Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Coming Back to Life: Part 1

Can friends become lovers?

Based on a post by Quinn_McMullen, in 7 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Explicit Novels.


Chapter 1.

Two years ago, my wife passed away. Processing the grief has been difficult because it has forced me to reconcile with my new identity as a widower. Supportive friends, neighbors, and colleagues have tried to help get me out of the house and away from the memories. Asking me to join their social events like fundraisers, parties, and cookouts have been great gestures, but I have yet to accept. I don't feel that I am quite ready for that much socializing, so I stay home and curl up with a good book.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Save World - Get Girl: Part 3

Competition becomes Tittilation.

Based on the post of MsCherylTerra, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time.

I completely forgot that I was just in my panties, otherwise I probably wouldn't have sandwiched myself between the seats again as I lunged for the keys. It didn't even cross my mind until I turned the ignition unsuccessfully twice and swore.

"We drained the battery," I groaned. "Shit. My mom's going to be a nightmare about this."

"Uh-huh," came the somewhat-distracted response from behind me, and that's when I realized my ass was basically in Ashton's face.

At least that time I wasn't stuck on the ice scraper. I crawled as gracefully as I could out from the space between the seats, which was not gracefully at all, and looked at him. Lightning picked that moment to flash again, muted by the filter of fog that clung to the car windows. Brightness hung in the air, flickering slightly as it revealed Ashton hurriedly adjusting the front of his boxers. He looked up, alarmed, and I looked down, enthralled by the sight of something very stiff tenting the fabric.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Save World - Get Girl: Part 2

Player 2 arrives.

Based on the post of MsCherylTerra, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time.

At no point in the history of time or space would I have thought I'd end up geeking out over The Circlet of Nianus with Ashton Halliday. I mean, at no point would I have ever thought I'd end up sitting in the backseat of my car, chatting excitedly about games we'd recently played and upcoming ones we were looking forward to. There was no reason for me to think we'd get into a heated debate about which Final Fantasy was best, or that he'd have bad enough taste to claim that Final Fantasy VII was better than Final Fantasy VI.

"Next you're going to tell me you think Wheatley is a better villain than GLaDOS," he groaned.

"Of course not!" I said indignantly. "Wheatley's hilarious, but he's a moron. GLaDOS is smart enough to be an actual villain. But the real question is, do you think Cave Johnson is funnier than both of them or are you wrong?"

Ashton threw his head back as he laughed. "We're in full agreement on that."

"Phew," I said, leaning against the door. "It's a good thing you said that, otherwise there's no way we could be friends."

"Are we friends?" he asked.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Save World - Get Girl: Part 1

She's ready for player two.

Based on the post of MsCherylTerra, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time.

Player one is me, Ramona Roth. I’m nineteen, blue hair, pierce eyebrow, former president of the student council, virgin.

War is hell, they say, but I say they're wrong.

Hell is insanity, and insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Hell is false hopes and flagrant disappointment.

Hell is knowing that the squabbling of Ilyra, the princess from the far-off planet of Nianus, and Jostok, the snarky-but-pleasantly-ripped humanoid alien soldier from Quighnan, would attract the attention of Izzon's monstrous space beast.

It's knowing that the beast would destroy the vent your plucky band of misfits was crawling through.

It's knowing that you'd all tumble into the cavernous belly of the spaceship with only the last-second triggering of a force-field from your omni-cuff to prevent you from turning into gizzard soup on the space-grey floor.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Camping In Ireland: Part 2

A tale of firsts, set on a rainy camping trip, among young friends.

Based on a post by Josh stone, in 2 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time. 

They stood in the dunes, feeling the sensation returning slowly to their clammy bodies. She grasped the two ends of the massive sheet together, behind his shoulder blades.

Then she stood up on tiptoes slightly, and his thumbs slipped slightly into under the elastic of her pants. She gave a sigh, relaxing into his embrace, and he instinctively pushed her wet knickers down, feeling as they rolled over on themselves as they slipped down her ass. He followed by pulling her wet tee shirt up over her shoulders, where she tugged it over her head, and tossed back by the bags.

She stepped carefully one leg out of the wet panties, returning to the warmth of his arm and pulling him even closer as she did so. Her gentle murmur as his hands felt the shape of her hips and thighs spurred him on, piquing his interest in this new adventure, this new and unusual setting. The absence of wet fabric quickly allowed her pelvis to dry and her body warmth gradually increased. But His wet boxers were still a problem.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Camping In Ireland: Part 1

A tale of firsts, set on a rainy camping trip, among young friends.

Based on a post by Josh stone, in 2 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time. 

The Night Storm

Surrounded by flimsy, billowing nylon, the wind howled outside. The fly sheet occasionally touching the inner when the buffeting storm blew strongly enough, and patches of damp were beginning to appear where the outside was attempting to breach the inner. The light was fading outside and somehow the dankness of the evening was everywhere within. He stayed at the campsite while the others had headed for the village in the coast of Southwest Ireland. Local lads had told of a party, beer, and ‘opportunity’.

Inside her large nylon tent with him, she also lay, the two rather unknown to one another. Her head at the far end, and his head near the zips, forming the door. Their two sleeping bags were zipped up, and they were each warm and safe, escaping as they had into the nearest dry tent they found. Her tent.

The severe weather overtook the two after the rest of the group had departed for a party, in the village.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Byzantine Empress: Part 5

 Nobody touches before they pay.

Based on the work of Robyn Bee, In 7 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

The streets had been quiet as we'd passed, oddly subdued. The few people we saw had quickly ducked out of our way, though we were in our tunicae and sandals.

Kostas' place, I was happy to see, was lively. Drunken soldiers weren't spilling out of the place, but there was enough of a crowd that we had to push our way past a few people. I led Helena to the back, where crusty old Kostas scowled from behind his bar.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Byzantine Empress: Part 4

The Empress makes a demand.

Based on the work of Robyn Bee, In 7 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

"Quit torturing the girl, 'Nina," the Empress finally cut in. "Put those away."

Theodora considered the young noblewoman for a time, weighing what she saw in her before speaking again.

"Although, Antonina is right, my dear. You need to make sex a greater priority." The young woman opened her mouth to speak, but shut it when the Empress held up a hand.

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Byzantine Empress: Part 3

 Safe within her chambers.

Based on the work of Robyn Bee, In 7 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

The Empress knows.

This place. Just when I thought that I was getting a handle on it; something would happen to knock me free of the base I'd anchored myself too.

Antonina, wife of the Empire's greatest general, had taken me with her mouth. She'd spit on her marriage vows; risking her future, happiness and respectability. And for what? A whim? A silly streak of competitiveness with her best friend?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Byzantine Empress: Part 2

It was no sin to revel in what God had given her.

Based on the work of Robyn Bee, In 7 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Theodora believed. Her faith ran deeply. It was not worn as some gesture of heretical mockery. That cross, like her body, were symbols of her devotion to God. She made love, shared herself with others as an act of worship. Her every moan, a prayer; her every cry, an exultation to her creator. The font between her legs, the sweetest sort of holy water.

It was no sin to revel in what God had given her.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Byzantine Empress: Part 1

Cleopatra would have blushed in this Empress’ presence.

Based on the work of Robyn Bee, In 7 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

“I will die before I let them take the purple that robes me. For never will I see the day where those I meet do not call me Empress.”

Leontius is stratiotai, a soldier of Rome’s armies. He has lived a decade and more of war, staining his boots with the dirt of nations that have dared to raise their blades against the Empire. It’s left him tired. So, when given a chance to step from the battlefield and into Constantinople’s Imperial Palace, he takes it.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Hiking for Love: Part 4

Blending Our Lives.

by T. FoxalListen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 20.

The next morning I was awakened by a beautiful sensation on my hardened shaft. Carrie was licking and sucking me. When my hand caressed her face, she popped off of it and looked at me. “I couldn’t help it Babe. It was so hard and wanting attention. Lay back and enjoy.”

I smiled at her and said, “You know, if you are quiet, I too, could be licking and sucking something as you do that.” She smiled and moved so we could 69. As her damp panty clad cunt came down to me, my fingers moved the fabric to the side and I began enjoying her sexy slit.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hiking for Love: Part 3

 Carrie and Mark settle in to everyday life.

by T. FoxalListen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

“Oh Mark. I have never been made love to like that ever. It was perfect. Everything you have done so far has been perfect for me. I don’t think you have one selfish bone in your body. I need to know though, are you scared of all of this?”

“Carrie, I have never been more scared in my life. Not even over in the sandpit, with bullets flying all around. Had you not said I love you back to me, when I made my declaration, I would have been crushed. I’ve never, ever let anyone into my heart, like I have let you in.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Hiking for Love: Part 2

 Mountain Chemistry.

by T. FoxalListen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Chapter 9.

With the sun dipping behind the mountains, the air was changing. It had to be around 50 now, and it would probably get a bit colder. We walked back to the campsite. Carrie had to use the restroom, so I went with her, and also took care of business. Once back at the site, she went inside a put on a sweatshirt. I did as well, after she reappeared from the tent.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hiking for Love: Part 1

 Hiking Accident brings Mark and Carrie Together.

by T. FoxalListen to the  Podcast at Connected.

Mark and Carrie never met before, until an accident to Carrie, brought them together, and now maybe for good.

Chapter 1.

I'm Mark. 39 years old, single, a computer geek who is lucky enough that I can work from home, and make my own hours. I wasn't always like this. When I was 18, I had a choice, jail or join the service. I just made some bad decisions back then, doing drugs and getting in fights. So I opted for the Marines.

Monday, September 30, 2024

The Librarian: Part 4

Tough Guy.

 by horn pixy. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.

“What do you think?” he asked as she lifted the glass to her lips. She took a sip and her tongue tasted a drop that was left behind on her bottom lip.
“Not bad,’ she said. “Not bad at all, barman. Got any other surprises for me?”
“Sure do. Just come round back and step into my office for a minute or so.”
Ignoring the looks of his staff as he abandoned them to the crush of too many customers, he lifted the counter for her to follow him behind the bar.