, even to this day.”

“Yeah Chief, Really? Last night?” I said and laughed. He just chuckled and told me “Hey. When she wants it, who am I to deny her”, then laughed again.

“Deny Who?” we both heard, and there, standing near us was Carrie. She walked over and behind her dad. Put her arms around him and kissed his head. “Morning Daddy. So who weren’t you denying.”

“Nothing Princess. Some things you don’t need to know.” then laughed. She looked at me and said, “Glad I wasn’t dying of thirst Honey” then shot me a glare. “Sorry Babe. But your dad wanted to speak with me. Here, let me get yours now.”, then laughed. Her dad then chimed in, “Christ Carrie, you broke him already. 20 years in the Marines and never broke the man, and you do it in two weeks.”

“Mwah? Not me. But you know those Gyrene’s, they sometimes need direction. They’re not as cool as us Navy people.” then laughed, which made us all laugh. I was glad to see her sense of humor back, and the twinkle in her eye.

We were gone most of the day. There was a huge craft show at this one park they we stayed at for most of the afternoon. I did learn that John got into woodworking as a hobby now. He said he always wanted to do that, but being away so long, he never found the time. At one point, I found myself with Connie, while Carrie was with her dad, looking at something a few booths down from us.

“Mark. I am so happy you came into Carrie’s life. I have never seen her this alive before, except when she took in Jenny. I know that you are worried about her, with whatever this growth is. As I told her last night, it is probably nothing, but a simple cyst. I have had 4 in my lifetime, and they always go away. The specialist will know better on Tuesday. I bet they don’t even do an exploratory on her. Her lab results will tell the tale. Her doctor should have eased her mind some, but some reason didn’t. Just be there for her, no matter what. That’s all I ask.”

I told her I would. After a bit we headed to this little Italian place her parents knew of, for dinner. John picked up this tab, although I was willing too, but he told me my money was no good tonight. I did invite them to join us the next day at my sister’s, but Connie said they already had made plans to spend the day with Jenny and Alan.

After dinner we headed back to Carrie’s. I stated I needed to go home and get some clothes. Carrie offered to go with me. But I told her stay and enjoy her time with her parents. I wouldn’t be long. Just needed to shave and shower and get some more clothes. I was back within an hour. We stayed up some and chatted more, then we all retired to bed. After the I love you’s, Carrie said she wished we were alone right now, and that she needed me inside her. I just held her close and told her soon Baby, soon.

Chapter 21.

We left for my sister’s around noon. The get together was to start at 1pm, but I wanted to see Ann before any others arrived. I knew she would just love Carrie, there was no question in my mind. She’d probably love any woman who could tie me down. Ann and my brother in law have been married 18 years. They have two kids, Kyle, who will turn 16 in November, and Katie, who turned 14 yesterday. They have a very nice and modern house, which they moved into a few years back.

Ann met us at the door, when we pulled into the drive. She is 41, same as Carrie, and stands 5’6, 130 pounds. She has dirty blond hair, and blue eyes. She is a spit fire too. Never afraid to speak her mind and tell you like it is. She has tried, unsuccessfully, to fix me up with a multitude of her friends or single neighbors. Nothing ever came to pass with them. A few became sex buddy’s, but that was it. None ever made my heart beat fast, or my stomach tighten up in a knot, like Carrie does.

After the introductions were made, and a few cracks about how Carrie somehow managed to corral me in, the girls went off to the kitchen, while Brad, Kyle and I went to the family room to watch some football. Eventually, my uncle and aunt showed up, along with 2 of their kids and grandkids. Also was some of my sister’s neighbors and friends too. Two of which I had dated, but nothing was ever said around Carrie. At one point, Ann got me alone and said, “I love that woman. She is so right for you. You better not fuck this up little brother.”

We stayed until after eating and cake was served, and presents opened. I did not what to get a 14 year old, so I went the safe way and got her a card with $100 visa gift card. She loved that. I signed the card from Uncle Mark and Carrie. When she gave me a hug and a kiss, she whispered in my ear, “I like her Unc. I hope she will be my aunt one day.” I just smiled at her, knowing full well that was my plan too.

Carrie’s parents left Tuesday morning, to visit, and stay with Connie’s sister Bev. Connie did tell me to call her if there was anything wrong, after the doctor visit. I did not stay Monday night at Carrie’s. I figure they all needed a break from me. Of course Carrie really did not like that, but I thought it best. We’ve laid a lot on her parents by being together as a couple and actually sleeping together.

I went with Carrie to the doctor’s office and sat with her in the waiting room. The whole time, I held her hand and at times, felt as though she was crushing mine, because she was so nervous. Once she was called, I stayed in the waiting room. About forty minutes later, a nurse called for me to come with her. She led me to an office that had Carrie and the doctor.

I looked at Carrie and she was smiling. The doctor introduced himself to me, and I did the same. He then looked over some papers, then looked at Carrie.

“Ms. Reynolds, you can rest assured that you do not have any tumor, benign, or cancerous. It is what we call a functional cyst. It is a sack that usually contains an egg, then releases that egg during your monthly cycle. The sack normally then goes away. Well this one did not, as of yet. They sometimes don’t, which is what has happened to you. It may take a few weeks, but it will go away, and when you come back in three weeks, if it hasn’t, we’ll give you some medication that will help with that process. Otherwise, you are very healthy. If you have stopped having intimate relations, like many women do at this time, you are very safe to resume, and did not need to stop in the first place. I only say this, because that is the first question I am usually asked.” he said with a slight chuckle.

As we were driving home, Carrie was all smiles. This was a huge relief for her, and me too. Maybe our lives could get back on track, after this slight derailment. I asked her if she was hungry, but she said no. She just wanted to get home.

After arriving, she excused herself and went upstairs. Lord knows what she was doing, but I finally heard heard coming down the stairs. When I looked up, there she stood, with this white lace Baby doll outfit on. You talk about sexy looking. “Oh My Sweetie. You look absolutely beautiful and very sexy”

“Thank you Honey. I feel absolutely sexy right now and I need you to make love to me all afternoon.”

She grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to her bed. I did not waste any time in disrobing. My cock was as hard as a rock, before my boxers hit the floor. As I stripped, Carrie got on the bed and lay there, with her legs spread wide, inviting me to take her. Her white thong barely covered her moist sex, and the top did not hide the excitement she felt , with her nipples already hard as pebbles on her beautiful tits.

I kneeled between her legs and slipped my fingers under her thongs waistband and gently tugged them down and off of her body. Her labia was glistening in the afternoon sunlight, filtering through the window. I leaned in and blew on her sex, which elicited a moan from her. Then lightly licked her swollen lips. “Later Baby. I need you inside me now” she softly said.

I rubbed my head all over her soaking wet slit and then slowly inserted the head. “Oh Gawd” she moaned out. I slowly inched my way into her inner being, which was so soft, and so hot. “God. You feel so good Carrie.”

My mouth lowered to her chest, as I sucked in one fabric cover tit. She arched her back some, like she was giving me her tit. I then sucked the other one, which made her moan so loud. Then I moved up and started kissing her. Her legs wrapped around me and we made slow, and very passionate love to one another. Neither of could hold back though. We were like teenagers doing it for the first time, and erupted in orgasm. I shot first. As I was shooting my love juice deep inside her, Carrie crushed me with her legs as this set her off on her own orgasm. Her nails dug into my back, but neither of us cared. My grip around her neck was tight as well. I felt like I hadn’t cum in ages. As we settled down, we lay in each other's arms, panting from our euphoric bliss.

I was still inside her, and surprisingly, still hard as well. I gently rolled us over, so she was now on top. Our lips still together. Our tongues exploring every inch of tongue. I loved her kisses, but best of all, I loved her more than ever. She sat up on me and looked down at me, smiling. Then slowly removed her teddy from her body, exposing her beautiful tits to me.

“My God. You are so beautiful Carrie. You can stay her all day like this.” I told her. She smiled then said, “I had all intentions of doing this all day.” then she started to giggle. I asked what was so funny.

“Last night, after we went to bed, I was laying here missing the hell out of you by the way, but I had to endure another night of my parents going at it. You have no idea how horny that made me.” she exclaimed. I asked, “Did you take care of that?”

She sort of blushed, then laughed and said, “Yeah. I did. All I could think of was you, making love to me. This sure beats my fingers, or any toy I have.”

I chuckled and said, “Wish I could have watched that. That would be so sexy to see.”

“Maybe one day I will let you watch. But right now, Fuck me Babe. Fuck me so good”

Later that evening, after napping and then showering together, we headed out to dinner at a local bar and grill. Afterwards, I brought her over to my house for the first time.

She was in awe of it, just coming down the driveway. The house is big. It is 4 bedroom, Victorian style farm house. It was, at one time, 5 bedrooms. But my grandfather combined two bedrooms into one and made a new master bath in one portion of it. Otherwise, it only had one bathroom.

When we entered the house and I turned on the lights, Carrie sort of gasped. I asked what was wrong, but she just smiled and said, “I’m waiting for June Cleaver to come out of the kitchen with her pearls and high heels on. God Mark, this is so 60’s looking.”

“I know, but it serves it purpose for me, at this time. I do plan on buying furniture, just never got around to doing it. Ann bitches at me all the time. Come on with me, while I gather some clothes for the morning.”

We went upstairs to the master bedroom. When she saw the furniture up there, she really gasped. “Oh My Mark. This stuff is gorgeous. Please don’t replace this. This stuff has to be from the 20’s. I just love the bed.”

“Yeah. Gramps said his father built it.” The bed was a big four poster and had matching dressers and nightstands. It was old, but finely built and well maintained.

As I was gathering things, she laid out on the bed. “You know, maybe this weekend, we stay here and let the kids have the condo. I’d love to make love to you right here. Also, pack up some underwear and some shirts and pants, so you can leave them at my place.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Where does Alan live anyways?” I asked

“He actually lives with his mom. Close by campus. She is divorced for years now. I am actually pretty friends with her. We have gone out for drinks a few times and have had dinners at each other’s places. She just adores Jenny, which makes it a whole lot nicer.”

After a few more minutes, we left and went back to Carrie’s. Of course we made love again that night, and early the next morning, before she had to leave for work. This arrangement worked out quite well for us.

Chapter 22.

By Thanksgiving time, we were comfortably into our relationship. Most nights were spent at her place, and most weekends were spent at mine. There wasn’t a night we did not spend together. I was hooked on her. I never, in a million years, could believe I could wake up every morning with someone. This felt awesome to me and so special. I loved looking at her while she slept. I also enjoyed just sitting with her at night reading, or just watching TV, then retire to bed. The best part is when she folds herself into me and falls asleep. I love that most.

Thanksgiving is time for family. This year though, I was spending dinner with Carrie, Jenny and Alan, and Alan’s mom, Brenda. I usually would be at Ann’s, but she understood. I did tell Ann we would be over after dinner to visit.

Carrie and Brenda did all the cooking. Alan and I set the table, but then retired to the couch to watch some football. Jenny was out with the ladies, so this left only Alan and I alone. As we watched, Alan and I would talk some. He was a nice young man and had his head together. He told he would be graduating in the spring and already had a job lined up. He wanted to work a while before he went for his Masters.

Then he looked around to see where the ladies were, and saw they were still very busy in the kitchen. “Mr. Roberts, Mark. I… I want to ask Jenny to marry me this Christmas. Do I ask her mom beforehand?”

“Well Alan. To be honest, I think that would be a great idea. Are you absolutely sure of this? This is a huge step in your life?” He smiled and said, “Oh yeah. I have never been sure of anything like this. I love her so much and can’t wait to start our lives together.”

“Tell you what. You get Carrie alone one day soon and ask her. I’m sure she will give her blessing. But, she’s not the one you need the blessing from. You know who that belongs to.” I told him.

He chuckled, then said, “Yeah. I kind of had a feeling you would say that. But I don’t know when I will ever see them before Christmas. That’s not something you ask over the phone.”

I laughed, then said back to him. “Oh you are so right there. That old bastard would kill you if you did it like that. When can you get a Friday off in the next couple of weeks?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I guess any Friday. I usually have labs on those days, so no biggie, why?”

I shook my head. “Between you and I, and I mean this, you don’t say a word to Jenny. I too, plan on asking Carrie to marry me. So pick a Friday. We’ll tell our fine ladies we are doing a guy thing that day, which we are. But we’ll fly down to Florida, and ask the Chief and Connie in person.”

“Oh wow Mark. But I can’t afford that. Heck, the ring I want to get is a bit over my budget.”

“Don’t worry about the flight, I’ll handle that. Where did you get the ring, or see it?

He smiled and said, “Over at the mall, at Kay Jewelers. It’s only a half carat, but one day, I’ll get her a bigger one.”

“Look, tomorrow, the girls are going shopping with my sister, god help me. So why don’t you come with me. A friend of mine is a jeweler and has a lot of nice rings. We’ll figure it out from there.” He just nodded, and as he was about to speak Jenny popped in.

“What are you two talking about. It looks like a very deep conversation.” We both laughed and said football.

Dinner was excellent, but the people really made it nice. By the end of the meal, we were all tired. I helped, as did Alan, wish dishes. We figured the girls spent all morning in there fixing it, it’s the least we could do. Thank God for dishwashers.

That night and Ann’s, Carrie and Ann talked nonstop. Jenny and Alan had also come along, but weren’t staying long. I was very happy that Carrie and her family were so accepted by my family. Ann and Brad made them feel right at home. I announced that Christmas Eve dinner was at my house this year. Ann, of course, had to bust my balls and ask what take out I was using.

“I'll have you know, I am a pretty damn good cook, huh Honey?” Carrie smiled, “Oh Yeah. He actually is. I was very surprised. Jarheads usually know only a couple of things. Walk, March, shoot guns and eat.” then laughed. “Nice Squid. Real Nice”

Katie then asked, “Mom? What’s a Jarhead?” which made us all start busting out in laughter.

“Well Pumpkin, it’s like this. See a Marine is a very special person. He, or she, is the very best and people in the other services are very jealous of us. So they call us very derogatory names, to make them feel better about the lowly service they belong too, like the Navy. Squids are so jealous.” then laughed.

Carrie was rolling her eyes, then said “Dream on Jarhead. We are just smart enough to stay on a boat, while you get all the crap jobs on land. But, I still love ya.”

Once home and lying in bed, Carrie told what a great day she had. She just loves my sister and feels rather close to her. She also said she was so glad that they even accepted Jenny and Alan. I told her that I was glad that they have accepted her as well, and that spending the day with her and Jenny, and Alan’s family made this pretty special to me.

“Carrie. I don’t want any secrets between us, so I need to tell you this.” “Uh Oh” was her response. “It’s not bad, not bad at all. Alan is going to come ask you for permission to marry Jenny”

Carrie got to her knees, “Really? When? Oh my God. I knew that they would do this.”

“Not sure when he is going to ask you, but I do know it is Christmas time he asking her. He’s pretty much laid out his life and how he sees it, and he does have a good head on his shoulders. He said they would wait until Jenny graduates in a year and a half.”

Carrie was still on her knees, but crying now. “I am so happy for them. Jenny wants to marry him, that I am sure of. She loves him as much as I love you. I just told her when the time comes, be smart, and wait on having kids. Enjoy being a couple, because once kids come, it’s whole new ballgame.”

“Now you better act surprised about this. He is so scared of what you may say.”

“I will. I promise. He has nothing to fear from me, it’s gonna be a YES”, then leaned down and kissed me. That kiss turn into a hot, passionate kiss, which led to a love making session. Can’t wait to see what she is like when I ask her the same thing.

Chapter 23.

The next morning Carrie was up and out the door by 7am. I knew I had most of the day to myself, so I got dressed and headed over to my place. Alan and I were to meet at the jewelers around noon.

Alan was right on time as we entered the building, which was in one of those strip style shopping centers. My friend, John, was behind the counter when he saw me walk in. After a few good minutes of catching up he directed us to the engagement ring area . Alan stated he had $1200 to spend. John showed him quite a few rings in that price range. He was looking for a pear shaped style. I saw one that was one carat and asked the price. John said he could let that one go for $1800. Alan said it looked great, but he couldn’t afford it.

“Do you think Jenny would like it?” “Yeah. She’s love that.” he said. “Well then, get it. I’ll make up the difference. My future stepdaughter should have the best.” “Mark. I promise to repay you as quick as I can.” “You pay me when you can afford too, and nothing sooner. We’ll be family for many years to come.”

Then John directed me to this one ring. It was marquis shaped with 6 small diamonds around it. It just screamed Carrie to me. It was set in a platinum band, which I already knew she liked. It wasn’t to pretentious, or gaudy. John said I could have that one for five grand , normally $6500 for it. He said it was a size 8, but I am not sure of her size. He said, no matter, just bring it in after I give it to her and he would resize it, unless I could find out her size. I chuckled to myself, and thought, I should call her ex and ask.

After leaving there, we grabbed a sandwich and beer at this one bar and grill I knew. Then headed over to my house to see about flights to Florida. Alan was so excited, and kept thanking me over and over. I knew now the kid’s father had very little to do with him, since the divorce. He’s been gone from their lives for almost 12 years now. So this felt pretty good, acting like a father figure to him. Kids coming out of boot camp are kind of like this. They look up to the sergeants when you get them in your platoon. So I know the look all too well, except I’m not going to yell at this one.

Once at my house, we went online and found a flight, non-stop to Pensacola, that got us there by 10am, and then one returning at 2:30, arriving back here at 5pm. Before I made the purchase, I called Connie. She had given me her cell number before they left back in October.

After the obligatory how are you’s and how’s Carrie. I told her my plan. I really wanted to surprise them both, but had to make sure they would be home that day. It would have sucked to fly down and find they were gone.

“Oh Mark. You are such a good man. John will be so happy you did this. I know he likes and respects you. He has been hoping you would do something like this, marrying his little girl. But to fly all the way down here to ask his permission, well, you’ll be at the top of his list. You already are on mine. I promise I won’t say a word either.”

We hung up after that, and I hit the button to buy the tickets. I didn’t tell Connie about Alan coming or his question too. That should make the old man really feel good. Tickets for both of us, just set me back a grand, but it was worth it. I told Alan this one is on me, which he protested too, but I told him tough, get over it.

Later that night, while in my bed, Carrie told me about her day with Ann, and shopping. She said she thinks this will be the best Christmas ever for her. Ann told her what she thought I needed and clothes sizes and such. I can just imagine what Ann helped her pick out. I got to admit, when it comes to clothes for me, Ann knew what I liked.

Since that few days back in October, when I thought she wanted to call this whole thing off, we have grown closer. Although we are not in our early twenties, we still made love quite a bit. Four or five times a week. But just going to bed with her and waking in the morning and see her next to me, was like heaven. I could care less about the sex actually. That was the bonus. Great thing too, is that she loves sex and on the weekends, it was two or three times a day, unless her monthly friend showed up, but even then, when it first starts, she isn’t opposed to doing it in the shower. That has happened twice since we started.

Weekends too, was when naughty Carrie comes to play. She is very boisterous, and loves talking dirty. She is always a lady outside of the home, but inside, she gets down right slutty. One evening I let her tie me up to the post of my bed. She teased quite a bit that night. 69ing with me, but having her sex hover above my face, where I couldn’t reach it. While she played with my cock. Then she’d lower herself down to let me lick her for about thirty seconds, then pull away again. It drove me insane with lust. When she finally turned around and lowered herself onto me, she rode me like a bull. The whole time asking me how her cunt felt and did I want to cum, and things like that. It was fun and adventurous for us, and we both love it. I really think she has a Domme side to her, deep down.

Chapter 24.

A few nights before Alan and I took off to Florida, I fibbed a bit and told Carrie that on Friday I was going to help Brad close up their cabin, that he and Ann have by a lake near us. Ann knew of my plans and was willing to go along with it. I told her that Alan was going to help too and that we should be back by 6 that evening. Since the cabin is only 20 minutes from the airport, I was going to swing by before our flight, and move a few chairs on the porch, to a shed he had. That way, I really didn’t lie. I hate lying to her.

We arrived in Florida about ten minutes early, which was good. I rented a car and was at John and Connie’s in no time, thanks to GPS. The look on John’s face was priceless when he opened the door and saw both of us standing there. Of course, he thought something was wrong.

“What in the world are you two doing down here? Are the girls  okay?”

I laughed and said all is fine with them. He let us in and we took a seat on the couch. “Well? What’s up. You didn’t fly down here for your health.”

“John. Connie. I came down here to ask permission to marry your daughter.”

“You flew down here just to ask that? What the hell, you could have called on the phone and saved time and money Shitbird.”

“No John. You deserve more respect than that. If I am doing this, I want to do it right. So, do I have your permission?”

He looked at Connie, who shook her head yes, then said, “Mark. I would be proud to call you my son in law. I may seem gruff at times, but I do like you and respect you, and I know you will treat my daughter good, which is all I can ask for. Connie and I want only the best for her, and Jenny too. So yes, you have our permission.”

We shook hands and he actually gave me a hug, and of course Connie did too. Then John asked,

“Did you need a wingman, bringing Alan down with you?”

“No sir”, Alan said. “I would like permission too, to ask your granddaughter to be my wife.”

“Jesus H. Christ. Both of you? Well son, are you sure you are ready for a step like this. That is one person I never want to see hurt, besides my wife and daughter.”

“Sir. I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I graduate in May and have a job already lined up and Jenny graduates the following year, and then we would marry.”

After looking at his wife again, who stood there smiling, he spoke, “Then I guess I see no point in denying you her hand. Promise me you will always take care of her and love her with all your heart, like we do.”

“I promise Mr. Reynolds, I swear.” He chuckled, “I bet you were as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs to ask me this. Both of you clowns, so help me God, if you ever hurt those girls, I will hunt you down and hurt you real bad, and if I am too old, I still know people who can do it. You know the last one Carrie was with, the asshole, the best I could do is have him shipped to San Diego. I wanted to have him put on that team in the Aleutians (Alaska), but the CO thought that would not be a good fit for that team.”

We stayed and had lunch with them, then got back to the airport with plenty of time. We did ask if they could come up for Christmas. They had plans for a few days later that week, but said they would be up on Christmas Eve, which I thought was perfect. We also planned on surprising the girls with their presence , that evening at my house since I was cooking dinner that night. John did make a crack about eating before he got there, in case my meal sucked.

I got to Carrie’s around 6:30, and we went to eat, then to my place. We just cuddled on the couch that night, then went to bed. I was pretty tired, and she completely understood, so we just fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The next day, we met Jenny and Alan back at Carrie’s and headed over to this tree farm to cut down two Christmas tree’s They take you out on a wagon, then when you find and cut it down, pick you up and bring you back to the Chalet, where you pay. The four of us had a great time and Carrie, and Jenny were giddy most of the day. I dropped the kids off at Carrie’s and helped put the tree in its stand. Jenny was going to start decorating it, while Carrie and I did the same at my place. This is the first tree I have decorated in over twenty years. I was usually never home for the holidays, or if I was, it was for a few days and it was spent with mom and Ann.

It took most of the afternoon and part of the evening to string lights and attach the antique ornaments my grandmother had at the house. Carrie did run out to the store and bought ribbon and bows, and some garland too. While we did this, she had Christmas music playing in the background and I had a fire lit in the fireplace. What was real nice, was that it was now snowing some. Not heavy, but a nice downfall, just like you would see in any Christmas movie.

We were both dressed in jeans and sweaters, but she looks a lot cuter than I do, in hers. After we finished and ate delivered pizza, we retired to the couch, which faces the fireplace, and the tree, all lit up, standing in the corner by it. Carrie sat next to me, sipping wine, with her legs curled under her. We talked about what we needed to get for people. I had told her I wasn’t sure what to get Ann and Brad, or even Jenny and Alan. I did buy the kids laptops for each of them. Ann had only one computer, which they all shared, so this would help out in that department. I know Ann and Brad were going to buy Kyle a used truck, for when he passed his driver’s license test. He was taking the driver’s ed course now.

Carrie said she would help with Ann and Brad, but I didn’t need to get Jenny anything. I told her to stop there. She is part of you and she deserves presents as well. Carrie did tell me she is going to get Jenny a car, after the first of the year. Right now, she didn’t have one, but she was taking an internship at this one accounting agency, and needed one for that. Then we started kissing, which led to more kissing. I stopped, and got up.

“Hold that thought”, I said. Then went to the back closet and pulled out my sleeping bag. I came back in and unrolled it, and unzipped it. I laid it out over the oval rug in front of the fireplace and went and took her by the hand and had her stand up.

“Umm, I like how you think Mr. Roberts.” I slowly removed her sweater, then her bra. Of course I had to suck her tits a few times, before unbuttoning her jeans and slowly peeled them down, exposing her black thong. With me now on my knees, I used my teeth to pull her thongs down, and when they hit the floor, she stepped out of them. I didn’t even bother with her socks. Now naked, I leaned in and lightly licked her sex, tasting her juices that she was already emitting. God, I love how she taste.

She pulled me up then and pulled my sweater over my head and then my t-shirt. She now got on her knees and removed my jeans and then my boxers. When my engorged member sprung free, she licked it a few times, especially on the tip. “Yummy” she said.

I had her lay on the sleeping bag, and she readily spread her legs for me, letting me gaze at her beauty. The Christmas lights, and the glow of the fire made her especially beautiful. I wasted little time in going down on her. I wanted her to orgasm in my mouth. I needed to taste her. I stayed down there for a long while. Bringing her off two times, before I kissed my way back up to her mouth, stopping along the way to such each tit into my mouth, which I knew she loved having done.

As I kissed her passionately, I made sure my weight was not fully on her, and my hardened member lay at her opening, ready to enter paradise. Her hips gyrated below me, trying hard to have me enter her.

“Baby. Please put it in. I need you so bad. I love you”

I too, couldn’t wait any longer and slid in. Once I was fully in, we both moaned out. We then proceeded to make slow love to one another. We had no rush to this, just two people, deeply in love, joined together, making us one. I have no idea how long we made love for, but it had to have lasted at least a good fifteen minutes. We were lost in each other, until Carrie finally moaned out “Oh God, I’m cumming Baby.” I didn’t last too much longer and started shooting my seed deep within her. “I love you baby.” I said as I was cumming.

After we calmed a bit, I noticed I was still hard and rolled us over so she was on top. I looked at her, as she sat up. The firelight danced over her skin. She looked incredible to me. “My God Baby, you look so beautiful” I said. “You are beautiful Mark. I love you so much. This is going to be the best holiday ever.” I smiled, and thought, “If you only knew my Love”

Chapter 25.

The next two weeks flew by. I had talked with Connie a couple of times. She said she told Carrie that they were going to New Orleans to visit with friends down there, from their Navy days. Carrie was a little bummed, but understood. Connie said their flight got in at 4pm that day. Jenny was going to pick them up and bring them over a little past 7, on that evening, along with Alan’s mom. Ann was going to meet them out front, so they could follow her up the drive, without lights on. Very clandestine like. I had told Ann to wait until I turned the kitchen and dining room lights out, before sneaking in the back door, and to stay in the dining room until I actually proposed to Carrie. God I was nervous now. This to me, was the biggest leap of faith I would ever take in my life.

Carrie came over around 5, on Christmas Eve. She was wearing this beautiful red dress that made her look like a Goddess. Had no one been coming over, I would have taken her then and there.

“My God. You are more beautiful than I have ever seen you Ms. Reynolds.” I told her. She smiled and said, “You are just biased, and you want to get into my panties JH. Thank You though. Compliments are always welcome. I love you.”

She helped me prepare the rest of dinner. We were having Standing Prime Rib, mashed potatoes, rolls, gravy, and a bean casserole that Carrie prepared. We then set the table for 8, on the dining room table. This table was big enough to feed a platoon on. Everything was almost ready.

It was now just coming on 7pm. The roast was done and I removed it from the oven, to let it sit a while before carving. Carrie was standing near me, sipping a glass of wine. I reached the light switch and turned it off, and then walked into the dining room and did the same there. The only light was from the tree and fireplace.

I went to the stereo and put on Carrie’s favorite artist, Shania Twain. I took Carrie’s hand and led her to the middle of the living room, as the music started. I took her glass and set it down, then pulled her into my arms and started to dance to “From This Moment On”

As we danced, I made sure her head was not turned so she could see into the dining room. Towards the end of the dance I softly sang the lyrics to her.

You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on.

As the music started to end, I looked into her eyes, which were now glazed over with tears, and got to my knee. With her one hand in my, I looked up at her, then reached into my sport coat, and pulled out the ring.

“Carolyn Ann. I love you more than life itself, and like the lyrics said, I can’t wait to start living my life with you. Would you do me the honor and be my wife, and I your husband?”

Her whole body tremble as I awaited her answer. “Oh My God Sweetheart, Yes”

I stood and pulled her into me and we kissed a long and very passionate kiss. Just then, our combined family’s started clapping and cheering. Carrie broke the kiss and saw her mom and dad coming towards us, with Jenny and Alan, then Ann and her family.

Carrie broke from me and ran to her mom and hugged her tight, then her dad. She was now full out crying, and since she yes, it must be from joy. Connie then hugged me and told me how beautiful that scene just was. Jenny and Carrie were hugging and crying together now. Brad and Alan both shook my hand. Ann went up and hugged Carrie and welcomed her to the family, then she came to me.

“Brother. You sometimes shock the hell out of me. I never knew you could be this romantic” Then kissed me and told me she loves me and I better take care of that woman, always.

John finally came over to me, “Mark. Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be calling you son. But you know what, I am glad I am. You are the type of man I would want for a son. Welcome aboard to our family Son.” then hugged me. I could have sworn I saw a tear in his eye.

Dinner was excellent and everyone was in a very festive mood. Carrie made a toast, after saying grace before dinner. “To the best Christmas ever. To Ann and Brad, and the kids, I am so grateful to be part of your lives now. You have made me feel part of your family since the day I met you. To you, mom and dad, and you Jenny, for always being there for me and teaching what love really is, so I can now share that with my future husband Mark, who I plan on growing very old with. I love you all”

After dinner, the girls shooed us away and told us to relax while they did the dishes. Connie said it was only fair, since I did the cooking. It was well past 9pm when we were all together in the living room. Carrie and I already decided we would open our gifts the next morning, at her place with Jenny and Alan, and now her dad and mom. But we still had to exchange gifts with Ann and the family.

Carrie handed out our gifts to them. To Ann, Carrie picked out a couple of sweaters and we got her a $200 visa gift card, so she could buy what she wanted for herself. We got Brad a new fishing reel and a $200 visa gift card. The gift cards were in a Christmas card signed Mark and Carrie. The kids each got a laptop and $100 gift cards. When they opened the cards, their mom asked what was written. Of course they could care less about what was written but said it was from “Uncle Mark and Aunt Carrie” I had signed all of the cards, but Carrie had no idea I wrote that. She squeezed my hand tightly then.

Alan and Jenny were sitting by the tree and had opened their presents from my sister. Then Alan reached around the tree and produced a box, and handed it to Jenny. “Please open this Honey.”

Jenny was now sort of kneeling and slowly opened the box. Inside was a figurine of a bride. Around the head and neck, was the ring he bought a few weeks back. Jenny just Gasped. Alan was kneeling now too and took her hand.

“I was going to wait until the morning, but I just can’t. I want everyone to see and hear this. Jennifer Lynn, would you marry me and become my wife and the mother, someday, to our children”

Jenny broke down and started crying, but finally said “Yes”, then actually tackled him and started kissing him. Jenny was over the moon now, as was Carrie and Connie, and Alan’s mom. Lots of excitement this night, that’s for sure. I went out to the fridge and took out 2 bottles of champagne that I had snuck in the back and opened them. With John’s help, we gave everyone a glass, including the kids and toasted to a merry Christmas.

Katie made me chuckle when she asked if Jenny was now their cousin. I said officially, no, not until Carrie and I marry, but yeah, she is. “Oh Cool. I don’t have any girl cousins”, which made us all laugh.

I was sitting in the one arm chair, and Carrie in my lap. Of course she had to wiggle her ass a few times, which wasn’t the best thing to do, because Mr. happy liked the attention and started to rise. I whispered in her ear, “Keep it up and I’ll take you upstairs and take care of this problem I am having.” She giggled and said, “Promises. Promises”

Then Carrie asked, “Mark. Did you ask my dad for permission?” I just smiled and said, “Oh Yeah. I’m not that dumb. Actually. Remember two weeks ago when I was helping Brad at the cabin?” she nodded, “Well, Alan and I did go there at 5:30am. I can see Alan is not the type that likes getting up at Oh Dark Thirty either, but, we did go over there. Moved three things to the shed, then left for the airport. We flew down to Florida, got to your parents by 11, had lunch, asked Chief and your mom for their blessings, then back up here by 5 that evening, and you two fine ladies weren’t the wiser. So before you say anything, we did not lie, but did not disclose our whole agenda. No way could I lie to you Babe.”

John was laughing as I was recounting that day. “Oh yeah, I open the door to find these two Shitbirds. My first thought was something happened to one of you, but then Mark sorted it out for me. Connie already knew he was coming. But I’ll tell you. I couldn’t ask for two finer men to take care of my girls, than these two.

After that, everyone started to leave. We told them we’d be over in the morning, and to not open stuff without us there. As soon as we saw the lights of their cars fade away, Carrie turned off the lights and pulled me upstairs.

Carrie turned on the lamp, next to the bed, then turned off the overhead lights. She seductively stripped down for me, and I just stood there in amazement. Once naked, she stood there. So I stripped as well. Not as seductive as she had done, but still slow. I stood a foot away from here and she took both of my hands in hers.

She smiled at me, “Baby, you have no idea how lucky I feel and so loved right now. What you see in front of you, is yours, until the day we die. I am all yours.”

I smiled at her then, and said, “Babe. For the life of me, I don’t know how I ever got as lucky to be with a beautiful person, as you are. I don’t mean just in looks, but the whole essence of you. You are my life, and no one will ever come between us. I Love you Carrie”

She led me to the bed and we lay beside each other. Her newly ringed hand reached around the shaft of my member and held it gently. “I love this ring Baby. And, quite frankly, it looks really good right now. When did you know you wanted to marry me?”

My eyes looked into hers, “Honestly, I wish I could say that first kiss on Whiteface Mountain. But it wasn’t then. I knew at that point I had a shot with you though. But, it was the night I made you dinner and drew your bath. I knew then, when you said I love you back to me, that this was it. And, it’s gotten better every day since.”

She crawled up on top of me, and without any help from our hands, slipped my hard member into her waiting sex. Looking up at her, after we both moaned, “When did you know this was real for us?”

“When we kissed on that rock. There was just something about it. But when we made love that Saturday night in the cabin and professed our love to each other. I knew in my heart then. But finally, when you stuck by me, with that stupid ordeal back in October, I knew this man was it.”

“Baby, there was no way I was walking away from you. Not then , not ever. Were you surprised this happened tonight?” I asked.

She grinned, “Yes and no. I thought maybe tomorrow, and if not then, then Valentine's Day. But tonight threw me. But picking one of my favorite songs to dance too, then asking me then, well it made me speechless. Then to have our whole family here too. You made this the best Christmas I have ever had.”

Carrie started pumping up and down on me now. She didn’t want to talk anymore. She wanted to complete our love making. It really did not take us long either. Throughout the whole time, our lips were locked together, until we were both ready to cum.

“Oh God Baby. I have to cum” I spoke out loudly. “Cum Baby. Give me it all. I Love You Mark”

I started cumming deep inside her, and about half way through, she started cumming. My hands were holding her ass as she did. I could feel goosebumps on her cheeks, as she let loose with her orgasm. It was very powerful too. Her whole body was wiggling around as our orgasms continued.

We kissed one last time, then both told each other I love you. I wouldn’t let her leave me though and she settled in on top of me and we both fell asleep.

Chapter 26.

Christmas Day saw us going all over the place. First, I took Carrie out to the barn out back. Inside was my old 93 Ford Mustang Boss. I bought this right after boot camp. It was rarity that I got to drive it much. Sometimes, six months would elapse before it got driven. The most use I got out of it was when I was stationed at Quantico. When I moved back here, after getting out, I bought my truck. So this car just sits, except for an occasional spin. It’s silver with black interior, and has the 5 liter engine, which is a small V8. The only enhancement it has, is a new radio that has Bluetooth for the phone. It is in mint condition and only has 22,000 miles on it.

Carrie asked where did I get this. So I told her about its history. Then I told her I was going to give this to Jenny. “Oh My God Mark. You can’t do that. This is an antique, isn’t it?”

“No. Not yet. Couple of more years. But she needs a car and I never use it. So why not let someone, who I happen to like and is going to be my daughter one day, have it.”

“You amaze me JH. You don’t have a selfish bone in your body. And you are right, she is going to have you for a father one day. I know she likes that idea too. The ex was never really close with her in the first place, and when I kicked him out, he has never even tried to contact her. Just be patient with her and love her Mark. That’s all I ask.”

I knew I was going to do this too, after Carrie said she had to buy a car for her. So I had it checked out at the garage I go too, and had new tires put on it. So it was good to go. She’ll just have to watch driving in snow. Rear wheel drive and snow don’t always mix well.

When we arrived that morning, everyone was up. Connie had made cinnamon buns and coffee, which we all enjoyed, while opening presents. After all the presents were opened, I handed Jenny a small gift bag. “From us” I said. Her eyes got real big when she saw they keys. Then ran to the front door and opened it. When she saw the car, she squealed with excitement. This girl was in a fuzzy robe and put on sneakers and ran out to it. Then came back inside and ran up to me and hugged me.

“Thank You so much Mark” then planted kisses all over my cheeks. Then she thanked her mom. I told her it was hers to use and to be careful with it. I then told her we would help with insurance and stuff like that. But it is her responsibility to maintain it. “You guys are the best. Come Papa. let me show you my new car.” she said. Jenny, Alan, and John trudged out into the cold. I told Connie that the car is old, but nowhere near the mileage that the old Seadog has on him. Connie winked at me and said, “You know Mark. I think you are going to make one great father.”

That New Year's Eve, we were invited to a couple of parties, but we begged off and stayed home. We made dinner together. Watched some movies, then made love at midnight. We did talk about Carrie moving in here, with me. She readily agreed, and two weeks later, she moved in. Jenny and Alan moved into her condo. All Carrie asked of them was to make sure no babies were produced yet. At some point, once the kids were established, and found their own place after they were married, she would sell the condo. Luckily for us, this was not a drain on finances. She made almost $100 grand a year at her job and mine was bringing in almost double that, and this house was paid for.

We did settle down and bought new furniture for all over. I let that up to her, and Ann helped out. Those two become thick as thieves. If I was to ever argue with Carrie, I’d never win, but we never argue. We do discuss stuff and come to common ground. One thing was constant though, and that was our love making. I made sure we had at least one date night a week, and I always try to be romantic.

The first weekend in October, Carrie and I married. When Carrie got married the first time, it was in front of a judge. So she never had a real wedding, and, her parents weren’t there for it, depriving her dad the chance to give her away.

The one thing she did ask me to wear was my dress blues. I had to check to make sure that I was still allowed, and found out that it was  okay for that. I had to bring that out of mothballs. I even had the sword. MY uni had 5 gold service stripes indicating 20 years, plus a lot of ribbons and medals on the pocket area.

John too, wore his dress blues, or winter uniform. Now he had 9 gold sleeve stripes, since he was just shy of 40 years in. His front pocket area had to weigh a ton with all the service ribbons and medals. He wore blue, so he wouldn’t upstage his daughter, in her white dress.

Seeing her come down the aisle, with her father, was one of the best days of my life. She was radiant and so beautiful. She picked From This Moment On as her entrance song, instead of the traditional wedding march. Jenny served as her maid of honor, and Brad served as my best man. Alan and Ann were in it as well, as was Kyle and Katie. We both have a small circle of friends, and limited family, so the reception wasn’t really big, maybe 50 people in all, but we all had a great time. We spent our first night of the honeymoon, in my uncle's cabin, after climbing up Whiteface Mountain and kissed on that very same rock, where we did the first time.

I do remember, as I stood there, at the altar, holding Carrie’s hands and was reciting her vows to me, all I thought was,

“All this, because I bumped into a this beautiful woman at the ranger's station, who just happened to be a bit clumsy and sprain her ankle later, on a path near the cabin I was staying at. Life is good.”

by T. Foxal.