Monday, April 29, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 14

Sabra & Mira

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

They returned with James, and giggling like teenagers stripped him bare and installed him in his tub of steaming hot water. He groaned in pleasure as he sank deep, then smiled in surprise when Mira stepped in and sat with her back between his legs. She took his arms, wrapping them around her slight frame and he happily took her full tits in his hands, teasing and caressing her nipples until she was purring in satisfaction.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 13

New Battle Plans.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The next morning, General Greene assembled the family in the parlor to say a few words. "I came to this plantation expecting to see a normal command and a normal militia, but you folks far surpassed my expectations. It's quite obvious that George is an excellent commander and William supports him well in all ways, while the morale of your troops is outstanding. I regret to say that I insist that they continue on and pursue our enemy to the south. I realize that your family has been recently reunited but we must all sacrifice."

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 12

Maddy & the General

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Meanwhile, in Nathan's room, he approached a more than shy Maddy and pulled her to her feet. He caressed her naked breast and tugged down her neckline to bare the other.

"You're absolutely beautiful, my sweet," he murmured softly.

"Thank you, Master. Please be gentle with me, it's been far too long since I've been with a man. May I undress you, please?" she asked tentatively.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 11

 A General’s Visit

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The following day, Alec happened upon George who was laboriously transferring his correspondence to high command into handwritten code to protect their secrets.

"May I assist you, please? I seem to have a knack for that sort of business," he volunteered politely.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 10

 Maddy, the Octaroon

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

"There's an octaroon maid working in the kitchen by the name of Maddy. Let her know what you need and she'll make it happen. She quite good at it and runs a tight house. She'll also get the washroom ready for you to use."

Abby leaned down and kissed his forehead while ruffling his hair. "I missed you so much, father. I hope we can be together for awhile during this damned war."

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 9

A bridge to be taken.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

They paralleled the main road staying west of it a quarter mile or so, dead reckoning as to how close they might be to the bridge. The sound of hammering and the shouting of men attracted their attention. Once again, leaving the two girls to care for the horses, Alec and Abby sneaked in close to see what the hubbub was all about. Sure enough, the bridge was where they thought it would be, however it was in a state of disrepair. Two cannon lay in the creek bottom below the bridge along with their teams of horses, dead in the traces.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 8

An intruder in the woods

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Rose and June chose to cook a light dinner and while they did so, Abby and Alec crawled into bed. She rested her head on his chest, wriggling her nose like a rabbit when his crispy chest hair tickled her. In minutes he was sleeping and she spent her time with him caressing his broad chest, running her nails through his hair and listening to his strong heartbeat while she gazed at his handsome profile. She could feel herself falling ever deeper in love with him day by day it seemed.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 7

The companions prepare to travel north.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 8

The following day they set off to return to their cabin. When they arrived, Abby put Rose and June to work gatherings supplies for the ride north while she and Alec put their heads together and planned a trip to hunt for a couple of pack horses to use on their journey.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 5

Abby field-trains the soldier, and shares him

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

She pulled a small rope from her possibles bag, then wrapped one end around the saddle horn of Alec's new mount and the other end around a dead soldier's ankles. She dragged him several yards in the trees then repeated her actions with the second man. It only took a few minutes from the crack of the first shot until the hunters faded back from the road, a bit more than it usually took but she was satisfied.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 4

 Abby’s Time Alone With Alec

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Abby wanted to attack Alec as soon as her friends were out of sight but she wanted her first time with him to be perfect. First, she insisted that they both bathe. She went ahead of him and asked that he wash her beautiful blonde hair. When he was finished, he reverently washed her lithe body with soapy hands and she purred in pleasure the whole time he serviced her.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 3

 The Cabin Becomes A Medical Station For Alec.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

She fought and struggled to get him on her mount, eventually using her strong hands to cup his firm ass and boost him up. A job she thoroughly enjoyed because she didn't have to look at his handsome face and become even more embarrassed. She marveled at how his strong muscles rippled under his uniform trousers. When he was seated, she nimbly hopped up behind him and nudged her horse forward to begin the difficult journey home.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 2

 The Cabin Becomes A Medical Station For Alec.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

She found Rose in her bedroom cradling Williams's head in her lap while he lay unconscious on the bed. Abby raised her eyebrows in question and Rose gave her a faint shake of her head. William hadn't awoken yet, apparently. She went upstairs to her post and looked out over the grounds. She trained her rifle sights on the flower pots and was startled to realize that they tended to blend into the color of the vegetation. A white background would show much better for her, especially at night, she reckoned.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 1

Abby prepares for war.

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 1

The sound of ringing steel echoed through the barn along with the gasping of two people laboring for breath. Abigail Durham and her father George sparred with their practice swords, sweating and panting as they danced and dodged each others thrusts. George cried out in surprise when his 18 year old daughter parried his stroke and tapped his forearm with her blade.

I Need Your Help

One day, she called me crying

based on a post by Fugman; narrated by Andrew; 
Welcome To Connected Podcast

By Fugman. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

The real estate business is a tough racket, my girl Tiffany has been working her ass off in order to succeed. She is a very pretty girl, every time she shows a house, the guy is thrilled for her to walk him from one room to the next, the wife or girlfriend, is not so pleased.

Monday, April 15, 2024

A Tower of Refuge

Young lad saves and is saved by beautiful Highland Lady.

Based on a post By Stonemarten.  Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

Lady Anne Mackintosh was a real, historic figure from the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. She was a true heroine and brave, married to the head of her clan, who was a redcoat officer in the government army, however she herself led-out her Highland clansmen as "Colonel Anne" in support of the rebel Young Pretender, Charles Edward Stuart, often known as Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

A Chance Encounter: Part 3

Denial of Conjugal Rights

In 3 parts, By Vitorio. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

So, back into court, Barbara back in the witness box. "Are you feeling better Mrs. Carter?"

"Yes thank you My Lord."

"Now you must try and answer the questions my dear. I know they may be difficult, perhaps embarrassing, but you must. Do you understand?"

"Yes My Lord."

Saturday, April 13, 2024

A Chance Encounter: Part 2

Breakfast With A Killer

In 3 parts, By Vitorio. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

No, not chance surely. There is a pattern, isn't there? What did she need most now? Support, certainly and I could give her that, wanted to. What she really needed was a good brief. Well, I was a good brief. Mind you, I only dealt in civil courts, company law, inheritance, and the like, but I worked in chambers with some very good criminal solicitors and we had one of the best defense barristers in the country.


Not chance at all then! 'There is a destiny that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we may'. Ok, I'd go for that. Oh, I know I was rationalizing. Wife buggered off with a younger man and the kids. Here was me, on the rebound, 40, lonely and alone. Shit! But she was there. Hell the sex was fantastic but there was something more. I'm sure there was: wasn't there? Her eyes, the way she looked at me sometimes and soft, gentle caresses amongst the passionate. I knew I was hooked and I knew I was going to do everything in my power to save her from prison.

Decision made I went to the coffee maker, a letter!

'Darling man, I'm sorry, I don't know your name, darling man,

I'm sorry, really sorry for using you like that. It was unfair and I've probably got you in

trouble as well. It was wonderful and I won't ever forget it,

Thank you with all my heart


Well! There was a lump in my throat as I folded the letter and put it in my wallet. Decision made and now confirmed. Half a dozen lines on a piece of paper!

I got to the office later than usual of course. Once there I hunted out Gordon Streeter, our best defense solicitor and a good friend. Showed him the newspaper, "Gordon, I want you to see her"

"Why, old son?" he was older! I showed him the letter. "Blimey, what happened?" I told him, not everything just that we had sex. "She picked you up in a pub on Friday night?"


"It'll be trouble Dave. Plod will be around."

I laughed, "I think I can deal with the local constabulary but, Gordon, I don't want her to go to prison. See her, please. I'll talk to Jane."

Arm round shoulders. "David, old man, we've known each other for a goodly number of years." He was 20 years older than me was Gordon. Supported me, and Jane, right through our careers. Something of a 'father figure'. He continued, "It's not, hell you know, you're not still upset about Helen." He knew about America.

"Bugger it, Gordon. Yes I'm upset, upset and angry, but it's not that. Shit I don't know really and I won't be able to find out if she's in bloody prison will I. It's worth the risk!"

"It'll cost."

"I can afford it," I said. Couldn't really. Divorce hadn't left me that well off - what's money after all!

"OK," he said, "I'll see what I can do." Shot upstairs to Jane. Jane Lackington is one of the very best criminal barristers. A QC very early, she's defended some pretty important cases and bloody expensive! That's what Gordon meant.

She was in. "Jane, a word please." Got on pretty well now Jane and me. Born in the same month, university together, had a bit of a fling. Flirted gently now, nothing serious, she was married, but it was fun. Knew Helen's boyfriend quite well - very annoyed when he moved in on my wife.

"Hi Dave, of course. What can I do for you?" Sexy smile, arched eyebrows.

"Unfair Jane, you always know what you can do for me," I said with a laugh then, seriously, "I need your help." Raised eyebrows. "Well not me, someone I, er, someone I know." I handed her the newspaper.


"Yeah, Barbara Carter."

"David! What have you been up to?" Showed her the letter and told her about the weekend, not all of course. "Hell! Dave are you sure. Look, it's not Helen is it?"

I smiled wanly, "That's what Gordon said. No, well I don't think it is. Well possibly but, bugger it Jane, I've got to find out."

"She's bloody attractive I suppose?"

I laughed, "Yes, bloody," then seriously, "Jane love, it's not only that. Hell, I don't know how to explain it but, I don't want to see her go to prison. I want to, . hell I don't know what I want really."

She smiled. She knew me well did Jane. I sometimes wondered whether I shouldn't have asked her to marry me instead of her sister but there you are, times past. "I'll have a chat with Gordon when he gets back. Give you a call."

"Thanks Jane, thanks a lot."

Day passed slowly. Nothing from Gordon 'til five-ish then a call from Jane. "Want to come up Dave?" Like a shot!

"It's a good case Dave," she said. "I think we can get her at least Manslaughter, possibly less with a bit of digging." I didn't really ask what had happened. Didn't want to know just then, happy for them to deal with it.

"Wanted to know who sent me round," Gordon said with a smile, "told her it was a 'friend'. She's puzzled. In a bit of a state really. Got no money of her own, her 'friends' have all disappeared, and she doesn't have any family. I think she needs you son," he said with a big smile.

"Can I see her?"

"They won't let you 'til she's been to the Magistrates Court. That'll be tomorrow. I'm going back later when she's charged. You should be able to see her in the remand center or tomorrow."


"You know our lot Dave. It's a murder charge and, as far as they are concerned, she's a deadly criminal. I'll try tomorrow but I suspect Plod will oppose and the beak will agree. I'll try and arrange for you to see her tomorrow."

"Thanks Gordon, Jane, thanks a lot."

They both smiled. "Oh, by the way," said Gordon, "Expect Plod when you get home. She told them where she was."

Well they were there. Two detectives who, very politely, suggested that I accompany them to the nick. No point in refusing. I knew from Gordon that all she had said about the weekend was that we slept together so I wasn't going to deviate from that. At the police station I showed them the letter, which they insisted on keeping, didn't matter, I'd copied it in anticipation. They'd already satisfied themselves that we hadn't met before Friday so it was just a couple of hours of them trying to get me to say that she said she did it! Christ's knows why because Gordon said she'd admitted killing him in her statement.

Finally home. Empty, much emptier than it had been over the weekend. You're a fool I said to myself, a bloody fool. But then, better a happy fool than a sad genius. Just made dinner, TV, then bed. Remembered her there, got quite excited!

Even more excited in the morning. Gordon arranged for me to see her after the committal. 11 o'clock I was there. He knew the staff pretty well so saw her in a room alone apart from an overlooking window.

She was sitting as I came in. "You!!"

"Mmm," I said - a smile, "me."

"But, but, but. Oh god, now I'm embarrassed."


A shy smile, "Oh you know. Don't be unkind."

"I could never be that," I said, a look telling her all she needed to know.

Sadness overcame her, "I don't even know your name," she muttered.

I sat opposite, table between. "David," I said, "David Graham."

"You!!" she said again. Raised eyebrows. "It's you? Gordon, he said something about 'David'."

"Must be if you say so," a smile, "me what?"

"It's you who arranged for Gordon to see me isn't it?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"And for the lady barrister. Jane isn't it?"

"Yes, me."

Something like hope in her eyes, "Why?"

Opened heart now. "Because I don't want you to go to prison. Because I can't get the memory of the weekend out of my mind. Because I can't get You out of my mind. Because I want to know you better." I fixed her with my eyes, "Because I'm fond of you and because I'm a romantic fool!"

Shy smile then, "I like fools!"

I laughed, "Well, at least I'm in with a chance!"

Then sadness again, "I killed him you know."

"I know. Doesn't matter. You must have had a reason."

"Perhaps. I'll go to prison." She looked lost and forlorn. How could a vibrant, attractive, confident woman be reduced to such a waiflike caricature?

"Not if I can help it. Nor Gordon, nor Jane. She's good you know. The best." Hope in her eyes. "Try not to worry just help them all you can. Don't hide anything Barbara."

She looked at me, "I like that. I like it when you say my name. I wish you could have said it, you know. And I wish I could have said yours. David. I like that. Simple. Simple and nice."

God she was lovely. Even here, no make-up, simple clothes, sad. I held her hands in mine, against the rules but no-one came in, and said, "I like Barbara too." I think my tone told her how I felt just then because she squeezed my hands.

"Thanks," she said. "It was unkind you know, to use you like that!"

I laughed, "I didn't mind and I don't know." I squeezed her hands, "I hope that you might 'use' me again."

"I think I'd like that," she said smiling then the sadness descended, "but I won't because I'll be in prison."

"No you won't," I said firmly. "Now, chin up. We'll get you off this."

"Times up Mr. Graham," said the guard entering the room. I bent and kissed her cheek. "Now, now. None of that!"

I smiled, "See you soon," I said. "Don't worry!"

She smiled shyly as she was led away. Just a backward glance as she left the room.

Saw her once a week over the next few months, until her trial. Gordon and Jane confident. Lots of enquiries had revealed much that the police hadn't bothered to address. Open and shut case for them. Stupid really but then sometimes they're like that, can't see the wood for the trees.

So the trial came round. I didn't really know how they were going to play it. Jane was quite notorious for not preparing witnesses and I thought that she probably hadn't spent time coaching Barbara (I was wrong!), but, as I said they were quietly confident.

The prosecution case was simple. Short and, they thought, sweet. The only witness was a young woman who was there at the time. I didn't know any of this of course. It was sub judice so the papers couldn't print any of it beforehand and I hadn't asked Gordon or Jane about the trial.

I won't dwell on their case because, basically, none of the facts were really argued. Barbara had, of course, pleaded not guilty to the murder charge, the only charge brought. I should explain that, in English law, a charge of murder includes a charge of any lesser offence 'against the person' right down to a common assault. I was surprised that they didn't call me in an attempt to destroy her reputation.

Barbara was the first defense witness. She looked far from the confident, mature, attractive woman she was. Remand had, I don't know, defeated her I suppose. She looked pale and wan and she'd lost some weight. You could almost hear the 'ah's' as she took the stand.

Now Jane showed why she was so expensive. "Mrs. Carter," she said crisply, "did you kill you husband?" You could hear the sharp intake of breath across the court. This was the defense!


"I don't think the jury heard that Mrs. Carter. I'll ask you again, Did you kill your husband."

"Yes." She couldn't look up. Jane was relentless.

"I don't think we heard that."

"Yes," said Barbara. Deep breath, "Yes I did?"

"Did you want to kill him?"

"I don't know." Hesitation, "Yes, no. No not really."

"I don't think I understand. Can you explain Mrs. Carter?"

She looked confused, "Well, er, I felt like killing him, you know, seeing him like that but that was a feeling. I don't know." She looked pensive, "I didn't WANT to kill him, no I didn't. I just felt like it. Oh I don't know!"

"Let me help you," said Jane. "Did you mean to kill him?"

"Oh no. Of course not. No. No it, it just happened." The minutest of hesitations made me watch Barbara closely.

"So, to clarify, you felt like killing him but you didn't want to kill him and you didn't mean to kill him. Is that correct?"

"I think so. Yes it is, I think!" Firm and direct.

"So Mrs. Carter. Did you murder your husband?" Another gasp from the gallery and a hard look from the female jury members. I could see now where Jane was going, and going very cleverly.

"Is that the same as killing him. If it is I suppose I did."

"Let me try again to clarify things for you Mrs. Carter: to explain the term 'Murder'. Simply, to murder someone you must either mean to kill them, or not care whether what you are doing to them will kill them. In legal terms, you must have malice aforethought, either express, that is you meant to do it, or implied, that is you didn't care. Does that clarify it for you?"

"Well, I said I didn't mean to kill him."

"So there was no 'express malice'?"

"I suppose not. No."

"OK. Fine. Now when you picked up the knife. And we will come to that My Lord but it is not in dispute."

"No Mrs. Lackington, it isn't, but we must push on when you've finished with the law." The judge looked down his spectacles at her. She was doing his job after all, explaining the meaning of the law.

"Of course My Lord," deferentially, then back to Barbara, "when you picked up the knife what did you intend to do with it?"

"I don't know really. I didn't realize it was a knife actually. I reached behind and felt something then held it between Stephen and me."

"You didn't intend to stab him with it?"

"No, of course not."

"So there was no 'implied malice'?"

"Er. I don't think so."

"So, back to my question. Did you murder you husband?"

"Well, I thought that perhaps I did but now I don't know. I did kill him though." I was watching the judge and he actually smiled. Good old Jane. Got the judge on Barbara's side. Her 'innocence' about the law and Jane's manipulation had showed that she clearly could not be guilty of murder. I looked at the jury and I was pretty sure that was how they felt as well. Add the that the look of concern on the face of the prosecution council and I was sure Jane had scored.

"Good," said Jane with a satisfied smile. "Now on to the events of Friday. I'm afraid we're going to have to go through them in detail Mrs. Carter." Barbara looked apprehensive and I wondered why. I found out! "Can you begin on Friday morning?"

So Barbara explained how she had gone to see her friend with the intention of staying Friday night. At lunch time her friend got called away and Barbara left. She did a bit of shopping and got to her home about 4 pm.

"Now, Mrs. Carter, what happened then?"

Barbara looked uncomfortable. "I went in and heard some noises from the kitchen."

"What sort of noises?" Barbara looked embarrassed.

"Groans," she said, "groans and grunts I suppose."

"What did you do?"

"I went into the kitchen." Barbara looked very apprehensive now and even more embarrassed but Jane wasn't about to let up. This was all part of her master plan.

"My Lord," said Jane deferentially, "I would like to draw the Jury's attention to the diagram showing the layout of the kitchen and the location of the doorway."

"Certainly Mrs. Lackington, I think we are all aware of the plan."

"Thank you My Lord. What did you see Mrs. Carter?"

Now Barbara looked really embarrassed. Reluctant to answer the question. She turned to the Judge, "Must I My Lord?"

"I'm afraid you must my dear," he said with a soft smile. "It is for your own good." 'My dear'. He said 'my dear'. Clever that Jane, I was sure the judge was on Barbara's side.

"I saw my husband and that girl, Miss Jones." Poor Barbara. She looked something like a cornered rat because she knew what was coming.

"And what were they doing?"

"My Lord," said Barbara pleadingly. The Judge nodded.

"You must I'm afraid."

She took a deep breath, "They were 'doing it'."

"Doing it?"

"You know, doing IT."

"No Mrs. Carter, I don't know. Nor do the jury. Can you tell us what they were doing?"

Deep breath, "They were having sex."

"Oh, they were having sex. How?"

"I don't understand?"

"What position were they in?"

Barbara looked at the judge again and he nodded. She took a deep breath. "That girl, Miss Jones, was bent over the kitchen table. He, Stephen that is, was behind her."

"What exactly was he, your husband, doing to her?"

"Oh I can't say. Oh you lordship, I can't." I smiled inwardly. Didn't know why she couldn't say but I suspected that I'd done it to her in several positions, including that one on a couple of occasions! But this was open court. How do you say that your husband was fucking his young bit of stuff up the arse on your kitchen table?

"I'm sorry Mrs. Carter but you must."

"No, no, I can't. Oh you lordship, please." The judge looked down on her sympathetically.

"Mrs. Lackington, Mr. Peters (the prosecution QC), approach the bench please." They chattered away for a while until, finally, returning to their respective positions. "You may lead the witness, Mrs. Lackington, but do not take liberties!"

A smile and a nod of the head, "No my Lord, of course not. Now Mrs. Carter. To return to what your husband was doing to, or indeed with, Miss Jones. Was he having anal sex with her?" Took a lot to embarrass Jane!

"Er, er, yes."

"You could see this?"


"Now Mrs. Carter, what was the state of your husbands dress?"

Again Barbara looked cornered but, by now, she knew she had to answer. "His trousers were undone."

"Were they down?"

"No just loose."

"He was erect?"

"Oh My Lord!"

"You must answer the question Mrs. Carter."

She looked down. "Yes," she managed to say.

"How did you feel Mrs. Carter as you stood in the doorway seeing this 'intercourse'?"

Barbara stood straight now, remembering how she felt I suspect. "I was angry and I felt humiliated. And I was embarrassed."

"Tell us why you were angry."

Now she looked like a cornered animal again and looked pleadingly at the judge who nodded sagely. She must answer. "Because he wouldn't with me," she answered more firmly now, appreciating that there was no going back from here.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Carter. Do you mean he wouldn't have anal sex with you?"

"God no," said Barbara quickly, "we never did that!"

"What did you mean?"

"He wouldn't, oh you know, with me."

"I'm afraid we don't know Mrs. Carter. What would your husband not do with you?" Of course we all knew by now, didn't need to be told really, but it's all in the drama isn't it. After all, the examination of a witness is all about drama.

"He wouldn't have sex with me." As she said it, it was as if she was deflated. For a woman as attractive as her to have to admit in open court that he wouldn't screw her was a daunting prospect. I stared at her hard then, trying to make her look in my direction. I succeeded and she did. I smiled reassuringly and nodded. I wanted her to know that he was a fool!

"Can you tell us why?"

"He said I was too old and too, oh My Lord, " she started to cry.

"I think a chair, a glass of water and a short recess are in order Mrs. Lackington. Objections Mr. Peters?" It would have lost him any chance of winning he might have had left to object.

"No My Lord." So there was a 30 minute recess.

Gordon found me in the corridor. "Christ she's bloody good isn't she?"

I laughed, "Yes. I think the Murder charge is out don't you?

"Oh yes, no doubt. The next problem is Manslaughter. Not sure we can dodge that one but there will be mitigating circumstances old son, so don't worry too much. Jane's got it all in hand."

To be continued, in part 3, By Vitorio for Literotica

Friday, April 12, 2024

A Chance Encounter: Part 1

A lonely man meets a sexy woman.

In 3 parts, By Vitorio. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

Forty-ish I suppose, same age as me, sitting on her own. Unusual in a British pub on a Friday night. Very, very noticeable. Red hair worn in a slightly old-fashioned style, curly, shoulder length. Her face was, how to say this, big. No that's wrong, striking is a better word. Characterful, is that a word? Dark red lipstick, almost 'porn star' quality. That was it really, she had something of the appearance of an actress from those early films I'd seen in my youth.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

An Angel For Bishop: Part 4

A Criminal Investigation Exposes Powerful Alliances. But Willow Becomes Free & Legal.

In 4 parts, based on a post by BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Dan pulled the keyboard towards him and banged out a quick email to Kira with the measurements and the details of where to get the secure credentials. He maintained an online repository for such details and he knew she had the credentials to access that. Once that was sent he pushed back his chair and stood up with Willow in his arms. She snuggled her face into his neck. He carried her into the kitchen and checked on the timer for the pizza. It was almost ready. Dan walked over to the kitchen table and set Willow down on a chair. She seemed reluctant to let go but when he asked her to she did immediately.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

An Angel For Bishop: Part 3

Willows tortured past exposes itself.

In 4 parts, based on a post by BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Once they were both clean they were breathing hard and standing facing each other. The moment he leaned towards her lips she surged forward to press hers against his. His tongue slipped forward to brush against hers and suddenly she was sucking at his tongue. His hands came up and cupped her breasts and he gently took her nipples between his thumb and finger, feeling the little gold barbells and rings dangle from them. Willow gasped into his mouth and he felt Willow's legs buckle a little. She was beginning to make those needy yips as she rolled her hips. She tugged, but he jolted back.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

An Angel For Bishop: Part 2

Willows most serious injuries are in her psychie.

In 4 parts, based on a post by BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Willow let go of Dan Bishop’s sleeve and he left her in the bathroom so she could shower in privacy. He quickly gathered up new clothes for her. He got one of his tight t-shirts that would likely be a little big on her but might be tight enough to assist with supporting her breasts. Another pair of draw string track pants, socks, and another flannel shirt to cover up her amazing tits. Gah! He had to stop thinking about her that way!

Monday, April 8, 2024

An Angel For Bishop: Part 1

When two damaged souls collide can they find salvation.

In 4 parts, based on a post by BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Chapter 1

The early winter storm raged and thrashed across the mountain range. It seemed especially angry with the narrow mountainside road Dan was cautiously driving his jeep on. The fierce winds fought to push the jeep across the icy road into the deep ravine below. If it wasn't for the heavy tire chains he'd installed at the base of the mountain he'd already be tumbling down that cliff.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Destiny Delayed: Part 2

Our romance continues.

In 2 parts, mandroid55. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

We knew each other five weeks. We were in the honeymoon part of our relationship. Things were going great. It was wonderful. But we had to get to know each other better before the relationship moved to the next level.


We had our hour long Wednesday telephone call.

Plans for Friday and Saturday were dinner and a movie.

Marti was wearing a multi orange color spaghetti strap sun dress with matching shoes. She was showing more cleavage than usual. I was wearing a white and blue Hawaiian shirt with tan shorts and topsiders.

However, during dinner plans changed.

Between the salad and entree Marti said in a low voice "I'm dying to test your sexual creativity. I've been thinking about it all week. Let's miss the movie and go to your place for an evening of great sex."

"I'm game. What do you want to try?"

"I've been thinking a lot about it wearing a sleep mask for sensory deprivation. It's a big turn on. The way your tongue attacked my bod with whipped cream, maraschino cherries will the same or better. Regarding ice, I tried it on my boobs and clit. I love the way goose bumps grew on my boobs. My boobs got super sensitive. I know it will be great."

Her conversation was livelier than normal. More smiling and laughing. Arm touching too.

That song kept playing in the back of my head. "Then I spoiled it all by saying somethin' stupid like I love you."

We hurried through dinner and drove to my place.

Marti sprinted out of my car and stopped in front of the living room couch.

"I need kissing before we start the evening frolicking."

I obliged by kissing her firmly on the lips.

Breaking off the kiss I said "I will get the cherries and ice. Go to the bedroom and get prepared for a night to remember."

Marti did not go to the bedroom to disrobe. Before I got to the refrigerator I heard clothes ruffling. I turned around. Her dress was off and she was simultaneously pulling on her bikini underwear ties. She was naked in record time.

"Hurry off to the bedroom before I attack you in the living room."

"Don't take long!" Marti begged.

I placed the ice cubes in a coffee cup and the cherries I cut up earlier in a coffee cup saucer. The sleep mask was on my nightstand.

Entering the bedroom Marti was striking various sexy poses at the foot of the bed.

I placed the coffee cup and saucer on the nightstand.

Grabbing the sleep mask I slid if over her eyes and spun her around twice.

"Oh." She cooed.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yes. Spinning me around was a surprise, but it's making me hornier."

I grabbed Marti's right hand and led her to right side of the bed, leading her to sit down.

"I'm going to help you scoot to middle of the bed near the headboard."

I did so. Then I stripped.

"Now spread your arms and legs a bit and relax."

An hour or two later..

"That was great!" Squealed Marti. "Give me a hug." I obliged. We hugged.

"I'm drained you devil! You're so creative with sex! I could lie her all night recovering."

"We have ice yet for tonight".

"I forgot. Since you drained me take it easy with the ice."

"Will do."

Marti slid the sleep mask into place.

I dropped an ice cube on each boob. Instantaneously goose bumps covered her boobs. She gripped the sheets as tight as she could. Circling her boobs with the ice got her super tense. Marti moaned. She was so played out her resistance was minimum. It did not take her long to say "Stop!" Marti was totally wiped out.

I pulled away from her. We laid to next to each other not saying a thing, holding hands. Marti was exhausted.

Marti broke the silence. "You've wiped me out. Rather than go out tomorrow night let's eat at my place. It's time you met my other kids. I'll make stir fry chicken. We can have a relaxing evening staying in. What do you say?"

"Sounds great to me. What's the attire for tomorrow evening?"

Smart casual, like tonight. Please wear a Hawaiian shirt. I love those. They remind me of my parents' place on Maui."

"What time?"

"Six o'clock for cocktails."

Kids’ Approval Quest

I was finally going to meet the rest of her kids. Their names were Abby and Brad, born in that order. Both were married. Abby had a two year old girl with one on the way. Brad had one year old twin boys. With the youngsters it would be an early evening.

Saturday crept by with anticipation.

I arrived at Marti's home at 5:45. She was the only one there. Chloe was at the lake for the weekend.

While Marti tended to dinner, I made myself a faux screwdriver. One half tonic water, one half orange juice. My go to beverage went I did not want alcohol.

The doorbell rang. I ran to get it. I opened the door.

"Hi, I'm the new butler. Come on in."

Pregnant Abby and her husband carrying the two year old stood there with their mouths open.

I started to laugh. They started to laugh.

"Oh Mike." Sighed Marti.

Once everyone was settled in the kitchen the doorbell rang again. I sprinted to the front door.

"Hi, your mother just emigrated to Iran. How about Italian?"

Brad and his wife, each lugging a twin, simultaneously said "What?"

I laughed. They laughed. Marti entered the foyer and said, "That's Mike".

We all gathered in the kitchen for cocktails.

The conversation was light and cheery. Abby's husband Steve was a family practice physician. Abby stayed at home raising their daughter but kept her nursing skills sharp working one shift a week at a local hospital.

Brad was working his way up in the family conglomerate. He received his MBA from a top 10 business school. His wife Jane stayed at home with boys.

Dinner was a get to know each other affair. Like Chloe and her folks Marti's other children and their spouses came across as regular people.

The three youngsters and I hit it off. I like children. I like making goofy faces at children. They like my goofy faces.

Around 7:30 the youngsters started to tire. Shortly thereafter everyone headed out but me and Marti.

We chatted about how the evening had gone and Marti provided more details regarding her children and their spouses while cleaning up the kitchen.

After finishing in the kitchen I made myself an old fashioned with four muddied cherries. Marti poured herself a Merlot.

We sat down couch in the living room. I turned on a ball game for background noise. We both took a long drink from our beverages.

"They like you." Said Marti.

"I like them too."

"I mean they really like you."

Marti put her Merlot on the coffee table. She leaned over and gave me a soft kiss. I put my old fashioned on an end table.

We hugged. She pulled back and we kissed again along with a hug.

She pulled back again. There was a pregnant pause. We kissed and hugged.

Marti pulled back once more.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I replied.

We embraced. I do not remember how long we embraced. It must have been a couple of minutes. So pleasant.

"Marti, our romance has been incredible. We love each other, but we do not know each other. Let's take this gradually and grow together as a couple."

"I agree."

She gave me a big hug.

"Speaking of growing together, Chloe and I are going on a weeklong Mediterranean cruise before she returns to grad school. Join us on the cruise. It will be a great way to spend time together."

"Sounds great. What's the cruise line and where do we go?"

"The cruise is with Regent Seven Seas. The cruise starts at Rome's port and ends at Barcelona. Everything is inclusive including flying business class. I will get us adjoining cabins. I'll take care of the details."

"One thing, we must stay in separate cabins. You have three kids and I have four. We have to set standards for the kids and our reputations, especially yours in the community."

"I could not agree more."

"Regarding vacations, I think it is fair for you to pay for one and I pay for the next. Regent Seven Seas is rich for my blood. Royal Caribbean is my style."

"That works for me."

"Since we have been dating the Frank and Nancy Sinatra song with the line 'I ruin it all by saying somethin' stupid like I love you' has been in my head for weeks."

"Ah, that's so sweet."

The next day we made arrangements for my kids and their spouses to meet Marti. The meeting would be Saturday evening. The daughter and son-in-law from Denver would use frequent flyer miles to fly in at such a late date avoiding high air fares.

Friday after dinner with Marti's friends we went to my place. Marti disappeared into my walk in closed. She emerged wearing a crotchless O-ring bikini bottom.

This was the first Friday where she returned to my bedroom wearing an incredibly sexy outfit. That outfit made the sex better. Going forward every Friday and Saturday she put on a different sexy outfit.

Marti's sexy clothes ran the gamut. Small triangle bikini tops, tear drop bikini tops, tie string bikini tops and bottoms, crotchless teddies, bandeau tops, strapless dresses, camisoles, off the shoulder tops, plunging neckline dresses, tube tops. The outfits were incredibly stimulating.

The next day everybody met at my house at 6:00 PM. There would be my 4 children, the 3 spouses and 3 grandchildren. I brought in BBQ to be served on the kitchen island buffet style.

The evening went great. Marti worked the room like a politician. She spent enough time with each of them that they felt comfortable with her. My youngest is the nervous type, but Marti won her over too.

With all my kids in town the family hung out with me Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Marti's name came up. The reviews were positive.

I called Marti Sunday evening to tell her what my kids said about her. She was delighted.

During our Wednesday night telephone call Marti brought up Friday night.

"After dinner I want to try bondage. Thinking about it makes me so incredibly horny."

"Bondage is built upon trust. You have to trust me completely."

"I do."

"I will never do anything to hurt you or try anything dangerous."

"There is no doubt in my mind you will be careful."

"Just to be safe say the word 'Red' if you want me to stop. If you cannot talk and want me to stop start humming 'The Happy Birthday Song'. You have to be safe with bondage."

"Got it. I'm dying to try it."

"I will use restraints that go under the bed with cuffs or soft cotton rope, a sleep mask and neckties for a gag. If you don't like the cuffs or rope I will use neckties.

"Just as long as the rope is not itchy."

"Deal. Cotton rope is the softest rope there is. But I will start with cuff restraints, no chances of rope marks."

"Any special clothes you want me to change into?"

"Well yes. The crotchless O-ring bikini bottoms. Seeing you topless and wearing the O-ring bikini bottoms is the sexiest outfit I have ever seen."

"Consider it done."

Friday evening we dined at our favorite Italian restaurant. Marti ate dinner faster than usual. Twice she said "I'm looking forward to tonight" with a gleam in her eyes.

She drank two glasses of Merlot. I had iced tea.

When we got to my place Marti stopped in the living room.

She said "Make this evening memorable" with a big smile on her face.

Marti headed to the master bedroom walk in closet with her purse.

I bought the restraints with cuffs and a ball gag at a Cirilla's. The cotton rope came from a local hardware store. I bought 100 ft. and cut 4 10' lengths. Earlier that day I slid the restraints with cuffs under my bed. The restraints with cuffs set were lengthened enough for Marti's size. I placed the sleep mask, neckties and a ball gag on the end table on my side of the bed.

At that moment Marti entered the bedroom dressed in her O-ring bikini bottom and a smile. She looked incredibly sexy with that O-ring and perfect all over tan.

"You look incredible."

"Thank you." She giggled and smiled a shy smile.

Grabbing the sleep mask, I approached her. We kissed softly to begin. During the kiss I slid the sleep mask on her head. Breaking off the kiss I spun her around twice. Marti hugged me. The left side of her head rested on my heart. She could feel it pounding. "I love you." she whispered.

My palms pushed against her clavicles. Her tush landed on the bed. I maneuvered her body to the middle of the bed.

"Stretch your arms and legs out forming an X."

She did so.

I cuffed her hands.

"How does that feel?"

"Good". I gave her a couple of inches give.

I stripped.

Crawling on the bed to her right I gave her a deep kiss.

I pulled away. My right hand fingernails grazed her right boob. Marti

twisted her body a bit.

Leaning on my left side my right hand fingertips and fingernails toured all over her body from boobs to slit. She twisted her body more.

I kissed her while my right hand caressed her left boob. Leaving her boob my right hand finger nails dragged to her clit. My index finger barely rubbed the clit. Her legs were moving more. It was time to cuff them.

Sitting up, my fingers rubbed her nipples and headed down all the way to her inner thighs and ankles. I took the cuffs and attached them to her ankles. I gave her ankles as much give as her hands.

"How do things feel?"

"Secure and sexy."

My fingernails began moving up her legs. My tongue followed on her right leg. Marti wiggled.

I hopped off the bed and headed to the kitchen for two ice cubes.

Upon my return to the bedroom Marti was craning her neck as if she was trying to see me looking through the eye mask.

I held an ice cube a foot above each boob, waiting for an ice cold water drop to hit each boob. The water drops hit her boobs simultaneously.

She mumphed loudly but kept the ball gag in her mouth. I lowered the ice cubes to her boobs. Marti twisted her body with all her might.

After rubbing the shrinking ice cubes around her areola's for two seconds she spit out the ball gag.

"My boobs are freezing. Please oh please suck on them!"

I did so.

After a few seconds on each Marti said "Ah, that's much better. You've played me out.

I rolled to her right seconds after she finished cumming.

Marti's body untensed. She laid there panting.

"That was so great. It was beyond my dreams." She continued to lay on the bed without moving.

After she caught her breath she said "I'm ready to be uncuffed."

I obliged.

Once I untied her she said "Come here. Let's hug. I was hesitant at first about bondage. But the more I read about it and your reassuring words got me excited to try it. I want to do it again!"

"Whenever you want." I replied.

"If I come out of the closet naked, I'm ready for bondage."

"I'll have no trouble remembering that."

Marti exited my closet naked every couple of months.

We laid next to each other chatting about many things.

Then I asked, "With your family's wealth I am amazed at how down to earth and normal you are with other people."

"Thank you. My grandfather taught us that it takes a lot of people working hard to build an organization. We heard that story often enough that watching what we say about money, etc. is second nature. It's a big part of the family success."

"Kudos to your grandfather and all that followed."

Saturday evening we attended another fundraiser. Afterwards we went to my house.

Marti was ready for sex, but my cock was not so we used her and my toys.

We settled into a routine. Friday night we had more bedroom fun. Saturday night I used the toys on her. Sunday was athletic day. We attend a major league ballgame or NFL game seated in the family foundation box or played golf. We even drove two hours twice to see my alma mater play football on Saturdays.

We used toys less frequently on Saturday night. But we spent time with each other. We were getting to know each other well. And we were falling deeper in love.

We dined with other couples. Mostly Marti's friends. With my wife's passing it did not work going out with many friends on my side of the relationship.

In mid-August we went on the Mediterranean cruise. Regent Seven Seas was the way to cruise if you want to shell out the dough. Everything was inclusive including flying business class.

All excursions were included. Twice Chloe went on all day excursions. We opted for shorter ones. Knowing Chloe's schedule made our make-out schedule a snap. When Chloe was gone Marti walked around topless in the staterooms. She also like sunbathing nude on the balconies. That made the day more exciting.

With Thanksgiving approaching we determined it was time for our kids to meet. Our solution was we went to our usual family events. In the evening our kids came over to my house for dessert. It worked well. Everyone got along.

We used the same plan for Christmas It worked for everyone.

Our relationship continued to develop. We had disagreements. Once we had a big argument. It was about hunting. Marti was anti-hunting. She was furious about the topic. I am not a hunter, but I have been around hunting my entire life. Relatives and friends were hunters. Once I went on a company pheasant hunt.

My take was if you hunted something and used it for food there's no problem. Being a city girl through and through she could not see any reason for hunting.

I told her we were on the same side regarding hunting and wasting the kill. She saw my reasoning that eating what you hunt made sense. Then she came around to without hunting game herds would have to be culled. So, there might as well be sport hunting.

In March we took a Royal Caribbean cruise. We went to the Eastern Caribbean, including Labadee, Haiti. I always wanted to visit Labadee to drop a bunch of cash in the Haitian economy. Lord knows they need it. Marti's daughter Abby went with us. It was Abby's chance to get away from her newborn. Brad's wife Jane took care of the kids for the experience of taking care of multiple youngsters.

Marti and Abby got a room with a balcony. I had a room across the hall.

Like the Mediterranean cruise, Abby went on a couple of long excursions while we took short ones. When Abby was gone we had great make-out sessions, accentuated by Marti roaming around her stateroom topless and sunbathing naked.

As the first anniversary of our meeting at the Tiara Ball approached I got thinking about proposing. I dated a girl seriously in college. The first year was great. But she always had to have her way. I told myself that would change once we married. I proposed. However, after dating one year her personality did a 180. She became a bitch. The relationship ended badly. I was in no hurry to propose to Marti. I was the same way with my late wife.

The Tiara Ball invitations came out in early April. Marti immediately sent in the RSVP. She was excited to attend the event with me. Marti immediately started talking about her dress. She settled on a silvery blue slightly off shoulder with a bit of a plunging neckline ball gown.

Her morale soared as the Tiara Ball approached. She was hornier too.

The big day arrived. Marti insisted we drive to the ball in her Escalade. The Escalade was easier for her to enter and exit with her gown. Every pore of her body oozed enthusiasm.

The entire drive to the Tiara Ball she was all smiles. Her faced glowed. I causally noticed at the check in desk that her ex's name was nowhere to be found. Marti was so excited to see her friends. She was as excited a debutant. She introduced me to any friends I had not met. Her right hand an iron grip on my left hand.

We stayed at the Tiara Ball to the end.

After the Tiara we headed directly to Marti's house. She raced inside. I followed.

I caught up with her in her bedroom.

"I love you so much too."

I slid off the bed onto bent knee.

"Marti, will you marry me?"

I caught her off guard. She gave me a startled look for half a second.

"Yes, yes, I will marry you!"

I stood up. Marti stood up and gave me a bear hug.

We fell together onto the bed laughing.

I planted a huge kiss on her lips. We locked lips for several seconds.

The next day we went to a jewelry store. We settled on a 5-carat oval diamond solitaire.

Our next move was to tell our families about our engagement. Everyone took the engagement well. No one was surprised.

Following that we met each other's kids separately.

Marti's theme was I am not replacing your mother. That worked for my kids.

My theme with Marti's kids was I am not after her money. A pre-nuptial agreement will be signed separating Marti's assets from mine. That worked for her kids.

We married in small ceremony at the metropolitan area's Episcopal church to be seen at. My kids, grandkids, mother, cousin Elaine, her parents, kids and grandkids attended.

Marti's parents paid for our honeymoon. We went to St. Barts. Her folks rented a private jet. Five hours later we landed at St. Maarten. Jets cannot land on St. Barts so Marti's folks rented a Cessna 208 to get us there.

At St. Barts we did everything, shopping, snorkeling, massages at a spa, hiking, cocktail classes. We visited several beaches. At our boutique hotel we had our own plunge pool and privacy fence. Marti wandered around naked, tanned in the buff, went to topless beaches. Of course, that made the sex better.

The weekend following our return from our honeymoon her folks put on a delayed wedding reception at the city's top country club for family and friends. Over 500 people attended.

After the wedding reception we went to our home, Marti's place. We entered the house, went to the master bedroom and collapsed on the bed. It had been a full day.

And we lived happily ever after.

By mandroid55 for Literotica.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Destiny Delayed: Part 1

Marti and I Finally Meet.

In 2 parts, mandroid55. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

One Thursday night in early June I received a call from my neighbor Sally. Her prominent attorney husband was out of town for a trial. She needed an escort to the metropolitan area's social event of the season, the Tiara Ball, Saturday evening. Being a widower for a year, having attended the ball before and Sally being a knockout I said yes.


The ball was special to attend seeing the city's finest attired in ball gowns and tuxedos.

Surprisingly Sally's husband Ron showed up 10ish. His trial settled early that afternoon. He caught the first plane home to attend the event.

I had touched base with everyone I knew at the ball. So, I headed out of the ballroom for home.

On the curb outside was a woman about my age. She was sitting with her legs spread open, covered by her dark blue satin ball gown, with an empty champagne flute in her right hand, her left elbow on her left knee and her left palm propping up her head. She was wearing white elbow length gloves. She looked dejected.

She looked familiar.

"Are you ok? I inquired.


"Then no."


"Care for some company?"


I sat on the curb to her right. Normally I would not sit on a curb in my tux, but it was going to the dry cleaners Monday.

I stuck out my hand "My name is Mike."

She put the empty flute on the ground and stuck out her right hand. "Martha, but you can call me Marti."

"People tell me I'm a good listener. Want to talk?"

"Sure. Well to make a long story short my ex-husband is here with his new young wife. Seeing them here having a great time makes me feel terrible. He would have never gotten on the Tiara Ball invitation list without me. He's a guy from nowhere, we fell in love, got married, built a life and had 3 kids. Now he dumped me for a young chick. Thank goodness for the pre-nuptial signed before we got married. Otherwise, he would have some serious money."

We engaged in small talk for a several minutes.

Marti said "Can I trouble you to take me home? I came with my brother. I'm sure he wants to stay."

"Absolutely". I replied.

We returned to the ballroom.

She approached a guy who looked familiar. I recognized him. It was her brother David. He is friends with my cousin Elaine. They attended the city's elite private school and became great friends. We met a few times. Three decades ago I was coming back to town for a summer internship between grad school years. David and Elaine were to set me and Marti up. Elaine told me Marti and I would be a good match. But Marti fell in love with a guy who became her husband and we never got together.

Marti's family was one of the richest in the metropolitan area. They made their money in several media companies. The family net worth was over $3 billion.

I recognized her from the local daily newspaper society section.

We left the ballroom and headed to my car, a white late model Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Marti and I chatted about lots of things. Travel, children, history, movies, among other things. Conversing with Marti was easy. We were immediately comfortable talking with each other. My cousin and her brother were right. We seemed to be a good match.

While driving I got a good look at Marti. She was nice looking with a perfect tan. She had kept trim over the years after having three children. Marti obviously took time on her ear lobe length medium brown hair and makeup for the Tiara Ball. Her boobs were a 32B. With all her money she could have had any sized boobs. Marti's upper torso would have looked great with big boobs. But her family was famous for not flaunting their wealth, in this case through breast augmentation.

She did not live in the city's elite suburb; she lived in a suburb down south. The 30 minute drive went by quickly. Her home was on a country club golf course developed by her family. It was a traditional colonial style mansion with two white columns on the front porch. It looked like Tara. The well-lit yard displayed immaculate landscaping.

I walked her to the front door.

"Thank you very much for bringing me home. I enjoyed our conversation."

"My pleasure. I enjoyed our conversation as well."

"May I give you a hug?" Asked Marti.


We hugged. Not to tight, not to light, not too brief. It was just right.

We parted.

"See you around."

"See you around." Marti replied with enthusiasm in her voice and a smile.

I thought about Marti a lot that week. We had a good time. Conversing with her was like we had known each other for years. Since my wife had been gone only a year I was gun shy about contacting her. I should have done it the past week, but I dawdled. I was letting opportunity slip through my fingers. But then...

At 11:30 Saturday morning there was a knock at my door. I opened the door. It was Marti. Fortunately, I was dressed for the day in a blue knit shirt, tan shorts and topsiders.

"Hi Marti."

"Hi Mike."

She held a small, white gift-wrapped box with a silver bow on top.

"This is for you for Saturday night."

"Thank you. Want to come in?"

"Certainly." Marti had a warm smile on her face.

She was dressed in a v neck light blue and white floral print that went well with her blue eyes. There was a hint of cleavage. The dress fit her perfectly. Marti was wearing a fashionable Kauai hat pushed back on her crown.

"Make yourself comfortable." I said pointing to my sofa. I sat in a matching chair across the coffee table from her.

I opened the box. Inside was a Rolex watch.

"I can't accept this. I already have watch. This is too much for driving you home. But you can buy me to lunch."

"I'm not trying to buy your friendship. I just really appreciate you taking me home when I was down in the dumps. I want to show my appreciation for your kindness. Lunch sounds good. Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to your favorite lunch spot."

"Let's. I'll drive."

We walked to my driveway.

Marti was driving one of my favorite cars, a white Mercedes-Benz 190 SL convertible. Judging by the looks it was recently restored or detailed.

"I love your car."

"Thanks. My family usually buys American made cars since we made our money here. I made this exception.

We went to the Grand Cafe a first-rate restaurant on the Plaza.

We were seated at a booth towards the back by a huge bay window. She had the salmon salad and a white zinfandel. I had the grilled salmon with a Riesling.

Two of her friends stopped by to chat. She graciously introduced me to them. Maybe they were checking me out.

I scored points with Marti when one of the owners, a fraternity brother, stopped to say hello.

Conversation between us remained smooth and natural. Time flew by.

Marti addressed last Saturday night.

"Thanks so much for talking with me and taking me home last Saturday. I have never been so low in my life. Seeing my ex flaunting his new wife at the Tiara Ball ruined the evening. It was so embarrassing. All my friends were there. I wanted to die. Then you showed up. You listened to me. You gave my morale a boost. I will never forget you."

That made me feel good. I made a positive difference in someone's life.

When we were the only customers in the restaurant, I suggested we leave so the staff could prepare for the evening.

The conversation continued to flow during the drive home.

Sitting in the driveway we chatted for a bit.

"Are you available for a date next weekend?" I asked.

"Yes! Unfortunately, only on Friday."

"It's a date. How do I contact you?"

"Just call me at my family foundation. That's where I office."

With that I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the lips.

As I was getting out of the car I said, "I'll call you this week."

"Looking forward to it" Marti replied with a big grin on her face.

I was looking forward to taking out Marti. However, our social standings were different. I was a CFO for a medium sized distribution company. I was in the top 10% earnings wise. Being a stockholder in two successful companies during my career I was in the top 2% net worth wise.

Marti was a different story. Her share of the family fortune had to be north of $100 million. That put her in a different league. But I was anxious to see how things played out.

Wednesday afternoon we set our date. Saturday evening we would dine at the city's top country club outdoor patio, weather permitting, then see a Woody Allen comedy.

I did not know many people who belonged to that country club, but three of them were there Saturday evening.

One was the state's former lieutenant governor. We were fraternity brothers and my cousin served as his chief of staff.

The other two were my neighbors Ron and Sally.

Several people stopped by to say hello to Marti. Again, she introduced me to her friends. Maybe they were checking me out.

We both enjoyed the movie. I took her home.

When she opened the front door her youngest, second daughter, Chloe, appeared in the foyer. She was home for the summer from grad school. Chloe stayed around long enough for introductions and disappeared into the house. Maybe she was checking me out.

We ended the evening with a goodnight kiss and a date next Saturday night.

Things were going well between us. I was looking forward to the upcoming Saturday evening.

We attended a period piece movie and had dinner at a local Italian restaurant. During dinner we had great conversation about movie.

Walking out of the restaurant we held hands for the first time. It felt good.

When I got her home we heard noise upstairs. Marti said it was Chloe. We kissed to end the evening. She being 5' 4" and me 6' 0" Marti stood on her tip toes so she could wrap her arms around my neck as we kissed. The kiss lasted about 20 seconds. We made a date for the following Friday.

I thought about putting the moves on her but did not for two reasons.

One, our relationship was progressing well. It was way, way too early to make any moves. I did not want to push things and screw up the relationship.

Two, her family was rich, prominent and influential. If my moves were unwanted, they could cause me problems.

Wednesday evening Marti called me up just to talk. The conversation was pleasant and natural. We must have chatted for an hour about anything and everything. Our relationship was proceeding nicely.

On my way to her house Friday evening Marti called me on my cell phone. She had a problem. The zipper on her dress from an afternoon event was stuck. Chloe was gone for the evening. She asked if I could help her with the zipper. I said I would.

I was wearing my standard summer outfit of a knit shirt, shorts and topsiders.

Marti greeted me at the front door with a big smile and grabbed my right hand. Her dress was a strapless gold sequin number. It fit like a glove. We walked through the living room, down a hallway to the master bedroom. The bedroom was dominated by a king-sized bed.

She turned around and lifted her hair. The zipper pull was three inches from the top of the dress.

"Take it slow and be careful, it's an expensive dress."

"Careful is my middle name."

She giggled.

I grabbed the zipper pull and slowly pulled it down her back. The zipper was not stuck. I pulled it easily down her back to her waist.

Once the zipper reached the bottom stop Marti pulled the dress front down and spun around.

"I'm so horny I..."

I interrupted her with a firm kiss to the lips.

After about 15 seconds my hands cupped her boobs. My thumbs and index fingers rubbed her nipples. She arched her back.

Marti hands lowered her dress to below her hips. The dress fell to the floor. Out of the corner of my eye I saw she was not wearing underwear. And she had an all over tan.

She started to pull my shirt over my head. I acted in kind by stepping out of my topsiders and lowering my shorts and underwear down my legs.

We were both bare. We resumed kissing.

I placed my hands on her sides below the ribcage. I eased her onto the bed.

About an hour later, I was lying on the bed on her right. She moved her body up the bed. We simultaneously propped our heads up on a hand supported by an elbow. I my left hand, Marti her right.

"That was great" she panted. "It's been a long time since..."

"Me too." I replied.

"Your dress seduced me."

"Thank you."

"Your tan is perfect. What's your secret?"

"Thank you. My is secret is my own tanning bed and tanning a few minutes daily in the buff.

Marti continued. "I have a confession to make. I've only been available one evening per weekend due to all the banquets our foundation gets invited to attend. I have gone with one of my parents or both since they are such local icons. People want to see them. But I want to take you. Being with you one night a weekend is not enough!"

"That works for me on one condition."

"And that is?"

"I sit next to you."


"Hungry?" I asked.



"Yes. Orange Sesame Chicken please."

While we were chatting my right index finger roamed between her ribcage and above her bush. In return her left index finger played with the top of my cock. My limp love muscle got a little firm.

"Before you go for Chinese, I can't let you leave with my love juices and cum all over your body. I insist on cleaning you up."

Marti hopped off the bed and fast walked to the master bathroom. I followed.

She grabbed a hand towel, fell to her knees and started to clean my mid-section.

"This towel is not doing it."

Marti proceeded to use other means.

While pulling her head back she gently squeezed my scrotum. Just a squeeze. No pain.

"I deserved that."

With a smile she said. "Hurry up and get dressed. I'm starving."

"I can't let a lady starve."

I quickly dressed and headed for a Chinese restaurant.

Upon my return she led me to the living room. Table ware was on the coffee table in front of the big screen TV. There was adequate room for us to slide our legs under the coffee table and dine comfortably. She brewed black tea to go with the Chinese food. We sat down and dined while watching a Doris Day and Rock Hudson romantic comedy.

Marti was wearing a sheer fabric white negligee. Her protruding nipples were easy to see. She had on white bikini underwear. Marti looked terrific.

Towards the end of the movie the garage door opened.

"That's Chloe."

"Run to your bedroom and change. I'll tell Chloe you are in the bathroom."

"Great idea."

Marti high tailed it to her bedroom.

Thirty seconds later Chloe entered the living room.

"Hi Mike. Where's Mom?"

"She went to the bathroom."

"Ok. Nice to see you again. Good night."

"Good night, Chloe."

Chloe walked up the staircase.

Marti walked out dressed in a tan skirt and vest combination with matching shoes. When she raised her arms, her trim midriff was revealed. She looked ravishing.

"That was a close one. Thanks for the bathroom idea."

"My pleasure."

"By the way, where's Chloe?"

"She went upstairs."

"How did she seem?"

"Fine. Why?"

"She's not taking her father divorcing me and getting remarried well. I'm going to go upstairs and chat with her".

"Is that the same outfit you wore when Chloe left this evening?"

"Yes, it is. I get your drift. Me wearing different clothes would raise eyebrows."

Marti came down after a few minutes.

"How's Chloe?"

"She's fine. I just want to stay in touch with her considering all that has happened in the past year and a half."

Marti sat down next to me and we watched the rest of the movie.

We made a date for the next Friday. Saturday there was a banquet to attend. A coat and tie affair. Our first public appearance.

The next evening, I was at home watching a baseball game. Around 10:00 Marti called.

"Need some company?"


"Great. I'll grab an Uber and see you in a few."

I tidied up the living room.

Fifteen minutes later Marti was at the door.

"Hi." She said with a big smile.

"Hi." I replied with an equally big smile.

"May I come in?"

"Of course."

She stumbled as she walked in door. I caught her.

"Thanks. Nice catch."

"You are welcome."

Marti was dressed in a full length blue, green and purple sun dress with brown sandals.

She had a medium sized blue purse. I was expecting a clutch.

Marti's eyes were glassy. She was a wee bit tipsy.

I grabbed her right hand and led her to the living room couch. We sat at opposite ends.

"Can I get you anything?"

"A bottled water please."

I got one and handed it to her. Marti took a long swig from the bottle.

"Last night was so great I had to see you tonight."

"Last night was special."

We looked at each other. There was a pregnant pause.

"Kiss me. I need to be kissed."

I slid across the sofa to Marti, leaned over, placed my hands on the side of her face and gently kissed her lips.

She responded by placing her hands behind my head and pressing her mouth onto mine.

I leaned over her. We made out. After a minute or so Marti said, "I have to use the ladies room."

I pointed. "First door on the right, opposite the stairs."


Seconds after hearing the toilette flush she walked out of the bathroom sans dress and sandals. She was wearing a strapless nude color bra and small bikini panties.

I stood up.

"No need to get up. Let's pick up where we left off."

I sat down. Marti joined me.

We resumed making out.

In spite of last night's activities and age my love muscle was beginning to firm up. With my crotch on her thigh Marti had to notice.

She broke off the kiss.

"With our great sex last night and at your age I know it's harder than it used to be to get an erection. I don't want to embarrass you, but I brought something to help."

Margi got up, opened her purse and pulled out a 7" life like dildo.

"I know this will help you with me."

"That's a fact. Not being able to get it up like I used to sucks, but I appreciate you bringing your toy. Let's retire to the master bedroom and see what happens."

I stood up, grabbed her right hand and headed to the master bedroom.

Reaching the foot of the master bedroom bed I removed my knit shirt.

Marti responded by tossing the dildo onto the bed, wrapping her arms around my upper torso from behind, laying the right side of her head on my back and sighing.

Seconds later she slid both hands inside my underwear, gripping my cock.

I turned around, unhooked her bra, sat on the bed and started licking her right boob. My right hand played with her left nipple.

Marti wrapped her hands around my head and squeezed. She sighed.

I stood up. Wrapping my arms around her I moved around the bed and placed her in the middle.

"I'll be right back."

I disappeared into the wardrobe closet and dug up the vibrator my late wife and I used. It was the same length and looked like Marti's dildo, but with three low vibrator speeds. Also, I took off my shorts and underwear.

Returning to the bedroom Marti's left hand was working the dildo in and out of her mouth. Her right hand was massaging her clit. He bikini underwear laid next to her.

"Here is something else for us to use this evening." I turned the vibrator on to the lowest speed.

The vibrator noise caught Marti's attention. She looked at it for a moment. She removed the dildo from her mouth.

"That looks like fun." Marti exclaimed.

I joined her on the bed.

Marti groaned.

After a few seconds Marti's hands gripped the bed sheets. Her body moved side to side.

After a few minutes she came three times. She spit out the dildo and said "Stop!"

She was panting. I crawled over and laid next to her. My body was perpendicular to hers.

"How was tonight?" I asked.

"Great. I'm glad I stopped by. I really need to get home. Can you drive me?"

"Sure. Do I need to get your dress and shoes?"

"Would you? I don't need to run into anything. Bumps and bruises aren't a good look."

I retrieved her dress and shoes from the guest bathroom. She managed to put on her bra and panties.

"Need help with your dress?"

"No. I can manage."

She did and I got dressed.

We got in my car and headed for her home.

Marti was still horny. On the way to her home she contorted herself around the gear shift and unzipped my shorts, pulled out my cock and caressed it with admiration & desire. I got firm.

I pulled into her driveway, pulled up my shorts and hurried to open the door for her. My left hand took her right hand and helped her out of the car.

Marti firmly held onto my left hand.

She was able to open the front door without my help. She assured me she could get to her bedroom on her own. We parted for the night with a passionate kiss and hugging.

The next day cousin Elaine called. She heard through the grapevine Marti was enjoying our relationship to the enth degree. That was good to hear, reinforcing all the positives I was getting from her.

Wednesday Marti called. We chatted like the prior week. Things were going well.

She asked if she could email and text me. I said sure, but with her standing in the community, be careful about what you send me. I would as well. We communicated via email and text more days than not saying whatever, but nothing that could soil her reputation.

Friday, we went to a movie and dined at an Italian restaurant. She looked great in a rust colored vest and skirt combination with matching shoes.

During dinner we discussed the banquet the next evening. Marti was taking her parents. I would meet them at the hotel banquet room front door for a dinner honoring her parents' philanthropic endeavors at 6:15, fifteen minutes before the banquet started.

Marti rushed through dinner. She said she was horny.

After dinner we went to my place. I pulled my Jeep into the garage. She grabbed my hand and entered the house even though she did not know my home's layout. Leaving the mudroom, she saw the sofa where we made out last Saturday. She led me there.

We started making out in front of the sofa. Instantly Marti began unbuttoning her vest. Sliding the vest down her arms I saw she was not wearing a bra. Then she began shimmying out of her skirt. I hurried to keep up with her removing my clothes. We finished disrobing at the same time.

My left hand grabbed her right hand and we ran to the bedroom.

We jumped on the bed and began kissing.

After about a minute of making out Marti said "Ah, I have got to go to the bathroom."

She jumped out of bed and headed for the master bathroom.

I got an idea. I went to the kitchen refrigerator and pulled out a can of whipped cream.

Turning off the bedroom lights I placed whipped cream can on the floor next to the bed and took my position on the bed.

Marti returned, jumping onto the bed. We resumed furious kissing.

After kissing for a couple of minutes my right hand began playing with her left boob. Marti began umming. I broke off the boob play. My right hand grabbed the whipped cream.

I sprayed the whipped cream on her right boob. She said "What the..." I broke up her sentence by licking the whipped cream furiously. She responded "Oh."

After licking the whipped cream Marti said "You've never licked my boob so intently." while I sprayed whipped cream on her left boob. "That was...". I started licking her left boob with equal intensity. "She squealed "Oh".

Finishing off the left boob she said "That was great. What's next?"

I laid next to her and listened to her pant catching her breath.

"You certainly are creative. What other creative loving making tricks to do you have?"

"I can spread fruit all over your erogenous parts and lick them off. Maraschino cherries are the best."

"Sounds delicious. And?"

"Ice on your boobs and slit. It makes those body parts sensitive."

"Sounds like fun."

"A sleep mask results in sensory deprivation making sex more intense."

"Ok. What else?"

"Light bondage. Restraint makes sex super intense."

"Sounds like it's worth trying."

We spend the rest of the evening lying in bed chatting and enjoying each other's company.

Driving her home Marti snuggled as close as she could with the front center console between us.

For the banquet I wore a gray pinstriped suit with a light metallic blue tie and white button down dress shirt. I drove to the hotel where the banquet was held. I got there at 6:00. They arrived in a new black Cadillac Escalade at 6:15 with Marti at the wheel.

Marti hopped out of the car and gave the keys to a valet. I was there to help her folks out of the car, but they had no problems exiting the vehicle. They were a spry couple in their 70s.

Marti briefly introduced them to me. Time was running short. The four of us hurried inside to take our places in the banquet hall. Her folks were seated at the head table. Our table was at the front. The place was packed with 500 people.

We were seated at a table for 8 with people Marti knew and I did not, including her older brother and spouse. All were cordial. Maybe they were checking me out.

Marti made the introduction speech for her parents. After the speech she returned to her chair and held my left hand the remainder of the event. She squeezed my hand at every opportunity when something humorous was said or her folks were praised.

After the event Marti and I had a drink with parents. They were nice folks. They came across as regular people. We talked about all sorts of things. We were comfortable talking to each other. The time came for them to leave. I escorted them outside with Marti. The valet drove up in black Cadillac Escalade. As they entered the car Marti mouthed "They like you" and smiled. By the time the event ended it was too late for other activities.

During the banquet Marti suggested we play golf the next afternoon at the course near her home. The tee time was 2:00. I showed up at 1:30. We rode in a golf cart. I had a better long game. She had a better short game. I beat her by 9 strokes. She suggested we go to her place for refreshments. Marti was wearing a white knit shirt and skirt combo that fit snuggly.

Inside her house she told me the zipper on her skirt was stuck. "Take it slow and careful. It's an expensive skirt." I told her "Careful is my middle name". We continued with her strapless gold sequin dress routine. She turned around and said "I'm so horny I..." I stopped her mid-sentence with a firm kiss to her lips. We stripped each other.

Marti said "I feel yucky. Let's take a shower." We hurried to the shower. We soaped each other. Our hair got a little wet.

We hopped out of the shower and dried each other thoroughly. She was giggling.

"Where is Chloe?" I asked.

"At the lake until this evening." Marti replied with a smile. "She's not going to interrupt us."

We got dressed. Went out for steaks.

The next day Cousin Elaine called. She told me David told her Marti was falling for me fast.

I kept thinking about the Frank and Nancy Sinatra duet lyrics "Then I spoiled it all by saying somethin' stupid like, I love you." I did not want to blow it.

But I was falling in love. I was sure Marti was too.

To be continued in part 2, by mandroid55 for Literotica.