Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Daughter of the Revolution: Part 22

Sarah & the General

In 24 parts, based on a post by Seethegood. Listen to the  Podcast at Connected.


The two sat in silence and watched as the troops continued to mop up the battlefield. Suddenly, Rose had a thought. "The general's tent! We should loot it before anyone else does! I bet he has some stuff that Nathan would want!" The two beauties shot to their feet and ran to the tent. It was still standing, but barely. A couple guy ropes had been parted by shrapnel or shot and the fabric was torn, but it had survived.

They went in and found Alec had beat them there. He was stuffing parchments and other items into a leather satchel. Abby flung herself in his arms and kissed him deeply, sighing at the warmth of him. Rose gave them a few seconds, then joined them and her lips met Alec's as well. He hugged his girls and sighed with relief, happy beyond words that they'd all survived the battle unscathed. As they rifled through the tent, Rose let out a cry of joy when she found a small wooden chest filled with gold coins, so heavy that she couldn't pick it up.

"I want to give it to the soldiers and their families!" she exclaimed. "Do you suppose that Nathan would agree?"

"I can't speak for him, but I'd imagine so. We'll run it by him when we get back to camp," Alec stated. They continued sacking the tent and Abby let out a surprised cry.

"I found some laudanum!" she said happily as she sniffed a gallon jug of the substance. "We can use it for our wounded!"

Soon, they'd finished their pillaging and readied for the long walk across the field back to their own lines. Alec secured a loose horse and strapped the treasure chest to it's saddle while Abby paused atop the enemy embankment and turned to look back over the field of battle, shaking her head at the sight. Over three hundred redcoat bodies were laying in bloody, stinking disarray.

"A job well done," she muttered to herself as a wave of exhaustion rolled over her small frame. Everyone had been awake for over twenty four hours now, and with her adrenaline dump wearing off, she was almost asleep on her feet. She took Alec's arm while Rose took the other and together they made their way back to their lines.

They found Nathan sitting up in his bed with Sarah in close attendance. He was wide awake and hoping for good news. They swiftly filled him in on their victory and he let out a huge sigh of relief.

"So we won? Was it decisive?" he asked hurriedly.

"Yes, Uncle. We killed over three hundred of them. We've nothing to fear anymore, and I brought this back for you," Abby said with a happy smile, and tossed the brain spattered hat of the enemy general to Nathan. He flicked a piece of skull bone from the brim and chuckled joyfully.

"You cocksucker. We've finally got you," he said to the hat with a smile.

"Abby got him!" Rose bragged. "She killed him with a single shot to his noggin, and I got the colonel. Then Alec called out the order to fire and all hell broke loose!" she said excitedly, reliving the opening moments in her mind.

"We also got a chest full of gold!" Alec exclaimed. "We'll leave it here with you under guard if that's  okay."

"Of course it is! Well done!" he congratulated, "you'll have to tell me all about it later. Where's James at?"

"He took a ball to his thighbone, I believe it's broken badly," Alec said. "and June is taking care of him. My next stop is the doctor's tent to check on him."

A frown of concern furrowed Nathan's brow. "Keep me up to date on his condition, please. Maybe I can visit him later."

"You need to rest, darling," Sarah spoke up unexpectedly as she caressed his shoulder, "your own wound is quite grievous."

"Alec, this is Sarah," Rose broke in to introduce her, "she's helping Nathan in his recovery." Alec met her gaze and she gave him a conspiratorial wink. He smiled back, not at all surprised that she was up to no good yet again.

He kissed her cheek and muttered in her ear. "You saucy wench, always spoiling us men. Well done, beautiful." She colored at his praise and wondered why he still had such an effect on her after all the time they'd spent together.

The companions took their leave and went to check on James. The doctor had him on a makeshift table and was swabbing out the wound in his leg. June was with him and was attempting to hold him down as he writhed in agony. His thigh looked crooked with a slight dogleg in the middle of it. Abby approached the doctor and handed him her newfound jug of liquid gold.

"It's laudanum," she stated. "I took it from the enemy in hopes of helping out our own."

"Oh, thank you, Miss Durham, I was rationing our meager supply already. This is truly a gift from God!" He rapidly administered a strong dose to the Major, and Alec answered his many questions about the battle while they waited for it to take effect. In a few minutes James was barely lucid and had a loopy grin on his face. The doctor produced two strong poles to use as a splint and asked Alec for some help. They gently lifted the Major and laid him on the floor of the tent, then spread his legs apart. They cut the remainder of his trousers from his body and prepared to set his leg.

Alec sat before him and put a foot in James' crotch, while the doctor lifted his heavy genitalia out of harm's way. The girls watched wide eyed as Alec gripped hos foot and began a strong, steady traction. Despite the laudanum, James groaned in pain and nearly passed out as his broken leg slowly straightened out. The doctor rapidly tied the splint tightly around his thigh, then Alec carefully released the leg. James sighed in relief and relaxed into June's comforting embrace.

"There, there," she whispered. "It's all over now, sweetheart." Together they lifted James to a nearby bed and June covered him to keep him warm. In a few moments his breathing steadied and he fell into a drug induced sleep while June kissed his brow softly and smiled down at him tenderly. Abby watched her with pride. Her friend was truly a gentle soul at heart and she loved taking care of the sick and wounded. Alec was watching as well, wondering how such a beautiful and loving creature could turn into a vicious killer as she had been earlier in the day. He shook his head, then bent to kiss June's upturned mouth.

"You're such a sweetheart. Thanks for all you did today, my little slave girl," he whispered in her ear. She blushed violently and kissed him softly in return.

"You're welcome, Master," she said meekly. He ruffled her dark curls affectionately and stood up.

"It's time for some sleep, any takers?" he asked, while looking at Abby and Rose. Without a word they took his arms and led him to their tent. Filthy and bloody, they undressed and fell into bed, curling into each other's warmth and falling asleep in seconds.

After a few hours, Alec awoke with a bursting bladder. As he stepped outside to relieve himself he had an idea. He dressed, then went in search of a large wooden barrel. He soon found one that'd been used to store dry goods. He carried it inside their tent, then went to the area where the camp followers cooked food and cleaned laundry. The girls were eager to please the big, handsome man and soon provided him with plenty of hot water to fill his barrel.

He roused his women and they were loathe to get up until they they saw the barrel of steaming hot water, then they playfully fought over who got to go first. Alec leaned back and enjoyed watching the dirty, naked vixens wash each other clean as they'd done so many times before. He stepped in to wash each girl's hair and they purred with contentment as his strong hands massaged their scalps with thick lather. Soon, it was his turn and he dumped out the filthy water and refilled the barrel with clean. The girls spoiled him rotten with their wandering hands, especially when they reached his cock and balls. They fought for possession of his rampant prick and teased him mercilessly with their soapy hands.

They soon struck up a conversation like Alec wasn't even there.

"What should we do with him?" Abby teased as she fondled his huge balls in a soapy hand.

"Oh, I'm not sure. Should we rinse him off and send him on his way, or take pity on him and make him cum?" Rose giggled, while stroking his burgeoning shaft.

"Well, if we make him cum now he'll last much longer for us this evening. I'm sure June needs some love too," Abby said, smiling as he nodded emphatically. She smiled up at him and squeezed him gently, raising him up on his toes.

"I agree, let's work him over so he won't be quick on the trigger tonight," Rose purred. The girls rinsed him off as he stepped from the barrel, then dried him off with a towel. Abby knelt in front of him and took his shaft in her hand, then tugged Rose down to join her. Alec groaned in anticipation as the girls both made eye contact with him, then opened their mouths and together bathed his genitals. For long minutes they serviced him.

They clung to him and returned his love, whimpering with the pleasure of it. His big hands wandered down to explore both their nubile bodies, but they reluctantly pulled away.

"We've got chores to do, big man," Abby declared regretfully. "Besides, we want our June with us when we take advantage of you tonight." She kissed him again longingly, then broke away from his embrace to get dressed. Rose caressed his low hanging, spent cock one last time before following Abby's lead. He admired their swinging behinds as they left, then looked down at his cock as a last, long string of cum trailed out to land on the ground. He gripped it in a big hand and gave himself a few tugs while thinking of the night's upcoming activities. He knew he was a lucky man and promised himself that he'd give his women an exceptional performance, or die trying.

In just a few minutes, June appeared accompanied by Sarah, whom shyly entered behind her in the tent. She was shocked at the sight of Alec laying naked on the bed, thinking immediately that he looked almost exactly like Nathan. He flew up and hastily pulled on a clean pair of trousers while apologizing profusely. June was smiling in amusement at his predicament and threw herself in his arms for a kiss, while Sarah looked on in astonishment.

"I've missed you, Master," June whispered in his ear.

"And I you, my little slave," he returned, as he held her slight body in his strong hands. He looked to their visitor now that he was partially clothed.

"Hello again, Sarah." He smiled to himself when he saw her gaze was locked on his thickly muscled torso. He truly loved a lady's attention and he subconsciously puffed out his chest a bit as she ogled him. She finally raised her brown eyes to his grey ones and saw his were filled with mirth. Flushing a deep red, she stubbed a toe in the dirt, dying with embarrassment. Alec saved her further mortification by speaking to June.

"Lets's get some new wash water, June. You two need cleaned up. We just finished ourselves."

"I know, Rose and Abby just relieved us and told us to come here. They said some sexy stud of a man was waiting and willing to bathe both of us."

"At your service, my ladies," he said solemnly, and bowed low while sweeping an invisible hat from his head. Sarah was backing slowly towards the tent opening, unsure of what was going to happen to her when June giggled and tugged her back.

"Alec will only help if you desire. I've heard he gives excellent shampoos and I'm long overdue. Let's get this barrel refilled." As the three fetched water, June reassured Sarah that all was fine. "Why don't you watch how he takes care of me, then you can decide if you want to play or not. I highly recommend it though."

When the water was replaced, June undressed in front of the other two and Alec picked her up by the waist to set her in the barrel. She sighed in satisfaction and crouched down until her little head was just above water. While she soaked, Alec poured himself a stiff whiskey and offered Sarah the same. She rarely drank and was surprised at how smooth her drink was, only coughing slightly as it burned it's way to her empty tummy.

She watched with some trepidation as Alec poured water over June's black hair and worked soap deep into her scalp. She moaned in pleasure as he massaged her for several minutes, almost falling asleep under his touch. Eventually, he rinsed her hair clean and pulled her to her feet. He soaped her upper body thoroughly, spending plenty of time on her shoulders and full breasts, while her nipples hardened nicely under his fingers. Sarah was halfway tipsy by now and all eyes when Alec scooped the little maid out of the water and stood her on a towel so he could wash her lower body.

Again, June was in rapture as his hands gently soaped her lithe body. He stood behind her and caressed a breast in one hand while his other slid between her trembling thighs. She moaned when his clever fingers parted her smooth petals and cleaned her thoroughly. He slid further back and ran a soapy finger around her tight little asshole, and she almost came at the sensation.

Sarah was nearly beside herself. She never seen such business before and the only thing keeping her inside the tent was the pleasant tingling in her nethers and burn of whiskey in her belly. More of both was what she needed she realized, and chose to be brave and see what happened next.

Alec finished up and dunked a disappointed June back in the barrel to rinse her off. When he was finished, she clung to him as he lifted from the water. Wrapping her naked legs around his hips she kissed him sweetly, then let herself down so he could dry her off. Sarah took the moment to gulp down another stiff shot, knowing she'd need it in a few minutes to help make up her mind if she'd stay, or chicken out and flee the tent. Alec stood tall from drying June and looked Sarah in the eye.

"Are you next, Miss Sarah?" he asked, with an inviting look on his handsome face. She couldn't resist the temptation of the big, half naked man. He seemed to fill the tent, and despite being freshly washed he exuded a male musk that tightened her nipples.

"Yes, sir," she answered meekly. She trembled and almost fled when he advanced on her and began unlacing her blouse. To ease her nervousness, June joined him and together they gently disrobed her. Alec felt his cock stir at the sight of her nakedness. She protested that she was too for heavy for him when he whisked her off her feet and she clung to him in fear of being dropped. Her crotch grew slick as her full breasts pressed into his hairy chest while his big hands gripped her waist.

"I've got you, Sarah," he said, in a low voice that gave her the shivers. "Trust me, little one." She didn't know what surprised her most, the ease with which he handled her body, or that he'd called her little. She'd always thought she was too large. He continued lifting her and she released her grip on him so she could enter the water. Like June, she groaned as the warmth closed around her. June gave her another sip of whiskey and she sighed in relaxation, almost forgetting a strange man was soon going to run his hands over her naked body, like one never had before.

His big hands in her hair gave her a start. She slowly relaxed as he poured water over her head and worked the soap through her locks. She'd never felt so pampered in her life when he finished with her hair and used soapy hands to massage her exposed shoulders.

"It feels so good, doesn't it?" June asked softly, from beside her head. Sarah could only moan in response while Alec smiled in satisfaction. He loved spoiling women and it seemed Sarah was more than appreciative. June tugged Sarah to her feet, exposing her large, full breasts to Alec and June's eager gazes.

"May I help too?" June asked softly. Sarah was beyond saving now. The sensations she was feeling were foreign to her, but she couldn't say no to them.

"Yes, June. Please," Sarah replied, her words barely audible in the air. She gasped when together June and Alec each filled their hands with her big tits and soaped them up nicely, massaging them gently and teasing her nipples with skilled fingers. After a few minutes, Alec nudged June with his shoulder and whispered.

"You should take over. I've reached my limit." June knew immediately what he meant and nodded assent. He wasn't comfortable going any further with Sarah without Abby's blessing. He belonged to her first and foremost, a fact he believed in wholeheartedly. He gently plucked Sarah from the barrel and stood her on the ground.

"Are you still  okay?" June asked of her, "I'll take over from Alec if you're comfortable with that."

Sarah hesitated a few moments and asked timidly," Will you do to me as Alec did to you?" The sight of June writhing on Alec's big hand was still fresh in her mind.

"If you like, yes, sweetheart," June answered softly, and kissed the shell of her ear from behind. Alec smiled as he watched goosebumps flee across Sarah's full breasts and her nipples grow even harder as she heard June's words. Her eyes closed and she relaxed back into June's slight frame.

"It's fine then, Miss June. I'd love it I think," she breathed. Alec settled back on the bed to watch the proceedings

June soaped up her hands and reached around Sarah from behind to cup her heavy tits. Sarah moaned in pleasure at her touch, then stiffened as June's soft hands slowly crept south. Her knee nudged Sarah's legs wide apart while her hand slid gently between her thighs. She slowly worked the soap over Sarah's smooth mound and eventually, to sound of soft moans, slid her fingers in.

There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Sarah had arrived.

Alec came over and gave her an encouraging smile and again picked her up and deposited her in the barrel to rinse off.

"You're absolutely gorgeous, Miss Sarah," he said in a low growl as he poured water over her body. She felt a rush of pride come over her. She'd never considered herself beautiful, but this sexy hunk of a man seemed to be enamored with her curves, and she was more than grateful.

"Thank you, Alec," she murmured quietly. "That means a lot to me." Between Alec and June, they finished her off, dried and dressed her, then Alec took his leave to go check on his Abby.

"Are you  okay?" June asked Sarah gently.

"Yes, I think so. It was just a completely new experience for me. Especially since I've just met you two."

"Did it bother you having a girl make you cum?"

"At first it did, but you were so sweet and gentle, and with Alec here it seemed to make things easier, if that makes sense."

"I'm glad," June said. "Maybe it'll help give you some confidence with Nathan. From the way you were looking at him it seems you have some feelings for him?"

"I think so. Like I was telling Rose, I've been so long without a man inside me, I just need it so badly. I hate to say it, but for now I just need to have sex, a relationship can come later."

June giggled aloud, "Well, I can tell you that Nathan is more than capable of screwing you half to death. He packs a cock just as big as Alec's and he knows how to use it. Maddy, our maid at the plantation told me how well he fucked her. She walked bowlegged for a week!" Sarah shivered at the thought, then sighed.

"I just hope I'm brave enough to seduce him. He's very intimidating."

"Rose or I can help you get started if you like. We've both had a bit of experience," June said, with a sexy smile.

"I'd like that, please. I need all the help I can get."

Meanwhile, Rose was chatting with Nathan, while administering to his needs.

"Sarah really likes you," she was saying, "and she needs a man badly. Do you find her attractive?"

"Yes, I do. Profoundly so. She's a natural beauty, wonderfully curvy, and I can tell there's a wildcat inside her that needs to be freed," he said in a low voice.

"Pardon my French, dear Rose, but I'd love to bend her over and fuck her good and hard. It's been awhile for me since I've found relief, back at the plantation actually." Rose shivered at his ribald words, imagining in her mind the same scenario, but with her in place of Sarah.

"Then do you mind if I encourage her a little, maybe give her a few pointers on what to do?" Rose asked with a sexy smile. "You can tell me all the naughty things you'd like done to yourself, Uncle," she teased, while he colored at her words. He knew he should be used to her direct way of speaking by now, but the auburn haired beauty seemed to keep him forever off balance.

"Please do, sweetheart. I could use some female attention."

"Well then, I'll give you some now, stud," she whispered. Her slim hand slid under his blanket and he gasped when it found his semi-tumescent cock.

"Tell me what you like, Uncle, and I'll pass it on to Sarah," she purred as she stroked him fully erect. "While you tell me, I'll give you pleasure, but you must save yourself for her, I'll not let you cum."

Nathan spent the next half hour being tortured by Rose while she dug the darkest secrets from his mind.

When she left him, he was almost crying in frustration. She kissed him sweetly and longingly, knowing that if things in her life were different, she'd have him buried deep in her belly and filling her with hot seed. Her only thought now was this evening, and how she'd beg Alec, Abby, and June until she was satisfied.

To be continued in part 23, by Seethegood for Literotica.