Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 16

Back Home, One week later.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


There is something worse than waking up and not knowing where you are: you could wake up and not know who you are.

Note: World Events Stuff ~ aka Why things are happening in Cáel's life

The phone was from Iskender. His boss, Oyuun Tömörbaatar (OT), the former UN ambassador from Kazakhstan and now the informal and unrecognized UN representative and chief diplomat of the Khanate to the same august body, wanted to talk with me, immediately. OT wasn't being diplomatic at the moment, that would come later.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 15

 After Romania, one night in Rome.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


When our ancestor committed the first murder, was it rage, or fear that drove them to the deed?

 (Evening near the Metropole, Roma, Italia)

"I think you've done well," Riki congratulated me as she terminated her phone call. Word had come down that her replacement was on the way. Our profile had been updated back at State and they clearly wanted to bring in the 'real professionals'. There also had been a miscommunication. I was far too stressed to be reasonable now.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 14

Putting lives back together after the battle.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


Either you embrace Change and are destroyed by it, or you resist Change and are overwhelmed by it. What is your choice?

 (The Politics of 'Not' Being Dead)

The rest of the trip was made in silence. They dropped us off at the edge of Miercurea Ciuc, home base of the 61st Mountain Troops Brigade, of Professor Loma and from whence all this craziness had originated. The meeting was already awkward before I arrived. It only got worse. Where to begin? Well, Russia, the United States, the UK, Romania, Hungary and Ireland were now all interested parties. And I had gained two personal distinctions:

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 13

The Unconquered

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


World News:, A Behind the Scenes Report

As Foreign intelligence analysts, members of the Russian Federations Defense Staff and their special advisors examined the 'Khanate' proposal, they didn't understand it. On the surface, it was insane and, at the same time, accomplished their mission directives. The military leaders were looking at the Intelligence staff, who could only shrug.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 12

Companions, History and Heroism.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


There are two distinct phases of falsehood. In the first, you realize you can lie to those closest to you. In the second, you realize you shouldn't.

 (And the stars continue to shine forth)

"Stop trying to save me," Pamela remarked, once she was sure we were alone once more.

"Ask me to do something I'd at least consider doing," I sighed. "Let's go back to the party, I'm not sure where we are."

"You've been walking in one big circle, Dummy," she chided me.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 11

Good and bad unintended consequences.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


The highest cost of losing a war is the rage of your children.

A Canadian Interrogation

"Cáel, what have you gotten that poor girl into?" Anais blasted me.

"Well, you remember one of those curses you laid on me, the one where you hoped I was trapped in a women's insane asylum and forgotten about?" I reminded her.

"Yes; the Freddy Krueger curse. I recall it vividly," she growled.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 10

A day in the life of rural Hungary.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


'Here be Dragons' wasn't always a tourist gimmick.

 (Vizsla and links to the past)

The driver stopped at a rustic roadside inn. It had been an uncomfortable three hour drive to the East-Southeast of Budapest and even Pamela seemed to have lost her bearings. Our luggage had been placed in the bonnet (trunk), but we kept our duffels, with our weaponry, on our laps the entire trip. Selena, Pamela and I were squeezed into the back seat, while Alkonyka sat up front with our amiable driver. He was full of interesting tips, jokes and local legends. If he wanted us to forget he was part of a company of killers, he failed.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 9

Not the welcome we expected

 When your tour guide is an assassin, what can go wrong?

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


You can do wrong while trying to do right.


Alal's 'milk of human kindness' had finally run dry as the Visigoths sacked his Roman villa. While looters ran off with his latest trappings of wealth, and deserted by his servants and his slaves, Grandpa decided that he was tired of fucking around with the Human Race. He felt they were simply too stupid, venal and weak to make any positive, lasting changes in the world.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 8

 Asian Wars Brewing

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


 [World News]

It was the happenstance of another conflict that encouraged Turkish solidarity and Khanate action, the Crimea. Russia had opened a serious door to the Abyss by annexing the Crimea from the Ukraine by force. Technically, Russia had violated Ukrainian sovereignty by seizing that region.

The Russians (with tacit support from China) put forth the political notion of 'lost territory'. Thus Vladimir Putin had unwittingly 'green lighted' the greatest consumption of 'lost territory' in the history of mankind. Following Putin's reasoning, all Temujin was doing was reuniting the widely separated pieces of the Great Khanate. His invasion of Xinjiang and Nei Mongol were also part of that policy.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 7

The Lowest Moral Denominator.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


Those who declare war are willing to kill as many as it takes to reach their goal.

 (The Lowest Moral Denominator)

My first week at Havenstone, I'd biked to work alone on most days and I'd enjoyed that. I'd have treasure it more if I had glimpsed my future. I loved people, not crowds. I knew about violence, yet I had no affection for it. I was a confirmed bachelor. Now I was staring down both barrels of marriage. I had had also become a walking arsenal with a lethal omnipresent entourage.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 6

Cáel saves a spirit and risks losing his soul.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


Life gives you two chances to get it right; be who you want to be, or who you need to be.

 (Making choices we can live with)

"Trouble," Wiesława relayed to our vehicle. Velma had an 'issue' at my apartment. She'd gone ahead in order to see to my security. My GL-550 had come within a block of the apartment when Wiesława's call came.

"Tell me what the problem is," I demanded. Wiesława relayed my request.

"Your roommate won't let them search your bedroom," was the answer I got back.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 5

The sparks before the ignition of war.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


Time is not your enemy any more than breathing and your heartbeat are inconvenient.

"How much longer is this flight going to take?" Saku groused.

"Four hours," I lied. It was way closer to two.

To my way of thinking, it wasn't like she could get much angrier with me after she discovered my ruse. (I was wrong. She could and did. I'm an idiot.) Saku shook her head, and the task-mastering began. An hour and forty-five minutes later, the pilot alerted us that we were ten minutes from our final approach. Bits and pieces of her armor were all over the front seats and the floor of the exit-way space.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 4

A Time Warp

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


What follows is a diversion from the central storyline, but it is crucial to understanding why certain members of the supporting cast are behaving the way they are.

808 BCE near Halab in what is today's Northern Syria:

For me, Cael Nyilas, it was a return to last night's horrifying scene that engulfed me. The screams of dying horses and moribund men crying the pantheon of life's final regrets. Blood, piss, voided bowels and the stench of comingled sweat and leather filled my nostrils. The true cacophony of battle was all about. The battle shock faded into an innocuous background distraction.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 3

Summer Camp Mayhem.

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


The miracle is not a person jumping into a torrent to save another. It is the dozen who form a chain to pull them both out.

(Midnight in the Grotto of Good and Evil)

We were in one of the underground pools at the bottom of the mesa. Our tour guide had informed us there were nine known caves and the complex had never been fully explored due to the remaining waterways being totally submerged. It was well past midnight, all my little friends had crashed out and I had wisely ditched my security after Miyako silently woke me up with her hand over my mouth.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 2

Cáel’ as the new Amazon Teen Idol

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


"I've missed you too," Aya bumped foreheads with me. I was 'a Son of the White Stallion' who 'ran with the herds of Epona'. I was so proud of her. She had woven together a Magyar myth with an Amazon naming convention. Epona, the Celtic Horse Goddess and Aya's matron divinity, was worshiped with the sacrifice of foals, Amazons offered up fillies (female baby horsies) whose spirits ran with the Goddess in the Spirit World.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Cáel Leads the Amazon Empire, Book 2: Part 1

 On the Road to Aya

Cael becomes the Amazon’s Unorthodox Global Diplomat

In 16 parts, By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


For me, the diplomacy revolved around Delilah and Virginia, I had already fallen on my knees and begged Odette to let me go see Aya 'alone'. A few sexual-charged hours later, she agreed. That left four choices for the role of my two agents. They wanted to go 'as is'. Rachel informed them they would be murdered in-flight and their bodies tossed out over a convenient body of water.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 6

Dildo Ventures

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


Dana and Liam locked eyes and smiled. She was proud of her new fling. She adored how impressed everyone was with him and pleased he was able to keep his composure in the spotlight.

"Liam, darling, have you ever considered molding your gift here into a commercially available product?" Maureen asked as she gazed at his crotch.

"I'd buy it," said Carmen.

"Shit, I'd buy it!" added Robbie, facetiously. "I'd use that instead of this one."

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 5

 Dana's Big Reveal

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Dana still hadn't been naked yet. She realized there was no turning back now. She slowly removed her panties and dropped them to the floor. Aside from a recent fling, no one had seen her cunt other than her husband in probably 10 years. She kept it neatly shaved, but never completely bare. Her tiny triangle of pubic hair was dark, unlike her golden blonde hair.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 4

Cum on Over Here!

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected


Dana burst out laughing. "I feel like each of you signed up to maybe get someone's cum on you tonight, no?"

"True. Good point," Liam said as he smiled.

"Okay, okay. Let's take care of things shall we?" Maureen asked as she rose to her feet and approached the boys. She knelt down in front of Dave and Robbie. Dana stayed put and crossed her legs.

"Since Dave is such a good sport. He'll be enjoying a Maureen Special right next to his pal, Robbie," Maureen announced as she took hold of each of their erect cocks. Her mouth dropped open as she felt Robbie. "My God! It's like made of iron or something!"

"I get really hard," he said proudly as he watched Maureen's hand clutch his shaft.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Dana’s Phallic Adoration: Part 3

Dana and Liam get closer. Maureen throws a party.

In 6 Parts, by BrazenHorse. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Dana squinted as she stepped outside the gym into the bright and sunny Southern California morning. Having just wrapped up with a client session, she was sporting a purple tank top and tight, black yoga pants. Her blonde hair was tied up in a pony-tail. She clutched a yoga mat under one arm and a fresh coffee in the other.

She opened her car and took a seat. As she turned the ignition, a loud guitar solo from Phish filled the car. She abruptly turned the volume down, laughing to herself that she was that motivated this morning before her session. Sipping her coffee, she glanced at her phone seeing there was one unread text message. It was an unknown 949 number.

"Had so much fun the other night"