Friday, May 31, 2024

Cáel and the Manhattan Amazons: Part 4

Bad things, worse things and making the best of what you got.

In 25 parts, edited from the works of FinalStand.

Listen and subscribe to the ► Podcast at Connected.  

‘‘Suddenly knowing you are about to die, rarely does anyone any good.’‘

 ‘‘Stand,’‘ Katrina sighed. I stood. ‘‘You gave it your best shot, I know. Do not trouble yourself with doubts, Cáel Nyilas. No attitude you could have taken would have altered her thinking in the slightest.’‘

‘‘Huh?’‘ I mumbled. Katrina looked at me. My grin was infectious. ‘‘Sorry, did you say something? I was visually evaluating their potential as they were leaving the room.’‘ Translation: I was scoping out their muscular asses as they sauntered out the door. Paula and Daphne walked in.

‘‘Cáel, do not talk about your activity yesterday morning, or of the events this morning with anyone,’‘ Katrina ordered.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Cáel and the Manhattan Amazons: Part 3

Women of any age can drive a man to madness.

In 25 parts, edited from the works of FinalStand.

Listen and subscribe to the ► Podcast at Connected.


‘‘Instinct, education and experience are complementary, not in opposition.’‘

I hurried to Katrina's office, Buffy a step behind me, rumbling like the jaguar she'd performed illegal dentistry on. She wasn't trying to intimidate me. Buffy was trying to mark her territory. I made it to my desk without actually being scent-marked, so I considered the encounter a draw.

‘‘Have fun last night?’‘ Katrina inquired without looking up.

‘‘More than any one man should have,’‘ I confessed.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Cáel and the Manhattan Amazons: Part 2

Knowing too much, sexual curiosity and dusky obsessions.

In 25 parts, edited from the works of FinalStand.

Listen and subscribe to the ► Podcast at Connected.


‘‘People take for granted that they cannot see. If you don't think so, try not breathing.’‘

Having received Katrina's orders, off we went. Buffy looked worried and I thought she was going to tear me a new one. The reactions of the Executive Services group when we got there were totally unexpected.

‘‘Send out the word,’‘ Buffy detailed to the first worker she came across, ‘‘Madi made a run at Katrina.’‘

The woman blanched and headed off. Buffy took me to Katrina's office and pushed me onto the sofa. Paula and Fabiola appeared at the door looking worried.

‘‘How badly have I fucked up?’‘ I groaned.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Cáel and the Manhattan Amazons: Part 1

Cáel gets an offer that is too good to be true.

In 25 parts, edited from the works of FinalStand.

Listen and subscribe to the  Podcast at Connected.

‘‘People who forget their past are doomed to be blind-sided by it.’‘


I couldn't help but notice the similarity between myself and the other four new hires. We were all clean cut men, fresh out of college, fit and masculine. The 'men' part of the equation made sense. Havenstone Commercial Investments had come out of a long legal proceeding over their accused discriminatory policies.

An undisclosed settlement had been reached plus they agreed to implement this new program to hire more men. For me that meant an employment opportunity with a Fortune 500 company despite my rather underwhelming collegiate career.

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Roadside Diner Dish: part 3

Curtains open to a beautiful scenic experience. And Brian gets relief.

By Wood_ - Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

By this gorgeous morning, the sun felt like it was going to be even hotter than yesterday. I whistled on my way to work, content. Before I got in, I stood there for a minute to appreciate and savor the moment. I was contemplating the diner, how a lot of things suddenly made sense, how they were back in their place, where they belonged.

I wasn't even thinking about what Emery said she'd do to return this favor. I really couldn't get my hopes up. This girl was going through a lot. I was just glad to be part of this diner at her side for the time being. I breathed in deeply and stepped in the back door. Emery was standing there, busy with her set-up.

“Morning, Emery.“

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Roadside Diner Dish: part 2

Titillating the customers and crew, with her wardrobe choices.

By Wood_ Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Well, needless to say that after that night, things got, weird, but interesting.

Emery started to test me any chance she got and, sadly, it couldn't be really often. We were fucking swamped most of the time, and it seemed like it was an excuse for her to put me on fire and squeeze in a few of her tricks between two customers, without any slower preambles and subtleties.

Like, right after she would call out an order at me, she'd wink with a huge grin and walk away slapping her ass.

Even her little dances were becoming hot as fire. In time, I could only react by bursting out laughing in disbelief when she jiggled her ass and sang out loud in the kitchen, or when she skipped and spun gleefully around the kitchen, making her big tits bounce and quiver inside her tight clothes.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Roadside Diner Dish: part 1

A roadside diner in Ontario hires a new, intriguing waitress.

By Wood_ Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Okay. Let's put you into context. Let's tell the whole world where all of this started. After all, I need to lay down a simple but important foundation for this monument that erected itself into my life.

Hi. I'm Brian. I'm a full time cook at Carlos Roadside Diner. I'm also a full time dirty long-haired metalhead that's got his mind on everything else but work. So how I got here, dedicating all my time, my sanity, to this dead-end job, is a whole other story.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Mistress Auction of London



A countess offers her body to the highest bidder.

By LouisaAdler. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Chapter 1.

The Marquess of Ravenswood hated dramatics.

He also loathed crowds, prying eyes, and London. Yet, there he sat, in the very back row of what was surely the most infamous, crowded event in the city’s history. Only one thing could pry him to this cesspool.

The Hellfire Club was having an auction.

Even Ravenswood couldn’t resist that temptation. He shifted in the rickety wooden chair, his large frame unused to such cramped spaces. A growl of impatience left him. “For a gathering that’s supposed to be secret, there are crush of fools here.”

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Training the Trophy

 Finding the Ultimate Trophy Wife.

by  Sustainer. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


 No matter what they may admit to, every man desires to have an obedient, submissive, beautiful trophy wife. Conversely, every woman secretly desires to be a perfect, subservient possession who is adored and cared for, objectified and kept captive while provided firm direction and absolved of all guilt surrounding sexual latitude- since her sexual conduct is no longer her choice, but rather, her solemn and sacred marriage duty. Every man wants this. Every woman secretly longs for this.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

After The Vows: Part 2

 A chaste couple’s epiphany of pleasures.

From the Awakening, By Estcher  Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Into the Depths

He smiled at me and then sat up and knelt before my spread legs. His skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat, just like me. I looked down at his hardness, pointing at my pussy. He held his cock in the middle and pushed it toward my opening.

“I love you, Emma,” he whispered, tearing his eyes from my vagina to look at me. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Thank you for marrying me. Thank you for trusting in me. I will never do anything to hurt you. I will protect you all my life. Give you everything you desire. Just say the word and it’s yours.”

“I want your beautiful hard cock inside me, Daniel. Make love to me, husband!”

Monday, May 20, 2024

After The Vows: Part 1

 A chaste couple’s epiphany of pleasures.

From the Awakening, By Estcher  Listen to thePodcast at Steamy Stories.


My name was Emma Mary Fiore Amato. Now I proudly carry my husband's name: Emma May Fiore Williams. My brand new, gorgeous, and sexy husband is Daniel Christopher Williams. He's African American and I am Italian American.

We met in the University of California San Diego (UCSD) as freshmen. We dated despite my reservations of dating a black man. I was not a fan of unwanted attention and being seen with him at school and downtown caused eyes to stare. The United States is rampant with racism. It's everywhere and palatable and real in every sense. It vibrates across social norms and in the media and sometimes openly on the street.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

It Happened One Night

Virgin Annie's night starts out sour but ends pretty sweet.

By ExoticaEroticaInsidaya. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


I slammed Richard's car door and stormed off. He rolled down the window.

"Bitch!" he shouted, loud enough for everyone on my block to hear.

His tires screeched as he hit the gas.

Richard was supposed to take me out on a date and have me home by 12am. I looked at the cracked screen of my cellphone. It read 2am. They were having classic movie night under the stars in Springfield Park, there were showing Now Voyager with Paul Henreid and Bette Davis.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Destiny Delayed: Part 2

Our romance continues.

In 2 parts, mandroid55. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


We knew each other five weeks. We were in the honeymoon part of our relationship. Things were going great. It was wonderful. But we had to get to know each other better before the relationship moved to the next level.

We had our hour long Wednesday telephone call.

Plans for Friday and Saturday were dinner and a movie.

Marti was wearing a multi orange color spaghetti strap sun dress with matching shoes. She was showing more cleavage than usual. I was wearing a white and blue Hawaiian shirt with tan shorts and topsiders.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Destiny Delayed: Part 1

Marti and I Finally Meet.

In 2 parts, mandroid55. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


One Thursday night in early June I received a call from my neighbor Sally. Her prominent attorney husband was out of town for a trial. She needed an escort to the metropolitan area's social event of the season, the Tiara Ball, Saturday evening. Being a widower for a year, having attended the ball before and Sally being a knockout I said yes.

The ball was special to attend seeing the city's finest attired in ball gowns and tuxedos.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Tower of Refuge

Young lad saves and is saved by beautiful Highland Lady.

Based on a post By Stonemarten.  Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


Lady Anne Mackintosh was a real, historic figure from the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. She was a true heroine and brave, married to the head of her clan, who was a redcoat officer in the government army, however she herself led-out her Highland clansmen as "Colonel Anne" in support of the rebel Young Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart, often known as Bonnie Prince Charlie. Some readers, particularly in America, may know of the '45 Rebellion in Scotland if you're familiar with the Outlander series of books and TV.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Chance Encounter: Part 3

Denial of Conjugal Rights

In 3 parts, By Vitorio. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


So, back into court, Barbara back in the witness box. "Are you feeling better Mrs. Carter?"

"Yes thank you My Lord."

"Now you must try and answer the questions my dear. I know they may be difficult, perhaps embarrassing, but you must. Do you understand?"

"Yes My Lord."

"Very well. Mrs. Lackington, I'm sure you wish to continue questioning the defendant." He looked down his spectacles at Jane with a smile.

"Yes, thank you My Lord. Now Mrs. Carter, you were about to tell us why your husband didn't have sex with you."

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Chance Encounter: Part 2

Breakfast With A Killer

In 3 parts, By Vitorio. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


No, not chance surely. There is a pattern, isn't there? What did she need most now? Support, certainly and I could give her that, wanted to. What she really needed was a good brief. Well, I was a good brief. Mind you, I only dealt in civil courts, company law, inheritance, and the like, but I worked in chambers with some very good criminal solicitors and we had one of the best defense barristers in the country.

Monday, May 13, 2024

A Chance Encounter: Part 1

A lonely man meets a sexy woman.

In 3 parts, By Vitorio. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.


Forty-ish I suppose, same age as me, sitting on her own. Unusual in a British pub on a Friday night. Very, very noticeable. Red hair worn in a slightly old-fashioned style, curly, shoulder length. Her face was, how to say this, big. No that's wrong, striking is a better word. Characterful, is that a word? Dark red lipstick, almost 'porn star' quality. That was it really, she had something of the appearance of an actress from those early films I'd seen in my youth.

She was bloody attractive - difficult to take my eyes off her. She was certainly drawing attention. Two young lads made a move to her - saw them off in pretty smart style. Don't know what she said to them but they drifted away, tails between legs.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Virgins’ Brave Consummation: Part 2

Now for the really scary part 2

By AarontheBaron. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Layers Come Off

The tension in that honeymoon cabin was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I gently rested my hands on my virgin bride’s hips, and her shoulders twitched, I leaned forward and planted a very soft kiss at the base of her neck. She moaned softly, and then again as my hands slid upward, past the swell of her hips and her slender waist, gliding over the silky fabric up her back until, so very softly, my fingers left the satin and traced across the exposed skin of her back.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Virgins’ Brave Consummation: Part 1

A tale of a terrifying wedding night.

By AarontheBaron. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Devout Believers Face Their Wedding Night mental struggles.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm the palpitations that were pounding through my veins. I was standing on the edge of a mountain, nothing but vast open space around me for miles. The height wasn't helping me relax, and for the hundredth time I silently asked myself why on earth I had wanted to get married on a mountain?

Then I saw her, veiled and gowned in white, gracefully descending the stairs towards me, and the world was made anew.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 24

A Surprise Ceremony

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Abby was in their tent and seated at a small desk making notes to herself of what needed to be done after they arrived home when Alec popped his head in.

"Hey, beautiful lady. I have a request for you three girls."

"Anything for you, lover. What is it?"

"Nathan is planning a ceremony of some sort for the day after tomorrow. Could you ladies please dress up in your finest, please? I believe it starts just prior to afternoon dinner."

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 23

Abby and Alec are one. George and William return.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

 Chapter 16

General Nathanael Greene took a deep breath and sighed in resignation. He'd been laid up with his wounded leg for several days now and was growing tired of it. The four beautiful women who'd been helping him convalesce were a large part of his laziness. No man on earth could have withstood the kindness and loving attention they'd been doling out to him and Major Moore. The Major had more reason to stay abed because his femur had been broken badly by a British musket ball, whereas Nathan's wound was a through and through affair caused by a rather large splinter of oak from the carriage of a field piece, hardly the same as he saw it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 22

Sarah & the General

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


The two sat in silence and watched as the troops continued to mop up the battlefield. Suddenly, Rose had a thought. "The general's tent! We should loot it before anyone else does! I bet he has some stuff that Nathan would want!" The two beauties shot to their feet and ran to the tent. It was still standing, but barely. A couple guy ropes had been parted by shrapnel or shot and the fabric was torn, but it had survived.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 21

Rose finds a match for General Greene.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


Meanwhile, Rose had struck up a conversation with one of the camp followers, a widow of just over forty years old who'd lost her husband long ago to a vile sickness. As the two sewed up black powder in linen bags, they discussed Rose's favorite topic, men.

"There's few things in life better than a tongue on my clit or a thick cock buried inside me," Rose was saying, while the woman, Sarah, blushed slightly at her words, not used to such salty language from a lady like Rose.